The Equus Wars

by Somber Concerto

Chapter 1

Rainbow Dash dragged her hooves down the old dirt path, clouds of dust trailing behind her. Even after all the years, Fluttershy's cottage hadn't changed a bit, and even after all these years, the mere mention of that mare sent a pang of sadness through Dash's heart. Sadness, regret, anger? She wasn't quite sure as she stood before the door, second-guessing her plan.

"C'mon, you can do it Rainbow. Just gotta knock on that door. The door that's right in front of you. Just gotta raise your hoof and knock. She'll open the door, and she'll say 'Oh Rainbow! I missed you so much, where have you been? I haven't seen you since we were still fillies!' And then she'll invite me in for tea." No matter how hard she fought to convince herself, Dash still stood unmoving.

She craned her neck and peeked through the window to get a glimpse of the shy pegasus. She was just as beautiful as she had always been, her long pink mane flowing over her delicate yellow shoulders. Rainbow noticed the streaks of grey through her mane and tail. Whether it was from the stress of the war or simply time, Rainbow Dash couldn't tell.

"Or at least- that's what she would do if I knocked at that door. But I'm not going to knock on that door. Fluttershy deserves to live her days in peace, not haunted by some long-forgotten past." She sighed and turned away, another unsuccessful visit. Her final visit. There, a few feet away, she spotted a small tortoise curled up in the grass.

"Oh hi there tank old buddy! I'm sorry I had to leave you so long ago. Do you even remember me now?" She asked, approaching him. He stood up and looked at Rainbow Dash, a weary old smile of recognition on his face. "Aw of course you remember me, who could forget Rainbow Dash? I am pretty awesome." Rainbow sat down on the ground next to Tank, resting a hoof on his shell.

"Tank, let me tell you a story... I know you always loved it when I read you stories."

"Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was no Equestria. In fact, there was no Equus either. That is until the Goddess designed this world. And along with it, she created the Alicorns. A powerful race to ensure the Goddess's vision is adhered to. There used to be many, but now there are only four.

The Goddess also created the rulers of other lands. Kings and queens ruled over many different races similar to us ponies. Some good, some evil, but none more evil than that of King Sombra, ruler of the Crystal Empire. After taking control of the empire and enslaving his people, he sought to take over all of Equus.

Every enemy defeated gets put in one of his insidious mind-control helmets, only adding to his forces. Even with every land from Equestria to Yakyakistan, it takes everypony doing their part day and night to keep fighting. Oh but Tank, that's far from why I left Cloudsdale so very long ago.

Do you remember my parents, Tank? Windy and Bow, who I didn't know for most of my life, were part of a rebellion group with Bow's brother, Blaze. There were many things I didn't know back then, and part of me wishes I still didn't. They were killed by one of King Sombra's Admirals, Tirek.

Tirek, one of the many villains Sombra let loose from Tarturus and recruited into his army. They pledged eternal loyalty in exchange for a piece of Equus to call their own. Tirek drained Bow and Windy of their magic and severed their heads in what I'm told was a brutal display. They thought they'd crushed the rebellion, but it wasn't until many years later they found Blaze.

Shortly before their death, my parents had been fooled into killing my brother and sisters, in what I considered a selfish and vile act. Or at least, my father was. Bow did the dirty work while my mother watched. And that's how I discovered my special talent. My true special talent.

When I found my sister dead and alone, the cloud floor she lay on stained with her blood, I held her in my hooves. My cutie mark glowed bright, and a rainbow aura seeped from my hooves. She opened her eyes and told me to run. I could only bring her back for a few minutes, but even a unicorn didn't possess that kind of power.

I ran, oh how far I ran. I Iost track of how long I flew. Days, weeks perhaps. That's how I ended up in a dirty little town far from Equestria called Klugetown. It wasn't easy to hide there as a pony with a Rainbow mane, so I covered myself in dirt and grime. I found an old tattered cloak to hide my mane and tail. I doubt even you would have recognized me back then, Tank.

I did my best to never use the powers I had, I didn't even fly to blend in. The best thing I could ask for was nobody knowing I existed at all. And I know, it sounds crazy- me, the Rainbow Dash not wanting to be noticed. I was just so afraid of the creatures I knew were out to get me. If Sombra had so easily killed my parents, he was certainly aware of my existence, and he wouldn't stop hunting me down till I was dead."

"Easily? We put up a damn good fight, Dashie." A voice came from behind Rainbow. She turned around to see the ghostly apparition of her father. It was a sight she'd become quite accustomed to. Tank, on the other hand, quickly retracted into his shell, shaking.

"Dad, you spooked Tank! And you're interrupting my story, why can't you just let me tell it my way?"

"If you insist, kid. Go Dashie, best storyteller there is!" Rainbow gritted her teeth but said nothing.

"Sorry about thatTank, you can come out now buddy. Now, where was I..."