//------------------------------// // Unity Quests in Comics // Story: G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// It had been a week or two since the Mane 6’s last Unity Quest-- this time, they journeyed with the Pippsqueaks and the Buddies to the moon after a field trip unexpectedly went awry, but together, they were able to make it back to Earth and reunite the Buddies with their kids. The Pippsqueaks were even able to bring their spacesuits and some moon rock pieces home to their families for them to remember the adventure by, and that was heartwarming for the Mane 6 to see in itself. Queen Haven even spoke to the crowd of ponies at the festival, honoring all of them as heroes for being the first Equestrians in the nation's history to walk on the moon... which was a real treat for all of them. Now that the Moon Festival had passed, it was time for the Mane 6 to return to a some-what normal life until the next time the Unity Crystals summoned them. And of course, they had no idea when this would be. But little did they know, that before they would get sent on the next mission, a secret coming from two members of their own team would catch them offguard... ...and it would set the theme for their next action-packed Unity Quest adventure. XXXXXXXX Zipp and Hitch were working on a top-secret project in the sheriff’s station once a week for the past 8 months, hoping that once they felt prepared enough, they would show it to their friends and potentially gain their approval that this was a good idea. Eventually, Zipp finished the final page of their most recent project, smiling in satisfaction. “And… done! Okay, Hitch… I really think we’re ready to show these things off.” “Are you sure, Zipp?” Hitch asked, putting Sparky onto his back so he didn't have to walk. “I mean… I know we take our Unity Quest missions pretty seriously, and I don’t want the others to think otherwise.” “Hey, we’ve been working on these for the past 8 months straight, and we’ve come close to getting caught only two times,” Zipp said as she put their project safely into her saddlebags. “Besides, I think our friends would enjoy the fact that we want to remember our adventures in a really fun way.” Sparky giggled excitedly from Hitch’s back, causing Zipp to giggle herself. “Even Sparky is excited we’re finally gonna show them off. If that isn't a sign, then I don't know what is.” Hitch sighed reluctantly before smiling. “Okay, okay… I guess you two have a point,” he said. “Come on-- let’s head to the Crystal Brighthouse and see what they think of our little top-secret endeavor.” XXXXXXXX Meanwhile, at the Crystal Brighthouse, the four remaining mares were busy with various tasks; Misty was studying her spellbook, Sunny was making pizza for lunch, Pipp was trying to write a new song and Izzy was working on some paper mâché lanterns to hang outside the Brighthouse for Sparky's birthday, which was in the next week. At that moment, Zipp and Hitch, along with Sparky, entered the Brighthouse with positive grins on their faces. “Hey, guys!” Hitch smiled as Sparky hopped off his back and onto the couch. “Sorry if we’re interrupting.” “Nah, lunch is almost ready anyway. I was just getting ready to call,” Sunny said, getting the pizza out of the oven. “So, what have you two been up to?” “Well… you guys didn’t know about this, but… over the past few months, or well… since our fourth Unity Quest,” Zipp explained hesitantly, “Hitch and I have been working on a… top-secret project that I think would benefit all of us in a positive way.” “A top-secret project?! I love top-secret projects! You never know how top-secret they’re gonna be until they’re sprung right on you!” Izzy told her friends optimistically. “So… what is your top-secret project?” Sparky made a fanfare-type sound, allowing Zipp to clear her throat. “Presenting… the first issues of our very own comic book series... based off of our own adventures!” That's when she laid the contents of her bag out on the table in front of the group, causing them to gasp and look down at the brightly colored comic books with supreme interest. After a few moments of looking at the comics, Misty picked up one of them and read the title out loud. “The Unity Quest Adventures: The Ghoul School?” “The Unity Quest Adventures: Hocus Pocus?” Sunny read another one. “These are comic based off of some of our adventures when we were still facing off against Opaline!” “Exactly,” Zipp smiled. “We have a second batch in development right now, but we wanted to show you guys the first couple of issues and see what you think, just before we proceed any further. I know Hitch and I seem like the ones who take our Unity Quests seriously, and we still do. But…” “...we wanted to commemorate our adventures in a really fun way,” Hitch said, “and surprise you all when we felt like we were ready.” “So… what do you think?” Zipp asked. “Do you like ‘em?” “...are you kidding me?” Pipp looked at her sister with a deadpan expression, causing Zipp to become nervous… at least until Pipp’s smile grew wider and wider. “We love them!” “Yeah! These are amazing drawings!” Izzy said, holding up one of the comic books. “And I thought I was the only artsy pony in the group!” “These are amazing, guys! Thank you so much for making them for us,” Sunny smiled gratefully. “I’m gonna read one of these right now!” “I especially like the fact that you took your time in making these,” Misty added as Sunny trotted over to the couch where Sparky was. “And you seemed to remember everything that was said by every single character!” “Well, I have Pipp and my detective equipment to thank for that,” Zipp said with a chuckle. “Pipp took a lot of videos and I had my recording equipment on at times, just so I could remember important parts of the missions.” “So that’s why you had me send you those videos?” Pipp asked in surprise. “Man! I should have been able to figure that out ages ago!” Suddenly, Pipp gasped deeply, an idea filling her mind. “Oh my glitter, I just got the most amazing idea! What if we take these to Zephyr Heights and see if somepony can get these published as actual comic books for everypony to read?! I bet loads of pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns from all across Equestria would want to read such genius stories about us!” However, Zipp and Hitch looked a little worried at this. “Sis, as much as I would love to be responsible for a new comic book series for everypony to read, I can’t help but feel like that would put us all at risk.” “Yeah. What if another villain were to read this and find out about the Unity Crystals and their abilities?” Hitch pointed out. “Or Allura? Then Equestria would be at even greater risk for attack!” Pipp felt her ears lower as she thought this through. “I hadn’t thought about that exactly…” “But then again, it would educate ponies across Equestria about our missions and what we’re doing to stop these villains from taking over,” Misty pointed out. “We have to look at the glass half-full instead of half-empty all the time, you know.” “I guess I never thought about that,” Hitch frowned. “Now I’m not sure what to do about our comics!” “I say we put it up to a vote,” Sunny decided. “Whichever decision gets the most votes is what we do.” “Good idea, Sunny,” Zipp nodded. “That way it’ll be fair for everypony that's involved.” “So, let’s vote,” Sunny spoke up. “All in favor for publishing the comics not only for personal enjoyment, but to spread awareness of what we’re doing to save Equestria, raise your right hoof.” Sunny, Misty and Pipp immediately raised their hooves. “Okay… that’s three,” Misty counted the hooves. “All opposed?” Zipp and Hitch hesitantly raised their hooves while Sparky raised his hand, not really understanding what was going on. “That’s… also three,” Sunny blinked. “It looks like Izzy’s decision is the tie-breaker.” “Uh… me?” Izzy asked, looking at both groups with a nervous expression on her face. “Oh, glitterpants… this is gonna be a hard choice!” The last thing Izzy wanted to do was make one group upset with her... what was a unicorn to do in this kind of circumstance? Suddenly, before she could make a decision, the ponies looked and saw their cutie marks lighting up, causing Hitch to sigh. “Looks like we’ll have to revisit this discussion later. Right now, we gotta get up to the Unity Crystals.” “Hitch is right,” Sunny nodded. “We have a new mission to get underway!”