Friendship is gorgeous: Kamen Rider Legend's Advent

by Caine Alstart

A haunting party of a new pony.

[Caine's POV]

Two weeks has passed and I'm currently helping Applejack with her farm chores. I shot a cow with my Legend Magnum."What in tarnations are you doing!?" Applejack lasso my waist and reeled me towards her.

"Relax! They we're getting grumpy so I put them to sleep! Look!" I pulled out the card in the Legend Magnum.


"Oh. But that doesn't mean ya ain't tell'n me first before doi'n it," I scratched the back of my head.

"Gomen, Heh. Anyways aren't you expecting an inspector coming for the Summer Sun Celebration?" Just as I said that we hear somepony calling us.

"Hello? Anypony here?" Me and Applejack exit the barn. Outside we saw a purple unicorn with two different shades of purple highlighted streaks in her hair.

"Howdy there, Sugercube. What brings you here at Sweet Apple Acres?" Applejack tipped her hat.

"Well, I'm here to foresee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration," I noticed their is someone riding her.

"Who is that young fellow on you? If you don't mind answering madam," I said in a respectful tone.

"Oh. This is my little brother, Spike, he's a baby dragon" She smiled.

"Oh, I didn't know ponies and dragons can procreate," I said.

"W-wait! It's not like that!" She had a tint of red on her cheeks.

"Now, Now, Stop teas'n em, Sugercube, and since you're here miss inspector-" The purple mare hold up her hoove, stopping Applejack's sentence.

"My name is Twilight Sparkles, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner," She bowed.

"Ain't noth'n to it, Sugercube, now come, I'll show you the food for the Celebration," Applejack pulled out a metalic stick the size of a chopsticks.

She then ringed the instrument called a triangle. "Soups on!" The sound of hooves clopping started to rang and it got louder and louder.

Then on the horizon. Country ponies rushed towards our direction. In a few moments we are now with the Apple family at a big table filled with apple themed food.

"Here at the Apple farm we produce the finest of apples and made them into the food we're serv'n for the Summer Sun Celebration" Applejack grabbed few of the apple themed foods.

"We got Apple Fritters, Apple tarts, Apple pie,Candied Apple and more!" She said while handing the perspective desserts separately at Twilight. I just chuckled.

"Heya their partner!" I turned to look to my side to see a tan yellow colt with a slightly different hued tan yellow mane.

"Greetings, To what do I owe the pleasure of which of one's concern to beckon me of aid?" They looked at me confused.

"What in the hay are ya gibber'n now, partner?" They had a confused look.

"Pardon, What I ment to say is, What do you need?" I said in calmer tone.

"Oh! Well the Name's Braeburn and I've got a question for you partner," Braeburn said as I reached for an apple tart.

"Do you like ma cousin Aj?" I stopped myself from taking a bite of the apple tart.

I feel the eyes on me. "What in tarnations are you talk'n about Brea!?" I heard Applejack said from behind me.

"Hm... Yes. I do like her," I said as I take a bite of the apple tart.

"She's hardworking, reliable, honest, tough, and her heart is truly gorgeous, this apple tart taste good," I continued eating.

I noticed that their is no more noise. I looked around to see the Apples looking at me. "What? Do I have anything on my face?" I looked at Applejack to see a noticeable red hue on her cheeks.

"Oh. What I ment was, Yes, I like Applejack she's a good friend," I said to which they react differently.

"Oh my, I thought I'd be having great grandfoals sooner," I can hear the disappointment in Granny Smith's voice.

"Granny!" I can practically feel Applejack's embarrassment.

"But why did you call my cousin all those things if ya don't love her?" Breaburn said.

"You don't exactly need to love somepony to like them, also..." I finished the apple tart and stood up. I grabbed Twilight's hoove and dragged her away.

"Don't eat too much madam Twilight. It will bite you back on the flank, also I know where the other ponies that is preparing for the Celebration," She pulled back her hoove.

"Please refrain from touching me," She said and started trotting ahead me.

"Sorry, Dude, don't take it the wrong way, it's just that this is the first time in a long while since she's interacted with other ponies," Spike said beside me.

"Oh? When was the last time?" I asked.

"I guess, ever since she's become Princess Celestia's student. So... 12 years?" I had a genuine look of surprise.

"Really? How old is she?" I asked.

"Twilight is actually 18," Now I was really taken back.

"What?! What type of teaching does Princess Celestia do!?" I said.

"Heh, No, Twilight is just a big book nerd and since she has access to the royal library," Now that makes more sense but still.

"12 years... Doesn't she get lonely?" I asked Spike.

"Not when I'm around, besides she still have Princess Celestia and our brother Shining Armor," He said.

"As long as she has somepony it's fine, no pony should ever be alone, or else they would feel the most horrible thing," Spike climbed on my back.

"Isolation," I said.

"Hey! Aren't you supposed to lead me?" I looked forward to see Twilight being at least 10 feet away from me and Spike. I started trotting to her.

"I get her social interaction skills are almost to none but why is she so... tense?" I asked Spike.

"Oh, she was reading some story about the mare in the moon and saying that they will return and told Celestia, but Celestia ordered her to overlook the preparations for Sunset Celebration since and I quote "Twilight should not believe in foal tales and grow up",so yeah now we're here," Spike said.

"Oh, I see," We both caught up with Twilight and we trotted towards inner Ponyville. Me and Spike talked to one another about gems.

"Rubies do have such a nice flare but a diamond's shine is more preferable for my taste," Spike nodded.

"Ugh. Would you two just stop talking about gems and-" Before she could finish a familiar rainbow streak crashed into her.

"Twilight!" Spike got off me and went to Twilight. I calmly trotted behind Spike.

"Oops, sorry, Let me help you real quick," Rainbow Dash was about to take off but I stomped on her tail preventing her.

"Dash, That isn't necessary," I pulled out my Legend Magnum.

I inserted a card into the Magnum then revved the crank on the side of the gun once.


I aimed the gun at Twilight. "Don't worry, this will be quick," I fired.

Chemy Rise!

A crystallised araser shot out the barrel of my gun and quickly rubs itself all over Twilight, erasing the dirt in the process. "There we go, now you look as gorgeous as you should be," I hid the gun after I pulled out the card in it.

They both had a look of shock on their face. I hear Rainbow's snickers behind me. "And what did I say about being careful?" I said to Rainbow, I smiled with a ominous aura.

"Do you want me to use, TimeLord again?" I said, She shuddered by the mentioning of the artifact chemy's name.

"Sorry for crashing into you and stuff," Rainbow said to Twilight.

Twilight immediately inspected my body. "Where is it!?" Now she is going around me.

"What was that!?" She grabbed my face making me look at her.

"How did you do that!?" I took her hooves away from my face.

"Didn't you're parents ever taught you about personal space?" I said. She immediately back away, flustered might I add.

"Anyways, Dash, this is Twilight, she's in charge of overlooking the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration," I said.

"Sup, Twilight, the name's Rainbow Dash the fastest pony in Equestria," She puffed out her chest with pride.

"Rainbow, the clouds aren't cleared yet," I said to her pointing up to the sky.

"She's in charge of the weather for the Sunset Celebration?" Twilight looks up at the sky.

"She's not doimg a very good job at it," Twilight looked at Rainbow with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Ha! I can clear the sky in ten seconds flat," She said with pride.

"That isn't possible, it takes a whole team of pegasi to clear the whole sky like this in the time frame that you suggested," Twilight said.

"Oh? But a Gorgeous pegasus like Rainbow Dash can do it, am I right,Rainbow?" Rainbow looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah! Watch and be amazed," Rainbow took off to the skies and started clearing, cloud after cloud.

She landed infront of us after a few moments. "Quick as always Dash," I said elbowing her.

"That was awesome!" Spike said.

"Told ya," She said with pride.

"Don't you think it's time for you to file in a report?" I said.

"Ugh... Darn. I wanted to lay on a cloud for a while, can I not do it now?" I pet her back.

"Dash, You know the rules and so do I," She sighed from my statement. After a few mumbling from her she took off.

"Come now, Madam Twilight, the next pony is Rarity, by the way I think their is a patch of dirt on Spike when Rainbow crashed," I pointed at Spike's belly.

They both looked at where I pointed. "Their isn't- Huh?! Where did those clothes come from?!" Spike pointed at me.

I am wearing the same clothes from after I defeated the Kasshine but the only difference is the pin of my short cape is a diamond. "I always have to be gorgeous for Rarity. She makes clothes and she finds it rather comforting whenever I visit in a gorgeous demeanor," I said putting a hoove on my chest.

"Come now, Let us proceed," I trotted towards Rarity's destination both Spike and Twilight followed suit after what I assume their confusion.

After a few minutes of walking we reached our destination. "She's just through here," I opened the big double doors and saw a familiar purple maned unicorn. "A gorgeous day isn't it, Rarity?" Rarity jumped from my sudden arrival.

"Oh! Caine,What brings you here, darling?" I pointed to Twilight and Spike behind me.

"I'm just guiding the one in charge of overseeing the Summer Sun Celebration, Meet Madam Twilight Sparkles and Spike," Twilight trotted beside me with Spike on her back.

"Nice to meet you, Darlings, and you're just in time, Caine, can you help me put up these ribbons?," Rarity handed me a blue ribbon.

"Very well," I pulled out my Legend Magnum again and inserted three cards into it.

"Carery! Happyclover! Saboneedle!"

I revved the handle on the side of the Legend Ride Magnum once, I aimed upwards and pulled the trigger.

"Chemy Rise!"

A crystallised holographic figure of the three perspective chemies shot out the gun and becomes tangible.

"Go ahead and give them instructions Rarity," I said as I holster my gun again.

"You did it again!" Twilight once again inspected my body still finding nothing.

"Thank you, Darling, Would you two please hang it over their," Rarity instructed Carery and Happyclover. When the desired location was met Saboneedle pinned the ribbon to the spot.

"That looks so cool!" I heard Spike said then I see him approaching Carery.

"Uh. Spike buddy I wouldn't do that if I were-" Before I could finish he spooked Carery causing them to send the ribbon to Spike, tying him up.

"Oh dear! Are you okay, darling?" Rarity used her magic to untangle Spike.

"T-thank you, Miss Rarity," I noticed a tint of red on Spike's cheeks.

"You can just call me, Rarity darling," Spike stood up and still had that red tint in his cheeks.

I suddenly hear a scream behind me. I turned around to see Twilight with a messy mane. "Madam Twilight!?" I trotted closer to her. "What happened?!," Then I see Happyclover hiding behind a pillar.

"You just scared Happyclover, didn't you?" I said with my eyebrow raised.

"I was interested! I've never seen such a creature! Especially since I don't recognise them from any books I've red from the conterlot royal library," I then heard another scream.

I turned around to see Rarity with a horrified expression on her face. "Darling! What happened to you!?" Rarity rushed in front of Twilight.

"We must tend to this urgently!" Rarity grabbed Twilight's hoove.

"There's no need I can just use my magic and-" Rarity shushed her.

"Nonsense! One should always care for their mane! Come now," She dragged Twilight out of the shope.

"Spike! Help me!" I looked at Spike to see a love struck look on his face.

"I'll follow you wherever you want Rarity," He then followed behind the two mares.

"Jeez. Reminds me of that one episode in which Eiji was love struck by that one yummy," I said to myself. I instructed the Chemies on what to do then quickly went to catch up with the three.

[20 minutes later]

I am sitting comfortably on the couch with a love struck Spike beside me, drinking some tea as Twilight is getting her mane fixed by Rarity.

"Now, isn't that better?" Rarity presented Twilight to me and Spike.

"Amazing work, Rarity!" Spike said still with a love struck look.

"Gorgeous, as expected with the same pony similarly as gorgeous as me," I said with a prideful tone with a hoove on my chest.

"Why, thank you, Darlings," Rarity smiled.

"Are we done now? Can I go? I finished inspecting you're part of the Celebration, I still need to go and find the other ponies," Twilight said with a slight bit of irritation in her voice.

"She has a point, Rarity, We have to go now," After exchanging our goodbyes we began trotting to the last pony for the preparations of the Celebration, excluding Pinkie Pie that is.

As we we're trotting Twilight is in a rather sour mood. "Can't this thing just be over already?" She said with irritation in her voice.

As we got close to Fluttershy's cottage we heard music coming from the forest near her home. Twilight immediately investigated and I calmly followed from behind.

After going through a few shrubs and bushes we found the source. It was Fluttershy instructing a choir of birds. Suddenly a twig snapped causing the birds to fly away.

Twilight got out of the bush. I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to scare away you're birds but that song was quite beautiful, can you tell me you're name?" Twilight said in a kind tone.

"Fluttershy" She said in a hushed tone.

"I'm Sorry, but can you repeat that? Twilight listened closely.

"Fluttershy" She shrunk and her voice got even more hushed.

"Can you please speak louder?" Twilight got even more close and her voice had a hint of annoyance.

I stepped out the bush the moment I felt the annoyance in her voice. "Alright, I had my fill of that, Greetings, Fluttershy," I waved at the yellow mare.

"Oh! Hello, Caine," Her voice is back to normal and she smiled. I walked up to her.

"This is Twilight, She's in charge of overseeing the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration," I introduced Twilight. "And that is Spike," I pointed to Spike as he got out of the bush.

"He is a baby-" Before I could finish Fluttershy rushed towards Spike with a squeal and hugged him tight.

"They're adorable! Oh, who are you little guy?" Fluttershy looked face to face with Spike.

"My name is Spike. And I'm a baby dragon," Spike said with pride in his tone. Fluttershy continues to snuggle him.

"Aw. You're so adorable, I wouldn't even guess that you're a dragon," She said still in bliss from Spike's adorable charms.

"Just you wait! I'll become big and strong," Spike said puffing up his chest but Fluttershy looked like she didn't even listen. I separated the both of them from eachother.

"Shy, We're just here to check up on the choir for the Summer Sun Celebration," I said as I put Spike beside Twilight.

"Oh, I see," Fluttershy had a sad look on her face.

"But it's not like Twilight and Spike are gonna leave immediately, The Celebration is tomorrow," I said while patting her back.

She brightened up from what I said. "Now, about that choir," I pulled out my Legend Magnum and inserted a card.


I aimed the gun upwards then revved the crank once and pulled the trigger.

Chemy Rise!

The plant Chemy manifested along with their now crystallised form.

"A... Pitcher plant?" Fluttershy said in a confused tone. I looked at Twilight to see that even after I already did it twice, she's still flabbergasted by the Chemies.

"What could this guy do?" Spike asked me. I looked at the baby dragon this time being more careful with a Chemy.

"Pitcher plants secrete a special sticky liquid that emits a scent to lure their preys," I pointed to the trees, instructing the Chemy.

"With that fact, We can attract the birds that flew away, back" I said.

"But... What if the little birdies get hurt?" Fluttershy had a concerned tone.

"Don't worry, Shy, I instructed Utsubocchama to reduce the adhesive properties of their secreted liquid and boost the scent that it emits," I reassured her.

Just as I finished speaking I hear the birds coming back. "Look, I told you," I pointed to the trees and on the branches were the once scared birds came back.

"Carery! Saboneedle! Happyclover!" I turned around and caught the three incoming cards.

"You all finished helping, Rarity?" I asked them. They all responded cheerfully, I nodded and pocketed them.

"Fluttershy, Is everything good?" I asked the yellow mare.

"Yes, Even though their little feet are covered in slime, their okay," She said while cleaning one of the bird's foot.

"Do you have a place to stay here in Ponyville,Twilight?" I asked Twilight.

"Is that all? Finally! And yes I do have a place to stay, do you know where the library is?" Twilight having a tone of excitement eagerly asked me.

"Yes, The library is this way," After saying our goodbyes to Fluttershy, we made our way towards the library.

"I noticed that you were very... impatient throught the whole afternoon," I said to Twilight in a calm tone.

"Because I'd rather read books than interact with other ponies, I don't get why it's important to interact with other ponies," She said with a sigh.

"I see... She's one of those intellectual types that thinks nothing but gaining knowledge rather than making connections," I mentally sighed.

After a few minutes of walking and telling them the places we past by as we make our way to the library, we arrived.

"By the way, heads up," I said as I step aside from the door letting Twilight be the one to open it.

Twilight had a confused look. What do you mean by heads-" She opened the door to see the inside is pitch black.

"Huh? Why is it so-" She was cut off.


The light flicked open and inside the library was a full on party with a banner saying "Welcome". The library was filled with different ponies from Ponyville.

I entered the library. "This is what I ment by heads up," I patted Twilight's back and went towards Pinkie Pie.

"Yo, Pinks, Nice party," I said to which she smiled wide.

"I'm sooooo happy you like it! Everypony! Let's party!" Everypony cheered and was about to start partying until the table suddenly flipped.

Everypony was surprised then suddenly, Bonbon started levitating "What's happening!?" The poor confused mare shouted.

Applejack quickly used her lasso to pull her down but it was caught in the air. "What is tarna-" She couldn't even finish since instead of her pulling she's being pulled.

I pulled out my Legend Magnum and inserted a card.


I pulled the trigger.

Chemy Rise!

A bright flash of blue light shot out the gun and Ninetail materialised. They then immediately used their Kitsune fire to shot at the air.

The fireballs hit something causing Applejack and Bonbon to be dropped. I quickly caught Applejack and Ninetail caught Bonbon.

The flames died out and the one that was hit was now visible. It was a very familiar type of monster. Specially it's a monster from the Kamen Rider Ghost series, A Gamma, a knife Gamma to be precise.

Everypony screamed in terror and was about to leave but the door shut itself and another Gamma materialised. This Gamma was the machine gun Gamma.

I quickly put on the Legend Driver. "You Gammas made a grave mistake doing that," I pulled out my Legend card and inserted it into the Driver.

Chemy Ride!

I stood up and kissed the back of my right hoove forelimb. "Henshin" I pulled on the lever on the Driver outwards.


Golden holographic figures with different Kamen Rider emblems appears and fused into me, forming my armour.

[Narrator's POV]

As Caine's transformation was finish by the sound of a bell ringing everypony in the room was either shock or in awe.

"Oh, yeah! Kick their flanks Caine!" Rainbow Dash, the one who broke the silence, cheered on Caine.

"I'll give you two, A GORGEOUS end," Caine said aiming his gun to the two Gamma. Then fired a shot.

The shot goes through both the Gamma. Then silence filled the room. Caine face palmed or I guess you can say fave hooved. "Oh right, You're both ghosts," After Caine's statement the ponies in the room got even more scared.

"W-wait, B-by g-g-ghost you mean..." Fluttershy hold her breath.

"The invisible,levitating, intangible,posesing, dead ponies souls ghost... then yes, they are that," After Caine said that Fluttershy fainted.

And everypony was now extremely scared. "But don't worry, the gorgeous me will eliminate all those who appose the gorgeous thing called life," Caine said in confidence.

"You can't even touch them!" Twilight said in a panicked tone.

"Don't ever doubt me," Caine said as he inserted three Chemy cards into the Legend Ride Magnum.

Ninetail! Angelead! Raidenji!

Music starts playing from the Legend Magnum. Caine cranks the handle on the side of the gun three times each crank sounding like a motorcycle reving up.

Legend Attack Ride!

The music changed now having a motorcycle reving up in the music. Then Caine pulled the trigger.



Outside the library on the other side of the door a butterfly lands on a daisy...

The butterfly flies away...

The library door was sent flying along with the two Gammas.

Caine steps outside the library. "You know, I do have non-physical attacks that effect intangible entities, Oh wait. You don't," Caine said in a smug tone.

"Good hit, but that'sthe only hit you'll get!" The knife Gamma said then rushed towards Caine.

Caine was about to insert another card but was interrupted by a rain of bullets coming his way. Caine was about to move but he quickly realised that the bullets will get into the library and hurt somepony.

Caine grits his teeth and spread his forearms taking all the bullet that's raining towards him. Sparks fly off from every bullet that made contact on Caine's body.

The knife Gamma took advantage of this and delivers a horizontal slash to Caine's abdomen. "Hahaha! You can't do anything! If you move my partner's bullets will hit those horses behind you and if you can't move I'll attack!" The knife Gamma said cruelty in his voice.

"Everypony! Move it! We're bein a burden to Caine!" Applejack was about to step outside but the machine gun Gamma shot the dirt infront of her.

"It's useless!" The machine gun Gamma laughed cruelly, they fired another rain of bullets.

Caine grits his teeth once more taking all of the bullets. "Take this with you're bullets!" The knife Gamma said as he delivers a volley of slashes to Caine, not giving him a chance.

With an empowered slash to the right shoulder to his left abdomen, Caine kneels from the pain. "Hahaha! Looks like you're life is burning out! The knife Gamma laughed.

The ponies behind Caine was losing hope. Rainbow Dash was being held back by Applejack, Pinkie pie was holding onto an unconscious Fluttershy her mane is less fluffy.

With both of the knife Gamma's blades he empowered the both of them and slashed down onto Caine's shoulders., Caine kneels from the damage he has taken.

With Caine's right forelimb he gripped onto the arms of the Gamma. "Who said it's burning out?" Caine pushes the lever on his driver inwards using his free forelimb.


The knife Gamma struggles, trying to get away but Caine's grip is to strong. "Shoot him!" The knife Gamma said to his partner.

"I can't! You're you're squirming isn't letting me get a clear shot!" The machine gun Gamma tried aiming but can't find a blind spot.

"A life as gorgeous as mine..." Caine pulls the lever of his driver outward. "Will burn bright like the gorgeous stars!" Power flows into Caine's left back hoove.

Caine pulls the knife Gamma down and then drop kicks their abdomen, the force sends the Gamma flying and crashing into a wall, electricity crackling throught the Gamma's body then they exploded into golden shards and gems.

A piece of the knife Gamma flies through the air and lands at Caine's feet. A blank Chemy card gets out of Caine's belt card holder and levitates over the knife Gamma's piece.

The card obsorbs the piece then floats infront of Caine, Caine, holds the card in his left forearm's hoove, Caine, smirks underneath his helmet.

"Shall we give this a spin?" Caine pushes the levers on his driver inwards then takes out his Legend card from the driver and inserts a new card.

Chemy Ride!

Caine pulls the levers outward "Henshin," Caine said.

G-G-G-Gorgeous! Ghost!

Let's go! Kakugo! Go Go Go! Ghost! Go! Go! Go! Go!

The ghost Ore parka circles around Caine then at the end of the announcement the parka puts itself onto Caine, then Caine pulls down the hood.

Now, Caine, dons the Kamen Rider Ghost armour. Everyone present was surprised. "Phew, Now this..." Caine clenched his hooves.

"Is really gorgeous," Caine smirks under his helmet.

Caine summons the Gan Gun Saber. "Round 2!" Caine, with adrenaline pumping though his vains rushes towards the machine gun Gamma.

"No! This isn't possible! You were on the verge of death! The Gamma fires a volley of bullets towards, Caine.

Caine uses the Gan Gun Saber to defend and deflect the bullets. When he got close he delivers an upward diagonal slash to the Gamma, sparks fly off the Gamma's chest and they we're stunned.

Caine followed up with a volley of slashes while they were stunned. The Gamma in a desperate attempt swipes at Caine, Caine uses Kamen Rider Ghost's ability and floated back a bit.

The Gamma aimed at the ponies in the library but Caine immediately pushed down the barrel of the Gamma's gun making it aim at the ground.

"No," That one word sent shivers down the Gamma's spine, Caine delivers a ghost empowered punch sending the Gamma flying and rolling on the ground. Caine pushes the lever of his driver inward.


"Now..." Caine pulls the lever on his driver outward.


Caine jumped high then a giant ghostly eye appeared behind him.

Omega Drive!

"Disperse Gorgeously!" Caine dive kicks towards the Gamma. The kick connects to the Gamma's chest then Caine goes through the Gamma.

Caine stood up straight. Electricity crackles around the Gamma's body. Caine spreads his forearms outward. "Gorgeous," Caine said as the Gamma's body falls over and explodes.

Caine, de-henshined and took a deep breath then sighed. "Caine? Are you okay?" Pinkie pie with a worried tone got near to Caine.

"...Sorry, But... I'm gonna have to go unconscious now," Caine falls over.

"CAINE!!!" Everypony immediately goes to aid Caine, except for Twilight.

All this time, Twilight has been processing the whole day, She met a strange pony with a strange magic device, that same pony turned into an armored warrior, and said warrior risked their life to protect her and the other ponies.

Rarity screamed and the noises of concern started to reduce as they saw Caine when they turned him over. He had a bruised right eye, cuts on his shoulders, cuts and scratches around his chest and abdomen area then finally multiple burn marks indicating the parts where the bullets hit him.

Now everypony had a look of fear. Applejack was the first to respond and quickly but gently put Caine on her back.

Rarity went beside Caine and used her magic to steady Caine, but her magic isn't working or at least it can't.

Rarity's magic enveloped Caine but Rarity's telekinesis isn't even making Caine budge, Applejack and the other ponies decided to just be careful, since magic isn't working on Caine.

After a few minutes, Caine arrives at the hospital and got treatment right away by Nurse Redheart, who was one of the ponies in the library.

[2 hours later]

Caine is now on a hospital bed with bandages around his body. "He will be fine, The wounds surprisingly aren't as serious and he's just fatigue," Nurse Redheart stated, which earned some sighs if relief.


Everypony turned their heads towards Caine's room due to the noise coming from it.

"Chemy Rise!

The mane 6 and Nurse Redheart bursts into Caine's room. What they saw was Caine, the bandages are gone and all the injuries also disappeared.

Caine is leaning on the bed with a rose on his left front hoove and their clothes are still the same but the only difference is the light blue price suit turned red and the short cape is white, he also had a cross earring on his right ear.

"Oh? Why is their such a concerned look on such gorgeous mares faces?," Caine said in a tone that made it seem he's flirting.

"Excuse me, mister but you're not-" Before Redheart could finish, Caine gave the rose he had to Redheart.

"Thank you, for tending to me Ms.Heart," Caine said with a bow. "I hope I didn't make you worried much girls," Caine said to the mane six.

"Where in Celestia did you're injuries go?!" Twilight said what everypony was thinking. In response Caine pulled out a card.

"Thanks to Doctorkozo, They gave me amazing treatment, but the pain still lingers," Caine said. In a calm tone, but their was visible worry on their faces.

I sighed "It might be better if you all don't remember this," I said as I inserted a card into the Legend Ride Magnum.


I revved the handle on the side of the Gun once then pulled the trigger.

Chemy Rise!

A crystallised mechanical unicorn appeared beside me. "Make them forget," I said, Unicon nodded and their horn glows bright.

[Time Skip]
[30 minutes later]

"This taste just fine," Pinkie said as she tasted the spicy punch. Twilight grumbles and trotted away.

"Pinkie... No one has the same taste as you," I said as I face hooved. I trotted away from Pinkie and looked for Twilight.

"Thank goodness I had the Chemies help in transporting them and convincing them that one of the Chemies accidentally made them all blackout," I said to myself as I reached the bedroom door of the library.

I knocked on the door. "Hello? I'm coming in Madam Twilight," I turned the doorknob and entered her room.

I see her on her bed, head buried into the pillow. "The party is about you, you know? The gorgeous mare of the party shouldn't be here," I was beside her bed.

Their was muffled grumbling in the pillow. She raised her head up from the pillow. "This is useless. Instead of partying or taking a look for the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, I should be doing research on the mare in the moon," She had a frustrated tone in her voice.

I sighed. "I kinda understand you're situation," I sat beside her. "One moment you we're just doing the things you like to do then the next is you suddenly got thrown into a new world," I said in a but if a sad tone.

"You don't know anything about this world, how it works, what to do, but you just have to move forward or else you'd feel... lost," I said.

I rubbed the back of my head. "Look what I'm trying to say is, you may not like things now but maybe as the days go by you might start liking it," I said as I pat her back.

"That's how I did it, one step at a time and if I make mistakes then so be it, but don't let it tone down you're confidence, learn from it and feed you're confidence," I said with a smile.

I stood up on her bed. "And if that doesn't work, you have the gorgeous me and my gorgeous friends," I said puffing my chest out.

I put out my right hoove for her to grab. "Come on, the party is still going and I bet everypony wants to know you," I smiled.

She took my hoove. "Maybe, you're right," As I prompt her up I slip on the bedsheets.

[Spike's POV]

I walked up the stairs and looked for the bedroom. "Their it is," I looked to see a door that looks like a bedroom door.

I got infront of the door then opened the door with a smile and eye smile"Hey, Twilight! Pinkie said that she's-," I opened my eyes to see the most unexpected thing in my life.

Caine was on top of Twilight and Twilight underneath Caine. Their muzzle was inches apart. I dropped the glass of juice I was holding.

That caught their attention and looked at me. "Hi, Spike... This isn't what it looks like," Caine said with a nervous tone.

"Oh... Well, I'm sorry if I disturbed something," A smirk crept onto my face, "I'll just go back down to the party. I closed the door and quickly made my way downstairs with an ear to ear smile.

I reached downstairs and bumped into somepony."Oh? Heya, Spike! What's the rush? Oh! I know! You want to see my balloon animals!" Pinkie pulled out a deflated balloon from no where and started blowing into it.

"Pinkie! I just saw the most unexpected thing when I got to Twilight's room!" I smiled.

She kept blowing into the balloon. "Caine is with Twilight on her bed," I whispered to Pinkie.

I jumped from the sudden burst of the balloon. "What? Cainy is what?" I looked up to see Pinkie smiling but her aura felt different.

"Hey, Pinkie have you seen Caine?" I saw Rainbow Dash trotted beside Pinkie.

"Pinkie, Have you had any idea where Caine is?" Applejack trotted to Pinkie's other side.

Pinkie had a menacing smile on her face as she looked at Rainbow Dash and Applejack."Oh, He's giving Twilight some love," Pinkie said and her face was really starting to scare me.

"What's that supposed to mean, Pink-," Pinkie cuts off Rainbow Dash.

"Caine is with Twilight in her bedroom on the second floor," The smile still didn't leave her face.

A music scratch made the party stop. "What?," Applejack said looking like she's still processing the information.

I heard hoove steps behind me and turned around to see Caine and Twilight having messy manes and panting. I heard somepony dropped a glass. And the silence made the atmosphere very tense.

"Cainy... What we're you two doing?" Pinkie still had that smile. It sends shivers down my spine.

"L-look, Spike misunderstood the-" Twilight was silenced by Caine's hoove.

[Caine's POV]

I pulled back my hoove from Twilight's muzzle. "Why do you care?" I said to Pinkie while fixing my mane.

Pinkie was taken back by the question so did Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "B-because you're my friend!" She said, her voice shaken.

"And if I we're to say that me and Twilight did nothing?" She was about to speak but I continued. "But if I say me and Twilight did do something would you believe that?" She stayed silent.

"You're emotional, Think logically. Would I, Caine Alstart, you're friend and gorgeous gentlecolt would ever do such ungorgeous things?" I said as I looked at her guilt truck face.

Applejack was rubbing her forearm with her other one and Rainbow Dash was looking around. "But we did kiss," I said immediately gaining back the girl's attention.

"I slipped on the bedsheets trying to make her smile and fell on top of her, then our muzzles connected and finally Spike opened the door before we could explain," I said.

I looked beside me to see a red Twilight. "So you did do something!" She said with a disbelief tone.

"If you mean falling over and accidentally kissing Twilight, then yes, would it still count if it was you?" I said to which made Pinkie blush.

"Look... It's getting late, We can talk about this tomorrow when our minds can think clearly," I said as I walked pass Pinkie. "Come on, Rarity," I said to her making her snap out of her shocked daze.

[???'s POV]

I have finally gathered enough magic to get me off from this accursed place. I heard something behind me.

"Who are you?" I said hostility in my voice.

An Ally....