Friendship is gorgeous: Kamen Rider Legend's Advent

by Caine Alstart

The Legend begins.

[Caine's POV]

"That was cool, man I do hope that their gonna make a Decade vs Legends..." I stretch on my bed.

"Decade is technically died but will tokusatsu do the whole "Alternate version of Decade" thing?" I plug my phone to it's charger.

I yawned "Well only time will tell," I pull up my blanket and let sleep take over my body.

I feel the sun light hit my eyelids and proceeded to reluctantly wake up. "I hate weekdays. Why can't it be Saturday today?" I shift around then I noticed something strange.

"Why is my bed hard?" I opened my eyes and looked around.

"Where am I!?" I panicked and quickly prompted myself up only to fall over.

I took a good look at myself and paled. "What happened to my body!?" I inspect myself more.

I now have a thin layer of pearl white colored fur and instead of my hands I have hooves then I saw a tattoo on my flank that looks like a blank golden card with sparkles.

What the Hay happened to me!? Hay?" Took a quick pause.

"Hay...Hay... Hay! What the!?" I breathed in a bit.

"Fiddlesticks! Bungelfuz! Shimmy! Faust! Neanderthal! Muffin cakes!" I'm panting.

"Why can't I say a swear?" Then I heard the sound of bushes rustling.

Out of instincts I did a motion depicting I am pulling something behind me using my left hoove and when my left hoove was in my view I saw the Legend Ride Magnum on my hoove as if it materialised out of thin air.

Then a bunny jumped out the bush holding a carrot. I pulled back the Legend Magnum. "Phew. You gave me a scare their little guy, I almost shot you," I sighed in relief.

"Angel! Angel Bunny! Where are you?!" I heard a rather low toned voice. I pulled back up the Legend Magnum aiming at the voice's direction.

Suddenly a quadrupedal creature with light yellow fur and pink hair walks out the bush. We stared at each other for a few moments. "What the falafel!?" I was taken back making be pull back the Legend Magnum again.

"Eep!" The creature said lowering their body and covered their eyes using their forelimbs. I took a step back but immediately fumbled and just end up sitting.

"I really got to get the hang of this soon," I mentally noted. I focused my eyes back on the creature to see that they are trembling.

"Aw jeez... My outburst scared them. Now I feel bad," I pocketed the Legend Magnum behind me de-materialising it.

"Um...Hey? Are you... okay? Sorry for screaming," I carefully approach the creature. I got to theirbeye level while also being 2 feet away from them.

"I'm really, really sorry for scaring you," They remained quiet.

"My name is Caine. Caine Alstart, Can you tell me you're name?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Fluttershy" They whispered.

"Excuse me?" I got a bit closer.

"Fluttershy" I still can't hear them.

"Can you repeat?" I got even closer.

"Fluttershy" I finally gave up and sighed.

"Never mind. You don't have to tell me. I decided to just practice on walking on all fours. I stood up using all fours.

"Jeez. This feels weird..." I mentally noted then slowly started walking around.

I trip and stumble a bit every now and then. "Okay. I think I'm getting the hang of this?" I said to myself. Then I started quickening my pace.

I kept increasing and increasing. "Okay! I'm really getting the hang of this!" Saw a curve ahead of me.

"Oh Crumpets! How do turn!?" I full force crash into a thorn bush.

"Ack! Itai!" I shift around pulling myself out the bush.

"Kusō, I shouldn't have gotten full of myself" I said rubbing my head.

"Oh my! Are you okay?" I turned around and made eye contact with the yellow creature.

"I'm good just litt-" I winced from the sudden pain on my right fore arm.

"Oh no! You're hurt. Come with me, I have something in my cottage that might help," The creature said.

"Can you tell me your name now?" I lifted up my injured fore arm making sure not to touch the ground.

"My name is Fluttershy. And this is Angel bunny," A rabbit emerged from behind Fluttershy's back legs.

"Well...Nice to meet you Fluttershy and you too Angel," I did offer my hoove to shake but Fluttershy didn't take it.

"Right. Injury... Lead the way Fluttershy," The nodded and I followed closely from behind.

"So... You live out here in the woods?" I want to know more about this place I mentally noted.

"I do. I'm not much of a social pony..." I nodded.

"Not surprised. You were extremely shaken by me and have such a soft tone voice," I quicken my pace a bit making me now walk beside them.

"What are you doing out here Fluttershy?" I asked them.

"Well... it was feeding time for my animals and when I was about to give Angel their food I couldn'tfind him. I was glad that they didn't go deeper into the Everfree Forest" Fluttershy made a look of relief.

"So the place where you found me was like the entrance to this "Everfree Forest"?," I said.

"Oh dear. You don't know about the Everfree Forest?" Fluttershy gave me a worried look.

"Sorry, No. I'm actually not from around here," I said to them.

"Oh. I'm glad what I found you before you entered. The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place," She said having a look of concern.

"I can tell. You look like you've seen a ghost. I guess it must be really dangerous," I said.

"Oh. Were here," I looked infront of me to see a road leading into a cottage that has a bird house with multiple holes and a roof that looks like grass.

"Huh. You're very natural, Fluttershy," I told them while still eyeing their cottage.

"Let's get inside and treat your wounds," I followed them into their house.

"Please sit down and get comfortable at the couch while I get the med kit," Fluttershy leaves the room.

I sat on the couch. "Huh. What a nice and cozy place. Very warm atmosphere," I said to myself looking around the room. The door bursts open making me jump.

"Yo Fluttershy! I'm here to help you finding An-" After meeting Fluttershy I know that this creature is a pony and a pegasus at that.

Suddenly a force tackles me and pins me to the floor. "Alright Buddy, Who are you and where's Fluttershy!?" They tightened their hold on me.

"Rainbow Dash! What are you doing!? Their injured, don't make it worse for them!" Fluttershy walked into the room holding a med kit in their mouth.

"Fluttershy?" Fluttershy dropped the med kit.

Rainbow, you're hurting them!" The now named Rainbow Dash looked down at me.

"Ow. I think you made the wound worse," I said having a bit of a pained tone.

Raindrops Dash quickly got off of me. "Whoops. Sorry dude, I thought you were some creep that broke into my friend's home," They said hitting my fore arm playfully. I winced in pain from the hit.

After a few minutes of scolding from Fluttershy to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy starts addressing my wounds. "So you're new around here? Where did you live?" I shuffled a bit on the couch.

"Well... not from around here that's for sure... where ever here is?" They both looked at me, Fluttershy with concern and Rainbow Dash with confusion.

"You don't know where this place is?" I nodded.

"Well, welcome to Ponyville I guess. Oh, that means Pinkie is gonna throw you a party" I looked at her. Oh I know more about them through Fluttershy's scolding.

"Oh. She is one of our dear friends and she loves to party," Fluttershy had a small smile on their face.

"Yup. She actually manages and plans all the parties in Ponyville," Rainbow sinked more comfortably on the couch.

"Hm... I would like to meet this Pinki-" Suddenly someone or I guess somepony were knocking at Fluttershy's front door.

"I'll go and get it," Fluttershy made their way to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" I took a look at the front door to see a pink pony then we made eye contact. They took a very over dramatic gasp.

"I knew it!" They zip past Fluttershy and grabbed my hoove.

"Heya! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name!? What's your favourite food!?What's your favourite colour!? Favourite cake flavour!? Do you have allergies!?" My head is being pushed into the back cushion of the couch.

"Caine,Chocolate, Cyan, Black Forest, and I am a bit allergic to shell fish," I said.

"You understand all that?!" She look at me surprised.

"I'm a good listener," I shrugged at her. Then Pinkie Pie gasped again.

"I've got to go and get you're welcome party ready! Be sure to bring him into town, Dashy! You too Shy!" She immediately disappeared leaving a pink dust cloud.

"...You're friend is... eccentric..." I said to both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, That's just Pinkie being Pinkie, Oh I should show you around Ponyville while Pinkie is preparing you're party so that you won't get lost," I looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" I asked.

"Take it as an apology for earlier," She shrugged. Rainbow Dash then stood up.

Come, Let's do it now. Hey Fluttershy! I'm taking Caine for a tour around Ponyville," A few moments of silence waiting for a reply from the yellow mare.

"Okay, Rainbow. But make sure not to strain, Caine," She replied.

"Don't worry we'll just be looking around town, See ya at the party! Come on, dude," Rainbow exited the cottage and I followed behind.

"So Rainbow. Can I call you, Dash?" She gave a quick nod.

"So, Dash. What's Ponyville like?" I asked.

"It's a pretty chill place, everypony is nice, this place is peaceful, and I have my awesome friends here," She had a prideful tone on the last part.

"Cool. I respect peo- ponies! That cares for their friends," A sign emerged from the distance.

"Welcome to Ponyville. The sign looks very welcoming," I said.

"I know right, the ponies here made sure that visitors feel comfortable when they come to Ponyville," She said with a prideful tone.

"Come on, The most awesome tour begins!" She got in front of me and quicken her pace, I quickly catched up to her.

"Up first is the Apple's Farm, that's where one of my cool friends live and work, her name is Applejack," I saw a wooden fence and trees in the distance emerge then I saw a big red barn house.

"Hey, Applejack! You here!?" Rainbow pushed open the fence and I followed closely behind not wanting to cause any complications considering this is private property.

"Over here, Dash!" I looked where the voice came from and saw an orange mare with a cowboy hat.

"Yo, Aj, I'm giving this new pony here a tour around Ponyville," She gestured to me.

"Well howdy their Sugercube, Name's Applejack," They pulled out a hoove for me to shake.

I looked at Dash to see her smirking. I took Applejack's hoove "The name is Caine. Caine Alstart, Nice to meet you Apple-," Then before I could finish she shaked my hand, it felt like I'm shaking hands with a gorilla, after a few moments of shaking she let go.

"Wow, Applejack you're strong," I rubbed my shoulder... or where my shoulder joint should be.

"What do you do, Applejack?" I asked the mare.

"I work with lots a things here, But mainly I buck apples, Sugercube," She said... Sugar cube?

"Anyways we're just here to take a look, their's still a few more stops in this tour, Aj, come on Caine" Rainbow Dash grabbed my hooves and drag me.

"Goodbye, Applejack! I hope I can see you sometimes," I wave at Applejack and she waved back. After Rainbow Dash finally let's me go and a few minutes of walking and idle chatting a building comes into view.

We arrived at a the building's door "Sweet, this place is the Carousel Boutique my fashion friend, Rarity lives here," She entered the building, I walked in as well.

"Hey, Rarity! You here!?" Rainbow yelled.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" I heard a voice a rather childlike voice.

"Oh, Sup, Sweetie Belle, Where's Rarity?" I followed where Rainbow Dash was looking to see a small white pony.

"She's upstairs working on some drawing of clothes," The little pony said.

"Can you get her? I want Caine here to meet one of my awesome friends," She gestured to me. I gave the little pony a small wave and a smile.

"Alright, Rainbow," She went upstairs.

I look around the place, their are a bunch of manikins and cloth with different colors and textures around the place. "You're friend is really dedicated to her job," I said to Rainbow.

"Well it is what her cutie mark mean," She said.

"Cutie...Mark?" I asked. Rainbow made a look of surprise and shock.

"Where in Equestria have you been!? Fillies know what a Cutie Mark is!? How do you not know what's a Cutie Mark!?" Her outburst made me back up in surprise.

A few moments of silence pass. "...So... Are you gonna tell me?" I said.

"... It's like you're thing," She looked at me still having a discomfort look.

"Thing? Be more specific," I made a flat look.

"You know?! Thing! The thing you're good at, the thing that basically makes" I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"...You don't even know do you?" I said with a straight face.

"Hey! It's just... I'm not really much of a... nerd, I just know that cutie marks are what you're good at for the rest of you're life, like my cutie mark means I'm fast if not the fastest!" She said with pride in her voice on the last bit.

"...So you let a tattoo on you're butt decide you're role in life," I said blantly.

"What!? Hey! It's not like that!" Rainbow has a noticeable pink tint on her cheeks.

"Relax. I'm just joking. These cutie marks also represent the things you love to do. Just like how you love to be fast, am I right?" I patted her back.

"Rainbow, Sweetie Belle told me you're looking for me?" I looked up the steps of the stairs and at the top stands a white unicorn with a curled up purple mane looking down at us.

"Well... Aren't you gorgeous. No. You are very GORGEOUS!" I shut my muzzle instantly. Rainbow looked at me with a quirked brow. The unicorn giggled at my actions.

"Why thank you, darling" She smiled at me.

"Celestia Darn it. Why did I say that!?" I mentally said I feel my cheeks heat up from the embarrassment.

"Anyways, Rarity meet Caine he's new around here and I'm giving him a tour," Rainbow introduces me.

"Greetings miss Rarity I'm sorry about my sudden outburst but it wasn't a lie, your are really gorgeous," I said giving her a little bow.

It's fine, Darling I do appreciate the compliment," She giggled a bit.

"Let's continue the tour, come on Caine, I'll show you where's the market," She nudged me.

"I'll come with you two, I need to buy some groceries," Rarity levitated a pink sandle bag with a diamond onto her back.

"Sweetie Belle! Watch over the Boutique and be sure to not touch anything in my room, I have a client's suit in their!" She shouted to the upstairs.

"Okay, Rarity! Come back soon!" Then we heard a thump.

"Don't worry! I caught it before it reached the floor! Now Rarity had a nervous look.

"The sooner we get those groceries the sooner you can return," I pat her back.

"Come on, Ponies! Chop, Chop. Their's still more of Ponyville to see," Rainbow pulls on my hooves.

After a few exchanges of words we arrived at the market. As we walk around I saw Applejack managing a stand. "Hey, I'm gonna go and greet Applejack," I pointed at the orange mare.

"You met like a few hours ago," I shrugged.

"Hey, The more time you spend with a per- Pony! The more you get to know them better," I trotted towards Applejack.

"Yo, Applejack, Nice seeing you again so soon," I greeted the country mare.

"Pleasure to see you as well Sugercube," She tilted her hat.

"So you usually sell apples here?" I picked up an apple. "Not just any apples but the best apples in Equestria," She had a tone of pride in her voice.

"Mind if I taste?" I asked.

"Go ahead, Sugercube take it as a little welcome gift for coming to Ponyville," She smiled at me.

I took a bite of the apple "Sugoi! It's so sweet and crisp," I smiled. Suddenly a loud explosion shoke the ground then followed by a scream.

"That sounded like, Rarity!" Applejack grabbed a rope and dashes pass me, I have a bad feeling so I followed Applejack.

"Get away creep!" I heard Rainbow Dash's voice. When we got their me and Applejack froze in shock.

A bipedal armored creature towers over a scared Rarity. What in tarnations is that!?" Applejack had a hint of fear in her voice. Unlike her I know what that thing is. Out of instinct I pulled out the Legend Ride Magnum and fired a bullet at the creature.

The creature stumbled back by the force of the shot. Applejack,Rarity and Rainbow Dash froze and looked at me in surprise. I walked pass them getting close to the creature. "Why is a Kasshine like you here?" I said outloud.

"A horse knows what I am?" The Kasshine looked at me.

"For your information. I'm a pony. Second," I shot at the Kasshine again making them take a step back.

"No one harms anyon- Pony. When I'm here," I said narrowing my eyes at the Kasshine.

The Kasshine stood up and aimed it's spear at me. "You think just because you havr a gun you can hurt me? you can never defeat me!" The Kasshine laughted.

"Bullshank!" Then they paused.

"What the Taurtarus?" Then they went silent again. "Fudge! Cramps! Foozy! Shellfish!" I shot at them again.

"Yeah. I tried that as well buddy," I shrugged.

"Whatever! I'll end you like the insect you are!" They growled.

"I don't think so," I pulled out the Legend Driver from behind my back.

"It worked? It worked! I can't believe it! First the gun now the Driver! Am I gonna be a Kamen Rider as well!? Wait! I have to be in character," The Kasshine and the three mares behind me looked at me confused.

"AHEM! Sorry... Got a little carried away their... Now... Shall we start again?" I put on the Legend Driver on my waist and the belt forms around my waist. I am beyond excited but I have to stay in character.


I pulled out a card behind my back. I smirked and inserted the card into the Driver.

Chemy Ride!

A golden gate appears behind me. I did the exact same pose that Kaguya does before he Henshins.

"Henshin," I pulled on both handles on the sides of the Driver, outwards.


Goldd enveloped my body and gold colored holographic figures with different Kamen Rider emblems appears and combines with me. As the transformation finished a bell rang.

Now I transformed from pony to Kamen Rider Legend but ponyfied.

Everyone and Pony that was present was shocked by what transpired before them. "Y-you bat turd! You're a Kamen Rider!? The Kasshine yelled with hostility.

"Let me introduce myself~ I am the Shining!" I twirled.

"Fabulous!" I did a pose.

"Gorgeous Rider!" I aimed my gun at them.

"Kamen Rider," I spread my forearms apart as if basking in the sunlight.

"LEGEND!" Then holographic golden shards of glass bursts behind me like confetti.

I turned to look at the girl's reactions. Applejack had a puzzled and surprised look, Rainbow Dash has their mouth open from the shock and Rarity had a look of awe and admiration. "I'll give you a gorgeous end!" I fired at the Kasshine again.

The Kasshine side steps and charges at me with their spear. "Die! Rider!" They slashed at me, I limboed to dodge and side step to avoid another attack.

"No, No, That is not how you should fight," I grabbed their spear.

"This is how," I yanked the spear out their hand and kicked their side.

The kick made them stumble back, I followed up with a right jab to the face then a shot from the gun to their chest finally a roundhouse kick to their abdomen. They kneeled and hold their chest from the pain.

"No! Not yet" They got up and rushed at me again. They go for a jab I blocked it, they went for a kick I intercepted with my own. I raised their hand for a punch but I fired a barrage of bullets.

They stumbled back, sparks flying everywhere. "No. I have to-" I put away the Legend Magnum.

"Now, time for you to disperse gorgeously!" I pushed the side handles of the Legend Driver inwards.


I posed with my right back leg out and my left back leg supporting my body and charge the attack. I pulled the the handles outward then jumped high into the air.


I dive kick towards the Kasshine. They use their arms to block. My kick connects with their arms pushing them as they desperately tried handling the impact.

The Kasshine tried and failed, the force of my kick was too great in a matter of moments their arms are forced into their chest. "Graaaa!!! Dang you!" I went through them.

"Kamen Rider!" I hear electricity crackling most likely from the Kasshine.

"Legend!" In a scream of agony I hear an explosion came right as they scream. Holographic shards of golden glass and gems scatter everywhere.

I spread my forelimbs apart as if I'm basking in the sunshine. "Gorgeous!" I put down my forelimbs and pushed on the handles of the driver inwards, I then closed the gate and pulled out the card.

The armour turned translucent before completely disbursing, Now I'm back to my normal pony look. I walked to the girls and shut Rainbow's mouth. "Careful now, You don't want bugs flying into you're mouth," I snickered. I turned to look at the other two and notice that Rarity is still looking at me with admiration.

"Caine, Darling, you look absolutely divine!" I raised an eyebrow then noticed a golden bracelet on my left forearm.

"Do you have a mirror?" I asked Rarity and she materialised one.

For the first time I had a good look at myself. I have a pearl white coat, blond mane that is sleek backed and blue eyes and I'm wearing a light blue prince like attire with a short red cape that has fur on the end, lastly I see that I have earings on my right ear.

"Rarity, You're wrong," I grabbed their left hoove.

"I'm not divine," Rarity looked at me with uncertainty.

"I'M GORGEOUS!" I yelled. Rarity jumped a bit from my voice then Applejack and Rainbow Dash snapped back to reality.

"My goodness! You're right! If divine is not enough then it is gorgeous!" I let go of her hoove.

"Yes, Would you also like to be gorgeous?" I offered a hoove to her.

"Hold it right their fancy pants! What the hay was that?! And why do you look like that?!" My full attention is now on Rainbow.

"First of all that was called fighting, GORGEOUSLY might I add, and secondly I have not even the slightest of ideas on how I have acquired my wears," I inspect myself again.

"Would you stop talking like that! It's gorgeous this, gorgeous that! Don't you get tired!?" She had a bit of irritation in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but for me gorgeousness is life," I pulled out my Legend Magnum.

"Shall we let you have a taste of gorgeousness?" I pulled out a card and insert it into the gun.

Gorgeous up!

"Be enveloped in gorgeousness!" I fired directly at her face.


A golden light envelopes Rainbow Dash as the light fades away Rainbow Dash is now wearing a rainbow dress with a golden leaf crown that the Greek god Hermès wear and her hair is now smooth and silky with a red hair tie near the end of her hair, lastly she has a purple jewellery that resembles to one's of royalty.

"Yes! Truly gorgeous!" I yelled. Rarity had a look of awe and admiration and Applejack had a look of pure shock.

"A...A girly dress!? Why am I wearing something like this!?" She tugged on her dress.

"No, no, Don't just rip it, you might find a use for it in the future," I holster my gun.

"He is right, darling. You can't just destroy something as di- I mean Gorgeous as this!" Rainbow grumbled.

Applejack shoke her head and returned to reality. "Woah, Dash... You look...pfftt," Applejack laughed "Woah, Dashy, I didn't think I'd see the day you'd be wear'n something fancy," She continued laughing.

"Yeah, Yeah, laugh it up," She grumbled.

I pulled out my gun again. "I think you should also experience it," I aimed at Applejack.

Gorgeous up!

"Wait... No! Don't! Wa-"

[5 minutes later]
(Applejack has the same dress as she wore at the gala)

Applejack along with Rainbow Dash, Rarity and I, are heading to Rarity's Boutique after Rarity practically begged me and the other two girls to let her keep the dresses at her home. "Thank you again, Darling, for lettings me keep the dress for them, I'm already having inspiration from the dresses," She had a very cheerful smile.

"Yeah, Anyways, I got all of that out of my system," I unclipped my cape and put it into Rarity's bag.

Dear, What are you doing?" I just smirk.

"Do you really think I'm some, fancy, high-class, gorgeousness obsessed pony?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I knew it! All of that was just an act! Rainbow caught up beside me.

"Yup. Still I'm not lying, you two look beautiful in those dresses," I smiled.

After a few minutes we arrived at Rarity's Boutique. "A shame the tour ended, but the day was eventful," I turn and take my leave.

"Where are you going, darling?" She looked at me.

"I'm gonna go find a place to where I could crash the night," I waved my hoove, my back still facing towards them.

"Why not stay with me, darling?" I turned to face her.

"Could I? I mean, I don't wanna be a bother," I scratched the back of my head.

"Nonsense! Without you defending us, who knows what would have happened to me," She said.

"Well..." I bowed. "I'll be in you're care," She had a smile on her face when I look back up.

Rarity entered her home and me and the other girls followed from behind.

[??? POV]

"What do you mean the Kasshine we sent didn't report?

"Their communication was suddenly ended, sir,"

"Investigate what happened and report back immediately"

"Yes, Sir!"