//------------------------------// // Chapter Fitfhteen // Story: Pattycakes: The Remake // by GlitchyProductions //------------------------------// Three hours later... It was now starting to get dark again; time had passed for both Fluttershy and Scootaloo as they had played together and started off childish activities together. Rainbow Dash had left for home to see her pet and clean up her home, the sun was near it's tipping point, the darkness of the outside world began to creep up upon town while Scootaloo and Fluttershy both sat in the upstairs bedroom both lying together on the bed watching cartoons on TV. Scootaloo was dressed up by Fluttershy, she was now put into a basic light blue onesie that managed to fit her perfectly, a diaper that was just her size and she had a bottle filled to the top with milk in her mouth whilst snuggled up to her future mother as if she was a cushion. The lights in the bedroom had been turned down and the white glow coming from the TV was the only thing that kept light within the bedroom. A loud, yet soft knocking came from the front door which seemed to startle Fluttershy causing her to be startled for only a few seconds. "Oh... it's the front door..." Fluttershy gasped, clenching her hand onto her chest breathing in and out. "What's wrong?" Scootaloo pulled the bottle out of her mouth with an audible pop and looked at her future mother with slight worry. "Someone is knocking on the front door... I wonder who it could be." Fluttershy unwrapped her arms around the child and shuffled off the side of the bed and landed onto the bedroom floor. Scootaloo leaned closer to Fluttershy and watched as she began to walk out of the room without her, closing the door behind her. Fluttershy walked down the stairs trying her best to speed up for the new visitor’s convenience, she got down to the bottom of the stairs and made a quick dash for the front door and reached for the handle. She pulled it down and pulled open the door to reveal Rainbow Dash on the other side, Fluttershy's face beamed up with a large smile as she saw her best friend at the door. "Hey Fluttershy, just come to see how you’re doing with Scoots." Rainbow Dash greeted Fluttershy, from what Fluttershy had remembered Rainbow Dash wasn't wearing her usual clothes any more, she was wearing her black punk leather jacket along with some combat camouflage army trousers and her usual running shoes. "Oh... Hello Dashie!" Fluttershy beamed, she walked up to her best friend and wrapped her arms around Rainbow Dash and embraced into a tight hug. "Yeah, nice to see ya' too." Rainbow Dash also wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and hugged her back. Fluttershy let go of Rainbow Dash and took a few steps back at the front door and moved out of the way which allowed her to walk in. "Uh, do you want to come in? Scootaloo is upstairs watching cartoons right now." Fluttershy mentioned. "That's what I came over to talk about, but I can't stay. Me, Pinkie Pie, Lyra and Cheerilee are going to play cards at the Sugarcube Corner in a few minutes and I just wanted to check up on both of you." Rainbow Dash stood her ground and began to talk. "Oh... uh..." Fluttershy blushed, trying to remember what she had done with Scootaloo over the past three hours. "After I changed Scootaloo's wet pull-up... we uh... went into the Garden and fed the animals... we then ate some food... and uh... we played a few board games... then I found a cute little blue onesie for Scootaloo to wear for when she wants to act like a little baby." Fluttershy explained recent events to her friend, Rainbow Dash nodded with a smile. "Cool, I guess she's been having the time of her life?" Rainbow Dash giggled. "She never wanted to leave my side." Fluttershy said, feeling happy. "I'm not gonna do the race tomorrow." Rainbow Dash blurted out, not looking either happy or sad. Fluttershy's reaction was only of confusion. "WH-what? I thought this race meant everything to you?" Fluttershy's mouth dropped wide open. "I spoke to Applejack... seems that she hurt her leg trying to round up the cows from the farm and she can't run, it's a bummer 'cause I really wanted to run around the track." Rainbow Dash watched as Fluttershy looked rather worried about the health of her good friend. "Oh dear... does she need my first-aid kit?" Fluttershy moved back and forth between the doors thinking whether to grab the first-aid kit from the kitchen. "Nah." Rainbow shook her head from side to side. "She ain't broke it, she just can't run." "Oh... uh... please tell her I'm really worried about her... if you can that is..." Fluttershy began to blush a bright red, Rainbow Dash proceeded to nod and turned her back on her friend. "Listen, I gotta go now, but I also ran into the Mayor earlier and told her about the whole idea of you wanting to adopt Scootaloo." Rainbow quickly turned back to Fluttershy and began to speak. "Uh-huh." Fluttershy nodded. "She said that you have to come to her office tomorrow morning at eleven and talk to her about the adoption papers." Rainbow Dash relayed. "Uh-huh." Fluttershy continued to nod. "And... it'd possibly take just a week for her to be moved into a new home." Rainbow Dash smiled. "A w-week?!" Fluttershy choked. "Yeah, a week." Rainbow nodded. "Oh, um. Okay, I'll tell Scootaloo that..." Fluttershy blushed. "Right, see ya' later." Rainbow Dash gave a quick wave and began to walk off, she walked off the cottage path and reached within her pockets and pulled out the pacifier that she was given by Fluttershy and inserted it into her mouth and began to walk off. Fluttershy shyly waved to her best friend goodbye as she disappeared into the darkness and headed back into town. Fluttershy pulled the knob on the door and pushed it open and entered back into her bedroom, she then saw Scootaloo sitting down on the wooden floor playing with some toys that she had given her. The child now had her pink pacifier in her mouth and looked up to see that Fluttershy had come back into the room, Scootaloo quickly stood up and walked over to Fluttershy and embraced her with a big hug. "What's wrong Fluttershy?" Scootaloo looked up towards her mother. "Oh, it's just that Rainbow Dash came round and said she talked to the mayor about the adoption plans." Fluttershy leaned herself down to Scootaloo's level and sat on her knees, she wrapped one arm around Scootaloo and stroked her hair with her free hand. "Yeah?" Scootaloo excitedly nodded. "She said that you can adopt within just a week." Fluttershy whispered to her sweet baby. "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked; confused at what she just said. "You have to wait one week for it to happen, I think I have to see the mayor and talk to her about why I want to adopt you." Fluttershy explained, lowering her voice that it became soothing for Scootaloo. "So I can't stay here for a week?" Scootaloo was still confused, Fluttershy instead wrapped her arms around her lower body torso and lifted her up into her arms like an infant and walked towards the bed. "Shh, its okay Scootaloo, you don't have to worry about that now. Does my sweet little baby want to watch more cartoons?" Fluttershy tried to imitate Rainbow's childish tone of voice to play with Scootaloo. "I wanna spend more time with you!" Scootaloo giggled upon hearing the silly tone of voice again, yet hearing it from Fluttershy made it strangely even more funny. "Oh okay." Fluttershy smiled. "You go relax on my bed while I unpack your school bag." Fluttershy lowered the purple haired child and put her on the middle of the bed, she leaned over and grabbed the blanket and pulled it over Scootaloo to make sure that she stayed warm as it got dark. Scootaloo stretched her arms out and placed them around the back of her head and began to relax, she stared at the TV instantly getting interested in the cartoons that were on the screen. Fluttershy walked over to the other side of her bedroom and picked up the school bag that Rainbow Dash picked up from the foster home some time ago and began to unzip the top of it to look what the contents were. Inside of the bag were some clothing that were lazily stuffed in there obviously one by Rainbow Dash herself, Fluttershy grabbed the first piece of clothing and began to unfold it to reveal a light grey school jumper with the logo of Cheerilee's school. She neatly folded up the piece of clothing and placed it down on her bedroom table for a moment, another piece of clothing was pulled out to reveal a light grey school skirt that was obviously for Scootaloo. "What'cha doin' Fluttershy?" Scootaloo called over to her mother, wondering what she was doing with her school uniform. "Oh, I'm just looking at your school uniform; it's nothing to worry about." Fluttershy reassured the child. "I hate my school uniform." Scootaloo replied back. "Why?" Fluttershy asked. "It's dirty and it's really itchy." Scootaloo explained. "Hmm..." Fluttershy tapped her chin with her hand. "How about I clean it? That might make it better, and I also found the spare undies that Rainbow Dash put in your bag." Fluttershy pulled out a pair of basic white undies; Scootaloo blushed at just the sight of them. "Oh..." Scootaloo giggled as she blushed a bright red colour. "I don't get why I have to wear a school uniform." "It's just something that you wear for school, I had to wear one when I was a little girl too." Fluttershy pulled out all of the clothing and wrapped it round her arms; she then walked over to the bed and placed down the clothing on the small table next to the bed itself. Scootaloo kicked the bed covers off of her and reached out for Fluttershy as she got closer to the bed, the child slowly shuffled herself until her legs were hanging from the side of the bed, waiting to be picked up like an infant. "I bet you looked really cool in a school uniform." Scootaloo giggled even harder. Fluttershy turned to face Scootaloo with a strange look on her face. "I haven't worn a school uniform in a very long time; I didn't like them very much." Fluttershy revealed. "Why?" Scootaloo asked, placing her arms back down onto her lap. "When me and Rainbow Dash went to school together we had to wear skirts, and on this one day... we uh... it was really windy and... well... my skirt flew up and everyone started laughing at me because a lot of boys and girls saw my school undies." Fluttershy blushed; feeling a little scared of telling Scootaloo of her school life. "Something like that happened at my school." Scootaloo giggled at Fluttershy's story. "Really?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Yep." The child nodded. "Diamond Tiara came to school once wearing a skirt she wasn't supposed to wear, it looked really pretty, but then all of a sudden loads of wind came out of nowhere and it flew up and everyone saw her pink undies!" Scootaloo burst into a fit of laughter; she bent over and giggled while Fluttershy smiled at the child’s story. Fluttershy then lowered herself and sat down right next to Scootaloo and wrapped her arms around her as she was still giggling at the small tale she had told, Fluttershy then picked up the child and placed her on her own lap and began to hug her. "What did Rainbow Dash say about your undies when your skirt flew up?" Scootaloo asked as she dug her head into her mother’s chest. "Uh, nothing... she kinda beat up a bully for me because he laughed at me..." Fluttershy began to giggle along Scootaloo, just realizing how the memory of her skirt flying upwards became so silly. "I beat he didn't feel his legs!" Scootaloo guessed, Fluttershy continued to giggle. "He said sorry to me." Fluttershy smiled as she patted her baby’s backside with a gentle rub. "I would beat him up so bad if he said something to you again!" Scootaloo turned herself round and thrown her fist up into the air, followed by a small giggle from Fluttershy. "Heh, I don't think he would do anything mean again." Fluttershy reassured her child. "Good." Scootaloo nodded for a quick moment and then strangely proceeded to yawn, letting out her moans of fatigue right in front of Fluttershy. "Oh my... is my little baby getting tired?" Fluttershy cooed over her babies loud yawning, Scootaloo shook her head and playfully frowned back at Fluttershy. "I'm not tired! I'm just yawning!" Scootaloo called out. "I don't wanna sleep in my crib yet! I still wanna play with you!" "It's okay Scootaloo, how about you stay in my bed tonight? We can snuggle up together and watch TV." Fluttershy offered, she leaned around and grabbed the TV remote and pressed the power button. The screen on the TV fizzled for a moment as the picture slowly came in to show cartoon characters running around in a cartoon, Scootaloo climbed over from Fluttershy's lap onto the bed where she stretched her body over and jumped onto the thick yellow blanket that was on top of the bed. The child then grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her as Fluttershy stood up and walked over to her drawer, from there, she reached up and grabbed onto the knob on the front wooden door on the drawer and pulled wide open. This revealed some of the night gowns that she had worn previously as Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo stayed over, the pulled one of the gowns out and turned to take a quick peek at Scootaloo. It seemed that Fluttershy was in the green, Scootaloo was too busy with the cartoons to notice her change clothing, especially the fact that she would have to remove her trousers and her jumper which would reveal her naked body. "Uh... Scootaloo... I um, need to tell you something..." Fluttershy began to blush, once again feeling as scared as she did when Rainbow Dash tried her best to look away when she changed her clothes previously. "Yeah." Scootaloo acknowledged, still keeping her eyes glued to the TV. "I need to... uh, change into my pyjamas... if you'd be so kind and not... look at me... please... if it's okay with you..." Fluttershy flubbed she unfolded her pyjamas; she got them into the appropriate position right before taking her clothes off. She needed the confirmation from Scootaloo, but she didn't hear anything from her. "Oh..." Scootaloo broke out of her trance as she turned her head away from the TV to see what Fluttershy was holding. "Okay" Scootaloo smiled, she inserted her thumb into her mouth and began to suck on it as she watched her mother blush and nod at the same time. The child turned her head and looked back at the TV to watch more cartoons; it was now Fluttershy's chance. She quickly pulled off her large yellow sweater to reveal her bra, now it had begun, Fluttershy was starting to panic. Thoughts in her mind began to think of Scootaloo, what if she turned around and saw her naked body while getting changed? It was getting too risky, yet it was the thing that drove Fluttershy to speed up and complete her change of clothing. She pulled down her trousers to reveal her basic white undies, she grabbed the night gown and quickly thrown it on to the top of her, she shook her body to make sure that her arms were in the right place and fortunately, they were. Fluttershy picked up her clothes and put them in the wash basket for tomorrow, after she had closed the top of the lid, she began to make her way to Scootaloo. The child still had her thumb in her mouth and she rested her head against one of the pillows that Fluttershy had set up on the bed earlier, Scootaloo looked at her mother and giggled at what she was wearing. "Right." Fluttershy sighed. "Time to snuggle up." She announced. She sat herself down on the bed and began to appropriately lie herself into a comfortable position, she pulled up the remaining bed sheets over her body and snuggled up with Scootaloo, the child was still mindlessly sucking on her thumb as she looked at the TV screen, she felt Fluttershy wrap her arms around her chest and she began to snuggle up with her mother. "Fluttershy..." Scootaloo plucked her thumb out of her mouth, drool and wetness followed as it dropped onto the bed sheets straight from her thumb and her mouth. "Yes Scootaloo? Are you okay? Am I snuggling you too hard?" Fluttershy quickly began to worry; she loosened her grip on the child and moved further away from her to give her some breathing space. "No, no... It’s just... are you gonna take me to school tomorrow?" Scootaloo turned herself round onto her side and faced Fluttershy. "I'd love to Scootaloo, I'll take you to school, I promise." Fluttershy nodded her head and then stopped for a moment. "Is there something wrong about going to school? I can tell Cheerilee what's wrong, is it those bullies? Do they stop you from getting to school?" She asked. "No..." Scootaloo looked away, tears began to build up, her voice was shaky and she started to pout. "It's just... well, loads of kids from my class get taken to school when their mommy's or daddy's held their hands and take them into the playground... I have to walk on my own..." "Oh sweetie... I won't let you down." Fluttershy moved forward towards Scootaloo, she wrapped her arms around the child’s chest and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Thanks Mom..." Scootaloo closed her eyes and squeaked out just like Fluttershy. "It's okay; I'll do anything to make you happy." Fluttershy promised. "Okay..." The child nodded. "Now, let's go to sleep, I'm sure that tomorrow will be a brand new day. I can walk you to school in your new fresh and clean school uniform and I'll have to go to the mayor’s office to speak about the adoption plans." Sometime later... It was now dark; the sun had hidden itself from the town’s people of Rumsville. All the buildings and the people inside it began to turn on the lights to brighten up the darkened world, the wind began to pick up the pace, bringing the coldest of air with it to the town as the warm sun hid itself. Three women walked down the quiet empty streets as the lamps outside began to turn on by themselves, variously chanting swear words and yelling at the top of their voices while laughing. "That was an awesome game of poker!" Rainbow Dash yelled out at the top of her lungs, standing in the middle of her friends with an alcohol bottle in hand. "Lyra, when did you get so good at strip poker?" She added. "Bon-Bon." Lyra replied; a drunken smile and a red blush on her face appeared. "She's always been teachin' you the tricks!" Rainbow leaned on Lyra's shoulder and tapped it twice. "Then there’s you Dashie..." Lyra hiccupped. "Wearin' a diaper... what's wrong with undies? They too tight?" Lyra giggled. "Nah..." Rainbow lifted her arm off Lyra's shoulder. "It's just they're so comfortable... so puffy, feels like I'm sittin' on a cushion!" She happily yelled out. Rainbow Dash laughed with Lyra over the issue of diapers, she turned her head to see that Cheerilee was standing right next to her. Still the only one that wasn’t intoxicated from the game they just had a few moments ago, she looked worried. "Cheerilee... what's wrong? Are ya' sad that I beat ya' at poker?" Rainbow nudged her arm into the teacher’s chest, causing her to move away from the group. "You're drunk." Cheerilee stated out. "I know... the best feelin' ever!" Rainbow Dash yelled out. "No it isn’t, it's dangerous." Cheerilee corrected her drunken rainbow haired friend. "What would your other friends like Fluttershy say about this?" The teacher added. "Nothin', she knows I get drunk sometimes... and I act crazy... do you ever wonder what it's like to eat pie with chilli's?" Rainbow Dash took another swig of alcohol and laughed, Lyra soon joined in as Cheerilee rolled her eyes and began to groan in frustration. "I can see why Fluttershy made you wear those diapers." Cheerilee groaned. "You'd need them for this occasion." She taunted. "Hey! Hey! Fluttershy is good with babies!" Rainbow yelled out. "She knows how to take care of 'em!" She pointed her finger at Cheerilee with a smile on her face. "Probably why she knows you more than anyone else in this town." Cheerilee laughed, Lyra soon joined in. Rainbow didn't take this lightly. "Hey..." Rainbow whined. "I can look after myself..." "We know Dashie, I was just joking." Cheerilee explained. "But it wasn't funny... it was mean..." The drunken rainbow haired girl leaned against Cheerilee's shoulder and rested her head; she began to speak in a childish tone of voice. "Let me fix that..." Lyra hiccupped; she reached over into Rainbow's leather jacket and pulled out the pacifier that was given to her by Fluttershy. Lyra aimed the pacifier into Rainbow's mouth and she began to suck on it, rising up a small giggle from Cheerilee. "How cute." Cheerilee lifted up her arm and wrapped it round the drunken Rainbow Dash, she also did the same thing and held on tightly to the teacher as if she didn't want to let go. "Aww... baby Dashie..." Lyra tapped Rainbow on the head and ruffled up her hair; Rainbow plucked the pacifier out of her mouth and stuffed it back into her pocket. "Stop it Lyra!" Rainbow Dash childishly called out to her green haired friend, Cheerilee giggled at the scene folding before her. "Don't touch my pacifier... it's what makes me sleepy." "You're seriously that drunk Dashie?" Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at her rainbow haired friend; she returned a nod as she took another sip from the bottle of alcohol that was in her hand. "Huh?" Rainbow mis-heard what the teacher had said on purpose, the blush on her face began to redden even more to prove her intoxication even more. "Right..." Cheerilee glared, unable to take anymore jokes and banter from Rainbow Dash and her absurd infantile attitude. . "Lyra, I'm going to take Rainbow Dash home, she clearly can't be trusted with you on her own. I'll put her into bed; see you tomorrow after I'm finished with school. I have to sort out the adoption pass that the Mayor gave me about Scootaloo." Cheerilee let go of Rainbow Dash, she untangled her arms and gripped onto Rainbow's loose hand, holding onto her like a loose child. Lyra hiccupped once more and slowly nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah... I think I'd better go... can't keep the misses waiting..." Lyra walked over to Cheerilee and leaned forward, she gave the school teacher and quick kiss on the lips and turned away to cross the street. She dashed across the road and began to walk away from the group, only leaving Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee to accompany each other. "And now for you Rainbow Dash, it's time for you to go to bed." Cheerilee began to walk, ever slowly directing the drunken Rainbow Dash through the dark streets of Rumsville like a lost child to a lost and found booth. It wasn't easy for Cheerilee, as Rainbow Dash was making it harder than it already was. "Let me go... I don't wanna go home..." Rainbow Dash raised her voice as she tried her best to get out of Cheerilee's strong grip; she was being dragged down the empty streets as she shouted in a childish tone of voice. The teacher held onto the drunken Dashie as long as possible, her fingers kept tight around Rainbow's wrist as she was dragged back home to her apartment. The lights had been turned off; only the silence coming from the TV was the source of all noise in the quiet wooden cottage. Lying down peacefully were Fluttershy and Scootaloo comfortably wrapped up together in a thick yellow blanket, Fluttershy had wrapped her warm and loving arms around the child’s body which put them into a very tight hug together. Scootaloo on the other hand now had a pacifier in her mouth and was constantly sucking on it during her sleep. "Hrmm..." A groaning sound came straight from Scootaloo, the child's closed eyes began to change, and she strained her eyes for a second while a familiar dreaded source of squishy wet warmth surrounded her legs and nether regions. This had officially woken her up; Scootaloo opened her eyes to see that she was delicately wrapped up in Fluttershy's arms. Her mother had entered a deep sleep, feeling kind, she decided not to wake up her mother and get out of bed. Scootaloo slowly used her hands to grab Fluttershy's arms and move them out of the way so that she could free her body and escape from the bed; she wriggled her way out of her mother’s grip and slowly crawled over to the edge of the bed. Scootaloo slowly dropped onto the carpet and stood up; she walked over to the bedroom door in the dark and reached out for the door handle. After a few seconds of trying to find the handle, she tightened her grip on it and opened the door. She walked into the hallway and made her way towards the nursery where the stash of diapers were, the stood in front of the nursery door and opened it. Slowly pushing it open to see that the nursery windows and curtains had been closed, a night-light was left inside one of the plugs for whoever slept in the crib. The weak amount of light it gave off for the nursery was enough for Scootaloo to look around and find what she needed to change herself. Firstly, she got on her knees and began to slowly crawl over to the changing table like an actual infant. She got to the front of the changing table and reached for the cabinet under the table, she poked her head through the cabinet to see five packs of different diapers, a small cardboard box full of pacifiers, baby wipes, baby powder and a tub of rash lotion. Scootaloo didn't really think this through, she quickly grabbed the largest diaper that she could find in any of the plastic packaging and grabbed the baby wipes. She moved from under the cabinet and placed her items on the top of the changing table, Scootaloo used her feet to get up onto the top of the changing table right next to her items she took from the cabinet. The child placed herself on the soft changing mat on top of the table and began to think about the past three hours with Fluttershy, she would place her down on the changing mat and then undo the onesie, which lead Scootaloo to her first objective. Scootaloo reached down between her legs to try and find the buttons that held her onesie together, after some searching between her legs she found the basic buttons that held the clothing together. All she had to do is pull them apart to undo the onesie, she wrapped her finger round the button and began to pull, but it just wouldn't budge. She remembered how Fluttershy had somehow undone the buttons; she once wet her diaper on purpose just to get changed by her mother during her stay over after Rainbow Dash had left. Fluttershy did something with the button that caused them to fall apart, releasing her from the onesies bonds for good until they were placed back up again. Again and again, Scootaloo began to get impatient, the buttons wouldn't simply disconnect. She started off with small tugs, and then began to violently pull on the buttons and they still wouldn't fall apart, her body began to rise up in temperature and she became annoyed. Her wet diaper, the heat her body was generating and her bad mood was starting to get the best of her. Tears began to build themselves up and Scootaloo knew what was going to happen and she couldn't help it. Small sobs began to escape her; the tears within her began to fall down her face as her sobs began to fill up the room. She was getting louder, she needed a diaper change, and she wanted to do it on her own for once. Save Fluttershy the trouble of waking up. Scootaloo's pacifier fall out of her mouth as her sobs continued to rise in volume; it was only just a second ago where she heard the loud footsteps of her mother heading towards the nursery. Her crying had woken her mother up, and that was making her even more sad. Fluttershy quickly burst through the nursery door to see where the source of all of the noise was coming from, her long pink hair had lost its shape and now was all over her face, she took a quick look around the nursery to see Scootaloo sitting on top of the changing table with some of the changing supplies at hand. She dashed over to the child and wrapped her arms around her and began to cradle her. "What's wrong? Are you hurt Scootaloo?" Fluttershy spoke over the crying child. "N-No..." Scootaloo tried to speak in between her crying; it was hard for her as she couldn't stop sobbing. "Shh... shh... It’s okay baby... please don’t cry..." Fluttershy placed her hands on Scootaloo's back-side and belly and slowly pushed her down until she was lying down on the changing mat, Scootaloo kept on sobbing as she kicked her legs around like an infant as she still let out tears. "I can't get this stupid onesie off!" Scootaloo raised her voice, taking deep breaths between each word she spoke. "It's okay Scootaloo... I can get it off for you... please calm down..." Fluttershy placed her hand on Scootaloo's red hot cheeks and began to use her thumb to slowly caress for the child; her sobbing began to lower in volume as her mother tried to calm her down. "My diaper is wet... I tried to get the diaper off... and... The onesie wouldn't budge..." Scootaloo rubbed her eyes to remove the tears that fell down her face; Fluttershy looked in between Scootaloo's legs to see the problem. "Oh, I see. I'm really sorry Scootaloo... I put you in the safety onesie... it's made for babies who try and take their clothes off... you have to twist the buttons to loosen them first." Fluttershy reached in between Scootaloo's legs and began to twist the buttons, she saw the damage of where the child had pulled on the buttons to try and take them off, and she twisted the buttons and began to pull on them. And finally, they fell apart. The diaper was revealed, across the front of the baby diaper was a sagging wet area, Scootaloo couldn't help but blush at what Fluttershy saw. "I t-tried to change myself, so that I didn't wake you up." Scootaloo was now calmed down; she child sniffled and waited for Fluttershy to untape the diaper. "Oh Scootaloo, its okay. I don't mind changing you; all you have to do is just tell me. I won't get mad, I promise." Fluttershy grabbed the tapes of the wet diaper and began to slowly pull them apart, hearing the ripping and tearing sound as she did it. To be continued...