Mare Do Well Meets Her Match

by DestinyDecade

Chapter 8: Chaos and Consequences Pt. 2

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match

An MLP: Friendship is Magic Fan-Fiction

Chapter 8: Chaos and Consequences Pt. 2

The two trotted off leaving Manehattan behind at the hands of the Equestrian Rebel Army. Now this became a journey… a journey for Rob to find his family and reunite them. With Pinkie Pie by his side, he was ready to pull it off.

“Okay Pinkie, I think you should know that as long as the Element of Laughter is inside you, Discord won’t corrupt you. This is going to help when we find the others.” He shows her a note that he got from Shining Armor.

“What’s that? It looks like a list.” Pinkie replied. Rob knew that coming from her. It was expected.

“Of course it is. This tells us where the others are located.” He then gives Pinkie a smooch on the cheek. “Since I already found you, I can cross it off the list.”

“Lemme see…” Rob hands Pinkie the paper. “Oooh, we need to head to the Rambling Rock Ridge. I think we’ll find somepony really special there.”

“Good idea. Let’s move.” He said. The two raced for the Rambling Rock Ridge. “One more thing.” The two stopped for a bit. “We need to make sure not to attract any attention. He has eyes and ears everywhere.”

Pinkie nodded and the two continued on their way to find their friends. Although there was a major downpour of chocolate rain, they kept moving to avoid any Discorded guards. Reaching the Hollow Shades gave them an opportunity to avoid them. Not many ponies travel through the Hollow Shades. It was known as a village hidden in the glooms of the forest located between two mountain areas. Nowadays, it has become abandoned and devoid of any life. Rob and Pinkie used this time to rest up though they had to be cautious. After some time to recharge, they continued on their way reaching Foal Mountain. The frigid temperature made things a challenge. Fortunately, the two found a way to reach the other side with little difficulty. With the mountains behind them, they proceeded to their destination; Rambling Rock Ridge.

“What in the world?” Rob said. He was speechless by what he saw. Pinkie also felt the same way.

Ahead of them was Rambling Rock Ridge… or whatever’s left of it. Most of the area felt like it was a complete warzone. Judging by what they saw, an intense battle must have taken place. Holes were seen but they were bigger covering a greater range. To make it worse, the area was unstable. There were cracks seen on the ground below and with every second passing, they continue to increase. Trying to find their friends in a world that was falling apart wasn't easy.

Shocked by the sight of the rock ridge, Pinkie said. “Holy moly…”

“That’s a lot of holies all right.” Rob followed up. “Come on. I know somepony is here. I sense it.”

Despite the unstable area, the two head into Rambling Rock Ridge. Rob sensed that somepony would be there. He knows it. Deep within the ridge, somepony was checking the ground. It was a young mare that had a coat as white like opal. She was using magic hoping to see if anything was under there. Next to her was a young dragon that was assisting. He looked at her wondering if they would find anything. But one look from her guarantees no success. Today wasn’t really their day.

“Guess there’s no gems here either. We’ve been at this for hours now.” Said the young dragon.

“I guess you’re right. This place is becoming more barren by the minute.” The mare replied. “Come Spike. We need to get moving.”

Spike nodded and replied, “Good idea. Maybe we’ll find somewhere else to get gems… if there is any place left.”

“I don’t think there is anywhere else Spike.” She got a look at her knapsack seeing some of the gems they were able to get their hands on. “We’ll only have enough for one more night. After that… I don’t know.”

“Then we’ll have to find another way. We have to Rarity.” Spike responded. Rarity let out a smile toward him.

“I know Spike. I know.” She plants a kiss on his cheek. “Come on. Let’s see if we can trade these for something to eat.”

The two went on their way leaving the Rock Ridge behind. Despite their efforts in a barren place, they got their hands on whatever they could. Before they could leave, somepony stopped the two in their tracks. He was covered in a cloak to hide his identity. Rarity and Spike looked at him with caution. They had no idea who that pony was.

“Yes? Can we help you?” asked Rarity. The stallion didn’t say a word. It looked at the two cautiously.

“If you have anything to say, you may as well say it right now.” Retorted Spike. Rarity wanted to use her magic to push the stallion out of the way.

But there wasn’t going to be any need for a fight. The stallion lifted his front hoof giving them a message. Rarity and Spike kept their focus and their distance on him.

“Never thought you’d be scrapping for gems in a place like this. I thought you’d be at a gem mine right now.” He spoke.

“There aren’t any gem mines left… not after what Discord had done.” Spike replied. “We’re just trying to find whatever we can so we can trade for some food.”

“What happened to this place?” The stallion asked. “Why is it falling apart?”

“It’s really hard to say but ever since Discord took over, he went all out bringing chaos everywhere. Rambling Rock Ridge was one of the few places that he struck.” Spike explained, “For months, this place is breaking down and there isn’t much of the ridge left.”

But Rarity interrupted Spike by saying, “Spike. I don’t think it’s necessary to tell him what we’re doing.” She then turns to Rob. “Now then, what is your business here? There’s nothing left in this ridge.”

“My business doesn’t concern this place. It concerns with you.” He replied. The two looked on in silence. “It’s good to see you again.”

Rarity and Spike look on as the stallion lifted the hood. Revealing his identity, their expressions went from concern to shock. Rob simply smiled, happy that he was reunited with his friends. For the two that see it, they were filled with various emotions. Ranging from shock to happiness, the three looked at one another. In a few seconds, the three went into a warm embrace. There appeared to be much to catch up between them.

“Rob! I can’t believe it… I can’t believe you’re back!” said Spike. He was all teary-eyed hugging his best friend.

Rarity, trying to compose her feelings followed up by saying, “You look so… so different. What happened to you?”

“It’s a long story… I’ll tell you everything later.” Rob replied. “I did bring somepony along for the ride.” They got a look at Pinkie who was as happy as ever.

Pinkie shared a hug with Rarity and Spike. Reunions ensued between them. But they brought Rob into the picture and it was a four-way hugfest. There was some time for tears. It was needed but the four didn’t have much time. Rob and his friends left Rambling Rock Ridge. Seeing the area continue to break apart was a horrid sight. Once that was done, they reached the forest. Getting a fire ready, the four sat down as Rob explained things to Spike and Rarity. He explained how he came back to life and how for the next six months was able to control and master his powers.

“And that’s about it. It wasn’t easy but I’m really happy to be back alive.” Rob said, with a smile.

“It’s really good to have you back Rob.” Rarity replied, shedding a tear. “Believe me darling, it really is. But you look so different now.”

“Yeah.” Spike said, agreeing with her. “You really look like Big Mac but a lot more blue. Not to mention your hair. You really let yourself go.”

“I know. I really did but hey, this is what happens when time flies.” Rob said. He then went closer to Spike. “Listen, I know it’s a bit sudden but…”

Spike interrupted Rob and said, “No, it’s okay. I want to say sorry for not believing you. You were right. Twilight and the others did do a bad thing. It’s that she kept telling me that you ruined everything.”

“It’s alright. You had no idea but still, you should have taken my side. We’ve been buds for more than a year.” Spoke Rob.

“I know. So…” Spike asks, lifting his hand. “Think we can be friends again?”

Rob replied, “Of course Spike, we’re buds for life.” The two shared a dragon-pony brohoof symbolizing their renewed friendship.

To these two, the brohoof they shared had a special meaning. Rob and Spike have been friends for more than a year having experienced many moments whether good, bad or otherwise. Rarity and Pinkie saw the two reconcile. They smiled and after it ended, Rob went to see Rarity. She had no idea what was about to happen next.

“Rob?” She asked, “What are you doing?” She saw Rob close his eyes performing the same power that he used on Pinkie.

Pinkie went to Spike and the two got a look. The infusion lasted for a few seconds. Rarity was engulfed in a bright light during the process. It was warm and serene. When it was finished, the light disappeared. Rarity wondered in confusion what happened. Pinkie knew but not Spike.

“Uh Rob…” Spike said, curiously. “What did you do to Rarity? What was that just now?”

“Allow me to explain Spike. Everypony said that when I passed on, the Elements of Harmony died with it.” Rob tried to compose himself. “But that is a lie. I was brought back to life by some other force. In the process, the Elements started to act violently. It took me six months but I was able to tame them before they would end up doing damage to me and my body.”

“Robbie… I think you should tell Spike what you did with Rarity.” Pinkie said, knowing that he forgot the main focus.

“You’re right Pinkie. Anyway, I infused Rarity with the Element of Generosity.” He said. The two saw Rarity’s element appear. Even Rarity was surprised.

“Yep yep yep. I have it too. Look!” Pinkie showed Rarity her Element of Harmony. It was infused as well.

“You look marvelous with your element darling. So will this help us?” She asked.

“Like Pinkie, your element is enhanced protecting you from Discord’s magic.” He replied. Spike was in amazement after hearing him.

“That’s amazing. I didn’t know you have that kind of power. Will you be able to do the same with the others?” Spike asked. Rob gave a nod.

“I will. But now we must move on. There are four others we need to find.” Taking out a sheet of paper, he crossed off Rarity from the list. “Next up is Applejack.”

But Rob noticed a bit of silence coming from his friends. Seeing this made him very curious. He decided to get to the bottom of things.

“Oh-kay, what’s with the silent treatment?” He asked. “Is there something you three are not telling me?” Rob looked at the three, perplexed.

“Um Rob… there’s something you should know about Applejack.” Spike responded.

“What about it?” He asked.

Rarity stepped forward and said, “You see, when we all went our separate ways six months back, Applejack asked me for a request.”

Rob looked at Rarity and replied, “Request? What do you mean? Or does this have to do with the fact over what happened?”

Rarity, nodded with guilt looked at him and explained. “After your ‘death’, everypony hated us. We were all treated with extreme hostility. I had to close down my shop because I designed the costumes. My family hated me for what I did, even my own sister.”

“Though I wasn’t treated bad like the others, I felt I am partially to blame because I didn’t listen to you. After Twilight locked herself in the library, I decided to stay with Rarity. We’ve been scrapping around for gems so we can get some food. It wasn’t easy, believe me.” Spike replied.

“I suffered the worst… after Robbie died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Everypony hated me. They became meanies. I quit my job at Sugarcube Corner. I stopped doing parties and I even stopped smiling.” Before she could say anything else, Rob comforted her.

“You don’t have to say anything else. At least be happy I have come back. Right?” Pinkie went closer to him and they kiss. “Anyway, what about Applejack?”

Rarity said, “Applejack has been deemed the ‘rotten apple’ in her family. Everypony hated her. They didn’t want her around. She came to me asking if she can help her be rid of who she was. I couldn’t refuse a request like that.”

“So what did you do? Give her one of your little makeovers?” He asked. Rarity, knowing this gave a nod.

“I did. The darling was in worse shape. I had to help her. I’m not known as the Element of Generosity for nothing.” Rarity said. Rob understood the plight of the situation.

“Can you tell me where we can find her? If anything, at least so I can maybe set things right for all of us.” Rarity however, couldn’t say anything turning her head to the side.

“I’m sorry Rob.” She apologized. ”I haven’t heard anything from Applejack since then. She never told me where she went.”

“I see.” He then takes out the paper he had. “Fortunately, I have a good idea where. Come on. Let’s move.” He ordered.

The three of them followed Rob out of the forest. Still holding onto the piece of paper, he got a good view of a sentence. It may be a clue that would help Rob find his next friend. Pinkie and the others looked and wondered what was going on. After about an hour or so, the four arrived at an all-too familiar place. Rarity and the others wondered if Rob knew this.

“We have arrived. Didn’t think we would be here after so long.” Rob said. He saw his friends look on in disbelief. “What?”

He then turns around and gets a good look at the place. Not many places stood after Discord took control of the planet. Some were either abandoned or occupied by corrupt Canterlot officials. This place was lucky enough to even exist. Nopony knew why but life can be unpredictable. Dodge Junction was one of the last surviving towns that withstood Discord’s wrath. It was a quiet town where ponies would come to grab a drink, have some entertainment or just drop by to at least forget the troubles of this dying world. Rob sensed that somepony was here. He knows it. The others however weren’t.

“What are we doing here?” said Spike. Rarity and Pinkie thought as well.

Rob answered. “What else? To find Applejack. You said so yourself Rarity that you haven’t heard from her for six months.” Rarity nodded.

“Um Robbie, this town is super big. She can be anywhere or anypony.” Pinkie replied.

“You have a good point. Then Pinkie and I will go undercover and find her.” Rob exclaimed.

“What?! Undercover? What are we going to do? Find Applejack? We don’t know where to start.” In her usual fashion, Pinkie asked questions like there was no tomorrow.

Rarity however had a plan in mind. “If you’re going to go in there and find her, you’ll need at most something to wear.”

Rob and Pinkie stopped and got a look at Rarity. They wondered what she meant but decided to go along with it. Finding a nearby house, the four went inside. Little do they knew that somepony was watching them… watching and waiting. It then decided to follow. Meanwhile, Rarity went to work making outfits for the two. She worked her hardest making sure what she does will help the two complete their goal. After a few minutes, she was finished.

“It’s done. Rob, Pinkie… here you go. These will help you blend in this town.” Rarity said. She used her magic to present the two their outfits. One outfit was a traditional cowboy outfit but was made to house some advantages. The other was an outfit fit for a showgirl giving it a burlesque look.

“Alright. Thanks Rarity.” Rob said, getting his outfit. Pinkie did the same and the two went into separate rooms to change.

Rob came out first and had the look of a cowboy. Spike gave him the thumbs-up. When Pinkie came out, Rob’s expression went from confident to infatuated. Seeing her in that outfit made him a little lovey-dovey. It took two snaps from Spike’s fingers to get him out of it.

“Hey lover stallion, wake up.” Spike said. Rob turned to see him, as surprised as ever.

“Oh sorry Spike. Haven’t seen Pinkie Pie wear that since the time in Appleloosa last year. It still gets me giddy.” He replied. Spike wasn’t impressed.

But Pinkie simply blushed and gave him a smooch. This made Rob get even giddy. Spike and Rarity look on and wonder what’s up with this couple.

“Darlings…” Rarity’s voice got their attention. “Could we save that stuff for after we find Applejack?”

“Oh, yeah… sorry. Come on Pinkie. We got work to do.” Rob responded. The two head out. Before they reached the door, somepony was in their way.

It was a stallion that wore a very strange outfit. It consisted of a long hat, a gray jacket, green pants and had some kind of mask to shield himself from view. Rob and the others wondered who it was. Everything became silent until he spoke.

“Excuse me. Ah’m looking for someone named Rob. Is the fella here?” The pony said. Rob trotted closer to see.

“I’m Rob Stallion.” He replied. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

The stallion asked, “Ah hear you are looking for somepony right? Somepony named Applejack?”

Rob followed by saying, “That’s right. Do you know anything about her that can help us?” Rob and the others saw him removed his hat and took off his mask. He revealed himself to be Big Macintosh, head of the Special Ops in the Equestrian Resistance. Rob and the others look on in shock seeing him.

“Ah figure ah’d find you old buddy.” Said Big Mac. He then gave Rob a big hug. Rob hadn’t felt this amount of happiness in a long time.

“Big Mac? What are you doing around in these parts?” Rob asked.

“Ah thought maybe ah’d find mah sister here. To tell her ah’m sorry for what ah’ve done to her.” Big Mac explained. This made Rob more motivated than before.

“I know she’s here Big Mac. I’ll find her. That’s a promise.” He replied. He then assured Big Mac by giving him a brohoof. Big Mac gave him and Pinkie a hug.

Once that was taken care, the two left and went for the bar. Heading inside, they got a view of the place. It was, as anypony would expect if they entered. Many ponies were coming in enjoying drinks, playing cards or watching the live show with the showmares. Along with that, there was a bartender who was serving out drinks to the many customers. Rob gets a look at the bartender who had a brown coat and her mane and tail were trimmed having a black tone. She wore a traditional outfit made for a bartender not to mention she had the skills to deliver.

“Alright, who asked for the spicy cider martini?” the bartender asked. One pony that was sitting nearby raised his hoof. “Here you are. Who’s next?”

“That’s the bartender over there.” He whispered. “Pinkie, you try to entertain the guests. I’ll see if the bartender is what we’re looking for.”

Rob trotted to a nearby stool hoping to get a drink. Pinkie meanwhile had no idea what to do. There were so many ponies having a good time that it made things a little rough for her. She sees one pony that drank a lot get close to her. His face felt like he went through heck and back.

“Hey there missy… how ya doing?” The stallion said. His speech was slurred and out of place. “Care for some ch-chatter? Or some fun maybe…?” He let out a hiccup followed by a burp.

“No way. Stinky! Stinky! Stinky! Get away from me!” Pinkie replied, pushing the stallion away. What she finds is that it made the stallion angry.

“Shouldn’t have done that sweetheart.” He went closer to Pinkie hoping to teach her a lesson. “Now you’re gonna learn what happens when unlucky mares decide ta reject me.”

He was ready to sock Pinkie in the face but a very unlikely pony held his hoof back. The drunken stupor turned to see and it was Rob. He wasn’t very happy. A punch was thrown sending him straight into a wall. Reeling from the blow, he races toward Rob hoping to fight back. Instead of hitting him, the drunk ended up crashing onto a table.

“Hey!” The bartender said, getting Rob’s attention. “If you can throw this idiot outta here, I’ll hook you up with a free drink.” She then winked at him.

Without so much as a simple thought, Rob grabbed the drunken stallion and threw him out of the bar. Everypony cheered for Rob’s accomplishment. It made him very pleased. Things then went back to normal at the bar. Rob went to Pinkie wondering if she was okay. Fortunately she was. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. He then saw her head to the stage ready to perform a show for the guests. Now his focus was on that bartender. Taking a seat, he gets her attention.

“So pardner, what’ll it be?” She said.

“I’ll take an apple cider please.” Rob asked. The bartender wondered about him.

“Apple cider? Nopony drinks them anymore. How about an apple cinnamon martini instead?” She suggested.

“You serious?” Rob saw a serious look coming from that bartender. He then says, “Okay fine. I’ll have me an apple cinnamon martini.”

“Comin’ right up.” His eyes were on the bartender. From getting the ingredients ready to making the martini, it was all down in just a matter of seconds. “Here ya go. Drink up. It’s on the house.”

“Thank you.” He drank a sip of the martini that was given to him. One taste from it gave him a very positive response. “Wow, this is good.”

“Ah thank ya for the compliment.” She replied. “You’re new at these parts. Want ta give me a name?”

Hoping to find out more without blowing his cover, Rob answered. “The name is… Roy. Call me Roy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shared a brohoof with her. “By the way, do you have a name?”

“Ah… mah name is. Ahright, guess it wouldn’t hurt. Mah name’s Auburn. Auburn Onyx.” Auburn replied. “Who’s your fillyfriend over there on tha stage?”

“Her. She’s one of the new Showmares. Heard from management that they’re hiring. I figure I would bring her along. She is a really good dancer.” Rob said. Auburn looked at her dance and was quite pleased.

“Ah really have to say, ya picked the right pony.” Auburn gets another look at Pinkie who was dancing. “Strange… why does she look familiar?”

“Huh? Is something the matter?” Rob asked.

“Nah, nothing’s wrong.” Auburn replied. “Ah’ve noticed you’re looking at me. Something on ya mind?”

“There is quite frankly. Tell me… you the only bartender working in this bar? I wonder if there are anypony else.” Rob questioned.

“Ah’m the only pony here. If you’re thinking anything funny then forget it. Ain’t interested.” Auburn said. The tone of her voice became serious.

“Hard to get huh? I wonder if you’re always like this when stallions try to woo ya.” He responded. A look from Auburn shows that he was persistent.

“If you were one of them saps, you’d be on the floor right now.” She rasped. It scared Rob a bit but he was persistent.

“At least I was trying to help get rid of an annoying drunk. Be grateful for that.” He said. He finished up drinking his apple cinnamon martini.

“I am grateful that you did. Ya know… you’re not that bad.” She replied, giving out a smile.

“I’m good, believe me. Very good.” He said. The smile he gave toward Auburn made her blush a little. He then decides to whisper into Auburn’s ear getting her giddy and excited.

As Rob continued his way in talking with Auburn, Pinkie kept watch. Though she was with the other showmares dancing, she made sure not to let her sight off of Rob and that mare bartender. Seeing his efforts wooing her made Pinkie a little irritated.

You better hope you know what you’re doing Robbie. Pinkie kept on dancing with the other showmares, still having his focus on Rob.

Rob looks at Auburn and says, “Tell me something Auburn, you available after hours? I wouldn’t mind hanging out with ya.”

Auburn thought about it for a few seconds. She then looks at him with a reply. “Ah gotta check with mah boss. He’s one tough cookie. Not to mention he’s hard ta convince.”

“Convince? What’s so hard about convincing for some time off? You at least need it if you work your flank off making drinks for people.” Rob followed.

“Ahright.” She said, letting off a dejected sigh. “I’ll check with my boss upstairs. You wait here.”

Rob saw Auburn head upstairs. He looked at Pinkie and gave her a nod. It was all she needed to see. Fortunately she was finishing up her show. After the cheers, she left the stage and followed Rob upstairs. She then reached Rob and was ready to nag at him.

“Robbie, are you out of your mind? What were you trying to do with the bartender?!” She shouted. “Were you trying to woo her huh? Tell me! Tell me now before I bring out my party cannon on you!”

Rob tried his hardest to calm her down but after a few seconds, he succeeded. “Sorry Pinkie. It’s that I wanted to get to know Auburn a little better. I figure it’d help if we’re going to find out more about her.”

“Oh. I thought you were going to ask her out on a date.” Pinkie said.

Rob looks at her for a bit and said, “I wasn’t. Now come on, let’s move.”

Pinkie and Rob followed Auburn to her boss’ room upstairs. When Auburn opened the door to check on her boss, he wasn’t there. Something wasn’t right and she knew it.

“If you’re looking for your boss, I don’t think he’s around. My guess he skipped town.” Rob’s voice made Auburn turned around.

“Ah thought I told ya to stay on your seat. Why do ya decide to follow me?” She asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe because I know who you really are behind your disguise.” Rob said.

Auburn wasn’t amused. “Ah don’t need any of this. Ah’m getting me security and-” Before she could trot any further, some stallion was blocking the way. “Excuse me. This here’s a restricted area.”

“Ah’m not moving. Ah need to talk to you.” He took off his hat revealing it to be Big Mac. Auburn became silent after seeing him. “Ah know it’s you… Applejack.”

I knew it. Rob looked on, hearing the revelation.

“Ah’m not Applejack. I’m Auburn Onyx!” She shouted. Her tone became fierce. “She’s hasn’t been seen since that day months back. Ah don’t know where she’d be.”

But Big Mac wasn’t buying it. Hoping to snap her out of it, he responds. “Don’t lie ta me! Ah know it’s you! Are ya still angry because our family hates ya? How they made ya the rotten apple of the family? Tell me?! Ah need to know!”

Auburn couldn’t say anything to Big Mac. Rob along with Pinkie knew who she was behind the disguise. Everything became silent. Rarity and Spike appeared. One look from Rob told them not to talk. As for Auburn, she tried to collect whatever thoughts she had and confronted Big Mac. It wasn’t going to be pretty.

“It’s much more than that.” Her voice changed slightly. “Ah was hated. Ah was teased. Nopony wanted to talk to me. What would ya want me ta do? Huh? Tell me Big Mac! Ah had no choice but to run away! Nopony needed me! Nopony wanted to be around me!” She looked at Big Mac shedding a tear. “It was better for me and our family!”

Rob who saw it all couldn’t find the right words. My god… I had no idea my death would trigger all of this.

“Eenope, it wasn’t. It wasn’t better. In fact, we realized how much we need ya.” Big Mac’s words got Auburn wondering. “We need ya sis. We need ya now more than ever. Our world’s fallin’ apart thanks ta Discord and our family has been split up. Ah’m here sis to say sorry… sorry for all the things that I’ve done to ya. All the things our family has done to ya. So please… please come back ta us. We need ya. Ah need ya.” Big Mac tried hard not to cry. “Your sister needs ya. Please… we need ya back.” She saw him shed a tear. He continued to be serious.

Everypony became silent for a few minutes. Big Mac looked at Auburn with serious eyes. He speculated if she was willing to forgive him. Rob along with Pinkie and the others thought the same thing. Auburn then got a look at Rob, Pinkie and their friends. She then turned to Big Mac. It was then she realized deep inside what she needed to do.

“Ahright… Big Mac, I’ll do it. I’ll come back to tha family. Ah forgive ya big brother.” Hearing that made everyone cheer. She then turns to Rob and the others. They went to Applejack and the five shared a hug. Big Mac joined in as well.

“It’s good to have you back Applejack. Really really good to have you back again.” Said Pinkie Pie. “Saw me dancing? Was I good? Huh? Tell me.”

“You were good Pinkie. Although I never thought that Robbie here was such a smooth talker.” Hearing that made Rob blush a bit. “But ah do have to say thanks for getting rid of that drunk. He was a major bother to all the showmares.”

“You’re welcome. It’s the least I can do.” Applejack went and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It made him a little jumpy but it didn’t matter. Pinkie was a little upset but was so happy that she didn’t feel bothered by it.

“I do have to say Applejack. You look really well in brown and black.” Rarity said.

“Ah appreciate the comment Rarity but ah’d prefer my old look better. We got work to do and a world to save.” Replied Applejack. The others including Big Mac agreed.

“Now then, it’s time for me to do my job.” Rob said. “Applejack, this may tingle a bit but I feel that it’ll really help.”

“Rob, what are ya doing?” She asked.

“Don’t worry Applejack. Robbie is going to do something that’ll help us. So no worries.” Pinkie responded, reassuring Applejack.

“Ah-ahright. Big Mac, are you sure ya letting Rob do this?” She inquired.

Big Mac gave her a nod followed by this, “Eeyup.”

Rob smiled as he went to work. Closing his eyes, his body began to engulf in a bright light. Applejack suddenly felt energy all over her body. The process lasted for a couple of seconds. During the process, her disguise began to fade away returning her to normal. When it was done, the light went away. Pinkie and the others saw Applejack’s element appear infused to her body. Applejack looked at Pinkie and Rarity. They each have their elements within their bodies.

“Allow me to explain. I just used my powers to infuse you with your Element of Honesty. Not only that but I’ve enhanced it so that Discord’s magic can’t affect you. You’re going to need it because he won’t be pulling any punches this time.” Rob said, letting out a smile but was determined to hopefully keep on going.

“Thanks Rob. Ah’ll need all the help we can get.” Applejack then went to Big Mac and gave him a hug. “Don’t worry Big Mac. Ah’ll make my family proud. You watch me.”

“Ah’m counting on ya sis.” He put his hat over her head. “Our family is counting on ya. Ah have to go now. Ah have a job to do.”

“Take care big brother.” She hugged Big Mac once more and saw him put his clothes back on and be on his way. Seeing her friends, Applejack turns around and says, “Let’s leave this town. We got friends ta find.” Everypony let out a cheer.

Rob and Pinkie changed back to normal before they went on their way. After leaving the bar, he looked at the paper he had and found another location. Though he wonder if his friends wouldn’t mind going back.

“Guys… I don’t now if it’s okay to say it but, I think we need to head back to Ponyville. There are still some ponies we need to find.” Rob said.

“Who da we need to find? Ponyville’s been barricaded. No pony can get in or out. It’s off limits!” Applejack replied. Her friends nodded in agreement.

Rob however disagreed. “Afraid not. I took care of all the security there. It’s empty. The rebels should have it occupied by now. But regardless, there’s a reason why we need to go back.”

“You mean…” Rarity said.

“Twilight and Fluttershy right?” Pinkie followed. He gave them a nod.

“Let’s move. Every second we waste means that Discord will continue ta bring chaos to the world.” Applejack followed.

The five trotted on their way to Ponyville but since they knew it would take a while, they decided to take a train. Although the world was submerged in eternal chaos, transportation still continued to function as long as Distopia wasn’t part of that route. Rob along with the others settled down contemplating their options.

“Okay Rob, what do ya have up your sleeves? You’ve already rescued me, Pinkie and Rarity. How are we going to rescue Fluttershy and Twilight?” asked Applejack.

“At this point, Ponyville is abandoned. I knocked out all the guards since my arrival here got their attention. We’ll find Fluttershy first. I know from Shining Armor how each of you suffered after I well… departed somewhat.” He replied.

“I don’t think you need to tell us. We all suffered badly after you left. It was horrible.” Spike said. Rob comforted him with a hug.

“Don't worry. You guys ain’t to blame. I have to take responsibility for what I did. But for now, we need to hurry for Fluttershy’s cottage. That’s priority number one. After that, we head for the Library.” Rob explained.

“Hate to say it but the library is protected by a barrier that Twilight had made. Ah guess that since she’s the one who came up with it, she suffered the worst.” Applejack said.

“I know. Shining Armor told me everything on how each of you suffered. I only hope that when it’s over, we can put this behind us and be like one big family again.” Rob replied, saddened by the consequences of his actions.

Pinkie then gave him a hug in the hopes that frown can turn upside down. The others joined in as well. By then, the train reached its destination: Ponyville. When the five get out, they see that the Resistance forces have occupied the town. Rob seemed pleased of this since now the base is getting more morale due to his presence. Once they were greeted by some of the members, they continued toward Fluttershy’s cottage, which was on the outskirts of town. They arrived and saw Fluttershy getting ready to leave. It wasn’t just her but every single animal that she rescued as well. Rob and the others had no idea what was going to happen.

“Fluttershy!” Rob shouted. When she got a look, she noticed Rob alongside his friends. She had a look of utter shock seeing him again especially with how he looked.

“Rob… wh-what are you doing here?” She struggled to find the right words. The fact that her friend has come back made it a bit difficult. “How… how have you come back?”

He responds, “It’s a long story. I’ll explain it to all of you later. Right now, we’re here for you.”

“Yeah! We all are. So what’s with the bags? You leaving somewhere?” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy tried hard not to say anything to them.

“Pinkie, the bags that she’s carrying tell us that she’s leaving somewhere.” Applejack then turns to Fluttershy. “What’s going on Fluttershy?”

“Um… I’m leaving. I’m leaving Ponyville.” Fluttershy’s words left her friends in a state of shock. “I… I don’t like being here. Everypony hated me. I tried to take care of all my friends here but… it’s so hard.”

“It’s hard because we’re all to blame.” Rob said. “Each of us is to blame for how this world is right now. Unless we can set things right, there’s nothing we can do.”

“Robbie is right Fluttershy. We’re all in this together, even you. So please, we need you.” Pinkie said.

“Darling, what happened can’t be taken back. This is a problem that we all must fix. So what do you say? Will you stay?” Rarity asked. Spike nodded knowing she got her back and so did the others.

It took Fluttershy quite a while before she made her decision. Rob and his friends hoped that she would make the correct choice. Angel came by pulling on Fluttershy’s mane. It was a sign stating that they’re ready to leave. But one look from her tells the bunny they’re not.

“We’re not leaving Angel. I’m staying.” Fluttershy ordered. She turned to find her friends happy. “I’m staying… for my friends.”

Fluttershy shared hugs with all her friends. Now they had one more ally joining them in their crusade to save their world. Like the others, Rob stepped forward and placed his hoof on Fluttershy’s head. Light engulfed them both as the process lasted a few seconds. When it was over, Rob completed his goal. Fluttershy got a look at a nearby puddle and saw that she was infused with the Element of Kindness. One look gave her a bit of surprise.

“Only two left… come on guys. Let’s head for the library.” Rob said. The others nodded, following along.

“Um Rob… what was that?” asked Fluttershy.

Rob was ready to explain but Pinkie took care of that for him. “Robbie just did something super-ultra-special to ya. Look!” She showed Fluttershy her Element of Harmony.

“Your element… it’s in you.” She said, surprisingly.

“What that boy did was merged us with our elements. Plus, they’ll help against that Discord. That ah think ah’m grateful for.” Applejack replied.

“Pretty much. I still have Magic and Loyalty that need to be returned to their owners.” Rob exclaimed.

The five trekked back to Ponyville. Up ahead was the Golden Oaks Library, residence of Twilight Sparkle and Spike. After Rob’s death and the discovery of being expelled as Princess Celestia’s student, Twilight locked herself in the library. A barrier was formed preventing anyone from getting into the library. Nopony has ever seen her since and many wonder if she’s still in there. When they arrived, they see Trixie trying her hardest to tear that barrier down. She has had very little success.

“This barrier is impossible to take down. Trixie now wonders what Twilight was thinking when she did this.” Trixie said. She turned to see Rob and his friends coming closer.

“I take it you’re still trying to tear that barrier down aren’t you?” He asked. She wasn’t pleased to hear that.

“Whatever Twilight has done is making things impossible. I’ve looked through every single spell I had up Trixie’s sleeves and nothing works. Nothing!” Trixie replied, fuming angry over the barrier’s complexity.

“Let me try. Maybe I’ll crack this barrier to shreds.” Rob said. He stretched a bit, getting himself focused.

“Good luck. Trixie has tried everything in her arsenal but nothing worked.” Trixie replied, making good with her words.

With enough space, Rob closed his eyes and began tapping into his dormant powers. Pinkie and the others got a look at the show that would transpire. A golden light began emanating around Rob causing him to transform into Nova, the Blazing Centurion. Seeing the barrier in front of him, he began building up energy. Trixie and the others continued to watch. Once he gathered enough strength, he gently went closer to the barrier. Using one hoof, he touched the barrier. Sensing the right spot, he made his move. Using energy he built up, Nova smacked it. The barrier let out a circulated wave that made him reel back a bit.

“See? The barrier didn’t do a dent! Do you think that Trixie is lying?!” Trixie shouted. Rob’s friends were silent. They turned to see what transpired next.

Cracks began to form from the point where he hit the barrier. Within seconds, the barrier began to break apart and then it was shattered. Trixie looked on in shock seeing Nova destroy the barrier that covered the library, whereas her magic couldn’t lay a dent. Rob powered down back to normal. He turned to see his friends cheering and Trixie completely stupefied by what she saw.

“And that’s… how you do it.” Rob said. “Come on, let’s move!”

Rob and the others went inside the library. Shaking her head from the shock, Trixie regains her composure and follows. The door then went open with a fierce push. What the seven saw was a very unpleasant sight. It was a complete mess. Books were seen all over the room. Many were thrown around, ripped apart or even burned to cinders. The smell of the room was enough to make anypony repulse in disgust. What was also noticeable was there was no light. A broken light bulb was seen nearby. This tells the seven that Twilight had been here. The question now is what and why.

“My word, this place is horrendous!” shouted Rarity. “What did Twilight do to leave this place so horrid like this?”

“If you’re going to complain about this Rarity, you can always wait outside.” Rob replied.

Rarity then followed with, “I’m sorry. It’s that like all of us here, I worry for Twilight. I really do. The poor thing… I only hope she’s doing alright.”

“We all do Rarity. We all do. Believe me.” Responded Applejack.

“Can we save this chatter for after we find Twilight? Trixie despises being around company.” Everypony looked at Trixie with an obvious glare. “What?”

“Never mind. Let’s head upstairs.” Rob ordered.

They went upstairs getting a look at the next room. It was even more of a bigger mess than it was the previous room. But Rob and Trixie know something is off. Somepony was here. They know it.

“Trixie senses something. Somepony is here and I know it.” Trixie said. Her horn was powering up.

“I agree. I sense it too. The element says that it’s very close.” Rob responded. His eyes darted all over the room until he spots some sort of bush nearby. “There.”

Rob along with Trixie and the others went closer to the bush. Gulping, Rob gently touches it. The bush began to react from the touch and a head was seen. This made him and Trixie move back a bit. Everyone got a look at what came forth from the bush. It was a unicorn pony that looked withered. Her coat was a complete mess, overgrown to the point that her cutie mark was covered. Normal eyes couldn’t see it. Her mane and tail were frizzled and shortened. Seeing this was completely horrifying, not just for Rob but also for all his friends especially Spike.

“Is that… is that Twilight?” Spike asked. Rob looked at him and gave him a nod. “What happened to her?”

“This is just horrendous. Twilight, what has happened to you?” Rarity asked. She gave them one look and not said a thing.

“Ha! The mighty Twilight Sparkle has fallen. Look at her! Dropping down to the lowest of low. I, the Great and Powerful Trixie laughs at you!” She then began to laugh at Twilight in her usual fashion.

For a brief three minutes, Trixie gloated on and on about how better she was over Twilight. She was in fact unaware that Rob and the others weren’t laughing. Looks of anger were seen in their eyes. One look told the story and Trixie simply stopped laughing. It wasn’t the right time to be doing this.

“Fine. Trixie will refrain from bantering Twilight.” She then watched as Rob and the others got to work helping their friend.

“Twilight… my god. What happened to you?” Rob asked.

Twilight turned and got a look at him. She couldn’t say anything but her actions spoke from her. All Rob saw was a look of shock in her eyes surprised that he was back among the living and not in the great beyond.

After the unexpected shock, she replied, “You… you’re the reason. It’s because of you that you ruined everything.”

“Why was it my fault? You were the one who decided to come up with the ploy of teaching Rainbow Dash a lesson. Too bad it ended up making you and everypony look bad.” He shouted.

“Rob had a point Twilight.” Said Applejack, “We all knew what we did was wrong and look at it now!”

“That’s right. Because of our actions… and his death… Discord is free once more. Equestria has been turned upside down and it’s our fault.” Responded Rarity.

Applejack followed up, “But now we’re ready to give that Discord a hoofbucking. Rob has been finding us and we need ya now more than ever.”

“So um please… please help us.” Whispered Fluttershy.

“Yeah Twilight. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the same without ya. So can ya? Huh? Pretty please?” asked Pinkie.

Spike went closer to Twilight with tears in his eyes. He was hurt seeing her like this. “Come on Twilight. I don’t want to lose my best friend. So please…. Help us.”

Twilight got a look at all six of them. They all wanted her back despite the fact that she was the one behind the Mare Do Well mess. Though it was meant to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson, it ended up causing problems for everypony involved. With the world turned upside down due to Discord’s return, all hope was lost.

But Twilight gave them a glare and said this. “I’m sorry but I can’t. It’s my fault that all this happened. I don’t want to be a hero anymore.”

Everypony was shocked after hearing what Twilight said. Pinkie asked, “But why Twilight? Why you don’t want to help us?”

Twilight explains, “Look, I have nothing against you all but this hero business is the reason why Rob died and how everypony now hates us. Not to mention the princess expelling me. That alone hurt me so bad that I just ripped all my friendship letters I did to her.”

“Twilight…” said Applejack. “Ah didn’t know no longer being Celestia’s student hurt ya that much.”

“Guess you never knew. My guess is that Celestia must have found some other pony to take my place.” She then was ready to turn around and trot off.

Rob however, didn’t like what he saw. “Do forgive me.” In a fit of either anger or stupidity, he comes up to Twilight and gives her a strong slap to the face. Everypony, including Trixie was literally stunned seeing that.

“I’m sorry but it’s time you wake up and realize what’s really going on.” Twilight shifted her head and ignored Rob. “Listen to me Twilight. What’s done is done. Nothing can be done about it. Remember the time you tried to warn your past self about a tragedy that never happened?”

“I remember. What are you implying with this?” Twilight questioned.

“The past can’t be changed. Even if you think it is so, it’s the absolute truth. We can’t change the past but we can work for a better future. I need all the help I can get to set things right.” He turned to see his friends looking at him. Trixie just simply watched. “You know you’ll have to live with all this but at least help us. Only then will Celestia see that you deserve another chance at being her student.”

“And how do I do that? Tell me.” Twilight replied.

“By coming with us. You and Dashie are the only two left and I must return what belongs to you.” Rob looked at Twilight hoping to see if she’ll consider. “So, will you help us?”

“As much as I want to… I can’t.” Twilight said, refusing Rob’s offer. This got the others a bit disappointed. But Rob wasn’t giving up.

“Then I guess I’m left with no choice Twilight Sparkle.” He places both hooves around her head. “I think you are in need of a refresher.”

Rob closed his eyes as he lets the Element of Magic do his job. Twilight began to see many things passing through at blinding speed. From when she was born, discovering her talents, heading to Ponyville, meeting all her friends, finding the Elements, learning various lessons, defeating Nightmare Moon and Discord, seeing her brother get married, seeing Rob make the ultimate sacrifice. When it was over, Rob put his hooves down. Twilight looked around and realized the situation.

“What… what’s going on here?” She asked. She turned to see her friends being all teary-eyed. “Guys? What are you?”

In a split second, Rob saw Twilight and her friends share a warm tearful embrace. Trixie simply looked on almost as if she wanted to throw up. All Rob could do was smile since he helped Twilight get to her senses. She then went to Rob and gave him a hug. It was her way of saying thank you. Rob repays the favor by infusing her with the Element of Magic. Once everything was done, Rarity took care of things by giving Twilight a much-needed makeover. Once it was finished, Twilight looked exactly as she was. She got to see the others already infused with their Elements but Rob’s face went from a smile to seriousness.

“What’s the matter Rob? Something bugging you?” Twilight asked.

“Only one left… Rainbow Dash.” He replied. “I know for certain that we won’t be going to her.”

“What do ya mean?” questioned Applejack. “What is it about Rainbow Dash?”

“She’s going to us.” But then, he senses something. His face changes to worry. “She’s here.”

Everypony looked on wondering what Rob meant. He already raced outside to see forcing the other seven to follow. When they reached outside, they see Rainbow Dash up above. She was a pegasus pony but her coat was completely gray. Even her cutie mark was gray as well. Her eyes were yellow and bright like the sun but the pupils were of blood red. It represented the result of being corrupted by Discord, except that she was corrupted to the core. All of them saw Rainbow Dash up above but the question remains… why is she here?

“Rainbow Dash…” Rob said, looking on in shock. “My god…”

“Well, didn’t think I’d find you all here.” Dash replied. “Guess he was right all along.”

“Dashie, is that you?” Pinkie asked.

“Sorry but the friend that you knew is long gone.” She responded, her tone cold and lifeless. “I’m now enforcer to the Chaotic Lord.”

“Rainbow Dash, stop this. This isn’t like you at all. Whatever happened to being loyal to your friends?” Twilight pondered.

“Loyal… To a bunch of jerks like you guys? As if!” She replied. “It’s thanks to you that I know what really means to be loyal.”

“Rob, we’ll handle Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said. “We’ll see if we can restore her back to normal.”

“Are you sure? Are you going to need help for this?” Rob asked. But the others look at him knowing they can handle it. “Alright, I’ll let you handle this. But if things get crazy, I’m stepping in. I still have a job to do.”

“We all know ya have a job to do Rob and we appreciate it. Now let us do ours.” Replied Applejack. Rob gave them a nod.

“Not letting your hero do the work for ya? This is going to be a lot of fun.” Rainbow Dash smiled with an evil glee.

Rob and Spike went back a bit getting a look at the battle that would transpire. Trixie watched as well. They see Rainbow Dash race toward them and a battle ensued between the Mane Six. Twilight and the others used their strengths hoping to keep her at bay. But it was of no avail. She was on the offensive striking the others at every possible chance. The five were getting tossed around like ragdolls all at Rainbow Dash’s amusement. It was a battle that was doomed from the start.

“Come on, is that it!? You girls are pathetic!” She shouted, smacking Twilight in the face. “You were right Twilight. Guess your little lesson you wanted to teach me did work after all.”

“Please… stop this Rainbow Dash. This isn’t you.” Twilight pleaded.

“No. This is what I wanted.” She slammed Twilight to the ground. “I now realize what it really means to be loyal. I always thought that it had to do with trusting more toward your friends.”

“Ya always were loyal Dash. Always.” Applejack spoke, getting up and trying to plead to her. “Ah never forget the times you were there for us.”

“But you really don’t know do you?” Rainbow Dash goes closer to Applejack and delivers a blow to the side. Applejack reeled in pain. “I now understand what loyalty is. It isn’t with my so-called friends… it’s with myself!”

She then saw Fluttershy trying to get up so she races to her and slams her down. All the while, Twilight and the others tried their best to convince Rainbow Dash that what she’s doing isn’t the right way. Rainbow wasn’t interested so she beat them down. Rob kept watching and didn’t like it one bit. Spike noticed him becoming angry.

“Rob, are you… are you alright?” Spike asked. He didn't say anything.

“When you all pulled that Mare Do Well act a few months back, you did teach me a lesson. I learned that your friends can one minute be nice and the next can hurt you in the worst possible way.” She shouted, smacking Rarity with another jab.

“We did not do this… to hurt you Rainbow Dash… we wanted to help you. That’s all.” Rarity replied, struggling to speak.

“Help me? I didn’t need you to tell me how I be a hero. I didn’t need anyone. It felt so good when Rob humiliated all of you. You all got what was coming, especially you Pinkie Pie.” She shouted, getting a good view of Pinkie who got up after getting smacked about. After she struck Rarity’s face to the ground, she walked closer to Pinkie.

“Dashie… stop. Please Dashie, I beg of you. This isn’t like you at all. Robbie did humiliate us but he tried so hard to set things right.” Pinkie said, insistent on telling her friend to stop.

“But when he came to all of you, what did you do? Tell me Pinkie, what?” Dash asked. She then shouted all while delivering blow after blow to Pinkie. “You ignored him! You shunned him out! You even hurt him! Is that what a friend does to others? Huh? Tell me!”

She then decided to grab Pinkie by the neck. Her smile was still there but now was replaced with rage, savagery, disloyalty and a craving for pain. Pinkie tried her hardest to let go but Rainbow’s grip was very strong. She was gasping for air, trying to breathe but it was replaced with grunts. Dashie beat on her violently, hurting her “friend”. Seeing all his friends getting beaten up was putting a serious toll on Rob physically and mentally. The last straw came as he sees Dash beating on Pinkie, the one he loved. He made a promise that he would protect her no matter what from anything that would bring harm to Pinkie or anypony.

“That’s enough…” he whispered. His voice began to build up, getting Spike’s attention.

“Is everything okay Rob?” Spike questioned.

“I said that’s enough.” He said. Rainbow Dash didn’t listen and she kept at it beating Pinkie. “That’s enough… that’s ENOUGH!”

His shout awakened the rage inside him. Within a second, he went Nova and dashed straight toward Dash. A punch was thrown and the force of the hit sent her flying to a broken-down house. Her grip on Pinkie was released almost immediately but was injured severely due to the blows. Pinkie got a look and saw Rob who has immediately went into Nova Prime. He touched her gently and using his power was able to heal her. His sight turned to Rainbow Dash who was reeling from the blow Nova gave her.

“You leave my fillyfriend alone. They are not the ones that caused the world to fall apart. It was I! I’m the one that you want!” Nova shouted.

“So now you take the blame for what they did to you and Equestria? What a laugh!” Rainbow Dash countered. All he gave her was a simple gesture. It was more than enough to get her riled up and ready for battle.

Rainbow Dash delivered the first blow, smacking Nova fiercely. Despite that, he countered with one of his own. The two exchanged blows for a few seconds before it led into a major brawl. But Nova contemplated on what he should do.

If I choose to fight, as I should, I could end up hurting her. Time I try a new strategy. He jumped a bit getting a good view of Dash.

“What’s wrong Nova? Running away? Just like your cowardly friends?” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“I ain’t running. I want to see if you can lay a single blow at me. Do you have what it takes?” He offered.

Taking the challenge, Rainbow Dash raced toward Nova and tried to lay a hoof on him. He simply dodges it with little to no effort. She kept on going trying to at least get a good hit. Nova’s speed was so fast that she was unable to keep up. Meanwhile, Pinkie was able to get the others together and they all got a look at the fight. It lasted for a couple of minutes and by then, Dash was exhausted. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t do it. This got her angry. Nova walked closer to her.

“What’s… with… you? You’re… too… fast.” Rainbow Dash said, out of breath and struggling to even hit him. She was weak due to her attempts and trying to stand up is a major drain to her body.

“Guess you never were that good huh?” He walked closer to her. “Now, it’s my turn.” He then delivers a hoof to her face. That one blow alone sent her flying 20 feet before landing on the ground face first. Not only that but it knocked her out for a while.

Nova grabbed Rainbow Dash’s body and flew to where Twilight and the others were. They saw him put her on the ground below. He then powered down reverting back to Rob. With just a simple nod, Twilight Sparkle went to work trying to return Rainbow Dash to normal. But something was wrong. Her magic wasn’t working and Rainbow Dash was still discorded.

“What’s going on Twilight? Why isn’t it working?” Pinkie asked. She looked at Rob and not even he has an answer.

“Discord’s magic is too powerful. She corrupted Rainbow Dash to the core. I don’t know how long I can do this.” She responded.

“Why don’t we all use our power to help Twilight? It may work.” Applejack suggested.

The others including Rob agreed and they all gathered next to Twilight. Closing their eyes, the six used the power of the seven Elements to purify Rainbow Dash and un-discord her. Color began to appear around Rainbow Dash. Her mane returned back to what it was; all seven colors of the rainbow. Her coat was of a sky blue and her cutie mark was filled with color once more. Now back to normal, Rainbow Dash saw her friends exhausted. It was daunting and draining.

“Are you guys alright?” She asked. “Uh, why are you guys looking at me?” All of them looked at Rainbow Dash with smiles.

They all got into a group hug full of smiles and tears. Even Spike joined in on it because seeing his friends fight each other was hurtful. But now that they are reunited again, the world may have a chance after all. After their little tearful reunion, Rob returns the Element of Loyalty to Rainbow Dash by means of element infusion. Everyone got a look at each other and saw that they have their respective Elements.

“Now that we’re all together again, there’s still one thing left we need to do.” Rob said.

“What do you mean?” questioned Rainbow Dash. “And what’s happened here? Why’s Ponyville so messed up?”

“I’ll explain everything when we get ourselves back to base. It’s only fair that we plan our next move. Let’s go.” Rob ordered. His friends nod at him and they were on the move.

“Hold on!” Rob and the others turn around to see Trxie, fuming mad. “Trixie wishes for an explanation now! What has happened?”

“Maybe when we head back Trixie, Rob will tell you. So come on, let’s go!” Twilight said. Still angry, Trixie followed.

Leaving Ponyville behind, Rob along with the Mane Six, Spike and Trixie head for the Resistance Base. After an hour-long trek, they arrived. They all got a look seeing things change for the better. After hearing that Rob Stallion had returned, morale has hit an all-time high. With this high morale, they were able to succeed in several missions reacquiring many territories from Discord. Victory was at sight. However, there were still some loose ends that need tying up.

“Yo! Shining Armor… we’re back!” Rob shouted. Shining Armor turned to see him again. “See? Told ya I would find everypony.”

He was ready to greet Rob for his success but then turned his sight to someone else. It was his little sister Twilight, who he hasn’t seen since the incident six months back. Rob knew it was going to be inevitable.

“Hello Twi.” Shining Armor said.

“Hi big brother.” Twilight replied. “Um, I just wanted to say I’m…”

Shining interrupted her by saying, “No. Twilight, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to you. I should have never hurt you like that. I felt guilty because of my actions and even now, it hurts me inside.”

“I’m sorry too. I should have never done what I did all those months ago. I’m sorry for hurting everypony in Ponyville, including my BBBFF, big brother best friend forever. Can you forgive me?” Twilight asked. She looked at him wondering if he’ll do it.

He thought about what she said for a few seconds. Thinking about what Rob told him earlier and the consequences of his actions, Shining looked at her sister and gave her a hug. Twilight responded all the same embracing his warm hug. Forgiveness was formed between the two of them. But it was far from finished. Applejack spots Princess Cadence who was with three young fillies; one Earth, one Unicorn and one Pegasus.

“Excuse me but…” said Cadence. “Some ponies would like to see you.” She moved to let Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo trot forward.

“Applebloom? What are y’all doing here?” asked Applejack.

“Sweetie Belle. I thought you were with mother and father?” wondered Rarity.

“Scootaloo…” spoke Rainbow Dash. She couldn’t say anything else to her.

All three Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash with mixed feelings. Each of them knew what they had done, not just toward Rob but also to everypony in Equestria. Friendships were shattered, dreams were broken and everypony was guilty of hurting each other. Something had to happen between the six and it needed a little push to make it work.

“Hey.” Rob said. The six turned to see him smiling. “Aren’t you all going to say anything? Now would be the time.”

“Oh. Sorry.” Replied Applebloom. She turned to her sister and said, “Sis, Cadence told me what happened and we all knew that what ya did was wrong.”

“Mom and dad didn’t like what you’ve done Rarity.” Spoke Sweetie Belle. “And so did I. I didn’t want to be near you.”

“I looked up to you Rainbow Dash! I idolized you! You were my role model! You were my friend!” Responded Scootaloo. “But when you turned evil and hurt everypony, you hurt me too! I could never forgive you for what you did!”

Rainbow Dash saw Scootaloo ready to burst into tears. Applejack and Rarity felt the rage from their younger siblings due to their actions. But even though the anger they had toward the three were fierce, all of them knew what really mattered.

“Applebloom…” Applejack said, “We all know what we did.”

“Sweetie Belle, I should have realized how wrong I was.” responded Rarity.

Rainbow Dash followed by saying, “I let you down Scootaloo… I really did. All I… no, all we want to say is.”

And the three then said, “We’re sorry! We’re sorry for what we’ve done!”

“Are you Cutie Mark Crusaders ready to forgive, forget and move on?” Rob asked, looking at the three young mares.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo thought about what their elder siblings have said along with looking back at the past sins they had committed. Suddenly the anger the Cutie Mark Crusaders had toward Rarity and the others disappeared. What came next was filled with emotion and tears. All six of them hugged one another filled with hugs and forgiveness. Rob looked with a smile now that everyone has forgiven, forgotten and moved on. Turning to Shining Armor, there was one more thing he needed to do.

“Shining Armor…” Rob said, catching his attention. “Get a meeting set up. We need to prepare.”

“Uh, sure. I’ll do that.” Shining Armor replied.

Rob trotted off to base hoping to get some R&R. Everything he had done led him to reunite with his family. All of them now carry their Elements of Harmony. The Resistance was fighting back gaining one victory after another. Their morale was an all-time high and their forces now finding hope within Rob and the Mane Six. Now they were ready… ready to take back their world from the Chaotic Lord and set things right.

A few hours later…

After everypony settled down, Shining Armor arranged a meeting between Rob, the Mane 6 and the other generals. Everypony looked at one another waiting and wondering. Their thoughts carried a mixture of emotions. Shining Armor then shows up and the meeting gets underway.

“Alright everypony. I apologize if I had to make this meeting under short notice.” He said. “But I want this meeting to come to order.”

“What’s going on big brother?” asked Twilight Sparkle. “Is it about Discord?”

He nodded at her and said, “It is. Thanks to Rob, he has reunited the Elements of Harmony. Now we are ready to begin our final assault on Distopia.”

“Distopia?” asked Applejack. “What kind of place is dat?”

“It’s da home of dat Chaotic Lord, Discord.” Answered Big Mac, “He made it his base ever since he broke free out of dat prison.”

“What? But that’s impossible!” shouted Rarity.

“I agree with everypony on this. How could this have happened?” Twilight asked.

“It’s because of all of you.” Shining Armor responded. Twilight and the others were perplexed hearing this. “What happened six months ago was the starting point. The friendship that all of you had broke down after Rob died. Because of this, it allowed Discord to break free from his prison and the chaos that ensued made him very powerful.”

“I was there when it happened!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “When he showed up, everything went crazy. I’ll never forget the moment when his touch corrupted me. Discorded me to the core!”

Rainbow Dash felt like she was tormented as if all the fears of betraying those around her get to her skin. Pinkie gave her a hug hoping for the sadness to disappear. The others did the same.

“And now he takes up residence in Distopia, the ruins of Canterlot.” Spoke Cadence. “Since then he watches over our world bringing chaos to anypony that dares to oppose him.”

“That’s going to change.” Replied Shining Armor. Everypony became silent. “Thanks to you Rob, our morale has hit an all-time high. We’ve gained allies I thought we never see. All of us have now united to bring hope back to Equestria.”

“It’s good to hear.” Praised Rob. “Now then, what’s your plan of attack for this little situation?”

Shining Armor replied, “Very simple.” He used his magic to bring out a map of Equestria. Opening it up, everypony got a look while he got to work planning their assault.

“Discord’s fortress is situated at Distopia. It’s heavily fortified and filled with many discorded guards. But these guards aren’t the typical ones that are seen in some places. These are higher-ranked, stronger and can put up a heck of a fight. Believe me, we lost many good stallions against them. Think of them as the elite.” Shining Armor explained.

“The Elite huh? So tell me, how are we going to deal with the Elite if all we need to do is get into his fortress? Any ideas?” Rob offered.

Shining Armor along with the other generals went into a huddle. Rob and the others look on wondering what they’re discussing. The huddle breaks up and they all look at the seven.

“After deliberation, I believe that we have only one solution to the problem.” Shining Armor said.

“What would that be?” questioned Rob.

“Our forces will go on the offensive attacking Discord’s army. While the fight goes on, you seven can go in the castle undetected. That way, you can be able to reach him without anypony finding you.” Shining Armor suggested.

Sensing the danger, Rob replied, “But you know that your squad will get their rear ends handed to them right? It’s a risky move.”

“It’s a risk we may need to take. This is war after all.” But Shining Armor had one other thing to say to Rob. “By the way, is there another reason why you wanted me to set this meeting up?”

“Yes. Trixie is curious why you would insist on doing this?” All the other generals wondered as well.

“I think I’ll let him speak for me.” Everypony pondered about what he said. “You can come out now.”

Everypony saw a floating circulated orb appear before them. What happened next would literally turn heads. It transformed into a human head wearing a helmet, similar to Rob’s. Silence was heard throughout the entire room. All the others wondered who this being was and why Rob brought him along. Rob had a stern look on his face. He knows something that the others don’t. It was going to be one meeting that no pony would ever forget.

“Everypony, this is Worldmind. He is the embodiment of the Nova Force. Basically he’s the source of my powers. Not to mention, he taught me how to control them.” Rob said. “I take it you got some news huh?”

“Yes, I do. It is imperative that this comes to your attention.” He spoke. His tone was mysterious, cryptic and well informed.

“My word… what is this?” whispered Fancy Pants. He took off his monocle and cleaned it trying to wonder if what he saw is real.

Worldmind turned to Fancy Pants and answered, “What you are seeing is real. I have helped your friend learn to control his strengths. He has proven remarkable.”

“As much as I want to know about you, I want to know… why are you here?” Shining Armor requested.

“I believe you all here have a right to know. Very well…” Worldmind began to explain the situation to everypony. “I have been observing your planet and have noticed a change in the balance between harmony and disorder.”

“Balance? What do you mean?” questioned Twilight Sparkle.

“It means that due to recent events, your planet has shifted into the negative axis. The level of turmoil and disarray has reached its peak. It isn’t affecting just your planet but its core as well.” Replied Worldmind.

“The planet’s core?” Shining Armor spoke.

“Yes. I am not certain of how this has happened but what I can say is this. Due to the corruption that has affected your planet, I’m afraid your world is in danger.” Worldmind’s words literally scared everypony in the room. Rob wasn’t scared.

But then Rainbow Dash flew toward Worldmind and asks, “Hold on. When you mean our world’s in danger, you mean something bad is going to happen?!”

Worldmind gave her a nod and replied, “Yes. Unless the core can be purged of chaos, your world will soon end. All life in this world will be extinguished… none of you will survive.”

They all were filled with worry and fear. Finding out that their world may perish left a shock to everypony involved. Even the Resistance generals were shocked after hearing this. Rob then steps forward getting to the bottom of this.

“How much time do we have before the planet decides to go out with a bang?” Rob asked.

“As of this moment… 48 hours.” Worldmind saw the fear that was in everypony’s eyes. There had to be something that can reassure them of this fate. “However, should you be able to purge the chaos that exists in your planet, then this world can be saved.”

“And how do we do that? With our Elements of Harmony?” queried Pinkie.

“I am not certain. All I know is that you need a power strong enough to purge the evil completely. I know you will be able to succeed in your mission.” He then turns to the others. “Do not be afraid. You must fight to bring order back to your world. Together, I know all of you will succeed.”

“But what about you? What are ya planning to do while this planet gets ready to go kablooie?” questioned Big Mac.

It turned to get a look at Big Mac. “Simply watch. It is all I can do. I cannot intervene. You all have the power to shape your world’s destiny. Use it responsibly.”

“So all we got is 2 days… we’ll have to work quickly if we’re to stop Discord and save the world.” Everypony nodded at Shining Armor’s words. “That is all. Meeting adjourned. It was a pleasure to meet you Worldmind.”

“The pleasure is mine. We shall meet again.” Worldmind then disappears becoming the orb it once was.

The meeting ended with a shocking revelation. Discovering that their world will soon end in mere hours has struck a chord to everypony involved. While the others head off to figure things out, Rob however trotted to his quarters trying to contend with the situation at hand.

Worldmind certainly has a sense of humor… finding out that the end of the world happens in 48 hours. Wow. He was getting ready for a good night’s rest until a certain pink pony comes in wanting a chat.

“Robbie…” said Pinkie. He turns to get a look. She carried a concerned look on her face. This got him worried.

“What’s up Pinkie? Something bugging you?” He asked. She gave him a nod.

“Yes. It’s what that floating head thing said. If we defeat Discord, we’ll save Equestria and the world right?” She replied with a question of her own.

Rob tried to give a nod but couldn’t. “It’s not that simple. The planet has become discorded. When I first arrived after my six-month hiatus, I noticed right off the bat. The only way we can save it is by heading to the planet’s core and purging it completely of chaos.”

“But that’s insane!” Pinkie shouted. “No pony has ever done it! You, me and everypony know that it can’t be done.”

“It’s the only way. I have the power to do it.” He then looks at her and said, “Why do you think I can go Harmony Nova Prime if I need to.”

Carrying a look of anger, Pinkie replies, “But that ended up hurting you badly didn’t it?” Rob gave her a nod. “It ended up taking you away from us… away from me.”

Before Rob could say anything else, Pinkie heads close to him with a stare that can’t be ignored. Anyone who looked at her like that was going to be in for major trouble. Too bad a blue stallion was going to feel the full force of it.

“Robbie, I love you so much. You mean everything to me and when you went bye-bye, I cried for days. If anything… and I mean ANYTHING were to happen to you, let me make this clear.” Rob simply gulped hearing Pinkie. Her tone changed as if it were heading into her dark persona. “I will never… smile… again… forever!”

Her shout terrified him. Pinkie was always known for a variety of things whether it is her chipper attitude or her parties. But if anything, there was a part of her that was filled with anger, betrayal and loneliness. Rob remembered the time Pinkie went down the path. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.

“You better Pinkie Promise me okay?” She asked. Her tone was still the same. “Okay!?” Anger began to build up. Rob had to do something.

“Okay, okay… I promise. I, Rob Stallion do hereby Pinkie Promise to you that I will come out of this alive. I already died once. I don’t need to die again.” He replied.

“Say it like you mean it Robbie. Do the Pinkie Promise.” She said. If it meant to make sure that she would be happy, Rob would do anything for her… even this.

“Cross my heart… hope to fly… stick a cupcake in my eye.” He did the Pinkie Promise exactly as she always does it. He hoped that it would make her feel a little better. “How about I add one more thing into the mix.”

“Yeah. Like what?” She wondered.

“This.” He plants a soft kiss on Pinkie’s lips. The sensation was enough to trigger something within her.

In just a few seconds, Pinkie immediately locked lips with him. Her front hooves encircled his neck. She didn’t want to let go of this. Neither did Rob. His hooves were around her chest as their passion accelerated. They broke their kiss and stared at one another intensely. None of them said a word to each other. Only their actions spoke for them. They locked lips again only this time it led to things getting mushy. Heavy breathing was heard in this room. What happens then? What will occur between these two lovers? Only a certain blue stallion and pink mare knows.

The next day… outside Distopia

Hours had passed since the meeting. The world continued to fill itself with torment and chaos. Made worse by the revelation that it was on the verge of complete destruction. Time was against everypony no matter where they were. Shining Armor looked at Distopia from a distance seeing the horrid that it became. Distopia was Discord’s base of operations. After he broke free of his prison, he stormed through Canterlot corrupting anypony that got in his way. When the Princesses tried to stop him, they failed and were turned to stone. He then used his magic to shape Canterlot into his image and then began spreading chaos all over Equestria. Letting off a sigh, he went to where everypony was waiting. The only one missing was Cadence who has went to the abandoned school to take care of the young foals.

“Alright, is everypony ready?” He asked. Everypony around Shining Armor gave a nod. “I’ve already discussed this yesterday so here’s a rundown.”

One of the resistance soldiers provided a map for Shining Armor. In the map, it contained a detailed view of Distopia. Notes were scribbled on it representing certain key points. Whether they were points for advantage or not remains uncertain. Everypony got a view of the map while Shining Armor explained the situation.

“Our attack will be split into two phases. First, we will begin our offensive on the front lines. This would attract the attention of Discord’s army and they’ll come by the droves.” Shining Armor said.

“You must be out of your mind! Trixie feels this plan is suicide! Do you have any idea how strong the chaotic lord’s minions are?!” Trixie retorted.

“Ah agree with Trixie on this one. Ah don’t think we have the manpower to do this.” Big Mac said, confronting Shining Armor on this decision.

“We do. Thanks to Rob and his friends, our morale has hit higher than ever before. Personally, I never thought this would happen before so in my opinion, I’m personally surprised.” He replied.

“Almost as surprised as the fact that Rob and the others aren’t here. Where are they?” Fancy Pants asked, looking on in the situation at hand.

But someone replied, “They’re waiting for you guys to get on with the plan.” Everypony looked to see Spike.

“Spike. I thought you were with Twi. What are you doing here?” Shining Armor asked.

“Twilight told me that you might need some help with this. Think of me as your faithful assistant in battle.” Spike replied. His face had a look of confidence.

Guess Twi taught ya a lot didn’t ya Spike? He thought, with a smile on his face. Giving a nod, Spike was ready to help out.

Shining Armor turned to all his troops and shouted, “Alright, let’s do this! Time we claim what is ours! For the glory of Equestria!”

Everypony cheered after Shining Armor let out his orders. They immediately were on the move ready to head for Distopia. Following them were the generals leading the attack. War was inevitable. It was only a matter of time. Discorded Canterlot Guards see the rebels heading full throttle toward them. They were ready to fight back hoping to protect the castle and prevent anypony from getting access. A battle ensued between the two sides giving seven ponies a chance to sneak in.

“Now’s our cue. Let’s do this.” Twilight said. Rob and the others nod, getting to it.

Before they did however, the seven united for a universal brohoof. They know that the end of the world is near. Discord was waiting for them. Shining Armor and the Resistance are fighting as hard as they can. Everypony was counting on the seven Elements of Harmony to bring a miracle.

“Alright. You guys know that this will be our biggest challenge yet. I just want to say… that whether we succeed or not, it was an honor to have you guys as a part of my family.” Said Rob, being all melancholy.

“Robbie, don’t be down.” Replied Pinkie. “We can do this. We all can.”

Fluttershy nodded while Applejack said, “Indeed. Big Mac is fighting out there and we got a job to do.”

“Most definitely.” Replied Rarity. “Time we do what we all do best.”

“Discord is getting the plotkicking of a lifetime. He’s going to pay!” spoke Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah. My brother is with them. Everypony is out there and expecting us to do what we do best.” Assured Twilight.

“Indeed it is. We are the Seven Elements of Harmony: Magic, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter and Will. Individually, we possess the power to do great things but when we work together... we can make miracles happen. Now let’s make this one the biggest miracle ever.” Rob responded. “Alright, one, two, three…”

All seven shouted, “For Equestria!”

With that cheer, the seven stormed for Discord’s fortress. The clock was ticking. Every second counted for everypony involved. One side was fighting to free Equestria from a chaotic draconesque. The other hoped to ensure that all would submit under a madman’s rule. In the midst of it all were seven ponies carrying the power needed to save a world on the verge of annihilation. All the pieces are in place… the fight to save Equestria… has finally begun.

To be continued…