A New Life

by Lugh the Deer

Chapter 32: Innovations

July 7, 950 BBB (Before the Battle of the Bell)

Today was like any other day in the kingdom of Eire. Wake up from sleep mode, preform a system diagnostic, check the perimeter cameras, say good morning to the everyone, and check the shops and farms to make sure everything is running smoothly. However, as I was inspecting one of the farms, I discovered something unexpected.

"Ok, let's see", I say as I pull out my list, "the last farm I need to check on today is the Sequoia family farm."

The Sequoia farm grew fruit and vegetables, some of which they delivered to the capital and a few other villages in the kingdom, but they also kept some to eat for themselves.

I have been to the Sequoia family farm many times before, and I must admit, they are very bright. I still remember when Sequoia and his wife Bluebell first started this farm hundreds of years ago. They were a very nice couple, and when they eventually passed away, they passed the farm to their children, and since then, it has grown exponentially. There were 10 acres dedicated to the many vegetables that they grew, and another 10 for the various types of fruit.

As I walked past the fields growing the fruits and vegetables, I eventually came to the farmhouse and barn, the very same built by Sequoia himself.

When I got close, the current owners noticed me, a sheer named Cedar and his wife, a show named Orchid.

"Oh, hello your majesty, Is it that time of month again?" asked Cedar.

"Indeed it is, I Just wanted to come by and check how your farm is doing."

"Oh, it is going very well", he responded, "We are set to have a great harvest this year. I'm thinking we can even make some of great grandad's famous multi-berry jam for Lughnasadh."

"That sounds great, and how is the rest of the family doing?"

"They are doing great, Orchid and my sister Azalea are in the barn working on something, and my kids Iris and Hazel are out in the grove checking the orange trees."

"That's good, how are your and orchid's parents?"

"They are preparing lunch right now."

"Great, but now you have peaked my curiosity. What are Orchid and Azalea working on?"

"I'm not entirely sure, they said it would help with their daily chores."

"Mind if I go see?"

"Sure, I know they would love a visit from you."

After I finished talking with Cedar, I walked over to the old barn to see what Orchid and Azalea were up to. The barn had received a few renovations recently to replace some of the old rotting wood, but a lot of it was mostly the same.

I knocked on the door to the barn.

"One moment", I hear in response.

After a few seconds, Azalea opens the barn door. She is a sheer just like her brother, with her wool having deer spots and a small pair of antlers on her head.

"Oh, your majesty, It's great to see you again."

"Its good to see you too Azalea, your brother told me that you and Orchid are in here working on something. I was just curious about what you're working on."

"Me and Orchid have been working on a way to make her daily milking easier."

"Really? Can I see what you made?"

"Of course, come on in."

Azalea then opened the door further, and I walked into the barn. It was a pretty standard barn, designed to store the farm equipment used for planting and harvesting the vegetables and fruit. Standing next to a workbench was Orchid, with the device they designed laying on the workbench.

I spent a moment looking at it, and it was a very interesting device. It consisted of a set of bellows connected to a hose, that hose split off and lead to a bucket, and the other end connected to another splitter which ended in 4 suction cups.

I could immediately tell what this was supposed to be, It was a milker.

"What do you think?" asked Orchid.

"I think it's very fascinating. I like how you incorporated the bellows to provide the suction."

"I know right, It took a while to figure out how to attach it."

"I think it is great. Have you tested it out yet?"

"We were about to before you knocked." said Azalea, "Would you like to see it's first test run?"

"I would love to."

"So would I", said Orchid, "because I am feeling very full."

"Ok then", responded Azalea, "Lets test it out."

After saying that, Azalea then hooked Orchid up to the milker and held the bellows with the splitter up over the bucket.

"Ready?" asked Azalea.

"Ready." responded Orchid.

Once Orchid gave the all clear, Azalea started using her magic to pump the bellows. Orchid immediately started to blush, and soon, milk started to pour into the bucket through the tube.

"Haha, it's working." shouted Azalea.

"G-great." responded Orchid with a noticeable stutter in her voice.

I have to say, I am impressed. They successfully invented the pump powered milker, and it came about the same way all inventions do, through curiosity and creative thinking.

I guess innovation really is something that can happen anywhere at any time.

I wonder what other inventions my citizens will come up with.