A Wonderful Sight

by Nailah

The Only Chapter In Sight

All the changelings gathered together under the tree, and all of them reached out to take each other’s hooves as one.

Except one.

Thorax stood outside of the greeting area to where the lings would enter one by one. Not a single frown among not even a single ling. It was always a joy and delight to see. The pure love of their kind, and yet something was not right.

“I feel…,” He began staring up towards the many  clouds shifting throughout the sky, drops of snowflakes dashing by. One hit his nose, oh so gracefully. Thorax sneezed, brushing specs of powder off his face. “Something calling to me.”

Sunset Shimmer pouted, and sighed walking through the streets of Canterlot. She watched little ponies going from house to house, delivering the joy and wonder of the season.

She shivered slightly, pulling her jacket a bit more tightly. Her ear muffs kept dangling down the back of her jacket, she tugged and pulled, pushing them tighter against her ears.

“Every pony, no every creature is always filled with such joy, and yet I feel there is something not quite right.” 

Sunset Shimmer considered briefly, taking the train to Ponyville, to ask a certain Princess what to do, but her gut told her that the answers lay within her own heart.

Snowflakes falling, Crystal calling, and the hums of the melodies brought peace and Harmony.

“Hey Thorax!” Spike called from the spot where he stood. “I brought you a gift!” 

Thorax chuckled, visibly seeing Spike struggle to carry the obscure rather largely profound gift atop his head. 

“You didn’t have to get me anything, for your friendship is all I need,” Thorax smiled down at him, carefully taking the gift, and setting it down beside him. 

“Phew! That was awfully heavy,” He admitted rubbing his claw against his head, and taking a deep wistful breath.  “Why aren’t you with the rest of the Changelings? Isn’t it your Hearth’s Warming tradition to sing under the tree?”

“It is, but I felt something, or perhaps someone calling  to me,” Thorax began to explain, even though he had no clue what to say.

“Usually your feelings are right,” Spike declared, with  not a moment to spare. He patted Thorax’s hoof gently. “I know whatever is wrong, you are just the ling for  the job.”

Thorax nodded.
“Yeah, I just wish I knew what or who, or even where to start looking.”

Spike pondered on it. 
“Let your heart guide you, I can say from experience  that I don’t always know what to do,” Spike admitted. “But following my heart is how I found you.”

Sunset Shimmer walked up towards Canterlot Palace, staring up at the massive building. She stood silently, hoping the light would once shine again.

“It’s never that easy, or that simple,” Sunset reminded herself, pushing her scarf out of her face, and trotting off to find some space to ponder and reflect on.

Sunset walked and walked, just watching the ponies from all around, gather and spread joy throughout the land. 

A light shone, and there was a pause.

Sunset felt a pull towards a place she sought not to go previously. She scurried to hop onto the train, getting to Ponyville would be the fastest route to get to where she truly needed to be. Whether she fully knew why, didn’t matter. Her cutie mark shimmered like the night sky.

 Thorax closed his eyes, and listened to the soft thump, thump, thump of his heart. He took a deep breath, in slowly and then exhaled, opening his eyes, he looked for a sign.

Thorax dashed toward Ponyville without a fright for he sensed without sight, that no matter who, what or how, the answers laid within Ponyville.

The trek through the woods was neither perilous, nor arduous. He paced himself through clumps of snow, even falling into a few here and there. He got back up, never allowing even for a moment of hesitation to be seen within his dazzling gaze.

Leaping from one snow pile to another, Thorax giggled and gleamed, finding himself feeling like a young ‘ling, all over again.

“We wish you a Happy Warming’s and a Wonderful New Year!” chimed the little ponies of Ponyville.

Thorax grinned from ear to ear, hearing them from on top of a hill, near and dear. This was the spot Spike and him used to always sit before things had changed for all of Equestria.

“Ponyville always looks the same, full of magic, harmony and love,” Thorax declared, but looking down into Ponyville, his heart felt something amiss, something, or someone a drift and perhaps lost in not knowing their place.

He slowly walked down the hill, towards Ponyville. Step by step, he was careful not to slip and end up making himself into a snowball. 

“It would be interesting to see a snowling,” He declared, finally making it to the bottom of the hill.

Thorax headed straight for Twilight’s castle, feeling its familiarity draw him in, like a bug to a light, but in the most pleasant of ways. The entirety of Ponyville was filled from corner to corner, street to street, and not even a single house was not filled with all  the joys and wonders of the season.

Thorax bumped head first into another pony.

“Oh! Excuse me, I was just on my way to see Twilight and the others,” He stammered, looking directly at the pony. 

She had a beautiful yellowish orange coat of fur, her scarf wrapped against her neck was a little too loose, and her ear muffs continued to dangle. Her big bright teal eyes shimmered and left him staring. Her beautiful yellow and red mane and tail left him gawking.

“Woah, Sorry!” He said, a bit flustered, rubbing the side of his cheeks.

“It’s alright, I was actually heading there myself, but not to stay,” Sunset began to explain. “Not for long anyways. I just know it’s not where I’m supposed to be. Some creature is calling me.”

“You too huh?” Thorax questioned.

“Huh?” Sunset paused. “You mean to tell me, you feel it too?”

“Yeah, I do.” Thorax explained. He gestured with his hooves in the air, pointing up towards  the sky. “I felt a call, something or someone that needed help. It’s always the trouble not knowing where, who, or how to even help if I don’t know where to start and it causes me to pout.” 

“Hmm…Yeah. That sounds about right,” Sunset chuckled.

“I’m Thorax by the way, it’s a pleasure  to meet you, on this day,” Thorax extended his hoof in greetings, and perhaps new found friendship in the season.

“Sunset Shimmer, but I’m sure you already knew that,”  Sunset groaned slightly. It didn’t matter how many Hearth’s Warming passed, she always felt just a bit sad.

“You frown, why?” Thorax asked, puzzled, tilting his head to the side, and then the other. “I sense your heart is filled with magic, love and harmony, so why is your smile upside down?”

Sunset Shimmer laughed, and chuckled.
“It’s a long story…” Sunset replied, gesturing with a hoof towards Twilight’s castle.

“I like stories, and I don’t mind listening however long it takes, unless you really just need a break,” Thorax said.

“I don’t want to think about it, about all my failings and faults,” Sunset stammered. “Especially to a potential new friend I just met.”

“I understand,” Thorax said, nodding his head.

“If  you’re heading  to Twilight’s,” Sunset began. “Perhaps we could go together?” 

“I would love that very much!” Thorax replied, standing next to Sunset’s side.

Two creatures, pony and changeling, trotted together amidst the Ponyville cheer, and no matter what their pasts may be, the two of them found friendship indeed.

This is our tale, our little story to share with you all the glory and wonder of Hearth’s Warming and we wish to you, A Happy Hearth’s Warming for all!