//------------------------------// // The COBA (Commissioned Officers' Battlefield Assessment) PART 3 // Story: I Am Anonymous // by IWasAnonymous //------------------------------// Chapter 17 2nd Lieutenant Ocean Dawn wakes up early to the gentle breathing of the other sleeping 2nd Lieutenant. She sits up, stretches, and crawls out of her bed. She walks out of the tent. The sun has barely risen above the horizon. Birds are chirping, and some frogs are croaking. It's the day before the last event. She always enjoys mornings because they are so calming. She takes a deep breath and smiles as she takes in the serenity of her surroundings. Then, her morning ritual is interrupted when she hears swords clanging. Ocean Dawn follows the sounds behind the battalion's tents. There, she finds Anon and Princess Luna sparring. Ocean Dawn has never seen Luna spar before. She notices that Luna's movements are graceful and precise due to centuries or even thousands of years of refinement. Anon's attacks are quick and precise. This style differs from his fighting style against ponies, which are slow but powerful attacks. What surprises Ocean Dawn is that Anon seems to be keeping up with Luna but puts forth much more effort than usual. Eventually, Luna dropkicks him. Anon falls on his back. Then, he stands back up but backs off when he sees Luna is not in a fighting stance. "It seems to me that we have an unexpected spectator," Luna announces. Anon looks over and sees Ocean Dawn. "Oh, good morning," he says. Ocean Dawn attempts to salute, but Anon waves her off. "It's too early for that." "It's not too early for training?" "Professionalism in the morning is a drag. Besides, I'm getting training with a princess." "I hadn't realized you were close friends with Princess Luna." "She was one of my first friends when I arrived here." "Really? How long ago did you arrive here." "A little over four years ago. I lived in Ponyville for about a year before I moved to Canterlot." "Do you miss your old world?" Anon wipes the sweat off his face using a towel. He didn't think about his old life on Earth often. He's gotten better at dealing with it, but he still doesn't like talking about it with anyone but Princess Celestia and sometimes Luna. However, he's learned that being more open will help ponies trust him more. He wants Ocean Dawn to trust him, not just because she's under his command, but because he genuinely cares about her in the short time he's known her. It's his responsibility that he learns the qualities of a good leader, and earning the trust of his subordinates is one of them. "I miss some things, like some old friends. However, there is one thing I miss the most," Anon answers. "This is?" "Being human. In Equestria, I have to be a pony with two legs and arms. Friendship is literally and metaphorically magic. It strengthens your people, and I had to change almost everything about myself. Not that it's a bad thing, but humans do things differently. The concept of friendship is different to us. We don't have magic other than cheap or complex parlor tricks. Our friendships don't always grow. Many times, they end up falling apart. That's just one example of many." "That sounds sad. I don't think I could live that way." "It is what it is. There's not much we humans can do except roll with the punches. It's how our species has survived for so long." "I guess that is a plus. So, what's on the agenda today?" "Around 1400 hours, I'll get a letter about who we'll face tomorrow. I'll convene the 2nd Lieutenants for a meeting when I get the letter. For now, it's hurry up and wait." Ocean Dawn groans. "Ah, yes. An issue that has seemed to persist, even today," Luna chuckles. "It's not all bad. I've gotten more sleep this week than I have since I joined the Royal Guard. The problem is getting bored quickly. Next time something like this happens, I need to bring more reading material," Anon says. "Might I suggest something other than Daring Do and her adventures?" "C'mon, Luna, give me a break. It's the only entertaining book series here." "Oh, friend Anonymous, on the contrary. Star Swirled the Bearded's volumes on the Fundamentals of Dark and Forbidden Magic are entertaining." "I've read those with Celestia's permission since I can't cast them. The books were more or less about what they did than how to cast them. Either way, it was boring." "Boring?! I'm astonished at your opinion "Oh, cool your jets. It's just an opinion, Luna." "It's tremendous...what do the ponies say today?" "A 'hot take,' Your Highness?" Ocean Dawn suggests. "Yes, that! Thank you." "It's still just an opinion." "Anyway, do either of you know what is for breakfast? I'm hungry after sparing," Luna asks. "I have no clue. Although, I heard from George that they are making something special tomorrow." Ocean Dawn, Princess Luna, and Anon arrive at the buffet line as the mess hall crew finishes setting out the food. Pancakes and waffles are on the menu today. For Anon, George gives him bacon, scrambled eggs, and some waffles. Anon goes to eat in the officer's tent. Luna is given a plate first and follows Anon into the tent. She likes that he waits for all of his 2nd Lieutenants to be seated before even taking a bite of his food. Over four years ago, the old Anon wouldn't have given a damn. She also found Ocean Dawn's reaction to Anon eating bacon amusing. The young officer looked as if she was about to vomit. "How can you eat another creature? That's just so wrong," Ocean Dawn asks. "It's just the way humans are. Do you tell a dog, a cat, or hell, even a manticore it's wrong to eat meat?" Anon asks in return. "No, I don't." "It applies here too. Besides, if it makes you feel better, we humans are omnivores, but meat provides the nutritional value we need. Plus, if you cook it with the right seasoning, it tastes good!" "I guess that makes sense." The officers and Princess Luna finish their breakfasts and do their business for the day. Anon goes back to his tent to do some reading. On his desk, there is a newspaper from the Canterlot Columns. The front-page article is about the Lunar Guard arresting five nobles for trying to poison a Royal Guard officer and conspiracy to commit murder. He smirks at this. After reading the paper, Anon goes to spend time with his troops. Their morale is high due to yesterday's victory over 1st Lieutenant Soda Can and the 15th Sunspot Battalion. A few are nervous about the last event but ready for it. Some of them are sparing to prepare for whatever may come. Just seeing the 25th in good sports lifts Anon's spirits. However, all of that ends with a single scroll. Anon is sitting with a spear team, listening to their plants after they leave the Royal Guard. One of the guards, Private Ivory Statue, wants to use the Guard Tuition Bill (the EAF equivalent of the Post-9/11 GI Bill) to attend Vanhoover University and get a bachelor's degree in business. Corporal Tuning Fork wants to move to Manehattan to join the orchestra as a harpsichord player. Once they finish and Anon gets up to leave, a Sergeant from Iron Grate's division taps Anon on the shoulder. He turns around and stands up. "1st Lieutenant Anonymous, here is your opponent for tomorrow and a slight change to the event," the Sergeant says. "Okay, thank you," Anon replies. He takes the scroll and opens it up. Almost immediately, his face grows pale with nervousness. The other guards notice this. "Is there something wrong, sir?" Private Tile Floor asks. "It's nothing, Private—just some interesting developments," Anon answers. Anon walks to the officer's tent. When he arrives, the 2nd Lieutenants are already there waiting for him. They see Anon's less-than-positive disposition and sense that something is wrong. Very little gets Anon this nervous, and whatever has him acting this way has to be distressing. "Sir, what's-" Red Sun is interrupted by Anon holding up his hand. "Have the entire battalion gather at our meeting place. I want everyone to hear this information from me, not down the grapevine. You have thirty minutes. Go." The 2nd Lieutenants go quickly and pass the word around the battalion. For the next twenty minutes, Anon paces back and forth, trying to figure out how to break the news to his troops. No matter how he says it, morale will drop. After delivering the bad news, Anon believes he could try to motivate them, but its effectiveness is still up in the air. He doesn't know any other way of talking to his troops, so he decides to be honest with them. Right about then, Red Sun steps into the tent. The concerned look is still on her face. "1st Lieutenant Anonymous, the battalion is waiting for you, sir," she says. "Thank you," Anon sighs. They walk to the battalion's meeting place. Anon stands tall as if he had just won a great victory. He wears a blank expression to hide how he truly feels. Red Sun calls everyone to attention when the two arrive, but Anon stops her again. He orders everyone to sit down on the grass. Now, every one of the troops is concerned. "So, I've got some bad news and even worse news. Which news do you want first?" Anon asks. A majority of the troops want to hear the bad news first. "The bad news is that Commander Grate changed the War Games rules. Instead of one match, it's best to have two out of three, so tomorrow will be a long day. As for the worst news, it is our opponent for tomorrow. Our opponent is the 1st Lieutenant and the 7th Sunspot Battalion." Everyone airs out their complaints before Anon speaks again. "Look, I'm not going to lie to you. The situation is a shitty one. Golden Lance's reputation as an effective leader and his battalion's reputation of being seasoned fighters is no mystery to anyone in the Royal Guard. Hell, even in the other two branches. However, I know our reputation. We aren't the same Royal Guards that we were when I took command. We are faster, stronger, and smarter. We've taken on better Royal, Solar, and Lunar guard battalions in friendly War Games matches and won! We have what it takes to let the 7th Sunspot Battalion know we are a force to be reckoned with and pull off a victory. They aren't ready for us underdogs, but we are ready for them. I can't promise that we'll win this time around, but know this: if we lose, let's go down swinging and give that pompous, arrogant son of a bitch a bloody fucking nose! Who's with me?!" Cheers and hoof clops rise. The cheering is so loud that the ground seems to shake. Anon smiles at the reception, draws his sword, and raises it about his head. Some of the other guards raise their weapons, too. Even Red Sun joins in. Deep down, beneath all the bravado and charisma, Anon is still worried but doesn't show it. Despite everything, he must put on a brave face for his troops. Standing a short distance away, unseen, is a Private from the 7th Sunspot Battalion. He is shocked that his future opponents aren't afraid of facing an embarrassing defeat; instead, they are more motivated at the prospect that they could pull off a victory. This sudden motivation isn't something that Golden Lance anticipated. Just the mere idea of the 7th Sunspot Battalion should have at least had them so nervous that they'd discuss forfeiting. Once they start to disperse from their meeting, the Private returns to report to his CO. Perhaps we aren't as prepared as we think we are, he thinks to himself. It's 0300 hours (3:00 am), and Anon is wide awake. He had slept for four hours, but his racing mind woke him up. Right now, he's just looking at the ceiling of his tent. The ambiance outside is somewhat soothing but doesn't help Anon much. After a few more minutes of tossing and turning, he goes for a walk. He walks around the camp briefly before going to a large oak tree just outside the 25th's camp. He sits down and leans against the trunk. Anon hates himself for being so worried about the War Games event. He doesn't want to embarrass himself before the spectators and his troops tomorrow. For hours earlier that evening, Anon had tried to find a weakness to exploit besides Golden Lance's arrogance. Nothing seemed to reveal itself. As he thinks, the smell of lavender and a hint of chamomile fills his nose, followed by a twig breaking. "I know you are there, Luna," Anon says. The night princess walks up and sits down next to Anon. "You are up late, or rather, early," Luna says. "There is a lot on my mind." "A bit for your thoughts?" "I'm worried about tomorrow." "Oh? How so?" "I've tried to find a way to beat Golden Lance, but I can't. I'm worried about making a fool of myself in front of everyone. Like my troops, I must prove I have what it takes." "Unfortunately, per the rules, I cannot help but offer some advice regarding your situation. I understand what you are experiencing. In my first battle against minotaurs, I wanted to make my late father and Tia proud and prove to the nobles that I could lead our subjects into battle. I had the best military tutelage Equestria had. I was not as experienced as most of our generals, our troops did not trust me as much, and our enemy had more experienced officers, not to mention the overwhelming possibility of facing King Ragnar, the Unicorn Slayer, in battle. I was so nervous and terrified that Tia had to come to the camp to help me pull myself together. That day, I learned that it is perfectly acceptable to be nervous and afraid. The best way to overcome those feelings is to talk to somepony about how you are feeling and to keep a...how did my sister say it...a positive headspace. Resting is also a pathway to overcoming these issues. Tia's emotional reinforcement helped me regain confidence in effectively leading our troops into battle." "Did you win the battle?" "Yes, but at a significant cost. Approximately 10,000 of our forces perished. That is not the point, though. I believe you have what it takes to show Golden Lance, and you have what it takes to beat him, not only you but your battalion, as well. Golden Lance and his battalion only care about glory and fame, but you and your troops have heart. I believe in you, friend Anonymous." Luna wraps her wing around Anon and pulls him close for a hug. What surprises her is that he hugs her back. They sit there for a little while longer before Anon stands up. "I need to head back to my tent and rest. Thank you for a pep talk. It helped a lot," Anon says. "You're welcome. Before you go, take this." Luna casts a spell, and a small alabaster jar appears within her horn's light blue aura. "What's this?" Anon asks. "A mild sleeping potion. It is not as strong as the ones used in surgeries, but it is enough to help you fall asleep and stay for a short time." "So, it's choloform." "Are you serious, friend Anonymous?" "I'm kidding, Luna. Don't get your panties in a twist." "What are panties?" Anon stands up and starts walking back to his tent. "I'm not answering that," Anon says. Anon walks back to his tent and sits down on his cot. He doesn't drink it right away. He sniffs it first. It has a very citrus and earthy smell. The potion reminds Anon of a few brands of scotch that he had a few weeks ago. He drinks it but nearly spits out. It tastes like poorly made craft beer from the run-down bars in Canterlot. However, almost immediately, Anon's eyebrow grows heavy. His movements become sluggish. Within a few seconds, Anon falls asleep. It's 1300 hours (1:00 pm) in the afternoon. All of the 2nd Lieutenants are in Anon's tent. They are surprised to see Anon in a better mood. He shined his armor, and he pressed his tunic. His baldric and sheath are polished, too. "Good morning, everyone," Anon says. "Good morning, sir," the officers reply in unison. "I don't think I have to remind you that today is a big day for us. Yesterday, I didn't have a plan, but today I do. 1st Lieutenant Golden Lance is the poster boy for the Royal Guard. He's a knock-off of Shining Armor. As much as I hate to say this, his well-earned victories in War Games make him popular but predictable." "Predictable how?" Red Sun asks. "He's a traditionalist when it comes to warfare. He doesn't like thinking outside the box mainly because he won't. He hates unorthodox warfare because he thinks it's 'dishonorable.' However, Golden utilizes his traditionalist style very well. Golden knows we are his perfect counter, so he will try to get us to fight him on his terms. I don't know how, but he will." "Why not adapt to us? That's so traditional; it's basic battle tactics and strategy?" Wood Frame asks. "He knows that allows us to win and make a fool out of him. I will say winning will be challenging, and we will take a lot of casualties. Despite that, I know we can win. You are ready. You are well-prepared and have the potential to score a great victory. You got this. Now, everyone, gather your troops and meet at our usual meeting spot for weapons enchantments and teleportation. You have twenty minutes. Is that clear?" "Crystal, sir!" the officers replied. "Good. Dismissed." The officers left the tent, leaving Anon by himself. He inspects his gear and weapons and ensures he has everything for the War Games. Once Anon finishes that, he walks to the meeting area. The whole battalion is already there, waiting for him. They all snap to attention as Red Sun gives the order. Anon gives a similar message to his officers to the rest of the battalion. The wizards enchanted the weapons as Anon talks. When they finish, Anon orders his troops to ease until the arena is ready. They sit down and relax. Most of them take off their helmet. Anon opts to stand up and think more about his strategy. About twenty minutes go by. Sunburst walks up to Anon as he swirls his KA-BAR knife. "1st Lieutenant Anonymous," he says. "Oh, good afternoon, Sunburst. Is the arena ready?" Anon asks. "Yeah, it is." "Battalion! Prepare to move out!" Just as Anon gives the order, he hears the flapping of wings. It's not just your regular pegasus, but it's heavier. Anon turns around and looks up. Princess Celestia is flying down with two Royal Guards. The whole battalion salutes their princess as she lands without an order from Anon. "Princess Celestia, what do I owe the pleasure?" Anon asks. "I wanted to wish everypony good luck personally. I've closely watched you since 1st Lieutenant Anonymous was assigned to you three years ago. You've been cast out and disregarded despite earning the right to be a Royal Guard. Now, ponies see that you are one of the best battalions. I've seen the talent and skill you've displayed. I'm proud of every single one of you. Just between you and me, I'm rooting for you over Golden Lance." The battalion cheers at this. Celestia gives Anon a wink. He gives her a slight nod. Sunburst opens a portal, and the battalion marches through. This time, the battalion isn't on a hill but on the edge of a large forest. Like last time, a tent and the battalion's colors fly on a flagpole. Anon and the 2nd Lieutenants walk inside the officer's tent. "I want you guys to tell me the battlefield layout," Anon orders. After a few minutes, Red Sun speaks up the first. "I noticed a large forest on our side and a flat plain on the other. The enemy camp looks to be on a hill overlooking the plain. Dividing out two sides is about 100 meters long, running vertically with two uplifts on each side, which are longer on each side by another 100 meters." "The plain seems to be surrounded by the forest. Hell, it even wraps behind the enemy camp and surrounds the plains," Wood Frame adds. "Our sides of the arena play to our strengths. An open battlefield for Golden Lance and the woods for us," Shooting Star says. "This gorge will be interesting to implement," Ocean Dawn added. "Yeah, but how," Anon mutters. Anon places his hands on the table and leans forward. He starts reading the map—visualizing troops' movements in his mind. After a few minutes, a corporal pokes her head into the tent. "Uh...1st Lieutenant, somepony here to see you," she announces. Anon turns his head. "Who?" Anon asked. "1st Lieutenant Golden Lance and a spearteam." Anon motions for Red Sun to follow him outside so they can greet their opponent. They walk out of the tent to where Golden Lance is standing. "Hello, Golden," Anon greets. "Let's dispense with the unnecessary pleasantries and cut to the chase, Ape. We both know you've surprisingly proven yourself to be a decent fighter and leader. I want to see if you have it takes. I say we should have a good, old-fashioned open-field battle. What do you say, or are you too much of a coward to face me head-on in battle?" Golden Lance says. "I hope minotaur sodomizes your filthy-" "2nd Lieutenant Red Sun, not the time. First off, I don't appreciate the backhanded compliments. Second, I'll take your offer," Anon answers. "Good. I'll be waiting, Ape." Anon and Red Sun return to the tent. "What did he want?" Wood Frame asks. "He wants to fight us on his side of the arena, and I decided to take him up on his offer," Anon replies. "You took the obvious bait?" Denim Jacket requests. "Sort of. Golden Lance, in actuality, took my bait. I've got him right where I want him." Anon reads the map for a few minutes. Then, he thinks through the rest of his battle plan until he settles on the best one. "Gonna let us in on your plan?" Shooting Star asks. "So, here's how this is going to go. As I said, we will meet Golden Lance on his side of the arena, but that's only temporary. I will take 300 of our troops and face off against him. The last 200 will remain behind, one company on each side of the hill on our side. After a few minutes of fighting, we will perform a feigned retreat through the gorge. Golden Lance won't be able to resist chasing us during a 'retreat.' More than likely, he'll follow us through the gorge. Once they emerge from the gorge and when I signal, the remaining two companies will ambush the enemy. Our remaining forces will assist them. The point isn't to eradicate the 7th because that will cost time and troops we don't have. The mission is to eliminate Golden Lance. If we can eliminate him, we can win the first match. "How will we face off with 300 of our troops against all of Golden's troops? He'll know something is up when 200 of us are missing," Ocean Dawn interjects. "We'll use an illusion spell. You, Ocean Dawn, and Wood Frame have the best unicorns in your companies. The unicorns will conjure 200 more 'Royal Guards,' so it will look like all 500 of us are fighting together." "With all due respect, sir, you are taking a significant risk with this plan. If the enemy eliminates one of our unicorns, all of their illusions will disappear. Plus, the illusions aren't as good fighters. The more illusions a unicorn conjures, the weaker in strength, will, and intelligence they are. Also, you are hoping that the unicorns can maintain those illusions for a long time," Denim Jacket says. "I'm very well aware of the risks. This situation isn't the best, so we must take risks here. However, I'm confident that we can hold our own and pull off a victory. Ocean Dawn and Red Sun, are you confident in the magical abilities of the unicorns in your companies? If you aren't, I'll change the plan," Anon answers. They look at each other, nod, and give Anon a nod. "Perfect. Now, relay these orders to your companies. We move out in ten minutes. Dismissed." The 2nd Lieutenants leave the tent while Anon looks over the map a few more times and goes over his plan again and his head. Then, he leaves the tent. He looks up towards the press box. It's comforting to him that his friends are watching and supporting him and his battalion. Anon doesn't know that the five Generals of the Equestrian Armed Forces are watching, too. They sit in the pressbox with the Royal Family. "This is going to be one helluva battle," General Iron Sides says. "I second that. The poster-stallion of the Royal Guard and the underdog. Both are good fighters and lead their troops effectively. I think this will be a pretty even match," General Spear Shaft adds. "I think Golden Lance and 7th will beat Anonymous and 25th. As well as I do, you know that plenty of 'underdog' battalions have tried taking on Golden and lost. It's the same song and dance every time. Don't get me wrong, Anon has skills, but not enough to win against Golden," General Steel Javelin says. "That's where you're wrong, General Javelin," Shining Armor announces. General Javelin turns his head and cocks his eyebrow out of interest. "How am I wrong, Your Highness?" "Golden Lance and his troops only care about being famous and media personalities. Sure, they have talent, but Anon and his troops have skill. Skill can be honed and refined, and their heart and soul drive them. That beats talent any day. I don't think that even you can deny that, General." "Are you willing to bet on that, Your Highness?" In response, Shining Armor uses magic to open his money bag and places 100 bits on the table. Steel Javelin smirks a little as he removes 100 bits from his money bag and sets it next to Shining Armor's bits. With a quick hoof shake, they make a bet. Princess Celestia is unamused. Gambling away bits over a competition such as this is beyond her comprehension. She sighs and turns her attention to the arena. On one side, the 7th Sunspot Battalion lined up in company fronts at the base of the hill. The 25th Aurora Battalion, however, is marching towards the narrow gorge. What interests Celestia more is that 200 more troops appear out of nowhere. It's evident that they are illusions, and spells of that caliber are entirely legal in War Games since this is supposed to simulate actual combat. It makes sense to her when she sees the two companies break off and hide in the woods. The remaining three companies and the two illusion companies march through the gorge and into the clearing on the other side. Then, they stop and form the traditional wedge formation. The two illusion companies are in the back, while the actual companies are in the front. "It is unlike 1st Lieutenant Anonymous to take such risk of this magnitude, especially with few troops and without any reinforcements nearby," Luna speaks finally. "I agree, considering he prefers unorthodox combat to conventional warfare. I believe I have an idea of what he's planning. He's using his weakness to his advantage and luring Golden Lance into a trap. Interesting move," General Iron Sides says. "Let's see if he can pull this plan of his off. Assuming he doesn't get all of his troops or himself eliminated first," Steel Javelin adds. "I hate to admit that you might be right," Shining Armor mutters as he leans back in his chair. On the battlefield, Anon stands in front of the formation. He waits for Golden Lance to make the first move. As Anon predicted, Golden Lance is in his trademark and traditional five-by-one company front formation. He is confident in his troops but can almost feel their nervousness. After waiting a few more minutes, Anon sees the enemy marching towards them. "It's showtime," Anon mutters. He takes a deep breath and exhales. "BATTALION!! FORWARD, MARCH!!" Anon barks. They march forward as ordered. When they advance about twenty-five meters, Anon gives another order. "BATTALION!! GALLOP!!" They speed up their advance. Anon hears his troops start panting. They move at this pace for about one hundred meters before Anon gives one last order. "BATTALION!! CHARGE!!!" he bellows. Battle cries and cheers from the spectators fill the arena as the two battalions rush at each other. Then, the two battalions clash. Several guards on both sides disappear as puffs of white smoke go off all around—Anon's plan to use the wedge formation to divide Golden's forces in half works. The 25th sees minor success, but the 7th eliminates them more quickly than Anon anticipated. Sure, they are holding their own and forcing their enemy into a stalemate, but for how long is it still in the air? "Sir, we are losing troops too fast!" Red Sun announces as she jabs her spear into the chest plate of an unsuspecting Guard, eliminating her. "Yeah, I noticed that! We need to hold on a little longer, though! We still have more...fuck off, bitch.. troops left. How's Ocean Dawn?" Anon says as he knocks out an enemy guard by swinging his shield. As he asks this, he sees Ocean Dawn and her company holding their own against the enemy company's onslaught. Even Ocean Dawn takes down a few guards. They are pushing the enemy back. Golden Lance notices this and moves himself and a squad to reinforce the waiting flank. Then, he gets an awful idea to demoralize the 25th. Golden Lance doesn't attack Anon because he remembers the last time he fought against him. Using his magic, he telepathically informs his troops to target and eliminate the enemy 2nd Lieutenants. They receive the order and press the attack. They attack Wood Frame first. Four guards overwhelm him. One guard bucks him in the chest to stun him while three more rush forward with their weapons. As predicted, his company begins to falter but doesn't collapse. Golden Lance decides to take out the next one. He sets his sights not on Red Sun but on Ocean Dawn. He needs to make an example of the newbie. Eliminating her will weaken the enemy's right flank and cause their vanguard to collapse. He moves up and pulls Ocean Dawn to him with his magic. Then, he slams down on the ground and knocks her helmet off. She is terrified and is in shock. Golden Lance kicks her sword away when she reaches for it, then punches her in the face repeatedly as her company watches in terror. "You don't belong amongst us! You don't even belong in the damned Lunar Guard with those filthy thestrals! The only place you belong is underneath my hoof!" he snarls as he beats Ocean Dawn. Finally, Golden Lance eliminates her with his sword. The left and right flanks of Anon's forces start collapsing. "SIR!!" Red Sun yells, panic in her eyes. "I know!! I see it!! BATTALION, FALL BACK!! FALL BACK!!" Anon bellows. The 25th retreats. Anon orders the unicorns to fire magic blasts at their opponents to buy them some time. The explosions shake the arena and send clouds of dirt into the air. The blasts badly wound or knocked unconscious many of the 7th Sunspot Battalion. During their retreat to the gorge, Anon notices two or three of his troops don't retreat down the gorge but to the uplifts. "What the fuck are they doing?!" Anon growls. "They are from the 33rd. Why they would do that is beyond me. Wood Frame may be an airhead sometimes, but he drills discipline into them at least," Red Sun responds. "Fucking damn it. Those jackasses are going to fuck up the whole plan if the enemy notices them. Hopefully, the dust will cover the break of formation." Much to Anon's surprise, the falling dust hid the mistake. Even better for him, the 7th Sunspot Battalion is completely disarray. Golden Lance organizes his troops the best he can as he determines the number of casualties. He lost 224 troops. This number includes the ones that got injured in the magical blasts. Smart way to delay our eventual defeat. You've almost impressed me, Ape,Golden Lance thinks. "1st Lieutenant Lance, we have enough to form up almost three companies," 2nd Lieutenant Atlas Map, a male pegasus and Golden Lance's second-in-command. "Perfect for a counterattack." He looks at the gorge and sees his enemy retreating through it. A smug grin spreads across his face. "How many of the Ape's battalion are left?" he asks. "From what I can tell, they have less than two hundred. Skill and numbers are on our side, sir. Victory is all but guaranteed." "Form up the companies for the counterattack. We'll have to move quickly to finish them off before they regroup. If they do, it could spell disaster." "Right away, sir." 2nd Lieutenant Map flies above the troops and quickly organizes the battalion from above. Once he finishes, Atlas Map nods at his commanding officer. This process takes him three minutes. Golden Lance trots in front of what remains of his eager battalion. He raises his sword above his head. Cheers from his supporters fill the arena. "Battalion, follow me to victory! Battalion, forward, gallop!" Golden Lance yells. They start galloping towards the gorge. While the 7th was reorganizing, Anon ordered the unicorns to blast the walls to create large boulders, which the earth ponies moved to block the path. Once the guards completed the tasks, Anon ordered his troops to regroup 100 meters before the officer's tent. "Everyone, take these...next few minutes...to rest!" Anon orders breathlessly, "Red Sun, send a message... to our fresh battalions that... the enemy is on their way." "Sir, something already tells me they know that," Red Sun says. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry...fuck...I think I overdid it." Red Sun looks at Anon. She notices that he appears much more exhausted than he usually is during a War Games match. He's hunched over slightly, and his heavy breathing is concerning, too. His shield and spear are slightly drooping. Then, he collapses to one knee. A quiet whimper escapes his lips. "Sir!" Red Sun yells. She rushes over to him and removes his helmet. Large droplets of sweat fall from his short, black hair. Then, she helps him remove the chest plate to help him breathe. He had fought on the front lines, moved stones three times his weight, and run more than he had in years. He had done more than some of the troops. He had overdone it. "Thank you, Red Sun," Anon groans as he catches his breath. "Hey, Corporal Ball Point, help me with that spell I taught you!" Red Sun shouts. "Yes, ma'am," Corporal Ball Point replies. She rushes over to help with the spell. Anon and Red Sun realized that even though he cannot wield magic, he can still absorb it and reap its effects. With the help of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, they developed spells that will give Anon an extra boost in battle, especially against other magical foes who can use magic to heal themselves. However, like every spell, there is a cost. This spell forces the caster to give up some of their energy to the recipient. Red Sun and Ball Point cast a spell that gives Anon energy and helps him regain his breath. Anon waves off the mares when he has enough energy to fight one more battle. "I'm good for now. Thank you," Anon says. He puts on his chest plate and helmet again and then stands up. This time, he can stand up straight. A few cheers arise from the stands. Anon plants his spear into the ground about ten meters behind him. He walks over in front of his troops. Then, he draws his sword. "Battalion! That spear behind is as far back as you are allowed to retreat! If any of you pass that spear, I'll eliminate you myself! Am I clear?!" Anon says. "Sir, yes, sir!!" the troops respond. "2nd Lieutenant Red Sun, how many troops do we have left that participated in the first assault?" "175, sir," She answers. "Perfect. That leaves us with 375 left. We have numbers and skills on our side now." They wait for a few minutes. Eventually, the sounds of the 7th Sunspot Battalion blasting rocks reach them. Red Sun taps Anon's thigh. He looks down at her. On her face is an angry but confident one. "I need a favor," she says. "Name it," Anon replies. "I want Golden Lance. I want to pay that bastard back for Ocean Dawn." "Are you sure you've got the strength to fight him?" "I've got plenty of it, sir." "Permission granted. I'll make sure we can cut a path to Golden Lance." "Thank you, sir." Then, the last boulder blocking the mouth of the gorge explodes. The 7th Sunspot Battalion emerges, exhausted from the chase and the boulder clearing. It's perfect for the next phase of Anon's plan. He waits until the enemy is far away from the gorge so they can't effectively retreat through. Then, Anon gives the signal to advance. The 7th is so distracted by Anon and the remaining 175 from the first assault that they don't notice 200 fresh troops boxing them in from behind. They are shocked when they finally see them. They frantically attempt a counterattack, but it is no use. The blunder makes it easy for the 25th to cut a path for Red Sun to get to Golden Lance. Once she gets close enough, Red Sun attacks with full fury. "You're mine, bitch!" she snarls. She pounces on Golden Lance and starts punching him. It doesn't last long because he bucks her off. Red Sun eliminates two guards that had come to Golden Lance's defense. Then, she attacks him again. She doesn't use traditional unicorn fighting styles but combines the unicorn and Earth pony fighting styles—her one unique style. Due to his fatigue and confusion about his opponent's tactics, Golden Lance is on the back foot. He tries blocking every kick, buck, or sword strike, but it's useless. Red Sun is too fast for him. She finally eliminates him when she strikes the neck guard of his helmet. A horn blows, ending the match. Cheers from the spectators and the 25th arise. The 7th makes their way back to their side of the arena. Everyone surrounds Red Sun, chanting her name. Anon hoists her on his shoulders. For the first time in months, Anon finally sees her smile. He's never heard her ever laugh. He carries her to the officer's ten and sets her down. The officers celebrate their victory a little. Meanwhile, the NCOs reorganize the companies as the eliminated guards return. Then, Wood Frame and Ocean Dawn walk into the tent. Wood Frame celebrates with his comrades while Ocean Dawn hangs back. Anon notices this and walks over to her. He gets down on one knee. She doesn't look Anon in the eye. She looks at the grand. A few tears streamed down her face. Anon removes her helmet. "1st Lieutenant, I..." "Ocean Dawn, it's okay. Golden Lance is more experienced and skilled than you. You did amazing out there. Don't blame yourself for what happened. Keep your chin up today, okay?" Anon says. Anon wipes away her tears with his thumb and warmly smiles. Ocean Dawn looks up. She sighs as she tries to compose herself. Then, she returns the smile. "What's the plan now, sir?" she asks while sniffling. "We are going to rest for now. Once everyone is back and settled, we'll start planning our next match. However, I don't believe it will be as elaborate as the last one." "How so?" "You'll see. Now, get some rest and water. I have a feeling we'll need it." Ocean Dawn nods her head. She walks over to the other officers. She does her best to celebrate despite her embarrassment. Anon, however, is ready to plan for the next match. He knows this will be more difficult since Golden Lance will take the 25th more seriously. Fortunately, he knows how Golden Lance reacts when he loses. However, he still needs to be careful because one wrong move will cause defeat and drag out the event fight quickly. In the pressbox, Shining Armor is chuckling to himself. Up until now, only three have beaten Golden Lance. The last was a year and a half years ago. The fact that a non-pony beat him puts a considerable dent into his ego. Then, he turns to General Steel Javelin. "Well, well, well, General. It seems that 1st Lieutenant Anonymous has what it takes to beat 1st Lieutenant Golden Lance. What's better, a mere 2nd Lieutenant beat him in hoof-to-hoof combat." "I will admit the 25th are capable, but this isn't over yet." Princess Celestia doesn't say anything, but secretly, she is happy for Anon. This previous match was a big statement to everyone that the 25th can beat the best of the best. Whether they can pull it off again is yet to be determined. However, she knows that Anon has overcome unfavorable odds before. This time shouldn't be any different. Then, she turns to Luna. "What are your thoughts on the match, Sister?" Celestia asks. "It is unlike Anonymous to be aggressive in his tactics. Anonymous likes to play it safe and use almost strictly unorthodox methods. He can adapt to his opponent's actions based on what I have seen in his previous War Games matches over the past three and a half years. All in all, he and the 25th performed beyond my expectations and, apparently, everypony else." "What are your predictions for the next match." "Anonymous can win. Golden Lance is more likely furious at his defeat, so he will be more short-sighted, which Anon will exploit." "Let's see if you are right." Down in the arena, Anon is standing at the table, studying the map again. He runs a few scenarios based on how Golden Lance will react. There is one that comes to his mind. This plan is perfect for this scenario. "So, I want to say that everyone did a good job last round. We had a few hiccups, but regardless, we still made a powerful statement. That said, we still have to beat Golden Lance again to win. I've got a plan. Believe it or not, other 1st Lieutenants have beaten him before, and I've based my plan on how he's reacted in the past to losing. He has a pattern that he follows when he loses. For example, he will lead from the rear instead of the front." "Like a fucking coward," Red Sun mutters. "Technically, yes, but strategically, it makes a little sense. He's trying to keep his battalion in the fight longer. He can beat us in the long game, but like last time, if we can take him out quickly, it's game over. Judging from past War Games where he lost, he's always gone with a full frontal assault and hits hard." "So, what's the plan?" Wood Frame asks. "To hold them off as long as possible until we can eliminate Golden Lance. He will likely stay up on that hill where his tent is with a fire team or even a squad of troops to protect. What we'll do is use the forest that surrounds the clearing to our advantage. We'll send a small force of our fastest pegasi to sneak through the woods and ambush Golden Lance." "Where will he hold off the enemy?" Shooting Star asks. Anon points to the mouth of the gorge. He notices the 2nd Lieutenants look at him funny. He raises his eyebrows out of confusion. "What's the problem?" Anon asks. "Didn't we do this last time? Don't you think Golden Lance will realize you'll exploit his weaknesses since you are one of the few to find them? Granted, we've proven that we can face Golden Lance head-on with just 300 troops and 200 illusions, which have the combat ability of a cadet. We have to be smart about this because I won't be surprised if he tried to flank us if we held the gorge," Denium Jacket suggests. "He probably wants to send a message that he can beat us with sheer force and through just straight-up bullying. I would know," Ocean Dawn says. "So, would I," Anon adds, rubbing his bicep. "If holding the 7th at the gorge is the plan, what will we do? Running at them with the wedge formation again won't end well, considering Golden Lance will know how to defend against that this time," Red Sun asks. "We'll use our new formation," Anon responds. The 2nd Lieutenants smile at each other. Anon explains his plan. Once he finishes, he has the 2nd Lieutenants inform the rest of the battalion of the plan. He lists the ten fastest pegasi who will participate in the ambush. He decides on Sergeant Major Flash Sentry and nine other pegasi. Anon walks outside to inform the ten pegasi who will participate in the ambush. Instead of looking nervous, they looked excited. They are encouraged with cheers and hoofbumps. Once Anon finishes that, he has his companies lined up in a one-by-five formation. The companies themselves are in a twenty-by-five formation. They march through the gorge while Flash Sentry and the other pegasi fly to the forest. Anon orders them to leave their spears behind since flying through the trees with five-foot spears is difficult. The signal to advance is when the main force engages the 7th. Eventually, the main force reaches the mouth of the gorge, and Anon orders them to stop. The enemy is waiting for them about 400 meters away. As Anon had anticipated, Golden Lance and a squad of his guards stand on the hill's edge. Their main force is the 2nd Lieutenant Atlas Map. The 7th is in the same type of formation as the 25th. "Hey, Ape! You got lucky in the last match. Luck is not on your side this time!" he shouts. "There is no such thing as luck, moron, only skill, which your battalion seems to be lacking!" Anon retorts. "Close your mouth, Ape! This victory is ours whether you like it or not!" "If you want it, come and take it from us, asshole!" "So be it!" Golden Lance had been listening to the exchange with a scowl. He didn't want to embarrass himself more than he had already. Being a disgrace to the Lance family is the last thing Golden Lance wants. He's worked hard to get to where he is now. He isn't letting some ape stand in his way to the rank of General of the EAF. The only way to get that is by beating him and proving to Princess Celestia he is worthy of another rank other than a lowly 1st Lieutenant, which he's been for three years. "2nd Lieutenant Map, crush them," Golden Lance orders through telepathic magic. "With pleasure, sir," he responds, "FIRST WAVE, ADVANCE!!" Two hundred guards march towards the gorge. Anon takes a breath as he prepares his troops in his unique way. He recites a speech from one of his favorite video games with a twist. "BATTALION! Every breath that you've taken has led you to this moment! Every drop of blood, sweat, and tear! All of it! Golden Lance and the 7th Sunspot Battalion want to make fools of us all in front of our friends, family, the nobles, and the Princesses! I have a better idea! Let's reveal their shame and dishonor to everyone! Who's with me?!" "Ah-oo!!" the troops shouted. "BATTALION, PHALANX!!" Anon squats down into formation while the unicorns create magic shields the same size as Anon's. All of their spears face forward at the incoming enemy. Princess Luna, the 7th Sunspot Battalion, and the spectators think one collective thought: "What on Earth is that?" Princess Celestia smiles. She knew Anon and his battalion had been practicing many times. She's watched them practice it, too. It's entertaining to finally see this formation in action for the first time. The first wave collides with the 25th. There are sounds of the grunting of soldiers and the crashing of armor. The unicorns slide back just a little, but the rows of earth ponies standing behind them brace their comrades with immense strength. Anon can hold his own unassisted and doesn't back down. They hold their ground but struggle a great deal. Golden Lance is surprised his forces aren't affecting the 25th's position. He snorts out of frustration. "Why the hell haven't we broken through," he snarls. "Their defense is too strong. I haven't seen anything like it," one of the guards, Sergeant Flag Pole, replies. "Well, then. Let's try from another angle since we can't break them from the front." Using telepathic magic, Golden Lance orders Atlas Map to have his pegasi attack from above. Anon sees the enemy pegasi fly up and advance. Fortunately, Anon can react fast. He orders his own to defend the phalanx. Each pegasi force is equal in size. It is an all-out brawl when the two clash. Despite the battle above and in front of them, the 25th keeps their cool and pushes on. Anon starts the second phase of his plan. He barks an order, and the unicorns push the enemy back using other magic shields to stun them while Anon uses his shield to shoulder-check the guards before him. Then, they thrust their spears forward and eliminated the guards before them. Then, they return behind their shields. They repeat this process repeatedly while taking no causalities and inflicting heavy losses. While the main force is engaged in battle, Flash Sentry and his small force fly through the forest, weaving through the trees. Just after Phase 2 of Anon's plan, they arrive at their destination and remain out of sight. Flash had decided to wait at the bottom of the hill on the left, where the forest meets the hill. "From what I saw on the way over here, we are outnumbered. I've got an idea, though," Flash Sentry says. "What do you have in mind?" Corporal Birch Branch asks. "We'll sneak behind the tent. Then, we'll fly up and dive bomb on my signal. The enemy won't have time to react before we get a few eliminations. I'll take on Golden Lance because I noticed another weakness. He can't fight against faster opponents. He's an offensive fighter, not a defensive one. If somepony puts him on the defensive, he has difficulty fighting back." How do you know that?" Private Leather Sack asks. "Last match, he had issues fighting Red Sun. I'm not surprised because she was the fastest unicorn fighter in her class at the Academy. I was the faster recruit at boot camp. I've got the most experience out of all of us ten." "We'll take on Golden Lance's underlings to keep them off of you," Corporal Branch says. "Sounds good to me. Alright, let's go win this." They sneak up the hill and hide behind the tent. Once they are ready, Flash gives the signal. They fly high enough in the air to gain speed and momentum while diving. They have their swords and attack. Golden Lance hears the flapping of wings coming from behind him and cheers from the crowd. He turns around and looks up. "What the hell?" he asks. Flash Sentry and his troops strike. They eliminate ten of Golden's troops during the first pass. They strategically targeted the unicorns and the pegasi first to put the odds in their favor. Flash and his troops make another pass and take out five more guards, leaving eleven more. They land instead of dive-bombing again. Flash checks on his troops. He lost two guards. However, that's more than enough to stand their ground. "I have to admit. You devised a clever plan, Sentry," Golden Lance sneers. "As much as I'd like to take the credit, it was 1st Lieutenant Anonymous's idea. He knew you'd hidden back here, so he sent us, his fastest fliers, to take you out," Flash responds with a defiant grin. "Fastest? That's laughable. You're lucky my pegasi are either eliminated or facing the Ape. Their speeds rival the Wonderbolts. You'd be lucky even to be standing here." "Well, they aren't, so you'll have to face me." "Please, don't make me laugh, Sentry!" Flash has had enough. He attacks at full speed. Golden Lance swings his sword at him, but Flash dodges at the last second. Flash slams into Golden. He goes flying but regains his footing and slides to a stop. He shakes his head, and then he retaliates. Golden Lance and Flash Sentry strike, dodge, and parry each other's attacks. Flash manages to keep Golden on the defensive. He finds Flash's style just as annoying as Red Sun's. He uses both pegasi and earth pony styles. Also, he's much faster than her. Golden Lance was able to get close to eliminating her, but he can't get close to Flash. However, he welcomes a challenge. At the primary battle, the 25th is making progress. They've pushed the 7th back and advanced out of the gorge. Atlas Map is confused because he doesn't know why Golden hasn't ordered the second wave to reinforce him. The attack has fallen apart, and his comrades are dropping like flies. Is this punishment for his failure in the first match? Is it a test of strength? He turns around and sees something shocking. Somehow, a tiny force snuck around and assaulted Golden's position. This attack explains the lack of orders. "AMBUSH! THERE'S-" Then, a shield slams into him and knocks him to the ground. His head is spinning as he tries to regain his focus. When he comes to, he sees Anon standing over him. "'Sup, dude," Anon says with a smirk on his face. Then, he eliminates him. What is supposed to be the second wave sloppily charges forward. They are severely outnumbered. The 25th Aurora Battalion has 425 left, while the 7th Sunspot Battalion only has 260 left. While the 7th's main force collapses, Flash and Golden Lance are still dueling. Flash keeps up his speedy attacks, which tires Golden out. He notices this. He dodges another strike and tackles Golden to the ground; Golden's sword flies down the hill. Flash holds his sword to his opponent's throat. "Give it up, 1st Lieutenant!" Flash shouts breathlessly. "Never! I'd rather die than submit to you!" Golden Lance growls. "Take a look at your battalion, dude! We've beaten you!" Golden Lance turns his head and sees his battalion in shambles. Atlas Map is nowhere to be found, so he can only conclude that someone eliminated him already. Most of his battalion are surrendering while very few fight on. Only three guards of the 25 he selected to defend him are left, and they already surrendered. He looks back at Flash, who is still holding at sword point. "Save yourself more embarrassment and give up!" "Fine, Sentry, just get off of me." "Just one more thing. Acknowledge the 25th as the best battalion in the Royal Guard. You owe us that much after three years of your endless verbal abuse." "Seriously? That's what you want?" "Does it look like I'm joking?" "Fine, I acknowledge your battalion is the best of the Royal Guard; now, for Celestia's sake, get off of me." Flash gets off but still holds Golden at swordpoint. Golden sighs as he waves at the judges. "I forfeit!!" he shouts. The horn blows, and cheers fill the stadium. Flash's comrades carry him down the hill to celebrate with the battalion. He has the biggest smile on his face. Anon walks over to him and gives him a fist bump. "You did well today, Flash. I'm proud of you," Anon says. "Thank you, sir," Flash answers. Anon lets his troops celebrate while he walks up the hill. They are confused, and they are even more confused when he approaches Golden Lance. "How you come to gloat?" he asks. "No, I'm not the gloating type. It's beneath me, and that's saying something. I wanted to thank you for giving us a run for our money. I don't think we've fought as hard as we did today. Even I pushed my limits. I think you and I both can agree on that." "Yeah. I think we can, as much as I hate to." "I also wanted to say I hope there are no hard feelings. We've had our differences, but we can at least shake hands on this." "It appears I don't have much choice, do I?" "Don't be an ass, Golden, for once in your fucking life! I guarantee you that if you had won today, you'd be rubbing it in our faces, running our names through the mud for God knows how long, and never let us live the defeat down! I chose not to do that and not to celebrate with my troops to try and be friendly to you even after how you've treated me! "It's all an act for Princess Celestia to get a promotion! I know it is! I'm not a damn fool!" "I don't give a damn if she promotes me or not. I didn't even participate in the COBA for that. I'm here out of what little goodness I have in my heart. Get that through your thick skull, you dumb horse. How your troops put up with you is beyond me. If you will excuse me, I'm going to celebrate with my troops while you stand here, feeling sorry for yourself like a spoiled brat." Anon walks back down the hill to celebrate with his battalion. Despite his annoyance, he cracks a smile as he approaches Red Sun. He pats her head before walking over to the rest of his battalion. In the pressbox, Celestia is doing her best to control herself. She's excited that Anon won the event. She feels like prancing around the room, which would be more than embarrassing. Her generals and family seeing her act like a filly wouldn't be a good look for her. Instead of prancing, Celestia flexes her wings every once in a while. "It seems I stand corrected," Steel Javelin grumbles. "Not only that, it seems you owe me one hundred bits," Shining Armor says with a smile. He uses his magic to take the two gold coins on the table and put them into his money bag. A couple of the other generals are talking amongst each other. They talk for a while. Shining Aromr joins in the conversation, as well. Eventually, they finish. "Your Highnesses, may we have a word?" General Spear Shaft requests. "Sure, General. What's on your mind?" Princess Celestia says. "It's about 1st Lieutenant Anonymous. It's no secret to you that we've been watching him since he signed the dotted line. He has shown he's an excellent fighter and a leader. His battalion not only respects him because he's their commander officer, but they respect him as a stall- I mean, man. Even his commanding officers and comrades respect him like his subordinates do. The past few days have shown that." "He also puts everypony else before himself and stands up for those who can't. We gave him command over a battalion of essentially rejects, and he turned them into incredible soldiers. Very few have accomplished that in my time as an officer," General Iron Sides adds. "What are you trying to say exactly?" Princess Luna asks. "I guess what we are trying to say is that 1st Lieutenant Anonymous is no Lieutenant. He's not even a Captain or a Commander, for that matter. That man is a General." It's been six days since the Commissioned Officers Battlefield Assessment ended. Everyone has either gone home or returned to their posts. For the first three days, the Princesses decide who to promote and who not to promote. Once they finish that, they meet with the officers who participated in the COBA. During these meetings, the princes require the officers to wear shined armor and swords. On the fourth day, Princess Celestia met with the Solar Guards. A few of them received good promotions. Very few didn't receive a promotion. One Solar Guard, 2nd Lieutenant Cinnamon Twirl, was promoted to Commander because he pulled off a win in the Conquest event with just 50 troops left. Not only that, he is one of the best hoof-to-hoof combatants. Celestia said he broke several records at the Solar Guard Academy in Neigh York. Promoting the thestrals sent a few nobles for a loop as he wasn't from nobility but from a pastry shop owner. Princess Luna met with the Lunar Guard on the fifth day, but at night. She promoted a couple of thestrals over some noble ponies' children. The promotions caused a riot, which resulted in a couple of arrests. Luna was expecting this, so she had her bodyguard handle this issue. Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight meet with the Royal Guards today. At 0900 hours (9:00 am), they met with the 2nd Lieutenants. The 1st Lieutenants are sitting outside the Throne Room. Golden Lance is sitting by himself, still looking glum about losing. A few of the others decide to poke fun at him. The ridicule gets on Anon's nerves. It goes on for a few more minutes, but eventually he has enough. "Please, for the love of everything, shut the fuck up," Anon snaps. "Hey, we're owed this for the years of bullshit we've taken from this asshole," one of the 1st Lieutenants, Emerald Aurora, says. "That makes you not better than him. You're officers in the Royal Guard, for shit's sake. Act like it." That keeps them quiet until Commander Iron Grate calls for them. The 2nd Lieutenants leave the Throne Room. Commander Grate orders them to line up, at attention, and to march into the room to await further instructions. They follow the order and stop just before Princess Celestia's and Luna's throne. Twilight is standing off to the side. "At ease! When Princess Celestia calls your name, you will kneel before her! Understood?!" Commander Grate shouts. "Yes, sir!" the 1st Lieutenants reply. Princess Celestia goes down the line. Anon is the last in line, so eleven more ahead of him. She promotes only two guards to the rank of Commander. One is third in line, and the other is fifth. Celestia doesn't promote the others. The biggest reason is that they don't have enough experience, even though their skill in battle and leadership is impressive. Anon thinks this is a lousy excuse, even for Celestia, until he realizes that most of them have been 1st Lieutenants for barely over a year. At the same time, he, Golden Lance, and Silver Lining have been 1st Lieutenants for around three years. The two got promoted, which had been their rank for even longer. Then, Princess Celestia gets to Golden Lance, who is ninth in line. "1st Lieutenant Golden Lance, please step forward," she orders. Anon notices that Celestia has a stern look on her face. She looks like a mother about to scold her child for breaking a family heirloom. "Golden Lance, I'm sorry to say I'm disappointed in you. I've heard about your appalling treatment of your comrades. You use your family's status as a way to mistreat others for not coming from nobility or having far less than what you grew up with. I've also heard of your racist remarks towards other races living in Equestria. Just because they are not ponies doesn't give you the right to treat them as sub-creatures. When Commander Grate informed your parents of your behavior, they were embarrassed and ashamed of you. You made a mockery of not only your family but the Royal Guard. Your skills in combat and strategy may be some of the best I've seen, except for your match against 1st Lieutenant Anonymous, but that doesn't excuse your behavior. It's unacceptable. I should strip you of your rank and send you back to the Royal Guard Academy so you can get a refresher course on what it means to be an officer. However, I'll be merciful and not promote you. I also bar you from participating in the COBA for the next three years. Until then, perhaps you will learn what leading in the Royal Guard means. There is a catch. If I hear even a peep of more this unacceptable behavior from you, I'll have you dishonorably discharged and court-martialed. Understand?" "Yes, Your Highness, and thank you for your mercy. I am eternally grateful for the chance to redeem myself," he says dejectedly. "I should hope so." Golden Lance returns to the line. He hangs his head in shame. Then, Princess Celestia talks to two more guards before getting to Silver Lining. Celestia promotes her to Captain. She can barely contain her excitement. Anon doesn't blame her. She was an orphan from Seaddle who enlisted in the Royal Guard at 18 after the orphanage kicked her out. She received a battlefield commission for a battle with assassins while protecting the Sultan of Saddle Arabia and his wife. Silver Lining has come a long way since then. Then, Celestia gets to Anon. "1st Lieutenant Anonymous, please step forward." Anon follows the order and kneels. "Anonymous, you've shown exemplary service and dedication on and off the battlefield and with your battalion. You have upheld what it means to be a Royal Guard. Your troops, friends, and commanding officers respect you. You've also gained the respect and commendation of Princess Luna, Twilight, and myself. You're an excellent combatant and lead your battalion well in battle. Your extraordinary strategies have given your battalion several victories over the past few months and during the COBA. Lastly, you took command of a battalion that nopony wanted to lead. You've pushed their limits and taken on the best of the best in countless War Games matches, which prepared them well for last week. They are some of the finest Royal Guards I've seen in years. So, by the power invested in me and at the recommendation of Princess Luna, Shining Armor, Prince of the Crystal Empire, and all of the Generals of the Equestrian Armed Forces, I, Princess Celestia, hereby promote you to the rank of General of the Equestrian Armed Forces." Anon looks up at Celestia with wide eyes. He's in shock. "Are...you serious?" he asks. "I am. You've more than earned this promotion." "T-thank you, Y-your Highness. I'm h-honored." He stands back up and returns to his spot in line. As Princess Celestia continues to discuss the promotions and what to do going forward, Anon zones out. He's not even happy or excited—he's terrified. When Celestia dismisses them, Anon's comrades congratulate him on his promotion. Even Golden Lance gives him a handshake. Afterward, Anon returns to his room at the officer's barracks. He locks the door behind him and takes off his armor. Anon tries to go to sleep, but he can't. Countless thoughts run through his head. Most of his thoughts are about Princess Celestia and the noble's reaction to his promotion. It could end her and Luna's reign. He doesn't know what to do except lie there. Thankfully, no one comes to visit him. He assumes that word got out that he wants to process this significant development in his life. Eventually, he falls asleep. Later that night, Anon is walking through the halls of the castle. He's going to Princess Celestia's chambers to talk to her. Instead of his tunic, he wears his old outfit during his handyman days in Ponyville and Canterlot. A few patrolling Lunar Guards pass him and congratulate him on his promotion. Anon smiles, thanks them, and continues walking. Eventually, he arrives at Princess Celestia's chambers. The two Lunar Guards standing at the door saluted him. Anon tells them he needs to talk to Celestia. One of them knocks on the door with his spear. A few moments later, Celestia opens the door. "Anon? What are you doing here?" she asks. "I need to talk to you. Privately," Anon answers. "Sure, come on in. Guards, leave us for the night. If somepony asks you why you aren't you post, tell them I commanded it. Understood?" "Yes, Your Highness." The two Lunar Guards leave. Anon walks into Celestia's room, closing the door behind him. "Is there something wrong, Anon?" Celestia inquires. "Yes, Tia, there is. General of the EAF? Seriously? Please don't take this as me being ungrateful, but why did you promote me to that high rank? I would've been happy staying a 1st Lieutenant or becoming a Captain." "I told you the reason why in the Throne Room." "So, this has nothing to do with what might be between us?" "No, of course not. The promotion wasn't even my idea. The Generals of the EAF and Shining Armor encouraged it. They saw your skill and wanted you to be amongst them. Though, I don't think that has bothered you." "You're right. It's just I don't want you to get hurt by this. The promotion could anger a lot of nobles. They might think that we are an item, which was the reason behind my promotion. The decision could ruin your reputation and badly for you. I don't care about my reputation, but yours is more important. I care too much about you to let that happen. I care so much that I'm willing to...date you. A part of me doesn't care about what happens, and I want to go for it and make us official because you make me feel like the most important man in the world and my old one. However, a part of me is still afraid of you getting hurt because of the relationship between you and me. The worst-case scenario is that it could end your and Luna's reign. The nobles would sway the people's opinion that you are just handing out promotions because you are your friends or significant other. Civil war could break out, and many will die because of a rela-" "Anon, for once in your life, please stop overthinking." He's confused. Usually, Celestia lets him finish his rant and offer her best advice. However, his strain of thought is interrupted when Celestia closes her eyes and leans in. Then, Anon feels Princess Celestia's lips princess against his. His heart races as alarm bells go off in his head. It tells him everything about this moment is wrong, but his heart tells him to accept it. Going against his better, Anon closes his eyes, places his hands on Celestia's muzzle, and kisses her back. They kiss each other intensely for a few moments before pulling away. Anon and Celestia stare into each other's eyes. Without exchanging a single word, Anon strips down to his underwear while Celestia removes her regalia. Then, she turns off the lights with her magic and teleports herself and Anon to her bed. He is on his back while she straddles him. They continue kissing each other passionately. Every once in a while, they'll pull away and catch their breaths. Anon chuckles as he pushes Celestia's overflowing mane away from her face. "What's so funny?" Celestia asks with a smile. "You're much more beautiful in the moonlight than in the sunlight. It's so ironic, it's funny," Anon replies. "Well, my sister did an excellent job tonight. You can give her some credit." "I don't want to think about anyone else. Tonight is about you, Tia." "You're sweet, Anon, but tonight is about you as much as it's about me." "I think I can agree with that." Anon and Tia continue their passionate evening. They keep going until their lips and mouths are sore. Then, Celestia lays beside Anon, wrapping her forelegs and wings around his body. She lays her head on his bare chest. Anon gently strokes her mane. They are quiet as they drift closer to sleep. While Celestia lies there, she listens to Anon's heart and breathing. Before they fall asleep, Anon speaks, but his eyelids are growing heavy by the minute. "Hey, Tia, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a long time. I guess I was too scared to say it until now," he whispers. "Oh? What is it?" "Tia. I love you." "I love you, too, Anon. I truly deeply love you."