//------------------------------// // Chapter Three: An Aging Evil // Story: Where the Heart Calls // by Laina_Phoenix //------------------------------// Two years had passed since the death of King Pound Cake. The kingdom was forced to move on with their lives for the third time, even while their queen had become more closed off and temperamental than ever. Allyra Pyxis Cadenza, Flurry’s daughter, the Crown Princess of the Crystal Empire, was exactly nineteen years and two months old. And right now, was practising her sword fighting with another guard. Parry to the right. Do an uppercut- damn, he blocked it. Okay, fake strike from the left, now- SHOOT, BLOCK, BLOCK- A cold bead of sweat ran down her forehead, but Allyra never broke her focus, never letting the other guard’s cheers and jeers get to her. Thrust forward, jump back then dive right. Block his sword from above, thrust forward, swing up, cut down- oh. Whoops. Allyra’s crystal sword had sliced right through her opponent’s iron one… for the third time that week. Both of them froze for a second and she blushed as her audience started laughing. She smiled nervously at the stallion who was now scowling at her. “Er… sorry about that,” she said lightly. “Maybe I’ll use a different sword next time. It was a good practice, though, thanks!” The stallion scoffed and threw the halved weapon at her hooves, making her flinch. “Yeah, maybe use a sword that isn’t a bloody diamond.” He stalked off, head held high while Allyra facehoofed in frustration. Yeesh, it was an accident. What does he want from me? Also, it’s not made of diamonds. Get it right. “Your technique is improving, Princess.” Ally looked up and smiled gratefully at the aging general, Bronze Arrow. He nodded to her sword; a stern look was in his eyes that she didn’t like. “As impressive as your father’s sword is, I recommend that you use one of the training weapons. The blacksmith is getting a little tired of our weekly orders.” Allyra frowned and clutched it tighter. “I know, but… it’s…” “Special?” She nodded softly. Bronze sighed. “Perhaps save it for real fights. Okay?” She sighed and nodded. “Yes, sir.” He nodded, then raised an eyebrow as a guard ran into the room, panting heavily. “General, sir, there’s been a robbery on Agate Avenue’s bank, and they’re holding hostages!” She said between breaths. Allyra’s eyes widened and she grinned, only for Bronze to look back at her and say firmly, “Princess, I highly recommend that you go back to the castle whilst I handle this.” She growled. “But I’m the princess, it’s my job to help the kingdom!” “It’s the job of the guards, not you. Go home, where it’s safe,” he ordered, before running off with the messenger. Allyra cried out in frustration, kicking the broken sword away. Stupid, stupid, stupid rules! I’m supposed to help the kingdom! Doesn’t this count as helping? Saving lives? At that thought, she automatically looked around at her cutie mark, grimacing at the sight. When she got it, she vowed that she’d find the creature from Cadence’s stories and help it defeat the Windigos. Even now, thirteen years later, the name sent shivers down her spine. But if she weren’t even allowed to help stop a robbery, how could she possibly stop creatures like the Windigos? “I’m not allowed to do anything anymore,” she scoffed, sheathing her sword, and storming off. Regrettably, it was true. Since she’d turned eighteen, Flurry Heart had cracked down on the rules and if Allyra stepped out of line even a little she’d be in huge trouble. Allyra spent almost all her days now with her mother, learning about the history of the empire, politics, battles strategies, finances, taxes, etiquette… Boring as all hell combined, and her mother’s attitude was colder than the blizzard outside. Admittedly, the history lessons, battle techniques and even some of the politics had been slightly interesting, but the way Flurry taught them almost made her fall asleep. Allyra was only allowed one free day a week; so, every Saturday the young princess would work on sword fighting, her self-defence lessons with the General, reading legends and fairy tales in the library, or spending time with her grandmother. Cadence was the one who was always there for her. She comforted her, let her vent all her frustrations, took her out for some girl time, and told her all the stories and legends the library didn’t have. Cadence loved her, and Allyra loved her more than anypony else in the world. This was the main reason she hadn’t considered leaving to look for the Windigo-fighting creature. Allyra wasn’t ready to leave her Granny yet, and she doubted she ever would be. Besides, it wasn’t like she’d want to leave Cadence alone with forever-angry Flurry. Not only that, but Allyra still didn’t have any real friends. Due to her battling prowess, she’d gained respect from plenty of ponies, and gotten to know some of the guards she trained with. But even after all this time, ponies acted like being around her was walking on thin ice, however much she tried to be friendly with them. Her former classmates didn’t help in matters, though knowledge of her almost master swordsmareship kept them from saying anything to her face. Even now, as an adult, Allyra was lonely. Allyra poked her head into Cadence’s room, raising an eyebrow as she saw it was empty. She looked to the guards standing close by. “Hey, you guys know where Cadence is?” She asked, rolling her eyes slightly as they immediately stiffened and stood up straight. One of them said, “Y-yes, ma’am- Princess- Your Highness!” She groaned and trotted up to them, glaring. “For goodness’ sake, chill out! It’s not like I’m gonna banish you if you can’t tell me!” She then frowned. “At least, I don’t think I can. Not that I would!” she added quickly, trying to ignore how red her face probably was from embarrassment. “Can you just tell me where she went?” “She went to the library, Your Highness,” the other guard said, looking a little more relaxed than his companion. “Finally, a straight answer. Thanks, bud!” She chirped, grinning, and waving before flying off. It felt so, so good to fly, especially after so long of being unable to. With extensive training from her father and grandmother, Allyra’s wings had finally grown strong enough to support her weight, as they had been unable to do for the first fourteen years of her life. It was a little embarrassing practising the basics of flight at fourteen when a five-year-old could do it, but now she was grateful she’d paid attention. Landing in front of the library, Allyra stopped in front of a mirror by the door. She’d never known why it was there, but looking at her reflection now, she frowned. She looked about the same height as she’d been in the dream she had when she was six and was remarkably similar. But there were a few key differences. Her wing feathers were pale blue at the moment, and in her dream, she’d had feathers fading from blue to purple to pink. It was similar to her mane and legs; right now, she just had a pure white coat and plain purple and blue hair, but before her legs faded from white to pink and her hair turned a lighter purple and seemed to sparkle. Not to mention the lack of a scar. Since beginning her training, Allyra had always been careful to keep swords and anything else that could’ve given that scar away from her face. She’d been successful so far but had to wonder how it happened to Dream Allyra. After a few more seconds, Allyra shook her head and trotted into the library. “Granny! You here?” She called, only to jump as an elderly stallion poked his head around a bookcase. “Shh! You’re in a library!” he hissed, glaring at her. She gave him a deadpan stare. “Yes, I’m quite aware that I’m in a -” “SHHHH!” Allyra hissed at him irritably then trotted away, mocking him under her breath. “What, does he think I’m stupid or some- OW!” Allyra had jabbed her hoof hard on the edge of a ladder and leapt into the air, nursing it, and growling at the object. Then she accidentally flew backwards into the bookshelf behind her, hitting her head. “YOW!” “SHHHHH!” “I get it!” She exclaimed, rubbing her head, and not looking at the librarian. Allyra looked at the mess she’d made; several books had been knocked to the floor, and she groaned as she started picking them up. “I just can’t catch a break today-” Allyra suddenly stopped as she caught sight of one word. Equestria. Putting the other books down, the pegasus picked this one up, raising an eyebrow. She’d never seen it before. It was a small, thin book with a ragged fabric cover, deep purple in colour, and, despite the age, the pages felt brand new. In bright silver writing, embroidered into the fabric, was the title: Creatures of Equestria and Beyond, by Twilight Sparkle. “So, it is real,” she whispered to herself, slowly walking out of the library, ignoring the librarian’s hypocritically loud calls for her to return. Barely seeing where she was walking, Allyra opened a random page and started reading. Dragons The dragons are an ancient, noble race of Elemental Magic. They are born connected to one of the four main Elements: fire, water, earth, or air. Fire Dragons are the most common, and water dragons are the least. They are proud, competitive, and brutal when angered, most living in the Volcanic Wastes close to Equestria’s eastern borders. The second page contained information on diets, habitats, habits, and other information of the sort. But she looked instead at the picture above the original inscription. There were indeed four types of dragons; the Fire dragons were bipedal with long tails and huge wings, Earth dragons walked like a pony, and though they had no wings, they seemed huge and muscular. Air dragons looked like snakes; long, thin, and agile with leathery wings, while water dragons seemed to be simple, huge serpents. It was only now that she looked up; Allyra was back in her room. Suddenly remembering that she was looking for her grandmother, she quickly threw the book onto her bed and was about to turn back to the library when something strange happened… strange, and familiar. “Ah-ah, ah-oh…” A breeze picked up around her and wafted her hair around her face. Allyra’s eyes widened in shock, and she looked out the window to the border beyond. “Lurante?” “Ah-ah, ah-ah… ah-ah, ah-ooh…” Allyra hadn’t heard her voice since her father… since he… “Where have you been?” She whispered, starting to scowl. “You told me you’d keep him safe. You didn’t.” “Come to me, Princess…” “No! You lied! You said you’d keep my dad safe, and now-” She forced herself to choke back her tears and continued to glare out the window. “I don’t wanna come to you. It’s too crazy; I’m training to be the queen, and I can’t leave my Granny!” “Chosen one…” “Well, maybe I don’t wanna be ‘the chosen one’ anymore!” The wind picked up force and something flew into the side of her face, making Allyra sputter irritably. She ripped the paper off, then gasped. It was the drawing she made in kindergarten. Allyra’s face softened and she softly drew a hoof over it. Even now, seeing it brought her comfort. But everything in her head was telling her to stop; no matter what, Allyra always felt a desperate need to please her mother. She could only do that by doing what she said. “I… can’t… go.” The wind picked up again and she growled before gently placing it into one of her drawers and shutting it. “I can’t just leave the kingdom, I’m the heir to the throne! I need to prepare to rule! I can’t let Mother down!” She sniffed and looked at the floor. “Not… not again.” Allyra sighed heavily and sat by the window, trying to ignore the breeze. She sang softly, “I’ve been staring at the edge of the border; long as I can remember… never really knowing why.” Allyra looked at a family picture she had from when she was five. They were all so happy… even her mother was grinning. It was her that she had her eyes trained on. “I wish I could be the perfect daughter.” Then her gaze was drawn back to the edge of the kingdom. “But I come back to the border, no matter how hard I try.” Growling, she stood up and walked away firmly. “Every turn I take, every trail I track, every path I make, every road leads back to the place I know where I cannot go…” She’d hardly realised she was outside the castle, facing the plains. No one seemed to notice her. “Where I long to be…” Despite the fear she felt, a desperate feeling overcame her, and she grinned, singing, “See the line where the earth meets the sky? It calls me! And no one knows, how far it goes…” She started walking forward, the wind rushing through her feathers, making her feel like she was flying. “If the wind in my wings in the air stays behind me… one day I’ll know-” She suddenly stopped in her tracks as a pair of foals ran by her, and she came back to her senses, realising how far she’d strayed from the castle. “If I go, there’s just no telling how far I’ll go.” Allyra grimly turned herself around, taking in the sights of the city around her. “I know everypony in the kingdom, seems so happy in this kingdom…” She watched as new houses were being built of crystal, each builder fully focused on every facet. “Everything is by design.” Sighing, she kept walking, forcing herself to smile and wave to some foals and their parents. “I know everypony in this kingdom, has a role in this kingdom.” She looked up at the castle, then back down at the Crystal Heart. “So maybe I can roll with mine.” Her grandmother had told her as a child that when she was ready to be queen, she had to touch the Heart, and it would decide if it was her time to rule. Allyra had spent years trying not to think about it. If only to stop the voices… “I can lead with pride; I can make us strong! I’ll be satisfied if I play along!” Allyra circled the heart, reluctantly reaching out a hoof to touch it. However, everything in her body seemed determined to keep her from doing this. “But the voice inside sings a different song. What is wrong with me?!” She gave a frustrated cry and tore herself away from the Heart. She looked back to the border. “Ah-ah, ah-oh…” A grin spread across her face, and euphoria overtook her mind. What could she do out there? Could she find Lurante? The creature? She began to walk, then run. “See the light as it shines through the shield? It’s blinding! But no one knows how high it goes! And it seems like it’s calling out to me, so come find me! And let me know… what’s beyond that line, will I cross that line?” She was out of the kingdom, on the snowy plains. It was getting closer; the urge was too strong to resist. “See the line where the earth meets the sky? It calls me! And no one knows how far it goes!” So close… just like she was a child again… Lurante, I’m coming! “If the wind in my wings in the air stays behind me; one day I’ll know how far I’ll go!” Without even a moment of hesitation, Allyra leapt through the border, laughing as chills ran through her body and the shield rippled purple and white. However, almost immediately, she was buffered by the blizzard and flinched as icy cold air bit through her fur and under her skin. Allyra let out a shriek as the powerful wind blew her over and for a second she lost sight of the border, panicking. “LURANTE! LURANTE, WHERE ARE YOU?!” Shouting did nothing over the fearsome roar of the wind. She barely even heard herself. Then, before she could process what was happening, there was a flash of blue light, the storm was gone, and she was wrapped in an embrace of pink and purple feathers. “Oh, you brave, foolish child, why would you do that?” Allyra’s eyes widened and she looked up to see her anxious grandmother gazing at her. “Honestly, you didn’t think to even bring a scarf. It’s called a blizzard for a reason.” She tried to respond, but as soon as Allyra opened her mouth her teeth started chattering and she wrapped her wings around her body to try and warm up. Cadence started laughing and she shot her an irritated glare. “Come now, dear. Let’s get you warmed up.” Allyra rolled her eyes but nodded shakily, and Cadence teleported the two of them away. “Granny, how did you know I was out there?” Allyra was now inside the family’s sitting area, wrapped in three blankets and holding a hot coffee. Cadence sipped her drink and raised an eyebrow at the young mare. “Sweetheart, have you not noticed how the shield changes colours when you touch it?” Ally smiled sheepishly and Cadence laughed. “The guards mentioned you were looking for me. Is something wrong, dear?” The pegasus rolled her eyes and gulped down a large portion of her cup. “Nothing. I mean, I broke another sword.” “How many is that?” “Three this week, fifty-seven this year.” “Well, your father’s sword is notorious for being unbeatable.” Allyra smiled softly and ran her hoof over the padded hilt. “General Arrow said to save it for actual battles since he doesn’t want to keep asking the blacksmith for new ones.” She sighed heavily. “Although what are the chances I’ll get into a real fight with all of Mother’s rules?” Cadence sighed and put her cup down. “Darling, you know she’s just trying to protect you.” Allyra scowled but muttered, “I know, Granny.” She then remembered something and said, “Oh, Granny, when I was looking for you in the library I found this weird book I’ve never seen before.” Raising an eyebrow at this, Cadence asked, “What was it called?” “Creatures of Equestria and Beyond.” Much to her confusion, Cadence started laughing. “What?” “Oh, my, I’d forgotten all about that old thing!” She chortled. “I am getting on in years, aren’t I?” Allyra raised an eyebrow at her, and she giggled. “That book has been in the library since before my grandmother was born. I used to read it all the time.” “Which explains how you know so much about Equestria.” An odd wistful look came over the old mare’s eyes. “Well… that, and a few other reasons.” Allyra opened her mouth to ask but then Cadence started coughing, almost spilling her drink. Allyra frowned in concern. “Are you okay, Granny? Maybe you should go to the infirmary.” Cadence shook off her concerns with a smile, getting herself under control. “Oh, it’s just a cold, dear. I’m more surprised that you don’t have one.” She was about to protest further when the door was flung wide open, making her yelp and drop her cup. As she groaned over the loss of her coffee, a page entered the room and announced, “Princess Allyra Cadenza, your mother, the Queen, has requested an audience with you immediately!” She shot him an irritated look. “Hey, you made me drop my coffee! Also, I’m aware that my mother is the queen, thanks.” The page shifted nervously. “Er, the Queen has an announcement for you, Princess.” This made her stop and look at her grandmother, who seemed just as confused as she did. “What’s this all about?” Cadence shrugged and stood up. “Best go and see.” “ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF LADY MI AMORE CADENZA AND CROWN PRINCESS A-” “Yeah, yeah, we all know who we are. Can we come in yet?” The guard faltered at Allyra’s bluntness, while Cadence snickered and Flurry Heart, sitting on her throne, facehoofed. “Well- uh-” “It’s fine,” Flurry sighed, shaking her head before sitting up straight. “Allyra, please come this way.” Shooting one last concerned look at Cadence, Allyra trotted forward until she was standing in front of the throne. Based on Flurry’s annoyed look, Ally guessed that she’d broken about a million protocols, but her curiosity over her mother’s announcement overcame the anxiety that was welling up. “What’s up?” Flurry opened her mouth to speak, and Allyra cut her off, quickly saying, “Okay, if this is about the swords, in my defence I did not mean to break them! If anything, the blacksmith isn’t making a good call always using that type of steel; you know how malleable that is under pressure, and a stronger metal or even crystal would-” “Well, I wasn’t going to mention the swords, but I suppose that’s now a topic for later.” Allyra stopped talking and smiled sheepishly at Flurry. The alicorn shut her eyes and took a few deep breaths before looking back at Allyra. “Are you going to listen to me?” The mare gave a slight nod. “Good. You are now of age and, as you seem to not have met any suitable stallions, it’s been decided that you must marry a noble by your twenty-first birthday.” There was a shocked silence, and everypony’s jaw dropped. Allyra felt something in her brain break. Then she started laughing, the sound reverberating creepily throughout the hall. Ally wiped at her eyes and chuckled, “Good one, Mother! And here I was thinking you had no sense of humour left in you! All right, what’s the real announcement?” “That was the announcement,” Flurry answered, staring hard at her daughter. Allyra felt a chill going down her spine, and her disbelief grew. “I… you’re not serious, right? Like, you’re not gonna put me into an arranged marriage for real? Cuz that would be crazy; I mean, you and Granny got to at least fall in love with Dad and Grandpa, right?” This made her flinch and Allyra felt a sick sense of satisfaction. Flurry then pulled herself together and glared down at the pegasus. “I am perfectly serious right now, Allyra.” Ally’s eyes widened and her smile faded completely. “You will be married to a noble stallion of my choosing within the next two years.” For a moment, she couldn’t speak and unconsciously stepped away from her mother. “The royal line needs to be passed on, and when you become queen, you will need an heir. Unless you somehow have a partner, I will choose one for you, as I do not fully trust your judgement. It would also be preferable for you to marry somepony of some noble status.” She doesn’t trust me. Why am I even surprised… Allyra growled, her feathers fluffing up. Like HELL I’m going to just agree like a good little filly. “Yeah, no. Not happening.” Flurry’s eyes turned to chips of ice as Allyra crossed her hooves, glaring at her mother. “I don’t wanna get married yet, and I don’t wanna marry somepony I don’t love- much less somepony you think is good.” She let out a humorous laugh. “I mean, if you don’t trust my judgement, why should I trust yours? It’s not like you know me or anything.” Flurry stood up and teleported in front of her daughter, wings spread wide. Allyra jumped back in surprise. “I am your mother and your queen. You will obey me.” “So, I’m not even getting a choice in the matter?!” “Oh, relax. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know Silver Glamour better-” “Wait, WHAT?!” Allyra shrieked, making everypony flinch. “SILVER GLAMOUR? YOU WANT ME TO MARRY THE PONY WHO’S BEEN HARRASSING ME SINCE I WAS A FILLY?” She snarled, “I am not marrying him, even if my life depended on it!” Before Flurry could start shouting back, Cadence teleported in between them and exclaimed, “Both of you, stop it!” Allyra and Flurry stepped back from the alicorn, who took a deep breath and said calmly, “Thank you.” Allyra looked pleadingly at her grandmother. “Please, please, please tell me you don’t agree with this!” Cadence held up a wing for silence and looked at Flurry, who was growling softly. “Flurry Heart, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I agree with Allyra. This is ridiculous; the marriage law was revoked over a century ago. Even if it were still around, Silver Glamour is a terrible choice. He’s selfish and rude, and he’s treated your daughter lower than dirt as long as I’ve known him. Just how well do you believe he could rule a kingdom?” “He’s Bronze Arrow’s son, and I trust the General. He has assured me that Silver will be a good match for Allyra.” She shot Allyra a deadly glare. “And I can quite easily bring back the old laws.” “Then you’re a hypocrite.” This made Flurry flinch. “You married for love, so forcing your child into an arranged marriage- with an awful excuse for a stallion, might I remind you again- will put you under that reputation even after your death.” Allyra sighed gratefully. Cadence would stop Flurry’s senseless- “I don’t care.” The mare’s eyes widened, and Flurry growled at Allyra. “You will marry Silver Glamour by the end of the year, and if you try to talk your way out of it, I’ll take everything you hold dear.” Her eyes briefly darted to the sword still strapped at Allyra’s side. The mare’s eyes widened in horror, and she looked back at her mother. No, not her mother. Some stranger stared at her with eyes full of hatred as if she were the one who killed Snowstorm, Shining Armor, and Pound. “I HATE YOU!” The scream escaped her before she could stop herself, and tears ran down her cheeks like a pair of waterfalls. “I HATE YOU, FLURRY HEART! I HATE YOU!” “I AM YOUR MOTHER, AND YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!” Flurry roared. “NO, YOU’RE NOT MY MOTHER! YOU’RE A MONSTER!” Allyra let out a sharp sob and turned to fly away as fast as possible. She had no idea how long she’d been crying in her room. Several guards and other staff- even the cook at one point- tried to make her come out, but she always sent them away with the threat of slicing their ears off. I can’t marry him. I won’t marry him. I hate her. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her… The dark thoughts plagued Allyra’s mind like a parasite, but she didn’t try to stop them. Why should she? Flurry hated her too. After all, it’d been Allyra’s fault she’d lost her family. Snowstorm wouldn’t have been stabbed if Allyra hadn’t left the kingdom. That stupid artefact wouldn’t have hit Shining if she’d told somepony about her bad feeling. Pound wouldn’t have been killed if she’d only tried harder to keep him from leaving. Trying to ignore these thoughts, Allyra stood up with a sigh and wiped away her tears before flying out the window. Some fresh air would help. It had to, right? She landed on the ground by one of the castle’s pillars and folded up her wings to walk. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there for long before the most punchable face in the world trotted up to her. Silver Glamour sneered at her and said irritably, “Good evening, Princess.” Allyra gave a very forced smile and said, “Silver! Just the pony I didn’t want to see!” She let her smile fade and glared at the unicorn. “Now go to hell where you belong.” He scoffed, “Please. As if I like this any more than you do.” Allyra scowled at him as he continued, “Look, Princess Airhead. We’re only getting married because I don’t feel like being executed by the Queen, and this will be good for my family.” “Well, guess what, Snake. You’re not gonna be king, because I am not going to marry somepony like you!” She poked him in the chest, growling. “You can go up there and tell my lovely, self-centred mother how you feel about me, but I will not stand by and let myself become a bloody figurehead!” She shouted, before running off as fast as she could, ignoring Silver’s angered shouts. “Ugh, can you even imagine?!” She exclaimed to herself, ignoring the ponies’ anxious looks as she stormed past them. “Me, the bloody wife of that selfish, brainless brat?!” She started singing, almost mockingly. “Princess Silver? Can’t you just see it? Princess Silver… his little wife, UGH!” She kicked a barrel over, ignoring the shop owner’s protests. “No sir! Not me! I guarantee it… I want much more than this royal life!” Allyra took off into the air, flying almost instinctively towards the border. She stopped about halfway, hovering in the air, tears beginning to run down her cheeks once more. “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can tell…” She looked back at the castle, wiping her muzzle and sighing sadly. “And for once, it might be grand… to have her understand… I want so much more than she’s got planned.” She stayed there for a bit, watching the border, and secretly wishing Lurante would call to her again. “Ally?” It was Cadence. She flew up to Allyra, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “I tried to talk to her, but… well…” Allyra choked back a sob and started flapping down, her grandmother soon following. They landed in the grass close to the snow and Cadence wrapped her hooves and wings around the mare, letting her cry. “Granny, why does she hate me so much?” She whispered. Her grandmother sighed. “Look, Ally. I know I always told you that she loves you, but I can’t tell you she’s not angry at you.” Allyra looked at her, not surprised. “She still blames you for Snowstorm’s death, and as hard as losing Shining and Pound was for us…” She paused for a second after saying her lost husband and son-in-law’s names. “It only made the pain worse for her. There’s quite a difference between love and hate; Flurry still loves you- you’re her daughter- but I think it’s being clouded over by her grief.” The pair stayed silent for a while before Cadence looked out to the border and murmured, “It’s getting worse out there.” Allyra looked up at her in surprise. “You mean the blizzard?” Nodding, she replied, “Yes. The blizzard out there is getting stronger, because the ponies and other creatures can’t get along, and the hatred is only growing.” Cadence looked at Allyra, a sudden seriousness in her gaze. “The Windigos are growing more powerful because of this. The kingdoms are protected for now and have adapted to such environments, but not for much longer. The creature has lost her strength to fight them, and something needs to be done now to save the world.” Allyra’s eyes widened, and then she gasped as she realised what her grandmother was saying. “You mean I have to go out there?!” Cadence nodded and pointed to her cutie mark. “It’s your destiny, after all. You’re the chosen one.” Before she could protest, a breeze picked up, affecting only Allyra. Sparks of magic surrounded her, and for a moment, Allyra saw Lurante again. She stared at her grandmother in disbelief. “How… how do you even know all this?” She frowned. “I’ve seen it all. Visions… ever since I was a filly.” Allyra gaped at her as she said, “Darling, that dream you had as a child was a vision of the future; one of an alicorn’s powers. You saw yourself, and if the darkness you saw meant anything, then you are the one to fight it.” She stood up and looked the young pegasus in the eyes. “My vision showed me what you have to do… and how to win.” From under her wing, she pulled out a necklace that had a large gold pendant hanging from it. Allyra raised an eyebrow and reached out to take it. As soon as her hoof grazed the surface, strange markings in the metal lit up and five triangles that formed a little trapdoor in the middle opened, revealing five slots- four of them empty, and one with a tiny, bright blue heart-shaped crystal inside it. The other four slots were in the shape of a sun, a moon, a six-pointed star, and a shield. “What… is it?” Allyra breathed, almost entranced. The thing radiated with power, and the heart-shaped jewel was glowing white. Cadence smiled. “The Antumbra Amulet.” Allyra looked at her in surprise. “The story I told when you were young only spoke of the ponies’ perspective. When the races began fighting- races, not just the ponies- the Alicorns forged this and five special jewels that embodied the essence of what destroys the Windigos: Love, Joy, Hope, Friendship, and Courage. They then took the egg of the Dragon Lord and poured their magic, along with magics from the other creatures of the world, into it, allowing Lurante to be born.” “Lurante?!” Allyra yelped. “But- I thought-” “I believe that the Lurante which called to you is the very creature born to fight the Windigos.” “No way…” Cadence nodded and gestured to the amulet. “They gave her the Amulet, allowing her to battle them, but creating Lurante took all of the alicorns’ magic, and destroyed them. She kept the Windigos at bay for an exceptionally long time with this magic. Until, unfortunately, an unknown force got a hold of the Amulet. It spread the five jewels between the five pony kingdoms, knowing that the hatred between them was too strong for them to bring the jewels together.” Allyra’s eyes widened in shock. “Lurante saved what she could, and sent the Amulet here to the Empire, the most protected of all the kingdoms. Then she continued to fight them, each battle sapping her strength further by the day. “To defeat the Windigos, you must travel to the other four kingdoms and collect the jewels to return them to her. Only a creature with her power is capable of defeating them, and only a pony connected to the weather itself can safely traverse the storm.” Cadence put a hoof on Allyra’s chest. “That pony is you, Allyra. The amulet has never opened before until you touched it. You’re a pegasus born from Alicorns; though you haven’t had much of a chance to embrace it, your natural weather magic is far stronger than any pegasus- and perhaps, any alicorn.” “Stronger than you?” She whispered, almost in disbelief. Her grandmother chuckled. “Maybe, my darling. I believe Lurante chose you, and I know that you’re more than capable of helping her win.” At that moment, the breeze returned and lifted the Antumbra Amulet into the air, blowing Allyra’s hair and feathers with it. “Ah-ah, ah-ah…” “Her song…” Allyra whispered, a wide smile spreading across her face. She took the Amulet in her hooves, and it immediately glowed white, before disappearing and reappearing around her neck, surprisingly light. Then she frowned and looked at her proud grandmother. “Granny, I don’t know anything about Equestria. How will I even find the kingdoms?” “The Amulet will lead you to them.” She said confidently, and Allyra smiled again. “My ancestors have passed this ancient artefact from father to son and mother to daughter for generations. And now… I give it to you.” Allyra smiled. “Thank you, Granny.” She took a deep breath and looked at the castle. “Better get ready to go.” Cadence nodded and made to follow before she was suddenly overcome with another coughing fit. “Granny?” “I’m okay, dear-” This was interrupted as she suddenly started struggling to breathe, then collapsed to the ground, eyes shutting. “GRANNY!” Wings twitching and twiddling the pulsing Amulet in her hooves, Allyra sat outside the infirmary with a horrible feeling of déjà vu. Her mother was sitting beside her, glancing her way every so often. Allyra kept her gaze away from Flurry, stubbornly not saying a word. Luckily, Flurry didn’t speak either. The head doctor opened the door and they leapt to their hooves. “Is she okay?” “What happened?” “When will she get better?” He held up a hoof to silence their questions, then said sadly, “Cadence… isn’t going to get better.” The mares gasped in horror, and Allyra felt tears coming to her eyes. “She’s had issues with her lungs for several years now, and as of the last month, it’s been getting worse. We’re doing what we can, but I’m afraid she doesn’t have much longer.” Flurry gulped and asked softly. “Then… how long?” “It’s hard to say. She could have a week or an hour.” He sighed and looked at Allyra, who was now crying silently. “Princess, she wishes to speak with you. Urgently.” Allyra nodded and took a step forward before Flurry suddenly crossed her path, frowning. She couldn’t tell what her mother was thinking or feeling. “Allyra, we need to talk-” “No,” the pegasus said, still looking far from her. “I need to talk to Granny. Not you.” Flurry grimaced. “Allyra, I’m serious. I’m your mother, you need to -” She looked at Flurry for the first time, and past her grief she vaguely noticed her mother stepping back in surprise. But now, she couldn’t feel anything as she gazed at the alicorn. “I don’t have a mother. I lost her thirteen years ago.” With that, she walked silently into the infirmary, ignoring Flurry’s shocked and hurt expression. Other ponies were in there; doctors, nurses, and a few guards who’d been injured, but she walked past them all and into the royals’ private room. Cadence was laying there, eyes shut and her breathing coming heavy and raspy. She had a mask connected to an oxygen tank over her muzzle, and on instinct Allyra backed away, ears falling against her head. She’d never been allowed in here while Snowstorm was hurt, and though Shining and Pound’s bodies had been brought back for their funerals, she wasn’t allowed to see them either. So, seeing her grandmother like this… hurt, and it scared her. She was scared to go near her; what if she did something to make it worse, or what if she… what if… Cadence’s lavender eyes slowly opened, and she smiled softly to see her granddaughter standing close. “Ally…” she croaked, and Allyra’s heart clenched at the weak sound. Come on, you can do it. She’s just Granny. Allyra shakily walked up to Cadence and stopped by her bed. Gulping down the lump in her throat, she whispered, putting a hoof on the bed, “I-I’m here, Granny… I’m not going anywhere.” Her eyes widened in surprise as Cadence immediately shook her head. “No, Allyra. You have to go!” she coughed, suddenly clutching Allyra’s hoof. “The darkness and the Windigos are getting stronger. If you stay any longer, Equestria is lost!” Allyra shook her head, tears running down her cheeks again. Cadence smiled. “Allyra, if you’re out there, Lurante will continue to fight. She’ll wait for you, and she’ll keep the Windigos at bay for longer.” Allyra’s face crumpled and she leaned her head against Cadence’s, whispering, “No, no, no, Granny… I can’t leave you! I can’t do this without you…” “Oh, darling…” The alicorn took Allyra’s cheek and said softly, “Out there, the stars are hidden by the storm, but that doesn’t mean they don’t shine bright.” She made Allyra look her in the eyes. “I will be like the stars. You will not see me, but I will always, always be with you. I love you, my precious snowflake.” The nickname hurt like it always did, but Allyra realised that if she wanted anypony to call her that, it was Cadence. She took a deep, shuddering breath and held Cadence’s hoof tighter, determination washing through her. “I promise, Granny. I’ll find Lurante, and I’ll help her stop the Windigos. I’ll save Equestria.” Cadence smiled. “Then go.” She went into another coughing fit and doctors ran in while Allyra backed away. She gazed upon her grandmother for what she knew would be the last time, then turned and ran out of the infirmary, flying as soon as there was room. “There’s a line where the earth meets the sky, and it calls me… but no one knows how far it goes.” Allyra knew there was little time. She packed only two things from her room- the book on Equestrian creatures, and her special drawing- before racing away to the kitchens and grabbing as much preservable food as she could. This was when the guards entered and saw what she was doing, General Arrow at the lead. She grimaced and opened her mouth to try and explain, but before she could, he gave orders to the other two to gather provisions for her. “I don’t know what you’re doing, Princess, but I trust you,” he said, handing her a large bundle of clothes with goggles and earmuffs on top. “You’ll need these to even survive the blizzard.” She gazed at him and smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Bronze.” The guards handed her saddlebags over, along with her father’s sword which she’d placed down. “All that time wondering where I need to be is behind me. I’m on my own, to worlds unknown!” Allyra saluted to them and flew out a window and away towards the border, stopping just short of the snowy plains and putting everything down to organise herself. Glaring at the shield, she started pulling the clothes on. “Every turn I take, every trail I track, is a choice I make, now I can’t turn back, from the great unknown where I go alone, where I long to be…” Taking in a shuddering breath, she tightened up her sword sheath and saddlebags, retied the pendant around her neck and swung the cloak over herself- covering her wings- and looked back one last time at the kingdom. The castle glowed brightly against the dark sky and Allyra could vaguely hear the citizens emerging from their homes, sensing something was amiss with the Crystal Heart. Cadence had been born connected to it, and it gave her the power to become an alicorn. So, when she died… Allyra sucked in a sharp breath as she saw it briefly flash in the distance. The light then disappeared and shot up through the castle’s four legs, and all the way along until it reached the spire. The light exploded into the night sky, becoming millions of orbs… Just like stars. Tears came to her eyes once more, but a new sense of purpose washed over the young adventurer. “See her lie with the night in the stars? She calls me! And yes, I know, that I can go!” Grinning determinedly, Allyra took off on hoof towards the shield, the wind rushing around her, almost in excitement. “There’s a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me… soon I’ll know how far I’ll go!” With that, Allyra crashed through the border, turning to look at it as it sent purple and white ripples throughout. Once again, the blizzard hit like a wave, but this time she was prepared. As she pulled her scarf over her muzzle and goggles over her eyes, the wind formed a dome around her, shielding her from the worst of the storm. “I’m coming for you, Lurante,” she whispered, before running away from the Crystal Empire.