Equestria Ninjas: Liberty Thankgiving

by Dinomite123

The Mission

As the team more information from the survivors, they found out that the colonists were led by a man named Captain John Smith, known for his brutal tactics and ruthlessness. He had a small army of soldiers and mercenaries, well-armed with muskets and swords. The Native Americans, on the other hand, were unprepared for such an attack and had few weapons to defend themselves.

"Wow, looks like it's a really tough event in this year, huh?" Applejack said.

"It certainly is," Sarah replied, nodding grimly. "We'll need to gather as much information as we can about Captain Smith and his forces. If we're going to help the Native Americans, we need to know their strengths and weaknesses."

"How long will that take?" Rarity asked.

"Weeks, maybe months," James replied. "But we have to start somewhere. In the meantime, we can work on building alliances with other Native American tribes and recruiting sympathetic colonists to our cause."

Later, Saraj was writing a letter to her mother and father.

"Dear Mother and Father,

We've been learning a lot about the situation between the English settlers and the Native Americans. The attack on the Native American village by the colonists led by Captain John Smith has only made things worse.

The survivors have shared harrowing tales of death, destruction, and displacement. It's clear that something needs to be done to help them. But also, we've have now met five new people with interesting backgrounds and stories.
Also, we have new friends who we rescued from the Boston Tea Party. And they to have assignments of their own. Once we've make peace with whatever they want, I'll send the next letter to you.

From your only daughter, Sarah

As they continued to gather information about Captain Smith and his forces, they also began to make contact with other sympathetic colonists and Native American tribes. They organized meetings and shared their findings, working together to formulate a plan of action. Despite the daunting task ahead of them, they remained hopeful that they could make a difference and bring peace to the region.

"I don't understand why the rival with the Natives and English men are continuing." Donnie said.

"Well, it's not as simple as that, Donnie," Twilight replied. "There are complex historical, political, and economic factors at play here. The colonists are driven by a desire for land, resources, and power, while the Native Americans are fighting to protect their homes and way of life. The conflict is also influenced by the broader struggle between the European empires for colonial domination in the New World."

"Wow, you can even speak of smart talk I would not understand." Mikey whispered.

"It's okay, Mikey. You don't have to understand everything." Twilight said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Is anyone ready for a trip to Native's village?" Henri asked.

"Who said anything about a trip to the Natives" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We did." Henri replied.

"Why?" Mikey asked.

"Well, since we're here, and we know that there's going to be a big Thanksgiving event soon, we might as well see how the other side is preparing for it," Twilight explained. "We can observe their customs and traditions firsthand, and maybe even learn something new about them."

"I'm going to stay behind and finish up this article about the attack on the Native American village," Moses said. "But if you all need any help or support, please don't hesitate to ask."

The group nodded in agreement. Henri, Donnie, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Mikey made their way towards the village on a horse cart, carefully navigating the dense forest that surrounded it.

"So, what should we do when we get there?" Mikey asked.

"Well, first we should introduce ourselves and explain why we're here," Sarah said. "Then we can observe their preparations for the Thanksgiving celebration and see how they're different from our own traditions."

"Easy for you to say. I might feel uncomfortable being around Indians." Rainbow stuttered.

"Will you quit complaining, Rainbow?" Applejack replied.

"Well, it's just...you know...they're Indians..."

"They're not so bad." Henri told her, trying to calm her down. "I mean, they're just like us, you know? They have families, they celebrate, they live their lives. They're not some kind of monsters."

The group finally arrived at the village, which was surrounded by a dense forest. The village was laid out much like the other settlements they had seen, with wooden huts and thatched roofs. The people who lived here were dressed in loincloths and leather vests, their skin painted with intricate designs. The air was filled with the scent of burning wood and herbs.

"Um, hello?" Twilight said, clearing her throat. "We're here from the other settlement. We just wanted to introduce ourselves and let you know that we're here to observe your preparations for the upcoming celebration."

The group stood nervously as the villagers gathered around them, eyeing them warily. One of the elders stepped forward, a tall man with a bald head and a long gray beard. He spoke in a language they didn't understand, but Henri quickly translated for them.

"He says that they welcome them to their village but asks them to be respectful of their customs and traditions while they are here."

The group nodded, and the elder motioned for them to follow him. He led them to a large clearing in the center of the village, where they could see preparations already underway for the celebration. Colorful cloths were hung from the trees, and large fires burned at each corner of the clearing, their smoke carrying the scent of roasting meats. The villagers were busily setting up long tables laden with food and drink, and decorating the area with flowers, leaves, and feathers.

"So, what do they usually do here during the Thanksgiving celebration?" Twilight asked Henri.

"Well, it's similar to what you're used to back at your settlement, but with some differences," Henri replied. "They give thanks to their gods for a successful harvest, share food and drink, and engage in traditional dances and storytelling."

As they watched the villagers work, Twilight couldn't help but notice the joy and camaraderie among them. It was clear that this celebration meant much more than just a feast; it was a time for the community to come together and reaffirm their bonds with each other and their ancestors. She also saw how different their customs were from her own people, and it made her realize how much she still had to learn about the native culture.

"So, Henri, what do you think about our two cultures' celebrations?" Twilight asked, turning to her new friend. "Do you think we have anything in common?"

"I think there are some similarities," Henri replied thoughtfully. "Both celebrations involve giving thanks, sharing food, and bringing communities together. But the ways in which these things are expressed are quite different. It's fascinating to see how two cultures, living side by side, can develop such unique traditions."

"This is incredible," she whispered to Henri. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Glad you feel that way. Want some venison meat?"

"No thanks."

As they continued to watch the villagers prepare for the celebration, a young boy around the age of six caught Twilight's eye. He seemed to be fascinated by everything that was going on, and his bright, curious expression reminded her of herself at that age. She couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as she watched him.

"You know, Henri," she said, "I think I'd like to speak with that boy for a moment. Would you mind translating for me?"

Henri nodded, understanding her curiosity. He led Twilight over to the young boy, who was now crouched down next to a small fire, carefully poking at the embers with a stick.

"Hello," Twilight said, kneeling down to be at the boy's eye level. "My name is Twilight, and this is Henri. We're visiting from another village. We're interested in learning about your culture and your traditions."

The boy looked up at her, his eyes shimmering with curiosity. Henri translated Twilight's words into the native language, and the boy nodded slowly, seeming to consider her request.

"What is your name?" Twilight asked, trying out the native words she had learned from Henri. The boy looked surprised for a moment, then smiled shyly and replied, "My name is Chayton."

"Nice to meet you, Chayton. I'm really interested in learning about the traditions of your village. Would you mind showing us around?" Twilight asked, trying to sound friendly and inviting. Henri translated her words, and Chayton seemed to consider her request for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I can show you some things," he replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Come with me."

Chayton led Twilight and Henri through the village, pointing out various landmarks.

What is your favorite part of the celebration?" Twilight asked, genuinely curious.

Chayton paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. "I like the dancing the most," he replied. "It's so beautiful and exciting to watch. The girls wear these colorful dresses and the boys wear feathers in their hair. They move in such a way that it's like they're a part of the dance itself."

"That sounds wonderful," Twilight said, her voice tinged with envy. "I wish I could see that."

Henri translated her words, and Chayton's eyes lit up. "You can!" he exclaimed. "You can stay for the celebration. My father said that all visitors are welcome."

Oh, we would love to. But I'm afraid we'd..."

Suddenly they hear gunshots and crowd screaming.

"What was that?" Twilight asked worried.

"I don't know," Henri said. "But it doesn't sound good."

Suddenly, a group of men in English soldiers' uniforms burst into the clearing, their guns drawn and their eyes wild. They shouted orders at the villagers, who looked on in confusion and fear.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded the leader of the soldiers, a tall man with a handlebar mustache. "You are not supposed to be celebrating such a pagan ritual!"

The villagers, including Chayton, looked at each other in confusion. They had never seen these men before and had no idea what they were talking about.

"We are not celebrating anything wrong," Chayton's father tried to explain. "We are simply having our Thanksgiving feast as we have done for generations."

The soldiers, however, were not convinced. They roughly pushed the villagers aside and began to search their belongings, confiscating food and weapons. They even went so far as to drag Chayton's father away from the group, accusing him of leading a "heathen" lifestyle. The young boy watched in horror as his father was taken away from him, tears streaming down his face.

Twilight, Henri, and the rest of the group looked on in shock and disbelief. They couldn't understand why the soldiers were acting so brutally and without reason. They tried to intervene, but the soldiers were too strong and numerous.

"Stop this!" Twilight shouted, her voice echoing through the clearing. "You have no right to do this!"

The soldiers turned their attention to her, surprised by the boldness of the young girl. "Who are you to speak against us?" demanded the mustached leader.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm a student, just like yourselves. I came here to learn about your culture and traditions, not to see innocent people hurt."

The soldiers exchanged glances, unsure how to respond to this brave outburst. One of them, a young private, spoke up. "This is no place for outsiders. You should leave while you still can."

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "I can't do that, Private. I won't abandon these people to your cruelty." She turned to Henri. "And you shouldn't either. Your people would never condone such behavior."

"This this is how you want continue, so be it. Take her!"

The mustached leader pointed at Twilight, and two of the soldiers grabbed her roughly, pushing her to the ground. She felt the roughness of the ground against her skin, the sting of tears in her eyes.

"Hey! Let her go!" Henri shouted.

The young private turned to Henri, his eyes narrowing. "You dare to defy us? You too will pay for your insolence."

Without warning, the private grabbed Henri and pulled him close, his hand clamping down on the young boy's arm. Henri winced in pain, but he didn't cry out. He knew that showing any sign of weakness would only make things worse.

They grabbed both Twilight and Henri and dragged them across the clearing, past the terrified villagers and the panicked children. The soldiers shoved them both roughly to the ground, forcing them to look up at the leader as he towered over them.

"They've got Twilight and Henri! What we going to do?" Rainbow panicked.

"We need to help them!" Applejack said, her eyes filled with determination.

"But how?" Rarity asked, her voice shaking with fear. "There are so many of them."

"Hold on, if we rush out there then we'll arrested as well" James warned.

"But they might need our help!" Mikey protested.

"Yes, they might," Sarah agreed. "But we need to be smart about this. We need to find a way to help them without putting ourselves in danger."

"We need a plan, fast."

"We can write to Mr. Franklin about this and tell Moses."

"And who's Mr. Franklin?"

"Benjiman Franklin!"

"Oh right."

They rushed out to see what's happening until...

"Hey, did you say Twilight was taken?" Asked a teen with native Indian outfit

"Uh, yeah. Why do you ask total stranger? Donnie asked with confusion.

"Donnie, it's me."

He glitched and showed it was none other than Leo who was wearing a disguise.

"Leo? What are you doing here?"

"I came to help," Leo replied, his voice steady. "I heard about what happened and I knew I had to be here. These soldiers are not here to protect anyone. They',re here to take what they want and destroy anything that stands in their way.

Then Raph came up.

"Also, I brought Raph with me."

Leo gestured behind him, revealing the teen with a disguise that made him look like an oversized turtle. Raph gave a half-hearted wave, his expression serious. "I'm here to help, too."

"Come on you guys, we don't have time!" Rainbow Dash ordered.

They headed to the chariot cart while Leo and Raph put back on their disguises.

"Who are these fragile men?" Sarak asked Donnie.

"Oh, these are my other brothers. Leonardo and Raphael."

Leo waved passional, while Raph waved reluctantly.

"Come on, Twilight and Henri need our help!" James said.

They hurried onto the cart and the horses raced off back to the village.

Twilight and Henri have now been captured by the Boston Tea Party and it looks like the rest of the team are gonna have to think fast if they ever want to rescue them.