Mystic Machinery: Industry is Magic

by Conglomerate

Chapter 5: Trade

Arriving back with a small load of Plumbite, I sought about planning the layout of my future base. Currently, most of my things were in a pile at the top of the plateau, which would quickly have to change if I wanted to make anything fast. I left my fabrication station and storage where they were, but moved the satellite dish to the edge so it wouldn’t get as much interference.

Then, I just took all of my spare blocks and organized them off to the side. Extra wheels, structure, lights, batteries, bubbles, and generators were separated out and strung together. All that was left was my Luxite Growing Chambers, which I quickly planted out the back of my base. There was plenty of space, plenty of soil, and plenty of sunlight. Mineral content was up for debate though, so I would have to monitor the crystal’s growth throughout the week. Then came the problem of visibility, as the chambers acted as mini spotlights in the dark, and while I had already devised a method of fixing this; simply covering them up at night, it was a repetitive task that I didn’t want to do.

You know what’s really good at repetitive tasks?

With the simple attachments of some motors to the chambers, they would all automatically close when it got too dark. The only thing left to implement was the A.I. to control it, just a simple daylight sensor would suffice. Gathering up the resources to make one, I noticed a distinct lack of Erudite in my storage.


Oh no.

I didn’t have any spare cabins, and without Erudite I wouldn’t be able to make any more anytime soon. All that I had left was the plane and the drill, with all the other habitable ones being either frozen in ice, high in orbit, or on the surface of the moon. If both of my viable ones were destroyed then guess what?

Game over.

I needed more Erudite. Now.

Luckily, I had already devised a method of acquiring a great deal of it, so loading up some extra Luxite in the plane, I prepared to travel back to the underground dogs to trade. Unluckily, they resided extremely close to both Canterlot and the forest I had lived in before. That area was for sure going to be extremely hot, and if I was spotted at all, then it wouldn’t take long for a scuffle to occur.

Which may or may not result in the destruction of another cabin.

Unfortunately, I had yet to spot another source of Erudite in all my travels, and based on how the first source was formed, I hazarded a guess that the crystals sparsely breached the surface on this planet. I wouldn’t find any by flying, that was for sure.

It was always possible that the drill would find some, but that was risky. It was like waiting while teetering over the edge of a cliff, just begging for whoever saw me to give me a push. That didn’t mean the other option wasn’t risky, probably even moreso, but if I was successful then I wouldn’t have to worry as much about risks in the future.

I wasn’t just going to go in willy nilly though, I needed a plan of action.

Time for some reconnaissance.

At its current status, my plane could maintain a pretty high altitude, enough to the point where it would hardly be visible from the ground, especially if the sun was above it. The same went in reverse however, as everything on the ground would look like a speck. Since I didn’t have the resources necessary for advanced optics, I was only going to get a rough estimate of any area I was flying over.

Speaking of, my old base was clearly visible in the middle of the forest. A large patch of green grass had overtaken the area I had cleared out, and though I had only been gone for a day or two at most, it looked like most of my tire tracks were fading away. Countless specks of varying color littered in and around the ravine. Most of them were shiny yellow, the same color as the pony guards’ armor.

That area was secure, and was a no go.

There were a few grey spots as well, each angular and uniform. Pieces were being carried out into the field by soldiers. They were taking apart what remained of my base. They wouldn’t find much though, I had taken everything of use, and left only walls, floors, and the small amount of bits that was left after I cashed out on Titanite. The money didn’t concern me, I doubted I would’ve found a good use for it after becoming an enemy of the state anyway.

Tracing the pathways through the trees, I couldn’t see Zecora’s house at the end. It was a tree amongst trees however, I wouldn’t be able to spot it from above. It was a little worrying to have no indication on where she was though.

Moving on, the small pony town near the forest came into view. I never learned the name of it, but I knew Twilight and that Rarity pony resided there. There were also quite a few guards permeating the streets, patrolling regularly and keeping watch. I wouldn’t have gone in even if they weren’t there.

So I continued, reaching the air above the Erudite zone. Countless mounds of dirt dotted the once flat land, just as it was when I left, but there was no further development. That made sense, being a subterranean race, the dogs would leave little trace above ground. However, I could still see the larger hole that I had created by accident a while back, and it looked like there was no attempt to fill it in. That was more worrying.

I doubled back in the air several times. Watching, waiting. The town and forest were abuzz with activity, but the Erudite fields were relatively calm. There was a small amount of tree cover off to the side, but no obvious signs of pony presence.

It looked clear, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I actually landed.

Any approach from the air would be incredibly visible, so I was forced to take a more level approach. Banking way over to the side, I landed a fair distance away from everything in a small field. I kept the engines running the entire time though, I was not going to get caught out without an escape plan.

The immediate area was silent, so I began creeping through the field. A line of trees awaited at the end of it, and I stopped just in front of them. There was another clearing to get through before the Erudite zone, and it also looked empty. I was blocked by the trees however, and since flying over wasn’t an option, I rearranged my tech.

Folding the wings up on top, I slipped through the gap. It was not a decision made lightly. I could no longer fly as soon as things turned sour, and would be forced to confront any obstruction before making a getaway. I contemplated undoing the action in the next clearing, but I would have to repeat it again anyway to get through the next divide. It was clear enough, and I didn't want to spend any more time in the open with a larger profile. I quickly zipped across the field. 

Once I was on the other side, I could see the Erudite area much better. The piles of dirt had long since settled, becoming simple mounds that broke up the flat ground. The treeline that partially wrapped around was thankfully empty, especially because I was now in it. Towards the center I could see my 'entrance' to the cave system below, but from my current angle there wasn’t much else visible.

I carefully crept out of the treeline and into the open field. There were no ponies here now, but that didn’t mean there won’t be in the future. I shouldn’t linger.

Rolling up to the large hole in the ground, I could see that a bit more of it had collapsed in my time away. The softer topsoil had flowed inwards, smoothing down the walls and leaving a deep layer of muck at the bottom; there was a small puddle of stagnant water in the middle.

Funnily enough, there was a chunk of Erudite visible in the mud, but I couldn’t just fly away with just one piece. Looking inwards, I could see that the rest of the tunnel was at least filled in, meaning this hole was no longer an entrance.

Good, I knew where their actual entrance was.

Retreating back to the treeline, I drove up to a small hill nearby. Larger stones stuck out of the earth, giving the area a more rugged appearance. I assumed it was designed that way, as weaving between them revealed another hole in the ground, this one at a much shallower angle.

New problem, no matter which way I attached my wings to my tech, they wouldn’t fit in the tunnel. In fact, the plane as a whole wouldn’t be able to fit without downsizing first. That would leave me extremely vulnerable, but I desperately needed that Erudite.

Shedding off a few blocks, I carefully set down the wings and extra girth off to the side. Since they were flat on the ground, they would be much less visible thanks to the obscuring stone, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be found.

I would have to be quick.

The Luxite I was carrying acted as an excellent light source, illuminating the tunnels in front of me to the point where I didn’t need to use my cabin’s lights. They twisted and turned and diverged, but I sparsely remembered the right path. It certainly helped that some of my tire tracks were still visible.

The tunnels were quiet, the air was still, and there was a general lack of activity. Where there had once been a brand new 'mining operation' in the past now looked like a ghost town. I would pass an abandoned minecart every once and a while, and every so often I would see a pile of discarded tools. I expected to see one of the dogs by now, but there was simply nothing.

Eventually, I made it to the almost throne room from before. The pillars were now barren, with unlit torches and empty sockets where gems were once embedded. The furniture from before remained where it was, though the bed looked a bit more unkempt than it was before.

A faint flicker of light shined through one of the corridors.

I don’t know what I felt at that moment. Could it be relief? Worry? Dread? A mix of all of them?

As quietly as I could, I rolled up to the entrance, making sure the light from my Luxite wouldn’t shine through. Manipulating my view around the corner, I saw a dimly lit room, with several dogs just sitting around a table.

No, they were not playing poker.

They were simply sitting, and not much more than that. I recognized two of them, they both wore jackets like the alpha, who was currently not present. They all just sat, hanging their heads with some even slumped over the table.

They weren’t dead either, I could tell that much.

“Knock knock.” I had the speaker say, interrupting the somber atmosphere.

They all tensed, several drawing spears as they jumped from the table. Barks and yips filled the halls, and I quickly backed away as dogs flooded out of the room. They quickly surrounded me, preventing any easy escape. One of the more prominent members stood at my front, an actual sword in his grip. He was scowling, which quickly turned to a look of confusion as he tilted his head.

“It you again…”

“Hello.” I put on as cheery a tone as I could manage, “I’m back.”

There was some growling from the others.

“Why you here?!” The ‘beta’ demanded,

“To trade hopefully,” I answered, “But now that I’m here. What happened?”

The beta squinted at me, glancing at the Luxite in my collectors. He lowered his weapon ever so slightly.

“You actually trade…” He said in disbelief,

“Again, hoping to, but what happened here? Everything seems… less.”

The dog frowned, “Ponies come. Take alpha. Want to know about…” His eyes widened, “About you.”

“Oh.” So that’s how it is.

“They say, ‘If we have nothing to hide, we have nothing to worry about.’ but alpha been gone almost two days now!”

“I see.” I began, looking for some way to explain this, “Well I am sorry for any undue stress I might have caused, but the ponies do not like me, and if you associate with me, then you might find it hard to stay in their good graces.”

“Bah!” The beta exclaimed, “Ponies already bad. Take many gems. No like.”

The ponies had taken their gems? That wasn’t good, for either of us.

“Do you still wish to trade?” I tentatively asked,

The dog turned to murmur with another, and the rest began to slowly lower their weapons.

“Yes. Want Sunstone. Alpha will be pleased.”

‘If he comes back.’ I thought to myself, “Good, then do you have any of that green gem, Earth Jade?”

“Yes, yes. Ponies only take so much, we still have some.”

“Then I will take as much as you can give me.”

The beta barked at some of the dogs, and they rushed back into the side room. A couple of moments later they came back out, several armfuls of Erudite in their grasp. It was quite the impressive haul, especially for creatures of their size. I could almost fill up all of my collectors with that much.

“That is satisfactory, thank you.” I pulled the Luxite out of my collectors and set it in a pile in front of the beta. “I will be back for more in the future. Don’t tell the ponies how you got this.”

The dog took a moment to tear his gaze away from the jewels, then he zipped his lips and smiled. The other dogs hastily grabbed their spoils, taking the glowing crystals deeper into the cave. I hoovered up the Erudite, leaving just one space free in my collectors. Five Luxite chunks for fourteen Erudite ones, I liked those numbers.

“Do you still have that diamond?” I asked,

The beta nodded, “Ponies want, we no give. You want?”

“Later,” I said. I didn’t have any more Luxite to trade with, “Oh, and one more thing.” 

They all tilted their heads.

“If you ever move to a new location, give me some indication as to where you go. I would like to trade more in the future, especially this Earth Jade.” 

The beta thought for a moment, “Yes, yes. We leave… directions.”

“Good, now I must leave. I can’t stay here, and I’m sure you know why.”

“Ponies.” The dog said with a snort.


I then turned to leave, the rest of the dogs readily letting me through. What was once a drab cave turned a bit brighter, even after the Luxite was gone. I was glad that the transaction went so smoothly, and so quickly. Without those dogs, the only method I had of getting Erudite wasn’t very effective, nor was it very stealthy. I don’t know what I would have done if I was on my own.

They were still dangerously close to the ponies however, maybe I should’ve hinted more at having them move. The only problem was then they wouldn’t be near the only source of Erudite I knew of. Perhaps I should ask them how to find it next time I trade with them.

Meeting the open air once more, I drove out of the hole in the ground. My things were right where I left them, and with one space left in my collectors, I was longing for that piece I had seen earlier.

Looking back onto the field, I froze.

There were ponies there.

I actually recognized two of them. Twilight and Rarity, along with a whole contingent of guards. Surprise surprise, the dog alpha was also with them, though he was hanging his head.

They hovered around the large hole in the ground, inspecting it. I immediately rolled back down the shallow slope and back underground, only to shoot back out again. The rest of my belongings were right there, and since I couldn’t fit them in the hole, I had to hide them somewhere else. 

I practically threw them into the treeline, the foliage doing an okay job at obscuring them. It would have to do, at least they weren’t right at the entrance. Slinking back down the hole, I reversed into one of the many alcoves around the entrance. Then I shut off the lights in my cabin and waited in the dark.

A distant murmuring reached my sensors, and it quickly drew closer. Footsteps came not long after, and the light shining through the hole flickered as several things moved in front of it.

“This way…” I heard the alpha dog mutter,

I inched back as far as I could, my back wheels beginning to ride up the wall.

“Why are there tracks here?” A gruff voice demanded,

“It is entrance, why wouldn’t there be tracks?”

Wheel tracks, mutt. Why are there wheel tracks?”

“Ponies take carts out not long ago.”

“These don’t look like ordinary cart tracks.”

There was a mix between a grumble and a growl.

“I told you machine already left. It only come through here once. It not come back.”

They finally entered my view, the alpha leading the ponies into the cave. Twilight and Rarity were still among them, but they were surrounded by the guards. They squinted in the dark, but they didn’t immediately do anything to provide any light. The alpha was not squinting, which made sense, he would have better vision in the dark. This was made evident when his eyes landed on my tech.

He made an expression that I didn’t think a dog could make.

I didn’t have a way to gesture to him, I could only hope he didn’t mention me. He just stared at me with wide eyes as they passed, the ponies not even noticing my presence.

Crisis averted. For now.

I waited a good few moments before driving back out. I then made sure to retrace my tracks as best I could to prevent any more suspicion, and then I recovered my parts from the tree line. In under a minute I was already flying away as fast as I could, gaining as much height as possible without stalling the engines.

That was close. 

At least I had my Erudite, and I got to keep a trading partner. The dogs didn’t seem eager to side with the ponies, and neither did the alpha, so I wasn’t too worried about them selling me out. The only problem was continued interaction. With them so close to the ponies, I would have to enter the danger zone any time I needed more Erudite. I would have to do something about that in the future, even if things calmed down.

Perhaps I could just tunnel straight to their home.

To Be Continued…