//------------------------------// // Help Think about the Gift to give // Story: Chivalric Training // by MLPandMiraculousFanatic //------------------------------// “Well, gifts should convey our intentions so we should choose carefully” Lumine suggested “Everyone has their preferences so it’s important to choose the right gift if you want to get through to them, if it were me, I’d want roses” Noelle suggested “And I would want some books to read” Twilight explained “As for you, Honorary Knight… Hmm… I bet you like handmade things…” Noelle thought out loud “Roses, books and handmade things all sound nice but for now let’s think about what Quinn might like…” Lumine suggested “Oh yes! I… I just wanted to try thinking from a different perspective…” Noelle apologized “We get it but now let’s get to the topic at hand” Twilight suggested “Right” Noelle agreed before turning to Beatrice “Hmm… Quinn… What kind of gift would he like…?” Noelle asked before she realized something “If I remember correctly, isn't Quinn one of the Five Drunkards of Mondstadt…?” Noelle asked “Yes he is” Beatrice answered “Then perhaps something wine-related would do, but what?” Noelle asked “That is in fact a good question but simply thinking about it isn’t really helping…” Twilight reminded “Very well, then let’s go to Marjorie's store and see what’s available” Noelle suggested “Good idea! Let’s get going!” Lumine said The four then went to Marjorie’s store where they turned to the owner itself “Welcome to ‘With Wind Comes Glory’!” Marjorie greeted before she noticed it was Noelle along with the Honorary Knights “Well, if it isn’t Noelle and the Honorary Knights!” Marjorie said “It’s nice to see you here too Marjorie” Twilight said “Well, what wind brought the two of you together? I barely ever see Noelle in someone else’s company” Marjorie reminded “Barely ever?” Lumine asked in confusion “Well, when Noelle’s working she practically always takes of things by herself and once she’s finished with A it’s straight off to take care of B, seems she hardly has time to catch her breath” Marjorie reminded “Sounds like she wants to always be busy and never taking a break, take it from me, I’ve had similar experiences before and it didn’t exactly go well” Twilight explained “I get it” Marjorie said before turning to Noelle “Say Noelle… You’re not a child anymore you know and like Twilight just said, if you don’t take time out for yourself you may come to regret it in the future…” Marjorie reminded “I um… Decided to take a break today… But something came up…” Noelle explained “Something she nor Twilight could handle later” Lumine said in disbelief “Oh? So it was a day off… With the Honorary Knights?” Marjorie asked “You betcha!” Paimon answered “Ooooh! That must’ve been wonderful! That would’ve been something to celebrate!” Marjorie said in excitement “Except it didn’t take too long before somebody interrupted our break” Lumine thought “You must be here to pick out a gift for the Honorary Knights? Choose anything you like, we have a lot that might tickle you fancy!” Marjorie suggested “Actually, we’re here to help someone else choose a gift” Lumine corrected “Aww, so shy! No use denying it though” Marjolie said in awe “WE’RE NOT DATING!” Twilight and Lumine called out while having a faint blush on their cheeks “Yep, that simplifies things!” Paimon said with a smug face The duo then turned to Paimon with a glare who only smirked while Noelle began blushing wildly while glaring “Stop teasing!” Noelle ordered “Uh huh, you sure Noelle because if Paimon’s certain, you seem to be blushing” Paimon reminded “W-What?! Me and the Honorary Knights don’t have that kind of relationship…” Noelle said nervously “Seems awfully suspicious to Paimon but whatever suits your thoughts!” Paimon shrugged Marjorie then began chuckling a bit “Not yet!” Marjorie said “Seems you have a knack for this kind of thing Marjorie” Paimon said “Eh, I guess… After all, Noelle here is the type that needs a push every now and again but it looks like she’s still in the dark when it comes to these things” Marjorie explained “I… I just feel… I shouldn’t let such things distract me from my Chivalric Training! And yes… There are too many important things to take care of… ” Noelle reminded “Okay, okay, fine, no more teasing, so, what is the reason for this visit?” Marjorie asked “It’s like this…” Lumine started Lumine and Twilight then told the whole story from the beginning till the present moment and when they finished Marjorie got the gist of it “So… You’re choosing a gift for Bea to give to Quinn…” Marjorie thought “In that case…” Marjorie called out while she ran into her shop before coming back out with some stuff “I have a couple of fun new things in stock: A Frostening Bottle and a Squirrel Wood Carving” Marjorie explained “Can you tell us why you chose these two, I’m sure they might be useful enough but I’m not sure” Twilight explained “Sure thing, the Frostening Bottle is very useful to keep alcohol cold and fresh for a long time and as for the Squirrel Wood Carving… Well, it’s a nice ornament and it would look great at Quinn’s stall” Marjorie answered before turning to Lumine “So, bottle or ornament… Which will it be?” Marjorie asked “The Frostening Bottle” Lumine answered “Hmm… That’s a fitting gift for one of the Four Drunkards” Noelle agreed “I agree, great choice Lumine” Twilight complimented “Paimon agrees!” Paimon called out in agreement “She remembered what I said… Aww…” Noelle thought with a slight blush on her face “So Frostening Bottle it is, alrighty, let me wrap it up for you” Marjorie said Marjorie then wrapped the frostening Bottle before she gave it at the group while Twilight gave some money back to Marjorie and when she did the group turned to each other “Okay, now that the gift is wrapped we should hurry back and give it to Bea!” Noelle suggested “Yep, back to Good Hunter it is!” Twilight said The four then began walking (Or flying in Paimon’s case) to Good Hunter and when they arrived they noticed that Beatrice was just finishing her drink she got while waiting for the group as they approached her “Hey Bea, we got the present!” Twilight greeted “Really?! What is it?!” Beatrice asked “A Frostening Bottle, you could give it to Quinn when you see him!” Paimon said Lumine then pulled the present towards Beatrice who seemed a bit worried for her relationship “Hmm? So you’re saying I should give the Frostening Bottle to Quinn?” Beatrice asked “Yep!” Twilight answered “Well, it does look like something that he’d be interested in” Beatrice thought out loud before she realized something “Wait, wait… Maybe… I can use the gift as bait… I could say that if he wants to get the gift then he’ll have to come on a date with me first…” Beatrice realized “Great idea! He would definitely get tricked by that!” Lumine said “Thank you four so much! With this gift there’s no way Quinn will be able to refuse me!” Beatrice thanked excitedly “No worries, we’re willing to help if you need us!” Twilight said “Uh huh… Is that how gifts work?” Noelle muttered before shaking the thought off “Well, as long as it helps!” Noelle said happily Beatrice then realized something as she gasped in realization “Oh no!” Beatrice called out in shock, worry and realization “What’s wrong?” Noelle asked before turning to the gift “Is there something wrong with the gift?” Noelle asked “No, no, it’s not the gift… I’ve been so focused on convincing Quinn that I haven’t even thought about where our date’s gonna be!” Beatrice called out in realization “No… Really” Twilight muttered in disbelief “Seriously!” Lumine called out in disbelief “I’ve never gotten to that stage!” Beatrice called out in worry before turning to Noelle “Noelle… Could you help me…?” Beatrice asked “Of course, in a few days though” Twilight answered Beatrice then sighed in sadness “A date should be properly planned so I’ll wait, no need to rush!” Beatrice suggested “No need, just… Leave it to us” Noelle said “Seriously?! Are you seriously forgetting that you need to rest?!” Twilight asked angrily “Of course not but as a Maid of Favonius I should always be helping people” Noelle explained “Fine but this is the last thing we’ll do and then we’ll take a break!” Lumine said “I agree and when that’s done we’ll be talking with Acting Grand Master Jean about how to let you fix your helpfulness” Twilight agreed “Alright” Noelle said before she began thinking “Now about the date… Hmm, we’ll need a place with pleasant scenery and a quiet atmosphere” Noelle thought “I got an idea!” Twilight said “Alright Twilight, show us the way and if you see anywhere good just take a picture and we’ll let Bea have the final say” Noelle suggested “I’ll handle the pictures” Lumine said “Great! Then let’s get going” Twilight said The trio then began walking with Paimon floating behind them as Lumine turned to her friends “Do you know where we’re going?” Lumine asked “No but Noelle will help, right Noelle?” Twilight asked “Of course” Noelle answered before she began thinking “I remember that there was a beautiful and touching tale about Cape Oath so maybe that would be a good spot” Noelle explained “Cool! Then let’s go there!” Twilight suggested The four continued on their way until they arrived as Noelle turned to the cliff only to see a beautiful scenery “Ah, you can see Falcon Coast from here! Such a beautiful View!” Noelle called out “Paimon agrees! Though Paimon’s not sure you can glide towards Falcon Coast with just one wind glider!” Paimon explained “Yeah, you’ll more than likely drop in the water before you arrive, except maybe Twilight” Lumine said “Can we please not talk about my wind glider being so fast! I can barely float up while pulling levers!” Twilight reminded “I was just kidding!” Lumine said “But that doesn’t matter, let’s find a good angle to take a picture!” Noelle suggested Lumine then got a good place as she prepared to make a picture as her friends stepped out of the way until she gave a thumbs up and when she did so her friends stopped moving causing her to snap the picture “Got it?” Paimon asked “Yep!” Lumine answered “Great, let’s head to Starsnatch Cliff next!” Noelle suggested “Alright, let’s begin walking then” Twilight said The group then began walking as Noelle began daydreaming which Lumine saw “You okay Noelle?” Lumine asked “Yeah, it’s just Starsnatch Cliff is another beautiful location and so elevated! That place is super famous for its nightscape” Noelle answered “Well, what do you know, we’ll arrive there as soon as the moon comes up” Twilight said The group soon got to Starsnatch Cliff as they stood at the bottom “We’ve arrived!” Paimon explained Just then Noelle had an idea “I know, let’s get a picture from the top” Noelle suggested “Good idea, allow me!” Lumine said Lumine then rushed to the top as the group waited but when Lumine got up she got worried “What’s wrong, Lumine?” Twilight asked “There seems to be a bunch of people above the cliff” Lumine answered “Don’t worry Lumine, if Bea wants some peace and quiet there are more places she can go to” Noelle reminded “Yeah you’re right, I shouldn’t be nervous” Lumine said Lumine then prepared to take a pic as she turned down the shutter sound before pressing the button causing the pic to be made “Did you do it?” Paimon asked “Yeah, I just hope she wouldn’t mind” Lumine answered Lumine then walked down the cliff as Noelle began thinking “Now… One more option should do it…” Noelle said thinking before she realized where they could go to “Oh! Let’s go to Windrise!” Noelle suggested “Good idea, follow me!” Twilight suggested The group then began walking to Windrise and once the sun got up they arrived as they turned to the tree “Look over there, the Windrise tree! Symbol of the great hero Vennessa!” Noelle said excitedly “Or in other ways to call it, Barbatos’ healing tree” Lumine thought “You’re pretty excited huh Noelle?” Paimon asked M-My apologies, we’re supposed to be picking a venue for miss Bea…” Noelle apologized “No worries, no near death experiences here, no enemies for people to fight and no people to interrupt our day” Twilight said “Nice! The scenery here is pretty good too! Small rivers and soft shadows under the trees, let’s get a picture!” Paimon suggested “Good idea, go ahead Lumine” Noelle said “Alright!” Lumine said Lumine then went to find a good spot as she then took a picture and when she did she returned to her friends “And…?” Paimon asked “Caught it!” Lumine answered Twilight then sighed “That’s a relief!” Twilight said “That should do it then, let’s get back to Bea!” Paimon suggested The group then began walking towards Mondstadt and when they arrived they saw Beatrice pacing back and forth in worry until they approached her which she noticed as she turned to them “Oh, you guys are back, what romantic locations did you find?” Beatrice asked “Starsnatch Cliff…” Twilight answered “Cape oath…” Lumine answered “And Windrise!” Paimon answered “Hmm…” Beatrice thought before she realized something “Wait… Aren’t there people at Starsnatch Cliff already?” Beatrice asked “Y-Yeah” Twilight answered “I don’t want other people ruining the atmosphere while we’re on a date…” Beatrice reminded “My apologies” Twilight apologized “No worries, let’s look at another place” Beatrice suggested “How… How about Paimon’s recommendation; Windrise tree?” Noelle asked before she thought about the script for it “May your love be as free as a dandelion…” Noelle thought out loud “Windrise? Hmm…” Beatrice thought before she realized something “That’s a great location… But isn’t it a bit cliché?” Beatrice asked “Huh? C-Cliché?” Noelle asked “Paimon didn’t know Windrise sounded a bit cliché? Would you mind telling Paimon your reasoning?” Paimon asked “Well, old folks are always going on about something symbolic about that place… Besides, we’ve been there so many times when we were young, it just feels like there’s nothing special or new about it…” Beatrice explained “Oh… Okay…” Noelle said sadly Twilight who noticed her frown then got an idea as she turned to Lumine and Paimon who knew what she meant “Hmm… I’m going with Cape Oath! Thank you so much, I’m off to find Quinn” Beatrice thanked “No worries, just let us know if you need anything again” Twilight suggested Beatrice then walked off while muttering to herself “Ahhhh Quinn… I wonder what kind of oath he’ll make to me…” Beatrice muttered out loud When she was gone Noelle turned to her friends “Uhh… Is Windrise… No longer popular…?” Noelle asked “It depends on the person, some people might think it’s still popular while those who’ve been there many times will think it’s less popular but I think Bea is one of those on the second part” Twilight explained “But… The book said that it was the most popular place in Mondstadt…” Noelle reminded “When was the book written?” Lumine asked “Uh… I’m not sure but I found it while cleaning a corner of the library…” Noelle explained “What was it about? Paimon’s sure you know that” Paimon reminded “It was the story of Windrise and Lady Vennessa so I thought folks in Mondstadt would still like to go there…” Noelle explained “Don’t worry, we still like it” Lumine said “Yep, even though we had a tough battle there” Paimon agreed “Paimon!” Twilight called out angrily while glaring at her before giving a heart warming smile at Noelle “What Paimon meant to say was if you’re fine with it we could go there and have a little chat together” Twilight explained “Huh? You all want to go to Windrise?” Noelle asked in shock “Yep, think of it as a date amongst friends” Lumine answered “And not just that, you may also think of it as our first break of the day” Twilight suggested “O-Okay! Follow me then!” Noelle suggested Noelle then walked off as the group turned to each other “Paimon, why don’t you tell Jean we’re helping Noelle take a break” Twilight suggested “Huh? Why can’t one of you do it?” Paimon asked “We’d like to take a break without any interruptions thanks to your voice” Lumine answered “Jeez! When did Paimon interrupt any of you with my voice?” Paimon asked “Remember when you caused a fight?” Twilight asked “N— Yeah!” Paimon answered “See! That’s why! But if you want you can ask Rainbow or any other knight to go have some fun with you” Twilight said Paimon then sighed “Fine! Paimon’ll go see Rainbow then but make sure to return safely, okay?” Paimon asked “Of course” Twilight answered “Great! See you girls later then!” Paimon said Paimon then flew off as Lumine got worried “Are you sure you haven’t angered or saddened her?” Lumine asked “Maybe I did but I didn’t do it because she irritated us, I just wanted one of the knights or Rainbow to have a break too, you know, they’ve been working hard the last few days, especially with the Stormterror incident” Twilight reminded “Well, you’re right about that, good thinking Twilight” Lumine said “No worries, now, let’s go before Noelle wonders where we are” Twilight suggested Twilight and Lumine then ran after Noelle before they neared her only to see she was close to the Windrise tree as they went to lay down in it’s shadow as Noelle sighed in relief “The air here really refreshes you in an instant” Noelle said “Tell me about it” Twilight agreed “Does this help you a bit?” Lumine asked “Yeah, I’m starting to forget about all my training and work I need to do, it makes me just breath and feel the wind… Nothing else…” Noelle answered “You can come here whenever you like you know” Lumine reminded Noelle then chuckled “That’s true” Noelle said in agreement before sighing in worry “But training and work are still the things I need to focus on, if I didn’t take them seriously I wouldn’t be a reliable maid” Noelle reminded “There’s more in life than just training, you can spend time with friends, go on vacations and who knows you can even go to nightclubs to dance!” Twilight reminded “True and I know you are maid but keep in mind, Jean, Amber, Lisa, Kaeya and all the others Knights of Favonius members do not just work, they sometimes spend time with friends and families, just like us” Lumine explained “We’re not robots, you know!” Twilight reminded “But what if I put it this way, Lady Vennessa… And Master Jean… The responsibilities they carry, that they carried, those are the heaviest and yes, I know I have a lot to live up to, but if I want to become a real Knight of Favonius, I should help more people” Noelle explained “We get what you mean but it’s not everyday that people need help, there are times people can handle stuff themselves or in worst case scenario they’re dangerous people who want to take you for granted or in worser scenarios kill you” Twilight reminded “R-Really…? I haven’t thought about it that way, thank you for shedding some light on it” Noelle thanked “No problem Noelle” Twilight said “Still, if you weren’t here today I wouldn’t have been able to help Bea” Noelle thanked “R-Really?” Lumine asked in shock “Yeah, it’s just a small token of appreciation but I hope you’ll accept it” Noelle said “Of course we do, if there’s anything you need help with we’ll be here for you” Twilight said with a heartwarming smile “I didn’t get the time to ask but these roses on your hair, they look cool” Lumine said “Thanks, roses are my favorite flower, this is a paper one that I folded by hand” Noelle thanked “No problem” Lumine said “Speaking of which… Do you know the meaning of a rose?” Twilight asked “Of course! In Mondstadt, roses represent the saying ‘As wine bottles are corked, so too my lips are sealed’” Noelle answered “Wow! Cool!” Twilight said “I didn’t know I’d be saying this but I have seen and learned a lot during our time together, it will become a wonderful memory, one that I will savor again and again… I want it to remain in my heart and become a secret between the three of us” Noelle suggested “Of course, our lips are sealed” Lumine said “Definitely and you’ll have to promise us you will take a break once in a while because if you don’t I will drag you here myself even if it takes a day and a half!” Twilight said Noelle then chuckled a bit “I promise” Noelle said before she sighed in relief only to realize something about the rose “Wait! Do you two mean that… Roses have some meaning that I don’t know about?” Noelle asked “Uh… Nevermind” Lumine said in disbelief “Oh… Guess I’ll need to go back to the library and find out…” Noelle said worriedly “Or you could ask me, I’m knowledgeable in almost everything” Twilight reminded “True, still, whatever a rose means…” Noelle explained before she turned to them with a blush and a smile “I hope that this one can stay by your side in all your future adventures before I’m able to fight alongside you Honorary Knights…!” Noelle hoped “I hope so too” Twilight agreed “Same here” Lumine agree The trio then began chatting to each other as Twilight told Lumine and Noelle a bit about past adventures as the two began listening intently as they removed all thoughts out of their minds [You got the Relax Ending! Wanna try again? Or do you wanna pick a different choice, select any down below] Try again Pick a different choice