Team Superstars: Winds of Change

by Lulamoon-Crystal

A Day Out

Rocky was laying peacefully in the bed. The blanket was cozy and the pillow was soft. He smiled in his sleep as he calmly laid there. Ignoring the sounds of birds or hooves. He was having such a relaxing dream, snoring slightly. Just resting with no worry. Until he felt something push at him in the face. Like a dog or a cat nudging him to get his attention, he tried his best to ignore it. He groaned as it happened again. He did not want to wake up yet. Who was nudging him, anyway?

He put his hoof up to try and stop it. He felt something silky and soft. It felt like a well-groomed mane. Then moved his hoof down, opening his eyes slightly before closing them again. Feeling somepony was there. But why and who? He groaned, not wanting to be awake yet.

“Rocky.” The voice sung.

He groaned and slowly opened his eyes as he heard his name be called. Wondering who would wake him up at this time. He wanted to sleep! As he opened his eyes, he looked at what was there. Seeing the figure of a familiar pony. Who proceeded to nudge him in the face with her hoof again. Like a cat or dog would do with their head to get attention.

“Jazz?” He groaned before being nudged again, having enough. He stared at her slightly annoyed. Her front half was on the bed, hooves on it as she stared at him like a dog who would wake their owner up every morning. When Jazz put her head on him, he muttered a bit.

“It’s time to get up!” Jazz smiled with a playful tone. Nudging him with her head again, right in his face.

Getting annoyed with it, he lifted himself up. Pushing her head away from him. Not wanting her to do it again. Why did she need to wake him up at this hour anyway? It was only 6 in the morning!

“Jazz... Why were you nudging me awake?” He asked with a yawn. Sounding unimpressed.

“It’s time for breakfast. Zoom also wanted to talk…” Jazz responded, face turning to worry. “About this whole thing going on…”

“You could have woken me up the normal way…” He groaned, getting up. Stretching his wings and looked down at her before getting off the bed. Wondering why she was acting like the way she was. Was she doing it to be funny?

“But I saw ponies nudging their friends awake in videos. It was so cute! I couldn't resist!”

“Alright, alright… Let’s go…” Rocky smiled as he walked alongside Jazz. Not in the mood for whatever it was she got the nudging idea from. He went to go brush his scruffy mane first, it was a mess. Not noticing Jazz look a little glum as he left her side.

It was agreed that they’d spend time getting to know each other. Jazz also decided to tag along with Thunder and Zoom’s morning patrol. To get to know them better, to think about the adventure and maybe find the unicorn with the power they need. They kinda needed a full map of Equestria, since they had a feeling that some of these dungeons would be kinda far. If only they had one.

“Perfect. A day to just spend time. Get to know each other. Plan out this adventure…” Jazz said, taking a big breath in and out. Just perfect. “Oh! We can also try and find the unicorn with the glowy hooves! I have not seen him or her sp far. But surely I will see ‘em!”

Zoom grumbled, “Y-yeah. But you better figure out the locations of these dungeons somehow. The longer we wait. The closer we are to failing and everyone dying!”

“Zoom, relax!” Thunder said with a smile. “As along as we are together. We are gonna-“

She made a loud groan. Agreeing with whatever he was going to say, likely. But also kinda disagreeing how lax he was about this. They needed to start soon, they could be running on precious time. How has Jazz not told her sooner? Has Stardust dragged it on or something? Or was Jazz roo wimpy?

This was certainly something to say once you arrive into the world you were meant to warn. Right? You’d think she’d arrive and warn everyone. But there was the risk of everyone not believing her. She was just a filly after all. No one would trust a filly like that about such a quest, plenty of ponies would be sure it would be a made-up story. So maybe she had to wait till these dungeons activated or something.

“What are you thinking about, Zoom?” Thunder asked, following her as they did their morning patrol. Near the outskirts of the city. She was a bit recluluncnet of Jazz and Rocky joining them. They were wanting to go for a stroll, basically. She heard Rocky talk to Jazz about Zephyr Heights, gasping as he went past the café.

“No way! Rocky gasped, in the distance, he was seeing a rustic cafe’ on the corner. Near the outskirts, near a path that went into the mountains on a sceneric hike. It was always seen as an odd-one-out but was popular for how charming it was. Now days, ponies like to say it looks like it belongs in a mix of Maretine Bay and Bridlewood. With the wooden overhangs and the vines warping around certain parts of the building gave a foresty feel to the building that looked similar to an older house that would near the Bay.

The views were gorgeous. From the window you could see for miles, if you were lucky and it was not a cloudy day. But you could still get to witness some good wildlife by the windows. Like mountain goats, eagles, rodents… It was popular for many.

“What is it, Rocky?” Jazz asked.

“Zephyr View, the family run café! It’s still open! I used to hurry there as a teenager after school for snacks! I thought they closed down!”

Jazz was in love already, seeing Rocky’s joy. It was almost lunch time, so maybe finding somewhere to eat was not a bad idea. They already found one. Jazz looked at Rocky and nudged him.

“Hey! Maybe we should go there!” Jazz pointed, much to Rocky’s approval. She then looked over at Zoom and Thunder. Who were a while ahead in the other direction. Helping out someone who was lost it seemed.

“Hey Zoom!” Jazz called out and waved.

“Yeah?” She called back. Just about to continue her patrol in the city. She walked towards them to hear them a bit better, so they were not shouting a few metres apart from eachother.

“Rocky and I are gonna go to that cafe over there. Meet you back at the palace!” Jazz exclaimed. Zoom shrugged. Wondering why she was telling her this. She didn’t mind them following her, since they did nit mean harm. But they didn’t have to and could have walked away without a word. But she figured Jazz was just trying to be polite.

“Sounds great.” Zoom said before seeing them both walk away, towards the cafe they wanted to go to. She then went back to Thunder to join him on their patrol.

As they walked but towards the inner part of the city. They heard a store owner shout “Theif!” As a skinny orange pony carrying a box ran out his store. He had stepped out his store and watched in worry and surprise as Zoom and Thunder chased after the theif.

“Halt!” Zoom demanded the theif as she chased him up the lane.

He kicked a cart of apples, sending rolling down towards her and Thunder, Thunder was hit by a few while Zoom simply flew over them. Soon catching up to the theif, who was an earth pony and tackling them to the ground. The box filled with antiques was grabbed off him by Thunder.

“Of course…”The theif grumbled. “Guess there is no use fight against guards…”

“Yep!” Thunder exclaimed with joy as he held the box. “And I am gonna return this while Zoom takes you to jail!”

“Stripe!” The theif screamed randomly. Thunder and Zoom did not think much of it. Thunder heading back up the lane tor return the box. He was curious of what was inside. But knew he maybe should not. It was nothing suspicious, considering the store he stole it from was a jewelry store, it was an easy guess.

“Thunder. Take the box away from him!” Zoom ordered. Wanting the box to be out of his view.

“What if he asks for back up?”

“I can handle it.”

“If you say so…” Thunder noted. Grabbing the box and flying away with it. So the theif would not try and grab it or know where it was.

“I thought guards could not arrest theives!” Shouted the theif, who’s name was Teddy Snatch. Brother of a successful toy store owner. He grunted as he struggled in the hoof-cuffs, sitting on a bench. A park was not so far way, just further down the lane. Soon another pony came over.

“Who told you that?” Zoom told the theif, scoffing before looking up at the new pony. Looking very stern.

“I see what I was hired for…” An unknown voice said.

“This is none of your business, citizen. Move on…”

“Oh really?” The voice asked as she felt some creature stared at her. Turning around she was surprised to see a face she hadn’t seen in a while. Nor had she ever seen it in person, only seeing it on a poster.

“Stripes!” Zoom exclaimed, looking rather defensive. “I know you! You might as well forfeit, you are coming with me!” She exclaimed, grabbing some more hoof-cuffs from her interdimensional pegasus pocket under her wing that all pegasi had.

“Oh no.” Stripes smirked, ruffling her red mane, same colour as the red stripes on her body. But darker red stripes seen within. “A little pony?Trying to defeat me?” She laughed, starting to invade Zoom’s personal space as she kept her composture.“Try it.”

“Hooves up!”

Stripes was a little puzzled how’d that’s be possible. “You aren’t the police. But I guess I have no power against you because you are a pegasus pony, so scary! Lock me away!” She sat there, lifting her forelegs towards Zoom, dramatically.

She smirked as she cuffed her hooves together, looking suspicious at her.

"Now, you are coming with me." Zoom said, grabbing the foreleg and pulling her forward, only for Stripes to not even budge. She only smirked at her as her body began to glow, Zoom quickly stepped back and watched with caution and shock. Gasping a bit as the cuffs shattered like nothing as her shape changed. Turning into a creature that seemed like a cat, or a leopard, but bipedal. Like her pony form, there were stripes all over her body.

“Ah yes…” Stripes grinned as she stretched her arms. “Much easier to fight like this.”

“It’ll be easier for you if you remain silent and come with me!” Zoom exclaimed towards the creature that was taller than she was. Bigger, obviously a creature she had never seen before. This was not a pony at all! What on earth was she? She was terrified, but tried her best to hide it.

“Actually. It’ll be much easier for you to get lost and let me find what I am looking for!” Stripes responded as she rose a fist. Zoom hadn’t even noticed she had finched herself.

“As a palace guard, I cannot stand here and let you pose a risk to the kingdom.” Zoom responded.

“I’m sorry. Palace guard? I don't see myself in the palace. So you aren't a guard here! Get lost!” She said before kicking Zoom, sending her crashing into a wall. Showing no remorse. If she was a palace guard, she should be in the palace, not out and about she thought.

“Ugh!” She cried as she slumped on the ground. Stripes running off as she shakingly got up, quickly taking off in the air. “Get back here!” She cried. A little surprised at Stripe’s running speed, she expected her to be a little faster than this speed. It was no faster that a galloping pony who wasn’t really into marathon running.

Zoom followed her through the alley. Finding the best timing to dive down and tackle her to the ground. She tried talking to her, but she asked for violence. So she dived down right towards her. Only for her to smirk and turn around, grabbing her midair and throwing her up, sending her crashing down on the ground, far from where she was.

Her whole body ached as she shakingly got up. Grabbing a sheild, which was claimed to actually be a tennis ball. But, it’s a sheild, for sure!

Stripes stomped on her feet on the ground right near her. Laughing. What didn’t she run off? Why did she come to right where she threw her?,“What are you gonna do now? Capture me in that ball or something? Like a lousy Pansy Monster?”

Zoom held up the tennis ball as she shakingly got to her hooves. She was destined to defeat Dark Matter. She surely can’t be weak! She glared at the assaulter, looking back to see ponies crossing the bridge nearby, running to the other side.

“Stay calm!” She cried out. “I got this all under control.”

“Or do you?” Stripes asked. “You don’t know who I am. I’m the strongest in my army at home! To the point I basically lead it! What are you, the maid of the royal family.” She laughed. “You don’t see how outmatched you are already? I ripped the head off a dragon once!”

Zoom felt herself shiver in fear as she looked up at Stripes. Wondering if she was just making that stuff up to make herself seem as strong as she looked. Besides, it could have easily been a small dragon, like smaller than Sparky. Or she’s sprouting nonsense.

“You asked for it…” Zoom said, flaring her wings as she held the “sheild” ready to be protected and defend herself and overs.

“You really think midget thing will save you from this?” Stripes grinned as she raced at Zoom, kicking her, sending her onto the bridge. Grabbing the tennis ball in her hand, she approached her with a grin. Crushing it in one hand and tossing it aside. She flinched as she watched her, blood coming from her muzzle.

“Y-you are not getting away with this.” Zoom choked before being grabbed by the hoof. Too tired and scared to move.

“Yes I am. You are just in my way!” Stripes aid, tossing Zoom right near the edge of the bridge.

She could not lose here. She was not going to be defeated! She was going to win this! She shakingly got up and panted a bit, staring as Stripes came closer, she could feel her head hurting. But the kingdom needed her, she could not afford to lose!

“L-leave!” Zoom spat.

“After I have taken out the trash!” Stripes shouted. Racing at Zoom and grabbing her with both claws. She made choking noises as she was grabbed by the neck. Frantically gasping for air. Stripes held Zoom by her neck above the cliff, dangling her heartlessly. “Wow! The queen actually chose a pathetic blue squid to defend it?” She asked. “What a mistake. I might as well do her a favour and toss you out. The queen might as well thank me!”

“D-don’t-“ Zoom choked. “Y-you dare-“ She tried her best. “Touch- her!” She said before her throat was squeezed more.

“Oh, She’s a waste of time. She’s obviously so pathetic if her guard is this… Pathetic! C’mon? Weak yellow balls as sheilds? Some child’s dress up as armour!? That clearly did nothing to defend you, did it?” She then laughed.. “I warned you, I am not leaving till I get what I need!”

“Hey! Y-“ Zoom tried to speak before Stripes put a sharp claw to her throat. Putting enough pressure to draw some blood that dribbled down. Her conscious started to fade as she was held there like nothing more than a plush doll.

“Meh. I might as well get going, shouldn’t I?” She asked, removing the claw, laughing before she let go. Not knowing Zoom just barely grip to the edge of the bridge with her hooves.

“You aren’t getting away with these crimes!” Zoom shouted the best she could. Grabbing Stripe’s tail with a rush of fear as she felt her other hoof slip.

“What are you gonna do about that? Prissy little thing?” Stripes asked, raising a fist as Zoom gulped chomping down on the fluff on Stripe’s tail. Not knowing what to do as her heart raced, feeling like she was going to die. But if she was going down. She was going to try and take her with her. Stripes for some reason did not acknowledge it for a few seconds. “Bite me? You think that’s gonna do anything?” She asked before giving her a huge punch in the face. Causing both hooves to slip, sending her falling. Stripes herself yelped as she was yanked over the edge, thanks to the grip she had on her tail.

It was like slow motion as Zoom fell into the abyss, like a discarded ragdoll. She was falling to her doom, if she did not do anything, but what?

Easy! She’s a pegasus. She can fly! She simply turned herself upright and made herself soar into the air. But turning herself upright and opening her wings would be a task for somepony so out of it.

But she noticed Stripes was also falling, it appeared she had no wings. It was unsure if could survive this fall. Zoom quickly turned herself upright, reluctantly reaching out to Stripes, hoping to be able to carry her to safety.

“Get lost!” Stripes said before slamming her, sending her tumbling across the sky. Far from her, tumbling closer and closer to doom.

She yelped as she disappeared into the fog, It was clear Stripes refused to be saved. But an idea instantly came to her mind. She turned her body upright and lifted her wings. It was almost like the wind pulled her back, but she was stull falling rather fast. Gliding quickly. She yelped as she narrowly dodged a rocky pillar, getting closer and closer to the ground. Narrowly dodging each one as she saw them. Which was hard in fog this thick.

She screamed as her wing clipped against one, sending her spiralling as the ground came closer and closer. Her body ragdolling across the rocky ground, nearly falling off a cliff. She groaned as she lifted her head, unable to see where she was. Her whole body was aching as she tried getting up.

All she could hear was her rapid breathing and grunts as she tried getting up. But her body would not let her. But she had to try, she had to get back up and get Stripes! She could not leave her to do who knows what! That’s assuming she survived the fall somehow, it would be seen in self-defense, but she wished she was able to save her.

But now she had to do something and get out here! She whimpered as she looked at her numb foreleg, barely feeling a thing.

“D-dang it.” She groaned after slumping to the ground after trying to pick herself up. Ponies never went down in this area, it was always thought as disinteresting and dangerous. Which was not untrue, it was rather a long way down. Also, the area was usually foggy, and the light was blocked out by the rest of the mountains. Plus the a rapid came through here. In fact, as far as she knew. The only times ponies successfully came down this part of the mountain was to build that big bridge! Or some other ponies that wanted to explore.

Taking out her phone, she quickly sent a warning to the other guards that Stripes was spotted. It was better to be prepared in case she did survive. There was no internet connection down here, but they’d get it.

She wiped her muzzle and laid there, catching her breath. Resting till she was able to fly again. Knowing she should rest for a few minutes and just relax. Shocked by the blood stain on her muzzle, it was her own blood… She was beaten pretty badly by whatever Stripes was.

But what was she and where did she come from? Was she connected to Dark Matter? Or is she just from freak creature that wants to prey on ponies. As far as she was aware, Sunny and her friends hadn’t met such a creature yet, until they met Stripes.

Zoom growled in anger a bit at the thought of Stripes. She had hurt royalty and resisted arrest on multiple occasions it seemed. She was a dangerous criminal. But she could not stop her. She was too weak. That was no excuse to be too weak to stop her, she’s a guard!

“Stupid weakling!” She muttered under her breath, scolding herself for getting to this point. Hoping Stripes was gone for good. But there was concern that entered her mind. If Stripes was right about the army, she could easily ask for back up. If her army is as strong as she is… Pony kind is doomed…

Stripes needs to be stopped as soon as possible! Assuming she survived the fall, which was unlikely…

Dark Matter and now Stripes? That is a lot to deal with… Isn’t it?