//------------------------------// // Chapter 24: P is For Perfect // Story: Twilight the Saiyan // by Xalok //------------------------------// With the fight against Cell. Yamcha was keeping Cell on his toe's do to his speed boost and claws from his Wolf Man form, there was able to cut Cell just a small bit, while his speed let him dodge most of the attacks, and those few he was not able to catch himself was handle by Lapis and Lazuli all after which side Cell tried to attack Yamcha, giving Cell a hard time doing anything, for even if he tried to leave close Combat with the three, Tien would blast him back with his improve aim. Or Krillin would use his golden Ki to punch him back, in the same style he had fully destroyed 19. Making it so Cell had little room to get out or even fight back. But what little room he had, was already more then enough for him, for with all his skills he gained from all the DNA from all the fighters, he got power from, he had a few tricks he would be able to use, to turn this around. And with what he was able to see from Vegeta's own fight, and his opponent, he might be able to use Vegeta's help still, and thanks to his Namekien genes, he would be able to make a plan with the Saiyan to get them both what they want, for the Namekien had the power to do telepathy letting Cell make a plan with Vegeta without anyone knowing it. But before that he needs his tail back. And he knew just how to get the time for this, and the second he had the chance he did. Cell made a fist with his right hand, and then point both his index and Middle finger together, and then point them both upward, while yelling the techniques name, "VOLCANO EXPLOSION!!!" Yell Cell, as he used Nappa's city buster, which no one had been ready for, this kicked up a lot of dust and blew everyone away from him, giving him the time he needs to regrow his tail, and just enough time to try and take out a problem, and with spirit vision he was able to pick out his nears target, which he charge right at going for a knife strike towards the chest of what Turn out to be Tien. Who surprised Cell when he grab Cell by the wrist and slowed down his attack, which surprised Cell a lot, for the Human's should not be able to hold him back at all, but he still had his free hand and to make sure he would land his attack, he tried to stop Tien with his tail first which Tien again took a hold of, but realize to late this left Cell's other hand to do the knife strike, which made a big hold in Tien which Cell remove his hand from fast letting Tien drop. And if he had time to look he would have notice Twilight jumping in and taking Tien away to heal him. But Yamcha did not give him the chance having rushed right at cell the second he was able to see him again, and where Tien was barely about to hold him back, Yamcha was matching him in physical power, meaning he would need to use a Ki attack to handle him, but before he was even able to think of what he might be able to do, Krillin was back on him again together with the Twins, which surprise him, for why did they not stop and take care of Tien, which made Cell try to look for him, just to notice that he was gone, and so was Piccolo, which worried Cell, and made him realize he should move fast or they might come back and ruin his plans. So he sent his plan to Vegeta by telepathy. Black with Vegeta and Tempest Vegeta was starting to really hate Tempest, for she was controlling their fight from the start, every attack he did towards Tempest was Dodge, and when he tried to go and help Cell she had cut him in the arm, with a attack he had never seen before so he kept trying to get her, for it was not like Tempest did any real damage to him, but she was annoying him. "God damnit Woman will you stand and fight me!" Yell Vegeta truly pissed off, do to all the claw marks he was now carrying thanks to Tempest. "Now why in the world would I do that?" asked Tempest giving Vegeta a raise eyebrow, "For right now my style of fighting you seem to be working. And with how much more power then me you got, that should say something about how well it works." On the outside Tempest looked Calm and in control, but on the inside she was thankful for Vegeta wanting to yell at her for a bit, for it gave her time to relax her magic for a second, for she was working it harder then she was ready for, but with everyone needing her to stay strong she had no choice but to keep the front up, at least her Ki was still stay strong which let her use her ki Claws without a problem, which was the only reason she had been able to damage Vegeta at all, for his Ki was to dense for her normal strikes to do anything. And yet she would probably not want to trade this for anything, for she was enjoying playing with Vegeta far to much, there was something thrilling about playing with someone who can kill her if he catch her. Vegeta was about to yell again, when he stopped. This was not missed by Tempest, he for a bit looked annoyed, before he start to smile, something Tempest did not like for a smiling Vegeta is a plotting Vegeta. And as much as Vegeta can show himself to be short sighted at times, he is far from stupid when he stops and cooled down. And then he started to laugh. Yeah this was not good at all, which put Tempest on edge getting herself ready for anything to happen. "You know... I have been over thinking this the whole time we have been fight, I did not realize how easy it would be to get what I want." as Vegeta said this he put his hand forward aiming the palm of his hand towards Tempest, while charging up his power and at the peck of his power Vegeta fired his blast while yelling. "BIG BANG ATTACK!!!" Tempest saw the attack coming and dodged it easily, not thinking to much about it as it went past, but she realize just as it flew by her, that she misunderstood who Vegeta had been aiming at, and she hoped that she was wrong, but looking back to where the attack went, she was proven right, for the attack hit Yamcha right in the back, with enough power to also take out Krillin, and sending both Lapis and Lazuli away from Cell, who had used a barrier there had protect him full. On the look out. Twilight was not happy as she was using the spell Gohan had been doing earlier to keep a eye on things, for Trunks had proven to be about as useful a screen door on a submarine. Though she was not holding it against him, for the Kid just wanted love from a father that, his mother had not told him the truth about, and while she was looking over this she was using her Multi-Form technique to heal both Tien and Piccolo. And that is when she saw Tempest's mistake, which made her sure she needed to be fast. And she quickly used Instant Transmission to get Krillin and Yamcha out of there, by using the smoke as cover, for that blast would be able to kill both if she was not fast to start their healing. And when she got back with both she realize she needed to work fast, for Yamcha had taken the full blast on his back, while Krillin had been a bit lucky having on been hit by the edge of the blast, but it was enough to knock him out, so she was able to put most of her magic towards healing Yamcha, and it was good for him that Twilight had been trained to work under stress from her time on Namek, for Nail knew that the universe was not as kind as his home, so he had made it a goal to make Twilight's concentration unbreakable, and with Bulma in a bit of a panic, and Annin was laughing at the show, while Kid Trunks had seen what his dad did, and was in a bit of a shock, it was good that he did. And looking at the how everything was standing Twilight notice one thing there was really bad. For where Vegeta was not able to see how much magic Tempest had, or even know she had been using it, Twilight was able to see it, and Tempest was on her last legs with it, which means that she will not be able to keep avoiding the Troll doll. And she was not going to let Tempest end up having to use her Hibernation for two reason, first she felt bad for Tempest when she had to deal the beating there would get her there, and second she was not going to let Vegeta get a win like that over her. And at this point she knew there was no stopping what was coming, which meant she will probably have to go with plan B, which she knew Tempest would not be happy about, so she had not told her what it was. Back with the fight. Cell had not waited for anyone to get over the shock and had kicked Lapis hard, before he rushed the still shocked Lazuli, and before she even knew what was happening Cell was absorbing her. And when the smoke finally started to clear, all Lapis, Gevo, Tempest and Vegeta saw was Cell starting to glow after which he started to grow, while his power started to sky rocket, and with how far up his power had gone Tempest knew that if Cell got Lapis as well, she would need more then just a bit more power to beat him, for he went from being a fly next to her, to being on the same level of power as herself. For now as he was standing she was not sure who would win a fight. Sure she can use her Berserk Rage, to get more power then him, but she was used to just tanking hits when using it, and one stab with that tail, and she would be dead, and him more powerful then before. Lapis was in a bit of a panic, for he had just lost his sister, and the way he lost her, did not make him feel good at all, like he wanted to puke, for he had seen what was like a human shape being sucked up by Cell's Tail, and the idea of going out that way, was not something he wanted at all. But he was able to keep his calm some what for he knew that Twilight would be able to bring back his sister. Which made him think, with how things are standing now, and how Vegeta is behaving, he might just let Cell get him. And when Cell turn to him, and started move towards him, with a evil smile, so he was preparing himself to be absorbed. But this idea was killed, when he saw something there surprised him, but also made him a little happy. With Trunks as he was finally waking up. Trunks felt like shit, maybe even worse then the time his mom had talked him into drinking with her, and then it was when he realized what hit him, and he got mad. For all he has been doing since he came back, was trying to impresses his dad, and what had it gotten him? He had attacked him, for trying to save the world, Trunks was mentally kicking himself for not having taken Twilight's words more seriously. And then he felt it and Saw it all go down, his dad nearly killing the people fighting for their world, and Cell gaining his first power up thanks to his dad. This fuel a new feeling in Trunks one he needed right now, the feeling was right now telling him to give his dad a little bit of payback. And so he flew at his dad while transforming, and Vegeta only notice this just as Trunks got up behind him and blasted him with a powerful Beam attack which was made more for sending him away then to kill him, "You can take a break Tempest, I will try and handle it from here, so take Gevo with you and leave this to me." said Trunks, all Tempest did was give him a thumbs up, and went a got Gevo before using Instant Transmission to get both out of there. And when they were gone Trunks went at his true target Cell, and it was good that he did for Cell was just a few meters away from Cell at this point, but lucky for Trunks Cell was so focused on Lapis that he had not notice anything there had happen, so it came to a surprise when he got smacked down hard by Trunks. "I need you to get out of here!" said Trunks while pointing towards Lapis. "I Would if it was a good idea, for with me being his target, would probably make him unstable if I left, and with all the DNA he got, that might make him do more damage if I was to disappear." said Lapis. Which Trunks was not able to disagree with, "Alright but at least make sure that you stay away from him." "Oh you do not need to tell me that." said Lapis as he flew a bit away from Trunks while still staying in view. And with that Trunks flew right at Cell who had just gotten out of the hole Trunks had send him into. And started to lay into him. With Vegeta. He was in shock laying floating in the water where he landed, he had not thought that Trunks had been more of his mothers sons, he had not seen a single thing that remind him of himself. But then today happen, and he saw it, he saw the boy for who he really was, which surprised him, for who would have thought that getting attacked by his own flesh blood, was what was needed for him to realize that Trunks was really his son. Sure the Kid had said it, but all he had seen was a coward who ran away from his problems, instead of fighting like a true Saiyan. But this can wait, for right now he got to be a father and teach his boy that a father is always right!. And with that he Flew off, back towards were he had been blasted away from at full speed. Back with Trunks and Cell. Trunks was not letting Cell get any chance, for with how much the he grew in power from just his first form being gained, his full power would not be something to be handled easy, so better to end him here and now, for letting Cell talk would just make things worse, for he has already proven he got a silver tongue. So not letting him speak was for the best. Trunks deliver yet another heavy punch right to Cell's stomach, which he followed up with a upper cut and then a high kick sending Cell flying which he rushed after cutting off where he was flying to and hit him with a meteor hit sending Cell into the ground. And while still flying towards the ground Trunks start to make ready for his next attack by performing a series of rapid arm movements, ending with his arms crossed across the chest, before placing his palms forward with the thumbs and index fingers touching each other, forming a diamond shape, "Burning Attack!!!" he said as he fired his Blast towards Cell. At the Lookout. Twilight was smiling as she watch Trunks fire off his attack, but that did not last when she notice something she did not like the blast had somehow been blocked before it killed Cell, and she knew it was not Cell who did it, for he looked just as surprise as she felt. And there was something else, she had felt magic just as the attack had been stopped, which made her start to look around for the cast. And it took her a bit but she found the caster, one who looked like a young woman. "Tempest take over the spell and keep a eye on Trunks battle with Cell, I will deal with his little friend." said Twilight as she used Instant Transmission to go and say hi. While Tempest did as Twilight asked while wishing her luck. A good bit away from Trunks and Cell's fight. "Oh this is not good, if this ends before he gets to his full power then they will not have the power they need for later." said the woman who was use her magic to block attacks now and then that Trunks was sending at Cell, for she needed to give Vegeta time to come back and handle Trunks, normally she would not have gone out on the field herself but do to what was needed, and who they were dealing with she had not wanted to trust her people with this mission. As she was worrying about Cell she She felt a power coming at her just in last second, which let her dodge it just in time as a blast came at her, and when she look at who had attack her, she hated how this day was going so much. "Well it seems you are able to feel my power, which means that you are not normal. But what does that make you?" asked Twilight as she flew down and landed a bit in front of the woman, who looked really nervous, "And while you are at it you can also tell me why you are saving a being there can end a whole galaxy if he gains his full power?" As this girl was trying to find her words Twilight study her a bit, for she had already notice a few things, like how her outfit it remind Twilight of her time on nemak not that the people there had been having the same outfit, but the Book of Legends had shown a woman who was just as big as this one, but the one in the book had pale teal skin and light blue hair, and other colors of her outfit, while this one had pinkish-red hair and pink/purple skin, if Twilight was right then she was looking at the Supreme Kai of Time. So before she got a chance to talk Twilight start to talk again, "Now this is just a guess, but are you by chance the Supreme Kai of Time?" as the words left Twilight, she saw the girl getting surprised, which meant she had guess right. "H-How do you know that?" This made Twilight laugh a bit, "Well I did spent a good time on Namek as a Kid, and their Book of Legends got a entry on a Supreme Kai of Time in it, though I think the one there might have been your teacher, for she pale teal skinned woman, which you are not." "Oh yeah she was my Mentor, she is still alive mind you, but she really wanted a break from all this, so she retired after teaching me everything she knows," replied the woman who was relaxing a bit more after learning how Twilight knew about her, though that remind her, "Oh Yeah, I totally forgot, my name is Chronoa, it's nice to finally meet you Twilight." as she finished she gave a small bow to Twilight who was a bit surprise by that, but it did not stop Twilight from wanting to know why her main question had been ignore. "I'm not even going to ask why you know who I'm, but you have still not answer my question, "as she said this Twilight aimed her hand at the Kei and made a blast but held it there, "Why are you stop us from killing Cell? And you better have a good reason for this!" Instead of answering Chronoa cast a time stop spell hoping it would let her keep doing her job without having to answer, but she learned fast that this was not going to work, as she notice Twilight was still following her movement, and got a even bigger surprise when Twilight spoke again, "Nice try, but when it comes to magic, there is nothing I can't do," said Twilight now having her other hand held up with a spell in it. This made Chronoa take a deep breath and sigh before speaking, "I really should have seen that coming, for using magic against the god of magic is not really that smart a move." Hearing the title made Twilight finally knew what she was god of, but the question was, is that all she is god off? Or is there more? But that is not why she was here, right now she needed answers to the question Chronoa was trying to run away from, "Now that you know that your time magic does not work on me, I want you to answer me... Why are you helping Cell?" Knowing there was no where to run she drop the time spell and start to talk again, "Because he needs to gain his full form for the sake of the future, I can't go into details about why, but he needs to gain his full power, for else the future will not become a good place." said Chronoa. This was a bit of a surprise to Twilight but she needed more then this, "That does not make much senses to me, for if it's so we train to take him down, then we are already doing that, and there is no chance that we stop after getting stronger. Four of us are full blooded Saiyan's so the chance of us stopping is not there." she said, while looking at Chronoa which made Twilight realize that this was not the problem. "I'm sorry to say Twilight but, Cell needs to hit his perfect form to truly save the future," said Chronoa and then she started to smile, "And it seems I have done my job," she said with a sad smile, while she was fading away. This made Twilight panic, for she was feeling it, and all she was able to say was, "God damnit Vegeta..." With Trunks and Cell. Trunks was finally able to hit Cell again, but it had not lasted long before he had to defend himself against a attack from his father who was coming in at him with a punch towards Trunks face sending him away from Cell. "You are not taking this away from me Boy!" said Vegeta as he was now fully blocking Trunks from going at Cell again, "Cell You better work fast or I will be pissed. So go and gain your ''Perfect'' form." he finished while looking over his shoulder at Cell who just smile and start to get going. But just as Cell got close to Lapis who was getting ready to defend himself, Cell was ones again stopped by a punch to the face, from Tempest. Cell stop himself from flying to far away and as he looked up he saw Tempest eat a Senzu Bean, With Gevo next to her, which annoyed him greatly, "God damnit!!! This just can't keep happening!!!" Yell Cell, while on the inside he had just gotten a plan there can help him, or more like a technique and to think such a easy to use technique would be as useful as it is. And with his new plan Cell made it look like he was trying to out fly the two, by flying right up, and as he felt both Tempest and Gevo was behind him, he turned around and use it, "SOLAR FLARE!" yell Cell as he blinded all three of them, for Lapis had been looking as well, which was good. And so he rushed at Lapis to finally finish his transformation. And with nothing left to stop him he finally got what he wanted, all thanks to one man with a ego bigger then himself. And as Cell start to gain his perfect form, everyone on earth was able to feel it, even those without Ki.