//------------------------------// // The Fire Within // Story: What's Worth Fighting For // by corrosive dash //------------------------------// June, 4th, 2011 It has been 2 years since Gyro joined the Afghan Rebels, but the memories of that unfortunate night became more and more painful by the day. His commander Derek Thompson became concerned about how Gyro acted when he was in battle. Derek monitored Gyro’s behavior and might have found a solution just for him only, he approached Gyro while the teen was checking his ammunition. “Gyro, front and center.” Derek said to Gyro as he stood up and saluted in front of him. Gyro said nothing as Derek glared at him, Derek sighed and pulled out his laptop from his bag and sat down on Gyro’s bunk. Derek motioned his hand next to him for Gyro to sit down, Gyro took a seat next to Derek with a confused look on his face. “What is it sir?” Gyro asked as he stared at his commanders laptop screen. His commander said nothing as he pulled up YouTube, and typed in “My little pony friendship is magic” Gyro looked at the screen in confusion and asked. “What is this show about sir?” Gyro asked his commander as he pressed the play button. “Just sit here and watch 2 episodes then report on what you observed.” Derek said to Gyro as he exited the room and into his office. Gyro stared at the screen as the show begin, the title said “The Mare in the Moon” *1 hour later, 4:45 pm* Gyro felt nothing but pure bliss and happiness as the second episode came to an end, somehow this show made his grief and depression fade away for the time as the show played. All of the characters brought joy to his dark shattered heart inside him, one of the characters made him pay attention even more to the show, the characters name was “Princess Celestia”. Gyro kept thinking about the princess in how she handles things, she is very serious but at the same time, she is caring for her subjects. Gyro stood up and carried the laptop back to his commander and knocked on his office door. His commander opened the door with a blank expression and let Gyro in, they both sat down as Derek pressed his hands together and glared at Gyro. “Now Gyro, what have you learned?” Derek asked him as he leaned back in his chair. Gyro gave a brief description of the events, characters, and background of the show and it’s features, Derek was stunned as someone as cold hearted as Gyro wore a smile on his face as he talked about the show. Derek smiled to himself as he got Gyro to stop thinking about his vendetta against the Taliban, but that thought was short lived as the phone next to him rang. Derek picked up the phone and listened. “Is this Derek Thompson?” the man on the phone questioned. “This is Derek, what do you need?” Derek asked the anonymous caller on the other end. “Al-Bashir is 2.5 miles away from your location, he is suspected of harboring a nuclear bomb in his van. If you hurry you’ll be able to kill him” the caller said as he hung up. Derek turned to find Gyro already shouldering his SVD with a sadistic smile on his face. Derek pointed to the door and Gyro rushed out to the jeep parked outside, Derek sighed as this was gonna be the same thing over again. Gyro hopped inside the drivers seat and checked his weapons, he had a AK74u with 5 mags, MP443 9mm with 4 mags, a recon knife, and his trusty SVD with 6 mags and 12x scope. Gyro took out his recon knife and scratched on the side of his SVD, “Celestia’s SVD of the sun” and strapped it to his back. Gyro put the jeep in drive and speeded off toward Al-Bashir's position. On the way Gyro started to think about Celestia and her peaceful land of Equestria, he thought to himself as can he ever go to the land of the pastel colored ponies and finally live in peace. But his thoughts were interrupted as he entered a burning town, smoke filled the air as gunshots echoed the streets, innocent civilians ran for their lives but were gunned down, Gyro felt rage beginning to build up inside of him, as he jumped out of the jeep and loaded his AK. Gyro stuck to the shadows and observed small groups of Taliban roam the towns streets, their rags covering the faces except for their eyes. Gyro spotted a lone Taliban smoking a cigar on the corner of an alley, Gyro moved silently behind the terrorist and unsheathed his knife. Gyro put his hand over the mans mouth and drove his knife into the mans neck, blood poured from the man's wound as he slowly collapsed onto the dirt. Gyro dropped the body and dragged it toward a cover spot, he searched the body for ammunition but only took 2 extra mags. Gyro sighed and stood up, he continued his search for Al-bashir but needed more space. Gyro looked to his left and spotted a building he could take a sniper position from the roof. Gyro shouldered his AK and slowly walked toward the building keeping his eyes on the streets by him. Gyro put his hand on the knob and turned, the door would not budge so he thrusted his foot forward and kicked the door open. Gyro looked back to see if any Taliban were nearby, Two Taliban started shooting from his left as dirt kicked up from the ground into his face. Gyro rushed into the building and raced up the steps as more Taliban came in after him, Gyro turned and emptied his entire clip on the rushing Taliban coming up the staircase. Gyro took cover as he inserted another magazine into his AK, he ran up two more flights up steps and shoulder rammed a door. The door slammed open and Gyro was on the roof of the building, he turned and closed the door locking it. Gyro was on a time limit and needed to find Al-Bashir fast, he laid prone and looked through his SVD scope, searching the burning town. Gyro smiled devilishly as Al-Bashir was in the town square giving a speech to his Taliban, the SVD became heavy as Gyro held his breath, his finger slowly pulling the trigger. The sniper kicked with recoil as the round left the barrel and speeded towards Al-Bashir, Gyro seen Al-Bashir’s collapse onto the dirt as his blood poured out of his pierced skull. The Taliban on the ground started to react and Gyro stood up and took out his MP443 and walked to the door behind him and opened it. Gyro ran down the steps with his pistol up, he made it to the bottom and rushed out onto the street. Bullets starting hitting the dirt where he stood, Gyro rushed to a nearby wall and took out his AK. Gyro started to blind-fire as there was no way he could aim without getting hit, he ran forward to where he parked the jeep and a bullet zoomed past his cheek, slightly cutting it. Gyro hopped into the jeep and started the ignition, he put the jeep in reverse and backed out, hitting a Taliban in the process he drove off toward his small base and ducked his head slightly as more bullets flew passed his head. Gyro pulled up to his base but what he saw made him stare in horror, the base was set ablaze and his rebel comrades were falling to the dirt covered in flames. Gyro jumped out and rushed inside as the flames grew a piece a flaming wood slammed into his shoulder, he grunted as the wood collided but the fire did not burn him, it actually felt normal to him. Gyro ran toward Derek's office and kicked open the door, Gyro looked everywhere around the office and screamed. “DEREK!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?” Gyro yelled as he seen a hand creep over the desk. Gyro jumped over the desk and seen Derek’s head bleeding furiously, Derek tried to speak but Gyro picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. Gyro rushed out of the base as the building bursted into a flame of destruction, Gyro placed Derek onto the ground and gritted his teeth as it was too late. Gyro laid Derek onto the sand and closed his eyes in a suffocating silence. Gyro heard guns cocking behind him and a cocky voice. “You think you could kill me that easily? I knew you rebels would try to kill me, so i sent a double in my place.” the man said with an evil chuckle. “So your alive Al-Bashir.” Gyro said bluntly toward the terrorist. Al-Bashir smiled, “That's right kid, and you are gonna die just like your little commander.” Al-Bashir said with more laughter in his voice. The Taliban soldiers aimed their weapons at Gyro and and waited for their order. Gyro felt nothing but rage as he stood, his breath became hot, his pupils changed, and his teeth were razor sharp. Gyro turned and yelled. “I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!” Gyro yelled as he breathed in and spewed flames from his mouth, scorching the Taliban soldiers. Gyro seen the soldiers scream as their skin melted, their eyes bursting to a flame, and their muscles roasting inside of their body’s. Gyro walked toward Al-Bashir with his knife clenched in his fist. Al-Bashir cowered in fear as he offered Gyro many things. “Please, spare me!! You want power? I can give it to you, you want woman? I got it, money? I have it, just please don’t kill me!!!” Al-Bashir begged as Gyro stood over him as flames came out of Gyro’s nose. Gyro Glared at Al-Bashir and readied his knife, he drove the knife into Al-Bashir's gut and twisted it. Al-Bashir coughed up blood as he stared at him, Gyro stood back up and spoke to the terrorist. “Burn in hell” Gyro said as he spewed more fire onto Al-Bashir, his screams echoed through the desert as his skin turned to ash and blew in the wind. Gyro walked back to Derek's body and sat down, he looked at his commanders lifeless body and smiled. “Mission accomplished sir, rest in peace” Gyro said as he gave one last salute to his dead commander and lowered his head. “Dear Celestia, please take me away.” Gyro said as he fell onto his back and stared at the setting sun. Gyro spotted a rising white light in the sky as it grew bigger, the light grew so massive, it blinded Gyro as it pierced his eyelids. Gyro fell unconscious as his wish was about to come true.