//------------------------------// // Chapter Three: A Horrible Way To Go. // Story: Project Mechillion // by Ronocorian //------------------------------// Steelwing drifted back into a painful dark consciousness, awoken by the sound of arching electricity, he looked back on the event and realised he had practically nose dived into the floor at a good 1600 trots per second, he was incredibly lucky to be alive. Steelwing attempted to move his torso, only to be stopped by two cold shooting pains "ARGHHHH!!!!!" he screamed, as he realised he had been gored on two sharp cold steel poles, that had dug directly into his body, luckily missing all of the vital organs. One had embedded its self directly into Steel's left leg, and the other had passed entirely through his right shoulder, emerging out of the other side. The cold steel bit into his flesh, and he could tell by the increasingly light feeling that he was bleeding internally, Steel didn't have much time left. Steels blood coated the cracked glass of the cockpit, and as he opened his mouth to breathe, he found himself coughing huge pools of blood up, the movement of his lungs slowly pushing him futher onto the impaling metal spikes. "Euuuugh!!" he groaned, the cold biting into his insides once more, He.....He HAD to stay alive....Stay alive....Alive.... Steelwing started to black out as he saw 3 ponies rapidly approaching the front of the cockpit, their screams were muffled as he started to lose consciousness at an alarming rate. Steelwing reached down into the emergency kit he always kept in reach, and fiddled it open with his right hand, completely immobilised by the spikes. Steelwing met the lock on the box with success, opening it, only to find that the shot of adrenaline that he needed to stay alive was just out of his reach, breathing in deeply and painfully, he braced himself for what he was about to do. he pushed his body forward, slowly sliding himself off the spikes bit by bit, the whole time screaming curses that should never be uttered. He finally reached the syringe and jammed it into his arm with all the strength he could muster. He pushed down on the end of the syringe, releasing the adrenaline into his system and forced himself to hold on for another painful minute. He felt a surge of energy rush into his body as the adrenaline took effect, and he managed to will his head to look at the cockpit that the three other ponies were smashing at, trying to gain access so they may assist him, Steelwing was bleeding out fast, and they knew they had very little time before it was too late. A pony, a mare as far as he could see was bucking her way into the cockpit fast, and the reinforced glass showed heavy signs of pressure, small parts of glass started to be displaced, and the orange furred pony with the blonde mane showed no signs of exertion, she was giving it her all. The last thing Steelwing remembers was a large crack appearing before his body went limp and he blacked out once more.