The Pony Guard (Season 6)

by MXCDarkHorse2020

Episode 12: The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

Episode 12:

The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

Ever since they had decided to turn their club into a business, more or less making a career out of helping other ponies, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had become no strangers to solving unusual problems when it came to cutie marks. And with their Pride Lands friends, they had plenty of support and assistance to go around.

One of their current clients, is an earth pony filly whose name is Petunia Paleo who had a skull and crossbones for a cutie mark. She had a light blue coat, light blue eyes and a mane and tail consisting of shades of gray and blue and wore cornflower blue locks cut short.

Scootaloo was now currently in the sandbox in the backyard of Petunia's house, using a bucket to catch sand as Petunia tossed it aside by the shovel full without saying a word. Playing by their side is Shakku and Gumba, the friendly and energetic Pride Landers to match them when it comes to fun and games. Only little problem with that is Petunia didn’t stop nor slow down in her digging to realize she isn’t landing any sand in the bucket causing her to dump sand on Scootaloo, Shakku, and Gumba.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Mtoto, Kwato, and Kambuni, were having a conversation with Petunia's parents inside, Mr. and Mrs. Paleo. Mr. Paleo had a pale, light cream coat, sapphire blue eyes, gray and blue shaded mane and tail styled like shaggy curls, and a cutie mark depicting two swords crossed over each other in the shape of an x. Mrs. Paleo had a light blue coat, a lighter shade of blue eyes, a gray and blue shaded mane and tail similar to her daughter’s styled smoothly, and a cutie mark featuring a pearl inside of an oyster.

"What did you two want to talk about?" Sweetie Belle asked as she began their conversation as they talked over tea and cookies.

"As you know, we’re concerned about our daughter is all.” Mrs. Paleo started off sheepishly and nervously. “And I’m sure you get these questions all the time. Oh, this is so awkward."

“It’s okay.” Mtoto assured it’s no big deal. “Just tell us.”

Mr. Paleo then continued. "You're the experts, so we thought you'd have some insight into our daughter's new, uh, cutie mark."

"What’s wrong?" Apple Bloom questioned as she and her friends again turned her attention to the backyard and to the pony in question.

“What about her cutie mark is something that’s unsettling?” Kambuni asked.

"Nothing, really," Mrs. Paleo admitted. "Obviously, we're both very proud of Petunia and her cutie mark."

But Mr. Paleo added. "Despite its, um... unsettling nature.”

“Unsettling?” Kwato returned before turning her attention to the filly’s mark outside in question. “Exactly how is a skull and crossbones scary?”

“I mean, I can see why it draws some concern.” Kambuni spoke up starting to understand the parent’s worries. “A skeleton and crossbones can be misleading.”

“Exactly.” Mr. Paleo replied. “We’re just wondering of what her cutie mark really means if it’s not anything pirate or death related. That’s all.”

“I see.” Mtoto nodded as he observed the filly playing with the others. “If I may, if it’s any comfort, I’m absolutely sure it’s nothing related to pirates or death. Unless of course, you’ve heard or witnessed your daughter showing any of this kind of behavior.”

“Well to be honest…no. She hasn’t.” Mrs. Paleo honestly admitted. “She’s really well behaved everywhere she goes.”

“Then it doesn’t seem like your daughter is exactly what you fear her to be.” Kwato noted.

“Of course not.” Mr. Paleo shook his head. “It’s just the mark came as something so sudden that we felt it was best to talk to someone who knows full well of the very nature of cutie mark’s and someone her age.”

“Well it’s good that you thought of us to turn to.” Sweetie took it in as a compliment. “And our friends here have pretty much spoken what needed to be said here. And that you both really have nothing to worry about here.”

“And I think we know what her cutie mark is really telling her.” Apple Bloom added having figured out herself too.

But just then, Scootaloo excitedly shouted from the backyard! "Hey, come check out what we found!”

“You're never gonna believe it!" Shakku also called out equally excited.

Mr, and Mrs. Paleo, and Sweetie Belle, Mtoto, Kwato, Kambuni, and Apple Bloom all rushed outside and to the sandbox as fast as they could! And to their surprise, they found Petunia at the bottom of a deep hole she had dug, surrounded by the bones of what had to be a long extinct creature.

Despite being covered in dirt, Petunia happily exclaimed! "Look, Mom and Dad! It's a spiny-backed ponysaurus! In our own backyard, can you believe it?! And with help I found it!"

Seeing and hearing that for themselves had both Mr. and Mrs. Paleo sigh in relief as they now realized what their daughter's cutie mark represented and what her special talent was. "She's a paleontologist." They said together.

"Of course she is!" Scootaloo pointed out.

"And that my friend explains why she likes to dig so much." Shakku added though he couldn't help but throw in. "What did you think she was? A pirate?"

“Or the new grim reaper?” Gumba added to which earned him confused looks from the others.

Mr. and Mrs. Paleo then hastily tossed away a pirate costume as Mrs. Paleo waved a hoof and replied. "Pirate? Grim Reaper? Why would we ever think that?" Then she and her husband began to laugh rather nervously as they admittedly feel pretty silly for thinking that the worst case scenario in regards to their child.

Scootaloo, Shakku, and Gumba then turned to her fellow Crusaders and friends feeling very proud of their most recent accomplishment in the new buisness practice.

"Well done, everyone.” Mtoto congratulated. “Another successful client in the books.”

Little did any of them know, is that their new business is about to endure a hardship and obstacle that is left one to wonder if it’s actually possible or not.

In order to get back to their clubhouse and officially hang up a picture of Petunia to add on to another image of sucesss, the Cutie Mark Crusaders along with the Lion Guard Fan Club had to travel through Ponyville to do so. It wasn’t a big deal since they get to see the many of the ponies they'd helped along with way. And Scootaloo made sure to drive her scooter slowly enough for the others to keep up with her, since she wasn't towing them along in a wagon this time.

Scootaloo was swelling with pride as she led her fellow Crusaders and Pride Landers back home. Their recent success with Petunia felt like a continuing winning streak for them. And the tomboyish pegasus couldn't help but point it out. "You know something, Crusaders? I don't wanna toot our own horn or anything, but we've sure helped a lot of ponies figure out their purpose in life," Just then she passed by a blue coated earth pony stallion wearing a dark blue jacket and playing on a saxaphone. "Hey, nice saxophone, Bluenote!" She complimented the stallion happily playing out out a few notes.

“Yeah, way to rock those notes!” Shakku also complimented.

Apple Bloom was next to smile, as she spotted a familiar tap dancing earth pony colt she recently and personally helped. "Yep. Everywhere you look, there's a pony we've helped find a purpose: Young and old, cutie mark or no cutie mark," She couldn't help but agree with Scootaloo. "We've had a pretty good effect on everypony since we've discovered our destiny.”

“Though, we do owe Diamond Tiara for her suggesting the idea in the first place.” Mtoto brought up. “After all, we probably won’t be even thinking about doing it if it weren’t for that."
"That’s true. Otherwise it would be going on while wondering what our true purpose in life will be aside from drifting apart.” Gumba added in agreement.

“Yeah. And we probably wouldn’t be receiving praise from both Kion and Twilight for what we accomplished thus far ever since we got our cutie marks.” Sweetie Belle chimed in before hesitantly pointing out something on her mind. “That being said do know that there's always going to be challenges, right? Someday, somepony might even come to us with a problem that even we can't handle."

The little zebra herself couldn't help but agree. "That is true.” She noted. “Even with a successful streak going here, doesn’t mean we’re sure to run into some hurdles along the way.”

“Like what? A griffon?” Shakku curiously asked.

“Or Diamond Tiara’s mom?” Gumba also asked with a mean chuckle. Upon seeing the glances he was getting, he then said. “What? It could happen. Considering she’s still the same obnoxious spoiled, and rotten excuse of a pony who still peeved over being kicked off of the school board for her abusive attitude, I stand by what I said.”

“Though you might want to be more careful about who you say that towards…” A certain filly voiced to him as she suddenly appeared. “...but considering of what my mom is like, I’ll make an exception to that vulgar choice of words of yours.”

“Diamond Tiara!” Gumba quickly greeted and then apologized. “I’m sorry. Really. I just got carried away with what I was saying...again.”

“No worries.” Diamond kindly repeated. “Just try to tone it down a little. Wouldn’t want a parent teacher conference for someone with a trash talking potty mouth. Not me of course, but a handful of ponies who’ve been sent to the principal’s office.”

“Because of your mom’s former connections with the school board?” Shakku guessed.


“Figures.” Gumba replied not surprised in the slightest.

“Anyways…” She then continued. “...the reason I’m here now are two things. First, I take your latest client is another success?”

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yup. Goes by the name of Petunia Paleo.”

“A pony who’s cutie mark makes her a rock and fossil research pony.” Kambuni added. “A paleontologist.”

“Nice. No worries. No concerns. Nothing like that?”

“Nope.” Kambuni shook her head as she explained. “Aside from her parents worried concern whether or not her destiny involves a life of piracy or death.”

“Because her cutie mark just so happened to be a skull with cross bones.” Kwato added.

Both little boys laughed in response. “How silly is that?”

“To an extent. Though it’s not hard to see why.” Diamond pointed out while very cautious about indulging on that topic.

“And the other thing you wanted to tell us?” Sweetie then asked.

“You have a new visitor on the look out for you all. Only this visitor is not like the previous clients you dealt with.”


“Like who?”

Both Apple Bloom and Mtoto curiously asked.

“Hard to believe but it’s true. And said client is...a griffon.”

“A griffon?” Apple Bloom asked to make sure she heard right.


“Here in Ponyville?” Scootaloo asked.


“Really?” Shakku asked.


“Are you sure you’re not on any new medication?” Gumba asked which earned him a glare due to how personal it was. “Sorry, just wasn’t sure.”

“No. And like I said, hard to believe but it’s true. She came to me while you were away and asked if I happened to know you all. After I said I did, she asked where she can find you all. So then I said they’re all away at the time, but to feel free to stick around until they do come back. Then she was all “Okay!” but then was like “No wait! I got a better idea! I’ll go to their clubhouse! And then she flew off ahead without another word.”

After taking a moment to process all of this, Sweetie Belle broke the silence by asking. “That really happened?”

“Uh-huh. And before you ask, this was the best I could make out of the way she was talking super fast.”

“Did you at least get the griffon’s name?” Mtoto asked. “Just in case someone from the Lion and Pony Guard know her?”

“Yes. Her name is Gabby. And no, it is not the griffon that once visited here in Ponyville a couple years back.”

“Okay.” Mtoto accepted that response. “Although it would have been nice to see how her attempt at friendship is going since Rainbow and Pinkie visited her a while back.”

“I’m sure it’ll come in time.” Kambuni assured. “We need just need to wait until she’s ready to want to befriend other’s outside her home.”

“Speaking of waiting…” Scootaloo then spoke up. “...we better get back so we can see what Gabby want’s from us! Let’s go!” She happily stated while riding off ahead while the other run after her.

In short time, they all had arrived with some of the young ones having to stop to catch their breath from all of that running they just did. Especially Mtoto.

“Phew! We made it!”

“We sure did!”

Both Mtoto and Scootaloo stated with the former exhausted while the later is still filled with energy and eagerness.

“And all to meet up with a griffon who probably isn’t sure of where the headquarters itself is.” Kwato brought now feeling unsure whether or not she got solid directions on how to get there. “Assuming she isn’t cross eyed.”

“She isn’t.” Diamond asserted while shaking her head. “I can tell you that for sure.”

“But did she figure out of where exactly the Cutie Mark Crusaders along with their favorite companions from the Lion Guard fan club reside their headquarters?” Shakku asked.

“I think she already did.” Gumba answered while looking up.

When everyone all followed suit, they all saw the griffon in question indeed waiting for them perched atop a tree over the clubhouse, with a claw over her eyes like she is looking through a telescope. Said griffon had multiple layers and shades of gray feathers and a gray coat, not to mention blue-green eyes that looked similarly innocent compared to Fluttershy’s.

Upon spotting the three fillies and five Pride Landers down below, she immediately let out a happy shriek and swooped down to greet them. And she did so by pulling them all into a very tight body hug without warning. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders! The Lion Guard Fan Club! I can't believe it's really, really you!" She all but shouted while laughing excitedly.


“It’s us!”

“The one and only!”

“And feel free to kindly let go of us to avoid crushing us.”


The Pride Landers pleaded as they breathed in during their tight and uncomfortable hug.

Once the hug had ended and the Crusaders had time to recover from the abrupt crush, Apple Bloom questioned. "Just how in the blooming apples did you know who we are?”

“Aside from our closest friends?” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"Know who you are?! Know who you are?! Why, I've heard about you from everypony in Ponyville and every Pride Lander in the Pride Lands!" Gabby explained as she recalled her encounters with the various townsfolk from earlier in the day. "I’m just so excited I could just explode!”

“Well if you can keep yourself from exploding that would be great!” Shakku advised.

“Yeah! Wouldn’t be a clean picture either!” Gumba added in agreement.

“I don’t know what that means but okay, I’ll try!” She said before continuing rambling. “My's name Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby since we're friends now!" Gabby happily and rapidly shook their hooves and paws rapidly to the point their heads were spinning went she let go of them.


“Of course.”

“Sounds easier that way.”

The boys all complied before shaking their heads to clear up the sudden dizziness they felt from the paw shaking.

"Oh, I'm so glad I finally found you, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Pride Landers! I've been all over town trying to find you fantastic fillies and friends! Everyone has told me of your amazing assistance! How you help ponies out!"

Scootaloo proudly acknowledged that’s true. "It's a calling and something we’ve well established here. But..."

Gabby didn't bother waiting for Scootaloo to finish as she excitedly exclaimed! "That's why I'm here. Because I need your help, too. I want you to give me a cutie mark!”


“One more time?”

Both Kwato and Kambuni blinked in confusion with what she just said.

“A cutie mark! Whatever that your wonderful assistance can help me achieve from however you do what you do!”


“About that…”

“We’re not entirely sure that’s possible.” Mtoto finished and clarified. “I mean, I greatly enjoy your enthusiasm and passion but I’m afraid this goes beyond and above of what we might be actually capable of.”

"Yeah.” Apple Bloom agreed. “We can help you find your purpose in life, that’s for sure. But a cutie mark itself is something that we’re not quite sure is something we can guarantee. I mean I’m not saying that it’s not possible, I’m just saying it has yet to be determined whether or not it is possible.”

“That’s true.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “So let’s try not to be disappointed should things not go as planned, okay?”

“No problem!” Gabby cheerfully replied like it’s no big deal. “I’m sure however and whatever it takes to do it, I can do it!”


“I can’t wait to get started!”

Both Shakku and Gumba stated with forced smiles and nervous chuckling along with the others as they both have no idea how to handle this without hurting her feelings.

A few minutes later, the whole group got themselves settled inside the clubhouse where they continued their talk over juice and fruit.

“So, Gabriella…” Scootaloo began to ask before being corrected.

“Gabby, ‘kay?”

“Sorry, Gabby. Why do you even want a cutie mark?”

“Not that there is anything wrong with that.” Kwato clarified with no ill intent. “But it just doesn’t seem like a very…griffon-y thing to want.”

The gray feathered griffon just excitedly chirped as she flew all around, unable to keep her enthusiasm in again. "And that's exactly why I want one! Because I’m not them! And getting one would further prove to them of how special I am to them. I don't know if you've heard, but griffons can be a little bit... unfriendly. She paused in her flying and excitement and frowned as she said the last part.

“Oh, we’ve heard.” Scootaloo replied to confirm it. “Not from personal experience, of course. But from friends of ours that actually met one a couple years back.”

“Right, Gilda.” Gabby recognized. “Not only that we also are not known for having one of the cleanest and tidiest places in all of Equestria. Even back when I was young.” She then started recalling her own memories of growing up there. "Most griffons don't pay much attention to each other. And if they do, it's not, y'know, the good kind of attention.But even back then I always felt different to them. And I found it pretty disappointing that not a single griffon wanted to befriend me."

“For someone who’s been there before, that’s one thing we have in common.” Apple Bloom admitted as she briefly recalled her past experience of feeling like an outcast before befriending the other fillies and kids around her today.

Gabby smiled hearing this. "Exactly!" And she went on recalling her memories of Griffonstone, to the point where her interest in ponies and in cutie marks surfaced up. "Even when made the mail carrier for Griffonstone who tries to be kind and friendly spreading rays of that griffon-y sunshine across the skies, no griffon wanted to accept it. It wasn't until your friends came to Griffonstone that I realized some creatures actually like helping each other, and I saw something so awesomely awesome: How helping spreads from pony to pony and griffon to griffon! And when your friends did that, those marks on their flanks glowed!"

“And how exactly do you know that?” Mtoto asked. “And since some of our friends visited a while back, why wait until now to come to us?”

"I had to constantly insist Gilda to tell me about it, since she was the only one who knew all about the marks itself.”.Then she put her claws together and tapped the fingers on the ends of them as she sheepishly added with a blush. "I admit, hehe, I became, um, maybe a little obsessed. So first chance I had to deliver a letter from Gilda, I took it, so I could find the perfect pony to help me understand what those marks are. And that's what led me to you ponies and your Pride Lander friends." Then she asked. "So...Crusaders, Pride Landers, what will it take to get one?"

“Good question.” Apple Bloom replied before then saying rather hesitantly. “But before we discuss it further, can I talk this over with my friends over it, please?”

Gabby smiled, none of the wiser to uneasiness in her tone. "Of course! That reminds me! I have to deliver Gilda's letter to Rainbow Dash. So while I take care of that you can tell me what you all discussed." She took off with a flap of her wings, though not before promising. "I bet by the time I get back, you'll have it one hundred percent figured out! Toodles for now! Whee-hee-hee! Gonna get my cutie mark!”

The three fillies and five Pride Landers then took this time, to go over to the Castle of Friendship where they explained and consulted of both the Prince and Princess of Friendship about the matter from the moment Gabby appeared before them.

“I've read every book on the subject, and I've never read a thing about any creature other than a pony getting a cutie mark. And even of how our friends got them is still a mystery to us.” Twilight explained to them.

"I don’t suppose there is a way to uncover that mystery so that we can try to pass it along to Gabby?” Sweetie Belle hopefully asked. “Because we’d hate to break her heart by telling her it’s impossible when she is so full of energetic hope that it could happen.”

"That I understand.” Kion acknowledged. “And believe me if there were a way to figure out, we would be of help. But the thing is it didn’t take specific magic for me and the others in the Lion Guard to get their cutie marks. It just happened.”

“And I don't think we need to remind any of you that using magic to get a cutie mark never really works out at all.” Twilight added. “I can't say for certain that it's impossible for griffons to get a cutie mark, but everything that I've ever read tells me the odds are... pretty slim at best."

Scootaloo nodded understanding of what they are saying. "Right, we figured you’d say that. Not that we were looking for a magical solution anyways. Just a little something that might help try to make the impossible possible.”

“I mean it could change, given of how magic has spread across from here to to Pride Rock.” Twilight then said while thinking of an idea to help them out with that. “Like with us, it took a certain spark to get the magic to spread towards Kion and his friends.”

“So maybe…” Sweetie began to process it as she thinks of something they can at least try. “...we just need to try and find the same spark to do the same.”

“Well, that’s a start.” Kion nodded in approval. “It’s worth a try. At the very least you can help her find her true purpose in life.”

“I don’t see why not. Thank you both.” Apple Bloom agreed before leading the way to find Gabby. “Crusaders, let’s go!”

All of the kids all went off to do so leaving both the prince and princess smiling at them for their resolve.

“You think they can do it?” Kion asked Twilight.

“I believe they can.” Twilght remained certain they’ll come through. “And who knows maybe just maybe they might be in for a little surprise along the way.”

“Like what?”

“Something very rewarding…”

“So…?” Mtoto spoke up once they were away from the castle. “ exactly do we plan on dealing with Gabby here?”

“Simple.” Scootaloo replied. “By helping her out with finding her true purpose in life. But to be sure she understands of what she can expect, we just have to be extra clear with her, like crystal clear. Get it?"

“Oh! Okay! Now I do!” Mtoto realized.

“Yep. And for those who still don’t, just follow along.”

“That we can do.”

“No problem.”

Both the mongoose and baboon replied quick to understand that part.

Just then, a familiar loud and energetic shriek was heard. Instantly, Gabby appeared before them. “Incoming!” She shouted before landing. “Hiya, Crusaders! Pride Landers!" She happily declared! "So...what’s the verdict on the secret of how I can get my very own cutie mark?!"

Plucking up courage, Scootaloo slowly trotted forward and locked eyes with the gray feathered griffon speaking on behalf of the group. "Well, Gabby, we've talked it over, and we think we may just be able to help you out. But not exactly in the way you think. See, here's the thing about you getting a cutie mark..."

Gabby immediately became excited again! "Really?!” Before she could go running her mouth really fast, Scootaloo kept continuing on with what she has to say.

“Now hold there! What I mean to say is we can help you out find your true purpose in life, but…”

“But what?!”

“...but that’s all we can guarantee at this point.”

“So let’s not get all too overly excited in case something doesn’t go the way you hope.” Mtoto then said next.

“No problem!” She returned still excited like before.

“You sure?” He asked not quite seeing if she completely understands what they are trying to tell her.

“Of course! I-I mean, there's a first time for everything, right?”

“Right.” Apple Bloom replied. “But there are certain things things that where the impossible hasn’t been able to be proven possible.”

“At least not yet! If anypony can make it happen, it’s all of you. I mean, you haven’t failed yet.”

“No.” Scootaloo shook her head. “But when can at least try.”

“Oh!” Gabby’s excitement bursted herself upwards in the sky once more. “It's gonna happen! I can feel it! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!”

“Aaaaand... she's off again.” Sweetie commented as they all watched her soaring the skies again.

“Flying and screaming of excitement.” Kambuni also noted as it all happened from up high.

“Will it ever stop?” Shakku asked.

“I’d say once she has her heart broken she will.” Gumba replied.

“Well hopefully it won’t be too bad to the point she doesn’t want to be friends with us anymore.” Kwato voiced with optimism about the whole thing.

“Hopefully not.” Apple Bloom agreed before asking. “But where do we start?”

“Where we always do…” Scootaloo answered. “...with a good old-fashioned Crusaders chart.”

In short time, the kids were all able to put together one like it was dealing with an ordinary assignment in class and once they had it all put together along with getting all of Gabby’s interests and hobbies they were ready to get down to business with her.

“The first thing we gotta do is find your purpose.” Apple Bloom began.

“Nopony gets a mark without one.” Scootaloo added.

“All right. Let's do this.” Gabby stated ready to tackle this.

“So Gabby, what are you good at?” Mtoto asked. “Do you play any sports?”

“Or like to dance?” Kwato also asked.

“Or how about singing?” Sweetie Belle before highlighting her very own as an example. “I just love to sing! La-la-la-la!”

“Wow!” Gabby expressed with utter amazement with just everything she is told. “I kinda wanna just try everything! I mean, I don't even know what to pick!”

“Don't worry. That's what we're here for.” Scootaloo assured before she along with the others broke out into a song.

Sweetie Belle:

“Like a racer at the starting line.”


“Driving off ahead of the field.”


“Leading at the front of the pack.”


“You're chomping at the bit.”


“You are here to find your purpose.”


“And a place you really fit.”

Apple Bloom:

“And until you find your place in life.”


“You're never gonna quit.”

Cutie Mark Crusaders:

“We can help you find the purpose in your life.”


A griffon mixes lion's strength

With winged eagle's might

When I finally find my purpose

Then my cutie mark's in sight

Crusaders, I won't let you down

I've just begun to fight

You're gonna help me find the purpose in my life

Got a job that's just no fun?

Call on me, I'll get it done

Cauldron's stuck and needs a mix?

I'm the one who's got the fix

Help you teach pre-calculus

Scrub the floors, won't make a fuss

Clearing kelp? Just give a yelp

Raring to go, ready to help!”

Pride Landers:

That's the spirit

You ought to see what you do best

Try it all, pick your fave

And leave behind the rest


I'll try anything

To get my cutie mark

Keep up with me, Crusaders

We're just getting our start

Rock your little ones to sleep

While hanging up the sheets

I can help you with your heavy load

Walk Granny 'cross the street

I'll run you 'round the bases fast

It's really no big feat

Cutie Mark Crusaders:

“Can we help her find the purpose in her life?”

Pride Landers:

“Or is it possible that her dream is just out of reach?”


Cheer you if you're feeling low

Plant your garden, make it grow

Write a piece for your quartet

Filling in on clarinet

Bake that cake as fast as lightning

Cutie Mark Crusaders:

She's so good at things, it's frightening

Cutie Mark Crusaders,

I think we've got a problem!

Pride Landers:

I think you’re right about that, girls!”


Build a boat

And sail it out across the sea

Need some help?

You know that you can count on me

CMCs, you're gonna help me find my purpose

The purpose in my life!

In my life!”

When the song ended, the kids were not put in a tough spot as the inevitable was right in front of their door step.

“Now how we gonna do this?” Apple Bloom popped the question to the others who looked torn of how to handle things from here.

“Gabby's special purpose can't be everything, right?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I can tell you right now, it most certainly can’t.” Shakku quickly returned.

“It may as well be.” Mtoto then said next. “I don't know how we find what she's supposed to do when she can do it all.”

Scootaloo herself sighed in resignation. “And yet knowing that someway somehow that this was coming doesn’t help things either. And now we have to tell her that the whole griffon-getting-a-cutie-mark thing, is actually impossible.”

“And from the looks of things, it looks like someway somehow it’ll have to be now because here she is.” Gumba said just when said griffon happens to fly on over to them.

“I did... it... all! So, lay it on me, Crusaders. What's my purpose? And how do we get a mark on these here haunches?”

Reluctantly and hesitantly, Scootaloo spoke on behalf of the group. “Gabby, we... we don't.”

“Wait. What are you saying?” Gabby asked now sensing she is not going to like what she is about to hear.
Apple Bloom continued next. “We're sayin' that since you can do everything so amazingly well…”

“We just can't figure out what one thing you're supposed to do.” Sweetie Belle finished.

“We’re sorry, Gabby. We can't help you.” Mtoto apologized with a look of sympathy for the griffon now stunned and upset with having to bring her down to reality. “As much as we like to believe that the impossible is possible. I’m afraid that what you’re asking of us, just isn’t one of those things.”

Gabby stumbled back in disbelief upon hearing those words and realizing what they meant! "But, but... you're the world-famous Cutie Mark Crusaders! I can't believe it! I... I... I won't believe it!" She began to tear up before flying off.

“Gabby, wait!" Kwato tried to call out to her in a vain effort to get her to stop flying away from them but it was already too late, she had already flew off in tears. “Don’t go.” She quietly said to herself feeling bad for her already.

“Well we did it. Or at least I did half of the heavy-lifting.” Mtoto said with a look of defeat. “And that was by far the worst thing I’ve ever done.”

“I know.” Scootaloo acknowledged while patting him on the back already feeling his pain.

The kids then made their way on back to the castle, where they met up with both the alicorn prince and princess of Friendship again, so they can tell them of their work in progress or failure to be accurate in dealing with Gabby.

“Hey, Kion...”

“Hey, Twilight…”

“Have you seen…”

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all spoke in that order.


“Afraid not.”

“We were hoping you did.” Mtoto said with worry. “Or at least thought she’d might try to stop by.”

“If she did, we would have known by now.”

“And judging from what we are seeing, I take it things didn’t go as well as you hoped?”


“Even after we really tried to help her out to the best of our ability.”

“But it seems that what Gabby was asking was just one of those things beyond our ability.”

“And now she is feeling like she came all way from Griffonstone to us, for nothing.”

The rest of the Pride Landers kids expressed feeling downcast themselves.

“Now I wouldn’t say it was all for nothing.” Twilight said otherwise.

“It isn’t?” Mtoto asked wondering what she means by that.

“No.” Kion shook his head to confirm that. “Especially considering you went above and beyond trying to do something for someone who really wanted something more than anything in her life. And even when things didn’t work out, you remained honest and kind about it no matter how much it hurt.”

“And if you ask me, you did a very good job of handling it with the way you did it.” Twilight complimented. “Which I’m sure our friends would agree on if they were here. And I’m sure Gabby will come around and still want to be friends with you in time. Even if it takes more than a day for her to forgive you.”

“I’d be amazed if she came back ready with an apology letter right now.” Kion then said.

Just then the doors to the castle briefly opened with only a letter flying inside the room before shutting closed as if someone was in a hurry. With a quick catch, Twilight was able to grasp the latter with her magic. “Speak of the griffon.” She then handed the kids the envelope. “Because this just so happens to be for you all.”

Now filled with concern, the kids grasped and looked over the Crusaders shoulders as they held and opened up the envelope that Twilight had given them. Opening pulling out the letter, Scootaloo scanned over the letter as she read the message on it aloud. "Dear Cutie Mark Crusaders, I'll never forget you. You really are every bit as awesome as I'd heard. And don't feel bad, I found a way to get my cutie mark after all. You girls helped point me in the right direction. I'm heading home to tell all the griffons how you did the impossible by getting me my cutie mark. Toodles. Gabby."

Upon hearing the message, Twilight dropped the books she'd been carrying in her magic as her wings poofed outward and her eyes went wide as she exclaimed. "Wait a second! Cutie mark?! You actually managed to get a griffon a cutie mark?!"

"We did?" Apple Bloom blinked in confusion.

“But I thought you said you didn’t?” Kion brought up, confused and suspicious himself.

“We didn’t.” Mtoto repeated before turning to the others. “Did we?”



“I’m as surprised as you are.”

“I’m as sure as I am honest.”

"This makes no sense.” Sweetie Belle brought up finding no joy nor sanctification hearing this. “Gabby didn't show you her mark?"

“She didn’t.” Twilight shook her head, quick to find what she is being told very suspicious and reeking of foul play here. “And if you ask me something is up here.”

“Yes.” Apple Bloom began to agree herself with that assessment. “Somethin' in this here applesauce smells kinda fishy."

Scootaloo then decided on behalf of the team. "We'd better find her and find out what's going on. Come on, Crusaders. She couldn't have gotten far!" And they all dashed out of the castle library (and out of the castle) to find Gabby who claims she got herself a cutie mark.

As the eight kids all dashed all over Ponyville to look for Gabby, Scootaloo drew her attention skyward as she instructed! "Keep your eyes on the skies, ponies, Pride Landers. Gabby's sure to be flying to somewhere."

But Mtoto suddenly noticed something up ahead after hearing something nearby. "She's not in the air. She's right there!" And he pointed his trunk to where Gabby was currently trying to push a mail cart that had gotten stuck in the mud. On her flanks, it was possible to see what looked like a painting of a black cauldron.

"Gabby, wait!" Shakku shouted as the Crusaders rushed over to her.

"We need to talk to you!" Gumba also shouted after her.

But Gabby nervously stuttered in response. "Um... S-sorry, n-no time to chat. I-I just stopped to help this pony get out of the muck is all, and... and then I-I really gotta fly. Okay?" She gave a great heave, managing to free the stuck mail cart. But in doing so, however, she slipped and fell into the mud! She quickly stood up and shook herself clean, just as the kids all caught up with her.

Sweetie was the first to ask the griffon. "Gabby, why in Equestria are you running away from us? We want to help you."

The griffon protested. "Running away? Oh, don't be silly, I'm not running away! I'm just, uh, e-excited to show my lovely new cutie mark to everyone in Griffonstone is all!"

The farm filly immediately noticed something running down the griffon's flanks as she bluntly commented. "You mean the cutie mark that's runnin' right off your flanks there?"

Gabby unhappily sighed in defeat as her "cutie mark" disappeared into a splotch and stain of black ink. "Yup, that's the one." She confessed. "How silly of me of how I thought I could try to fake and pass it off towards those who can tell the difference and those who can’t."

"I mean..." Shakku began as he then carefully spoke his next words to speak what he's thinking of tactfully. " a way it is a bit silly but an admirable effort on both ends, really."

"And with all things considered it's not hard to understand why?" Gumba added.

"Wow, Gabby. Painting on a fake cutie mark to make yourself feel better?" Scootaloo commented. "You must have been really upset."

"Sure, I was disappointed.” She further admitted. “But I didn't do it to make myself feel better. I wanted to make you feel better. That’s why I tried to leave before all of you along with Twilight and Kion found out the truth. Along with going down as history as the first client you all have failed. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you. I'll just wing my way back to Griffonstone. Thanks for trying.”

Before she could leave Apple Bloom spoke up to help her feel better. “You don't need to apologize for carin' about how other ponies are feelin'.”

Mtoto nodded in agreement. "Yeah. And the fact that you went to all this trouble of faking a cutie mark just to make us feel better. That’s quite something since you are able to make it convincing and all. In fact, I think that might be what makes you special in your own way, Gabby.”

“How so?” Gabby curiously asked unsure what he means by that.

That’s where Kwato spoke up. “What Mtoto means is any griffon like who is willing to that for a friend, is what makes a griffon like you special.”

“Really?” Gabby asked with a smile.

“Yep.” Scootaloo agreed with an idea in mind. "And while we can't give you a cutie mark. We have something that might help you out with that.”

“Like what?”

Scootaloo smiled as she said. "Get cleaned up, then meet us at the clubhouse.”

“By then you’ll see what we mean by that.” Kambuni added. “And if you ask me it’s a surprise you really like yourself."

A short time later, Gabby arrived at the clubhouse with uncertainty having no idea what the Crusaders and Pride Landers’s surprise actually is. “Okay, I’m here. So what’s this big surprise?”

“The surprise itself, is something that we thought long and hard about.” Shakku started.

“You see…” Gumba then said next. “...we were racking our brains trying to figure out your destiny, until we remembered how every time you did something new, you tried to help everypony around you.”

“Even us.” Kwato said next. “How did it feel when you showed up with that fake mark, and we all thought we'd actually helped you?”

“Well... I was really glad I helped you feel happier.” Gabby admitted.

“So maybe helping is your thing! You might even say it's your purpose!” Kambuni suggested as the Crusaders brought forward and presented a wooden box.

From there Scootaloo took the lead in explaining. "Gabby, finding your special purpose doesn't have to be about being good at something. It's about feeling good about something inside."

Apple Bloom then added. "And it looks like your special purpose is a whole lot like ours: Helpin' others. And you don't need some symbol on your flank to know that."

Sweetie Belle smiled as she concluded. "However, since we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we put our heads together and made you a cutie mark of your very own anyway."
The box was then opened to reveal a wooden, carved shield similar to the ones the CMC had. But Gabby's shield had a picture of a trophy inside of it. Gabby could hardly believe her eyes as astonishment and joy swelled up inside her heart. "You mean-"

The three fillies and five Pride Lander kids all nodded as Scootaloo proudly declared! "-Yes! Gabby, as of today, we proudly dub you:" The others then joined her in saying together. "The very first griffon member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Gabby was absolutely speechless before finally speaking up what she wanted to say! "Oh my gosh! Thank you all so much! I can’t believe this is really happening! I can’t believe I’m really talking this fast! Anyways, I promise I will do my best to do my part in spreading and growing the Cutie Mark Crusader ways to Griffonstone! I promise."

“And that we are sure you can do.” Twilight commented as she and Kion appeared over the heads from the roof of the tree house before popping themselves inside. “And I can say right now, we are both very proud of you, Gabby. Because today, we see someone who has what it takes to rise above and beyond on over to Griffonstone where I’m sure other griffons will come to see as someone to look up to given of how special you really are inside.”

Kion then stepped forward with something add upon it. “And since I did something similar when the kids proved themselves worthy of their marks, I can do the same with you.” With that he placed a paw on her shoulder, where magic itself made the Mark of the Guard and the Crusader’s Mark appear on both of her shoulders much to the awe and delight of the kids seeing this. “So that said not only are you an honorary Crusader, but also an honorary member of the Lion and Pony Guard.”

Twilight then added. “Provided you can form a team of your own that displays the qualities and virtues of what it takes to lead it in protecting Griffonstone and helping spread the magic of friendship there.”

“Along with being ready to answer the call to help the Lion and Pony Guard when needed.” Kion also added.

Completely overwhelmed with joy and excitement to the point she hugged both the prince and princess tightly. “Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She then let go of the two before giving a faithful salute to the two. “I can promise that for sure! Absolutely! I am so grateful! I'm gonna go home and do my very, very best to bring Cutie Mark Crusader values to Griffonstone! I promise!”

Scootaloo then asked. "Can you promise us one more thing?"

"What's that?"

The three Crusaders shouted together. "Come back soon!"

"Oh I will!" Gabby eagerly promised. "After all, I'm one of you now! And we Cutie Mark Crusaders gotta stick together, forever!"

“Hold on there!” Twilight called out before she could fly off when she was all hyped and ready to get started with her newfound purpose in life.


“There’s still one important thing left to take care of before you go.”

“Like what?”

“Something to celebrate this very occasion…” Kion said next with a big smile as thinks about two friends who would have died at the very missed opportunity in life just as said friends suddenly appear before them.

"As in this very occasion..."

"You mean...?"

"Awesome! My very own cute-ceañera!” Gabby happily exclaimed as she finds herself the talk and main event in a celebration held at the town square.

“You sure have earned it.” Twilight assured like the griffon almost thinks this is all a dream come true only inside a dream.

“And so have you!” Kion complimented the children. “For not only did you manage to help her out, but you also learned a very valuable lesson out of it.”

“And on top of all of that, just managed to make something impossible possible.” Twilight also added. Then she realized of what this means for her as she asked the Crusaders. "You know what this calls for, right?!" She instantly said next as she proudly declared! "A full-scale research project! Oh, I hope I have enough ink and parchment to document everything!"

“I hope so too.” Kion expressed with an amused grin as she and everyone shared a good laugh about it. (Though knowing her, the research event will happen, of course.)