What Hurts The Most

by KTCO-Official

Love You Out Loud

The gray pegasus sat on her bed, her face buried in her pillow, staining the upholstery with fresh tears. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, the stallion she promised she would care for forever. Being honest, not even Eclipsa herself knew why she did it. Was it because she didn't love him? No, that wasn't it. Was it because she needed a break? No, not quite that either. Something deep within her told her that there was a reason, and that reason would be clear soon enough. The only thing she knew for sure was that her superior officer, Marshall Justician Armore, was currently standing two feet from her, sternly looking at her. She used what energy she had to look up and fake a smile.

"M-Marshall! I-I didn't see you there, what's up? A new mission?" She said, with false confidence. The look in the eyes of the pony in front of her made her fake smile waver, slightly.

"We both know why I'm here, Agent. I knew you getting emotionally invested in that younger Shot would result in something like this. How did he hurt you? I assure you whatever he's done to you, I can do significantly worse."

Eclipsa knew this was true. Justician was a skilled tactician and soldier, if she wanted to she could singlehandedly turn Winter into a pony pretzel. Eclipsa looks down at her, and begins to tear up slightly. She didn't know what to say. She didn't even know what she could say.

"I.... I assure you, Marshall, nothing is the matter. I-I just decided that I didn't have the focus for a relationship. It took me away from my missions."

The Marshall in front of her nodded, knowing it was a lie, but decided not to press.

"Sometimes that's for the best.... especially considering you were in a relationship with that..."soldier"... Winter Shot was no match for you."

Eclipsa sighs and nods. She turns to look at a picture on the wall, a picture containing her and Winter on a beach, the first time she and him exchanged the words "I Love You." She could barely stand to look at it now. She turns her head to look at the other pictures on the wall, and she realized nearly every one had Winter involved, and some with Permafrost.


How would she talk to Perma after this? She would have to, she left him alone with Winter. She couldn't imagine how sad Winter looked as she walked away. A sudden cough distracted her, turning her attention back to Justi.

"You have a meeting in ten. Get ready, it's important... and Eclipsa... I feel what you're going through."

That was all that was said while she walked away, leaving Eclipsa alone with her thoughts.