Another ANON FILLY Story

by FIM Fiction

4, A Taste of Truth

Diana let out a snort, her eyes snapping open. "Oh goodness, 3 AM!" She rolled out of bed, her hair bouncing wildly. She reached under her bed and patted a small Alligator. She stood up, gripping her nightgown by the chest. With a single yank, she pulled it off, revealing her work uniform beneath.

Diana skipped to the door, before halting. "Wait, 3 AM? Weird things happen at 3 AM! Why am I going out?"

Gummy blinked slowly.

"I suppose you're right..." Diana said, scraping her foot along the ground. "But wouldn't that put me in danger?"

Gummy licked his lips.

Diana nodded, seemingly inspired by Gummy's choice of words. "You know what? You're right. Anon needs me, and I'll be darned if I don't help a friend stuck behind an eight ball!"

Gummy let out a slight hiss.

"Dancing in the wind? I thought he's in trouble with some street gangs, not an opera house," Pinkie said, confused. She shook her head. "Eh, I'm sure this'll be easy as duck soup!"

Gummy let out another hiss.

"Off the track?" Diana asked. "Gummy, you're starting to make me concerned. And I can't be the bees knees if my knees are shaking!" She let out a giggle. "Bye Gummy. I'll be back soon." Diana headed out of her room, flicking off the lights.

Gummy sat in the dark for a moment, before making his way to the window. "So much to do, and so little time," he muttered. He stopped, looking around. He searched the darkness for a moment, before climbing up the window sill. "So much to do..."

Luna opened her eyes, a look of concern growing across her face. She sat up, simply staring at a wall for a moment. Eventually, she considered her head too full of thoughts to handle alone. "I think I shall join Celestia for..." She got up and walked to a set of lush blue curtains. She opened them and winced at the sudden brightness of light. "Lunch."

Luna closed the curtains and moved to a bedstand. She opened it's drawers and started rummaging through it. "Where is the smoked glass?" she muttered, letting out a yawn. "Ah, here it is." Luna put on the shades and walked to her closet. "What should I wear?" She pondered for a moment, before grabbing a bathrobe. "I ought to be comforta-" She let out a heavy yawn, smacking her lips. "Comfortable."

Luna poked her head out of her room. The guard outside blinked in mild surprise. "Mistress," he said with a nod.

"We thought guards weren't so casual. No matter, impostor or not. We have a mission for thee. Drag mine sister out of the day court. I want to have lunch with her, so do what thou must, even unto literally dragging her out. Now go, it's an order from the mistress of darkness." She shut the door.

The guard stood for a moment, before heading off down the hall. Orders were orders, and he was ordered by the Priestess to obey the Mistress's every command. He made his way to the court room, being halted by the two who guarded the doors.

"Halt. What business have you?" the Court guard asked.

"The Mistress has instructed me to make certain The High Priestess make time for lunch straight away, even to have me dragging her out in a literal fashion." The guard knew his orders, and he would fulfill them.

"You would suggest laying your hooves upon The High Priestess?" the other Court guard asked, raising a spear.

"The High Priestess says for me to obey the Mistress's every command. And this is what the Mistress commands. Whether I desire to or not is not important," the guard explained.

The Court guards nodded, and opened the doors. The guard stepped through, moving past the petitioners. "Your holiness! I have an urgent message from the Mistress of Darkness!"

Celestia turned her attention to the guard, her eyes showing concern. "What is it my sister desires?" she asked.

"She demands to have lunch with you immediately. I am to fulfill this desire by any means necessary," the guard exclaimed.

"Lunch? Oh. I'll be done with court in an hour," Celestia explained, turning back to the noble. "You said that wolves were-"

"I apologize, your holiness. But the Mistress desires your immediate attention by any means necessary, to her demand of dragging you out physically."

A gasp went across the room as the guard marched up to Celestia. She giggled, and stood up. Her golden robes flowed gracefully around her, shimmering in the sunlight from the grand windows. "And that is how I know you are perfect. I assigned you to obey her every command, and you fulfill without question." She kissed the guard on his forehead, a slight glow covering him. "I will go. And have my blessing to spend the day however you please," she said.

"Thank you, your Holiness." The guard bowed, and left. Celestia smiled, walking out of the Court room. She wondered what Luna had in mind.

Celestia sat at the dinner table, silver cutlery set out, with roasted carrots, rice and a slice of cake set out before her. Her sister's plate had a stack of tuna sandwiches with cheese. Not the greatest food, but also not the worst. She smiled as she looked at her plate, the chef having burnt in delicate designs of art. She frowned, seeing how Luna's sandwich looked as though it had been squished. "After almost a year, one might think they would view her better."

The dining room's doors were kicked open rudely, snapping Celestia out of her thoughts. Luna approached, dressed in a white fluffy spa robe and her massive Witch hat, crooked and bent. She had on sunglasses.

"Sister! It is good to see you!" Luna said, sitting on the stool set out for her. She sniffed the sandwich loudly. "Oh, you can smell the hate!" She picked it up and took a bite, growling. "Huh. Less hate then usual." She lowered her shades slightly, looking at Celestia. "I think the cook is starting to warm up to me," she grumbled.

"Hello Luna," Celestia said, levitating a knife and fork. "How was your sleep?"

Luna shoved a sandwich in her mouth. "Pwety good. Sorta," she said, crumbs falling out of her mouth. She swallowed. "Actually, that's what I want to speak of. I had..." She paused, tilting her head side to side. "An unusual vision of sorts."

"Oh? Do tell?" Celestia asked as she poured tea for herself, and a glass of milk for Luna.

Luna looked out the window for a moment. "It was... A silly dream. One like Equestria, but different." she said. "You and I were Princess's there."

"Us? Royalty?" Celestia gave a curt laugh. "Ha!"

"We might as well be, seeing how half the masses think you are a god, and me a demon," Luna said.

"No one thinks me a god," Celestia said, taking a sip. "Right?"

"What was stranger still was the technology. Fundamentals of magic. Doubles of the oddest sort. But most of all, was how real it felt." She ate a second sandwich, before continuing. "There was a mirror with the same world on the other side, but the other side was destroyed, with the mirror going black. And something about a crown of Harmony."

"And this was all a dream? Or a vision?" Celestia asked, eating her rice.

"I would say a mix of both. But what I remember in the clearest detail was this. In that realm, you were a cake addict with the biggest arse I've ever seen." Luna chuckled as Celestia began coughing.

"I beg your pardon!?" Celestia asked.

"I even drew a diagram!" Luna pulled a poster out of her robe. "See?" She unrolled it, showing a very crude and stick like drawing. The picture of the cake was realistic, however. "Cake goes in here, and the flanks grow fatter!" she said. "Hey, remember that time you got fat?"

Celestia controlled her coughing fit. "Yes, I remember! Fat doesn't go to my hips, but my legs and belly!"

"Yes!" Luna said. "And you had gotten so large, people thought you were pregnant with the child of God!"

Celestia blushed, thinking on that day. "Oh, I remember how that reporter asked so bluntly-"

Luna interrupted by tearing a sandwich in half to use as a mustache and speaking in a gruff voice. "Celestia, is it true the Creator pounded your ass?" Luna said, holding out her cup like it was a mic.

Celestia burst out laughing, her face a deep red. "T-that's not what he said!" she giggled.

"I dunno, I'm pretty certain those were his exact words!" Luna said, nodding. "Heard it plain as day." She ate the half.

"You weren't even awake for that!" Celestia responded. She gasped for air, trying to control her breathing.

"Yeah, but how many had that dream, I wonder?" Luna asked, tapping her chin with a slice of cheese.

Celestia laughed once more, throwing a carrot at her sister. "Y-you fool! I should have left you on the moon."

"Maybe, maybe." Luna drew on her poster with cheese. "But I would still see your fat ass." She revealed her art, showing Celestia with a comically large rear. She smirked as Celestia's beautiful laughter only grew.

"I- I can't breathe!" Celestia gasped. "N-No more! I beg you!"

"Well too bad, because I drew a crap load of caricatures of the weirdest things my dream had to offer!" Luna said excitedly, her grin wide.


Anon stared at Spot, who had just fainted. Is... Is he dead? No, he's still breathing. Maybe he dropped the key? Anon frowned, seeing the key still clutched in Spot's paw. His foot is right there... I could drag him closer and- And jerked away. But that would mean using my teeth! And that would mean... Well, nothing I guess. I only crave pony flesh.

Tear his foot off

Anon turned quickly, looking around herself. "Hello?"

Eat EAT!

No! Sleep and sleep and sleep an

Slime toads and toads stools and nasty little

Anon clopped her hooves together, the voices fading with the sharp noise. "None of that please. None of that." She could feel her heart racing. "Okay, I'm not doing so good. Uh..." She looked back down at Spot. "Oh! Right! Um. What do I do with you?"

Anon walked to the bars and poked her head through. Her shoulders however were too large. She grunted, stretching her neck towards Spot's foot. She firmly bit it, intending to drag Spot closer.

"Huh? Wha!?" Spot awoke with a shout, rising back up.

Anon yanked her head back, smashing it into the bars, before popping it back in. "FUCK!" she shouted, gripping her head in pain.

"AH!" Spot yanked his foot back. "Little pony tried to eat Spot!"

"No I didn't! I'm full!" Anon quickly said.

"Full of pony!" Spot said. He pulled out a whistle and stopped. "Full of pony Spot told tiny pony to eat! Ohh, Spot is in deep trouble!" Spot stared down in horror, before slowly tilting his head. A frown grew across his face. "Dead pony is... very eaten. More than hungry pony should eat..." He turned to Anon. "Tiny pony has eaten pony before."

"W-what? No I haven't!" Anon said.

"Tiny pony ate rear first," Spot said, pointing.

Beads of sweat started forming on Anon's face. "Y-yeah? So?"

"Only meat eating children know to go for the rear. The desperate eat the belly." Spot put the whistle away, and unlocked the cell door. "Little pony stay back. Spot needs to remove the body," he said, stepping in.

Anon snapped her teeth at Spot, quickly moving to intercept. Her lips pulled back showing a row of sharp teeth as she let out a low growl.

Spot let out a yip, jumping back. "Murder pony!" he shouted. He rushed out the cells and slammed the door shut.

He's gonna lock me in! Anon rushed for the door, pushing hard against it.

Spot struggled to lock the door as Anon bit at his legs. With a grunt, he shoved the key into the lock and turned. He let out a yip as Anon bit his paw. Spot knocked Anon off and withdrew with the key, panting. "Crazy murder pony!" he shouted. Spot quickly moved off down the hall, leaving Anon growling. She grinned as she saw him limping.

Anon glared down the hall, before taking a deep breath. "What the hell was that?" she asked herself. I felt like a different person entirely! Like something in me was replaced by another me who only wanted to eat! Anon felt sick. Her stomach churned as she slumped to the floor. "Have I lost my mind and attacked some poor worker who tends to the patients? Is the dog himself even evil? He told me to eat, and obviously seemed horrified that I actually ate!" Anon let out a sigh. "I feel tired," she grunted.

"Well no wonder you feel tired!" Jump Up said, floating down. "You got three voices thrashing about and you've not even connected with a single one!" Jump Up smiled. "Let me help you. You got three choices pally! Rage, fear, and prick! These three each represent something, and you gotta pick which to lead before your juggling act ends up breaking you!"

Anon simply stared at the eyeless pony. "Random, what the heck are you talking about?"

"Well, think of it this way," Random explained. "Rage is a hateful thing that lashes out at everything with one main focus: Eat and kill anything that stops me from eating. Fear is like a scared little child lost in the woods crying for Mummy. And the third, my personal favorite, the Prick. Insult people, and be a nuisance to society."

Anon sat up. "Well, I do enjoy being an asshole... I'll be a Prick!" The moment Anon finished her words, she felt complete. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she glanced at the corpse. "Ideeea!"

Jump Up gave a large smile. "This is gonna be fun!"


Anon sat in his bed in his apartment, blankly staring at the wall.


His gave slowly turned to the crown, sitting atop the dresser.


Anon strode across the room. He touched the crown, and smiled.