//------------------------------// // Prologue: 1 // Story: Just one Lonely little Changeling: A Changed Girl // by Kentavritsa //------------------------------// <--- --- ---> Summary <--- --- ---> . I had ended up, standing on the middle of the circular table in Princess Twilight Sparkles castle; only for the table top to light up, flooding my body with the purple light of magic. Everything went white, permeated by the force of the light overpowering everything; the reality I had come to rely on, included.  There is no escape, no way to escape what is to pass. The next instant, I find myself on the top of a bed.  I instinctively react, as the Changeling I am; attempting to take the shape of the nearest object, in the sense of any living creature I could pass up as. Incidentally, I had turned into a full-body suit.  Black is the colour coming before me, as a Changeling. Reflexes don’t give you time to think or reflect on your situation; I had no options to consider, this full-body suit is what I had turned myself into. I had only had the time to catch a glimpse of the surrounding, the room in which I had found myself; now I can’t see anything, so I don’t have an idea as to where I am or what I look like.  Though I am fairly sure, this is not the home of a Pony.  I am not in Equestria anymore. “How did I end up here?” I ponder. Fortunately, I did not have much time to ponder, or great over my situation; a girl enters the room, finding me where I lay prone over her bed.  As luck would have it, my head is over where her pillow is resting. My feet, facing downwards.. <--- --- ---> Into the Fire