//------------------------------// // Chapter 39: Element of Vigilance // Story: Warsong: Primordial Conflict // by Jumping Jack //------------------------------// Thi Billet’s POV I found myself standing amongst a hill, a burning blaze surrounding me. The sound of combat could be heard all around me, yet no pony was visible. The flag of Equestria fluttered high over the blaze, charred and torn. I looked around, seeing discarded armor, blades of varying weapons and, what I am assuming, the silhouettes of the fallen. ‘What is all this?’ I heard myself think. The earth began to tremble and I looked around again. My eyes widened as I saw several metal behemoths rolling over the fallen and shattering blades. They fired from the nose, sending heated bolts off into the distance. I grit my teeth and without thinking, I picked up a sword with my magic and flicked my head down, soaring through the air and landing on top of one of the behemoths. I opened the hatch and bit down on the unfortunate Triad’s mane. They screamed as I pulled them out, slicing the blade clean across the pony to silence them. I then took the arc pistol from them and fired into the remaining two, seeing their bodies go limp. Quickly looting off the Triad, I sprang towards the next behemoth, repeating this for each one. When the behemoths were no more, I looked over, seeing pegasi fly high overhead, dropping explosive bolts down and sending silhouettes of ponies flying. I wiped my muzzle and sprang into action. One of the pegasi swooped down, ready to hit a silhouette of a pony surrounded. I quickly caught up to them and with a heavy swing, I felled the pegasus. I then proceeded to fall the remaining Triad surrounding the pony. With that settled, I gave a quiet nod to myself, only to hear the sound of an arc bullet whistle by me. I spun around, ready to strike when I paused. The pony I saved had their arc pistol trained on me. They shook in terror. My eyes widened. The outfit they wore. It was Triad. I arched a brow in confusion. The pony stepped back. “M-m-monster! Killing your own kind?!” The pony exclaimed. I blinked. “Monster?” I repeated. I then looked over my shoulder and I felt my stomach sink. Golden, blood stained armor glistened amongst the darkened blaze. Celestia’s guards unrecognizable to my slaughter. I dropped the sword when my eyes fell to the pegasi I felled. A Wonderbolt. They looked young. Way too young. I nearly tripped over a fallen Equestrian soldier, looking up at the Triad I had saved. But they were nowhere to be found. “Wh-what? N-no, I…” I began. “There she is!! Kill the traitor!!” I heard a voice shout. I gasped and scrambled to my hooves, bolting away as a platoon of armed Equestrian soldiers swooped down and ground troops advancing on me. I dove into a thin wall of flames and galloped through an active battlefield. Left and right, Equestrian soldiers and Euclidian soldiers clashed and slaughtered. It was hard to distinguish which side is which. Triad were mixed in as artillery supported for the ones on the field, both sides taking losses from the Triad. What is going on?! Where am I?? I panicked and found myself tumbling down into a trench. I was greeted with a startled Triad who reached for their weapon, only for my instincts to kick in and wrestle with the Triad. “There she is!! Get her!!” I heard a Triad pony shout. I withdrew the pony’s arc pistol and began to use them as a meat shield, firing back at the advancing troops. My ears flicked as I heard a screech overhead. Looking up, I saw the silhouettes of Wonderbolts fly overhead and began dropping bolts into the trenches. My vision was lit up like a stage show, feeling myself being flung out of the trench with the force of the bombing. I rolled out onto the field and scrambled to my hooves, amazed that I still had my hair on me. There was the sound of a horn bellowing across the battlefield. The ground exploded around me as three alicrons loomed over me. They faced out towards the fields, my gaze following them. My eyes widened, out of hope or terror, I wasn’t sure. From the blaze walked out a familiar figure. Quiet Fire, her mane and tail aflame and flowing wildly, her amber slit eyes flaring coldly at the alicrons. Her halberd resting over her back and out to her side. Something was wrong. Her eyes met mine before focusing on the alicrons. It was hard to hear the garbled chatter of the pilots, but all three charged her. It was instantaneous. My eyes couldn’t even blink until after it happened. She shifted her halberd and the alicrons fell apart around her, crashing down into the ground. “Fie??” I asked. The closer she got, the more I noticed she was shrinking. Soon, I was towering over her. I blinked in confusion. “Fie?? What is going on?” I asked as I reached out to her, only to stop at the sight of a grotesque, fleshy tendril that was supposed to be my foreleg. My stomach sank in panic as I looked down at myself. My entire body was elongated into a horrible disfiguration that I couldn’t comprehend. I felt extremely heavy and I fell forward, my gaze meeting Fie’s. “Fie…! H-help…!” I gurgled, my voice unrecognizable. What happened to me?? I then began to laugh. Fie didn’t say anything as I snapped at her. “Heheh… hehehehahaha… Everything I did… was all for you…” I rasped. “D-don’t you understand…? The whole world… turned its’ back on you… I… never…” I growled like a wild animal, salivating from my muzzle. I noticed tears leaving Fie, evaporating from her intense heat. “But you did.” Fie said with a shuddering breath. “I can’t let this go on any longer… goodbye… Thi Billet.” She turned around and began to walk back into the flames. As she did, Equestrian and Euclidian forces charged out of the blaze and aimed themselves at me. Without warning, everypony fired upon me. I could feel my flesh being flayed and riddled with arc bullets. I screamed as every ounce of pain shot through me. I called out to Fie, pleading for help. Only her back answered. The dream ended and I jolted up out of my bed, sweating profusely. I looked around in a panic, feeling tingly all over as if I could still feel the agonizing pain of both nations firing upon me. I hugged myself, feeling overwhelmed and sick to my stomach. Taking a moment to sob quietly, I finally gathered myself and slid out of bed. I was almost confused as to where I was, only to remember that I am in Paradise Estate. I had worked nearly til the peak height of Luna’s moon before turning in. Taking a look at the clock in my room, it was early sun rise. I groaned quietly to myself. Concierge has been made aware of the favor Fie had forced upon me. Who was I to deny this? What she had said back at the facility really hit home harder than her crash landing. My mind raced with thoughts and scenarios about how I could have gone about this better as I got into the apparel that the three wanted me to wear when helping out. As if it wasn’t humiliating enough. ‘Is there any proper way to make it up to her? What can I do? I’ve never been so unsure about something. I shouldn’t be with Fie. She’s the only one… who ever stuck by me.’ Memories of our time in CSGU flashed back as I exited the room. A time where we were dumb and young. How Fie, despite struggling with her studies, still made time for me. It then dawned on me. I never bothered to truly ask how she felt about our time there. She only ever spoke out on my antics when I would think of something so ridiculous and dangerous. And yet, here I was, storming a facility armed to the teeth and coming out only poisoned by drugs and adrenaline. With the amount I had ingested, I was glad that grandma’s secret recipe was the only thing that kept me alive. But… was I glad? Was I satisfied with any of this? What happened back there? Was I really… I bumped into somepony and I looked to see Fie, surprisingly up and early. Our eyes met, yet she narrowed them, causing me to avoid it. I can’t look her in the eyes anymore. What the hell is wrong with me? Scribble suddenly appeared beside me, startling me. ‘Great, now I’m jumpy…’ “Ready?” Fie asked Scribble. Scribble nodded. I noticed Cloudchaser isn’t around. “Where’s Cloudchaser?” I asked. Fie’s eyes seemed to glint and a small smirk appeared. As quickly as it appeared, she hid it with a stoic look. “She’s resting. We plan to meet up at Sundew Hill when she’s better. Scribble and I are going to do a bit of reconnaissance.” She then looked sternly at me. “I better not catch you or hear about you causing trouble with Moochik and the others. More than your own life is at stake.” Fie stated. I bowed my head and nodded quietly. Fie shifted her frown before turning and nodding to Scribble. Scribble eyed me worriedly before following Fie out the door. “Yeesh. Quite the tension there.” A voice said. I looked to see Posey busily rearranging a book shelf, a duster hanging from her side. She smiled at me. “I know how it is getting ridiculed all the time. What did you do to make her so mad?” I sighed and rubbed my foreleg. “I… I am just a terrible friend.” I said sadly. Posey hummed before she beamed and happily bounced over to me before pushing me from behind. “Then let’s not waste time! A good ol’ scrubbing of the pool will keep your mind off things!” She giggled. We headed out of the estate, seeing Concierge patching up the bullet holes. She paid us no mind as we made our way out of the gate and went left to the separate building. Hard to believe that this is a part of the estate if it travels around. The pool area was empty and the water had been drained from the deep bowl like ditch. It must have been no more than 6ft deep. Posey went to a side closet and began pulling out scrubbing brooms and a strange gun like device. When she had those gathered, she then pulled out a ladder that I was for certain wasn’t able to fit into the storage closet easily. She told me all I had to do was take the bucket and fill it with cleaning products and just start scrubbing. “All by myself?” I asked. Posey nodded. “I’m certain you’re capable of it! You look like the type who goes off on her own and can get things done your way.” She grinned. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance at her. “Oddly specific…” I replied. Posey ignored me and trotted over to another building that led to the showers. “I won’t be far if you actually need anything! Those pipes aren’t going to clean themselves!” She hummed a happy tune as she bounced into the building. I frowned slightly. ‘She’s eerily chipper about her job…’ I thought to myself. I then turned to the pool. I spent the next two hours scrubbing the inside of the pool top to bottom. The weather in Pony Land is also dictated by ponies and through a factory, but I’ve heard that they let the weather handle their own cycle without supervision from pegasi. Seems like it was going to be a sunny spring day. When I finished cleaning the inside of the pool, I then cleaned out the filters one by one. With that done, it was high afternoon before I decided to take a break. I wringed out the maid skirt that got wet with the scrubbing and sighed. Something cold touched my cheek, startling me. I saw an unamused looking Concierge eye me as she held out a lemonade glass. I looked between her and the glass. She shrugged. “Well, if you don’t want to keep yourself hydrated, I’ll have to ask you to leave. I do not want to clean up a shriveled up skeleton of a pony.” She said. I nervously smiled before taking it in my magic and taking a large pull of it. I sighed in relief at the sour taste and cool drink energize me. Concierge then adjusted her half-moon spectacles and peered into the pool. “Not bad. Though more hoof grease would certainly help you in the long run.” I didn’t respond. Concierge then began to trot away from me. “Do you ever think that what you are doing is the right thing, but it really isn’t?” I blurted out suddenly. I don’t know what compelled me to speak my mind all of a sudden. Concierge stopped and turned to me. “Pardon?” She asked. I sighed and swirled the last bit of ice and lemonade in the glass with my magic. “Lately it just feels like that I’m not getting the thanks I deserve for going out of my way to ensure everypony is safe. Granted… I did get carried away, but… my heart was in the right place. At least, I think so.” I said. Concierge arched a brow. “I’m not inclined to listen to the troubles of outsiders. But if you insist, I have nothing better to do.” She said as she sat down on a pool chair and kicked back in it. This was odd for me. What compelled me to open up to a fae no less? Is this one of their tricks? I have to be careful. Though… I don’t feel like I’m being deceived. “S-sorry. I’ll just get back to work.” I said as I stood up. “As you wish.” Concierge said with her eyes closed and relaxed. I arched a brow. “Since you’ve done a decent job with the pool, would you be kind enough to start dusting out the attic? It’s high time I get rid of some stuff Moochik has been hoarding.” She gave me a dismissive wave. I eyed her warily before looking down at the lemonade glass. I set it aside before walking out of the pool gate and back towards the estate. There were strangely a lot of colorful butterflies around the field. Almost unusually so. Was it a migration? They don’t seem to be in a rush to go anywhere. When I entered through the gate, I looked around the garden. Not a single trace of bullet holes. And the flower beds that were destroyed were relatively back to normal with, what I’m assuming, how it was previously. I spied Moochik sweeping the porch of freshly cut grass. He smiled when I approached. “Ahh! Enjoyin’ tha’ weather are ye?” He grinned. “Saw yer pegasi frien’ take off towards Sundew. An intriguing one at that.” I nodded in response, only for Moochik to stroke his beard in thought, his beady eyes studying me. “Concierge bein’ a roight pain? Aye, ah’ understand ye.” He said. I shook my head. “I don’t know. Must have been something in the lemonade. Either way, I was told to clean out the attic. Do you happen to know how to get to it?” I asked. Moochik balked. “Why, what ya’ be wantin’ ta’ clean tha’ attic fer? Concierge knows tha’ stuff Oi… errr…” He stopped what he was saying before smiling nervously. I shook my head. “I… really don’t have much of a choice.” I replied. Moochik tilted his head. “Why? Because yer frien’ says so? She don’ control ye.” He said casually as he continued to sweep. I arched a brow. “What are you to Concierge?” I asked. Moochik blinked and thought about it. “Err… well, Oi frankly am uncertain. Oi took tha’ three in when they’s wantin’ ta’ git away from tha’ other fae.” Moochik replied. “Oi never asked. Oi coulda’ used tha’ help an’ by golly they helped indeed. Been lookin’ after tha’ estate fer centuries alone, tis noice ta’ ‘ave company fer a change.” He hummed. “Oi guess oi’m someone who helped ‘em out o’ a tizzy.” I furrowed my look. “So… even though Concierge acts like she’s the owner of Paradise Estate, you actually own it?” I asked. Moochik shook his head. “Nay. Oi’ jus’ watch tha’ place. No pony lived here fer’ centuries before they came along. Since then, had some passin’ guests ‘ere an’ there, but no creature stayed longer ‘en they had too. An’ those that did, well…” Moochik cleared his throat. “Some fae habits die hard. They’ve been gettin’ better. Ain’t turned ya’ into hedge decoration yet.” He chuckled, but quickly stifled it when he saw my frown. “Err… So… ye been asked ta’ clean the attic? Well, can Oi offer ye’ an alternative. Trus’ me, lass. Bes’ ye not mess with the attic. How about ye help me with tha’ frog pond? Been o’ while since Flipper an’ his crew jammed.” Moochik set aside the broom and began to waddle off the porch. “Flipper?” I asked as I followed him. Moochik nodded. “Noice fellow. Tough, charmin’ an’ enjoys a good time. He performs every spring solstice.” He explained. We reached the back of the estate and my eyes widened in admiration at the insanely decorative looking garden. Colorful flowers of varying kinds were evenly spruced and lined to give off a rather pastel and bright look. The grass green and freshly evened with what appeared to be dew drops glistening the green. A neatly combed dirt path with several smooth stepping stones gave off quite a medieval vibe. It was like walking straight into a fairy tail setting. Humming birds and butterflies seemingly having their own houses amongst the foliage and a fountain with what appeared to be a petrified tree in the center, spraying water out of holes. I couldn’t help but let out a breath of awe. Moochik chuckled. “Tha’ pride an’ joy o’ the three. As much as they spend toime cleanin’ tha’ estate, they maintain this in their spare time. When they aren’t too busy o’ course.” Moochik began to walk towards the fountain. “Bes’ ye mind yer manners. Flipper an’ his crew jam out perfectly in pleasant company.” Moochik then stopped at the fountain base and tapped the side several times. “Alright, alright! I hear ya’ baby, just chill and let a frog write in peace!” A strangely smooth and chill voice came from the fountain. I peered over and I saw a frog hop out of the fountain, wearing a dapper brown suite and tie with a fedora to match the colors. He even had a small wooden cane with him that he leaned cooly against. He tilted his fedora upward and beamed. “Moochik baby! It’s been ages, my fae brotha! How you been? The three treatin’ ya’ as kind as they can?” He chuckled. Moochik smiled. “Aye. Busy with spring cleanin’ now. They’ll be busy fer a while. Though they cannae wait fer yer performance this year.” He chuckled. “‘Erd yer were workin’ on somethin’ different this toime.” Flipper nodded. “Darn straight, baby! It’ll be a show that’ll definitely blow their minds!” He replied with a chuckle. His eyes then fell onto me. “Well, well, well! What piece did you take in this time? She ain’t a fae for sure. Are the gals okay with an outsider roaming the garden, baby?” Flipper asked Moochik curiously. Moochik waved a hand dismissively. “Tain’t nothin’ ta’ worry. She’s ‘elpin ‘em with tha’ cleanin’ as ‘er punishment fer… err… doin’ somethin’ bad.” He said. I sighed in response. “Oooh, a bad gal, eh? And I thought Concierge took no garbage from any creature! Must have really ticked her off to get you to do her cleaning.” Flipper smirked. I shook my head. “She didn’t put me up to this.” I replied simply. Flipper held out his arms. “Hey hey hey! What’s with the down look, baby? A pretty face like yours shouldn’t be mopin’ about. How about a song to cheer you up?” He bowed in a gentlecoltly fashion. He took a deep breath as he readied himself to sing when Moochik quickly stood in front of us. “B-bes’ ye’ save yer voice fer the girls. This one isn’t… attuned.” Moochik said. Flipper seemed disappointed. “Such a shame. You seem like an alright gal. But hey, Moochik is right. Gotta’ keep the golden pipes clean, ya’ dig?” He winked at us. “Let me know if you ever need a one frog show, baby! Ol’ Flipper knows how to handle a beautiful crowd.” I wasn’t sure if I should be flattered by this or not. Flipper hopped back into the fountain and I was left to turn to Moochik who smiled, only to falter at my questioning look. “Fae magic is… les’ jus’ say… not meant fer mortal accompaniment. Tis dangerous even if it is intended fer good.” He said. I rubbed the back of my head as we headed back around the estate. “I’m going to hold your word for it.” I said. “Moochik!!” A stern voice called out. Moochik froze. “Uh oh…” he muttered. We looked to see Concierge tapping her hoof impatiently on the porch. She did not look happy. “Our guest is supposed to be cleaning the attic.” She said, seemingly trying to keep her temper in check. Moochik removed his cap and nervously wringed it. “A-a-aye, Concierge. Was about ta’ show ‘er where it is! H-had ‘er helpin’ me put uhh… things away fer ye.” He stammered. Concierge rose an unamused brow, not buying it at all. “You are showing a bad example of the estate and its’ occupants. We do not have time to mess around.” She replied sternly. “I have to run to Sundew to pick up more cleaning supplies for Posey. I expect that attic to be emptied and sorted when I get back. Understand?” Moochik nervously approached. “W-with all due respect, Concierge, ye know why oi-“ Moochik flinched at her next words. “I know damn well why you keep all those trinkets and artifacts in the attic. All the more reason they should be sorted and handled properly! We do not want a repeat of several hundred years ago, do we? Handle it! Or I will make better use of them in the black market!” She snapped. Moochik saluted. “Yes ma’am!” He said quickly. Concierge snorted and eyed me. “Ask Moochik on anything in that attic. For your safety.” She sighed in frustration before adjusting her saddle bag and heading out of the iron gate, closing it behind her. We watched the mare grow smaller and smaller, Moochik sighing in relief once she had disappeared down the hill. I arched a brow. “You speak fondly of them, yet she treats you like that?” I asked. Moochik laughed nervously. “We-well, ye see… seclusion doesn’t do well ta’ an ol’ mind like me. Runnin’ the estate by me self has been… lonesome.” He chuckled. “Complacency made this place… not as it once was. Tis thank ta’ tha’ three that Paradise Estate is fondly looked upon by ‘em. They loved tha’ place, much ta’ my ol’ mind could even comprehend.” He sighed and shrugged. “Tis love really. Concierge wants ta’ preserve everything about it. Including this ol’ fossil.” I studied the dwarfish fae as he seemed to get glossy eyed in thought. He then blinked and clapped his hands, rubbing them together. “Ach, gettin’ nostalgic. Les’ git ta’ it ‘efore she comes back, aye?” Moochik waddled into the estate as I followed after him. He took me down a hall before reaching a door that had led to an open closet. He waved his hand and from the ceiling descended a ladder leading through a hole. He began to climb it and struggled to pull himself up at the top. Deciding to help him, I climbed the ladder and pushed him with my head into the attic. “Yeeouch! Watch yer horn, blast it!” He grumbled, rubbing his rump. I peered into the attic, coughing and waving away the dust. No pony must have been in here for centuries. Moochik waddled over to a lantern and lit it, illuminating the room. It was quite spacey, surprisingly, despite the clutter creating a mess. He hummed and stroked his beard. “Ehehe… ehh… well, oi guess we should start organizin’ somethins’.” He said. We spent thirty minutes stacking and moving covered up boxes and knick-knacks I have never seen before. I could only imagine what they are for and suddenly feeling glad that the Triad doesn’t have their hooves on them. Once we were done organizing the stuff, I began to dust off things while Moochik swept the floor. It was starting to be a bit unbearable with the dust. I found a window that I opened to let in some fresh air. The sun was beginning to reach near the horizon, the stained glass windows letting in the light in a mesmerizing manner. Moochik wanted to take a small break and proceeded out of the attic to grab something to drink. I continued to dust and sweep, finding all of this to be quite calming and surprisingly keeping my mind off things. After a bit, I bumped into something and turned around to see a white drape over a tall… something. Curiosity got the better of me and I reached out to the drape with my hoof. I pulled the drape away to reveal a mirror. The design of the outer part looked nordic. Surprisingly enough, the etching surrounding the mirror was in old poneish. I read the words in mind. ‘Look to thyself and reflect upon thy heart. Reach towards thyself to understand thyself.’ I read in my thoughts. I hummed curiously. I peered into the mirror, my reflection staring back at me. I didn’t want to admit how the maid outfit didn’t look so bad on me, but I would rather not say that out loud to anypony. Yet, upon staring into my reflection a little more, the entire background changed. My eyes widened as I saw myself standing amongst a battlefield with a wild blaze behind me. I looked over my shoulder quickly. Just the dusty old attic. I blinked a couple of times in confusion before looking back at the mirror. I was then staring at a younger reflection of myself. It was a bit jarring as this was a style I completely dropped after a year. Punk clothing and a plaid skirt, heavy eye shadow and a cold scowl to complete the punkish look. My eyes then noticed a young and neatly prim nerdy Quiet Fire standing next to me. She smiled at me while my reflection remained static. “Fie…?” I suddenly spoke. The reflection of Fie from our CSGU days nodded. She looked so full of life. So happy. Back when she only wanted to study and not get into too much trouble. And there I was, cold and uncaring. Yet, when Fie went to happily nudge me, my reflection couldn’t help but smile and wrap a foreleg around her neck, ruffling her neatly primmed mane. I found myself sitting down in front of the mirror, watching as our younger selves seemed to discuss silently something that made me laugh. “Wow… I was… certainly different back then.” I told myself. My reflection then looked over her shoulder and directly at me. “Are you proud of yourself?” I asked. I balked and stood up. I looked around, but no creature seemed to be in sight. I looked back at the mirror. My reflection had changed to me running through a jungle with a mare I knew all too well. Daring Doo and I dove into cover as several native ponies rushed past, shouting. My eyes fell onto my denim jacket’s pocket. I could see a letter loosely hanging from it. It was from Fie. My reflection blinked and faced me. “Was this everything you wanted? Was it really all for her?” My reflection spoke. “I…” I began, but couldn’t find the right words. The mirror glinted and it showed me facing down with General Lilac over a portal ground. I remember this. General Lilac and Moonlight Sonata had opened a portal in order to draw out magic so they could use it for their own benefit. My reflection soared through the air on the conjured spring platforms as the Triad fired up at me. “Were you ever the hero you deserved to be? Did everything right by your fellow ponies?” My reflection asked as she skillfully flipped through the air and brought out an arc pistol, firing at me. I flinched and braced myself. Nothing happened. I looked out from my foreleg and saw my reflection walking through Ponyville. The snow blanketing the area giving it a wonderland look. My reflection stopped in front of a house and knocked on the door. “Did you miss her as much as she missed you?” My eyes widened as the door opened. Fie looked sickly, pale and injured. She had a grwyenette ale bottle on her horn as she looked up at me with a hungover look. She wiped her muzzle with her grey hoodied sleeve before realizing it was me. “What are you trying to prove?” My reflection asked Fie before looking at me. “What are you trying to save? Who are you trying to save?” I felt myself suddenly getting angry. “Everything I did was not just for her sake. She plays a big role in all of this and I… I wanted to be there for her. Just as she was to me back then.” I told my reflection. The mirror glinted and I found myself bucking down a wall. When I stepped in, my eyes fell onto a bat laying on a pedestal. I gasped. There was a demonic visage hovering over the bat. That… wasn’t there when I found Excalibat. The visage noticed me before vanishing into the bat and revealing its’ eyes. My reflection smirked and took ahold of it in her magic, test swinging it towards me before a green firebolt shot out, causing the mirror to glint and focus on me cackling like a mad mare. I don’t remember this. I was admiring the bat, grinning from ear to ear. The bat wavered in my magic before I dropped it and shook my head. I screamed loudly and shook my head violently. I shielded my eyes as my reflection self suddenly burst into a blinding golden light. I saw the demonic visage crash into the wall and from me emerged a pony figure, dawning a strange attire. It picked up the bat with its’ teeth and flourished it before facing the demon. The green visage charged the image, only for the equine image to easily side step and trip the demon. Without hesitation, the image pounced and clubbed the demon over and over with the bat. It seemed to revel in the pain it was inflicting. The demon went limp and vanished, leaving the image to rise and drop the bat. It then faced me, the golden burning eyes meeting mine. “You hold more than you realize. But you are not an important piece. You’ll understand someday.” The image spoke before vanishing and dropping my reflection onto the ground. The mirror glinted and I was greeted with the horrifying sight of an island covered and swamped in lava. An airship was flying away from the island, only to soar towards it to show Lo Mein, Cassette and three others who I do not have good interactions with watch in horror at the sight. Cassette sighed tiredly before patting my shoulder. Lo Mien bowed her head, her expression in thought. My reflection then looked at me. “Who are you, Thi Billet? The hero of a story you do not belong in?” The mirror glinted and my eyes widened in shock as my reflection grinned maniacally at me, placing a hoof on the mirror as mountain of bodies stacked behind her. Blood caked on her hooves and her denim jacket torn and cut. “Or the monster to make the hero?” My reflection cackled before stepping back, nearly tripping over a body and clutching her head. Her laugh rising as she faced the fiery sky. From the fire among the bodies, Fie rocketed out and primed the halberd at me. I shut my eyes just before the halberd connected to me, looking away. “I… I…” I began to sob. “I never wanted… for her to suffer… for some damned prophecy…” I sniffled. “She’s my best friend… my only best friend who ever tolerated me… laughed with me… fought with me and stayed…” I hugged myself. “I don’t… deserve her… But she deserves everything…” The mirror rocked as my insane reflection punched the mirror, cackling. “You’re right. She deserves everything! But she definitely doesn’t deserve you! You, who have ripped her from the comfort of her depression! You, who showed up and decided to cement yourself into her life without any explanation. Was it all to save her from the excess stress and trauma? Or did you not trust her enough to put everything on her shoulders?” My reflection spat. “She missed you and yet, you are crying like a little filly because you’re this close to losing her forever! Not that it would matter in the end! You know it all too well yourself! You know her fate! You know how it’ll end!” I shook my head. “That won’t happen to her! Not while I’m around!!” I shouted. My reflection tossed her head back and laughed. “Don’t fool yourself! She’s been doing fine on her own until you showed up!! Fate would have played out the same regardless of your interference! Only this time, she’d be the monster than you are!” My reflection cackled. “Better me than her!! Fie is not a monster!!” I retorted. “And how does that make her feel?!” My reflection barked back. “Have you ever considered how she feels about what you do?! You justify your murders with greenhoof experience!! You tell her that they are the enemy!! That they would do nothing to stop their conquest!! Have you ever considered what your enemies ideals are?! Or are they just faceless numbers stacked upon each other for the sake of heroism!?” My reflection stepped back and looked around her. “Take a long look!! This is the future you are paving for the realm!! This is the price of you so foolishly thinking yourself to be the savior!! To ensure that no pony would stand in the way of your justice and her safety!!” My jaw dropped as from the blaze to her left, Equestrian soldiers held halberds towards my reflection. And to her right, Euclidian with arc rifles primed at my reflection. “Your sacrifice for the greater good of one pony is all that matters!! Nothing else does!! Not even your best friend!! Are you proud of this?! You should be, for this will surely unite both sides!! One for all and all for one!!” My reflection laughed again as the blaze erupted around them. The mirror glinted and my normal reflection stared back at me. My dumbfounded expression perfectly frozen in shock. I didn’t know what to think. I wasn’t sure how to even comprehend what I just experienced. ‘No… no something is not right… I’m doing all of this for her… She doesn’t need to face the world alone anymore… That’s why I’m here…’ I hugged myself again. The mirror glinted and I saw my younger self smiling back at me. I hesitated. I stood up and walked towards the mirror, putting my hoof on the glass. “What am I even doing anymore…? I feel… stuck. What can I do…?” I asked my reflection. The mirror glinted again and I took a moment to register what happened next. My disheveled, blood caked hooved reflection emerged from the mirror and grinned maniacally at me. “That shouldn’t matter anymore.” My reflection cackled. I gasped and stepped back, only for my reflection to lock her foreleg around my own and yank me forward, planting a hard punch across my cheek and sending me to crash into stacked boxes. I shook away my daze and froze as my reflection stepped out of the mirror. She looked around. “Heheh. I finally did it… I made it through…” She then met my look and she instantly cantered and stood over me. “Fie… Where is Fie?!” I didn’t respond. I was frozen in fear. My reflection twitched her ear as we heard somepony climbing up the ladder. “Oi, what’s all that??” Moochik spoke. “Moochik, watch out!!” I called out. My reflection grinned from ear to ear and immediately cantered over to the attic exit. Moochik gasped as my reflection slid and bucked him down the ladder before slipping down it. I scrambled to my hooves and cantered over to the hole, seeing my reflection standing up and shaking away her daze. She snarled and stood over a dazed Moochik. “Where is Quiet Fire?! I have to see her!! I need to see her!!” My reflection shook Moochik roughly. Moochik shook away his daze and stammered. “Wh-what’s gotten into ye, lass?” He replied shakily. I grit my teeth and clambered down the ladder. My reflection looked over her shoulder and just as I touched the ground, she brought Moochik around and chucked him at me. I gasped and caught him, only to roll with him from the surprising strength my reflection has. We crashed into the wall as my reflection spun around quickly and galloped down the hall. “What is all the noise?!” I heard Lack-a-daisy say before screaming. I helped Moochik up and we hurried down the hall. Lack-a-daisy was laying on the ground, rubbing her cheek. She looked up to us and glared. “Moochik, what did you do?!” She asked, looking hurt and angry. Moochik shook his head. “A-oi dunno!” He replied, rubbing his head. I looked between them. A voice then whispered in my head. Who are you, Thi Billet? It echoed in my mind over and over. I looked around. “Where did she go??” I asked. Lack-a-daisy pointed to a window that was open. I quickly threw off the maid outfit and bolted to the window. “I’m going to fix this. This is my problem to resolve.” I told them before hopping out of the window and flicked my head down, springing upward onto the roof of the estate. Taking a quick scan of the area, a swarm of colorful butterflies were stirring into a cloud. They fluttered around the estate, allowing me to pick out my reflection galloping down the dirt path. I grit my teeth again and spring boarded through the field towards her. I can’t let her walk free. Who knows what’ll she do when she gets to Sundew Hill! She had picked up some speed and jumped towards the wall of butterflies, only for them to swarm her and lift her up. Her hooves flailed wildly. “Let go of me you damned bugs!!” She roared. My eyes widened as I saw her conjure from a green flame, Excalibat. However, Excalibat looked different. It curved and appeared to be hardened into a blade. The green eyes looked around wildly before they locked onto me. I winced and clutched my head as I heard a demonic laugh and several screaming voices. I fell off my platform and landed hard on the ground. I stood up and saw my reflection swing Excalibat around wildly at the butterflies, making them fly away or sliced several from the air. My reflection glared at the wall of butterflies and flourished her blade, primed to cut open the wall. “You won’t stop me!! Fie can still be saved!! I can hear her screaming for help!!” My reflection declared. I was dumbfounded a little. ‘What is she talking about? Fie isn’t in danger. At least, I hope she’s okay.’ I thought to myself as I began to gallop towards my reflection. She misses you. The voice echoed. This caused me to put on a burst of speed. Right as my reflection was about to swing, I leaped through the air and tackled her. Excalibat fell from her magic hold and we went rolling down the hill. When we landed, I tried to pin her down but she immediately bucked me off of her, feeling the wind leave me and stumbling back. My reflection scrambled to her hooves, giving me daggers in her stare. “Why are you trying to stop me?! What does she matter to you?! I know for damn well she doesn’t mean anything to you! I missed that chance before. I’m not letting it happen again!!” She shouted. I clutched my stomach, returning her glare. “You’re wrong. Fie is everything to me. I made plenty of mistakes and she has every right to be upset with me. Nothing in this whole world can make up for what I did to her.” I told my reflection, standing upright now. “She’s tolerated my behavior for all these years.” I chuckled disgustedly at myself. “And I’m the one telling her she’s ungrateful… What an idiot I am.” My reflection swished her blade and aimed it at me. “Say what you want!! I did everything for her!! I may have lost my home, my friends and family, even my dignity!! All that matters is getting her back!!” My reflection shouted. I furrowed my look to worry. “I can’t believe I let myself be this delusional…” I stated. “Regardless, you are not going to make any more trouble. I’m in enough as it is.” My reflection began to cackle, clutching her head with one hoof. “And what are you going to do?! Face it!! You and I both know that only one can live!! I’m not going back to that forsaken realm! Here, I have a second chance!! I can still save it!!” She tugged on her torn undershirt, grinning from ear to ear. “All I have to do is take your place!! Killing you won’t be skin off my back!!” I narrowed my look and studied Excalibat. The curved blade was whispering. Calling to me. I wiped my muzzle and readied myself. “Then try it.” I challenged. I was calm. Collected. Nothing was worrying me. Taking a long good look at myself made me realize everything that I had been doing was wrong. I never claimed myself to be the savior. I never deemed myself a hero. I’m not the hero of this story. Neither is she. The wall of butterflies were fluttering around us, my assumption was the estate trying to contain the wild magic from getting out. My reflection didn’t seem to like my calm demeanor. She roared and charged me, blade primed to strike. When she got close, I quickly flicked my head down and she went springing upward. She tumbled in the air, having not expecting the sudden spring. Yet, she was quick to recover, using her own springboard to bounce towards me. I swiftly dodged and spring-boarded to avoid her swing. She flicked her own head down and rushed me. Back and forth, we danced in the air, using our own and each other’s spring boards to get a hit in. I managed to slug her twice in the cheek as she mistimed her momentum and she hit the ground in a roll. I yelped as she quickly recovered and swung her blade, the green magic no longer bolts of fire, but a sharp slicing energy wave. I quickly avoided the attacks, unable to react to her quickly jumping towards me. She locked her forelegs around me and slugged me a few times over my cheek as we landed and rolled along the ground. I bucked her away and faced her as she retaliated with swinging Excalibat around her angrily. I could hear cheering from Moochik somewhere, but I was focused on trying not to die. It also didn’t help that the butterflies would get in the way. At least it was also making it hard for my reflection to properly swing. In a miraculous timing, the butterflies blocked her sightline and I dodged the diagonal swing. To her, I must have vanished instantly. But I emerged from the cover of the butterflies and punched her hard across her horn, causing her to release her magic hold on Excalibat. My reflection yelled in pain as she clutched her horn. I quickly grasped Excalibat in my magic hold, only to be hit with flashing images of… Fie? It hit me like a freight train. As if everything my reflection had experienced was recorded in this very artifact. What stuck to me was the last image of Fie, bloodied and beaten within my hold, cradling her. Din stood over us, her amber slit eyes studying me. I looked up to her and she bowed her head, her horn touching mine and the image flashed. I blinked and looked at my disheveled, wild blood stained self. She kept her head lowered, her matted bangs covering her face. “Don’t you understand…? I’m the only one… who she can depend on…” My reflection spoke. I winced as my head was beginning to pound. Through my pained wince, my eyes widened as fire began to erupt around us from no where. At first, my heart skipped a beat for thinking Fie was here and ready to settle this matter. But when my reflection reached out a hoof to me, a magnificent sword emerged from the fire. She locked her hoof around the hilt and spectral fiery wings unfurled outward from her. “I’m the last chance she has.” This was starting to get ridiculous! Is this even my reflection anymore?? What is happening to me?? I was frozen in awe as myself glared at me with amber slit eyes. Myself grasped the blade with her magic and readied herself. I shook away the pounding headache as best I could before readying Excalibat. It was almost instant. She appeared right in front of me, forcing my reaction to swing. She didn’t flinch or move as she blocked the swing and shoved me away. This is bad. I can’t let this continue on. But what can I do against a god?? Myself flourished her blade and swung. I instinctively blocked and deflected the strikes, able to keep up somehow. Yet, she was pressing forward, causing me to take a few steps back. The butterflies weren’t helping either, creating momentary embers to float around us. “Give it up. You’re already on the verge of losing everything. Let me pick up the pieces.” Myself spoke calmly. I stumbled over myself, my reflection batting Excalibat away and holding the blade at my neck. “Why are you still fighting this? What reason do you have anymore to continue this struggle?” I met the cold gaze of myself. Was she really looking for an answer? Will she even find it here? I blinked. ‘What the hell are you thinking, Thi? We can’t have two Din’s. And we can’t have a crazy version of me running around. I have to stop this.’ “Why am I still fighting? Why have I not lost Fie yet? That’s a good question that I’m still trying to figure out myself.” I replied. Myself narrowed her eyes. “For the longest time, I thought I was doing everything right. Making sure Fie was safe and away from the damned prophecy. Little did I know I was only being a hinderance with my actions. Clearly, continuing that path will only lead me back here, wouldn’t it?” I glared at myself. “Fie is everything to me. She has been my everything since I decided to make her my best friend. Why did I pick her? Was it because I needed a scape goat or excuse to get out of trouble? Did I truly need her to help me? Why her? Why does she have to play such an important role in my life? “I think I understand now. This isn’t what she wants. You are not her best friend. You were just grasping at anything to keep yourself in denial.” This caused myself to growl angrily at me, the blade shaking in her hold. “She died for your sake and you are disrespecting her by trying to run away from it all.” I batted the blade aside and returned the glare to myself. “Screw that!! I’m tired of running away! I’ve made so many damned mistakes that I felt lost and stuck! And the only pony who ever held out her hoof to me is the very same you grieve for! This isn’t your fight. This isn’t ours to win!” Myself’s eyes widened and she stepped back. I felt an overwhelming sense of determination and acceptance. I tugged the front of my own shirt and picked up Excalibat. I somehow felt lighter. And shinier? There was a strange light emanating around me. I swished Excalibat to my side. “Fie has the courage to face everything the world throws at her. She’s smart and capable of handling the situation all by herself if she needs to. And if she ever needs help, I’ll be there by her side.” I said. “And it won’t just be me. Her and I aren’t alone to face the world.” Flashes of Cloudchaser, Flitter Glider and Silver Scribble went by me. Then the images of Twilight and the others trying just as hard as she is. I sensed two presences beside me. One who was very familiar. The other, somepony who I am not. But the presence had a strong aura and valiant air about them. Knowing Din’s eyes, myself could see the visages of the presences beside me. Excalibat began to glow and crack. I flourished the blade in front of me and aimed it right as the wood shattered, revealing a shining magnificent blade that shimmered in the fire. The green no longer there but instead, a bright red flowing aura surrounding the blade. The golden hilt shimmered with seven colorful jewels and a circular pommel with a calligraphy I was able to understand. Vigilance. Myself shook angrily and screamed loudly, the fire flaring along with the colorful butterflies fluttering around us. Myself took to the sky and primed herself to attack, charging me with the tip of Din’s blade aimed at me. I readied myself, feeling Fie’s and the valiant presence clasp the fresh leather bound handle, the blade glowing brightly. This blinded myself and with a quick slash upward, myself flew over me and crashed into the ground. I held my pose, taking in the feeling that washed over me. When it settled, I stood up and swished the blade, walking over to the small crater that myself created. I paused, seeing her clutching herself and painfully crawling away, a blood trail being left behind. I couldn’t help but feel pity. I walked over to her, seeing her reaching for Din’s blade. I moved around her and stamped on her foreleg. She screamed as I put a hoof on the pommel of Din’s blade, aiming the now transformed Excalibat at her. “The fight you are trying to continue has already been long over. I’m sorry about your loss. If I had any power to do something about it… I would. But I should thank you too. You showed me that I do have that power right now. I can stop our suffering and walk with Fie into the future she will bring. I cannot go back and undo everything I’ve done. But as she always told us. We have to be our best selves.” I studied myself sadly. Tears were streaming down her face as she glared angrily, almost defiantly at me. “Don’t you remember what that was like?” Myself panted, wincing as she shifted on the ground. “Being… my best… self?” Myself spoke. She then gave a pained chuckle before looking up at me. “No… no I don’t think she ever told me that…” I lowered my head a little. Suddenly, a burst of fire erupted just behind myself and the spectral image of Din walked over to us. She studied us quietly. I met her look. “I would never be the right vessel for you. There would be no way we would get along. Fie was the only one who could make you understand. I would only bring you down.” I sighed. “But I promise you. We will not make the same mistakes. As my word as Quiet Fire’s best friend. The one who will walk by her side till the end.” I plucked Din’s blade from the ground and tossed it down at her hooves. “It’s time to rest. You’ve fought as best you could.” Din’s image lowered her head to the blade and picked it up in her sharp teeth. She walked over to myself and adjusted the blade, the tip aimed at me. Myself winced as I let her go and she rolled over onto her back, holding her wound. She met Din’s eyes and a grin formed. “Heh. I’m such a pain in the ass…” Myself spoke. Din stabbed the blade into myself and her body jolted. Din stepped back and we watched as her blade disappeared into a fiery blaze, the fire igniting around myself. She didn’t scream. She didn’t move. It was as if she had died long ago already. Peeling away from whatever held her together vanished into ember until there was nothing left. The butterflies began to settle. The spring breeze blowing by me as I stood where I was, staring at the spot Din and myself had been. Something told me that what had just happened ended a story to begin a new one. I then stared at the blade in my magic hold. The steel sharp and glinting in the sun. I then smiled as I shifted the blade to a reflection of myself. The same, but different pony.