//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: Little Green Pony From Outer Space // Story: In Equestria // by ARandomLonelyDude //------------------------------// I don't really know when I woke up but when I did, I woke up screaming and crying on the floor, all thanks to a bunch of memories of school. For a while, I was on lying there, hugging my pillow and blanket and whatever, just crying. I hadn't slept like a baby but I sure had woken up like one. I don't know how much time I spent losing it on the floor but eventually, someone came to snap me out of it. "STOP," the command came in the familiar voice of Voth and suddenly, I wasn't sad anymore. I just felt... numb. I pulled my head away from my blanket I had buried it in and looked up. My vision was blurry but I could make out that Voth was sitting next to me. I rubbed away the tears from my eyes, making my vision somewhat clearer, allowing me to see that Voth was looking down at me. "Voth, why are you here?" "I HAVE COME TO INFORM YOU ABOUT AN ASSASSIN," Voth answered he lay down next to me and draped a wing over me, giving me a warm feeling, "AND TO STOP YOU FROM AN EXTREMELY INTENSE EMOTIONAL OUTBURST RIGHT NOW." "There's... an assassin? After me?" I asked, ignoring how Voth seemed more concerned about me crying. "YES BUT THAT IT A TRIVIAL THING TO DEAL WITH ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS KILL THEM," Voth replied, "YOUR EMOTIONAL OUTBURST IS NOT TRIVIAL DUE TO YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE YOUR EMOTION CAN BE SENSED BY THOSE LIKE ME AND THEY WILL WORK TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT WHICH I CANNOT ALLOW HOWEVER I CANNOT PLACE BLOCKS ON YOUR EMOTIONS UNLESS I WISH TO ATTRACT ATTENTION TO YOU IN YOUR WORLD I ADVISE YOU TO CONTROL YOURSELF OR CALL ME IF YOU CANNOT." "Okay, I guess..." I said, still weirded out by how much Voth cared about me being sad but I guessed that it made sense. I then remembered that he said something about an assassin. "What about the assassin? Can you tell me more about them?" "THE ASSASSIN IS AN AGENT LIKE YOURSELF EXCEPT THAT INSTEAD OF BEING SENT TO RETRIEVE AN ARTEFACT THEY ARE SENT TO EXTRACT ANY INFORMATION ABOUT ME FROM YOU AND THEN DISPOSE OF YOU." "How do you know that?" "THE BEING THAT SENT THEM DOES NOT CARE FOR STEALTH BEYOND WHAT IS NECESSARY TO BYPASS THE GUARDIAN AND I BELIEVE THAT THEY WANT TO SCARE US BEFORE KILLING US." "Who is it?" "WHEN YOU HELPED KILLED NIGHTMARE MOON'S DEALER I HAD TOLD YOU THAT I NEEDED THE DEALER'S CORPSE TO HIDE MYSELF FROM ANOTHER BEING THE BEING IS THE ONE THAT SENT THE ASSASSIN NOW THAT THEY CANNOT FIND ME." "So, the assassin's close by or something? How powerful are they?" "I AM UNAWARE OF THEIR LOCATION AT THIS MOMENT BUT I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIGHT AGAINST THEM." Well, that was reassuring after learning that some eldritch thing out there hates my guts and sent an assassin to kill me. "I ADVISE YOU TO PREPARE TO DEFEND YOURSELF I AM LEAVING NOW TO FIND THE BEING." And with that, Voth was gone, leaving me alone on the floor. I lay there for sometime before getting up and putting my blanket and pillow back onto the bed. Today was Sunday, which was bad enough, and then I had a bad start to the day, which made it worse, and now there was someone out to kill me. This day just couldn't get better. I sat at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of chai as I tried my best to read the book about biomany I got from the library. Unfortunately, the weight of knowing that someone's coming to kill me weighed down on my mind too much. I set my cup down on the table next to a kitchen knife I had picked out to defend myself with. I would have prefered having a gun, or a metal pipe or some other weapon but this was what I had at the moment, unless I took off a curtain rod. I could do that, but then if I had to go outside, an easily concealed knife is a better option. Plus, it's a kitchen knife, a common appliance, and no one would get really suspicious about me having it with me. If I did get attacked though, I'll have to kill since the assassin could just go blab about being an agent sent to kill me, another agent, and that wouldn't be good considering that the government will then kill me, and I don't have much hope of fighting them off. Staying at home is probably better. There'd be no witnesses at the very least. I continued flipping through the book on biomancy, skipping all the boring stuff like ethics and sanctity of life and whatever crap, and continuing to the interesting stuff, like one procedure where you put blood in an egg and did some rather simple magic to make a new creature. One important thing I did learn was that biomancy beyond the beginner level needed a licence. I closed the book and leaned back in my chair. If I wanted to do any biomancy, I'd need some equipment and right now, the only reason I had to do biomancy was just my own curiousity. Maybe I could make a little guy, but for what? To have it defend me? I guess that'd be great considering that I have a higher than average chance of being attacked. Maybe I could make a gun with magic or something for self-defense? No, that's a bad idea. Guns are great weapons and knowing how people are at their best, someone here would copy my idea and before you know it, there's an arms race and magic being real would just make it worse. I picked up my cup of chai and sipped on it, clearing away all the thoughts I had. I'd have to get equipment if I actually wanted to do any of that and until then, there was no reason to worry myself with stuff that was still in the realm of science fiction for this world. My cup was empty in like, thirty seconds, and I got out of my chair to go pour myself another cup. I was halfway between the table and the stove when I heard what was perhaps the most bloodcurdling scream coming from outside. It was the kind that tells you that someone's in extreme pain or unimaginable fear. To top it off, it sounded like a child. I left the cup on the counter and made my way outside to find out where the scream came from. Of course, I didn't know but I had an idea that it was somewhere in the forest close to my house. "Hey!" I called out as loud as I could, "Where are you?!" There wasn't any answer. I kept my ears perked up as I kept looking around. An idea came to my mind. 'Voth!' I called out in my mind and not a moment later, Voth was there in my head. I didn't wait for her to say anything and continued, 'I need you help. Someone screamed somewhere around here, can you see if you can find them?' Voth simply said, "THEY ARE CLOSE BY IN THE FOREST TO YOUR LEFT IF YOU GET CLOSER I CAN TELL YOU THEIR POSITION." I did as he said and entered the forest, walking in a straight line until Voth told me to turn a bit to my right. I kept going and came across a gruesome sight. There was a filly with wings and a horn, a pegacorn, lying on the ground next to a tree in a pool of blood, and there was a lone timberwolf staring her down. The filly looked terrified and was trying in vain to crawl away from the animal. I didn't wait any further and shot a blast of magic at the timberwolf. The green bolt flew fast and hit the beast in its side, exploding on contact and sending it a meter or two away from the filly. The timberwolf didn't seem to care about the hole I gave it and turned to face me, growling as it did. I wasn't deterred in any way since I knew one weakness of the timberwolf: It was alone. I picked up a large rock from the ground with my magic and threw it at the wolf to give me a bit of time. The wolf was hit in the head, disorientating it and allowing me to continue flinging more stuff its way. The timberwolf started backing away but I wasn't done yet. I charged up another bolt of magic in my horn and shot it at the thing. It couldn't dodge it in time and was hit. Instead of a simple concussive bolt, I had shot a fire bolt, making it immediately catch fire. The beast howled in pain as the fire spread quickly through its body and in a few moments, it lay on the ground, burning away like a campfire. I didn't care about it any further and rushed to the filly. The filly's condition was terrible. Her right wing was mangled and losing a lot of blood while her body was covered in scratches, cuts, and bruises. She had closed her eyes and was crying silently to herself. "You're safe now," I said to her as I thought about what I could do to stop the bleeding. 'Voth, do you know any healing spells?' I shouted in my head. Voth was quiet for a few tense moments. "THIS IS THE ASSASSIN," Voth said instead, making me freeze for a moment. 'She's a child,' I said to him as I looked down at the filly who had now curled up and was trying to hide herself in her mane. I knew that Voth wasn't joking but it was hard to believe she could hurt me. "AND SHE IS HERE TO KILL YOU YOU MUST DISPOSE OF HER," Voth countered, not a hint of care in his voice. "LEAVE HER OUT HERE AND SHE WILL BLEED TO DEATH IN A FEW MINUTES OR YOU CAN USE A SPELL TO END HER NOW IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO KILL HER I CAN TAKE CONTROL OF YOU TO DO IT." 'But-' I was conflicted. I was fine with killing someone but this was just wrong; she was not only a kid but also mortally wounded. There had to be some way for me to convince Voth to spare her. Thankfully, an idea came to me. 'What if we free her from her master?' I pitched. Voth remained silence, letting me continue, 'Like, she could tell you where her master is hiding so you can kill him. You can do that right?' "IT IS POSSIBLE BUT IT WILL BE HARD," Voth said after a few tense moments, giving me some hope. After another few moments, he continued, "HOWEVER SHE MAY TRY TO KILL YOU REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT HER MASTER CONTROLS HER." Whatever hope I had disappeared at that moment but I still thought that he'd say otherwise. "YOU MAY SAVE HER BUT YOU WILL DISPOSE OF HER IF SHE TRIES TO CAUSE YOU HARM. YOU HAVE TO TAKE HER TO A HOSPITAL SINCE YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF PERFORMING THE HEALING SPELLS I KNOW." That answer was perhaps the best thing I had heard all day. I didn't have any first-aid stuff at my home, and I doubt that the filly is going to be fine with anything but a hospital visit. I gently picked up the filly and placed her on my back. She wrapped her forelegs around my neck almost immediately, letting me start run as fast as I could without dropping her. I had a few minutes at most to get to the hospital. I had to be fast.