Fulfilling a Fantasy

by gmen15

Fulfilling a Fantasy

Fulfilling a Fantasy

It was a typical, sunny day in Ponyville. Birds sang a beautiful harmony, leaves rustled as a gentle breeze passed by, and the resident librarian pony was preparing to perform a potentially problematic spell.

Yep, nothing out of the ordinary happening.

Twilight Sparkle stood in the center of the library, looking down at a red magic book that lay open on the floor in front of her. Her violet eyes scanned the pages as she read, reread, and re-reread the spell that she planned to cast. Spike watched in nervous anticipation, keeping his distance. Sure there were multiple times Twilight had cast spells that could be considered risky, and while this spell wasn't exactly "riskier" than the others, it certainly was different. It was more than simple teleportation or levitation, it was transformation, a spell that would completely change Twilight’s physical appearance. She never cast anything like it before, not intentionally at least, so Spike couldn’t help but have his doubts.

“Uh, Twilight. Are you sure this is a good idea?” Spike asked nervously, keeping his distance from the purple unicorn.

“Positive.” Twilight answered.

“What if you turn into her completely? You know, both in body and in mind.” Spike asked, taking a cautious step towards his focused unicorn friend.

Twilight turned to face Spike, pointing her hoof at the book.

“It’s only a physical transformation, not a mental one. This spell will allow me to change my appearance so that I look like her, but I’ll still be me."

She turned back to her book, but Spike still wasn’t convinced.

“But what about Rainbow Dash?” What if she doesn’t like the fact that her marefriend is a completely different pony?”

Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle. Not only did she know Rainbow Dash would love the result of the spell, but she would most likely think it was the coolest thing in the history of cool things.

About a week ago, while waiting in the cyan pegasus’ bedroom for her to finish showering, she found a blue journal lying on Rainbow Dash’s messy desk. Out of blatant curiosity, Twilight used her magic to open the book to the first page. She let out a small gasp when she realized it was a diary.

Rainbow Dash’s diary.

Twilight was confused as millions of thoughts began to race through her head.

Why would she keep a diary?

Weren’t those too girly for her?

Did she write about that time we both had too much cider and woke up on the floor of Sugarcube Corner, reeking of cider, sweat and shame?

Not that it was a bad night, it just wasn't something Twilight was comfortable having recorded.

With these questions filling her mind, Twilight couldn’t help but become curious about the diary, and the secrets it held. She knew she shouldn’t have looked at it, that it was a violation of all things she stood for regarding privacy. But the temptation to learn her marefriend’s secrets proved to be too great and it wasn’t long before she found herself flipping through the many pen-covered pages of the journal. The book was half-filled with different entries, ranging in length from only a few lines to taking up multiple pages in the book.

Twilight read cautiously, listening for the shower to turn off so that she’d know to put the diary back in its original place and act innocent when her marefriend flew out of the bathroom, her mane dripping wet and her coat glistening as steam billowed around her frame like some powerful goddess making her ascent from the sea.

Twilight caught herself drooling at the sensual image and immediately stopped fantasizing, letting out a sheepish chuckle before she proceeded to enjoy the forbidden fruit that was Rainbow Dash’s diary. Most of the entries dealt with either the Wonderbolts or her “egg-headed marefriend’s amazing kisses”, which naturally flattered Twilight.

Eventually, she came across a short entry from a few months back, before she and Rainbow Dash started dating. Twilight started to read it.

”Wednesday, October 14th...or is it 15th?...eh, who cares,

Not like anypony will read this but me anyway.

"Think again." Twilight giggled before she continued reading.

"Okay, so I just got the latest copy of the newest Daring Do novel, and I’m super pumped. I'm looking forward to snuggling in my bed tonight with the lights dimmed so I can start reading the latest adventure for my fictional icon. It’s gonna be so awesome!

But, there’s something else I need to get off my hooves, something very personal that's been bothering me for the past few days. Recently I’ve noticed something odd about these books. Not the stories themselves, they’re totally wicked sweet. But it has to do with how I feel about Daring Do as a character. It’s just...I don’t know, thinking about her makes me feel all...tingly inside. I can’t help but wonder if I’m actually in love with her.

I know it’s weird to have romantic feelings for a fictional character. Especially me! Heck I can’t even share my feelings to Twilight because the idea of admitting that I love her, a mare, scares me! But to admit to anypony, even myself, that I have sexual fantasies about a made-up pony like Daring Do...that takes it to a whole new level of awkwardness!

I could never come out and say, 'Hey! Guess what everypony, I’m in love with a fictional mare from a fictional book series!' I mean, I’m not one of those ponies that clamor after those vamp-ponies from those novels everypony in Equestria reads.

At least I don’t try to be.

But it’s just that...she’s just so brave and...cute that…I don’t know, I guess I like her. Maybe it’s just a high level of admiration? Or maybe it’s more.

Hopefully I’ll figure this out soon, because I’m driving myself crazy. I hope that it is simple admiration, but I don’t know.

Dashie out”

Twilight gawked at what her marefriend wrote, stunned that she had these feelings for a fictional character. She was so deep in shock that she failed to hear the shower turn off and the door to the bathroom open. She turned to see an adorably humiliated Rainbow Dash. She had been caught red-hoofed.

At first the usually tough pony was humiliated, tears forming in her eyes, feeling like a part of her had been violated. But it was more to do with what Twilight read, and how ashamed of herself she was for having those feelings for Daring Do.

"Why do I have such childish, immature feelings?" Rainbow Dash asked in-between sniffles as Twilight looked at her with a mix of pity and guilt, pity for how sad Rainbow Dash was, and guilt not only from reading the diary but upsetting her marefriend.

Twilight apologized for reading the journal and went on to tell the saddened Rainbow Dash how it was natural to have a crush on somepony that was either famous or fictional. With comforting words like these, it wasn’t hard to get Rainbow Dash to calm down, her worries slowly disappearing like a morning fog in the sun.

She even laughed a little at the situation. Twilight joining in the giggle-fit as the couple laughed at the situation before they kissed.

But even a week after this day, Twilight couldn’t stop thinking about the diary entry. She wasn’t upset about it, or even jealous. Like she said, most ponies had a little crush on at least one fictional character. The difference was Twilight could do something about it for Rainbow Dash, something special that her marefriend wouldn’t soon forget.

Today, she would turn herself into a real life representation of Daring Do.

“Helloooo! Earth to Twilight,” Spike said, as he had yet to have his question answered, “What if she isn’t happy seeing you turned into another pony?”

“Trust me, she’ll love it.” Twilight said with a chuckle as she closed the book with her magic, “Okay, I think I’ve got this down.”

“Are you sure maybe you don’t want a sandwich or something first? Maybe we can talk about this and I can convince you how stupid this whole thing is?” Spike asked, hoping his friend would re-consider.

Twilight levitated the book back onto the shelf before bringing down a second one. This one was much thicker than the last. Its cover was decorated with vibrant images of a familiar, tan pegasus fighting off beasts while flying through the air on a vine over a mass of snakes and what appeared to be rabid chinchillas with red eyes and foaming mouths. The title, “Daring Do and the Temple of Ni” read on the cover in big, charismatic white letters. She placed the books down in front of her.

“Spike it isn’t stupid. It’s a gift to celebrate our anniversary.”

“A one-month anniversary.” Spike grumbled before he continued his rant, “And it is stupid, Twilight. Don’t you think she wants to spend your anniversary with you, not Daring Do?”

“Did you make that rhyme on purpose?”

Spike looked shamefully at his feet, “I thought it would help me emphasize my point.”

Twilight lowered the book to the floor in front of her and sighed, “Look, Rainbow has the biggest crush on Daring Do, and I want tonight to be as romantic as possible. She'll love it.”

“And if she doesn’t?” Spike asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Then I use my magic to turn back, simple as that.”

“Wait, will that work? I mean, you’ll be a pegasus, and pegasi can’t perform magic like unicorns.”

“Normally that's true, but the spell book said I’ll still have enough magic to change back,” Twilight said.

“But what if the book is wrong?”

Twilight thought for a moment before shrugging, “Only one way to find out.”

Spike opened his mouth to say something, but then stopped, realizing it was pointless to argue with Twilight anymore. She knew what she wanted, and she’d do anything and everything to make it happen. Trying to talk her out of it would do nothing but further irritate the baby dragon so he threw his arms up in defeat.

“Whatever. Look, if you change your mind I’ll be in the kitchen eating some of those turquoise gems, and when Rainbow Dash gets here I’ll probably head over to Donut Joe’s for the day, give you two some privacy.” Spike said, walking off with an annoyed look on his face, but his eyes showed worry.

Twilight focused her mind on the spell she wanted to cast, and kept her eyes fixed on the image of Daring Do on the book cover. She gritted her teeth, imagining her taking her form as she could feel the magic build up in her horn.

She fired off the spell, her entire body surrounded in a magenta aura. She could feel every muscle, every bone, every strand of fur on her skin tingle as the spell took effect, changing her form to match that of the novel character.

Rainbow Dash flew through Ponyville, humming merrily and waving to ponies as she passed. She was on her way to Twilight’s to celebrate their first month anniversary as a couple. She was excited at the idea of spending the evening with Twilight. But she was especially excited because Twilight told her she had a special surprise for her.

A surprise? Just the thought alone was enough to make Rainbow Dash giddy.

The possibilities seemed nearly endless.

Could Twilight have gotten her a vintage Wonderbolt uniform?

The newest Mares and Roses album that was released just yesterday?

Or could Twilight be planning something more…sensual planned for when she arrived?

The last thought made Rainbow Dash shudder. But it wasn’t a shudder of disgust or fear, rather it was one of excitement at the idea of getting intimate with her marefriend. Most of Rainbow Dash’s fantasies that involved Twilight had her with a very “librarian” look, wearing a pair of bifocals, her mane tied up in a bun, a ruler in one hoof and a sultry look on her face. She would slowly trot over to Rainbow Dash with the dreamiest pair of bedroom eyes imaginable.

”Miss Dash, I told you there’s no talking in the library. I guess I’ll have to punish you.”

”Oh, yes Miss Sparkle, please do. I’ve been a bad little mare.”

Rainbow Dash imagined this bizarre dream until she crashed into something, her face connecting with a solid form. She slid to the ground and rubbed her nose with her hoof, groaning as the pain began to slowly subside.

”Crud, why do I fly into everything?” She thought, looking up to see what she flew into. Realizing it was Twilight’s library, she let out a sigh of relief. ”Oh well, at least I reached my destination.”

She stood back up, brushing dirt from her body. Once she regained her composure, she looked up at the door, acting like a blockade to the one she loved. Her stomach started to feel like tiny, little birds were flapping their wings within it. But it wasn't a bad feeling. She was just excited to see Twilight.

And why shouldn't she be? It was their anniversary and Twilight said she had a special surprise waiting for her. Grinning from cheek to cheek, Rainbow Dash raised her hoof and knocked on the door three times. After a couple of seconds, the door opened up to reveal a very irritated Spike.

“Hey there Spike.”

“Hello Rainbow Dash, you’re here to see Twilight?”

“Yeah, where is she?”

“She’s waiting for you in the back room.” Spike said, pointing over his shoulder towards the back section of the library. “The door’s shut, so you’ll have to knock.”

Noticing the dragon’s irritated expression, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but wonder what had made him so grouchy. He usually wasn't so cold when letting Rainbow Dash in. So why was he now?

“You okay Spike? You’re acting like something’s bothering you.”

“Oh no,” Spike said in a tone that showed he was anything but fine, “I’m just the teensiest bit annoyed that Twilight never seems to listen to anything I have to say. I swear, I think she listens to Owlicious more than me.”

Spike crossed his arms and looked away from Rainbow Dash, waiting for her to respond.

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash said, immediately losing interest in the baby dragon’s problems. Her mind back onto her marefriend, “so...you said Twilight’s in the back room right?”

Spike sighed and, without looking up from the ground, gave the pegasus a slow nod in affirmation. Rainbow thanked Spike and flew by him. Spike stood in the door-frame with his face in his hand, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“Honestly, I might as well be talking to a wall.”

With that, Spike walked out of the library and slammed the door shut behind him, sulking off to Donut Joe’s.

Back inside the library, Rainbow reached the back room of the library. The door was closed, but if Spike was correct, her marefriend was just on the other side. Gently landing onto the hardwood floor, Rainbow Dash knocked on the door and waited for a response.

“Yes?” came Twilight’s voice from the other side.

“Hello Miss Sparkle! It’s your little Dashie.” Rainbow Dash said sensually.

Twilight laughed, “Rainbow! Of course, the door’s unlocked. Come on in!”

The seductive nature of that last part made Rainbow Dash’s wings stiffen slightly, but not enough to be noticeable unless you were looking for it...and Twilight undoubtedly would be.

She slowly opened the door with a grin on her face, making her way into the room before she closed the door with her back hoof.

The room was somewhat large, the walls seemed to be replaced with shelves filled with books. A large window leading outside to a balcony was at the end of the room, the sun shining brightly through the transparent glass and landing on the wood floor, leaving the criss-cross patterns of the window on the hardwood floor. Rainbow scanned the room, looking for any sign of her marefriend, but all she saw was a plethora of books lined up on the towering shelves, and a red, velvet sofa that had often played host to their make-out sessions.

“Um, Twilight where the hay are you?”

“Look up.”

Not sure what to expect, Rainbow Dash tilted her head up towards the ceiling. What she saw made her jaw drop in complete and utter shock.

There, floating about ten feet above her in the flesh was none other than the literary hero known as Daring Do. Everything was accurate from the color of her coat, to the jacket on her body, to the adventurer’s hat placed atop her head that pressed down her now short, grey mane.

But there was one stark difference between the two. In the books, Daring Do had red eyes, much like Rainbow Dash’s own. But this Daring Do had a familiar pair of violet eyes.

“Hey Rainbow! It's me, Daring Do. I have come here to recruit you for a quest!” “Daring Do” called down with a salute.

The voice of “Daring Do” matched the beautiful eyes, and Rainbow Dash needed no further evidence to know who this real-life Daring Do was.

“T-twilight, is that you?” Rainbow gawked.

“Yep!” Twilight laughed as she flew down to the ground, landing directly in front of Rainbow Dash, a grin on her new face. She pushed her grey mane back and wiped her forehead with the back of her hoof, “Phew, how does all this flying not make you pegasi tired all the time?”

But Rainbow Dash was too stunned to answer that question.


“Yes, I’m Daring Do. The brave, strong, cute, adventurous mare!” Twilight said authoritatively, puffing her chest out and making a face she often saw Daring Do make on the cover of the book, a frown coupled with a cocky smile. "And...the pony of your fantasies."

Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a wink. She giggled at the pegasus' facial expression, her jaw hanging open and her cheeks burning red.

Twilight returned to her normal speaking voice, “Well, what do you think? Do you like it?”

Rainbow Dash was so stunned that words didn’t come to her for about ten seconds. She couldn’t believe that the mare standing in front of her, the mare she read stories about, was Twilight Sparkle.

Her marefriend, her love, transformed into her fictional crush.

“Y-yes…I…I do like it. But…how did you…?” Rainbow Dash began asking, only to have Twilight cut her off.

“I found a spell that allows me to take the form of fictional beings.” Twilight said, gesturing to her new body. The tan fur, the adventurer’s hat and shirt, her grey mane, the slightly more athletic build; she was exactly like Daring Do in every way.

Minus the eyes and the voice.

“I…uh…wow.” Was all Rainbow Dash could say as Twilight neared, her violet eyes half-closed and a seductive smile on her face. She was in full-on bedroom-mode, and with her appearance that of Daring Do, all Rainbow Dash could do was stand still and blush.

"So, Rainbow Dash, I hear you're a big fan of me and my stories." Twilight said, fluttering her eye-lashes.


"Well, I really like my fans, they make me feel...adventurous."

Suddenly, Twilight completely closed the gap and kiss Rainbow Dash on the lips, causing the already shocked pony to become even more so as her wings flared out. Their lips stayed pressed together for a full minute before Twilight broke it. She laughed as she saw Rainbow Dash’s expression. Her cheeks bright red, eyes wide and wings still fully erected. She looked into her marefriend’s eyes. The sight of them made Rainbow Dash’s heart melt. The confusion began to disappear, and soon Rainbow Dash felt another emotion take over, one that was much more powerful than simple confusion.

Before Twilight could say another word, Rainbow Dash lunged at her, knocking her to the floor in a kiss that was even more passionate and powerful than the one Twilight initiated. Rainbow Dash ran her tongue against Twilight’s lips, enticing her marefriend to grant her entrance. Twilight obliged and soon both mares’ mouths her open, their tongues pushing against one another, fighting for dominance in the kiss.

Rainbow Dash was ecstatic. Not only was she making out with the pony she loved, but said pony was in the form of her fictional crush. It was the ultimate form of role-playing! The ultimate dream for a fan-girl of anything! To have your partner take the form of your fictional hero!

But she wasn't the only one having a good time. Twilight was also happy, but her happiness was more for Rainbow Dash’s own joy. She knew this was a dream come true for her, and was more than happy to help her achieve it.

Slowly, the two broke the kiss and looked into each other’s eyes like they were trying to see each other's soul.

After a few minutes of silence, both mares taking the entire situation in, Twilight spoke.

“Well Dashie, I knew you had a crush on Daring Do, but this is taking it to a new level. Makes me wonder what your fantasies with her include.”

“Oh you have no idea Twi.” Rainbow snickered, pressing her lips back against Twilight’s as they engaged in yet another kiss.

After a few more moments of this, they separated yet again. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash looked around, visibly nervous about something.

“Hey, um, Twilight?”

“Yes Rainbow?”

“While you have wings, I was wondering if you'd be interested in trying something...different.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Would you...would you like to fly with me?” Rainbow Dash asked, giving Twilight a meek smile.

Twilight returned the smile, “Of course Rainbow.”

Rainbow Dash smiled at her friend and they trotted over to the window. Twilight pushed it open and gestured Rainbow to exit first. Once they were both outside, they made their way to the ledge of the balcony. Rainbow Dash jumped up and hovered in the air above Twilight, extending her hoof and motioning for her to join her. Twilight pressed the trademark hat against her head to ensure it wouldn’t fall off, and using her new wings, flew up to Rainbow Dash’s level so they were eye-to-eye, Rainbow’s red eyes gazing into Twilight’s crystalline purple eyes.

Twilight smiled at her marefriend, who couldn't help but stare in awe at Twilight's beauty. The way the sunlight glistened off of her brown coat, how her still violet eyes reminded Rainbow Dash of the mare beneath, the one that loved her more than anything else, the one that was willing to go to such lengths, even change her physical being, just to make her happy.

How Rainbow Dash won Twilight’s heart, she’d never know. But it didn’t matter. Heck, nothing mattered except the feelings they shared for each other.

Twilight flew closer to Rainbow Dash so their bellies touched, her hooves wrapped around Rainbow’s waist as they hovered above the balcony like two angels entwined. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her love-induced daze and grinned. Her cheeks so red that if “STOP” was painted on her forehead, she could halt traffic.

The cyan pegasus returned the embrace by wrapping her own hooves around Twilight’s torso. She then flew straight up in the air, high into the sky, not taking her eyes off of Twilight’s eyes even for a moment. The wind rushed past them, making Twilight press her hat down against her head to keep it from flying off. The air got thinner, but neither mare cared enough to notice. They were soaring above the clouds with no stop in sight.

Soon they were so high that the houses in Ponyville looked like tiny sprinkles atop the ice-cream that was the ground. The two mares were higher than most of the clouds. In fact, there didn't seem to be a cloud above them, and if there was any, the two ponies were too focused on each other to see it. Rainbow Dash brought their ascent to a stop, leaned forward and pressed her lips against Twilight’s. Immediately, Twilight kissed back, their tongues wrestling as they did in the library before their flight.

On the inside, Twilight was screaming in joy as she enjoyed her first aerial kiss. Rainbow Dash could’ve seen the fictional mare of her dreams, she could’ve seen Daring Do in all her radiant glory. But instead she saw Twilight, her marefriend, the pony behind the spell’s mirage, the pony she adored.

And that was all she needed to feel whole.

They stayed with their lips locked and eyes locked on each other for almost a full minute before they broke apart and started to giggle. Twilight and Rainbow Dash flew around the skies for a short time until they found a small cloud to land on.

Twilight was shocked when she first sat on the cloud, expecting to fall through. When she didn't, she stopped screaming and looked at Rainbow Dash with the most adorkably confused expression before she had an "a-ha" moment and remembered that she was a pegasus. Therefore she could sit, stand and walk on clouds. She immediately calmed down, but not before her reaction caused Rainbow Dash to burst into a fit of laughter.

For about ten minutes the two ponies sat on the cloud, gazing up at the vast sky, admiring its striking beauty and seemingly endless reach. Rainbow Dash told Twilight about flying, how it let her escape from her problems, even if for a brief moment. How it made her feel freedom in a way most ponies would never experience in their life. Not even most pegasi.

Twilight leaned her head against Rainbow Dash so she could nuzzle her cheek against her marefriend’s soft, cyan-furred shoulder. Slowly they both fell back against the fluffy cloud, holding each other close as they enjoyed being in each other’s warm, comforting embrace.

Twilight decided to take advantage of her new form. She spread her wings and wrapped them around Rainbow Dash. In response, Rainbow Dash pushed back Twilight’s “Daring Do” hat and teasingly ruffled her grey mane, earning a giggle from the tan pegasus.

Twilight then gave Rainbow Dash a small, but loving, peck on the cheek, which was returned moments later. They turned their attention back to the sky, silently taking everything in, from the scenery to the warmth of being close to the one they loved.

After a little bit of sky gazing, they flew around the skies a little bit. Rainbow Dash even performed some of her dazzling tricks while Twilight watched from a cloud, cheering as Rainbow Dash weaved, spun, and zoomed fluidly. She was a ballerina, and the sky was her stage, and she gave a performance that left Twilight clapping her hooves together merrily.

Rainbow Dash even managed to persuade Twilight to fly around with her. She obliged and flew over to Rainbow Dash, taking her hoof and drawing close to her so their muzzles were touching. The couple twirled like two dancers on a ballroom floor. She even taught her some basic flying tricks, such as weaving in-between clouds and doing flips in the air.

Twilight was having the time of her life, and from what she could tell Rainbow was as well. She became even more confident that she made the right choice in turning herself into Daring Do. If for no other reason, it gave her the chance to fly with her amazing marefriend, providing her with a feeling of being the same as the one she loved. Not that she didn't feel like that before, but being the same species of pony really made Rainbow Dash feel even more connected with her.

After about an hour of flying around, both mares were exhausted and decided to call it a day. They flew back down to Twilight’s library, landing on the balcony they first took off from. Both laughing a little, looking at each other with red faces.

“So, how was that?”

“It was awesome Twi! I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to do that for me!”

“Don’t mention it.” Twilight said, seductively making her way over to Rainbow Dash, “so…anything else you’d like to do?”

Twilight rose her eyebrows a couple of times in a suggestive manner, biting her lip sensually, “Oh yeah.”

Twilight smiled and was about to go in to kiss Rainbow Dash again, but this time the cyan pony took a step back and looked down with some disappointment in her eyes. Something didn't feel right to her, and she knew what it was. Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash, her head tilting in confusion.

“What’s wrong?”

Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Well, I really enjoyed spending time with you as Daring Do. It’s just that...” Rainbow Dash started, nervously rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof“…I sort of had this crazy wish to spend our anniversary with the mare I love.” she put her hoof onto Twilight’s head, pushing the adventurer’s hat back and pressing her hoof to where Twilight’s horn would normally be.

“I want you…the real you.”

Twilight was completely taken aback, “But…but I thought you would want this, to spend time romanticizing with Daring Do.”

Rainbow Dash slowly shook her head. After all, she did think Twilight looked amazing as the fictional adventurer. But it just didn't feel right to continue it anymore.

“But in your diary, you said that you loved her and wanted to be with her. That's why I cast the spell.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and sighed before she put her hoof under Twilight’s chin and lifted her face so their eyes met again.

“Just because I have a crush on Daring Do doesn’t mean I want you to be like her, even if I really did enjoy seeing you in this form. You’re all I want, Twilight, you’re the only pony I’ll ever love. You never have to pretend to be somepony else , because I’m already as happy as I’ll ever be.”

Rainbow leaned in to kiss Twilight tenderly on the forehead. Twilight’s cheeks blushed and her shocked expression cracked into a smile, “Wow Rainbow that’s…that’s so sweet of you.”

Rainbow Dash smiled back. With that, Twilight closed her eyes, a familiar aura forming on her forehead as she was soon engulfed in the light. Rainbow Dash held up her hoof to shield her vision until the brightness dissipated. She looked to see Twilight standing in front of her, back to her old, lavender unicorn self.

Exactly the way Rainbow Dash loved her.

They exchanged a smile and kissed. Twilight broke first and looked at Rainbow Dash.

“I’m still surprised you chose a typical night with me instead of living out your fantasy.”

Rainbow Dash smiled, “Forget Daring Do. Twilight, spending every night with you by my side is my greatest fantasy.”

Twilight let out a small “aww” before she and Rainbow Dash shared a laugh.

“Well, I think it’s time to fulfill your true fantasy, what do you think?” Twilight said with a wink.

Rainbow Dash nodded, grinning excitedly as her wings went back to being fully extended. She pushed off of the ground.

“Aw yeah! Race ya to the bed!”

With that, she zoomed off, leaving a rainbow-spectrum trail in her wake. Twilight was started to go, but then stopped. She thought for a moment and grinned. She closed her eyes and Daring Do's hat and shirt magically re-appeared on her body. She opened her eyes and looked herself over.

"Just in case."

Twilight giggled and trotted off after her marefriend with a grin on her face, ready to spend the rest of their anniversary bonding and romancing with the mare she loved, knowing that the mare loved her back.