//------------------------------// // The Prologue. // Story: Stuck and Tied Together. // by smgenjoyer //------------------------------// The sun. The sun was bright, and warm, and comforting. It’s rays beamed down on the group of ponies and changelings. Thorax looked around, as the changelings, and other ponies were freeing friends from the cocoons that trapped them. The sky. The sky was clear and blue now, not yellowish, dim and gloomy, as if it’d suffocate you if you breathed it in directly. The throne of the changelings had been destroyed, through the power of sharing love. Cheesy, yes. But it worked. Everyone was free, safe, and now… things could… maybe be different. Thorax smiled, softly at the crowd, as chatter and murmurs passed along. It dropped slowly, however. He thought. Their queen, Chrysalis, she… wasn’t in sight. Where was she? Not that he was worried for her safety, but he was worried for the others’ safety. Who knows what she would try now? But, perhaps, maybe nothing could be done now, not immediately, now that her power was stripped from her. Plus, it would be one against about a dozen. Hopefully. Something told him to turn around, and check behind him. So, he did, his head turning first, then after spotting a detail he didn’t expect, his body turned. The boulders of debris toppled over one another, and a dark gray hoof stuck out at the very bottom of the pile. It was still, not moving an inch. Thorax blinked, unsure of how to react. Was she… gone? Or maybe… just… knocked out? He stepped towards the lifeless limb, and gave it a poke. “Chrysalis…?” He mumbled, where no one could hear. What surprised him was the coldness of the limb. It was too cold. He pulled back, and stepped away. Oh. Chrysalis… was dead, then. He didn’t really know what to say. He didn’t know what to expect. He almost thought she would jump out of the rocks and threaten them with something. But that wasn’t a possibility now. She wasn’t even alive anymore. “Thorax?” Spike’s voice made Thorax blink, and turn his head to the little dragon. “What’re you looking-” He froze, and jumped back. “Ah— Chrysalis-!” He gasped, but paused as the lime changeling’s leg was outstretched in front of him. “Uh-?” “Spike, I don’t think…” Thorax thought for a moment. How was he supposed to say this? “…I don’t think Chrysalis is… alive, anymore.” He kept his voice low, as to not attract too much attention. “Oh—… oh…” Spike stared at the still leg beneath the rocks. “…Well… at least she can’t… bother us anymore… right?” Spike fidgeted with his hands, awkwardly. Chrysalis was a bad person, and he was glad she wasn’t gonna be a problem anymore… but it’s still weird seeing her dead body just… there like that. “Yeah… that’s true.” Thorax nodded, giving the leg a few more seconds of staring. “…Come on. Let’s regather with the others.” He led Spike towards the rest of the ponies and changelings. I’ll worry about the body later, Thorax thought to himself. He heard chatter from one of the princesses, but didn’t know exactly what they were saying. Eventually, Princess Celestia looked over at him, and approached, much to his surprise. “Thorax. As the new leader of the Changelings, I look forward to discussing how we can improve our relationship in the future.” Seemingly not noticing the surprised stare, she turned to Twilight and Starlight. “However, for the moment, perhaps it is best that we leave the Changeling Kingdom, to the Changelings.” Discord spawned in some random spot and started clapping. “Splendid idea! Now who’s ready for some celebratory tea at Fluttershy’s?” He motioned to the soft yellow pegasus. Fluttershy meekly responded while looking out towards the massive crowd. “Oh, um… everypony..?” Amidst the chatter, Thorax’s mind ran to two words: wait, and what. Leader of the Changelings? Since when? Was it because he was bigger and taller than the rest of them? Or because he was the first to reform at all? It came out of nowhere, he wasn’t prepared for that! Spike, who stood beside him, noticed the expression. “…Thorax? You okay?” “Oh- uh— yeah, I just…” Thorax eyed the princesses. “I didn’t think I’d just be… proclaimed the leader so suddenly like that.” He admitted. “I mean, I’ve never… ruled over anything before! I’m not… sure how to take it.” He squinted slightly. “Well… I mean… you can try talking to her about it. Or just… not rule and find someone else to do it.” Spike shrugged. “Though that- probably isn’t such a good idea, since I don’t really know the mindset of these guys..” He motioned his claw to the horde of changelings. “They look brighter and stuff, but… I don’t think they’re good like Starlight said yet.” Thorax stared downward in thought. Spike made a good point. If he put one of the others in charge… nothing would change. And he wants things to change, badly! And he’s the only one amongst them who thinks… like him, so… you have to do what you have to do. He softly inhaled. “No, no, I can do it.” “You sure? Because… no offense, but you’re not exactly…” Spike struggled. “Leader-material? Yeah, I know.” Thorax sighed. “But we can’t keep going like we’ve been with Chrysalis. We- I need to ensure the Hive changes its ways. And since none of the other changelings really have my ideals… I have to handle it myself. And it’s kinda scary, but- I have to. For their sakes. They’ll see that there’s a better way.” Spike stared up at Thorax, minding the hints of uncertainty in his eyes. He patted his foreleg. “Alright, if- this is what you want. But you’re not completely alone, Thorax. You’ve got me, and Cadence, and Shining Armor, and Twilight, and Starlight, and- y’know, us! You’ve got us! If you ever need help, just let us know, okay?” Thorax cracked a smile. “I will. Thank you, Spike.” In the moment, he was so glad he had friends like Spike. And he was right. Friends help each-other. And he can talk to the Princesses too! They know a lot more about ruling than he does anyway. In the meantime… He looks out towards the horde one more time. He’s gonna have to mentally prepare himself for such a responsibility.