Chivalric Training

by MLPandMiraculousFanatic

Help Noelle with her Training

“Of course, where do you want to start?” Lumine asked

“Well, I-I’d like to get your opinion on something as a senior knight!” Noelle explained

“Tell us what it is” Twilight suggested

“I’ve been keeping up with my maidly duties and knightly exercises but the training progress has been a little slow” Noelle explained

“Knightly exercises? What do you mean by that? I thought being a knight was also writing documents and such” Twilight asked in confusion

“Y’know, just basic strength and endurance training for example 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and running two laps around Mondstadt as a morning routine” Noelle explained

“What?! That must be impossible!” Twilight called out in shock and disbelief

“I know but I’m actually incredibly busy every day, it’s just that… I always feel like something’s missing” Noelle explained

“What you’re lacking is—” Twilight started

Just then the screen got paused as Paimon floated in

“We need your help again! Paimon’s just lost the tapes so Paimon needs you to choose which one Paimon should use, the left tape or the right tape! What’s your pick?!” Paimon asked

“What do you mean Paimon?” Twilight asked

“Well, the left tape is strength and the right tape is rest, take your pick!” Paimon suggested
