//------------------------------// // Part 4 // Story: My Little Pony: Cozy's Revenge // by CatrosCreativeCorner //------------------------------//  Princess Celestia sighed as she looked out the window, watching her royal guard marching away from the castle in a line of two. Their golden armor shimmered in the evening sun and they marched in sync making the ground under them shake with every step they took.  It may have been a dumb thing to send everyone away from the castle, it was these ponies' jobs to ensure she and her sister were safe. But the white-flanked princess knew that none of them would be able to protect them from the horror that was coming their way. The Alicorn amulet was just a fairy tale to most, something they taught in schools to teach foals and colts what greed can lead to. But Celestia and her sister knew all too well how real the treasure was. So when the captain of her guard Flash returned and told them about the filly having the amulet and using it to get her revenge they both knew their options were limited. “I have told everyone to go home, sister,” Luna said, flying into the throne room, and landing beside her sister. She looked out at the city, the large buildings reaching up to the sky, the fountains glistening in the light, and the hundreds of ponies walking around. Some of them walking home from a long day's work, others laughing with friends and neighbors, and even little kids were busy playing in the street; chasing each other, playing with a ball, or some other little silly filly game. None of them knew what was coming, or the fact that the two sisters might down there running around kicking the ball around with them soon. Of course that was under the assumption Cozy wouldn’t instantly try to take over everything once she got her revenge on them. But knowing the amulet and how it made people crave power Princess Celestia knew the only happy ending would be them defeating the little filly. “Thank you, Luna.” Celestia said, turning her head and smiling at her sister, “My, isn’t this like old times? The world is in danger and it comes down to the two Alicorn sisters to save the day?” She reminisced as if the time they had to seal Discord away or their fight Tirek was them playing as children. “Yes, that does seem to be the pattern for us,” Luna said, though she didn’t return her sister's smile. She knew that her big sister was trying to lighten the mood, but it was hard to let her spirits lift. “Again, just us to save the day.” “I wouldn’t say just you two.” A deep voice said, making the two sisters tense up. Their horns immediately started to glow as they turned, and their wings unfurled as they glared at the intruder. It didn’t sound like Cozy but with the amulet, the little pony could do whatever she wanted including change her voice. But when they turned they saw a white unicorn with a dark blue mane and a pink Alicorn with purple and yellow hair. “Shining Armor, Princess Cadence.” Celestia sighed, lowering her guard, the golden light from her horn fading and she closed her wings. But before she could go and greet them, Luna held her hoof out, her horn shimmering dark blue as she kept her head lowered. “Wait, Sister.” The younger alicorn warned, “This could be a trick, the amulet could easily cast illusions.” She said, making the other two new ponies look at each other worried. “I guess we didn’t think about that before we teleported over here.” Shining Armor said to his wife, blushing a bit. But before anything else could be said besides the two, in a puff of bright pink smoke, a new pony joined the two. A tiny little foal with dark purple and blue hair, a unicorn horn poking out of her head, and white wings at her side. “Flurry Heart!” All four of them said as they looked at the baby, the tiny pony looking at everyone before giggling and clapping her hooves together, happy at the attention that she was getting from the four. The girl immediately started to glow blue as Shining Armor lifted his daughter using magic. “Sorry, she's been teleporting all on her own here of late!” “You were supposed to stay home Flurs.” The unicorn sighed, “It’s not safe for you here you goofball.” He said, getting a coo and raspberry from the baby who either didn’t understand or just didn’t care what her dad had to say. “Maybe this will also sway your opinion of us to our favor,” Cadence said, rolling her eyes at her family, as her horn started to glow and a brown scroll appeared in front of the two, Luna jumping back. But thankfully Celestia rested a hood on her sister before the Princess of the Moon could destroy the scroll and used her magic to open it and hold it. Her pale purple eyes danced across the paper as she read what it said, which was a letter to the Princess of the Crystal Emperor explaining what happened to Twilight and her friends, which thanks to Flash, Celestia, and Luna knew all that. But it explained why the other two knew about the situation and with the smell of smoke coating the paper Celestia figured Spike must’ve sent the message. “Luna, stand down, we can trust them,” Celestia said, rolling the letter up before walking over and hugging the two. “I am grateful to see you two.” She said, letting go of them, “Having another princess and my previous captain of the guard is reassuring. Though Shining Armor, you should take your child back home and stay there with her. My sister and I sent everyone else out of the castle. You are a talented unicorn but I fear you don’t stand a chance against the Alicorn Amulet.” She said. “Alone, you’re right.” He said, before turning to his daughter. “Stay at home Flurs or you’re going to be in trouble.” He said to the girl before she disappeared in a puff of smoke and sparkles, “But I figured with three Alicorns backing me up I might have a fighting chance against her.” “Oh, that's right, I forgot that you were the hero in all of this,” Cadence said, playfully bumping into her husband with a smirk, also getting a smirk from Cadence, glad to see the two in good spirits. They were going to need that positive energy when their pint-sized opponent decided to show up. “So, Princess Celestia, what's the plan?” The young ruler asked, both of them losing their smirks and getting serious all of a sudden. “Well sadly unless we can get the Alicorn necklace off her there's not a whole lot that we can do besides take her down for good.” Celestia sighed, closing her eyes, “And there are only two ways I would feel comfortable doing so. Both are spells that have been locked up in the forbidden archive.” She sighed, her horn glowing as two scrolls appeared in front of them. Both had a red X on them signifying no pony was supposed to use them.  “Is this one…” Luna said, looking at the one closest to her, making her take a step as she felt the energy of the spell, her teal eyes grew wide. “The spell I had to use against you, yes,” Celestia confirmed nodding her head. “If we sent her there then we would have time to try and find a way to get the amulet away from the girl. But with no time to truly alter the spell I feel like after 1,000 winters our fix wouldn’t be needed.” She said, instantly making the spell disappear, leaving the other scroll. “This one still isn’t preferred but if we have to use it against her we can always reverse it.” She explained, rolling it out and holding it so everyone could see it. “This is the statue spell we used against Discord.” Luna immediately noted as she looked the old wrinkly parchment over.  “Yes,” Celestia said nodding her head. “We need to take her out but at least with this we can try and get the amulet away from her and try and save her. But we’re going to all need to know this spell in case she manages to get a couple of us.” The Princess said as she looked at everyone, who nodded their heads. Thankfully she and Luna had pulled this spell off before but Shining Armor and Cadence would need time to learn the spell. “You three make sure you have this down,” She instructed, clicking her hoof on the ground as she looked at her sister. “I’ll buy you as much time as I can of course and I will try and handle this myself but you three will have to try and get the drop on her if I fail. Thankfully Cozy is expecting Luna and I to be here but you, Cadence and Shining Armor, won’t be on her radar.” She instructed, her horn starting to glow with yellow magical energy as she summoned an invisible shield around the castle, trying to make sure the townspeople didn’t know what was going on and would stay calm. “Sister, wait.” Luna said, “Please, let me be the first line of defense the people need you to be okay, you are their ruler!” She exclaimed, rushing in front of the white Alicorn. “Yet, as their ruler, I can’t hide when a threat to them all decides to come to my doorstep.” She said, giving her sister an assuring smile, resting her neck on top of Luna’s head. “Don’t worry we got this.” She assured the blue Alicorn before leaving the three in the throne room. She walked out to the front garden of the castle, at the edge of where the magic shield was, standing as she stared out at the bridge that connected the castle to the town. From what it sounded like the little filly had decided to stop trying to be sneaky so the Princess figured she would try and just waltz in through the front door. As she stared at the bridge, in a flash of red smoke, a pink filly appeared, her eyes glowing red with energy as she smiled at the princess. The world around them was silent as they stared at each other, the town folks had retired to their homes for the night. “Cozy,” Celestia said breaking the silence, “I will ask once. Remove the amulet and turn it over-.” She started to say. “And you’ll lighten my punishment?” The girl interrupted, “Please Celestia, I think you know we are well past you trying to convince me to do anything other than deal with you the same way I dealt with the rest of those pathetic losers.” She said, the silence quickly filling the space between them. Celestia raised a hoof and stomped it down before lowering her head, seeing there was no reasoning with the girl. Of course, the Princess knew that wasn’t exactly the amulet's fault, the girl had always been out for power, so defeating her was going to be the only way to stop all this. “Fine, have it your way, little one.” She said, bracing herself, the girl cackling hearing the Princess. “We’ll see who's the little one after this,” Cozy said, holding her hoof up and a beam of red magical energy shooting from it and going straight at the princess. But before it could hit her the magic beam simply vanished as it hit the magical barrier. Celestia tried to keep her ground, pushing more magic to keep the barrier up, but as the beam continued to hit her shield her legs quickly started to wobble and soon she fell to her knees. “Hm, that was a cute attempt.” Cozy scoffed as she walked up and pushed her hoof against the shield. “I guess I should’ve seen this coming. Oh well, what can you do?” She asked, the amulet around her neck starting to glow once more and she tapped the shield once more making the entire thing melt into sparkles. “This is for your good, child.” Celestia hissed, looking up, and shot another spell at the girl, trying to cast the statue spell. But perhaps she had expended too much energy with the shield spell and keeping it up, or the girl was just too strong. But she simply knocked Celestia’s golden beam away with her hoof. “You princesses are all the same aren’t you?” The pink filly asked with an eye roll, “Oh, you’re gonna be defeated because we’re good and your evil! Bleh, it's so cheesy it makes me want to gag!” She spat as she shot another red beam of magic. “Time for you to join your student in the nursery!” She cackled as she held her hoof there, frowning a bit when the Princess didn’t change form. “Hey?” The girl asked, stopping the spell as she tapped the amulet with her hoof confused. “What's wrong with this thing.” Celestia’s eyes went wide as she felt her energy return to her muscles and her magic reserve fill back up. Sadly the girl's spell worked, but just not how the filly wanted it to. She had made Celestia younger, but not to the point she would be needing to learn her alphabet again, and energized her once again. “Ah! Well taking a few decades away from me feels refreshing.” Celestia said, standing up again, her horn glowing again. Instantly shooting the spell at the girl again, her white wings unfurled, as she threw everything she had into the spell. “Hey!” Cozy pouted, holding her hoof out again as she met the spell with her magical energy. “Oh, that's right… you’re as old as dirt.” Cozy mused, hitting her forehead and shrugging her shoulders as if to ask ‘How could I forget’, and pushed her magical power, quickly overpowering the Princess again, covering her with the red energy again. “Welp this could take a minute.” Cozy sighed, tapping her spare hoof on the ground as she watched the Princess. And it took a couple of minutes before the Princess started to change. First, her hair stopped flowing, then it turned completely pink, and finally, she started to shrink down in size. Quickly becoming a teenager and then a little kid. “Finally!” She huffed watching the now girl getting younger and younger. “Halt yourself, vile filly!” A new voice joined the chorus as a dark form dropped down from the castle and a beam of black energy stuck the girl. Cozy only had enough time to look as she got bathed in the beam of light, sending her flying away. “Sister!” Luna cried, rushing over to her sister, looking down at her once older sibling who was nothing more than a filly now. The little girl kept her eyes closed as she panted, apparently using all the magical energy she had, twice, and being turned into a little pony took its toll. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the rest.” The blue alicorn said, bowing her head down and resting it on the filly as her horn shimmered with black magical energy and Celestia vanished.  “Owie!” Cozy whined as she got back up, “That was a dirty trick! I wasn’t ready for you to join in. I thought you were gone already, and that's why you weren’t down here.” The girl said, brushing herself off and blew a blue a tuff of her light blue hair out of her face. Luna glared at the girl, cursing herself for not taking the chance to cast the statue spell when she had the chance instead of blasting the girl with energy. But she needed to protect her sister and stop Cozy’s assault before it got any worse. Besides, in the second she had to attack after she landed, there wouldn’t have been enough time to summon the energy to cast the spell. “Oh well, not like it mattered.” The girl said with an eye-roll, “You’re only delaying what is going to happen. So why don’t you just surrender quietly and just accept what's going to happen? I’ll try to make it as quick as possible.” She bargained with the Princess. “Hm.” Luna scoffed as she stood tall before giving a flap of her wings, causing dust to stir as she flew into the air, her horn glowing, and starting to fly around. “Well don’t say I didn’t try to make it easy.” Cozy sighed, waving her hoof in front of her mouth as if she were yawning, and jumped off to the side as a beam of magic was thrown at her. “Hey, watch it, that was close!” She growled as she held her hoof up, making the dark blue blur that was buzzing through the air freeze. The Princess glared with anger pouring out of her eyes towards Cozy. The little filly wasn’t affected by this as she lowered her hoof, making the Alicorn move to the ground before releasing her from the freezing spell, just to immediately hit her with the age-draining spell. Which, like before with Celestia, Cozy knew it was going to take some time to drain Alicorn, who was over 1,000 moons old like her sister. And without her pausing Luna didn’t have a chance to retaliate or escape, not that the Alircon would have tried to run. But soon her mane stopped flowing and she got younger, soon starting to shrink just like her sister before her had happened. “Any last words, while you’re able to say them?” Cozy asked, taking a few steps closer to Luna, a smirk across her face as the Alicorn shrunk past her teen years “N-now.” Luna muttered, looking Cozy in the eyes as she stood her ground as the world around her grew. Though Cozy frowned and tilted her head in confusion hearing this. “NOW!” Luna called out, throwing her head in the air. “You got it, Princess Luna!” A deep voice said as a puff of blue smoke and sparkles appeared beside Cozy, and a white pony with a blue mane appeared. His intimidating glaring pierced Cozy like a bolt of lightning making her stop her spell. “So you’re the one who thought they could bully my sister.” “And my sister-in-law.” Another new voice chimed in as a pink Alicorn dropped in beside the unicorn pony. Which, upon seeing Princess Cadence, Cozy was able to figure out who these two were. Princess Twilight's brother and his wife, the newest rulers of the Crystal Empire.  “Oh good, you two are here as well,” Cozy said, holding her hoof in the air and surrounding herself in a red magical shield as the two shot beams of magic at her, the spells dissipated against the shield not doing anything to Cozy. “That just saves me a trip to the snowy wasteland you two call a home.” She spat out, glaring back and forth between the two, and both ponies growled as they tried to push all their magical energy into the spell, hoping their spell would break through the filly’s magical shield. “Now to take out the last Alicorn and start with everyone else!” She laughed, standing up on her back hooves before thrusting her front hooves to the side as bursts of magic shot from them, immediately countering the spells the two tried to hit her with. But the red magic sliced through the magic of the other two and they were soon instantly bathed in the magic, instantly starting to shrink in size. “Now there really won’t be anyone who could even be considered a minor inconvenience to me!” She laughed out. “COZY!” Someone called out, making the filly roll her eyes as she turned around to see who was there. “Ok, who could it be possible this time?!” Cozy spat out, getting tired of these surprise drop-ins. All the other alicorns were taken care of and with Fluttershy taken care of it wasn’t like there was someone would be able to call her god of Chaos Discord. Standing before her were the young 6 students who had tried to stop her before and the CMC, Sweetie Bell at the head of the group, her small horn smoking a bit. If Cozy could guess she would say the small unicorn managed to cast a teleportation spell to get them all there. It must have been too much for the young unicorn to handle as her eyes immediately started to spin before she collapsed to the ground. “Um… She’s fine.” Scootaloo assured ever with a sheepish giggle, “Anyways! We’re here to stop you here and now!” The pegasus said, stomping her hoof to the ground, getting a cheer from her friends. “You nine, oh my bad, eight think you even stand a chance?” Cozy laughed, not counting the passed-out Sweetie Bell, as she tapped her hoof against the ground and chains magically appeared around them, tying them all up and sending them crashing to the ground. “Well, at least you’ll be here to witness me taking out the last pony who stood a slim chance against me.” She said turning to finish the three unconscious ponies and send them to the nursery, when she paused seeing a bright pink filly looking at Princess. “Oh, dear Equestria! If one more person shows up uninvited I’m going to take this entire place to the moon and finish this in peace!” She yelled, stomping her hooves against the ground angrily like she was throwing a tantrum.  “Mama?” Flurry asked, going over to the other Alicorn, who was nothing more than a teen at this point and gently tapped on her. “Mm… Flurry?” Cadence asked, her eye-opening a little bit, “Sweetie, run… Mama… Mama’s sorry.” She said before closing her eyes again, making the foal whine a bit as she turned to Cozy. Of course, the baby had no idea what was really going on, but that someone had hurt her family and that wasn’t good. “Babablagha!” The tiny Alicorn babbled out as she trotted over to Cozy and started to bang her tiny hooves against the pegusus. “Oh, brother,” Cozy growled, not affected by the tiny hits, and held a hoof up and shoved the tiny pony back making her fall back onto her bottom. “Look kid, you’re gonna have new friends here in a few seconds, just stay out of my way.” Cozy said with an eye roll before holding her amulet up, “And then nothing will be able to stop me.” She repeated herself as the amulet pulsed with red energy. “Mm…” Flurry started to whine as tears filled her eyes. Her mom and dad were out cold and not able to give her attention, her bottom hurt from the fall, and now this scary pink pegasus was holding up a scary-looking necklace. Why was this big meanie so big and mean was all the little foal could think about? The little alicorn didn’t like any of this and tears started to fill her eyes. “WAAAAAAH!” Flurry cried out, kicking her hooves. Cozy smirked at this, finding it amusing, at first but then her eyes grew wide as the tiny alicorn’s horn started to spark, and in a flash of white light the girl was blinded. “Well, what should we do with her?” Cozy heard someone ask, their voice sounding distant and echoey like they were at the other end of the tunnel. “She’s less of a threat now than she ever was and with the amulet, we won’t have to worry about it anymore.” The person said, making Cozy frown as she fought to open her eyes she reached up to grab the Alicorn Amulet, but she just felt her chest. “Ba?” She asked opening her eyes and looking around, instantly noticing how big everything was now. “Bahba?!” She tried asking what was going on, but all that came out was baby babble, making her blush and cover her mouth before getting up on her hooves and looking at herself. Instantly noticing how little she was now, she could be any larger than Flurry now, and before she could do anything else she was covered in a black magical arua and was lifted up in the air in front of the three remaining Princesses and Shining Armor, who all glared at her. “Mablah gago!” The now foal whined, trying to break free from the spell to make a break for it, but even as a little kid Luna’s magic was no joke apparently, also Cozy being just a baby now probably didn’t help either. “Well, we owe your daughter a great debt.” Luna sighed, looking at the rulers of the Crystal Empire, Cadence holding a smiling sleeping Cozy in her hoof, rocking her back and forth. “That out-of-control baby Alicorn magic saved the day, giving this one a taste of her medicine and destroying the amulet.” She said. “Yes, thank you Cozy.” Celestia whispered to the sleeping girl, “Though I wish there was a reverse for this, I didn’t ever expect to be stuck as the younger sister.” The Alicorn filly sighed. “I think I might enjoy this new dynamic a bit, baby sister.” Luna teased her sister, before turning and looking at Cozy once more. “Now what to do with this one?” Luna asked looking at everyone. “Oh… I think I have an idea.” Cadence said, looking at her husband with a smirk, winking at him silently telling him ‘You’ll find out here in a bit’. Making the unicorn teen smirk and roll his eyes, knowing he was in for a surprise.