//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 (Finale) // Story: Apples to the Core // by Neon-Nights-Library //------------------------------// Frothy, warm tea bubbled and simmered inside the tea pot as Granny Smith gently divvied it into four different mugs. Afterward, dumping a generous spoonful of sugar into each and stirring. She carried the mugs over to the living room and set them down on the coffee table, grabbing one mug for herself. Apple Bloom smiled to her grandmother as Granny Smith took a seat beside her. Sugar Belle, who sat across from the other two mares, gently handed her son to Big Mac and picked up a mug for herself. She savored the sweet, warm drink, and peered over the lip of the cup to her husband beside her. Big Mac was content with watching their son sleep; his entire world in that moment focused on the gentle breathing and occasional twitches the tiny foal did. Sugar Belle smiled, and continued sipping the calming mug of tea. It had only been around ten minutes since they'd arrived home from the hospital, and Sugar Belle couldn't be more happy to be home. It had been nice, being at the hospital afterward, and allowing other close friends and family to watch the baby in the nursery. Everyone had such kind words and pleasant advice for her and Big Mac, especially now that the baby was here. And, in hindsight, Sugar Belle felt just a twinge of embarrassment at the remembrance of the fretting, stress, and worry that she and Big Mac had put themselves through in the beginning. Still, that was done, and their son was here now, safe and healthy... she couldn't have asked for anything more. Applejack made her way downstairs, carrying a small, pale green blanket, bundled with an old, worn ribbon. "Here, Mac." She said, approaching her brother with the blanket. It had been the blanket used by all the Apples when they were first brought home. (Or, in the case of the family members who'd given birth at home, the first blanket used to wrap the newborns.) It had been used for their father, and later on for all three Apple siblings. Applejack swiped away the on-coming tears as she handed the blanket to her brother. She'd made a promise to herself not to cry so much, now that the baby was here. Big Mac took the blanket, and carefully un-wrapped the light blue one he was given by the hospital. The foal's tiny hooves stretched out and wiggled with the newfound freedom. Though he just as quickly pulled his hooves close to him, and fell back into a peaceful slumber. He was surprisingly quiet for an infant. Big Mac picked his son up from the blue blanket and gently wrapped him in the green one. The foal snuggled into the new fabric and gave a small yawn. The family members who'd been watching cooed at the noise; baby fever was rampant in that household. Granny took a final sip of her tea, and gave a curious look to her grandson. "I know y'all said ya still need time to decide," she said, setting down her mug. "But it ain't right a foal goes that long without a proper name." She concluded, nodding in agreement with her own statement. Sugar Belle smiled nervously back at Granny. "We'll pick one for sure, soon." She said. "There's just so many nice names... we want to make sure we pick the right one." "Hm..." Granny sighed. "Well... just don't take too long. Ya don't want the little one gettin' confused... or anythin'." Applejack shook her head and walked back across the living room, taking a seat on the other side of her Grandmother. "Granny, it's fine." She said, slipping off her hat and setting it beside her. "They've got time. What matters is that we're all here, together." Granny Smith looked to Applejack and studied her face for a moment. Applejack wasn't entirely sure why, but she let her grandmother stare. After a moment, Granny Smith smiled, and let out a deep sigh. "Alright." She said, and leaned back against the soft cushioning of the couch. Sugar Belle set down her mug and turned in her seat to lean against Big Mac. Together, the two spread out their hooves and made a cradle that their son rested in. Sugar Belle rested her head against Big Mac's shoulder, their eyes locked on their tiny foal. They watched his gentle breathing, and silently, began to dream of the rest of their lives. Of raising their son, teaching him, guiding him. Telling him stories of his family, near and far. But most of all, and a feeling held by every Apple family member in the room, was an overwhelming sense of peace. None of them knew, for sure, what would be in store for the future. But they knew, above all else, they'd be there for each other. Time and time again. After all, they were Apples to the Core.