All Silent In Manor Archambeau

by Woodchirpper

Rarity III

The music bumped loud, loud enough to rupture somepony’s ear drum. DJ Pon3’s wub machines vibrated with every bass that burst, ponies huddled around the center stage dressed in more erroneous garbs flailing around glow sticks and limbs in what they would refer to as “dancing”. Rarity stood at the end of the dance floor with Pinkie dancing her way in, she turned to the pale unicorn and took her by the hoof and dragged her in with her.

They made their way to the middle with Pinkie dancing her flank. Rarity stood there, not really knowing how to move with the crowd, she didn’t really understand how to dance to the music, she started growing anxious. Remembering she never did bring her pills with her. She then started shaking slightly, a tap on her shoulder made her jump and turn, a purple colt with a black mane danced, gave a twirl, and presented her with an orange pill.

“Hey,” he began, shouting at the top of his lungs.

“You seem kinda tense, this should perk you up!”

She shyly eyes the pill in his outstretched hoof, taking in the orange hue of it. It's been years, she couldn’t, not again, but she wanted it. A flash happened that only she could see, the white mare looked down and froze in confusion, her long slender legs had turned into stubby ones, she looked to the side of her and saw that her body had also changed, becoming tiny, and her cutie mark, the three diamonds, were gone. She looked back at the colt, only this time, it wasn’t him. The colt had been replaced with a familiar yet foreign creature, it was tall, towering over her with its strong presence, its fur was dark brown, grimmy, matted, with a black powdery substance caked on it, its face wasn’t much of a face, the same brown dirty fur clung to it, its eyes were pitch black dots on each side of it, and it had a black button nose.

No mouth could be found, and ears stood up on top of it with the ear on the right being partially messing. Its right arm outstretched in a similar manner to the colt, its paw was blackened with yellow razor sharp claws that held out a red balloon.

“M-mr. Fuzzybottom?” Rarity asked, her voice was high pitched as if she was a filly again, in fact she was.

The creature gestured for her to take the balloon, she wanted to back up, but an invisible wall had been placed behind her, boxing the filly in, feeling like she had no other choice, she slowly reached out her mouth, taking hold of the balloon. Flashing back to the rave as she swallowed the pill, slowly starting to feel different. Twenty minutes in and she had now turned into a party pony, mimicking the movements of the other dancers, laughing, and grinding the dance floor. A colt took notice and danced her way, his coat was orange and his mane was baby blue, he grinded up against her and something in her made her feel stimulated.

She pointed back over to the purple colt, who took note and finned his way through the crowd, meeting up with the white mare and her new friend, offering two more orange pills. The creature offered another balloon. They popped the pills at the same time, only for Rarity to feel the same forty minutes later, still aroused and grinding on the orange colt.

Pinkie Pie was observative her friend’s behavior with growing concern enveloping her. Once she saw the unicorn walk over to another pony, this time being offered a small multicolored square paper, she walked over and dragged Rarity out of the party.

“I’m taking you home,” Pinkie Pie stated, the unicorn’s purple tail caught between her teeth as she pulled her away from a sticky situation.

“Pinkie please,” Rarity began to plead. She wanted it, she needed it, she wanted to forget for a single moment.

“Oh no, I think you’ve had waaay too much, and those colts just want to-”

“PINKAMENA!” Rarity yelled, anger developing, catching the earth pony off guard as she dropped her tail and looked back.

“I do NOT need a chaperone, you can’t just walts back in my life without a single notice after a long time… I just want to forget, just leave me be.”

Pinkie’s ears went back and her eyes widened as she flinched at Rarity’s words. The unicorn turned back into the army of dancing ponies and back to the mare with the square paper, leaving Pinkie alone as she sat watching her friend self-destruct in front of her very own eyes. The unicorn walked back over to the green mare that had the square paper, she held her tongue, placing it right on the middle of it, closing her mouth and getting back to the orange colt, dancing, until her vision started functioning weird.

Everything started to see far away, as if she was falling down a tunnel, the colt came up and kissed her, but she couldn’t feel it, could barely see it, as her vision kept thinning out, until she could see nothing but pure darkness.


Pure darkness, that is what she found herself in, the unrequited black of the box she laid in. She got up, only to find herself back in her filly state, she tried speaking, no words would come out, she tried to use her horn, still nothing. She walked over to one side and hugged the wall, tracing around, trying to find a switch or something to alleviate the pitch black of the surrounding area.

She felt around for a minute until she found a lever, she used all the force her tiny body could muster and pushed up. Lights flickered on, she turned to see the room wasn’t empty, or at least it felt like it was before, the once box turned into a tunnel with carts filled with ores and gems laying about, it was a mine. The filly began to wander, taking in every ridge and crevice, the filly thought she had found the exit, a white flash had put her in the same exact place, only this time it was different.

The clanking of iron striking rock and mineral, something she hadn’t heard in a long time. She looked around again and stumbled on a strange sight, foal sized mannequins were littered in a large opening in the mining system, they wore rustic chains, shackles, and hardhats with pickaxes laying next to them, the clanking still going on, but how?

She began to walk again, but quickly stopped and turned to the mannequins again, she gasped when she noticed they were now staring at her, their bodies turned facing her. Another white piercing light was behind them, shining bright, blinding her for a second, having to shield her eyes with her hooves until they adjusted. When the unicorn had unshielded her eyes, she was now in the middle of them, the clanking still persisting, echoing. As she moved towards the light, Rarity took note of the mannequins looked.

They were more fleshy up close, visible bruises displayed randomly all over them, their nonexisting eyes cutting her soul, the shine of their furless coat, and the cut of point between limbs and torso dripped a black liquid. She gulped as she continued moving through the ranks. She could hear scraping behind her as she passed them, they were staring her down, as she had reached the light, she turned to see them all looking at her, the clanking had stopped.

A cracking sound replaced it as it grew louder and louder, the limbs of the mannequins twisted and mangled, the middle of their face had parted, revealing two rows of sharp teeth. They slowly crawled over to her, one by one yelling “why!?” The clanking started back up, they kept screaming “why!?” Rarity stepped back with each inch that they covered, they kept screaming “why!?”

She tripped and fell into the white light, falling and then nothing. She laid on her back, a soft silk covering half her body, cushioned all around, she was in bed. Still a filly, Rarity sat herself up, this was… this was her childhood bedroom, only it really wasn’t. None of her finely designed dressers nor mirror, only her bed, the door, and the closet.

Her bedframe was carved by hoof, every little detail elegantly etched into it, floral patterns strung around the dark mahogany wood, the curved legs of the bed held it up by almost a foot, it had a roof over it, the dark room blurred the detail of it.

A bang was heard from the closet, a creak followed straight after. Rarity hid herself under the covers, hoping this would end soon. An hour passed, no more sounds had entered the room, she flipped the covers off her face, locking around the dark room, the closet door was open, the pitch black of it, the unknown, that made her more scared.

What if something was there? What if nothing was there? What if something came out? What if nothing was there?

A huge hump formed underneath the covers, her pupils shranked, her heart sank, she could feel it breathe on her stomach, she didn’t want to, she didn’t want to look, but something compelled her. She slowly lifted the covers, revealing the dirty face of Mr. Fuzzybottom.

He was hunched over her, paws holding her tiny hind-hooves down, claws digging deep. Her blood streamed from the puncture wounds, she wanted to scream but couldn’t, only a gust of air came out of her lung with face contorted with horror. A tearing sounded penetrated her ears, a slit on Mr. Fuzzybottom’s mouth turned into a gash, black liquid leaking out and a cracking noise chased it, as his face ripped open, black liquid splashed on Rarity’s face, entering her mouth.

Just like the mannequins before, he had rows of sharp teeth that had the black liquid oozing off of them and on Rarity’s stomach, she wanted to fight it, to fight HIM, but she couldn’t move. She kept trying, she wouldn’t move. She panicked, still wouldn’t budge.

A long red rope flopped out, half of it still in the makeshift mouth, it was his tongue, he dragged it across her stomach, lapping up the dark liquid, she blinked.

Mr. Fuzzybottom didn’t have a mouth again, and the black liquid had disappeared. Fear still stuck on her face, she was still unable to move. He reached his blackened paw and caressed her cheek, before suddenly YANKING her hair, dragging her down into the bed. She dropped into a fiery inferno.

Still unable to scream as she falls, sweat pouring off her body. Rarity jumped up sweating, she looked down at herself, she was a full grown mare again. She looked around, she didn’t recognize where she was, it was dark and junky, that was all she could tell. The unicorn looked back down, the gray cotton sheet was drenched under her, she looked to the left of her, the orange colt was laying, sleeping, also sweaty.

“Was because I-” She paused, thinking about Pinkie, how she was trying to help, but she pushed her away because of the drugs that had called her name. They whispered in her ears, beckoning her to indulge in them.

She never wanted to touch these substances again and yet she wanted more, she hated it, yet loved it, disgusted yet enamored. She wanted to beat herself up but the euphoria she had prospered just as much. Dreams, memories, merging together, they made her relive them, for that she hated them, but this feeling, the pure ecstasy that lofted around her, bellowed in her soul. She wanted more, she needed more, she didn’t want more. She pulled herself in, taking her hind knees in a hugging embrace, wrapping her forehooves around them, tear streaming, her laughing to herself, the colt from before, passed out, was sprawled out next to her, limbs hanging out the covers of the bed they had shared. She hated herself for tonight, loving every moment of it, self pity continuing throughout the night, a night of bliss and sorrow that could get even better and even worse, she continued to sob quietly into the night, not knowing what was instored for tomorrow, she loved it, hated it, hated HIM as he stood in the dark corner, watching, black buttoned eyes staring throughout the night.