//------------------------------// // A Regular Thanksgiving // Story: Equestria Ninjas: Liberty Thankgiving // by Dinomite123 //------------------------------// After the rescue mission, they finally made it back to Boston. Their journey was nothing short of incredible. They had faced countless obstacles, battled enemies both human and natural, and saved the day against all odds. As they recounted their story to the general and the other officers, they could see the awe and admiration in their eyes. It was clear that their heroics would not be forgotten anytime soon. Meanwhile, in the publish room. "Benjiman Franklin, it's an honor to meet you." Donnie beamed while shaking his hand. "Likewise, Donatello." He said. "I have heard so much about you and the rest of the group finishing the assignment." "So, that we have saved Chayton's father, what do we do now?" Henri asked. "Well, Henri, I think you and your team have proven yourselves to be quite resourceful and capable." Benjamin said, glancing at the rest of the team. "I believe there is still much work to be done. The Boston Tea Party is still creating havoc on this holiday. "So, what do you propose, sir?" Sarah asked, her voice laced with eagerness. "I shall write a letter to Lord North, the Prime Minister of England, expressing our concerns about the situation. We must also inform the Sons of Liberty and gather more support for our cause. As for you, Chayton, I believe you have a future in politics. You have shown yourself to be quite adept at negotiating and strategy." Benjamin smiled, placing a hand on Chayton's shoulder. "And as for you, Sarah," he continued, turning to her, "your skills in map-making and navigation are unparalleled. I believe you would make an excellent cartographer for the colonies. You could even help chart the new territories we hope to explore one day." Sarah beamed at the praise, her cheeks flushing with pride. "Thank you, sir," she said, dipping into a curtsy. "I would be honored to serve my country in any way I can." "Does this mean were able to save the holiday?" Mikey asked. "It is too soon to tell, Michelangelo," Benjamin replied. "But with the combined efforts of all of you, I am confident that we can make a difference. You have proven yourselves to be a formidable team, and I believe that together, we can achieve great things." The next day, the letter spread out across the colonies like wildfire, and the people were inspired by the courage and determination of the young heroes. Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Sarah, and Chayton became symbols of hope and resistance against British tyranny. They received numerous offers of support from the Sons of Liberty and other patriotic organizations. "What does it say?" James asked. Moses unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the words. " "It's from Thomas Jefferson," he said, his voice full of awe. "He has heard of our exploits and wishes to meet with us. He says that he has an important mission for us." The group exchanged excited glances. "When and where does he want to meet?" Donnie asked. "He's waiting for us at the Jefferson Mansion," Moses replied. "We should leave immediately." The team quickly made their way to the Jefferson Mansion, their hearts filled with anticipation. As they approached the grand front door, it was flung open by a young, well-dressed slave. He bowed his head respectfully to them. "Please, follow me," he said, leading them into a lavishly decorated sitting room. In the center of the room, Thomas Jefferson stood with his back to them, staring out the window at the magnificent view of Monticello. He was dressed in a crisp, white wig and an elegant suit, and his posture radiated confidence and wisdom. The team exchanged glances, wondering what he could possibly have in store for them. "Ah, I see you've all arrived," Jefferson said without turning around. "Please, have a seat. I won't keep you waiting much longer." His voice was smooth and soothing, like the sound of a warm summer breeze. The team took their seats, glancing around the room as they waited for Jefferson to speak. The furniture was exquisite, made of rich mahogany and adorned with intricate carvings. The walls were lined with books, paintings, and maps, hinting at Jefferson's vast knowledge and interests. A large fireplace crackled in the corner, adding a cozy warmth to the room despite the chill in the air. "Wow, this must have been some rich guy from the 18th century has bought this place." Mikey commented. "I could make myself comfortable here." "Mikey, behave yourself." Donnie whispered. Thomas Jefferson finally turned around to face them, his warm, intelligent eyes taking in each of their faces in turn. "You are all aware of the political turmoil that our beloved colonies are facing at the moment," he began. "You have proven yourselves to be courageous and resourceful in the face of adversity, and for that, I am truly grateful." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "As you may know, I have been working on a document, one that I believe will help guide our country towards freedom and independence. This document is called the Declaration of Independence, and it is my hope that it will inspire others to join us in our struggle against tyranny." The team exchanged glances, unsure of what Jefferson was asking of them. "We are honored to have met you, sir," James said, speaking for them all. "But we're just simple folk. How can we possibly help with something as important as that?" Jefferson smiled warmly. "You underestimate yourselves," he said. "Your adventures in the wilderness, your encounter with the native tribes, and your daring rescue of the captives have given you a unique perspective. I need you to journey back to the wilderness, to the heart of the continent, and gather information about the native tribes. I believe that their support will be crucial to our success." "So, does this mean we have peace for the season?" Henri asked. Jefferson considered the question carefully before responding. "I fear not, my friend. The road to freedom is never an easy one. But with your help, and the help of others like you, we can forge a path towards a brighter future. A future where our children and their children can live in peace and prosperity, free from the shackles of tyranny." "What about Thanksgiving?" Twilight asked him. Jefferson considered the question thoughtfully. "Well, I believe that as we gather information and work towards our goal, it is important to remember the things we are thankful for. Perhaps this year, you could spend Thanksgiving with the native tribes you will encounter, learning from their traditions and sharing your own. In that way, you can not only gather information but also build bridges of understanding and friendship." The team smiled and nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of purpose and determination welling up inside them. "We'll do our best, Mr. Jefferson," they promised. "We won't let you down." Thomas Jefferson beamed at them, his expression full of warmth and gratitude. "I have no doubt that you will not," he said, extending his hand. "I wish you all the best on your journey, and may the winds of freedom guide you safely home." Later, as they left Monticello, the team felt a sense of determination and purpose that they had never experienced before. The air was crisp and cold, and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds. They knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but they were more than prepared to face whatever challenges lay in their path. Their first stop was a small village populated by the Delaware tribe. As they approached, they were greeted by the sight of a bustling community, with people busily tending to their crops and huts. The chief of the tribe, an elderly man with a wise and kindly face, invited them into his home for a traditional feast. As they ate, they shared stories and learned about the Delaware's way of life, their customs, and their relationship with the land. "Hey, Chayton. Thank you for helping us." Twilight said to him. "Thank you." Chayton replied. "Even though your young, your pretty clever and brave." The team nodded, feeling honored by the compliment. After the feast, they spent some time exploring the village and learning about the Delaware's way of life. They noticed that the people were particularly skilled at crafting bows and arrows, and their houses were expertly constructed from natural materials like wood and animal hide. As they talked to the villagers, they learned that the Delaware had been living in peace with the other tribes in the area, trading goods and sharing knowledge. However, they also expressed concerns about the growing tensions between the native tribes and the settlers from the east. Later, the team were at the Pennsylvania colony once again, but this time to say goodbye. "Can't you all stay a bit longer?" Sarah asked. "I heard your good at writing, Twilight." "Sorry, Sarah. But we have our own home in New York." She replied. "Why do you guys even live in New York?" James asked. "That's just our home." Leo said. "I know we've been friends for a short time. But, we'd really like you to know that we'll always be there for you. Even if we can't be there in person, we'll always keep in touch through letters and such. And if you ever need help with anything, you can always ask. We'll do our best to help you." Twilight assured her. "Thank you for helping us with our report and saving our friend." Sarah smiled. The team smiled and waved goodbye, as they mounted their horses and rode off. Finally they arrived at a clear spot. "You guys ready?" Donnie asked. "Yes, I want to get out of these clothes." Raph whined. They teleported all the way back the present time in the lair. "Well, that was an interesting trip." Mikey said as they took off their costumes. "Home at last!" Rarity smiled. "Yeah, I can't believe we had experienced havoc." Rainbow Dash said. "And I can't believe we actually met Benjiman Franklin!" Donnie beamed. "Now that that's done, I need write what I've learned from our little adventure." Twilight ran off. "Right behind you!" That was another adventure done and remembered. Now that have what they need for Twilight's school assignment, they could focus on other things. This time was a colonial Thanksgiving, But soon their will be more adventures for them to face. THE END