Bleach: Equestria

by PaleRider

Volume 2 - Sisterly Bonds - Part 1

If I were the rain
could I connect with someone's heart?
Just as it can unite
the eternally separated earth and sky?

“Twili!” Shining Armor's voice echoed throughout the corridors of the small house, and into the bedroom of his younger sister.

Shining? I'm home? How'd I get here?

A drowsy Twilight unveiled herself from her azure blanket. Her appearance was, perhaps, even worse than the previous day. Almost tripping over her own hooves, she got out of bed and left the room, not bothering to sort out her bedhead. Still half asleep, Twilight entered the kitchen, and was welcomed by her older brother's surprised smile.

Eurgh, I feel horrible.

“Hey! What happened? Did you get hit by a truck while I was gone, or something?” He giggled, raising his eyebrows.

Twilight crawled onto her chair, and leant her head on the table.

“I think I just had the craziest dream about Soul Reapers and Spirits… Eurgh, and I feel horrible.” She proceeded to ram her head against the table repeatedly, letting out small whimpers between each thud.

Levitating a plate of hot, fresh muffins, Shining Armor went to his sister's side, and placed it in front of her.

“I see. Soul Reapers and Spirits?.” He commented, “Are you reading those horror novels again?” The stallion picked up a muffin in his magical field, and sat on the opposite chair.

“Shining, you know I'm not into that kind of thing…” Twilight lied, sheepishly, as she twiddled her hooves nervously.

Shining Armor raised his eyebrows again, a mischievous smile danced across on his lips, even with his mouth full of muffin.

"Oh yeah? Must I remind somepony of a certain incident, involving Nightmare Night, a collection of Edgar Allan Pony, and a wet bed?”

Twilight's cheeks glowed a burning red.

"T-That was six years ago! I was just a filly, okay!" She protested.

"Oh?” Shining chortled, crumbs falling from his mouth, “And what about that shock you had, when some crows landed on your window, about two months ago? I'm sure I saw a few comic books then, too!"

Twilight felt her cheeks igniting, and she wished she had something as equally as embarrassing to unveil about him. Sadly, she had nothing.

"I-I... Can you stop teasing me, big bro!"

The stallion couldn't contain his giggles, as he clutched his sides and rolled around on the floor. Twilight wore a very unimpressed expression.

“Seriously, Shining, how old are you?”

“Aww, C'mon, Twili, where's your sense of humor?” he grinned, and hugged his sibling from behind.

“It's clearly more refined than yours.” Twilight grumbled, trying not to smile. Shining released his sister and shoved the final piece of his muffin into his mouth.

"I'm sorry, it's just so cute when you get embarrassed.” He smiled, ruffling her hair. “Don't worry Twili; it's just between us."

Twilight grunted, and Shining started laughing again, as the mare rammed her head against the table.

Still chuckling, he used his magic to levitate a retro, blue coat. It was long and the sleeves ran all the way down his forehooves. After he put it on, he trotted over to a small table, with the telephone on it. Starting the answering machine, he glanced in the mirror.

“Twili, were there any calls for me while I was gone?” He asked, as he inspected his appearance.

Twilight shook her head, her mouth full of muffin.

“That's a first; usually I have a plenty from work waiting for me when I get back.” He shuddered at the memory. “I guess, in Ponyville, they do things a little differently- Oh there's one message. Let's see.”

Twilight felt her heart sink, and her body freeze, as the message from Heterochrome replayed.

Dammit, why can't my life just be cliché, and have me wake up to find it was all a dream?

She felt herself whimper softly, as cold sweat rolled down her neck. Her brother was frowning as he glanced at her.

“Monster in your school? Did your friend read that collection of yours, too?”

“Shining!” Twilight fumed, before she realized she was digging herself a hole. “Oh, wait, yeah. That must be it! Chrome gets so absorbed in those stories, so sometimes she takes them a little seriously.” She gave her most convincing grin, trying to mask her apprehension.

Shining Armor couldn't help but raise an eyebrow; Twilight's signature 'convincing grin' gave him the impression that, whatever the truth was, he probably didn't want to know.

“Well,” He paused, unsure of how to change the subject. “I’m relieved you've made a friend already.”

Who she's already leant her favourite collection of horror comics to? I thought she was going to murder me when I took a peek at one.

Twilight could read what was on his mind; her brother was a professional detective, and that was a terrible lie. It wouldn't have fooled a filly for a second.

“I have to go to the station.” Shining stated, interrupting her thoughts. “Good luck on your classes. I love you, Twili.”

Twilight suppressed the overwhelming urge to sigh in relief.

“Thanks, Shining. I love you too.” Twilight replied.

The stallion smiled one last time at her, as he exited through the door.

Eurgh. Seriously, why didn't I delete that message? The last thing I want to do is to drag Shining into this mess. I doubt he'd be too pleased to know I've befriended a dragon... Wait, where did that dragon go? Did he return to Spiritual Equestria, or something?

Twilight realized the last thing she could remember the night prior was blacking out after she killed that Hollow.

Almost killed.

Remembrance of this soured her mood.

Forcing all thoughts of Hollows, Soul Reapers, and spirits of the dead, to the back of her mind, she returned to her room to sort out her dishevelled mane.

Hours later, Twilight was relieved to be back at the school, which at least promised the illusion of normality. She trotted all the way to the main building, glancing at the step, shuddering as she recalled the events of the previous night. Once again, she forced the thoughts to the back of her mind, and walked inside.

“Ah, Miss Sparkle!”

A short, white, earth pony, with a graying mane, motioned for her to come over.

"Miss Sparkle! I'm glad I saw you. I'd just like to give you your locker key." the receptionist said, as she smiled and produced a locker key, seemingly from nowhere.

"Oh, thanks." Twilight said, berating herself for forgetting her locker; it'd be so much easier to leave some of her books at the campus.

"You're welcome, my dear, although don't you dare vandalise them, or mark my words, I will make you regret you ever had a horn." The mare hissed as her smile vanished, replaced by a menacing glare.

"Oh, erm, okay?" Twilight asked, before trotting off hastily with her key, slightly unnerved by the bipolar mare.

As she searched for a her locker, she began to wonder what had happened the previous evening.

Where's Spike? And Trixie? How did I wake up in my bed this morning? And why do I get the horrible feeling I'm missing something really obvious?

Twilight groaned, as she found her locker and banged her head against it. Why couldn't these thoughts just leave her alone? As she placed some books in it, two stallions appeared behind her.

Oh, please not now!

Batting the thoughts away again, she swung around, her temper snapping.

“What do you want?” she yelled, as she launched one of Trixie's 'bodyguards' against the lockers with her magic.

As her eyes met with the other, she saw only fear.

“Please! We don’t want to fight or anything!” He squealed.

Twilight frowned, but released the first from her magic clutch, tapping her hoof against the ground as she waited for a more elaborate answer.

“We're just here to ask if you know what happened to our- I mean, Trixie. She's not here, and she's never missed a day of school in the three years she's been here!”

Twilight smiled knowingly.

“Sorry guys, I didn’t see Trixie today. I did see her last night, however. I don't think she'll be coming in today.”

The twins looked at each other uneasily.

“Thanks, errr, Twilight Sparkle?” The second said, phrasing it more like a question. Twilight nodded, and they raced away, eager to escape. Twilight couldn't help but grin at their skittish antics.

Finally, Twilight had finished organising her books into neat rows in her locker: 'Advanced Magic and Manipulation of the Physical World' textbooks one through to four on the lower shelf, 'The Theory of Magic and its applications in the Non-Physical World' worksheets stacked neatly on the middle shelf, and 'Study of Magic in Ponies' encyclopedias were ordered alphabetically from Alicorn through to Zebras on the upper shelf.

Pleased with her work, she set off for her class, despite being far too early.

Twilight found she was the second to enter her classroom however; a sapphire-maned pegasus was already at a desk.

“Chrome!” Twilight said, a sense of relief flooding through her as she trotted over.

“Ah, Miss Sparkle. I'm glad you responded to my call last night.” Chrome smiled knowingly.

“Please call me Twilight, Chrome.” The mare chuckled as she rolled her eyes and sat at the desk next to her.

“Ah, of course... Twilight.” Chrome replied, almost struggling with the first name, much to Twilight's amusement. “I assume you have many questions, correct?”

Twilight nodded.

“Well, ask away, Twilight.” A familiar voice from across the room called. Twilight glanced around at the newcomer.

Spike stood in the doorway.

Twilight's eyes widened when she saw him. Leaping out of her chair, she yelped in surprise.

“You! What the hell are you doing here?”

“Hey, that's not the proper way to welcome to a new classmate.” Spike grinned mischievously. He walked over to the two mares, and offered his claw to Twilight.

“My name is Spike, nice to meet you!”

She hit the top of his head with her hoof.

“Are you mocking me?” Twilight yelled.

Chrome laughed, adjusting her glasses.

“She's right Spike; you don’t need to pretend you two don’t know each other in front of me.”

Twilight swivelled around to face Chrome.

“What? You know about-“

“Yes, she knows about the whole Hollow and Soul Reaper thingy” Spike interrupted.

“But how in Equestria-?”

“Don't worry; Miss Heterochrome and I have our reasoning. Follow me. I want to be sure no one overhears us.”

Twilight just stared at Spike, but reluctantly followed him. He lead Twilight all the way back to an isolated spot behind the main building.

“Okay, no one can hear us. Can you start explaining what the hell is going on?” Twilight demanded, as she sat on a bench, scowling.

Spike nodded, and sat on the ground.

“You're a very hot-headed young mare, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike sighed.

“Don’t start beating around the bush! Why're you still here? Don’t you have to go back to Spiritual Equestria?”

The dragon feigned a hurt look.

“You want to get rid of me that badly?” He said, earning a very unimpressed look from Twilight.

Spike laughed, “No, sadly things aren't so simple, Miss Sparkle. First of all, I cannot go back to Spiritual Equestria because,”

He got up and yelled in her face,

“You stole all my Soul Reaper powers!”

Twilight’s face twisted in confusion.


Spike faceclawed.

“What? I’m not wearing that robe anymore!” Twilight complained.

The dragon sighed, “Look, it is not your body that becomes a Soul Reaper, it is your soul. My powers are inside of you, within your spirit.”

Twilight looked at herself. She didn't feel any different.

“Oh… I see.” She said slowly, as she tried to convince herself.

“And now I have to be trapped inside this weak, artificial, mortal body!” Spike complained.

Twilight raised her hoof.

“Wait! What do you mean by that?”

“My soul is inside a Gigai. It's a fake, mortal body that we use in case of an emergency. With this I can recover from my wounds and hide myself from the hollows.”

Twilight nodded.

“Ah, so that's how Chrome was able to see you.” She realized. She looked back to him intently, “But, why have you come to me?”

The dragon smiled awkwardly.

“Well, Miss Sparkle. I need a favor. While I recover my powers, you must be my substitute Soul Reaper and fulfil all my duties.”

Twilight felt her eye twitch.

“Come again?”

“I need you to kill some more hollows, and free some more spirits.” Spike replied bluntly.

With a wide, open mouth, and eyes big as apples, she let the words process.

“WHAAAAAT?!” She shrieked.

He looked up and smiled.

“You have all my powers now. Only a Zanpakuto can purify a hollow’s soul and send a plus to the other world. Without one, I can’t do a thing.”

The mare started to shake her head violently.

“No! I'm not going to fight another monster!” Twilight yelled. Spike raised his eyebrows at her.

“But you already fought one! C'mon I'll stay by your side and give you the instructions and train you-“

“Sounds enthralling, but I said no.” Twilight said, interrupting the dragon. “I had my motives to fight. I'm not going to risk my life for the same ponies who abandoned me and my brother! No one came to help us that day, why should I have to help them now?”

She turned away.

Spike's nostrils flared, eliciting smoke.

“You're a very self-centered mare!” He yelled, visibly irritated. “Don't you understand?”

“No, don't you understand, little dragon? This isn't my battle. This isn't my war. I never asked for any of this. And if you had asked me, I would have rejected you.”

Spike ground his teeth.

“If you want to learn the lesson the hard way…” He growled, his expression growing serious. He picked from one of his pockets a red glove, with a strange symbol on it. After putting in his claw, he rushed in Twilight’s direction.

“I’m going to teach you the hard way.”

His claw collided with her chin. Instantly, Twilight felt herself fall backwards and yet stay standing at the same time. The feeling made her feel nauseous. She looked at Spike with a questioning expression.

“What have you done to me?”

“I separated your soul from your body. Now get up and come with me.” The dragon ordered.

Twilight glanced down at herself... and then at her body. The same sick feeling pressed upon her. Her soul wore the black robe of the night before, and her sword was inside of a giant sheath on her back. Her body, next to her, still wore her school uniform.

Unsure of what else to do, Twilight hesitantly followed the dragon, as he lead her all the way to a distant park, on the outskirts of Ponyville.

“What're we doing here?” Twilight asked, noticeably irritated by the fact that she was missing classes.

“Wait just a little...” Spike said softly. He was looking at a green-colored bench in the middle of the park. After a few seconds, a white, pegasus mare came by the bench. Sapphire mane, glasses, school uniform, eyes with opposite colors.

“Chrome? What's she doing here?” Twilight asked, as she started to make her way towards her. Spike raised his claw, halting her.

With care, Chrome picked a vase full of beautiful, yellow flowers from a saddlebag on her side, and placed it on the ground. Twilight was stunned by the next vision; the spirit of a beautiful, female pegasus appeared at Chrome's side, and gently embraced the student.

“The Soul Reaper came to my school today... Please, it's already time for you to go.” Chrome said. The duo could hear the pain in Chrome's voice. It cracked several times, and it was clear she was on the verge of tears.

“Wait.” Twilight exclaimed, “Chrome can see ghosts like me?”

Spike shook his head.

“No. But she can hear them. And that spirit is... Special.”

The spirit smiled, and started to talk with the pegasus, “You're still trying to bare this burden by yourself, aren't you?”

Chrome nodded.

“Yes. But I know I’m close to finding a way to bring him back! Please, accept the Konso*.” She whispered.

The spirit brushed her hoof against Chrome's skin, raised her head, and kissed her on the forehead.

“I can’t. I can't go. Not yet. I’m sorry my dearest, but I can’t let you do this alone. I have to share this pain with you.”

A tear rolled down from Twilight’s left eye. She hadn't even noticed it form. Spike, by her side, placed his arm on Twilight's back comfortingly, and closed his eyes in a solemn manner.

“Do you understand what you are seeing here?” He asked.

The Substitute Soul Reaper nodded.

“It’s her mother.” She breathed.

The dragon turned away, and slowly began walking along the path.

“Chrome's entire family was killed by a hollow. Exactly like your family. And, like you, she had an older brother. While Chrome could hear, and feel the presence of, spirits, her brother could only see them. The siblings united their powers to try to exact vengeance upon the monster that destroyed their lives but-”

A monstrous howl penetrated the quiet, halting every actor on the scene in mid-breath. Everypony looked in the same direction.

A giant monster suddenly emerged from a gaping hole in the fabric of reality. His form resembled that of a manticore, but he had no fur, which showed off the demonic, black skin that covered his entire form. He had smaller legs than your average manticore, whereas his arms were significantly larger, reaching the ground. His fingers ended in razor-blade claws that put Spike to shame, and he had a white mane on his head. His face was covered by a white mask, resembling a lion's face, and yet the only thing with life there were the holes where his eyes should have been, which glowed a hazardous yellow.

“A hollow!” Spike gasped.

Upon the vision of the monster, Chrome’s mother immediately stepped up to protect her child.

“What’s happening, mom?” The pegasus asked, looking in the complete wrong direction.

“There’s a hollow here, Chrome. You must leave.” She breathed.

Meanwhile, Twilight looked to Spike, clearly alarmed.

“Why is there a hollow here, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Well... You, me, Chrome and her mother... We all have high density spiritual energies, and we're all in the same place. A hollow looking for a good meal was bound to come here eventually.”

The gigantic monster's eyes fell upon Chrome, and he started to run in her direction. The mare gasped when she finally noticed the ground being smashed by his presence.

“Please, my dear - run!” Her mother cried.

“But he'll eat you, mom! I can’t leave you!” Chrome sobbed, tears rolling freely down her face.

The monster rushed forward and, without any difficulty, took Chrome’s mother in one of his hands. The spirit screamed in agony, and her child screamed with her, as she heard her mother's suffering.

“I can’t take this anymore!” Twilight stepped up, attempting to intervene, but found something holding her back.

Spike was holding her tail.

“What the hell are you doing!?” She screeched.

“Why are you going to help them?” he asked, with a serious expression.

“They're right in front of me! And because…” she stopped mid-sentence, feeling the pain of her own history repeating itself before her.

“Do you think you can help just the ones right in front of you? Are you not forgetting something?” Spike was expressionless. Emotionless. It was driving Twilight insane.

“What are you talking about?” She screamed.

“Wake up, Twilight! Yesterday you didn’t even know Chrome! And every day, a life, just like yours, is destroyed by a hollow... Do you think you are special because you suffered? Do you think you can just claim that nopony helped you, and simply close your eyes to the truth?”

The dragon was interrupted by a raging Twilight.

“I don’t care! What makes me different from them? Why am I the only one that has to fight?”

“It's because of this!” Spike's claw formed a fist, which hit her on the muzzle. The normally calm dragon looked down at Twilight on the ground.

“Get up! I know that didn’t hurt.”

Pressing her hoof on her nose, the lavender unicorn slowly raised her body, muttering a stream of curses that should not be repeated.

“The difference,” Spike growled, “Is that you have the strength! You can use your powers to protect the powerless, or else, you are no different than those filthy hollow scum.

“Now, swear upon the sword that you carry that you will help everypony! Swear upon that blade you carry, Twilight, that you will never let a tragedy, like the one that fell upon you, happen again!”

Twilight grimaced.

“I see... It seems there is no other choice.” She said softly, closing her eyes.

The Hollow opened its gigantic mouth, revealing three rows of sharp teeth. He was about to swallow Chrome’s mother, when a massive claymore, propelled by a pink aura, came spinning past him.

The blade cut the monster’s arm clean off, releasing the spirit from his grasp. The hollow roared, taking a step backward, as he attempted to see who was responsible for the loss of his limb.

He looked around, until his vision focused on a lavender unicorn running in his direction. Blinded by his instinctive fury, the hollow started to charge at her.

The two were going to collide.

The monster lifted his arm to apply a punch against Twilight, but the mare stopped and activated her magic. The blade, which was sticking out of the ground behind the Hollow, was called back to its master. Its spinning motion passed straight through the monster's arm, severing his other limb before his attack could connect.

The unicorn jumped, plucking her claymore from the air with her teeth, and brought it swinging round in a single horizontal slash to the neck. The Hollows head barely disconnected from it's body, before it evaporated into nothingness.

Spike looked at the scene with a content smile, and began pondering.

She can combine her magic with a pretty brutal Zanjutsu*... I cannot blame her though; she has the most absurd Zanpakuto in terms of length.