//------------------------------// // Green Isn't Your Color // Story: My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 // by Musiclover435 //------------------------------// The first thing Discord noticed that he was surrounded by darkness. "Odd." Then he noticed his eagle claw. "I'm in my original form? How did I..." Before he could turn himself back, he heard a familiar voice. "Discord?" Discord turned around and paled. "Twilight!" Discord began to panic, Twilight had seen his true form. "I can explain…" Discord backed up on all fours as he tried to explain but his words failed him. "You're…You're a monster!" "What!? No! I..." "How could ya lied to us!?" "You're a beast!" "We're never playing pranks with you ever again!" "Yeah, you're a big meanie and a liar!" "How could you!?" Discord looked around and he saw his friend's angry eyes. They were furious, it made sense, he lied to them for months. "Please... you have to understand. I only did this because...." Discord stopped once Fluttershy appeared, he told her "Fluttershy! Please listen to me! I..." "Save it Discord! You lied to me! How could you! I thought we're friends!" "We are…it's just..." "Don't talk to me, Discord. I won't never be friends with a big scary monster like you!" Tears started to form in Discord's eyes. His worst fears were coming true. His ears perked up when he heard hundreds of ponies shouting. He turned and saw fierce glowing red eyes from everypony. Discord tried to runaway but couldn't move, he looked down and realized to his horror as he was slowly turning to stone. "No! NOOOO! Fluttershy! Help me!" "Why should I!? You're the one who lied to me. You deserve to be turned to stone!" He could hear the girls agree with fervently. "No! Fluttershy, girls, please help me! Please!" "Goodbye forever!" Terrified, Discord shouted, "PLEASE, SOMEPONY HELP ME!" Suddenly, a bright blue light cleared everything up. Discord looked down and saw that he was no longer turning to stone. He looked around and saw his mother, Princess Luna. Relief filled him, he let out a big sigh and said, "Oh, it's just a dream." Luna smiled at him and asked, "Are you alright?" "Mom, I'm scared that…they'll think of me as a freak if they see the real me." Discord couldn't help but stare at his lion paw and eagle claw. He's hated his form his entire life, even more so since his mother turned into Nightmare Moon. Princess Luna saw next to Discord and told him, "I know, Moonlight. But sooner or later, you have to tell the truth." Discord sighed. "I know but I don't know how." "Moonlight, I know you can do this, you have a strong bond with these ponies. I know they'll accept you, just as they accepted me." Luna said as she put his hands in her hoofs. Discord smiled at her. "Thanks Mom, but I'll tell them sometime but... not now. I don't feel ready." "Okay. But when you feel ready, let me or Celestia know. We will help you and be there for you." Luna gave her son a comforting hug then readied herself to leave. "Sleep well, my son." With that, Luna flew off to help another pony with their nightmares. Discord woke up and saw that he was still in his pony. The sun hasn't risen yet but Discord could tell it was going to soon. Discord got out of his bed and walked to the window. He stared at the moon and said outloud, "I wish I knew how to tell them about the real me." Fluttershy was concerned about Discord, she noticed that he wasn't talking much and he hadn't touched his tea. "Discord, are you okay? You haven't touched your tea." Discord blinked and looked at his tea. "Yes, sorry, my dear. Rough night. How about you?" "Huh? Oh, I'm... okay." Discord could tell by Fluttershy's tone that something was on her mind. "Fluttershy, I'm your friend, you know you could always tell me. You can tell me anything." Fluttershy smiled. "Okay…It's just that Rarity wants me to model for a pony named Photo Finish, and I'm not feeling comfortable with this." This surprised him. Rarity knows how shy Fluttershy is, why would she ask her? "You know you don't have to do something you don't want to." Fluttershy nodded. "I know, but Rarity is my friend. And it's the least I can do. She always takes me out for a spa day." Discord felt unsure but Fluttershy seemed okay with this. "Well, if that's what you want, you go for it. But if you don't wanna do something you're not comfortable with, you can always say no. And if it makes you feel better, I'll stay with you on that day." Smiling, Fluttershy said, "Thanks, Discord, that really means a lot to me." "Anything for my friend." It was the day of the photo shoot with Photo Finish and Rarity and Fluttershy were very nervous. Fluttershy was wearing a beautiful black dress with a pink saddle and a pink fluffy rim on the dress. Her headdress was also black with multiple pink feathers. It was a very beautiful outfit. "Hmmm…she's going to want to see attitude and pizzazz." "A-A-Attitude and…pizzazz," Fluttershy whispered. Rarity looked at the dress in the light then shouted, "More light! It has to catch the sequins just so or the whole outfit is just a disaster." Twilight's used her magic to create more light around Fluttershy as she was on lightning duty for the shoot. "Ooh, and the headdress needs more feathers. Pinkie Pie! More feathers!" Pinkie Pie trotted across the floor with a basket of feathers in her teeth. Rarity levitated a few of them and fitted them into place, causing the overall shape of the headdress to become more streamlined and swept back. Rarity gasped at another ting she needed, "And sequins! More sequins!" Discord walked over to Rarity with a basketful of sequins using magic from his horn. The contents are levitated and puffed over all of Fluttershy, she let out a startled cry but the end result left the entire outfit sparkling like the stars. "And more ribbon!" Spike slapped a couple of blue bows on Fluttershy's headdress and Rarity observed it for a few seconds then said, "Oh, no. Less ribbon." Spike took them off and just as quick, Rarity said, "No! More ribbon." She put the ribbons back on which annoyed Fluttershy. 'Gee, didn't think being a model was that difficult.' Rarity looked at Fluttershy from behind and noticed the hem was off. "Oh, this hem is completely off! PINCUSHION!" That was Spike's cue to get rush back to Rarity's side and go to all fours showing he had several pins stuck into his back. She levitated several of them away and she waved to make him back off and he happily obliged as Rarity's focuses on fixing the hem. "Thank you all for helping me. I'm sorry to be so short with you, but I'm... I'm just so nervous." "You just need to relax, the dress looks great," Discord told her. 'And so does Fluttershy.' Spike reached the others and they all looked at his back worried he was in pain. "Ooh! Doesn't that hurt?" Discord asked him. Spike stood up and pointed to his back. "Thick scales. Can't feel a thing. And even if I could…there is no pain that would keep me from assisting…the most beautiful creature in the world." Twilight rolled and groaned loudly as Rarity walked off. 'Oh, brother.' Spike turned around to Twilight, Pinkie, and Discord and said, "I'm gonna tell you three a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." "I promise," Twilight told him with a smile. "You got it, kiddo." "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie said as with each part she did an action that followed, she used her hoof to make an 'x' over her heart, pointed to her back as if she had wings, and closed her eye to stick her hoof on it. Satisfied with his friends words, Spike beckoned them closer, when they weren't close enough, he beckoned them to come closer. Once they were nose to nose, he whispered, "I have a crush on Rarity." Twilight and Discord ears went down and with a deadpan look. Pinkie, on the other hand, gasped loudly and clapped her hooves on her mouth to stifle it. "Gee, that's a shocker," Discord said sarcastically. 'Everypony knows he has a crush on Rarity, I wonder if Rarity knows or if she is oblivious to it.' "We won't say a word!" "Gimme a break. Everypony already knows how you..." Pinkie nearly shoved her face into Twilight's as she said, "Twilight! You promised Spike you wouldn't say anything. He trusts you. And losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend forever!" "But..." "Forrrreeeeverrrr!" Pinkie said menacingly. Discord fought a chuckle as he said, "You know she's not gonna let it up on you. It'll be easier on all of us if you go with it." "My lips are sealed. Though I'm pretty sure Rarity is gonna pick up on your feelings." "Yeah, if I were you, Spike, I'd lose the shirt," Discord told Spike as he looked down at the white T-shirt with a red heart and inside was Rarity's face. The front doorbell rang and a trio of earth pony mares came in. The two on the side had an outlandish hairstyle with clothing to match. The one in the middle takes the cake of most outlandish with a light blue coat; straight, light gray mane cut in a bobbed style; dark gray dress striped with white on the blouse and around the hem. a short magenta scarf with matching diamond-shaped accents on the skirt, and sunglasses with dark gray frames with magenta lenses that completely hide her eyes. "I, Photo Finish…have arrived," Photo Finish said in a heavy German accent. 'Wow, talk about an entrance.' Rarity walked to her saying, "Let me just say what an honor…" One of the mares pushed a case as Photo Finish past Rarity without acknowledging her. "We begin…now!" At that tap of her hoof, the case popped open and set itself up as an old-style camera on a tripod, complete with flashbulb attachment and extendable "bellows" lens. Before Photo Finish started, Rarity decided to have a last-minute talk with Fluttershy. "Attitude and pizzazz!" She whispered and not even a second after Rarity left, Photo Finish started snapping pictures of her. "Yes! Show Photo Finish something!" Fluttershy stood on her hind legs in a confident pose until Photo Finish said, "No!" Fluttershy hunkered down with a whimper which impressed Photo Finish. "Yeees!" She took multiple photos. Another picture was taken and Rarity showed that Fluttershy needed to smile so Fluttershy propped her chin up on a hoof and stretched her face with a smile. "No!" Fluttershy slumped leaving her feeling dejected. Discord couldn't help but worry. Fluttershy was completely out of her element and trying her best but it wasn't working. 'I hate seeing her like this. Wish I could help.' "Yeees!" Rarity felt a bit defeated that her poses weren't working but she was undetered. She struck a new pose for Fluttershy to copy: head and one foreleg lifted proudly, the other three legs planted wide. "No!" Fluttershy huddles down close to the floor making the shy pony feel more defeated. 'What am I doing wrong?' "ENOUGH!" Photo Finish hit her camera and it folded up. Once it landed on the ground, the same mare grabbed it and put it on her back and they left, leaving the group stunned at the scene. "What just happened?" Discord asked, breaking the silence first. "She hardly took any pictures." Feeling sorry about what happened, Fluttershy said, "I'm so sorry. I tried my best." Rarity removed the headdress from Fluttershy as she said, "Well, the headdress is too big for you and the cape had too much sparkle. I can't believe I ever thought I could impress her." The pity party is cut off by Photo Finish's sudden return. "It seems that I, Photo Finish, have found the next fashion star here in Ponyville." Discord was quite stunned at her quick appearance. 'Where the heck did she come from? She's not a Draconequus as far as I know, and she had no horn. Wonder if she has some chaos magic like Pinkie Pie?' Feeling excited from hearing this, Rarity said, "Really? "Yes, really. And I, Photo Finish, am going to help her to shine all over Equestria!" A large grin started to appear on Rarity's face as Photo Finish continued, "Tomorrow, a photo shoot in ze park. I go!" She left as quickly as she arrived with her entourage following in pursuit. Rarity stood at the door as she watched them leave and smiled as she turned back to her friends. "Did you hear that? I am going to shine all over Equestria!" "Oh, Rarity, I was so worried I'd ruined everything." "Oh, never. I knew you'd be perfect." Rarity kept her composure for just a few seconds but as soon as she bit her lower lip, it broke. She giggled and had a jumpy fit of wild laughter, taking no account whatever of the fact that every jemp brings a hoof down on the end of Spike's tail. Spike doesn't seemed to mind it even with a grimace of pain alternating with the soppy grin. Twilight rolled her eyes and grabbed Spike by one of his spines to drag him away. "Come on, Romeo." The next day, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Discord went to the park. "Thank you so much, Discord for coming along and helping." Discord was pushing the rack of dresses for Rarity. "Any time, Rarity." To be honest, Discord was more here for Fluttershy. Yesterday went well, but she asked him to be there with her and he couldn't say no to his friend. Discord stood to the side as Rarity went through several dresses behind a changing curtain. "No. No. No." With each no, Discord used his magic to catch the dresses before they hit the ground. 'Jeez, how many dresses does a pony need?' After a few more nos, Rarity found the dress that she wanted, "Yes!" Rarity closed the changing curtain to reveal Fluttershy wearing a skin tight white nd blue outfit. The outfit was mostly white but it was carefully detailed with sapphires to make it absolutely stunning. "That is definitely the one. Photo Finish is going to love it. Everypony is going to love it!" "Oh, I am so excited for you. Just don't forget us little ponies when you become the most famous designer in all of Equestria." "Never." Fluttershy smiled at that and Discord did as well. He always worried when ponies become famous that they would leave their friends behind and he was glad Rarity said that she would and he had a feeling that she would keep that promise. "Put me down here." Photo Finish came in being carried on a peditasal by two pegasi. They set her down and two earth pony mares joined her side. She looked at the outfit Fluttershy was wearing and said, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The model should be in something simple!" Rarity and Flutterhsy looked at the outfit confused. Discord felt confused as well. 'Simple? What does she mean? I thought this was about Rarity.' "Something inspired by... the nature." Instead of contradicting her, Rarity said, "That's just what I was thinking." Rarity rushed to her dresses to find something new but nothing looked good. She smiled as she kicked them away and said, "Um, give me a moment, and I'll, uh, put a little something together." "Yes. That will not be necessary." "But... but... How are you going to help me "shine across Equestria" if I don't design something new for these pictures?" "Yeah, you did talk to Rarity about her outfits so what changed?" Discord asked her. "I'm going to help her shine. She is my star!" Photo Finish pointed to Fluttershy and the green earth pony pushed her to get make up and a new outfit on. "You two, go!" Rarity gasped at that and couldn't help but watch as Fluttershy was taken away. Discord just watched in silence. He couldn't believe that they picked Fluttershy, the shyest pony he's ever met to be a model. He hated the attention that he got as a prince, he couldn't imagine how Fluttershy would feel. A few minutes later, Rarity was putting away the dresses and Fluttershy used this time to talk to her friend. "I can't, Rarity." Rarity just smiled and said, "Oh, but you must, Fluttershy. Photo Finish wants to make you a star. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I know we were hoping it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless, you can't throw away this chance. You must do this for me. You must. You must! You mus-s-t!" Discord was about to add his take on the situation but Photo Finish called out, "Floottershy! It is time to make... the magics!" Fluttershy looked back to Rarity and Discord for support but Rarity just smiled. Discord just looked at her concerned. Fluttersly walked off leaving a discouraged Rarity behind. "Oh, Wunderbar! You are like a delicate flower-- so much more alluring without all those sparkles and feathers." Rarity and Discord started to walked off as Photo Finish was ready to take some photos of Fluttershy. "Hmm... something is missing." Rarity perked up at that, maybe not all hope was lost. Photo Finish looked around the park then she spotted it. "You!" She pointed at Discord to the shock of both of them. "Me?!" "Yes! You! You are perfect to be with this delicate flower. So bold, confident, it's perfect for... the magics! Put him in something like Floottershy!" One of the Earth ponies started to push Discord toward the changing area. Like Fluttershy, Discord didn't feel comfortable about this at all. Once he was in a green suit with a daisy on it. "Yes. Brillant! Now, we make... the magics!" With that, Rarity left, feeling more discouraged then ever before. Rarity went home to wallow in her feeling. She was currently sewing a black gown for herself as Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike came to see what happened. "How'd it go?! how'd it go?!" Pinkie asked while jumping up and down. "It didn't." Rarity finished the black gown and drapped it over herself and finsihed it off by tieing it around her neck. "Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy, not me. Before taking any pictures, she said something was missing then she brought Discord in to work with her along with Fluttershy. "Oh, Rarity, I'm so sorry. Is there anything we can do?" Twilight asked feeling sorry for her friend. Rarity flipped the cloak's hood on her head. "I just…vant to be alone right now." Rarity's head went down in sadness and dispair. Pinkie and Twilight were about to walk to their friend to comfort her, but were stopped by Spike. "You heard her. She vants to be…alone." After Spike pushed them out he skipped across the room to be with her but Twilight came back in and yanked him out by grabbing his tail. Pinkie and Twilight looked at Spike annoyed but he just smiled and said, "What? I didn't think she meant alone alone." Photo Finish took Fluttershy and Discord backstage of a catwalk for them to get their pictures taken. After getting their outfits on, A white, green, and Blue dress for Fluttershy with a see-through fabric connecting to the end of the dress. The ponies were fixing up anything they needed to: hairspray and making the dressing look perfect until one decided to put make-up on Fluttershy but not on Discord. "Not enough blush." The make up pony put blush on Discord as Photo Finish looked Fluttershy and said, "Too much blush." The pony removed the blush on Fluttershy quickly then she said, "Not enough." Photo Finish looked at Discord and said, "Too much blush." The same pony removed the blush. "Not enough." The pony put blush on Discord as Photo Finish looked back at Fluttershy. "Too much blush." Once the pony was finished with Discord, she removed Fluttershy blush then Photo Finish said, "Not enough." Both Discord and Fluttershy were getting annoyed with the constant on and off again with the blush. 'Geez, if this is what being a model is like, then I feel sorry for anypony who does this. Oh... why didn't I just said no?' Photo Finish looked Discord then said, "Too much blush." The pony removed the blush which was annoyed him even more. "Perfect." "Ah-ahhhhh... choo!" Photo Finish smiled at Fluttershy's quiet sneeze. "Even her schneezes are graceful!" Discord fought a blush as he didn't want more on his face. "With his bold confidence, it is so powerful!" Photo Finish said outloud and Fluttershy fought a blush on her face as well. "Now go!" The three earth pony mares left, leaving Discord, Fluttershy, and Photo Finish alone. Photo Finish guided them to the entrance of the catwalk and she asked them, "So, how do you feel? Excited? Over joyed? Thrilled beyond your wildest dreams?" 'More like terrifed, annoyed, and not excited that I'm here. But this is for Fluttershy, so I don't have a choice,' Discord thought to himself. "N-nervous." "Yeah, me too. Maybe we could have a pep talk or advice?" Discord smiled, hoping she would agree. "Nervous? Pep talk? Don't be ridicuous! You're only facing a large crowd of ponies who will be watching your every move and silently judging you." Both Discord and Fluttershy felt their stomach drop, Discord was used to large crowds but he already hated it and he couldn't imagine how Fluttershy felt. Electronic music started to play which got Photo Finish excited. "Your cues! Now go!" She shoved Discord and Fluttershy out and all the lights and cameras were on their face. Fluttershy was about to back out but Discord held out his hoof. He mouthed, 'together' at her and she smiled. She took a deep breath and they walked out. "I can't let Rarity down. I must do this. I must, I must, I must," Fluttershy muttered to herself as she and Discord walked out farther onto the catwalk. The duo reached the edge and Fluttershy did a small pose while Discord just stood confidently. This caused the ponies to cheer loudly with their hooves stomping in applause. "So graceful. So confident." "So lovely. So bold." "So perfect for my new advertisement." Each time Discord and Fluttershy went backstage, the changed outside, each in a spring theme and everypony loved how they looked. Photo Finish did interviews for them while they stood behind her as multiple ponies took photos of them. As the days went on, Fluttershy and Discord were the faces of various magazines. They rod ein limos where hundreds of ponies wanted their autographs and pictures. Rarity tried to join them but she was blocked off but security. The duo were soon the faces of Applejack's apple barrels and stand, Rainbow Dash flew a banner with their faces and them drinking carrot juice. Rarity growled at the sight, feeling more jealous each day. It was a normal Tuesday, Discord and Fluttershy decided to go into town to get some tea for their afternoon tea when a group of ponies saw them and said, "Look! It's Discord and Fluttershy!" Their eyes widened in fear and the started to trot off but soon run at full speed to get away from the crowd. They turned a corner but there were more ponies waiting for them. Everypony was taking multiple pictures of them and Discord had a plan. He got Fluttershy's attention and pointed to the sky while he pointed in another direction. She nodded and Fluttershy took off to the skies while Discord used a teleportation spell. He teleported behind a house at least 20 yards from the crowd until he heard more shouts. "There he is!" Discord used the spell again and went to a rooftop. Pegasi photographers appeared and took more photos then he teleported again back to the library and hid behind the door. Multiple ponies looked inside and kept yelling out from him to come out to take pictures. "Discord, you came back fast," Spike noted. "Yeah, I thought you and Fluttershy were getting tea. What happened?" "Crazy ponies is what happened! When I first came here, I could walk through town with just a few photos. Now, we can't walk through town with a horde of ponies hankering for a picture. I just hope Fluttershy was able to escape them." "Why don't you just quit?" Twilight asked him. "That's the thing. I'm doing this for Fluttershy and she's doing this for Rarity. And before you ask, no, I don't want to use my royal status to force Photo Finish to stop. It wouldn't be right. Please don't tell them. I know you're already keeping my unicorn heritage a secret but please, keep this a secret," Discord told her as he walked over to her. Before Twilight could say anything else, Photo Finish stormed in. "Discoord! I have been looking for you everywhere. We have the thing at the place! I already have Floottershy. We just need you." Discord smiled nervously and walked off. "I'll... uh... see you later, Twilight." At a museum, hundreds of photos of Discord and Fluttershy surrounded them along with a group of photographers taking multiple photos of them. Photo Finish did the majority of the talking during the interview. "Obviously, I, Photo Finish, am thrilled to have found them." "Photo Finish?" "They are a natural in front of the camera. They even make the perfect couple." 'Couple?!' Discord and Fluttershy thought to themselves. "Uh, Photo Finish?" "I only need to point and shoot, and I capture... the magics!" "Photo Finish!" Discord shouted. Photo Finish looked at them and Discord held his hoof out for Fluttershy to speak. "I'm so sorry to interrupt. It's just that I'm running late." Photo Finish gasped. "How could I have forgotten?!" Fluttershy felt relief along with Discord. They could finally go home and Fluttershy could have her spa day with Rarity. However, that relief was short-lived. "Your appearance at the ballet opening... everypony who is anypony will be there!" "Oh, actually, I'm supposed to be meeting my friend..." "We go!" Photo Finish dragged them out before either of them could say a word. After Rarity and Fluttershy talked to Twilight about how they truly felt, Twilight did everything in her power to keep their secret. Before leaving the spa, Twilight got a disguise for Fluttershy and Discord joined them after finally being about to get some tea, but he had to wear a disguise himself. "I was just thinking. If you really don't like being a model, you could always quit." "Twilight's right, Fluttershy. I know you want to make Rarity happy, but sometimes you need to put your emotions and well-being before your own. Besides, I don't like the modeling either. I already get enough attention as a prince, I don't need more." "Oh, no. I could never do such a thing. Rarity would be devastated." "But Rarity told me..." From a nearby apple stand, Pinkie popped up starting Twilight, who gasped at the sight. Pinkie shook her head and balanced an apple on her right hoof then switched it to her left and took a large slow bite, indicating that Twilight can't break her promise to Rarity. After taking a bite, Pinkie's eyes widen and and she smiled at the delicious apple. "Mmm! Juicy!" Twilight groaned at that. 'Ugh, I never would have thought keeping secrets was so hard. But I've kept Discord's secret for this long so I can keep Rarity's and Fluttershy's... hopefully.' "Oh, if only all these ponies didn't like us so much, Photo Finish wouldn't want me or Discord to model anymore. She'd find somepony else with...the magic." "Yeah, I'd rather things go back to normal when I was just a prince and not a model and a prince." "I guess you're right." An idea popped into Twilight's head just as fast. She knew a way that she could keep Fluttershy's and Rarity's secret. "You're right! You're right, you're right, you're right!" Twilight hopped around in happiness knocking Fluttershy's and Discord disguise off. The crowd gasped at the sight of their new favorite celebrities. "Oh no." "It's Fluttershy and Discord!" A mob of ponies started to surround them and push Twilight out of the way. After a stressful afternoon of hiding, Discord lost his patience. "All right, as your prince, I demand that you all leave us alone. We want to walk through the town without being bothered!" The mob quieted down at the sound of that and started to back off. "Sorry, your majesty." With that, the mob left them alone and went about their business but some took a few pictures on the sidelines. "Discord! That wasn't nice." Discord sighed and said, "I know, I'm sorry. I just can't stand seeing you like this. I'm also getting tired of being surrounded by a mob of ponies." Fluttershy smiled, "Thank you, Discord." To be honest, Fluttershy was glad Discord did something. She could hear the ponies talking about when their next date was and when the wedding was and all the things that ponies do when they're in love. It was very stressful. "You're welcome, my dear." In Sugar Cube Corner, Twilight was telling Pinkie and Discord her plan, "Don't you see? On her own, Fluttershy could never do something unattractive. But if I use my magic to help her do something unattractive at her next fashion show, no one will ever want her to model again. And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her, and I'll no longer have to keep their secrets! It's the perfect plan!" Pinkie continued to decorate cupcakes as Discord said, "Wow, Twilight. Normally, I would say Rarity and Fluttershy need to work out their issues on their own or at the very least, find a way to get them to discuss their feelings. But this plan sounds so chaotic, I love it! Besides, I've been trying to think of ways to make the modeling thing so much more interesting, it's gotten so tedious that we really need some chaos to shake things up." On top of that, Discord was ready to stop modeling. He missed having tea parties with Fluttershy. "You can't tell anyone about it. Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Pinkie nodded zipped her lips, dug a hole and buried the key along with a few other movements that annoyed and confused Twilight. "So, you do promise or you don't?" "Uh, yes! Obviously, that's why I zipped my mouth closed, then locked it with a key, then dug a hole, then buried the key, then built a house on top of the hole where I buried the key, then moved into the house on top of the hole." Pinkie Pie just smiled as if nothing was wrong and everything she did made sense. Discord did his best not to laugh while Twilight said, "Obviously." The next day, hundreds of ponies were waiting to see their new favorite celebrity couple, even Photo Finish was excited. Discord and Fluttershy were backstage in the same outfits from their first onstage modeling with Twilight. Fluttershy walked over to Twilight and asked, "You really think it'll work?" "They love you and Discord for being yourselves, and with Discord's help, I'll I have to do is make you not be you. Just leave it to me." "Trust us, my dear. Doing this means, things can go back to normal and we'll be having our regular tea parties by tonight. I'll be joining in on the fun as well." Music started to play and that was their cue. Fluttershy walked backward onto the stage while Discord just walked normally. The light shined on them, blinding them for a second. The ponies clamored on about their outfits and how bold and graceful they were. At the same time, Rarity came in with a new outfit. It was pink and blue with lots of gems to match and a headdress to match that covered her horn. "I guess it's time to see what all the fuss is about." Fluttershy walked onto the catwalk nervously and Discord walked confidently next to her. He showed no fear or hesitation for what was about to happen. Twilight smiled as she used her magic. She first caused Fluttershy to tripped and fell on her face. After that, Discord tripped on his own hooves falling to the ground just like Fluttershy. The audience gasped at the sight. They were shocked to see their favorite couple lose their grace and confidence. Twilight continued to use her magic to make Fluttershy do things that she would never do. Discord was able to copy some of the movements but he added his own flare to it. He picked his nose, made goat noises, and did what he could to embarrass himself. Twilight saw what he was doing and did the same. Photo Finish fainted at the sight as Fluttershy flapped her wings, scratched and barked like a dog. Everypony was shocked at the sight. Rarity was doing everything she could to not laugh but after hearing everypony gasp and seeing their disgruntled faces, she knew that she had to do something. Everypony soon started to boo and shout. "Get them off the stage!" "They're an embarrassment to all things fashion!" "I, Photo Finish, have made a terrible mistake!" Behind the curtain, Twilight smiled at her success. 'Finally, Discord and Fluttershy can stop modeling and I can keep Rarity's and Fluttershy's secret.' "Bravo! I say, bravo!" Twilight paled at the voice. She looked behind the curtain and saw Rarity cheering on their friends. "Bravo!" 'Oh dear.' The crowd looked at Rarity shocked that somepony could like the horrendous display that they just saw. "Bravo?! who could possibly say bravo to that horrid display?" "Such attitude! Such pizzazz! They've invented an entirely new kind of modeling!" "Who is saying these things?" A pink unicorn gasped as everypony looked at Rarity. Fluttershy and Discord paled at the sight. 'Oh, no. Rarity, what have you done?' "The unicorn in the gorgeous cape and headdress. Now, that is a pony who clearly knows a thing or two about fashion." "Well, if that fabulous pony likes it, then I do, too! Bravo!" The crowd cheered on Discord and Fluttershy as Twilight just watched in disbelief. Discord and Fluttershy looked at each other and sighed. 'Great, we're never going to be able to stop.' Discord went to Fluttershy's dressing room in a new black suit. He saw Rarity and Fluttershy laughing so he asked, "Fluttershy, what's so funny? Photo Finish just told me that she has a few shoots lined up for us so I wanted to tell you before she did." "Discord, you don't have to model anymore. Fluttershy told me everything. You two really didn't like modeling?" "Of course not. I'm already popular with Princess Celestia being my aunt and being a prince of Equestria. Plus, it's so boring. I've been at royal meetings with more chaos than this." Discord took off the suit with tossed it aside. "I'm glad you talked about your feelings. I guess keeping secrets about your feelings isn't always good, huh?" The trio laughed at that and just then Photo Finish came in. "You were bwilliant! Bwilliant! I've already got six photo shoots lined up for tomorrow alone." "I'm sorry, Photo Finish, but I don't think Discord and I will be able to make any of them." "Wha-a-a-t?" "We go!" Fluttershy and Rarity did a double hoof bump and they left Photo Finish behind as they laughed. "Vhat has just happened?" "Sorry, but the modeling industry isn't for us. Come on, Twilight." "Spike has a crush on Rarity!" Twilight shouted after removing her head from the potted plant. She covered her mouth just as fast, embarrassed that she reveal that secret. Pinkie appeared in the mirror and sighed. "And you were doing so well." That afternoon, the girls and Discord were at the spa just relaxing. "Now, this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon," Fkuttershy said while relaxing in the hot tub. "I agree. We must plan an afternoon tea soon, Fluttershy. I have so missed doing those with you." Fluttershy nodded agreement. "I concur," Rarity said from the steam room. She was even covered in seaweed with cucumbers on her eyes. Twilight was in a small bath, ready to have a hoof pedicure and as she was there. She was ready to write a letter to Princess Celestia. Dear Princess Celestia, Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret, but you should never be afraid to share your true feelings with a good friend. "Did you get all that, Spike?" "No, I did not." He leaned and whispered loud enough for her to hear but soft enough so no pony else would. "I still can't believe you told someone about my secret feelings for Rarity!" Twilight smiled and said, "You're right. That was wrong of me, and I'm very sorry." "Apology accepted." "Now Weill you take down my letter to Princess Celestia?" "I would love to, But I'm a little busy at the moment," Spike said as he fanned Rarity with a paper fan. Twilight sighed as she playfully rolled her eyes at the sight. That night, Discord was lying awake on his bed thinking about the past several days. He couldn't stop thinking about secrets. Secrets can be good but not telling the others about how he was feeling on the inside didn't feel good. These past few days and even months have shown him that maybe... he can trust them. They were his friends. Feeling confident, Discord made a decision. He took out a scroll and began to write. Dear Aunt Celestia, I think I'm ready tell Twilight and her friends about my draconequus form. It's hard to explain but thanks to my friends, Fluttershy and Rarity, I think I'm ready. I plan to tell them when we return to Ponyville after the Gala. Sincerely, Your Nephew, Discord With that, Discord sent the letter. He knew that the Gala would be perfect. He heard from all the girls that they were excited and that it would be the best night ever for them and maybe for the first time, it would be for him as well.