Echoes Of Equestria

by Techogre

Chapter 6: Denouement


On the evening of July 23rd, 2059, officers responded to a call regarding suspicious robot activity in a residential area. Upon arrival at the scene, they discovered an unresponsive individual identified as Alex Roberts, along with an equine-form robot with a Rainbow Dash skin and null-grav lift units attempting to guard the body.

The medical team arrived on site but was unable to retrieve the body due to the robot's position and the complexity of the situation. The decision was made to destroy the robot as a safety precaution, as it exhibited erratic behaviour and did not respond to verbal commands. As the robot was shutting down, it continued to repeat the phrase "I love you" while physically touching the body.

Post-incident forensic analysis revealed that all the nodes in the quantum processor were dimensionally locked, making it impossible to access any data stored within the device. The investigation is ongoing into the cause of the unresponsiveness and the nature of the robot's attachment to the body.

The body of Alex Roberts was eventually retrieved for proper burial and autopsy. Any further information or developments in the case will be reported as necessary.

And then...

...I was nothing.

As I lay in the grass, the sun's warmth beat down upon my body, a gentle caress that soothed my soul. The air was alive with the sweet scent of lilacs, their delicate petals dancing in the summer breeze. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, savouring the intoxicating aroma that filled my lungs.

With every inhale, I could feel the blades of grass tickling my skin, their cool edges softening as they touched my cheek. The world seemed to slow down, and for a moment, I was transported back to a simpler time when my only worries were playing hide-and-seek and making daisy chains.

And then, from the corner of my eye, I saw them. The lilacs. Their beautiful blooms swayed in the breeze, their fragrance mingling with the sun's warmth, creating a symphony of sensations that left me breathless. But as I reached out to touch one of their delicate petals, I felt something else. Something soft yet firm. Something real.

With trembling fingers, I turned towards the source of the sensation, and there she was. My companion, my friend, my confidante. My sky-blue angel. Not human, not plastic, but alive and real, just as I knew she was.