A Blaze Brought Forth Again

by Tyler-the-Brony

Prologue Chapter 4: A Great Character

Sometimes parents aren’t really all that certain in naming their child. None but one pony can predict the future near perfectly. Sometimes they just have to take a chance.

The pony named Character grew up and passed through school with little to no issues, still unaware of what his special talent might be or how his name could relate to it.

Eventually, Character happened to catch the attention of one pony by the name of Photo Finish. Upon hearing his voice and how he could manipulate it, Photo Finish knew that character could help her establish a new career and reputation in a whole new field for her

Today, Character voices a wide variety of characters on many of Equestria’s top shows. Character never forgets his humble roots though, and never ignores an invite to a Pinkie Pie Party if he can help it.