//------------------------------// // Griffon the Brush-off // Story: My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 // by Musiclover435 //------------------------------// After catching up with his mother for the past few months, Discord returned to Ponyville to learn more about friendship. Twilight told him about her tickets with the Gala and Applebuck season at Sweet Apple Acres. Both situations he found funny but happy to learn about the lessons Twilight learned. More than anything though, Discord wanted to get to know Fluttershy. Of course, he wanted to get to know all of her friends but he was more interested in Fluttershy. They had regular tea on Tuesday afternoon since they both enjoyed tea. Now here they were, enjoying each other's company by the lake. After pranking multiple ponies in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were hiding in the bushes waiting for their next victim while enjoying a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Rainbow Dash was watching Fluttershy and Discord through a telescope. The duo was feeding the fish, ducks, and turtles who were eagerly awaiting a treat. "Is someone over there? Who we gonna squirt? Who we gonna squirt?" Pinkie Pie asked eager to pull their prank, her mouth had a rubber ball connected to a fake turtle near the shore where Fluttershy and Discord were. Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Fluttershy or Discord." "WHAT?!" Pinkie Pie spat out in shock. "No, no, no, no, no, no. We can't prank Fluttershy. We can prank Discord, but not while Fluttershy is there. She is so sensitive. It'll hurt her feelings. Even our most harmless prank." Pinkie Pie grabbed a cookie and ate it. Surprised by the taste, she grabbed another. "Yeah, you're right. Pbht!" Rainbow Dash thought to herself. "We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff." Rainbow Dash grabbed a cookie as she thought to herself and she didn't even notice Pinkie Pie giggling. "So, who's it gonna be?" Over Rainbow's eye was a black circle, someone drew a marker in the eye of the telescope. "Oh!" Pinkie started to giggle at the prank she pulled. "I've got someone in mind." Pinkie giggled again. "The toughest around." Rainbow smiled and looked back and forth. "Oh, awesome! Who? Who? Do I know them?" Pinkie giggled as she led Rainbow to the lake and pointed at their reflection. "Oh, yes." Pinkie continued to laugh. "You're very close." Rainbow looked at the eye and saw the black marker around her eye. Rainbow laughed at her reflection. "Good one, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow laughed at her reflection again and that's when she noticed it. Her tongue was a rainbow like her mane and tail. She stuck it out impressed by the double prank. "Whoa!" She put it back in. "Impressive, Pinkie Pie, two pranks in a row!" Rainbow laughed but only this time, Pinkie was confused. "Rainbow tongue, I didn't give you that. Maybe mine is rainbow too!" She looked at her tongue and it was indeed a rainbow. "Whoa! We're twinsies! Did you do this?" Pinkie Pie laughed. Rainbow was confused. "No, and if you didn't do it and I didn't do it then who did and how?" "Well, pranks like these can only happen when we eat something but the only things we eat are daisy sandwiches, hay fries, cupcakes..." "Those chocolate chip cookies!" Rainbow flew to the plate of cookies knowing that it was the last thing they ate together. "Yeah, we both eat those while we were waiting for our next prank." Pinkie continued to laugh at her rainbow tongue. "Where did you get them, Pinkie?" "Discord, he said that I might enjoy them. It's a recipe from the castle." Pinkie Pie kept looking at her tongue and that's when Rainbow Dash saw it, a note was under the three remaining cookies. "There's a note." Pinkie looked at Rainbow and rushed to her side. "What's it say? What's it say? What's it say? Is it a party invite?!" "Dear Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, I heard you were pulling pranks so here's one that took me a while to perfect. You can't prank the Prank King. I request that you don't pull one on Fluttershy or me while I'm with Fluttershy. Don't worry, that rainbow effect should wear off in about an hour. The effects aren't permanent. Sincerely, Discord PS, I would like to join you guys tomorrow on your pranks. If you would let me. "Wow, Discord knows how to pull pranks. I wouldn't expect that from him," Rainbow commented, impressed that the nephew of Princess Celestia enjoys pranks. "I'll say. Of course, Discord loves to crack jokes and loves my parties." They looked at their tongues again and laughed. The pranks were bringing them closer together. At the lake though, Fluttershy was trying to figure out why the turtle was remaining still and not taking any of her treats. Discord, on the other hand, was thinking of a way to explain why it wasn't taking any. The next day, Discord and Pinkie Pie were on their way to Rainbow's house for another day filled with pranks. Pinkie were wearing silly glasses with a fake mustache and a fake arrow through the head headband. Pinkie Pie had a noise maker in her mouth and was blowing it as they were walking. "I can't wait to show you two the pranks I have made and perfected. They may require a bit of magic but nothing I can't handle." Once they arrived, Pinkie shouted, "Raise and shine, Rainbow Dash! It's a brand-new day, and we got a lot of pranking to..." A griffon popped her head over and looked down at a surprised Discord and Pinkie Pie. "Ooh." Pinkie was impressed but Discord was surprised. He had the talon of a griffon so seeing one this close was exciting yet terrifying. "Morning, Pinks, Morning, Discord." Rainbow Dash and the griffon landed in front of the two as Rainbow Dash made introductions. "Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie and my other friend Discord." "Hey. What's up?" Gilda responded. Pinkie was surprised to see a griffon, she had never met one before. Discord has met some griffons but most were vain and rude. 'Never judge a book by its cover.' Discord thought to himself, he knew that from experience. "Pinkie, Discord, this is my griffon friend, Gilda." "What's a griffon?" Pinkie Pie asked. "They are half eagle and half lion, Pinkie," Discord explained. Gilda flew high and landed next to Rainbow Dash as she added, "And all awesome!" She brought Rainbow Dash closer to her. She did a small roar and the two laughed as they did their handshake. Pinkie watched in shock and awe, sure, she and Rainbow were friends but not that close of friends. "Gilda's my best friend from my days at junior speedster flight camp. Hey, remember the chant?" "Chyeah. They made us recite it every morning. I'll never get that lame thing out of my head." Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda excitedly. "Soooo?" It was obvious she wanted her and Gilda to recite the chant. Gilda playfully rolled her eyes, "Only for you, Dash." Rainbow smiled, happy her friend was willing to do the chant. "Junior Speedsters are our lives. Sky bombs, soars, and daring dives. Junior Speedsters, it's our quest to someday be the very best." It was obvious to Discord by their tone and flight patterns who was more excited to say the chant. 'Gilda doesn't seem to like the chant. It's... interesting to say the least.' Once they finished the chant, Pinkie Pie started to laugh as if it was the funniest thing she ever watched. Gilda brushed her feathers with her talon and Rainbow did the same with her hoof. "Oh, that was awesome!" Pinkie said as she walked over to the friends. "I agree. In fact, it has given me a great idea for a prank. Gilda, would you like to join us?" "Huh. Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon but, Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning." Gilda flew into the sky. Rainbow looked at her friends with guilt in her eyes. "Uh, yeah, Pinkie, Discord, you don't mind, do you? I know you can pull some pranks together. Gilda just got here. We'll catch up later." "That is fine with me. What about you, Pinkie Pie?" "Oh, um... well, sure. No problem! Have fun, you guys. I'll, uh, just catch up with you..." Pinkie Pie sighed sadly. "...later." Discord looked at Pinkie concerned. "Pinkie, we can pull a few pranks together while we wait for Rainbow. I've got a few doozys." Pinkie smiled at Discord, she was happy that he was joining but sad that Rainbow wouldn't be there. A few hours later, Pinkie asked Discord to help bring a trampoline to the edge of Ponyville, he was confused at first but didn't question it. He looked and saw Rainbow Dash and Gilda flying fast over town until they crashed on a cloud above the trampoline. He watched as Pinkie talked with them, he couldn't hear much of the conversation but after they flew away and from one look at Pinkie's sad face, he could tell it didn't go well. He was even more baffled to see Pinkie pull hundreds of balloons out of thin air just to fly up to their height. 'Pinkie Pie must have some chaos magic in her. Not as strong as mine, but a minuet amount. He was horrified when he watched Gilda pop some of Pinkie's balloons. He used his magic to slow her descent but then she ran off, and he watched her use a flying bike to catch up with Rainbow and Gilda. "Pinkie, you are so random. I wonder if you have chaos magic in your system." He watched Pinkie fly in the sky then Rainbow flew off and did some tricks. His stomach dropped as he watched Gilda grab Pinkie's bike and it began to spill out of control. Discord ran to where she was falling and he used his magic to save her. He couldn't save the bike but to him, that didn't matter. "Pinkie, are you okay? What happened up there?" Pinkie looked at Discord concerned and that look told him everything. Pinkie explained what happened as she and Discord went back to the library to discuss this with Twilight. "So, Pinkie Pie, are you sure that this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?" Twilight didn't look up from her book as Pinkie said, "Um, yeah! She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she popped my balloons, and she told me to buzz off! Discord saw it all! Right?!" "I didn't hear the whole conversation, my dear, but she is correct. I did see Gilda pop Pinkie's balloons and she forced her to make a crash landing. I've met a few griffons in my life but none have been this... harsh." "I've never met a griffon at all and I've never seen one so mean. But I bet if I had, she wouldn't have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda!" Pinkie Pie said clearly upset from what happened. "You know what I think, Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie looked at Twilight for answers hoping to hear a good one. "Well, I think... you're jealous." "Jealous?!" Discord and Pinkie Pie shouted. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, sure, Pinkie was upset that she couldn't hang out with Rainbow but he watched it happen. He didn't hear the conversation... sure... but it was no excuse for her to pop those balloons or force her to crash land her bike. "Green with envy, well, in your case, pink with envy." "Not helping, Spike," Discord told him from afar. "Well, yes, jealous. Listen, Pinkie, Discord, I don't want to upset you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump. I mean, perhaps it's you, Pinkie, who needs to improve her attitude and Discord, don't encourage her." Discord couldn't believe this. Sure, Pinkie can be a bit nosey from time to time but... Discord sighed internally, maybe she was right, not about the jealous part but they seemed close. 'I know how I would act if somepony interrupted my alone time with my mom.' "Improve my attitude?! But I... but it's Gilda that... are. you seri..." Pinkie nearly screamed in frustration and stormed out. She slammed the door behind leaving them alone. "I'm going to talk with Pinkie. See if I can help her see a different perspective." Discord caught up with Pinkie and explained a possible reason why Gilda could be acting the way she was, how he would feel if somepony interrupted his time with his mom. "Maybe you are Twilight are right. Maybe Gilda isn't a big, mean, grumpy, mean, meany pants. Maybe I'm just a big, jealous, judgmental, jealous, jealousy pants." "I don't know about that, Pinkie Pie. Gilda didn't have a right to pop your balloons or crash your bike but think about what I said okay? Milkshakes on me?" Pinkie smiled sadly as she and Discord made their way to Sugar Cube Corner. Discord got her a strawberry shake and himself a chocolate one and he tried to make her smile with his jokes but she only chuckled sadly at them. 'Man, Pinkie is really down about what Twilight said. I hope she cheers up soon.' Discord and Pinkie perked up when they heard Rainbow Dash and Gilda laughing. Pinkie tried to hid under the table but Discord remained where he was, he didn't feel the need move. They landed near the edge of a home and after a minute or so, Rainbow left. 'Huh, guess she left to do her weather duties.' They watched Gilda look around and she smirked. After a few minutes, Granny Smith walked to a vegetable stand and sniffed them but soon, Gilda's tail came out scaring the old pony half to death. "A rattler! A rattler! Run for the hills! Everybody, run! Save yourselves!" Granny Smith walked slowly away and every pony just looked at her confused. Gilda touched a tomato with her tail. "This stuff ain't fresh, dude." Pinkie returned to her spot on the table as she and Discord watched the whole scene. "Aw, poor Granny Smith. She didn't know it was a joke. How mean!" Pinkie shook her head. "No, no. I can't misjudge her. It was a funny prank, I guess." "Pinkie, in the past thousand moons, I have learned a lot about pulling pranks but you should never prank the elderly. Not unless they are into it themselves or they can fire back. Gilda may have pulled a prank but it scared Granny Smith. Pranks should always end with everypony laughing in the end." Pinkie Pie didn't comment as they continued to watch Gilda, who saw that no pony was looking so she stole an apple and ate it. "I did misjudge her! She's not only a meany, mean pants, she's also a thief!" Discord couldn't agree more. 'Okay, I wouldn't even steal an apple. It only costs a few bits.' "No, no, no, no. She might give it back. It's just a joke," Pinkie said, trying to reason with herself. "Pinkie, she stole an apple. No magic in the world besides chaos magic can bring it back." Discord tried to reason with Pinkie but she didn't seem to hear it. The two continued to watch as Fluttershy walked past them. She was walking backwards leading a family of ducks to a lake. "All right, little ones, this way, this way. Mama duck... you're free and clear." Gilda was walking through town just behind Fluttershy who was about to bump into her. Fluttershy bumped into Gilda who was extremely displeased. "Hey!" "Please excuse me," Fluttershy said calmly but Gilda wasn't having it. "I'm walking here!" Fluttershy started to walk back in fear which was making Discord angry. "Oh, um, I'm sorry. I-I-I was just trying to..." Gilda then started to mock the shy pegasus. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Why don't you just watch where you're going, doofus?!" The ducks flew away in fear and Gilda continued to force Fluttershy back. "B-b-b-but I...." Gilda roared in Fluttershy's face and she ran off with tears in her eyes. "ugh, all these lame ponies are driving me buggy. I gotta bail." Everypony stared at the griffon in anger, none more so than Discord and Pinkie Pie. Discord could feel his teeth growing sharper in anger. 'No pony, and I mean no pony yells at my sweet Fluttershy like that.' "She's a grump and a thief and a bully... she meanest kind of mean, meany pants there is! I can take it, but no one treats Fluttershy like that! No one!" "Correct, she's lucky that she left or she would have seen the true power of Discord!" "This calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style!" Pinkie Pie didn't even tell Discord her plan, she just asked him to check on Fluttershy. He ran to her cottage first and he could hear her crying. He knocked on the door and when Angel opened the door he called out to her. She looked up from her spot and cried as she flew to him. She started crying on his chest which normally would have made him blush hard but this was a different matter. "Are you alright, my dear?" Fluttershy explained what happened and even though he saw what transpired, he just listened, he knew she needed a shoulder to cry on. He stayed with her the rest of the afternoon and even made her some tea as she slowly calmed down. After a few hours, they were surprised when Pinkie came in and gave them an invite, welcoming Gilda to Ponyville. 'Seriously, I would just use my magic to take her wings away or turn her into a real eagle.' So now, here they were, at Sugar Cube Corner. 'Why are we throwing Gilda a party? She yelled at Fluttershy, stole an apple, and pranked Granny Smith.' Discord just couldn't believe that Pinkie decided to do this. He was so stuck in his thoughts, that he didn't even hear Twilight address him until Fluttershy bumped him. "Discord, have your thoughts changed about Gilda? Were you able to convince Pinkie?" Twilight asked him. "Well... I think it would be better to discuss this elsewhere and a bit later." Fluttershy and Discord walked over to Pinkie, she was causally welcoming everypony inside with a smile on her face. "Um, Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda, um, do you really think it's a good idea?" Fluttershy asked her. "Fluttershy is right. Why are you doing this? We saw how Gilda acted earlier." Pinkie Pie just smiled at them. "Don't worry your pretty little heads about mean, old Gilda. Your Auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of." Pinkie patted Discord and Fluttershy on the head as if nothing was wrong then she walked off. "I'm a year older than you." "I'm a thousand years older than you." "Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk." Gilda was hesitant to shake Pinkie's hoof but she eventually shook it and was zapped in the process. Discord, Pinkie, and Rainbow laughed at the simple prank. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer! You are a scream!" "Yeah." Gilda chuckled nervously. "Good one, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow gestured to Gilda to follow her to her friends. "Come on, G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends." Before following Rainbow, Gilda had something to say to Pinkie. "Right behind you, Dash!" She stared at Pinkie and said, "I know what you're up to." Pinkie just smiled at her. "Great!" Gilda groaned. "I know what you're planning." Pinkie just laughed. "Well, I hope so. This wasn't supposed to be a surprise party." The comment left Gilda a bit confused but she wasn't backing down. "I mean, I've got my eye on you." "And I got my eye on you!" Pinkie stared at Gilda, freaking the griffon out a bit, until Pinkie stood in front of the party. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Gilda, a longtime, dear friend of Rainbow Dash. Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville." Gilda was about to yell at Pinkie but smiled nervously at the applause. "Yay, Gilda!" "Welcome!" Rainbow Dash side-hugged her friend, ready to have a good time. "Please, help yourself!" Pinkie gestured to the various snacks on the table. There were carrots, tomatoes, apples, cupcakes, and vanilla lemon drops. "Vanilla lemon drops, don't mind if I do." Gilda ate one and the effect was immediate. "Hot!" It was so spicy, fire came out of Gilda's mouth and Pinkie was able to roast a marshmallow. "G, the punch!" Gilda flew as fast as she could to the punch. She tried to drink it but the cup was a dribble glass. "Well, what do you know? Pepper in the vanilla lemon drops and the punch served in a dribble glass!" Discord commented, impressed but the pranks. "Ha! Priceless! Priceless!" Rainbow Dash laughed at the prank along with a few other ponies but Gilda flew off to find another drink and she found one, finally cooling her mouth down. "Yeah, hilarious." "Hey, G, look, presents!" Gilda smiled as she ran to the presents with a huge smile on her face. She grabbed a cylinder one and proceeded to open it but it was once again another prank. Fake snakes popped out, causing her feathers to puff up. More laughter erupted from the crowd. It was obviously irritating Gilda. 'I swear, once I'm alone with that pink pony...' "Spittin' snakes." Applejack chucked. "Somepony pulled that prank on me last month." "Ha, ha. I bet I know who that was!" Gilda said in a bitter tone but no pony noticed. "You do?" Pinkie Pie blinked as if nothing was wrong. The rest of the party went well and no more pranks to Discord's surprise. 'Is Pinkie trying to get a reaction from Gilda? No... that isn't like her. It could be a coincidence that Gilda is getting the majority of the pranks.' It was a mystery but Discord just let it slide for now. "Cake time, everypony!" Pinkie Pie brought out a large two-tiered cake with a few candles on top. "Hey, can I blow the candles out?" Spike asked, it was obvious that he wanted to do it. "Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike? She is the guest of honor, after all." Gilda shoved Spike out of the way, shocking Twilight. "Exactly!" With a big deep breath, Gilda blew out the candles. After smiled at the candles, the flames came back. Gilda blew them out again but the flames came back. Everypony laughed at the sight as Gilda continued to repeat the same actions of blowing out the candles but they kept coming back on. "Relighting birthday candles... I love that prank!" Spike commented. Discord was laughing as well. "Indeed, one of my better prank inventions, if I do say so myself." "Now, I wonder who could have done that?" Pinkie Pie wondered but Gilda already knew the answer. "Yeah. I wonder." Gilda stared at Pinkie with intense anger but was side-tracked when Spike began to dig into the cake. "Who cares? This cake is amazing!" Spike emerged from the top of the cake with a mouth full of cake. "Spike!" "What? It's great. Try some." Gilda continued to look at Pinkie and Spike with anger in her eyes but was taken down when Rainbow asked, "Hey, G, you're not upset about some silly candles, are you?" With a fake smile, Gilda said, "No way, Dash. Like I said, I'm down with a good prank." Rainbow smiled. "Come on, then. Let's have some cake." Gilda looked at Pinkie with eyes full of anger and knew she needed to say something. Ponies enjoyed the cake for a bit until Applejack brought up a new game. "Hey, Y'all. It's pin the tail on the pony. Let's play!" "Oh, my favorite game! Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?" Rarity asked with politeness and grace. Rarity was about to pick up the tail but Gilda snatched it away from her. "Well, I am the guest of honor. And I'll have the purple tail. Rarity looked at Gilda shocked but didn't say anything. "Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded." Spike put the blindfold on Gilda. "Hey, what are you doing?!" Before she could even process it, Pinkie spun her around faster than the eye could see. "We're spinning you around and around, and then you can pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." Pinkie guided Gilda to the pony so she could play the game but this time, Gilda wasn't buying it. "Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail. Hmph! Yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way!" Gilda began to walk in the opposite direction shocking Pinkie who tried to convince her about her mistake. "Wait! The poster is this..." Before she could finish, Gilda slipped on icing and she crashed into the kitchen. She came out covered in icing and the tail on her beak. "Uh, Gilda? You pinned the tail on the wrong end." This caused everypony to erupt in laughter but now, Gilda had had enough. She roared and everything came out as she began to fly. "This is your idea of a good time?! I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And, Pinkie Pie... YOU... you are queen Lame-o with your weak little part pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?! Well, Dash and I have 10 times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on, Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene!" Everypony stared at the griffon in shock but none more so than Rainbow Dash. She looked at her friend who tried to drag her out and did move a muscle. "Come on Rainbow Dash! I said, we're leaving!" "You know, Gilda... I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party," Rainbow told her with a straight face. "What?!" "So I guess I'm Queen Lame-o." Gilda smiled, hoping Rainbow was lying. "Come on, Dash, you're joshing me." "They weren't all meant for you specifically. It was just dumb luck that you set them all off." "I should've known. That dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it." Gilda couldn't believe what she was hearing. "No way! I-It was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up! Along with her coltfriend. To make a fool of me!" Discord was about to retaliate but decided against it. More anger wasn't needed at the party. "Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good part might turn that frown upside down." "And you sure didn't need any help making a good of yourself." Rainbow Dash decided to put her hoof down and stand up for her friends. "You know, this is now how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else." Gilda growled and spread out her wings. "Yeah? Well, you... you.. you are such a, um, flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next! When you decide not to be lame anymore, give me a call." With that Gilda left, severing the friendship between the two. "Not cool." "Wow, talk about a party pooper," Spike commented. "I'll say," Discord added. The ponies mumbled to themselves about Gilda but Rainbow knew she needed to say something. "I'm sorry, everypony for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her. I'm sorry we weren't able to do our prank day with you yet, Discord." "Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business." Discord nodded. "It's not a big deal. I'm always ready for a prank any day of the week." Rainbow smiled. "I'd rather hang out with you and Discord. No hard feelings?" Rainbow Dash held out her hoof for a shake. "Nope. We can still have an epic day of pranks for the three of us. I have so much planned out." Discord held out his hoof. "No hard feelings." The three shook hooves but were all shocked. They all laughed at the hoof-shake buzzer that all three of them wore. Now, one more pony owned Discord and Pinkie an apology. "Hey, Pinkie, Discord, sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda. Looks like I'm the one who misjudged you." "It's okay, Twilight. Even you can't be a super-smart, smarty-smart pants all the time." Pinkie told her. "It's fine, Twilight. We all make mistakes sometimes." "Come on, everypony, there's still a whole lot of party to finish!" Everypony cheered at the sound of that. Later that night, Twilight readied her next letter to Princess Celestia about her newest lesson on friendship. Dearest Princess Celestia, Today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who you're friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who is true will surely come to light. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle Twilight sent the scroll with a bit of a surprise as suggested by Discord. As Princess Celestia started her response letter she began to notice the words disappearing. She laughed at the small prank. "Oh, wrong ink." She grabbed the right one and chuckled as she continued her letter.