//------------------------------// // It's lore no more. // Story: We're all Equestrians now // by Wrinklenator //------------------------------// We’re all Equestrians now Chapter 7: It’s lore no more. “Now come, my acquaintances,” Chaoi-Wa called out with glee, “get them!” Glaciem threw the bag on the ground and started to rip up the herbs. “Hollynight, Capidas!” she cried. “Are they edible?!” I spat out. “Yeah, why?” I started to eat the herbs and they tasted like a rotten apple core that’s been wrapped in moldy hay and dipped in dragon perspiration. “AHAHAHA!” Chaoi-Wa cackled, “I can always get more. You’re just delaying the unenviable, FOOLS! Get the Elements of Harmony from the bags!” The voodoo spirits moved swiftly and dove for the mane six. “Girls, quick!” Twilight frantically cried, but it was too late. The spirits shrank and dove into their bags and exited with eased and went back at Chaoi-Wa’s side. “Good, friends. Now what do with them, the ponies and the Elements. My only order is to keep them alive and the elements intact. Voodoo magic is such an amazing power.” Twilight Sparkle remembered something. “Everypony, grab the torches on the walls,” she commanded, “their weakness is fire; we can use it on the Voodoos!” Spike laughed a bit when Twilight said ‘Voodoos’. All of us grabbed a ruined torch on the wall with our mouths and Spike blew fire on each one. “The flame is from Spike, so it will be harder for it to die out.” “You six,” Chaoi-Wa turned and addressed the six sprits holding each of the Elements of Harmony. “Hide them in the forest and protect them! Remember, your only here on a weak link, ya’ll can’t go too far away from me so just run and keep in the woods if you see them!” Chaoi-Wa ran down the entrance hall into the next room and his three extra minions followed as the other six dispersed. “Oh my! What do we do now?” the yellow pony asked. “Fluttershy. You, Rarity, RD, Pinkie and I are gonna have ta hunt those varmints down! The res’ of ya’ll hunt down Chaoi-Wa and stop him from gettin’ his last ingredients.” Applejack said. We all nodded in confirmation and went our separate ways. Glaciem, Hollynight, Twilight, Spike and I followed Chaoi-Wa. There he was with his servants and all four of them were sketching out another ritual summoning area on the ground. “Chaoi-Wa! Give up now, you’re surrounded.” Glaciem said. The five of us cornered Chaoi-Wa and the Voodoo spirits; torches at the ready. “You know what to do.” Chaoi-Wa ordered one of the spirits and it took off. “He’s off to collect my last ingredient.” He sneered, “Now it’s three against five. You have clearly out matched me.” He paused and put the back of his hand on his forehead while leaning back, “Oh woe was me!” “Let’s just get him, guys!” Spike said. Without a second to react, Chaoi-Wa spun around and pointed his first two fingers and a purple bolt of lightning shot from the tips blasting Spike off his feet and knocking him against the wall. “SPIKE! NO!” Twilight screamed and tears burst from her eyes. “Spikey! No!” Chaoi-Wa mocked and laughed harder than ever. Twilight simmered with more rage than she had ever generated before and blasted a ray from her horn at Chaoi-Wa. The two voodoo spirits swirled together as if in the yin-yang shape in front of their leader and spun around rapidly forming a shield. The white beam Twilight shot bounced off them and flew into Twilight and she ducked down. The beam smashed the pillar behind her. The voodoo spirits went back to their spots at the witch doctor’s sides. “Thanks, fellas.” he said, “Feeling a bit mad I see, was he a… close… friend to you, filly?” “Twilight! He’s just stalling!” Hollynight told her. “Let’s charge, everypony!” The four of us with the torches back in our mouths galloped straight for the two voodoos considering we could take them out easier than Chaoi-Wa. The spirits melted and formed into shadows and then appear behind us as Chaoi-Wa snapped his fingers to evaporate and reappear at the same broken archway door where he entered and ran off. The spirits followed him swiftly after pulling our legs out from under us. “Why is he running away?” Glaciem asked and we got up and shook off the pain of hitting the cold hard stone floor. “I think he doesn’t want to risk it.” Hollynight said, “He’s just avoiding us until his lonely pal can get the herbs he needs to do the summoning spell.” Twilight ran over to Spike who was on the ground. “Spike! Spike! Are you okay?” Twilight said and nudged his body so he was on his back and tilted his head up. Spike just groaned. “Twi-ligh….” He moaned. “I’m here, Spike!” she said and smiled with relief that he was okay. She went to give Spike a hug. “Not now, Twilight,” Spike grunted, “ARG! I think I broke my arm. I’ll just slow you down.” “Twilight, we have to stop Chaoi-Wa before it’s too late! I’m afraid we’ll have to leave him!” I commanded. “I’m sorry, Spike.” She said and all of us took off in the direction Chaoi-Wa went. We found him back in the entry hall casually lying on the bush that had grown on the sphere of the center pillar. “This is quite nice up here, ponies.” He taunted. His assistants laughed a ghostly hallow laugh. Chaoi-Wa looked at his hand, flipping back and forth as if examining his nails. “If you’ll excuse me now, I need one of ya’ll with whom to swap my friends. They’re getting a mighty impatient.” He jumped down and stepped forward, “Any volunteers?” he sneered. All of us got back in our battle positions. Chaoi-Wa swung his arm and shot another purple lightning bolt at Glaciem which she dove out of the way in the nick of time. Each spirit split off to flank us Twilight took care of the one on our left and Hollynight swung at the one on our right. Chaoi-Wa generated another bolt that I dodged and ran up to him head butting his stomach and knocking him into the center pillar. He brought his hand up and grabbed me with a levitation spell. Glaciem flew into him and knocked him down once more. I turned around to see only one voodoo spirit; Hollynight and Twilight were diving at it every which way. The final spirit arrived with the needed herbs. Chaoi-Wa evaporated and reappeared at the entrance to the castle. “Give me those, hold them off, will ya, but leave the green one alive!” he left the place leaving the voodoo ghost to take out Glaciem and me. I threw my torch straight for the beast’s forehead as it charge at me and the torch went through the monster and the dark spirit disintegrated from top to bottom. Hollynight and Twilight dispatched the last ghost and all of us marched outside to find Chaoi-Wa desperately mixing his supplies in small bowl. “We have you now.” Hollynight said. Chaoi-Wa snapped his fingers once more to cause a frenzy of enchanted vines to pop out from the ground around us and started whipping at us. “DON’T SAY THAT LINE; YOU’LL JUST JINX US!” I shouted. The four of us fought back, but with a swift stroke by one vine, Glaciem was smacked in the head and passed out as Chaoi-Wa ran back inside the castle. A vine came down on me and I slid to my right and ripped it in two with my mouth. Twilight and Hollynight blasted the remaining vines. “We got the Elements… AGAIN!” Rainbow Dash cried out as she and the rest of the mane six galloped to us triumphantly. “Quick, put it on.” Rarity said and tossed Twilight her crown. Hollynight and I got Glaciem on our backs. “Capidas, Hollynight, just leave her on the grass, we got to hurry.” Rainbow Dash said. “All right girls, assemble!” Twilight commanded the mane six and they all spread out as their necklaces began to glow. Chaoi-Wa leaped on the grassy top of the center pillar and the markings on the ground began to glow as well and dark shadows started to come out at embed themselves in Chaoi-Wa’s chest. Chaoi-Wa grew in size and the mane six started to lift up in the air. Dark clouds formed rapidly with a growing wind and Chaoi-Wa raised his hands in the air with purple lightning injecting him with large amounts of energy. The energy of the lightning lashed out everywhere as it incased his body and the clouds disperse. Hollynight and I backed up in the corner and watched as a rainbow was released from the mane six and it hurled itself at Chaoi-Wa. However, the witch doctor held out his hand and once the rainbow touched it, its color drained from the end that touched his hand to the casters, and the mane six were knocked down. Hollynight and I stood aghast at what we just saw. The most powerful force known to pony kind had been beaten back by a single man with one spell. “You are such FOOLS! I AM NOW MORE POWERFUL THAN YOUR GREATEST WEAPON!” Chaoi-Wa yelled and cackled cynically. He lifted up Twilight and placed her in a small circle inside the larger circle. He snapped his fingers and old rusty chains appeared and shackled her down. “Prepare to enter the shadow world, filly, and my friends are gonna be mighty fine replacing your spot HERE IN EQUESTRIA!” Chaoi-Wa blew the powder on Twilight and stretched his hands in the air and a storm cloud formed above. Winds started gusting again and loose debris in the area was being flung around at top speed. Green beams shot from his open hands and connected with the clouds causing water mixed with electricity to slide down into him. The speed of the winds quickened and Chaoi-Wa started to grow in size, surging with energy. My shock turned to anger and I ran at top speed, my adrenaline pumping harder than ever and I leapt up in the air. I leapt higher and faster than ever before and I slammed into Chaoi-Wa, but was knocked back by a lash of lightning as soon as I touched him. I fell back and felt like my body was on fire and then it rapidly cooled. “CAPIDAS!” Hollynight screamed. Chaoi-Wa laughed and zapped Twilight with lightning and Twilight evaporated into the shadow world and a massive funnel of voodoo spirits started spewing out of her spot. The mane six were dumbstruck. Their friend had just been sent into the shadow world and then the whole place started to shake. “We got to get out of here, everypony!” I shouted and all of us ran out of the castle, “we got to find somewhere safe to go!” Hollynight and I picked up Glaciem. “Where should we go?” Rainbow Dash asked loudly over the sound of the tremor. “What about Spike?” Hollynight stopped on a dime. “I’ll get him!” I yelled. “We should make our way ta Zecora’s, she could give us some advice on what ta do!” Applejack hollered. “Let’s go everypony! I can leave some confetti along the way so Capidas can find his way after rescuing Spikey!” Pinkie Pie cried out. Hollynight and what is now the mane five ran over the bridge and I ran back into the entry hall; the ground was still quaking. “Oh, Capidas… or at least as you’re now called… don’t you ever learn.” Chaoi-Wa was hovering in the air with a white hot purple glow around him and sent another bolt of electricity at me. I just kept galloping to the next room as zap after zap missed me and… “DO A BARREL ROLL!” I shouted triumphantly and saw Spike on the ground. “I gotcha, Spike.” I said and bit him on one of his spikes on his head and hurled him on my back. “Grab on, buddy!” “Urgh. Hurts… so… argh.” He grabbed my mane with his only good arm and jabbed his heels into my sides to steady himself. I ran back and the last of the spirits filled the sky and they flew out across Equestria. “It’s so easy when you’re evil.” Chaoi-Wa said and turned to me. “Oh kid, I got to say I owe a lot to you.” He sent one more bolt at me and I held up my hoofs to stop it. I was shocked that the bolt actually reflected off my hoofs when an odd yellow glowing shield like wisp formed from my hoofs then disappeared. It reflected straight to Chaoi-Wa and hit him square in his gut. I just ran as fast as I could to find the trail of confetti to meet back with the gang. What was that? How did I do that? Why is the Elements of Harmony’s power shattered under him and my unknown ability work? I made my way in the forest and saw that same cream colored pony. She was crouched down and looking around nervously. “Hello, there. What was your name again?” I asked. “EEK!” she squeaked and flew inside an old log. She poked her little head out just enough to see who it was. “Oh, it’s you.” She sighed with relief, but still refused to leave her hiding spot. “I’m Capidas, who were you again?” I jumped over a log and I approached her. “Oh, uh, I’m… Flu-” she started to mumble and she hid her head behind her mane. “Okay then, Miss Fluh.” I looked back at Spike who was passed out, probably due to exhaustion. “Do you know where we’re supposed to meet with the others?” “Oh yes, they wanted me to be brave and wait for you.” She pushed her hair out of her way with her head and stood up a bit proudly. “Great, just show me the way…… Fluttershy right?” Fluttershy nodded and we made our way through the forest. “I can’t believe Twilight just disappeared like that.” Fluttershy whispered and then looked down. “I know,” I assured her, “that’s just scary.” “So, you’re the human one, right?” “Yeah, I was sent here by the guy we just fought. He transformed me and himself into a pony and teleported us both here.” I let out a sigh, “He used me to get here; he had no real interest in helping me.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” She assured me, “Don’t feel too bad about. We need everypony we can to beat this mean… uh… meany. How was that? Did I sound tough?” she looked at me with her dark green eyes and a little smile and nudged me with her head. “I guess.” I wasn’t in the mood for any petty judgment or guessing games. Spike made a moan and with that Fluttershy perked up and lifted herself in the air for a brief few seconds. “There!” she pointed and I looked and saw an old odd looking hut. “That’s Zecora’s place, Capidas. Let’s hurry before somepony gets us.” She zoomed to the hut and slammed the door behind her before I could even register a pathway to walk over the tangled mess of forest that seems to be more of a jungle. I peeked inside and saw a Zebra, Hollynight, Glaciem and the mane five. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. “Capidas, we’re so glad you made it.” Glaciem said with a sigh of relief. I put Spike down on a bed and Rarity and Fluttershy started to operate on his broken arm. “I can’t believe it,” I said, “Twilight’s gone.” I sat down and buried my hooves in my face. “Fear not my dear,” Zecora told me, “for the doom of Chaoi-Wa is near.” The Zebra went over to her cauldron and dumped some weird plants into it. “You have acquired a new skill to help you bend Chaoi-Wa’s spells to your will. Take this to the Canterlot Castle where Chaoi-Wa will be. Celestia will be sacrificed there you see.” All of us leaned in and listened intently. “The shadow lord seeks to enter our world; Celestia’s power is needed for him to pass through the portal. Go now all of you; Twilight will fight her way out soon. When she breaks out of the shadow place, she’ll need some helping hooves. Make haste. ” We nodded our heads in agreement. Spike jumped off his bed. “Come on everypony, we got a friend to save and Equestria to defend!” Sorry It took so long. School Werk haz been tough. they tell us we gotz tah youse correck gramer