Where the Heart Calls

by Laina_Phoenix

Chapter Two: Frozen Heart

It had barely been a moon since Allyra had decided her destiny- to find the creature in her grandmother’s stories and help it defeat the Windigos. She was determined, and nothing could stop her.

Unfortunately, life rarely goes as we hope.

Snowstorm Shield’s health had declined drastically.

Allyra hadn’t really noticed at first, so wrapped up in the delight of her new cutie mark and constantly thinking about Lurante. Then she saw that the skin beneath Snow’s pale fur- where she had been stabbed- was turning a sickly blue. But when she mentioned it, her aunt laughed it off and told her not to worry. After that, she lost her appetite and her entire body had paled in colour, except her eyes, but the pupils seemed slightly shrunken. Then Snow started having trouble breathing and staying awake. Now, she couldn’t even get out of bed.

The entire kingdom was nervous. Their beloved princess was bedridden from an unknown disease, and from the rumours they heard, not a single doctor knew what was going on. But none was more worried than Snowstorm’s elder sister, Flurry Heart.

Allyra could sense it. The pent-up fear and sadness in her mother were all she could feel, and she hadn’t seen Flurry smile since the incident. Yet, something kept Allyra from asking her mother if she was okay. She could feel something else beneath all of it but couldn’t quite tell what; not only that but Allyra wasn’t allowed to see her aunt, despite all the begging she did. The guards by the infirmary had even been given strict orders to not allow her anywhere near Snow.

Then, one night, exactly a month after the incident beyond the border, Allyra had another strange dream.

Opening her eyes, the filly gasped in shock at the sight before her. She saw herself from the past; the cutie mark-less Allyra was curled up against Lurante as it snarled at the Windigos above. Then she frowned as she watched the rest of the events play out; the things she hadn’t seen.

Her father, followed by Shining Armor and Snowstorm, ran through the border, sending sparkling ripples throughout the blue bubble. This was the first thing that confused her; it turned purple and white when she touched it. It didn’t change colours for them.

Then she watched them stop and cry out in horror as they spotted Allyra and Lurante. Dream Allyra was scooped up by her father and carried away, but the Allyra watching frowned hard. They hadn’t looked up; hadn’t seen the Windigos. She glanced through the shield, then away again as she saw her dream mother yelling at Dream Allyra. She looked back at Lurante.

It suddenly let out a fierce roar; furious that Allyra had been taken away. It made Shining, Snow and even the Allyra watching flinch and cover her ears; yet, when she saw her aunt and grandpa letting go of a fierce battle cry, she heard nothing. All she could hear was her breathing and Lurante’s wail.

She was just thinking that it was a strange dream when she gasped in surprise.

Lurante had suddenly disappeared, and the other two in the storm started in shock. Shining got to his senses first and shouted something unknown to Snow before the two turned and started running back to the border.

Then Allyra looked back at the Windigos and screamed in terror. They were rushing towards Snow and Shining, letting out a piercing whinny that rattled her to the bone.

Snow started to turn around, only to let out a cry of pain and fall to the ground. Allyra shrieked; there was a thin blade of ice sticking from her chest- but then with a flash of light, it was gone, leaving her aunt with a wound that didn’t bleed.

Shining helped Snow to her hooves and the two once again started for the border.

Then, everything went dark.

“NO!” Allyra screamed, sitting up in bed, shaking all over. She tried to breathe, but then suddenly remembered watching her aunt being stabbed, and everything in her little stomach was retched up onto her blankets.

Paler than usual, eyes wide and shivering, Allyra quickly stumbled out of bed away from her vomit and opened the door. The guards outside her room jumped in surprise, then settled as they saw her.

“Princess, are you okay?”

Allyra shook her head, starting to feel sick again. The guards started whispering, wondering whom they should get or what they should do before she was overcome with a strange urge. She’d had another dream. She had to tell Cadence, right away.

“Granny…” Allyra croaked, making the guards stop and look at her. She looked back at them, trying to speak properly. “I-I need m-my Granny.”

An odd look came over their eyes; one she didn’t recognise at all. Sadness, fear, and regret were mixing through them, and though Allyra felt it, she didn’t understand it. It made her scared.

“Where’s Granny?” She asked, much more forcefully than intended. Still, the guards didn’t say anything, making her growl in frustration. “What about my Mummy or Daddy or Grandpa or Aunty Snow?”

Allyra blinked in surprise when they suddenly flinched at Snow’s name. A horrible cold feeling clenched her heart tight. Snow…

“Chosen one…”

Allyra jumped and looked around, suddenly hopeful. Lurante? She asked in her head. Where’s Granny? Can you take me to her?

A breeze picked up and swished her mane to her left. Frowning, she followed it, ignoring the guard’s protests.

“Princess, you’re not meant to leave your room tonight!” One exclaimed, jumping in front of her. Allyra paused, but then the wind blew her mane to the right so off she took, continuing to ignore the guards’ protests. It wasn’t like they could drag her back; unless she was in a life-or-death situation they were forbidden from touching her or using magic on her.

Before long, she’d reached the family’s sitting area. The doors were shut tight, and the guards there looked just as uncomfortable as the ones that had continued to follow her.

“Wait, Princess.” Allyra glared at the stallion, but he held her gaze evenly. She saw sadness in his eyes. “You… might not be ready for what you’ll find out. It’s not going to be easy.”

Allyra grimaced, and the pit of fear in her stomach suddenly deepened.

“Chosen one…”

Lurante… what happened to Aunty Snow?”

Lurante didn’t reply.

Regardless, Allyra gulped and nodded shakily. The guard opened the door slightly with his magic, and Allyra nudged her way in before it was fully open. She grimaced at the sight before her.

Her parents and her grandparents were crying on the lounges, silent and not looking anywhere but down at their hooves. She gulped again and started shaking, starting to back away as their despair washed over her like a wave.

She didn’t wanna know.

She didn’t wanna be here.

She had to leave.

Unfortunately, she backed into a small, rickety table, and before she could react a large crystal vase full of flowers fell and smashed. Water and shards exploded on the ground behind her, flowers laying limp on the floor.

This made all but Flurry look around in shock, and all of them grimaced at the sight of the scared, still sick-looking filly.

She didn’t wanna know where Snow was.

“Where’s Aunty Snow?”

The words escaped her lips without even meaning to; yet they seemed to come from a strange, distant voice that sounded nothing like her own.

None of them said anything at first. Cadence finally broke the ice and weakly beckoned for her with a purple wing. Much to her dismay, Allyra started walking forward, even though she silently screamed at her body to stop, to turn and run away to the safety of her bedroom.

She didn’t sit beside Cadence- just stood by the lounge, looking from teary face to teary face. Yet her mother didn’t look up. Her face was well hidden by her mane, and though Allyra could see tears dripping onto her hooves, she barely made a sound. This send a horrid shiver running down her spine and she quickly looked back to her grandmother.

“Granny?” She whispered hoarsely. “Where’s Aunty Snow? What happened to her?”

Cadence opened her mouth to speak, and no sound came for a second before she replied. A single sentence, just two words; one that would ingrain this night in her memory for the rest of her night and cause more pain than she ever should have felt at such a young age.

“She died.”

Everything seemed to stop. Allyra was frozen, eyes wide in horror as tears started welling up.


No, no, no.

It wasn’t true. She was still dreaming.

Not Snowstorm.

Not her aunty; not her, anypony but her.

Allyra started shaking and instinctively backed away. Her father and grandparents started speaking to her; words that danced inside her head, just out of reach or comprehension, almost mocking her.

“She was very sick…”

“I’m sorry, sweetie…”

“It was earlier tonight…”

“It’s going to be okay…”

No, no, no, no, she’s not gone, she’s not gone, they’re lying, just like Silver!

Then Pound said something that made her snap.

“Just breathe, snowflake-”

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” She suddenly screamed.

It was too close. Too similar.


Not… not Aunty Snow…

Allyra fell on her flank, now sobbing, wrapping her wings around herself in a desperate attempt to block the truth. It couldn’t be real…

“Allyra, stop this right now.”

The filly froze and looked up, not seeing the surprise in the rest of her family’s eyes. As her eyes met with her mother’s, the same chill overcame Allyra once more, and she felt all of her instincts screaming at her to run. There was a dangerous look in Flurry Heart’s eyes, and she barely blinked as she stared at her daughter.

Taking in a shuddering breath, Allyra whispered, “M-Mummy?”

“Stop it.”

Her calm tone never changed, yet the terror in her heart almost made Allyra scream. Something was wrong; something was very, very wrong with her mother. Yet desperation for Snowstorm somehow overpowered this.

“Mummy, she’s not g-gone, r-right? She’s s-still o-okay?”

She felt it before she saw it. Flurry snapped, her eyes full of grief and anger as she shouted, “SHE’S DEAD, ALLYRA, AND IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!”

Gasps rang out around them. but Flurry wasn’t done. “IF YOU’D NEVER BEEN SO BLOODY DAMN FOOLISH, SHE’D STILL BE ALIVE! SNOWSTORM IS DEAD BECAUSE YOU DRAGGED US ALL OUT THERE!” She screeched, almost knocking Allyra down with the force in her voice.


“She knew what she was getting into!”

“Ally, honey, look at me. It’s not your fault, okay?”

Cadence’s soothing words were ignored. Allyra’s heart started racing as more tears escaped, an endless waterfall of sadness.

Flurry stopped shouting and stepped back from her daughter, yet the anger in her eyes only grew. With only a brief snarl, she teleported away, leaving the four in their shock.

Shining bundled Allyra up in his hooves and hugged her tight, whispering apologies and assuring her it had nothing to do with her. Cadence and Pound quickly joined, and the family stayed cuddled together until the sun began rising behind a dark cloudy sky. Yet Allyra felt… nothing.

She felt numb; devoid of all emotions, which almost scared her. Yet she couldn’t bring herself even to feel that fear.

Only one thing was for certain; nothing would ever be the same again.

The funeral took place a week later. Snow had been a beloved princess; everypony knew and adored her, some even from when she had been born. There wasn’t a pony in the kingdom who didn’t come.

Allyra stood at the front of the precession, between her father and mother, only half listening to what Cadence said through her tears. Since that horrible night, Flurry hadn’t spoken a word to Ally, and honestly, she decided she preferred it that way.

Flurry had become scary, and Allyra now understood why everypony was frightened of her temper. When angry, Flurry was vicious, and cruel, and held no sympathy for others.

The reality came to Allyra just the day before, and she’d been unable to look Flurry in the eyes since.

She feared her mother.

The ceremony was over, and now the guests mingled in the courtyard below and around the castle. Allyra sat to the side, hidden from view, unable to shed any more tears.

“Princess Allyra?”

She vaguely looked up to see Silver Glamour standing in front of her, looking awkward.

“What?” She said, sensing the apathy in her voice.

“I… just wanted to say sorry. For punching you.”


“Can we be friends?”

Disgust welled up in her gut and she shot the colt a glare. “Get lost.”

He looked hurt for a moment then sneered right back. “Whatever, snob. Have fun being alone for the rest of your life.”

Allyra watched him leave then curled up on the cold crystal, shutting her eyes and only one thought on her mind. She wanted Snow back.

“Come here, sweetheart.” She looked up again to see Cadence sitting close by, holding her wings open. Allyra didn’t hesitate and almost dove into her grandmother’s embrace.

“I want you to listen to me, sno- blizzard.”

Again, with that nickname. She vaguely looked up at Cadence who kissed her forehead. “This… this is, unfortunately, part of life. Ponies pass away, and… it was Snowstorm’s time to go.” Allyra scrunched up her eyes. “But never forget that she loved you, Allyra. She loved you to the ends of the earth and back, and she did everything she believed was necessary to keep you safe.”

Allyra sniffed and stared at Cadence’s wings. “G-Granny… she got hurt helping me.”

“Aunty Snow knew what she was doing, baby. You meant the world to her.” She smiled softly, stroking Allyra’s mane out of her eyes. “And do you think she’d be happy if she saw us sad all the time?”

She was silent for a second, before she answered softly, “No.” She couldn’t help it; a small smile escaped her lips as she thought about her tough, goofy aunty. “She liked smiling. She made me laugh.”

“And she’ll want us to keep smiling, won’t she?”

“But… she’s…” Allyra took a shuddering breath at the pain in her heart and clutched Cadence tighter. “I don’t wanna think about her, Granny… my heart hurts.”

Cadence seemed to waver for a second but hugged Allyra tighter. “I know, baby. I know. I feel it too.” She lifted her chin. “But we’re still together. The rest of our family is still here, and we’ll work through it together. I know remembering her hurts, and it will for a long time. But don’t forget all the happy times, okay? Hold them close when you feel sad. Even though she’s gone, we’ll always remember her in our hearts. It’s okay to feel sad, but never forget what a wonderful pony your aunty was. Okay?”

Allyra finally smiled and nodded softly. “O-okay, Granny.”

She nuzzled her head under Cadence’s chin but frowned as she caught sight of her mother. “Granny, why is Mummy angry at me?”

This made the alicorn sigh deeply. “Sometimes, when we’re sad, we feel angry too, because we don’t want to think about what makes us sad. But we do, and the hurt makes us angry.”

Allyra shrunk closer to Cadence, trying to look away from Flurry.

“Granny, I think Mummy hates me.”

“She doesn’t,” Cadence said firmly, making Allyra look at her in surprise. “You’re her little filly, Allyra, and she loves you. Right now, she’s sad and she’s angry, but eventually, she’ll feel better. Just give her time. Okay?”

“Okay, Granny.”

A year had passed since Snowstorm’s death, and though everypony missed her dearly, the pain turned to memory, allowing them to move on.

Allyra, for her part, was back to her happy self. However, her aunt’s absence left a hole in her heart that never really healed, and she never went anywhere near the edge of the city again.

Even though Lurante and the wind called her stronger than ever.

Regardless of the incessant nagging, Allyra drew comfort from Lurante’s voice, as it would reassure her and advise her when she was being bullied, feeling sad… or being ignored by her mother.

Flurry Heart had changed drastically. She barely ever left her office in the castle and precious few citizens had seen her since Snow’s funeral. She would only speak to her husband or parents, had little patience with anypony, and never smiled. She acted like Allyra was infected with some deadly disease, and if she were forced to be in the same room as her daughter she would simply avoid looking at her.

This hurt the poor filly badly, and she felt like Flurry had been replaced with some monster. Though she had her father and grandparents, it was never the same, and she missed her mum. Yet, despite it all, she never gave up hope that her mother would come back to her, and maybe she’d get better.

Three weeks after her seventh birthday, when snow was falling softly outside the window, Allyra skipped cheerfully up to Flurry’s office door. She knocked rapidly, unable to keep from grinning.

“Mummy, Mummy, it’s the start of winter! Let’s go make a snowpony!” She called.

No response came and Allyra huffed in frustration. “Mummy? Do you wanna build a snowpony?” She sang, pouting harder at the silence. “Come on, let’s go and play! I never see you anymore; come out the door. It’s like you’ve gone away!” She couldn’t help but sigh sadly. “We used to be best buddies; and now, we’re not. I wish you would tell me why!

Do you wanna build a snowpony? It doesn’t have to be a snow-

“Allyra, go to your room, now.”

Ally flinched at Flurry’s cold tone, and tears welled up in her eyes. “Okay, bye…

“Daddy, why doesn’t Mummy like playing with me anymore?”

Pound grimaced at the question before wiping his forehead and putting the practice sword on the ground. “Well, sweetie… she’s the Queen. She’s very busy, and there’s a lot more work to do than there used to be.”

“Since Aunty Snow died?”

She noticed him flinch before reluctantly answering. “Yes… Snow and your Granny helped with most of the work, so there’s a lot more without Snow to help.”

“Can’t you or Grandpa help her?”

“We try, but me and Grandpa don’t know much about that stuff,” he said, patting her mane, “And Granny’s already got a lot on her plate.”

Allyra grimaced and looked away from her father, trying to ignore the discomfort and sympathy in his eyes. But she could also feel he was guilty, and he wasn’t telling her everything.

Then Pound said something that surprised her. “Hey, Ally, why don’t I teach you how to fight?”

Eyes widening in surprise, she asked, “But, Daddy, I thought I was gonna be a queen, not a guard!”

Pound chuckled and nuzzled her mane. “That’s no reason to not know how to protect yourself! I’ll even teach you to learn any kind of weapon you want.”

She gasped in delight and started bouncing on the spot, making Pound laugh. She’d always been curious about what guards do. Making up her mind in seconds, she pointed to the wooden sword by his side and announced, “I wanna use a sword, Daddy! I wanna be like you!”

“And so, you shall, my little warrior,” he told her lovingly, kissing her cheek and making her laugh.

Four years passed.

Eleven-year-old Allyra ran up to Flurry’s office once again. She grinned and knocked just as eagerly as always.

“Mum! Come on, it’s great outside!” No response came and Allyra shook her head, smirking before she sang, “Do you wanna build a snowpony? Or ride a bike around the hall?

“I’m busy, Allyra.”

The preteen groaned and walked away. She looked up as she passed by paintings of her ancestors, singing, “I think some company is overdue, I’ve started talking to the pictures on the walls!” She giggled and waved to a painting. “Hang in there, Amore!”

Sadness washed over her, and she sighed softly as a maid looked away from her as soon as their gazes met. “It gets a little lonely… all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by…

The clocktower’s bell rang out suddenly and she jumped, before grinning as she saw the time and racing off to the castle arena.

An hour later, Allyra was sparring with her father while her grandpa carefully assessed her.

“Keep your guard up, Allyra! Don’t keep watching his front hooves, keep an eye on every limb. All four legs, wings, even his head. Tell me again- why watch an opponent’s head?”

She recited, grinning as she blocked another punch, “If it’s a unicorn, they could try using their horn against you, or any opponent could try to headbutt you!”

Shining nodded approvingly. “Excellent, sweetie. I see you’ve been studying.”

Allyra looked at him, delight in her eyes, only for Pound to knock her off her hooves with a sweep to her legs. She yelped as she landed hard on the ground. Pound laughed and helped her up. “Lost focus again, Ally.”

She groaned, rubbing her shoulder. “That’s gonna be another bruise.”

As Shining started explaining more about focus, a guard ran into the training arena and whispered something to Pound, who sighed.

“All right, then. Allyra!” He called. Allyra looked around in confusion. “Training’s done for the day; I’m heading out. There’s been a gang uprising in the western sector.”

Allyra’s eyes widened, then almost fell out of her head when Shining said, “I’ll take care of it, son. You keep on training our little soldier here, okay?”

Pound frowned. “Are you sure, Dad? No offence, but you aren’t as young as you used to be.”

Letting out a bark-like laugh, Shining told him, “You youngsters underestimate me too much! I’ll be fine.” Without waiting for an answer, he kissed Allyra on the forehead and called as he left, “I’ll be back soon, sweetie! Keep training!”

She barely had a moment to say goodbye before he was gone. Pound softly nudged her. “He’ll be okay, Ally. Time for sword practice, okay?”

She frowned and didn’t look away from the doors where he disappeared. An odd feeling of fear clutched at her chest; the way Shining had spoken was almost asking for something bad to happen. She should tell her dad; he’d believe her and convince Grandpa to come back. Send somepony else. Keep him safe.

“Okay, dad.”

Tragedy struck the family again that night.

Unbeknownst to any of them, the gang had acquired a magical artefact from the Frozen Tundra that could cut off a pony’s magic. As ponies’ bodies require magic to survive, to have it stopped working, even momentarily, would be deadly.

Shining Armor had leapt in front of a comrade to take the hit from this artefact. His magic was cut off for barely a second, but it was more than enough. Despite their efforts to revive him, Shining lost his life that night.

Flurry Heart sentenced the entire gang- even those not involved- to a lifetime sentence the very next day. The artefact was hidden away, and the pony who used it on her father was executed.

Six years went by.

Though grieving, the kingdom once again managed to move on from the significant loss.

Allyra, seventeen and five years into her training as the heir to the throne, barely took her eyes from the target she was practising on. With just a few expert sweeps from her sword, the wooden figure was sliced into hundreds of pieces.

She’d taken her grandfather’s last words to heart. She rarely stopped training.


The pegasus turned around to see her grandmother standing by her. As always, her face broke into a smile to see the elderly alicorn. She dropped the steel sword and ran up to Cadence, nuzzling her head under her chin, smiling wider as Cadence wrapped her wings around her.

“Hi, Granny!” She chirped, wings flapping happily. “How am I doing?”

Cadence laughed and playfully nudged the pegasus. “I’m worried for the next pony who tries to insult you!” Allyra smirked, making Cadence laugh some more. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long before she frowned.

Allyra raised an eyebrow. “Granny, what’s wrong?”

Cadence sighed. “They found the den. It’s time.”

Eyes widening in horror, Allyra took to the air and flew as fast as she could towards the Heart Plaza. No. No, please, no, it was too soon.

She finally arrived and saw her parents speaking quietly; Pound was in his armour, a crystal sword at his side and a shield on his back. Allyra ran up to him, and Pound smiled sadly as he saw her. She threw her hooves around him, hugging him as tight as possible.

“Don’t go…” she whispered, a couple of tears leaking from her eyes. Pound sighed and hugged his daughter tighter.

“You know I have to, sweetheart,” he said, nuzzling her mane. “The Frost Wolves are getting closer to the border, and now that we’ve found the den, we have to destroy them.”

Allyra growled and let go, glaring at him. “Dad, this is stupid! You can’t go, you can’t, you can’t!” Her voice cracked at this, and she took in a shuddering breath. “P-please, Daddy… I can’t lose you, too…”

Pound’s eyes softened and he softly kissed her forehead. “As a king and a royal guard, it’s my job to protect the Empire, including you.” He took her hoof and smiled a little. “You’ve grown so strong, baby. I’m proud of you, and I’m sure Snow and Grandpa would be too.”

Allyra tried to speak but couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Whatever happens out there, I will always be thinking of you, and I will always love you. Okay, Ally?”

Looking at him, she saw slight tears in his eyes too. Sniffing, she murmured, “I… I love you too, Daddy.”

He hugged her tight and Allyra desperately wished he’d never let go, but it ended too quickly. Soon enough, she was watching Pound farewelling Cadence, then Flurry. She heard what he said to her.

“Whatever happens, you have to be there for Allyra, Flurry. She loves Cadence, but she needs her mother. Okay?”

Flurry grimaced but didn’t look away from him. “I’ll… try.” She then sighed and leaned her forehead against his. “Stay safe, love. You need to come back.”

Pound kissed her and smiled. “I love you.”

He then turned, and, waving, started heading towards the border with the rest of the battalion as the kingdom cheered and called good luck to them. Allyra stood there watching and continued to do so even after they had disappeared.

A soft breeze rustled her feathers as Lurante’s voice sounded in her mind for the first time in over a year.

“Chosen one…”

She glared and whispered, “No, Lurante. I’m staying and I’m going to wait for him.” She then grimaced. “He’s going to be okay, right?”

“Only time will tell, my princess…”

“Can… can you protect him?”

“I am weak… but, for you, I shall do what I can…”

Allyra relaxed slightly. “Okay… thank you,” she whispered, before finally tearing her eyes away from the hazy blue shield and walking back inside.

Whatever Lurante had tried, it didn’t work.

Pound Cake lost his life in the battle; they destroyed the Frost Wolves, but only three of the original thirty soldiers returned.

When they found out a week after he left, Allyra was having dinner with Cadence and Flurry. It was the first time in a while that Flurry had come for a meal, so it was rather awkward, but Cadence kept up a decent conversation between the three of them.

A guard entered, giving the news. Flurry screamed. Cadence cried. Allyra was silent; numb to the bone.

She’d lost her father. He was gone. He was never coming back.

She cried silently at the funeral, and because she was nearly an adult and the crown princess, she was expected to speak. All she managed to say through the dryness of her throat and the emptiness in her heart was that he was a good king and a loving father.

After the fact, one of the soldiers who’d been there came up to Allyra and handed her Pound’s sword. Her eyes widened as the mare explained that her father had asked for his sword to be given to the young princess.

It brought tears to her eyes. It was a perfect weapon; one he’d crafted himself. She watched him make the blade from a pure sky-blue crystal when she was thirteen, and it was as strong and beautiful as a diamond. Almost nothing could stand against it. Allyra quietly thanked the mare, and Cadence approached her, hugging and crying with her.

Flurry had left almost as soon as the service was over, and locked herself in her room, leaving her mother and daughter to speak to the ponies.

That night, when the mares returned, the first thing Allyra did was go to her mother’s bedroom. With Cadence’s wing over her back, she shakily knocked on the door.

“Mother?” She called softly, rubbing her nose. “Please… I know you’re in there.” She took a shuddering breath. “Ponies are asking where you’ve been… they say, ‘have courage’ and I’m trying to!” A few tears slipped down her cheeks, and she softly placed a hoof on the door. “I’m right out here for you; just let me in!

She looked at Cadence and leaned against her. “We only have each other… it’s just us, and you… what are we gonna do?

Allyra finally broke, sobbing quietly. Cadence held her tighter, tears sliding down her cheeks.

Do you wanna build a snowpony?

On the other side of the door, Flurry cried with her remaining family but couldn’t bring herself to open the door.

She doubted she could ever look at her child again.