//------------------------------// // 11: All Of Nothing // Story: Spike The Spinjitzu Master // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// A few more days has passed since Spike and the others rescued Lloyd from the Serpentine, Lloyd's been getting better after being held by them after a while, and Garmadon's been there for any support he's can, while it is quite the reveal that Lloyd is the Green Ninja, Spike is proud to know that, but he also has worries of his own, with Lloyd being so young it will put a lot of pressure on him, Spike is a bit older sure, but even he's had trouble fully adapting to this new world, but he has a lot to deal with right now, from Allison, to the snakes, and getting the Fangblades, there's a lot they need to get done, and they need to hurry up with it. Spike and the ninja had gotten info on a Venomari being spotted somewhere in Ninjago City, and they all had quickly made they're way to the place to stop him. The Venomari in General was running through the streets at night, but was stopped once he saw Zane and Spike appear out of the shadows with weapons drawn. "Where do you think your going?" Spike asked while he twirled his Trident around and charged up a Fire blast, the Venomari got scared and tried running away just before Spike shot a blast to the ground which knocked him off his feat, this was followed by Jay appearing through a street light and shot more lightning at him. The snake tried escaping, but Kai and Cole cornered him in an alley so he couldn't escape. "Going somewhere?" Cole asked smugly while they all ganged up on him and drew they're weapons. "uh oh.." He said with fear while they pinned him down. "Thought you could hit a joy ride through town without us noticing huh? Where's the last Fangblade?!" Jay asked interrogating him. "I.. don't know what your talking about." The snake lied which everyone saw through. "Oh that's a lie if I've ever seen it, where is it?!" Spike asked while starting to growl in a threatening way. "Oh, that Fangblade! Hehe, your too late! Pythor's already there and is already digging it out! If I were you, I'd prepare for the worst, because there will be nothing it won't consume!" He said dramatically which made Zane realize something. "Doesn't that mean it'll consume you too?" Zane asked which made him start freaking out. "Ah! Please! You have to stop him! That snake is crazy! I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer! I'm a snake! Not food!" He begged while freaking out at the thought. "is there any chance we can still get the last Fangblade?" Kai asked hoping there was something. "Your days behind him! But there's gotta be something else you can do!" He begged which made everyone look at eachother to think of something. Everyone made they're way back to the bounty which was currently flying through the sky's once again, Spike had Allison in his arms again and was helping her sleep nicely. "The Venomari's right, by the time we set sail to the last Fangblade, Pythor will have already beaten us there." Nya said as they all looked at the map of the land again. "Oh come on guys, this is the last one! We have to get it! We gotta think of something." jay asked looking to the others. "Hey.. if we only need one Fangblade to stop him, but what if we take the other 3 back? There's no way he'd keep them on him, he's probably got them somewhere hidden." Lloyd suggested which was a great idea. "That's a great idea, if he isn't there by now, we still have a chance to get the others." Spike said really liking that idea of his. "But they would be heavily guarded, it would be more dangerous to get the other 3 which may be well protected." Zane pointed out which brought up more problems again. "Finally, I don't have to hold back!" Kai said eager to get going now. But Garmadon had his own concerns he had to worry about. "Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are." Garmadon pointed out again. "He's right, for the past few weeks there has been almost no Serpentine sightings, how are they moving around?" Wu asked wondering how this is. "Hold on a second.. they're snakes right? They live underground! So if they can't be seen on the surface.." Spike theorized which gave them an idea. "Of course! Bridge, give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago, 20 feet below surface!" Nya said to the bridge which did what it was requested, and they all were shown of a secret map being right below all of Ninjago. "All the tombs are interconnected! To make one massive underground fortress!" Cole said amazed with this discovery. "It feels good to be right at times!" Spike said proudly while Allison was sleeping soundly in his arms while Kai noticed one specific place. "There, that looks like the most secure place, it must be where the Fangblades are being protected." Kai theorized which may be true. "Then what are we waiting for? Nya, set course!" Wu ordered to her who quickly got to work. "Already on it, we'll be there by sunrise!" Nya assured while she was quickly setting the course to the location. After that meeting with everyone else, Spike went to his room to put Allison to sleep again, she's been a handful to raise, but Spike's enjoyed every moment of it, she's often a pretty calm and looks to understand what's happening, she already looks pretty smart for being a month old by this point, and Spike felt proud of her for it. "You doing alright Spike?" Lloyd announced while Spike was walking out of the room, Spike turned to him and saw Lloyd was a bit concerned, but Spike only smiled in response. "I'm fine Lloyd, just putting Allison to sleep again, she's been a lot, but I've really loved raising her since I hatched her." Spike said proudly while they walked through the halls together. "Sorry I wasn't able to see her hatch, I can't tell you how much I would've wanted to see it, but I'm glad your able to raise her like a father, even if your so young." Lloyd complimented which Spike chuckled at. "Thanks, I'm only 12 years old, but with how well I've been raised, I took that into mind and used what I learned to help Allison, while I never knew who my real parents were, what I had back in Equestria really taught me a lot." Spike said as he really missed everyone back home. "You ever think you'll find a way back? What if.. your stuck here forever? What if something bad happens back in your home?" Lloyd asked worried for what could happen, while Spike was worried about that too, he had hopes Twilight and everyone else can handle just fine without him. "I feel like my friends will be able to go on without me, even if it's a long time since I'll see them again.. I just know that one day, I'll find my way back, that's a fact." Spike assured while he held out his Golden Weapon, it was one of the first things he had to gaining his own strength, and whenever he used it, it felt awesome to use. "Well, whatever the case, I'm glad you handling things well, if you need anything, I'll be there for help alright?" Lloyd asked while patting his back. "Thanks Lloyd, it's so great to have you back here, let's see what the others are up to right now." Spike replied as they went back to the deck of the ship to plan things out. After that small talk with Lloyd, the Bounty was arriving at the Mountain of a Million Steps now, and everyone was trained up and ready to fight. "Look at all those piles of dirt!" Jay observed as the Bounty flew directly at the mountains side and the team was almost ready to go. "What are those snakes up to?" Cole asked as they all looked down at it. "Wait for us!" Lloyd announced while he and Spike were running down to the others. "This is not your fight Lloyd, the Green Ninja is too important for a future destiny, you shall stay with me." Wu instructed which Lloyd felt upset to hear. But Nya's samurai suit came flying down and had a new attachment to it. "Well, it looks like he's gonna have to watch after himself, because we made room for you!" Nya said proudly while looking at the chair. "Well you said you were concerned so you couldn't keep up, so Jay and Nya rejigged the design so you could come along! What do you think?" Kai asked while Wu had an eager look on his face. "I think.... shotgun!" Wu announced while he hopped onto the chair while laughing in a fun way. "I think I'll stay back here guys, someone's gotta look after the ship." Spike announced which they all could understand. "I will stay back as well, I don't enjoy saying this but.. good luck." Garmadon said to all of them who smiled proudly at hearing that. After that, Kai and the other Ninja had made they're way back to the tomb from before to find out where they are, but it appeared empty from the looks of it. "I thought you said this place was heavily guarded?" Jay asked turning to Zane who tried figuring this out. "Forgive me, even Nindroids make mistakes." Zane whispered while Cole noticed a painting on the wall. "Hey, check this out!" Cole announced which got their attention and they saw the funny drawing of the ninja. "That doesn't even look like me!" Jay said annoyed to see that. "Oh they're gonna pay for that!" Kai declared while clutching his fists. "I mean at least give me a decent mustache.." Cole said as he went and accidently triggered a switch, and that somehow opened up a secret tunnel that led deeper into the mountain. "Uh.. meant to do that.." Cole said a bit nervous on all the noise it made. But they all didn't waste anymore time, and they quickly rushed down the long tunnel to find the other Fangblades, but soon enough, they found an entire open tomb with all the remaining Serpentine who all were awaiting Pythor to return from finding the next Fangblade. "There's too many to deal with all at once, I say we travel by shadow." Kai suggested which was a good idea to them. "Right behind you." Nya assured looking down at him. "And I'll be right behind you." Wu assured as well which gave them their plan. They all started to sneak they're way down to the center while Wu just had some more tea to wait. But back at the Bounty, Spike and Lloyd were just walking in the bridge, and they found Garmadon who seemed to be stealing information. "Transferring files." The ship announced which Lloyd and Spike were upset to see. "Garmadon! What are you doing?!" Spike shouted which shocked him enough to stop doing that and he turned to see Spike and Lloyd were there. "Were you.. stealing?! Dad, our friends are risking their lives to save Ninjago! And your going behind our backs to gain an advantage?!" Lloyd asked upset to see him do such a thing now of all times, Garmadon only sighed regretfully and tried explaining this to them. "I'm sorry you two, but when the Devourer bit me, evil runs through my blood, and.. there's just this.. urge to do something bad, and.. I can't fight back against it.." Garmadon said shamefully while Spike crossed his arms. "You left me for so long? Where did you go?" Lloyd asked upset at all of this still. "Garmadon, I know it's.. rough for you, but there are just times when this stuff shouldn't happen, we barely know eachother, but even then I still see that this bothers you." Spike said as he did feel bad for Garmadon being forced to do evil stuff. "I thank you for that Spike, but.. there are just some places in this world that are void of any good, and that was the only place where I felt.. like I belonged.." Garmadon said shamefully which worried them both. "Is that where sensei found you?" Lloyd asked worried to hear that. "You know how I've always wanted those Golden Weapons, and this place allowed me to posses them, but I wasn't aware there was a 5th one, I guess there is stuff our father hid from us, that was meant for someone else." Garmadon said looking at Spike's trident. "But.. why didn't you take me with you? Why did I have to be at a boarding school for most of my life?" Lloyd asked really betrayed from what he's done. "Every boy has a choice to choose who they want to be, but because I was bitten, evil runs through my veins. And the urge to do evil has never left me since.. but you both still have a choice, you don't need to be like me Lloyd, Wu has a plan for you. And even if it's to stop me one day, we have to follow our own destiny. And after I help you all stop Pythor, I'll have to leave again.." Garmadon said regretfully which made Spike feel bad for hearing this. "Then why don't you leave now?!" Lloyd shouted suddenly which caught them off guard. "Whoa Lloyd! Take a moment here please!" Spike begged while Garmadon was upset to hear this, but Lloyd wasn't having it. "I don't wanna hear it. Go back to whatever evil place you came from!" Lloyd said as he didn't even look at him. But they're talk couldn't last any longer until Nya came onto the screen through the intercom. "Lloyd! Spike! Operation Stealth was a total bust! We're gonna need reinforcements!" Nya said with worry while the thing was still in static, Garmadon was about to reach out to help, but Lloyd stopped him before he could do anything. "We don't need you here! Maybe it would've been better if you hadn't come back at all!" Lloyd said with anger which really hurt Garmadon's feelings. "If that's how you feel.. Spike.. if there's one thing I can ask of you.. whatever happens to him.. promise that you'll be by his side.." Garmadon begged looking at him, Spike already felt awful for all of this drama, and tried to find a way to help, but for now he needed to help Nya and the others. "I'll try, know that i'm sorry for what's happened to you, and even if we have to fight one day, just know I won't hold back when it happens." Spike assured while he went to fix the intercom while Garmadon was leaving. "I look forward to it Spike.." Garmadon said regretfully while he left them alone to handle this. Back with the ninja, they had been spotted by the Serpentine and were starting to be cornered by them. "Lloyd, Spike! Can you hear me?" Nya asked while they were being approached by all of them. "Ugh! I can't get to them!" Nya said annoyed as some snakes climbed on Nya's mech, but Wu splashed some hot tea on one to make him fall back down. "Forget them! We need to fight back! Ninja! Show them what you've learned!" Wu announced while everyone began fighting back against them. Cole tried to fight against Skalidor, but he was quickly coiled around with and started to be squeezed tightly. "Always wanted to make you my main squeeze!" Skalidor hissed while Cole remembered his training. "Must relax.. think.. loose.." Cole said as he relaxed himself and set himself free. "What?!" Skalidor asked shocked while Cole laughed joyfully. "Triple Tiger Sashay!" Cole announced before he hopped over Skalidor, and delivered 3 hits to each of the snakes to keep going forward. Kai drew his sword and readied himself as he was surrounded by Scales and more Hypnobrai. "Your surrounded, young fire starter! Perhaps you can do.. our bidding!" Scales hissed while he tried hypnotizing him, but Kai closed his eyes to avoid it. "Must not look! Ninja go!!" Kai screamed as he used his Spinjitzu and he quickly scooped up a couple more snakes and Scales right into his tornado. "I wish I could see me now, because all of you just got Kai'd!" Kai said confidently while he knocked all of them away. Jay was twirling his weapons around and shot multiple lightning blasts at some Fangpyre, Fangtom tried coming up behind him and tried to bite him, but Jay's armor was really tough and he screamed in pain from the armor. "What's wrong?! Don't like the taste of defeat?! Well get used to it!" Jay said seriously before he saw Nya and Wu come back down to help. "Looking good!" Nya complimented while she shot a net at some Venomari and she pinned them to the wall as a result. "Thanks, you two.." Jay said a little nervous until Zane snapped was seen surrounded. "Don't mean to interrupt the lovebirds! But we got Fangblades to capture!" Zane announced while he held out his weapons and shot more ice at some of them. One Venomari shot some of it's spit at Zane's face and that started to make Zane's vision obscure as he was starting to feel afraid, but he remembered his alternate vision and tried to use it. "Switching to Falcon Vison!" Zane announced while his eyes turned blue and he started to see things from the Falcon's perspective, and Zane was able to take down some enemy's that were around him thanks to his quick thinking. Everyone was soon surrounded by all the snakes and were put against they're backs, they all used they're powers to try and push them back, but more kept coming after each take down, but Kai looked to the center and saw all the other Fangblades in one spot. "Look, the Fangblades!" Kai announced while it was open for the taking. "I'll let you have the honors!" Cole said proudly looking at Kai. "Oh no, please, after you." Kai insisted in a polite tone. Cole tried running up to grab them, but some shackles suddenly shot up from the ground and was able to restrain his wrists. "Ah! It's a trap!" Cole shouted while he tried breaking free, the other ninja tried to escape but were soon cornered into a cage which shot out of the ground and they all were trapped inside. Kai tried to bend the bars, but the metal was too tough to do anything, and to make things worse, they saw Pythor had arrived just at this moment too. "Can this get any better? They fell right into my trap!" Pythor hissed while he held the last Fangblade which was worrying. "Oh this isn't good!"" Kai said annoyed while they're cage was being raised into a higher area to keep them from fighting back. "Where's Lloyd and Spike when you need them?!" Kai asked with worry while wondering where they are. Back with Spike and Lloyd, they were trying to get in touch with everyone else who wasn't responding, and Lloyd saw that they needed they're help, so he quickly went to finally put on the Green Ninja suit as he's meant to. "The Green Ninja is here to save the day!" Lloyd said proudly while he and Spike ran to the computer to get in contact with them. "Your looking good in that suit Lloyd! It really works for you!" Spike complimented which Lloyd chuckled at. "Thanks! It feels great to wear!" Lloyd said with a smile while they went to the computer again. "Lloyd? Spike? Lord Garmadon? Is anyone there?" Nya asked from her intercom which was static. "We hear you guys! But the coms static, we can't understand you!" Spike shouted while he tried fixing the intercom. Kai and the rest of the ninja were put in the cage that was raised above all the other snakes, and they're weapons were taken away from them to keep them from fighting back. "Nya? Hello?" Lloyd asked while the thing was still having problems, Nya took out a small rock and threw it to the mech to get it's radio to work. "We're fine, but we're a little held up at the moment, our weapons were taken from us, and we've been locked in cages!" Nya reported which was worrying for them to hear. "and Pythor's returned with the fourth Fangblade!" Cole added to make things worse for them. "Lloyd, where's Garmadon?" Zane asked worried for him, but Lloyd had a regretful look being asked that. "I told him to leave. He was trying to steal some secret info we had." Lloyd said regretfully which Kai scoffed at. "I told you guys we shouldn't trust him, but you guys didn't listen." Kai said smugly to the others who shook they're heads hearing that. Spike and Lloyd knew what they had to do, if they're held captive, they have to save them. "Don't worry guys, we'll be there shortly! Just give us a few minutes!" Spike said from the other side which Wu was against. "Lloyd isn't ready! His destiny is too great to risk!" Wu warned while he tried breaking free. "I hate to break it to you sensei, but if we don't get out of here before Pythor unleashes the Great Devourer, I think this will be the end of all our destiny's!" Cole said with worry on what's to happen if this comes to be. "Don't worry! We'll get you out of there soon! Hold on!" Lloyd shouted while he ran to a weapons closet and opened it up, he tried reaching for a sword, but all the weapons fell on him which Spike flinched at. "Ouch..." Lloyd said with pain while Spike was helping him up. Spike was really worried for Lloyd right now, and with the state they're all in, Spike has to find a way to help. "You alright Lloyd?" Spike asked while he got all the weapons off him, Lloyd groaned again and got up from all of it. "Yeah, I'm fine, we just need to be prepared for what we're gonna face there you know?" Lloyd asked while he was making his way out of the bridge. "You do realize I have my trident right? Which controls all the other ninja's elements? I think we'll be fine if we just stick together." Spike assured which Lloyd chuckled at. "Heh, wonder how come you got to control all the others powers, and if I'm supposed to be stronger then the others too, just what makes it different if you and I both have the same style of fighting?" Lloyd asked which Spike could see the comparisons of. "I don't know, plot armor I guess. Not to mention that I still have to raise Allison after all this, it's hard to believe so much can change in only a couple months huh?" Spike asked while he and Lloyd slid down the anchor and started running up the mountain. Lloyd kept his pace up the best they could while they were running to the top. "Yeah, I still can't believe you and I are gonna be fighting with eachother, if I really am part of a prophecy, I wonder if there was anything that you had in store for the future?" Lloyd asked which could be interesting to see. "Tell me about it, but I guess it makes sense, I'm like a bit older then you, and yet soon enough you'll be the strongest of all of us! I gotta ask, if you were to use one of the ninja's powers, which one would it be?" Spike asked curiously while Lloyd thought over it. "I'd say Ice, I feel like that can be used for some cool tricks, but what about you? If you could use only 1 element, what would it be.. besides fire of course?" Lloyd asked which Spike thought over for a moment too. "I'd say lightning, I've always been fond of lightning storms, they're just so cool to see, so imagine being able to appear anywhere like a lightning flash! That would be awesome!" Spike said eagerly which Lloyd chuckled at. "Totally! At least we'll be able to get alone when we work together huh?" Lloyd asked as they were nearing the top of the mountain. "For sure! Let's just save the others, those snakes don't know what's coming to them!" Spike said eagerly while he drew his weapon again. Spike and Lloyd quickly made they're way back to the mountain to save the others. "This way, I hear more voices from ahead!" Spike whispered while he and Lloyd ran through the tunnel. Meanwhile with the other ninja, they were chained to the cage after trying to escape thanks to Kai, but Kai soon saw Lloyd and Spike had just entered the place. "Look, it's Lloyd and Spike!" Kai announced while Spike and Lloyd were looking for an opening. "I see the others, let's get them out of here before something bad happens, come on!" Spike encouraged while they were running down the spiral, but as Lloyd was running besides him, he accidentally tripped on a rock which sent Lloyd rolling across the whole floor while everyone flinched seeing that. Spike tried to stop him from going deeper, but Lloyd was too fast and ended up rolling directly into a crowd of snakes. "Okay, we really need to work on our stealth training more." Spike said annoyed at this, he quickly rushed to Lloyd's side and rolled right next to him and drew his weapon and was ready to fight. "Well, if it isn't Pythor! Unhand our friends! Or suffer humiliation against.. The Green Ninja!" Lloyd announced while Spike growled at them all, but all the snakes seemed to take that as a joke and started laughing at him because of it. "Oh yeah?! You and what army?!" Pythor asked while Spike twirled his weapon around. "Why don't we start with this?" Spike asked before he twirled his weapon around, and used it to hit a a snake really hard in between his legs and he sent him flying across the room which surprised everyone. "Nice." Lloyd complimented while he high fived him. "Now, surrender, or we'll show you my army of fists!" Lloyd warned while he tried to punch something but it only made the snakes laugh some more until someone familiar came into the room. "Or this army!" Garmadon announced which got everyone's attention. Everyone looked above and they saw Garmadon had returned, and he had now retrieved the Skeleton army in order to help fight against them. "Dad!" Lloyd said shocked to see him here. "Lloyd, Spike, you both were able to help me that I do have a choice too, and if there's anybody who's going to threaten Ninjago, it may as well be me!" Garmadon said menacingly to all the snakes. "The Skeleton Army? Why would they fight besides you? You betrayed them and Samukai long ago!" Pythor hissed while Garmadon drew his weapons. "Because everybody hates snakes!" Cruncha mocked which made the whole army laugh in response. "Well, looks like we're even then! So who's first?!" Spike said while he cracked his knuckles. "Attack!" Pythor shouted to all his soldiers who began charging at the army to fight back. Spike charged directly into all the snakes and drew his weapon, it sparked with lightning and he twirled it around at fast speeds. "Lightning!" Spike screamed before he unleashed a powerful lightning blast against a huge group of them. Pythor went to retrieve the Fangblades, and was about to leave after pulling a switch that started lowering the cage the ninja were in. "Hey, we're moving!" Jay said with surprise until Cole looked down below. "Yeah, the wrong way!" Cole reminded while the cage was sinking to the venom pit below them. Spike flipped over some sword slices and deflected a few more attacks, he then grabbed two snakes by the head and slammed them against eachother. Spike then ducked under a slash from behind him and he flipped in the air to knock the weapon out of the snakes hand, Spike then proceeded to rapidly punch the snake in the face before slamming his head down, he then kneed the snake in the crotch before he pinned him down and raised his fist. "Wait wait wait!" The snake shouted before Spike punched him where it hurts before he kicked across the room while he hissed with pain. The cage was getting even lower to the ground and the venom was starting to melt through the floor below while the ninja were holding on for their lives. "Lloyd!" Nya said with relief while he ran through the crowd fighting eachother and was able to pull the switch which freed everyone from their cage. This lowered the weapons down too and they all went to get them. "Told you we'd save you!" Lloyd said proudly while Spike delivered a strong kick to another snake in the background. "Go ninja go!" Kai said proud of they're work before they all got they're weapons back. "Ninja go!!" Spike and the others screamed as they all used they're Spinjitzu against the army, Pythor was trying to escape the crowed, but Garmadon came in front of them with weapons drawn. Pythor tried to escape Garmadon's strength, but had backed up into Cole who was just behind him. "Going somewhere?" Cole mocked while they all had they're weapons drawn at him. "Oh dear.." Pythor said with fear just as Cole took the Fangblades away which he hissed at, but before they could do anything, Pythor suddenly turned invisible and vanished in front of all of them. "Where'd he go?!" Cole asked with shock while Spike landed on the ground, he kicked another snake into the wall before he grabbed his leg and he delivered another epic punch to his face which sent him sliding across the room. ""It doesn't matter! We have what we need, let's go guys!" Spike announced as he went to the others. "Ninja go!!" Everyone screamed again as they were charging through the army to escape. "You guys keep going! We'll keep fighting the good fight!" Knuckle encouraged while he and Knuckle kept fighting the snakes. "I never thought I'd say this but... go ninja go!!" Cruncha encouraged while everyone made they're escape. Everyone was able to make it back to the bounty after fighting through all the snakes, and finally took off with the Fangblades all under they're guard now. Spike felt super proud that they were able to do this, and he only wished Twilight and everyone else could see this. But back with Garmadon, he was packing the last of his things and was getting ready to leave. "Your leaving?" Lloyd asked feeling sad to see him go. "Now that you are safe, and the ninja have the Fangblades, there is nothing else I am needed for." Garmadon replied while he picked up his suitcase. "I.. i need you.." Lloyd said as he regretted what he said before. "I know you have to leave, but know this.. Spike and i will do everything in our power to defeat you, if he's meant to stop you with me one day, just know we won't hold back from it." Lloyd swore while Garmadon patted his head. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Garmadon said with a proud look as he was about to leave. "Oh, and son? Your a good boy, and soon you'll be a great man, although now we are on opposite sides, know that i am still proud of you." Garmadon assured which Lloyd was glad to know, but he wanted to do one more thing to help. "Wait, I could get you one of Jay's gliders, you probably don't need it, but it..." Lloyd was about to get him a glider, but when he turned around, Lloyd saw Garmadon was already gone after this talk, and he felt really sad because of it. "Might help.. so long dad.." Lloyd said regretful of what he's said to him earlier. Meanwhile with Spike and the ninja, they all were partying on the bridge for getting the Fangblades, Spike got Allison up again after she got her rest, and she looked really happy for all of them winning. Lloyd came into the room and looked really sad for what's happened. "He left didn't he?" Nya asked while she had a drink to help cheer him up. "Then have some Snogfruit punch! Cole made it and it's actually not that bad, to Lloyd's dad!" Nya announced to everyone who all cheered at that. "Here, here!" Spike and the others said at once while raising they're drinks. "To dad!" Lloyd said as he felt proud for winning this day. "Tomorrow we will arrive at Firetorch Mountain to destroy these Fangblades once and for all. We couldn't have done it without your father, I'm going to miss him.." Wu said as he felt awful for this. "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all turn out fine in the end, right Allison?" Spike asked turning to her who hissed in response, everyone only laughed again and just enjoyed the time they had right now. But unknown to them, Pythor had snuck on board the ship after vanishing in the fight. "Your going to miss more then him when I'm through with you ninja.." Pythor said before he chuckled menacingly as everything was falling into place..