//------------------------------// // Episode 13: A Saddle Row Review // Story: The Pony Guard (Season 6) // by MXCDarkHorse2020 //------------------------------// Episode 13: The Saddle Row Review One day in Ponyville, the Lion and Pony Guard minus Rarity are making a run across town. And from the looks of most of the group, it looked pretty urgent that they get to their destination in a hurry. “Come on!” Rainbow urged of everyone. “If we hurry, we can get there before the paper's even delivered to Rarity's house!” “Maybe she won't read the article.” Pinkie tried to hopefully say otherwise along with Bunga. “Yeah! Maybe she’ll be more business entertaining herself with her latest creation to actually read it. I mean, who actually cares about the papers?” “Um, everyone here does.” Fuli reminded. “And I’m sure Rarity will care as far as her new boutique is concerned along with the egret who assisted in helping make this happen too.” “And Rarity is sure she’s gonna want to read a review of her new boutique in Manehattan.” Applejack added in agreement. “Not to mention, that Ono himself never turns a glance away from every important little detail.” “Oh! Dang it!” Bunga cringed along with Rainbow Dash. “I still can't believe we all just blabbed everything that happened to that reporter!” “I just hope it doesn't end up being an article about how their friends almost ruined the opening.” Fluttershy also expressed with worry. “Maybe it won’t.” Beshte suggested otherwise. “Maybe it’ll go on like nothing bad ever happened despite the struggles we went through.” “Maybe it will.” Twilight herself agreed as she turned to stop everyone just as they arrived at the unicorn’s front door. “And I think you're all overreacting. Rarity and Ono our are friends. If anypony and anyone is gonna understand, it'll be them.” “And if they don’t…” Kion then said next as he chimed in with his say in the matter. “...then they’ll have a lot to think about it.” "Well said..." Kyoga agreed before muttering to herself due to said exact words being rung up again. "...for once." Just then the door opened where the group is suddenly by greeted by said friends, and both looked on grimly and unhappy at them. “I was wondering when all of you were going to show up.” Rarity first greeted leading most of their friends to gasp feeling the worst is to come until… “Now we can all read the review together!” She then happily declared before leading on everyone inside to a nearby table together. “Um, I have an idea.” Rainbow quickly and nervously suggested instead. “How 'bout we don't read it?” “Yeah!” Bunga agreed as he tried to build on what the Pegasus just said. “Let’s all just take a nice stroll to a nearby blueberry patch and fetch up some of juicy fruits to bake a pie with.” “No need.” Ono quickly assured as he presented a hot freshly baked pie. “Just baked this myself.” “What?!” Bunga exclaimed utterly baffled as he did not expect that to happen. “I mean…” He quickly corrected himself. “...Great!” He said with a forced smile and both thumbs pointed up. Kion then quickly stepped forward to clear the awkwardness their friends were showing. “What they means is, before you read it, we should probably tell you about…” Rarity quickly cut him off mid-sentence. “No, no, darling. Please, no spoilers.” “But…” “No spoilers!” Ono repeated on Rarity’s behalf who’s frown turned back into a smile. “Okay, okay. We won’t say a word.” Bunga relented though somewhat annoyed by that sharp statement. “And this coming from someone with a big beak.” He whispered to the others with a light chuckle. Just then Ono quickly raced up to glare at him for that joke at his expense. “I heard that.” Bunga simply crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out coupled with a raspberry directed at him face to face while the others look on wondering how their friends are going to react with what they are about to read. With all tension put aside for now, Rarity donned her reading and sewing glasses so she can start reading the article about her new Manehattan boutique. “Now, is everypony ready to hear what I'm sure is a stellar review that describes in stunning detail exactly how each of you contributed to the successful opening of Rarity For You?” Of all their friends, Fluttershy was quick to retreat and hide behind the rack of nearby dresses and suits which just so happen to be their first Grand Galloping Gala dresses and suits. “Fluttershy?” Ono piped up with concern. “Is there something wrong?” “No.” “Did something happen that we should know?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “I would say but I thought you told us not to say anything to avoid spoilers.” “Ugh. That’s right we did say that.” Ono realized before backing off after acknowledging that fact. “Okay, fine. I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.” "So anyways..." Kyoga then spoke up. "...let's hear more about this review and how this whole grand opening at your new store played out while I was overseeing Diamond Valley being rebuilt and recover with Kovu and Thorax." With enough said, Rarity took a seat, cleared her throat, and then began reading. “Many a pony has tried their hoof at joining the ranks of the elite fashion trendsetters currently ensconced in the boutiques of Manehattan's famed Saddle Row." She briefly stopped to giggle before continuing. “Some might say it's the ultimate achievement in Equestrian fashion, and never before has a reporter been granted such unfettered behind-the-scenes access until now!" “I wish it had been more fettered.” Fluttershy worryingly expressed while still hiding behind the rack with only her face popped out from the dresses and suits. “Oh, uh…” The unicorn skimmed and muttered through the article a little until she found what she was looking for. “Ah!” She then started reading from there. “I sat down with..." She briefly stopped again to giggle before continuing. "...Rarity and her friends after the opening to get the inside scoop, and what a scoop it was!" The day it all started is where both Rarity and Ono are meeting up with the pony that wrote down the interview in a local diner in Manehattan. Said pony that did the interview is Buried Lede. A middle aged pony with an orange coat, brown graying mane, mustache, and tail, light amber eyes, and wore a white dress shirt with a red tie. “Okay, kids, ya successfully opened a shop in Manehattan and that's no mean feat! Most ponies might wonder what it feels like. Here's how it's gonna be: I'm gonna interview you and your friends so I can paint a picture of how it all came together. A word picture, mind you, not an actual picture. Any questions? “Well, I was wondering…” Rarity began before being cut off. “Let's get started!” “Excuse me?!” Ono returned rather annoyed for being cut off like that before it got brushed aside rather quickly. “Ms. Rarity, you've got shops all over Equestria, but this was your first time trying to make it in the big city. What made ya think you could tackle it on your own? And how exactly did you pull it off with Mr. Ono, the Guard’s Keenest of Sight?” “Well, I wouldn't say all over Equestria. I just have two other boutiques: one in my hometown of Ponyville, and one in Canterlot. Uh, still, when I decided to open this one, I was nothing but confident.” “And as for me, I had no doubt she could do it. That is of course, with the right assistance to help her oversee the whole thing coming together.” As the interview went on each and everyone got a turn to explain how their thoughts on helping in on opening the store went down starting with Twilight Sparkle. “Let's just say that if I could choose, I probably wouldn't do it that way again. Heh.” The princess started off with a slight nervous laugh before sipping her tea. Nor would I if I thought this was how it was going to go down.” Kion then said next while holding a cup of soda in one of his paws. “Well, it wasn't the funnest party ever…” Pinkie admitted while talking over cake, cupcakes, and a large ice cream sundae. “It was a plum-puckered, pig-pushin' disaster!” Applejack bluntly commented over apple pie. “No kidding!” Bunga also bluntly admitted while also helping himself to an ice cream sundae. “To me, it actually managed to make fighting off hyenas and other poachers on any given day a lot easier.” “After a lifetime of awesome, I think everypony's allowed to mess up every now and then, right?” Rainbow Dash then said before realizing what she is saying and who she is talking to. “Wait, are you writing this down?” “Um, it didn't go exactly how I thought it would, but it, um, started out all right.” Fluttershy then said trying to make light of what happened unlike both Applejack and Bunga before her. “And after a while it did come together as orginally planned.” Beshte also said following Fluttershy’s example. “Though... not without a handful of difficulties along the way.” Fuli then admitted while balancing her reply out in between both Fluttershy and Beshte’s. Back towards what happened during the grand opening... “Welcome to Saddle Row, an entire street lined with the most fashionable boutiques in all of Equestria!” Rarity told her friends as they made their way across said part of Manehattan. “If it's supposed to be the most fashionable block of shops, where's Stinky Bottom's Discount Hat Emporium?” Applejack asked somewhat sarcastically as if this area isn’t one of Manehattan’s shiniest places to go to for shopping. “You mean the pony that got mad at Rarity for interfering with one of his hat sales while were in Manehattan a while ago?” Fuli brought up upon recognizing the name with no positive thoughts about him to this day. “That’s the guy, though I suppose it didn't make the cut.” Rarity answered with the memory not lost on her either before her attention refocused to why they are here upon arriving at their destination. The building that Rarity had managed to purchase before hoof. “Here it is! Rarity For You!” Said shop happens to be a large white and pink cream colored building, fit for a boutique store. Though upon entering the building they quickly found that the place isn’t quite as stunning and glamorous on the inside compared to the outside. Inside there were loose shelves, cobwebs everywhere, loose and broken pieces shattered across the room, and there were mice roaming around the place. Twilight herself still fully supportive of her friend also voiced her concerns, especially since she agreed to have it ready in a short amount of time. “Rarity, it's lovely. But are you sure you'll be ready to open tonight?” “Because this sure seems like a lot of work to tackle in just a few hours.” Kion added feeling equally unsure if this is actually manageable himself. “Because if it’s too trouble, there’s no shame in requesting for more time.” Kion also brought up just when both Bunga and Pinkie end up sneezing over dust they accidentally inhaled which coated everyone around them. Even so Rarity remained sure it can happen as shaken it all off her coat and handed everyone brooms to use. “No need to fret over a mere moderate amount of preparation. My clothes arrive soon, my sales associate after that, and with a little... dusting, we'll be ready for the grand opening tonight.” “You sure?” Fuli asked still not buying it her attempt to project complete confidence in being able to pull this off in time in a matter of hours. “Positively.” Rarity repeated just when a pony came inside to greet her. Said pony is Mr. Stripes. Appearing with a heavy set build he sported a white coat, short purple mane and tail with light purple streaks, mustache and goatee, raspberry violet eyes, and three candy cane colored stars for his cutie mark. He also wore a blue jogger sweater, blue towel hanging over his neck, along with a gold necklace. “Rarity! So good to see you! Your store, it's going to be a very good place, I think!” Back during Rarity’s turn with her interview as she dipped her tea bag into her cup... “Mr. Stripes owns the building. He's a very pleasant landlord. Although he can be pushy at times.” She then admitted upon seeing Ono glancing at her for that very exaggeration. “Okay, all the time.” “And needless to say, he really tried our patience and forced our hoofs and paws in the matter.” Ono added. “And that’s putting it lightly.” During the greeting the landlord had a pony accompanying him. One with an orange coat, long brighter purple mane and tail, raspberry eyes, purple and pink heart for a cutie mark. In addition to her braces, she wore a plaid shirt, pink scarf, and a green hair accessory. “You've met my daughter, the apple of my ear, the hay in my hoof? You will let her work with you.” He then said somewhat expecting of her to do so which had the unicorn chuckle nervously in response to the idea. “It's just, I'm dreadfully busy preparing for tonight's grand opening, as you can see...” Seeing her struggle had Ono fly over to back her up on it. “And what she means to say is now really isn’t the best time to talk about new hires when we haven’t even gotten settled in.” Not one to talk no for an answer he moved to say it another way. “There are only two things I love more than being pushy. One is my daughter. The other is miniature doll furniture.” Said furniture is indeed tiny. “And I would sell my entire mini-furniture collection to make my daughter happy. You understand?” He asked while wrapping a hoof around Rarity’s body while his daughter eagerly winked at her. “I'm sorry. I just don't think it's going to be possible.” Rarity apologized while using her magic to force the pony to let her go. “Let me say another way…” Mr. Stripes then said before getting face to face with her with a fierce glare. “Hire her or I raise rent until you no can afford!” “What?!” Ono exclaimed furiously. “Are you kidding me?! That’s not even fair! You can’t do that!” Mr. Stripes stood by his ruling as he stated. “I already did. And unless you care about helping to make your friend’s dream possible, I suggest you realign your flight path to my needs. Are we clear?” “Of course we are.” Rarity answered before Ono could further argue with him anymore before turning to Plaid Stripes. “Welcome aboard.” She said to her while placing a hoof on Ono's chest to restrain him from the pony anymore even with all things considered Said girl pulled Rarity in for a whisper before shouting into ear. “First idea! Instead of clothes, we sell glow-in-the-dark teeth! Like this.” She briefly chomped her teeth twice. “But they glow in the dark!” “Golly, what a splendid idea!” Rarity returned with a nervous chuckle. Ono then spoke up to assist his friend with the talking on the subject. “We’ll try to see if we can incorporate that idea, okay?” “Great!” Back with both Rarity and Ono’s interview. “Glow-in-the-dark teeth! What was she thinking?!” “I mean really! I swear if he wasn’t the landlord I’d would tell her no, it’s not going to work, ever!” After putting up with that pain in the flank, Rarity and Ono moved to oversee place while her friends all sweeped up the place. “Aah!” Rarity screamed upon stumbling into something startling. “Fluttershy, Beshte, your assistance is required in the stock room, posthaste!” Both Fluttershy and Beshte rushed on over to the room as requested and found herself greeted to a family of raccoons while Rarity has retreated to stand on top of the tallest barrel for safety. “Aw, hello.” She kindly greeted. “But what are they doing here?” Rarity demanded as the racoons chattered in the Kindest Lion and Pony Guard duo’s ears. “Aww!” Beshte said with sympathy. “What is it, Beshte?” Ono asked. "Smoky made too much noise eating garbage, so Softpad's mother made them move out of the trashcan.” Fluttershy explained. Back during the interview, Fluttershy had said raccoons by her side as they helped themselves to fries and a drink. “Then Smoky Jr. found a nice home in the crawl space behind the building. But Mr. Stripes demolished it, so they were temporarily camped out in the back until they found a new place to live.” “It’s pretty sad when you think about it.” Beshte added as he chowed down on a sandwich. “It’s like they have nowhere to go but they can’t stay in a place that’ll be shut down instantly if customers came in and saw them inside the store.” “No, no, no!” Rarity shook her head in disgust as her three friends followed after her. “I can't have a family of rubbish-scented raccoons living in my boutique!” Just then they heard dance music which was loud and strong enough to get the chandelier hanging on the ceiling to creak and shake. “Uh, did you hear that?” “Yep.” Ono nodded. Back during the interview… “Turns out there's a Club Pony Party Palace upstairs.” Ono explained. “Talk about another thing to add to the inconvenient bucket list.” “Turns out there's a Club Pony Party Palace upstairs!” Pinkie repeated during her interview while helping herself to carrot dogs and pizza. “I just told him that!” Ono called out from the other room. Wasting no time, Rarity and Ono rushed over to the source of the music where they hope they can get that under control. Upon arriving they greeted to the sight of a few ponies dancing to disco music courtesy provided by the Ponyville rock pony herself. Unfortunately their efforts to talk to the pony in charge are halted by a security pony forcing them away from the roped off entrance to the dance floor. “I'm sorry. Could you please ask her to turn it down?” The security guard didn’t say a word in reply clearly not responding. “Could you ask her to turn it down, please?” Frustrated already, Ono moved to remove one of the ear buds in an effort to get him to listen to reason when he allowed more ponies who happened to be party guests by while still refusing to let him and Rarity by. “Hey! My friend said turn it down, please!” Back with the interview... “Ugh! Foals today listen to their so-called "music" far too loud. I realize that makes me sound like an old mare. But this is business!” She angrily stated while knocking over her empty tea cup. “And their business was disturbed ours without a care in the world.” Ono added equally annoyed himself. While this was all going on upstairs in the adjacent building, Rainbow and Applejack were drawn to the loud music while they were sweeping. “I wish we were having as much fun as they are.” Rainbow expressed wanting in on herself. “Me too!” Bunga also complained. “Well, sweeping can be fun, too.” Twilight suggested before twirling around the broom and got back to work while singing to the beat. “Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep. Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep…” Seeing that both Rainbow and Applejack along with Fuli and Bunga all surprised with what they are seeing. During the interview with said friends... “Only Twilight could make a dance remix about sweeping. I mean, how lame is that? Rainbow jabbed. “Yeah. It wasn't even catchy.” Applejack said in agreement. “Nope.” The two share a hoof bump together with smug grins just when both Fuli and Bunga chimed in. “When really, they both enjoyed it.” “And by that we mean they sang and danced to the beat too.” The two ponies frowned in annoyance while Fuli and Bunga are both now smugly grinning right back at them. “Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep…” Sure enough both Applejack and Rainbow Dash along with Fuli and Bunga were all getting into themselves. “Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep…” Just then both Rarity and Ono returned with the latter’s eyes looking very red and disoriented. “Ono! Your eyes!” “What happened?!” Both Kion and Fuli asked with shocked concern as the two gave them answers. “Apparently, DJ Pon-3 has a residency at the Party Palace upstairs, but security won't let me speak to her.” “And when I tried to be assertive about the matter, I got pepper sprayed for it.” \ Just then they heard a honk that startled Rarity. “Aah! What in the name of Celestia was that?!” Said noise turned out to be Plaid Stripes installing a horn at the door in front of them. During the interview she managed to get a word in as she explained why she thought of it. “You know how most stores have a little jingle-bell when the door opens? Ahem. I thought we should have something with a little more pizzazz! So, I installed one of Daddy's antique horns.” She proceeded to honk the horn some more prompting Ono to intervene. “And I see what you are trying to do here, but…” Ono proceeded to detach the horn to keep it from making noise every time a door opens. “...all suggestions and recommendations must be approved by us.” Rarity sighed in relief as she agreed with Ono, while feeling she has more on her plate than she realized. “And we'll have to do something about that, after I think of a way to quiet down that music. And after I finish designing the window display!” Just then a crash was heard, courtesy of the mail pony carelessly dumping delivery boxes to the side. “Ahh! Wait…” She said as she looked inside the boxes. “...is this my merchandise shipment from Ponyville? It's completely disorganized!” The mail pony gave an unsympathetic shrug before walking off leaving Rarity to place her hooves on her head just completely exasperated at her increasing pile of misfortune. “Excuse me?!” Ono exclaimed infuriated as he got face to face with the pony. “Fix this mess, right now!” The red eyes from the egret itself was enough to get the pony to comply as he got right to work in reorganizing the contents of the boxes. At that moment, Coco Pommel came in with a sneeze, with her nose looking completely red. “Gesundheit!” She gasped upon recognizing and seeing her. “Oh, Coco! I'm so glad to see you! Now, as the sole sales associate at Rarity For You, I hate to add to your already overflowing plate of responsibilities, but it looks as though we have just a tad more to do before tonight than I thought.” “Actually, I…” Coco sneezed once more. “...I can't work tonight.” “Oh? Why not?” During the interview, Coco Pommel wordlessly blew into her nose once more to make it clear she caught a cold and put the tissue aside with a big pile she had placed on the table. Rarity being a very understanding pony was quick to excuse her from her responsibilities for now. “Feel better, my sweet. We'll manage without you... somehow.” She said to herself while now on the verge of losing it. “And we'll manage glowing teeth and car horns and disorganized clothes and dance music and having to tend to Ono who is now pepper sprayed to the point he can’t see clearly! Am I forgetting anything?” The raccoons raced by causing the unicorn to twitch her eye as if she had to be told yes to the point she sobbed and screamed. “What am I going to do?!” Back during the interview, Twilight Sparkle got her turn in speaking her thoughts on the preparations thus far. “Well, opening a store in Manehattan is a pretty big deal. It's natural that Rarity would be a little stressed about how it was going. Since it wasn't going well. Still, I think she handled it all right.” “Even with all things considered, she just managed to avoid losing her composure.” Kion added in agreement. "My dream is doomed! Doomed, I tell you! Doomed!” Rarity further screamed in despair as she buried her hooves into her face and plopped down to the ground. Seeing her friend’s despair, Twilight moved to try offer some much needed reassurance. “I know things haven't gone perfectly so far, but we've done this kind of thing before. If we all work together—“ Rarity was quick to abruptly interrupt her there. “I appreciate the offer, but this is Manehattan. To make it in the fashion scene here, everything has to be perfect. The perfect location! The perfect clothes! The perfect opening!” “But considering with how this is clearly more than you can handle right now, maybe we should just postpone for another day.” Kion suggested. But Rarity wouldn’t even consider the idea. “Postpone?! Darling, tonight is the last night of the fall season. If we don't open tonight, it won't be…” “Perfect.” Twilight finished with a knowing look. “Yes. I know what needs to be done. I just need more of me! Oh, how I wish I could make copies of myself!” During the interview while both Pinkie and Bunga were discussing that part over pancakes. “Yeah... Making copies of yourself always sounds like a great idea, but before you know it, you're locked in a room with fifty Pinkie Pies watching paint dry.” “And believe me when I tell you, that’s something we really don’t need to go through all over again.” Bunga chimed in before they split apart the giant stack into two servings before they both chomped and gulped them down. All while unaware that another Pinkie Pie and Bunga just so happen to be in the same room as them while their heads and backs were turned. None of the less, Rarity’s friends were quick to do whatever they can in order to ensure that the grand opening goes on as planned. “We can do this. And we can stay true to your vision.” Twilight vowed with confidence. “You'd do that?” Rarity asked now feeling somewhat relieved. “Fluttershy, Beshte, you'll both handle those... strong-smelling raccoons for me?” “Of course.” “That we can do.” The Kindest of the bunch duo vowed. “Leave Plaid Stripes to me and Fuli.” Applejack vowed. “And we'll handle her and her, ideas enough that they don’t interfere with your vision.” Fuli added without sweetening up her choice words enough for false compliments. “Ooh, ooh, ooh!” Pinkie quickly and eagerly rushed over along with the honey badger. “And Bunga and I can go upstairs to that nonstop party and have tons of fun and eat some cake and set off party cannons and…” Rarity cleared her throat with an expecting look for them to stay on task. “Focus, you two!” Ono reminded. “Oh, right.” Bunga realized and apologized along with Pinkie. “And of course, make them be quiet.” “I'm pretty sure I know somepony who wouldn't mind organizing this merchandise shipment for you.” Twilight then said before smiling eagerly while whispering in the unicorn’s ear. “Me!” Rarity nodded in approval before noting of one more issue that needs to be dealt with. “This all sounds splendid, but I don't even have a single employee, and I'll need the best of the best.” “Leave the hiring to us.” “And we’ll make sure the best of the best is hired and guaranteed to be very qualified for the job.” Both Rainbow and Kion vowed. Hearing all of this, had Rarity all delighted and giddy again. “Oh! This is it, my dears. If you can handle these problems, I'll focus on the designs for the front window display and make sure Ono recovers from being pepper sprayed. We'll show Manehattan what Rarity For You is all about!” Her friends all got together for a group hug. “Oh, what would I do without you?” During the interview, Rainbow answered her question outside of the past conversation. “What would she do without us? Huh. Lemme think.” She proceeded to imitate and mock her friend. “Darlings, I'm absolutely doomed, doomed, doomed!" She laughed as she took personal amusement at what she just did. “Heh, I sound just like her!” Upon seeing the pencil writing. “Hey, you're not writing this down, are you?” “She is.” Fuli briefly popped to answer the question with a teasing smirk in her direction before taking her turn to answer the next question the interviewer asked of her. “So with everything all focused on their tasks at hoof and paw, Rarity was able to focus on her work without anymore worries or cares.” At the store, Rarity moved to get to work at the very front of the store where the store promoting merchandise will be seen by all eyes passing by. “Now for the perfect window display. Hmm.” She said to herself as she held a note pad and quill pen so she can jot down of what she wants to be seen on display. Meanwhile, both Pinkie and Bunga got to see the disruptive yet fun party from the afar as they hid behind the nearby pillars to avoid being seen by the security pony. And needless to say, it is a very conflicting task for them both. “Oh, I can't really stop a super fun party in the middle of mega-happy fun times, can I?!” “Me neither but we have to, for Rarity!” “Oh, what would Rarity want?!” Just then devil and angel versions of Rarity appeared over their shoulders. “Keep that party going 'til the break of dawn!” The devil suggested. “Really?” Pinkie asked. “Indubitably!” The angel chimed in supporting the idea. “And as for the roof, get jiggy! Raise it, Pinkie! Raise it like you've never raised it before!” “Oh! If you say so!” Bunga shrugged before being pulled back by the devil’s trident. “Okay, what gives?” “Oh, please, Bunga. Never in a million years would I say such balderdash!” Both the angel and devil disappeared leaving the two to try to figure things out from here. “Oh.” “Okay, bye.” Thankfully, they didn’t need them to help them out as they immediately thought of an idea before proceeding towards the security guard. Upon being halted, the pink pony spoke her thoughts while presenting a record in her hooves. “Obviously, DJ Pon-3 only plays the sickest of beats. I just wouldn't want her to miss out on the coolest new music straight from the back-alley underground, zip-zap party scene!” She then proceeded to send the record flying like a frisbee on over to Bunga who quickly managed to get a word with the DJ pony playing the music. “I'd play the whole thing if I were you, no matter what other ponies think. Really.” The DJ pony shrugged before swapping the records upon their request, which ended up halting the music. “Awww.” The party goers all said with disappointment as Bunga and Pinkie both awkwardly walk away with forced grins. “Sorry!” Bunga told everyone before making his leave along with Pinkie. Elsewhere both Kion and Rainbow Dash are meeting up with the ponies who showed up for the interview. “Rarity For You is only hiring the best of the best. And to me, that means the fastest. Now, uh, before we begin, uh…” She turned and whispered to Kion upon seeing the ponies blink in confusion. “Am I doing this right? What would Rarity want?” “Let me try.” Kion suggested before stepping forward towards the applicants with a certain piece of fabric in one of his paws. “Who can be the first one to tell me what fabric this is?” "That's organza.” The blue earth pony with glasses replied as she examined it. “Oh? How so?” “It's a thin, plain weave. Sheer fabric traditionally made from silk, so... yeah.” “Okay…” Kion could only look on feeling uncertain himself before moving on towards the next pony. “How about you? Do you agree with her assessment?” During the interview with the two... “I don't know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it's clothes or not.” Rainbow explained her previous approach before eyeing the nearby chair. “This chair? Not clothes.” “And as for me, I didn’t quite have a sure approach on the matter, considering this was the first time I’ve ever been in charge of conducting an interview for a business out of my skill set.” Kion also added as he admitted. “Though it is one of those learn as you go along with it kind of a deal.” Elsewhere with Applejack and Fuli dealing with Plaid Stripes. “See if you can keep up with me here. What are all clothes made of?” “Uh, fabric?” Applejack replied like it’s a no brainer. "Bingo! But not in this store. Uh-uh. Not anymore.” “Oh, no?” Fuli returned trying really hard not to sound too sarcastic with what she has to say next. “Two words for you: "spoon clothes". All our clothes will be made of spoons!” Applejack sighed before turning to Fuli. “What would Rarity want?” “I’m not sure, but I’m sure that she wouldn’t allow anything too crazy even if she is the landlord’s daughter.” Fuli replied equally unsure before the former decided their next approach. “You know, I like you, Plaid Stripes. If it were up to me, we'd have a spoon clothes store right next to Stinky Bottom's Discount Hat Emporium. But it ain't up to me, so the answer is no.” During the interview... “Personally, I think spoon clothes ain't such a bad idea.” Applejack later came to admit. “Useful, too. Eatin' soup, stirrin' gumbo, diggin' little holes.” “Though given some of the even crazier ideas she had come up with, we were quite hesitant to try it at first.” Fuli also admitted as she chimed in during her turn to be interviewed. Meanwhile Twilight herself is doing the organizing where she just finished up. “There. Perfect.” Before she thought to herself. “Although, what would Rarity want? Maybe she wouldn't like it done by color. Guess I have to start over!” She then carried on, still upbeat as before. Elsewhere with both Fluttershy and Beshte as they deal with the raccoons. “Hello, Smoky, Softpad, Smoky Jr.? I have some... interesting news. I, oh... I'd like you all to stay here forever, but…” She struggled with what to say next before turning to Beshte. “What would Rarity want?” “I don’t know, but I also don’t know if telling the raccoons to move out is really a good idea either.” Beshte replied unsure himself. Unfortunately for him, the raccoons unheard that comment as they all growled angrily at the two. “Oops. I didn’t mean to say that we’re going to actually kick you out. Really!” Elsewhere, Rarity is making great progress with the window display. “A window display is the first thing customers see, and if they like it, they'll walk inside and experience the glory that is my boutique.” “You said it.” Ono said in agreement with his eyes returning to normal color. “And it’s so good that I’m finally starting to see again. Though I will have a talk with that pony who sprayed in the first place about he handled it all.” On the contrary, everyone else is really struggling with their tasks. “I don't know which one of you to hire! Just... keep guessing fabrics!” Rainbow told the applicants in a panic. ‘Daddy, Rarity's friend doesn't like my ideas!” Plaid Stripes cried. “Spoon clothes is good idea!” Mr. Stripes angrily stated in the earth pony’s face prompting the cheetah to force the two to step back when they backed Applejack into a corner. “Sir! This isn’t personal. It is just based on what Rarity would want for her business approach.” Fuli assertively and calmly returned as the stallion refused to back off. Just then the argument was briefly interrupted when music to start play back up again. “Oh, no! Not a shopping music mashup!” Pinkie said in shock as she recognized that music. “Man! We should gone with by pulling the plug on them.” Bunga grumbled to himself. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” Fluttershy cried as she ran away from the raccoons chasing after her. “Come on guys! There’s no need to act like this!” Beshte implored of them while being chasing himself. As Twilight was still deciding on how to properly organize the clothes she gasped upon seeing the door knob to the window display jiggle, indicating that Rarity has just finished with her work in there. And not wanting to for her to see and react with disappointment with how they handled things, she quickly rushed over a with a sprint flight and slammed the door shut right in her face. “How's it—Ooh!” During the interview... “When you write the story, could you maybe skip over the part where we locked Rarity in the window display? Please?” Fluttershy kindly asked the interview with a nervous chuckle and forced grin. “Hello? The door appears to be stuck!” “Can you get us out?” Both Rarity and Ono called out from the other side as the door is blocked by a chair keeping the door knob from turning. “Yep. We're workin' on it!” Twilight assured even though right now with the ongoing chaos it seems to be a lie at the time. “So…” Ono then said in defeat. “What do we do now?” “Hmm.” Rarity gave it some thought before making final adjustments to what she put on display. “Well, shouldn't let this time go to waste. So might as well make sure everything is perfect in here.” “Okay.” Ono sighed seeing they have no choice here. With Rarity and Ono both occupied, Twilight turned to the others trying to figure out what went south here. “How did this happen?” “We shut down the party.” Pinkie explained first. “We told Plaid Stripes no.” Applejack then explained next. “We asked the raccoons to leave.” Fluttershy then explained next. “Though technically, they overheard us hesitating whether or not to go through with it, but still, same idea.” Beshte corrected. “We asked a lot of fabric questions.” Kion then explained next just as the rest of the ponies all said together. “Just like I thought Rarity would want!” After giving it some extra thought and consideration, Twilight figured out how it all went wrong. “Rarity asked us to help her with everything because she knows all of us so well.” She then said to Fluttershy and Beshte. “She knows how much you care for animals and how much you care for their well-being. She'd trust you both to solve the problem your way.” Turning to the others. “Maybe we should all do the same. Doing this our way is what Rarity wants. It's not too late. Let's all dig in and we can fix this.” Upon seeing the ongoing commotion around them. “Before Rarity finds out how bad we messed up.” And wasting no time, everyone got right back to work starting with Fluttershy and Beshte. “I'm sorry we asked you to leave along with even thinking of the idea in the first place.” Beshte apologized as they came across the raccoons packing their suitcases who all smiled ready to forgive them already. “The place is yours if you wanna stay. Though I would like to ask you all just one favor.” Fluttershy then said as she had a new proposal in mind to solve both problems to which the raccoons returned unsure if they were going to like it or not. Back upstairs on the dance floor... “I'm sorry we made you play that un-fun, super-boring music.” Pinkie apologized. But if you're up for it, I have an idea to make the party even better!” Bunga added as raised his tail to keep the security guard from dragging him and Pinkie out of the area. Back with the applicants… "Okay, I don't get fabric, and neither does Kion, but I do get speed. And I need somepony fast enough to help all the customers Rarity's gonna have. So...” “First one to the river and back gets the job!” Rainbow raced on ahead as Kion had to turn around to explain what this is. “It's a race! Go!” The applicants now getting the idea proceeding to rush on over, with the sole exception of the unicorn pony who simply trotted forward. While Twilight was now properly organizing the clothes, both Applejack and Fuli turned back to the Stripes with a new resolution to their problem. “Mr. Stripes, we owe your daughter an apology.” Applejack apologized. “She's got good ideas, and we should give 'em a chance.” Fuli said next. “So here's what I'm thinkin' if you’re willing to listen to a little compromising…” And sure enough, everyone was all ready and get the grand opening for the boutique going. And by then, Rarity had finally made the finishing touches on her window display. “Perfect!” She declared before turning to try opening the door again to no avail… ...until Twilight used her magic to open it just when she tried to use her strength to try to break it down. “Wow, looks like we fixed that door just in time!” Twilight awkwardly returned and greeted. Just as she helped Rarity to her hooves, the unicorn herself could only gasp along with the egret as they get a good look of what they are now seeing. “Oh! What's all this?” “Good question, Rarity.” Ono returned as he too got a good look at the transformation. During the interview… “The whole place organized by style, cross-referenced by size, and reverse-indexed by fabric. She'll be able to find anything in three seconds flat!” Twilight proudly stated. “It was some of my best work.” She said with an equally proud grin while Kion sitting beside her chuckled in response to what she said along with the expression she now has. “Oh! I knew I could count on you!” Rarity smiled with delight before hugging Twilight to thank her for what she and her friends have done. “All right... I suppose this is the moment of truth…” “We’re right behind you, Rarity.” Ono assured as he tailed her as she moved to open the front door which thankfully didn’t have that car horn that Plaid Stripes had previously installed. “Rarity For You is now open!” The unicorn herself declared as she finds herself already greeted too a long line of eager customers...including a squirrel too who then ran off away upon realizing this isn’t the line for the nearest acorn tree. “Oh, dear. I wasn't quite prepared for such a crowd. How will I handle them all?” To answer her question the pony with a pink eyes, mane and tail styled and curled into a bun, and a spool cutie mark moved to greet the first pony in line. “My name's Blue Bobbin. I'll be your personal shopping assistant this evening.” “Right this way, everypony, and one of our talented salesponies can help you out!” Rainbow Dash told everyone while directing their attention to the other two ponies ready to do their job. During the interview with both Rainbow and Kion… “Honestly, they were all pretty slow. But they finished the race. Plus they knew a lot more about fabric than I did. So, I hired them all!” “And besides, we really need the help we can get on short notice.” As the customers looked around the store with Rarity looking around to see how well things are going, music started playing as disco lights shined across the room. As it turns out, the DJ pony is playing music with the dance ponies in front as they all had set up their stage inside the store with the security guard of course roping the area leading up to the dance floor off. Though initially shocked, it turned into delight as both Pinkie and Bunga danced beside her to assure all is good. During Pinkie and Bunga's turn to be interviewed they had just got done gorging on a massive pile of food with a large pile of dishes to showcase it. “The way I see it, Rarity designs fashion, DJ Pon-3 designs beats. What better combination than a boutique/dance club?” “Nothing that the best party throwers in Equestria and the Pride Lands can’t handle.” Bunga proudly boasted just when the waiter handed both him and Pinkie their bills for the food they ate. Upon seeing how much they owe, they both reacted in horrified shock before sheepishly passing it off to the reporter. During the walk through, Rarity happened to come across a raccoon who is dressed as a tailor who she intiallly didn’t think much of until fully registering what she actually saw. “What the…?” Ono exclaimed upon seeing this before turning to both Fluttershy and Beshte. During the interview with them as the raccoons helped themselves to a pie offered to them… “After a quick bath, they were more than willing to help!” “And they were all on their best behavior!” Said raccoon back then, offered samples for one customer to try after he got over the brief shock over seeing a raccoon as a behaved servant. “Ah, a blue corn reduction with shallot confit! But how can I possibly enjoy it without a…” “Spoon?” Plaid Stripes offered as her table spoon idea managed to receive the mark of approval from Applejack and Fuli. During the interview with said pony and cheetah… “Heh. Toldja spoon clothes ain't such a bad idea.” “Though we did have to fully consider the idea before giving it our approval.” “Mmm! Exquisite!” The pony trying the sample complimented. “This is the most whimsical and wonderfully fashionable boutique I've ever seen!” He then declared as everyone else in room all chattered in agreement leaving Rarity herself humbled and pleased with the flowing praise she was getting. She then looked on at her friends who all smiled proudly at her and equally pleased that they were all able to make this possible.” Back in the present… “In the end, Rarity's grand opening was a smashing success! True, it got off to a rocky start, but somehow this rag-tag group of ne'er-do-wells..." She briefly paused to address to her friends. “Oh, heavens, I think he means you.” She then continued. “...came together and created the perfect boutique. A vision of Rarity combined with the expertise of her friends! This reporter, for one, is a believer." After finishing reading she took the time to ask everyone this pressing question with this revelation in light. “Why didn't you tell me there were so many problems?” “We all figured you had enough on your mind.” Twilight explained as she approached her friend apologetically. “And we didn't want you to think that the opening wasn't perfect.” Applejack added equally apologetic. “Otherwise you would have went bonkers and trashed the place in a mad frenzy.” Bunga also added with a chuckle. “Okay, maybe not that crazy. But you know what I mean.” “Right…” Ono accepted that without further questions. "Fair enough." Kyoga accepted while fully understanding of what happened there. "And quite a story and a hard lesson to be learned along the way." "No kidding." Kion commented in agreement. None of the less, Rarity giggled still pleased that it all worked out in the end. “”Ne'er-do-wells" or not, I know I can always count on all of you. And nothing could be more perfect than that.” She then brought everyone in for a group hug to celebrate a job well done. “Speaking of perfect…” Ono spoke up now curious and uncertain himself on what he now has on his mind. “...what are we going to do about that landlord in case he over-asserts his authority over us again?” “Easy!” Fuli quickly assured as she pulled out the pony’s wallet with her tail. “With a quick snag, I can just take out whatever Mr. Stripes tries to overcharge you.” With a swift tug, she pulled out a large sum of cash from it before putting it away. “Okay. Works for me.” Ono then said with a shrug seeing that as a fair punishment for the grief he put them through. “Though wouldn’t he notice you took his wallet?” Fuli smirked in response. “I think he won’t be able to tell the difference…” At that moment, Mr. Stripes pulled out his wallet and found everything is indeed inside of it...expect for most of his cash. “Huh? That’s odd. I could have sworn I had a few more bills in here.” He then shrugged it off. “Oh well.”