//------------------------------// // Feeling Pinkie Keen // Story: My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 // by Musiclover435 //------------------------------// On the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight was practicing a new transformation spell that Discord showed her. It wasn't like his chaos magic but it was a simple transformation spell that most unicorns could learn. Spike had a rock on his head, leaves around his neck, and he had a stick in his claws. With enough concentration, Twilight turned the leaves into a suit. "Nice work, Twilight. Now for the stick, just think about what you want it to look like down to the last detail." She opened her eyes and smiled. She closed her eyes again and turned the stick into a cane. Spike then saw something out of the corner of his eye. Twilight noticed this and she said, "Eyes over here, Spike!" "Uh, sorry." Spike looked back at Twilight as she said, "For this to work, it's crucial we keep our concentration totally on the..." The rock on Spike's head popped up and turned into a glossy top hat. Once he heard Pinkie Pie's voice, he became distracted, the hat turned back into a rock and slammed on his head. Spike fell to the ground and the tux and cane turned back to normal as well. Discord winced. "That's going to leave a mark." Feeling annoyed, Twilight said, "Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen! There's no other way!" Spike recovered from his dizziness and told her, "I can't help it! Look!" Spike pointed at Pinkie Pie, she zipped a tree to a bush and even more odd, she had an umbrella hat on her head. She kept zipping to hide under different things in Ponyville. She looked up in the sky with worry in her eyes. Pinkie zipped under a rock, looked up again, then zipped away. Twilight, Spike and Discord look on, totally bewildered by her actions. Twilight signed impatiently, "Never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie." "Super-extra-Pinkie Pie today," Spike scratched his head trying to figure out what Pinkie was doing. "Yeah, I mean, we've been here for a while and I've never seen her wear an umbrella hat." Pinkie Pie walked between two houses and she noticed her tail started to switch. "Twitchy twitch-a-twitch-a-twitch." Wanting to keep Spike concentrated along with Discord, they walked over to Pinkie and Twilight asked, "Pinkie Pie, what in the wide wide world of Equestria are you up to?" "Oh, it's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch-a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!" None of them actually knew what it meant and Twilight told her, "Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea." "The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You three better duck for cover!" Twilight smiled at her and told her, "Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely even a cloud in the..." A frog fell on Twilight's face and it ribbits happily. "Well you never said about raining frogs coming down from the sky. That's impressive, Pinkie." The frog continued to ribbit happily. "Thanks, Discord. Also, he just said 'nice catch' in Frog." Fluttershy was in the sky with a wagon, basket, and bag filled with frogs. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry. You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so overpopulated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bog." "Of course you did," Twilight said as the frog continued to crawl on her face. "Hi, Fluttershy. Do you need any help, my dear?" "No, thank you. It shouldn't take me long to take the frogs down. The swamp can be dangerous if you can't fly, sorry." Discord was disappointed but he understood. 'I do have wings but you would be so scared of them.' He put a hoof up and smiled, "No worries, my dear. How about we have tea when you are done?" F luttershy nodded. "Absolutely. See you later, Discord." She put the basket in her mouth and muffled, "Bye-bye!" With that she flew off to the swamp. "Um, Twilight, you got a little something on your face there." Sarcastically, she said, "Oh, really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that, too?" She smiled and said, "Nah, I could just see it." Pinkie walked away happily then the frog jumped off Twilight's head. Twilight held in her annoyance but relaxed. She wanted to complete this spell. "Come on, Discord and Spike, Let's continue our practice session where there's a little less commotion. Discord, can you demonstrate the spell again?" Spike jumped on Twilight's back still amazed by Pinkie's talent. "Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing so she said, "Oh, come on. She said something would fall, and a front just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence... nothing else to it." "Twilight, coincidences happen but something like that seems unlikely. After all, sometimes the craziest things turn out to be true." Pinkie Pie dashed back to the trio and said, "My tail! My tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Twitch-a-twitch!" Pinkie's tail twitched once again making Spike and Discord look through the sky for something that would fall. Twilight just rolled her eyes as she started to walk away. "Oh, Pinkie, please. Nothing else is gonna, fa-a-all!" Twilight fell in a small ditch shocking Spike and Discord. "Oh no! Twilight fell! Is it safe to go help her?" Spike asked. Pinkie told him, "It's okay. My tail stopped twitching." Pinkie knocked the umbrella hat off her head and walked away singing to herself. Discord jumped down and helped Twilight up and Spike said with excitement in his voice, "Haha! That was amazing!" Discord nodded in agreement. "It truly is. A pony that can predict the future with a twitchy tail. What are the odds?" Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Oh, please." "Uh, Twilight, Discord, why are y'all hanging out in a ditch?" Applejack asked. "Because Pinkie Pie predicted it." Twilight popped her head up and told him, "Honestly, Spike, she did not. Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely, but it's still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future." Applejack gasped. "Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense?" Applejack hid under a cart for the inevitable. Spike walked over to her and said, "Don't worry. It's safe. The prediction already came true." Twilight and Discord got out off the ditch and Twilight baffled that Applejack of all ponies believed this. "Oh, wait. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too." "I know it doesn't make much sense, but those of us who have been in Ponyville awhile have learned over time that if Pinkie's a-twitchin', you better listen." Pinkie stood in front of Applejack and shouted, "My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!" Spike covered his head and said, "Aah! What does that mean?" She looked at Twilight and told her, "I'll start a bath for you." Applejack, Spike, and Discord back away from her in fear. "Huh?" Twilight laughed at the foolishness of this. "A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute." A cart zoomed by Twilight leaving her covered in mud. She growled in anger at this. While Twilight took a bath at Pinkie's place, it gave him the chance to run a few errands and time to think. 'Pinkie must have some chaos magic in her. She can't do much with it like me but she has harnessed it.' Discord noted to himself. 'Most ponies can have chaos magic, I have sensed it in them but they can't do anything with it. It's just there. It's so small that they couldn't do anything with it. Pinkie's, on the other hand, is different. She can do things that ponies can't and predict things with her body.' This was fascinating to him. He could sense the chaos magic in Pinkie and it was fun. Most ponies didn't do things like this and maybe once he felt more comfortable showing his own chaos magic to the ponies of Equestria, then he and Pinkie could have so much fun. Discord returned to library and noticed it was quiet. "Twilight, are you back?" Discord noticed the basement door open. "Twilight?" Discord went to the door and saw Pinkie connected to a device. Twilight clamped her legs to it and checked the wires connected to the helmet. "You're experimenting on Pinkie!?" Twilight quickly turned to him and shouted, "No! I just want know how Pinkie is predicting things with twitching. Okay. Now when you get another twitch we'll have all kinds of scientific information." "Okey-dokey-lokey!" Pinkie just smiled and concentrated. Discord groaned as he walked downstairs, "Twilight, this is ridiculous. Not everything needs an explanation. Pinkie's tail twitches, something falls, it's that simple." "No, something like that isn't possible. There is a reason these coincidences are happening." Discord sat down and waited. 'We might be here all day. Chaos magic is unpredictable. Especially for someone like Pinkie, I can control mine easily but hers is random, as chaos should be.' For a few minutes Twilight watched both Pinkie and the chart, while Discord was just sitting there with a bored expression. Nothing happened for several minutes, except for the periodic puffs of steam coming off the recorder. "Any twitches yet?" "Nopey-dopey!" Pinkie smiled at her and the quiet continued. Nothing happened, with Twilight sighing in frustration while Discord shook his head at her attempts. "Now? Anything?" Pinkie thought she felt something so she said, "Wait! Hold on!" After a few seconds she said, "Uh, no." Discord sighed as he stood up. "Are you doing experimenting on Pinkie Pie, so we could get on with our lives, Twilight?" She didn't look at him and she asked frustrated, "Are you kidding me? After a whole day of nonstop twitching, now that I've got you all hooked up, you're not getting a single one?!" "I don't control it. They just come and go." This made Twilight even more frustrated. "That makes no sense!" Discord smiled as he walked over to her then said, "Come on Twilight, what fun is there in making sense?" He elbowed her in a joking manor but she put his leg down. Pinkie then added, "Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out." Twilight walked to Pinkie and told her, "I will not believe in anything I cannot explain." Discord sat back down and rolled his eyes. "Oh for goodness sake." Pinkie paused again. " Wait! Hold on… I'm feeling something…" Twilight smiled and rushed to her machine. She rushed to her machines and waited for the results. "Oh my gosh! What? What is it?" A loud grumble came from Pinkie's tummy. She smiled and said, "It's my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Discord stood up and smiled, "Pinkie, now you're talking some sense, unlike somepony." He glared at Twilight who growled in frustration. "You know what?" Twilight unplug the machine. "Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it. I don't even care!" Pinkie slipped out of the restraints and the helmet slipped off. "Okey-dokey-mokey!" Pinkie bounced upstairs with Discord and Twilight following her. Pinkie stopped and gasped. "Uh-oh." Pinkie backed up and her ears flopped, eyes fluttered, and her legs wobbled. 'Watch out for open doors!' Discord backed up and stayed away from the door. Twilight was hit by the door when Spike opened it. "Pinkie, Discord, have you seen Twilight?" Pinkie bounced out the door and she answered, "Uh-huh." Discord walked to the door and moved it off Twilight. "You okay, Twilight?" Discord asked her. She groaned then asked, "Did you three plan this?" They looked at each other then back at Twilight. "Plan what?" Spike asked. Twilight pulled herself off the door. "Ugh! This is ridiculous! This can't be happening! This makes no sense!" "Twilight, I learned a long time ago that there are things in Equestria that we will never understand. Things we will never learn about. Pinkie's Pinkie Sense is just something that will remain a mystery." Twilight shook her head. "I refuse to believe that. I have to figure this out!" A few hours later, Twilight made the decision to follow Pinkie. She was determined to figure out Pinkie's Pinkie Sense. Pinkie sniffed a flower then bounced away happily. Twilight moved the bush as she followed Pinkie. She sat down and pulled out her binoculars and continued to watch her. She watch Pinkie stare at a butterfly then she bounced away happily. Twilight wrote notes down as she observed Pinkie until... "Twilight?" Twilight screamed and jumped high in the air then landed by the bush. Spike and Discord stared at her then she yanked them into the bush with her. "Honestly, you two, don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies?" "Oh, sorry," Spike apologized. Discord raised an eyebrow then asked, "Isn't that what you're doing?" After taking a look at Pinkie, she gasped as Spike and Discord looked over the bush. "No…" She tackled them down then said, "I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name Pinkius pieicus, in its natural habitat." She turned back to watching Pinkie while hiding in the bush. "Pinkius who-icus?" "I think she means Pinkie Pie, Spike." Discord told him. Twilight went back into the bush and told them, "There's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it. So, shhh!" Twilight looked out the bush and saw Pinkie bouncing away happily. "Come on! Pinkius pieicus is on the move!" Knowing they couldn't convince Twilight, Spike and Discord decided to follow Pinkie. At the schoolhouse, Twilight, Discord, and Spike watched as Pinkie rolled around in the grass happily as she hummed to herself. Pinkie's nose started to itch and Twilight noticed this. "Hmmm…itchy nose." Spike wrote it down as she continued to observe the pink pony. Pinkie suddenly gasps wide-eyed and zipping under an oversized horseshoe. In an instant, Twilight knew she had something. "Aha! That makes no sense! See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose." Discord looked up and saw something that made him nervous. "Um, Twilight…I don't think that's why Pinkie's nose is itchy." Spike followed Discord's gaze and nearly paled at what he saw. It was a large swarm of bees flying above them. The bees came at them as Twilight still hadn't noticed. "This proves perhaps conclusively, that..." Discord grabbed Spike and ran with Spike screaming. Twilight popped her head dup and shouted, "Spike! Discord! Where are you two going? I'm trying to teach you the value of scientific obser..." The bees went into the bush and stung Twilight over and over making her and the bush jump in place. After getting band-aids on, the trio went to Sweet Apple Acres and hid behind a stack of hay bales. Twilight was watching Pinkie through her binoculars with Discord and Spike just sitting behind Twilight. "What's she doing now?" Spike asked. "Smelling a flower." Pinkie was indeed smelling a blue flower. "Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means!" Spike wrote that down. "I think the flower just smells good, Spike. Nothing more." Twilight then said, "Wait! I'm getting something! Ear flop…eye flutter…knee twitch." Spike's eyes widen at that. "Hold on. You told me that's the combo that says 'watch out for opening doors!'" Spike and Discord ran off away from the barn door. "Heck the deck!" Twilight scoffed at them. "You two really, really believe this stuff, don't you? Here. Let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of." Twilight put her foreleg on the closed lower half of the door and smirked at the duo. "You see?" "Wait for it…" Twilight walked off, head in the air and eyes closed, not seeing a door below her opening. "I promise you there's nothing to fear from that..." Twilight fell down the stairs. "Yep called it," Discord said knowing that this would happen. Twilight crashed on the floor and Applejack's voice could be heard, "Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar! How nice!…Twi? You okay?…Uh, Twi?" Discord and Spike walked to the apple cellar. "I'll get a nurse," Discord said in a deadpanned voice. Due to Twilight falling in the apple cellar, she was sitting in a wheelchair with casts on both forelegs, which were propped on the back of a park bench. The binoculars were gripped in the casts, and traction wires were attached to the limbs. Spike and Discord were standing next to her and they squinted ahead at the pink pony. "Here. Let me help you." Spike pumped a lever and it helped lift her forelegs to bring the binoculars to her eye level. Discord was getting tired of these charades, Twilight was going to get herself killed if she continued to do this. "Can we go now? This is honestly a waste of time Twilight. Why can't you accept the fact that not all things need an answer?" She didn't look at him as she said, "Because I need this to make sense and I will not stop until I figure this out." She then noticed Pinkie's twitching tail. "Okay Spike. Take this down. Twitchy tail." "Twitchy tail…" He gasped and goes into a full-scale panic, throwing the notepad away and letting go of the lever. "TWITCHY TAIL!" Twilight's forelegs hit the back of the park bench and she turned to him, "Hush, Spike! We can't let Pinkie know we're here, remember?" "Something's gonna fall! Something's gonna fall! Run for your lives!" Spike ran off with Discord following from behind. "Right behind you!" "Ugh! Spike, Discord, honestly. You're overreact..." Pinkie's prediction once again comes true. A flowerpot, anvil, hay wagon, and piano all crash squarely down on her head. It was a Pegasus moving team with an open cart. Later on, Pinkie is playing with her tongue and she saw Applejack with a barrel of apples. "Hey, Applejack, watcha doing?" "Taking more apples to my new apple cellar. How about you, Pinkie? What you doing?" Pinkie nonchalantly said, "Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me all day without me knowing?" Twilight came out and said in completely disbelief, "You mean you knew all along? Why didn't you tell me?" Pinkie just laughed. "Silly. That would have spoiled the secret." Discord and Spike returned and Spike asked, "Tail still twitching?" Pinkie continued to smile and said, "All done. Clear skies from here on in as far as I can tell..." Pinkie's entire body jitters briefly. Spike ducked behind Twilight again as Applejack let her basket fall. " Oh, no! What does that one mean?" For the first time, Pinkie didn't even know. "Don't know. Never gotten any like it before. But whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy! Something you never expect to happen is gonna happen!" Another, longer shudder wracked her as all four watch. "And it's gonna happen…at Froggy Bottom Bog!" Applejack gasped. "That's where Fluttershy's headed!" Worried, Discord shouted, "What!?" "Oh, no! Is it about her?" Spike asked. Pinkie said, "Uh…I'm not sure." Not waiting for another minute, Discord ran off leaving the others behind. "I'm coming Fluttershy!" Discord arrived at Froggy Bottom Bog and smiled when he saw Fluttershy unharmed. She was just releasing the frogs in their new home. "Fluttershy!" He ran over and hugged her. "You're okay!" He felt so relieved that his friend was safe. "Of course." He released the hug but didn't let go of her shoulders. "Are you hurt!? Did something get you!? Have you been attack!? Are there any cut and bruises!? Whoever attack you, they'll..." "Discord! Discord! I'm fine, I'm was just done delivering the frogs." Discord smiled and wiped the sweat from his eyebrow. "Oh, good you're not hurt." "Uh Discord, you can let me go now." Discord noticed this and as he blushed, he let her go. "Oh right, sorry." Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike finally arrived to the scene. "Whoo…what a relief." "I'm so glad everything's all right." With a smirk, Twilight said, "Sorry. I know it's not nice to gloat, but…AHA! I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right. Pinkie Pie said whatever she was shuddering about was a..." Twilight coughed as Applejack walked away. "...doozy, and..." She coughed again. "...and the only..." She coughed again. "...doozy here is how right I am." As Twilight talked, the others noticed something behind her. "Um…" Applejack did a hard swallow."…Twilight?" Applejack started as she walked to the others but her words failed. "Pinkie's made a lot of predictions today, but..." Twilight coughed again and scrunched her nose. "...ugh, what is that smell? But what we've shown here is that there's no point in believing..." Twilight coughed again. "... in anything you can't see for yourself. Scared, Spike stuttered, "W-W-Well, then, s-s-see what's b-b-behind you, Twilight!" Tired of this, Discord shouted, "For crying out loud Twilight, turned around!" Twilight turned and saw the scaly brown hide. The growl has intensified, and Twilight looked up and saw a four headed hydra. "I see it…but I don't believe it!" Three of the hydra heads roared then the last one joined. "Is that a hydra?!" Pinkie asked. "Yes... yes it is," Discord gulped. "Who cares? RUN!" Everypony, except for Pinkie ran in fear as the hydra licked its maw. Pinkie was frozen in fear. "Pinkie, come on." Before the hydra could eat Pinkie, Twilight ran back and grabbed her tail. Pinkie flew through the air as they ran as fast as they could. Fluttershy past a frog and told it, "Oh, I'm so sorry." Twilight watched as the hydra walked out of the swamp and started to follow them. The hydra head tried to eat the fearful ponies but the heads missed each time, each going into the swamp, grabbing a tree, and one even bit a rock that Fluttershy and Discord were on. They reached a dead end and Twilight spotted a hill. "Everypony up that hill." "HELP!" Spike was trapped in the swamp and the hydra was getting closer. "Twilight, you help Spike, I'll help the others." Twilight nodded at Discord planned and she ran to Spike as Discord and the girls ran up the hill. "I'm coming, Spike." Twilight put Spike on her back and ran back just seconds before the hydra could get them. They had a chance as the hydra was slowed in the swamp. "I think we're going to make it," Twilight said, her voice filled with relief. "But Pinkie's still shuddering!" Pinkie shuddered again, slowing her down a bit until she stopped. "Oh, looky there. It stopped." It did not stop. Pinkie shuddered again so Spike had to push her up the hill. "There... it... is... again!" The reached the end of the hill and it was a dead end. They would have to hop from the cracking rock pillar to reach the other side. They would need to work fast as the hydra started to climb up the hill after them. Twilight gasped in fear. "He'll be up here in no time. Quick! One at a time, cross!" Spike was about to cross but he nearly fell back into the swamp. He ran to Discord and Twilight and asked, "Uh, do you know any spells for turning a hydra into a mouse?" "No." They told him. "How about a squirrel?" Spike asked. "No." Spike then asked, "How about..." Twilight then told him, "No small rodents of any kind!" Discord could take care of the hydra easily but that would reveal more than he would like. 'I can't let him hurt the others but they can't know what I am.' "That's too bad." Remembering what Pinkie taught her about a month or two ago. Fluttershy knew what she needed to do. "A hop, a skip, and a..." Fluttershy gasped as she jumped to the rock pillar. "JUMP!" Fluttershy continued to jump across then Twilight threw Spike across. Pinkie continued to shudder across and before she fell, Applejack grabbed her by her tail. The hydra was getting closer and it wouldn't be long before it reached them. "You three go ahead. I will distract him." Applejack jumped across with Pinkie to the other side. Discord jumped from behind, incase things went south, he could get the others out. Twilight gulped in fear. "Oh, what would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do?" Twilight's eyes widened when she realized what she had to do. "CHARGE!" Twilight charged at the hydra, she ran under it and the hydra tried to get her. It fell on one of its heads and that's when Twilight made a run for it. "T-T-T-T-Twilight!" Pinkie shuddered out. Twilight ran as fast as she could and before she could jump, the hydra tried to grab her with his mouth and she jumped to miss it attack. The rock pillars were destroyed and she landed on its neck. She shook in fear as she jump off. Her way across was gone. "T-T-T-Twilight. You have to jump!" Pinkie shouted at her. "I'll never make it!" "You'll be fine!" Pinkie told her. "I will not!" The hydra was getting closer as it was roaring loudly, angry that its food was getting away. "It's your only h-hope!" Pinkie shuddered again. Twilight looked down and she saw the ground. 'If I fall, I'll get hurt and the hydra will get me.' "You have to take a leap of faith!" Twilight gulped in fear. She ran backwards then ran and jumped off the cliff. The hydra caught up and it tried to get her but he slammed his head on the cliff. The broken cliff was able to get Twilight closer to the rock so she jumped. She barely missed the rock. "Oh, no!" Twilight fell on a bubble and the impact was so great she bounced on the rocks until she landed near her friends. Twilight smiled and her friends cheered to her safety. Pinkie hugged her friend and told her, "I knew you could do it, Twilight!" In complete disbelief, Twilight said, "I don't know how it happened... coincidence, dumb luck or what. But you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bog, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy. I mean, that hydra..." To everypony's shock, Pinkie still shuddered. "Pinkie?" "That wasn't it." "Huh?" Twilight said speechless. Pinkie still shuddered. "What wasn't what?" Spike asked. "What are you talking about, Pink?" "I think the hydra wasn't the doozy. Was it, Pinkie?" Discord asked. She shook her head. "The hydra wasn't the doozy." The hydra stuck its tongue out and walked away. "I'm still getting the shudders." Pinkie shuddered for a few seconds then she stopped. "You see? There it is again. Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bog, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened." "Huh? But I... WHAT?!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. "The hydra wasn't the doozy? How could it not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than that?!" Twilight shouted. Discord nearly paled. 'Is it me? Is my true form the doozy? How? I've learned to master my pony form for centuries.' "Don't know, but it just wasn't it." Twilight growled in anger and in the heat of the moment, she turned a cute which and her mane and tail turned into fire with blood red eyes, much to the shock of everypony. Finally, Twilight calmed down and with a defeated sigh, she said, "I give up." Twilight fell to the ground in defeat. "Give what up, Twi?" Spike asked as he walked over to her. Discord walked over as well, concerned for his friend and said, "I think she means Pinkie's Pinkie Sense." She nodded "I don't understand how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow... makes sense." Pinkie shuddered more and soon started to shudder more violently. "I don't see how it does, but it just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true." "Y-y-you mean you b-b-b-believe?" Twilight stood up and just said, "Yep. I guess I do." Pinkie shuddered violently then made different indescribable shapes then she just stopped. Pinkie looked at er body then smiled as she looked back to her friends, "That was it! That's the doozy!" Spike shook his head confused then Twilight asked, "What?" She walked to Pinkie. "What is?" Pinkie smiled at her then said, "You believing! I never expected that to happen! That was the doozy! Oh, and, oh, what a doozy of a doozy it was!" Pinkie walked away singing to herself with the others staring at her in silence. "Only Pinkie," Discord joked. The next day, Pinkie and Twilight were in the library laughing with each other. Spike and Discord ran to the library. "Oh, good, Spike, Discord. You're here. Spike, take a letter." "What are you writing to my aunt about this time?" Discord asked as he and Spike entered the library. Spike grabbed the quill and scroll as he said, "With pleasure, Twilight." Discord and Spike stared at Twilight a bit shocked as she spoke. Dear Princess Celestia... I'm happy to report that... "Spike, what have I been saying about focus?" Twilight asked him. "I know, but I..." "Twilight, why are you wearing that on your head?" Twilight just smiled at Discord's question and said, "What? Never thought you'd see me with an umbrella hat on?" "Not really, no," Spike told her. "Yeah, I never expected to see that on you." "Pinkie's tail's a-twitchin'. What else can I do?" Twilight looked at Pinkie and her tail was indeed twitching. The two friends laughed along with Spike and Discord. Twilight and Pinkie walked closer to the pair and Twilight pointed to the letter. Spike continued to write as Twilight spoke. I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain. But that doesn't necessarily make them an less true. It just mean you have to choose to believe in them. And soemtimes it takes a friend to show you the way. Pinkie touched Twilight's nose and said, "Honk!" Spike even wrote that down. "Honk." Always, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie and Twilight left the library and Pinkie's tail twitched again. "There it goes again." "I wonder what's gonna drop out of the sky this time." Pinkie smiled as she looked up and said, "You never know." The two friends left and just as Spike was about to send the letter. Princess Celestia dropped on the balcony. "Hi, Aunt Celestia," Discord said happily. "Twitchy tail?" Spike asked. Celestia smiled hugged her nephew then took the letter and flew off. "Holy guacamole!"