//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Love Bug in Equestria // Story: Adventures of a Love Bug // by Lugh the Deer //------------------------------// Thorax Pov: "Calm down buddy, It's going to be okay", I said, trying to calm down this changeling that appeared out of nowhere. "How can I calm down?! I turned into a weird bug horse thing! What Am I?!" "You don't know what you are?" I asked, confused why he doesn't know what he is. "No, I don't!" This is concerning, maybe he hit his head or something. "Well, you are a changeling." "A changeling?" After taking a moment to calm down, he turned once again to look at himself in the mirror. Herbie Pov: I wasn't freaking out anymore, but I was still very confused. One moment, I was a 1963 Volkswagen Beetle, the next, I'm some creature called a changeling. I got a good look at myself once Thorax held up that mirror, and I could hardly recognize myself. The changeling that I had turned into was nearly pure white with sliver eyes. I had wings that were blue on the outside and red on the inside and a red and blue semi-transparent tail. All of a sudden, I realized something. "Wait a minute, where's Hera and Horace?" "Hera and Horace? Who are they?" "They both came here with me." "You mean them?" he said, pointing to just behind me, "they were lying next to you when we found you." I looked behind me and there they were, both knocked out and laying on their stomachs. Hera had turned into a bright yellow changeling with dark gray wing covers and bright yellow wings and tail. Horace meanwhile looked much different than either of us. He had fangs and holes in his legs, and as usual was pitch black. I hoped that Hera was okay, but Horace. I was hoping that he would stay out for a while. I then ran over to Hera to see if she was okay. "Hera, Hera are you okay?" I asked. She mumbled for a second, then slowly opened her eyes. "What happened", she asked still trying to focus, "where am I?" "I don't know Hera, we got sucked through some kind of portal, and now we are here." After hearing this, she opened her eyes fully. She got a good look at my new form, and immediately started screaming. "What?! Where am I?! Who are you?! What did you do to Herbie?!" "I am Herbie." "Tell me something only Herbie would know." "That's easy, you helped me win my first NASCAR race by lending me your cylinder head." She gasped before saying, "It really is you." We then hugged each other, released to see that we were safe. However, Hera then broke away from the hug with a worried expression on her face. "Wait, If we are here, does that mean?" "Unfortunately, yes", I replied, gesturing to the figure next to her. Suddenly, Horace shot up with a very angry look on his face. "What is this place? Where am I? What did you do to me?" After I took a moment to calm myself down, I responded. "Don't be mad, but we got sucked through some kind of portal, and we all got turned into changelings." "Angry? Oh, I'm not angry, I'm going to kill you!!" Seeing the rage in his eyes, I decided to do the only decent thing, and run for my life. Thorax Pov: I was so confused, the one they called Horace suddenly got up and began chasing Herbie around shouting death threats, they had no idea what they were when they woke up, ands to top it all off, Horace was an unreformed changeling. I thought the only changeling that hasn't reformed was Chrysalis. Right now there was only one thing I could think of doing, message Twilight. Twilight Pov: "I'm glad you all came", I said, the other five rushing through the castle doors. "What's going on?", asked Fluttershy. "I got a letter from Thorax saying that something strange was going on at the hive." "What's going on darling?", asked Rarity. "Thorax says that there's 3 new changelings that appeared out of nowhere, and one of them is unreformed." They all gasped, then Applejack said, "Well I reckon we better get rid of that nasty critter." "Yeah, let's go kick some changeling butt", yelled Rainbow Dash. "Maybe when we're done, we can throw a party", said Pinkie Pie. "Then It's settled, lets go see Thorax to get the full situation." 3 hours Later Thorax Pov: "Ok, things are really starting to get out of hoof. Horace has been chasing Herbie for 4 hours straight, where is Twilight?" "How should I know?" responded Pharynx, "I just sent the message for you, and so far they haven't responded." "If they don't get here soon, those 2 are going to going to wear a groove into the floor." Just a few minutes later, Twilight and her friends arrive. "We are here Thorax, where are the new arrivals?" asks Twilight. "And where is the evil changeling whose butt we need to kick?" asks Rainbow Dash. "They are right over there" I respond, "Just a little heads up, the black one is not the easiest one to handle." "Please, we've handled evil changelings before, what makes this one so different?" asks Rainbow Dash. "OK, just don't say I didn't warn you." Twilight Pov: I go over to the area he points to, and I see the changelings he is talking about. "COME BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!!!" yells the black one. "NO, GO AWAY!" responds the white one that the black one is chasing. "Ok", I say in response, "Maybe we have our work cut out for us."