Twilight the Saiyan

by Xalok

Chapter 25: Ego Breaker!

"HAHAHAHAHA. Finally I get to see this ''Perfect Form'' That Cell has been talking about," said Vegeta far to happy, while looking over Cell.

And he was now Fully humanoid with a normal nose and mouth, and now being 7 feet in height. His wings have grown back, and his feat looked a bit like shoes. Purple stripes now run down each side of his face, similar to those of Frieza in his first three forms. He now sports light green with dark green spots on his body with the upper torso sporting black sections on the chest and shoulders. To Vegeta he was still weaker then him, but that was only him who saw it like that.

For while Cell was just standing there feeling out his body. Tempest was able to see, Twilight had been right on Cell, that if he gain his perfect form, he would be beyond their power as they are, and from what Tempest was able to feel, Vegeta was nothing next to Cell, so she told Gevo that they would just watch and see the prince get just what he had earned.

And as they landed Cell looked right over at Tempest with a smile, "Well Now, it seem that the tides has turned in my favor," said Cell in a smooth tone, while also walking near them, Tempest and Gevo did not react, "So now is the question, why should I not return the favor from all the trouble you gave me?"

"Well you will not do that, do to it not being fun to you, do to just how much your power has grown, for I can see it in you, you just want a good fight, and both me and Gevo would not be good fights anymore, do to how we were barely able to slow down Vegeta." answer Tempest in a calm tone. It was moments like this that Tempest was happy about her ability keep a good poker face, for really she was freaking a bit out, for Cell was far stronger then even she had thought.

This made Cell smile, "I really like you girl, you know your limits and known when you can't fight something, and for that I will let you two live, if you at least give me your names, for you have proven to be one of, if not the smarts person I had to deal with."

"Tempest, and that is Gevo, and now that the plans has been broken I can tell you, that the plans you have been dealing with is not mine, but my friend's." she replied.

"Oh and who is that friend of yours?" asked Cell, for this was something he really wanted to know, and he did not have to wait long to get his answers.

"That would be me," said Twilight, as she landed next to Tempest surprising Cell, for he had not felt her come in, and it was not for the lag of power, which made him really interest in her, "And before you ask, my name is Twilight, and I came here to get a front row seat to see Vegeta get what he has earned for ruining my plans. I hope that is not a problem." she finished as she threw out a capsule which turned into a set of three chairs and a mini fridge, which she open a pull out a drink and sat down in the middle of the chairs, not showing one bit of worry.

This made Cell laugh, "I like you a lot, I will look forward to when you want to fight me, yourself, but for now, I think I will give Vegeta what he has earned. For we do not want to keep the prince waiting do we?" asked Cell before he turn and walked towards Vegeta, who looked annoyed at having been ignore for so long.

As Cell moved away Tempest look at Twilight before speaking, "Do you really think now is a good time to relax like that?" asked Tempest, as she went over to Twilight.

"It's the only thing we can do right now. But when Cell is done playing with Vegeta, then there is a chance to give us some time, for right now he wants to test himself a bit, so I say let him, and with the Prince of egos wanting to prove himself then I say let him. In the mean time I will take a moment to calm down and think after what I just dealt with." answer Twilight, as she took a sip of her drink.

With that said both Gevo and Tempest look at each other and agree that she had a point, and took themselves a seat and something to drink, for it had already been a wild day, so they might as well take this small break.

After having taken her seat Tempest ask Twilight what it was she had dealt with, which lead to Twilight explaining her meeting with the Kai of Time.

With Trunks.

Trunks did not know how to feel, for the second Cell had gotten what he wanted, he had ignored him fully, like he was not worth his time. He really did not know how to feel about that, and then he saw how Tempest handle Cell, and a part of him agreed, that his dad really needed a reality check, for Trunks had to admit that his dad really did not understand what he was playing with. And if he got lucky then he can always take Cell down himself after his dad gets knocked out. And then he notice Twilight had come to the field, and moved towards her.

With Vegeta and Cell.

As Cell got up close to Vegeta, the prince start to talk, "Just as I thought. Your Perfect form is Noting special." said Vegeta fully believing his own words.

This just made Cell smile a deadly smile at the prince, and in a smooth tone he replied, "Well I'm sorry for disappointing you. Will you help me warm up?" he asked.

"Of Course... I'll make sure that I'll kill you before the end of this ''Warn up'' of yours." said Vegeta while never looking away from Cell.

Back with Twilight and Trunks got to her.

"Why are you just sitting in that Chair?" asked Trunks as he landed.

"Well there is not much else there can be done right now, for the chance of your dad agreeing to getting help is zero, and fighting him right now would be stupid." said Twilight as she was relaxing.

This took Trunks by surprise, "Are you not angry right now? Cell just took away your friends!"

This made Twilight look at Trunks, "Oh I'm more then pissed, but I know that letting it out right now will do nothing but make problems. So I take a deep breath, and make a plan, for running in with nothing but my rage will just get my ass kicked, so I let your dad gets what he wants now that he has ruined all my plans, and then I will make a new one. And watching your dad, will help me know what I will deal with when the time comes for me to fight him. For the chance of him winning this is zero, so I might as well learn from it." she replied as she relax again while keeping a eye on the fight.

Now Trunks felt a little annoyed, "What makes you so sure that my dad can't beat Cell? We trained for a full year! And my dad has yet to show his full power!" he answered.

Twilight barely looked at Trunks this time, "Neither has Cell." she answered coldly before looking back at Cell. Which shocked Trunks before he looked towards where the battle was about to start.

Back with Vegeta and Cell.

Vegeta start the fight by trying to knee Cell which Cell caught easily. Which Vegeta followed up with a elbow towards Cells head which again was blocked by Cell's arm. This is how the fight kept going for a time Vegeta attacking with Cell blocking or dodging the attacks with a smile, which just worked to piss off Vegeta more, this was finally ended by Cell punching Vegeta away surprising the prince, enough to jump away. Which made Cell just stand up and go out of his fighting stances.

Vegeta was now sweating, he had not even gotten close to land a hit on Cell, and now he was not even taking a fighting stances against him, "DAMN IT! You're not taking this seriously are you?" Yell Vegeta.

To this Cell just put his hands on his waist and gave Vegeta a deadly smile, "I told you that this would be a warm up fight!"

This send Vegeta over the edge, "HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS! YOU'RE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!! FIGHT ME WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT!" scream Vegeta, as he release all his power.

"If you insist..." replied Cell.

And faster then Vegeta was able to see Cell had gotten behind him surprising Vegeta, who responded by sending a kick at Cell's face, but all it did was make Cell give him a bigger smile, and he just let the hit land, do to how little power there was behind it, which made the prince ones again jump back.

"You know, at first I found it a little insulting, that the girl just pull out a chair and start to look at our fight. But seeing you're full power, I full understand why now!" said Cell before he looked right at Vegeta, "She already knew that you would not stand a chance against me."

This shatter Vegeta's world for he had believe that he was the strongest in the world, and now? Now he was being seen as nothing but a warm up fight.

Not giving Vegeta time to respond, Cell kept going, "What happen to all that energy of yours Vegeta? Come on show me that Saiyan spirit!" As Cell got done saying this he drop kicked Vegeta sending him flying away but before going to far Vegeta had barely stop himself.

"As much as it helped me, I'm going to make you regret helping me princess." said Cell, but before he was able to attack Vegeta again, the prince threw out both his arms open while starting to gather Ki for a attack.

This made Cell pause and look at it before deciding to let the prince have one last attack.

The pure power of the attack that Vegeta was gathering power for, was starting to send out lines of pure power in the form of lightning, which was cutting into the ground where ever it went, and as Vegeta put both hands forwarded he started to yell, "CELL! EVEN IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED YOUR PERFECT FORM, DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO SURVIVE THIS? OR IS IT TOO MUCH FOR YOU, HUH? YOU'RE A COWARD!"

This just made Cell smile as he took a stance and wait for the attack.

This was what Vegeta was waiting for, and when he was sure Cell was in the middle of the way of his attack he fired it, "FINAL FLASH!"

As the attack was release, Cell realize that it was far stronger then he had been ready for, and in the last moment he dodged as much as he was able to.

Meanwhile with Twilight.

Twilight had pull out one of her data pads, and was using satellite, to keep a eye on the attack Vegeta had done, for she wanted to be sure it did not hit anything bad, and when the attack kept going away from earth she realize that she would probably have to call Merus and ask if he had hit anything, which she hope he did not.

Back with Cell and Vegeta's fight.

The attack had taken half of Cell's body, removing everything there was hit by the attack, which now made Cell a little worried.

Which gave Vegeta some of his ego back, making him start to laugh hard.

With Twilight.

Trunks was now smiling hard, while Twilight still did not look impressed, "And you said he would not be able to beat him!" said Trunks now showing a bit of pride.

Which Twilight shoot down, "I would not be so sure on that Trunks. Cell is made out of the DNA of all the strongest fighters in the universe." said Twilight calmly.

"What do you mean? I mean look at Cell! he will never recover from something like that!" Yell Trunks now a little pissed, that she was looking down on his dad.

"Trunks! Piccolo is part of that DNA!" said Twilight.

This made Trunks think for a moment before he realize why that was a problem, "Oh no..." said Trunks now looking back at Cell knowing what is coming.

"Oh yes, and don't get me wrong, I would love if your father was able to finish off Cell. But now Cell knows if giving time to prepare a attack we can kill him, which is not good, for now what your dad did will not work a second time, but I will not blame him for that, for it was close to ending him. But now the fight will probably end soon." said Twilight as she stood up.

"Are you going to help my dad?" asked Trunks hopefully.

This made Twilight laugh, "Trunks if you think your dad would be piss at your help, you would not want to know how he would be if I saved him."

Back with the fight.

Cell had been playing it up in front of Vegeta, and as the prince got his pride fully back Cell stop his play, "Had you fooled for a second didn't I?"

This made Vegeta stop laughing, and look at Cell, "Huh?"

"Vegeta you're a fool! Have you really forgotten that I have Piccolo's Cells as well?" said Cell and with a smug smile. as he regenerated the lost bit of his body.

Sending Vegeta right back into fear.

"Disapointed Prince?" asked Cell, as he started to test his new arm, "Well then... Shall I kill you now?"

And with that Cell start to slowly walk towards Vegeta. And all the prince was able to think to do at this point was starting to just fire off as many Ki blasts he was able to do. Making Cell look like a walking Smoke cloud, and when Cell got close he punched Vegeta right in the face, while he did not stop walking.

As Vegeta landed on his back, he start try and get back up again, and as he was just about to get up Cell Kicked him hard up into the air, and flew up behind Vegeta as he was flying away, and just as he elbowed the prince in the back, the last thing he hear was Cell, "Next time, when someone smarter then you makes a plan. Follow it!" And then send Vegeta flying into the ground, and the second he hit it, his Super Saiyan form die out leaving him laying in the ground helpless.

Back with the group.

Trunks was not taking this well and start to fly right up and start to power up.

Twilight notice what he was doing, and start to shake her head.

"Is he really going to try that?" asked Tempest as she walked up next to Twilight

"Yes, it seems that he is..." said Twilight as she facepalmed, "Who ever trained Trunks in the future, either did not have a long time with him, or missed out on telling him."

This made Tempest look at Twilight, "should we tell him?"

This made Twilight Look towards Cell, and saw him look right back at her, and decide that to get what they need she would give Cell this, "No... Let him learn by trying to fight Cell with this. It might make Cell easier to talk. And besides Trunks is a smart boy, so he will probably realize the fight is lost before it begins when he learns the forms weakness," after saying this Twilight looked at Tempest, "as much as it pains me to say this Tempest, but can you go and take the prince away from here, and maybe get him some healing, the slow kind if you can, for the longer he is down the better."

"Well I can bring him to a normal Dr, but then the others will just help him with a bean, so I will just bring him to the Lookout, and ask Dende to heal him slowly." answered Tempest as she flew off towards the ''prince''.

With Cell.

"I'm really starting to like that woman. She is piss at me, yet she does not take away my joys. She is such a nice girl." said Cell to himself while still looking at Twilight before looking back at Trunks who he was going to play with, already fully forgotten Vegeta and ignoring Tempest, letting the girl move away his last toy.

And as Cell was standing there just letting Tempest move away Vegeta, Trunks landed near him just as Tempest flew away.

As Trunks got close enough he stop his walking, " Cell! You will die here!"

"Heh... That is a very bold statement coming from you!" said Cell as he walked up close to Trunks, only stopping when the two came face to face.

The two was just looking at each other for a time before Cell kicked at Trunks, which he dodges by leaning back. Which Trunks answered with a punch aimed at Cells head, which he just lead to the side to avoid. Where Cell punched back going for the stomach getting a clean hit, which he followed up with a kick sending Trunks flying away before he landed on his back just to stand up again, and then he notice Cell look, he looked disappointed.

"Why are you still holding back boy? Do you fear me going for dad? For if so Miss Tempest has already taken him away. So can you please stop holding back, I'm getting bored here." said Cell with a smile.

This left Trunks confused, "You did nothing to prevent it? Why?"

"I have no interest in him anymore! Besides I'm more interested in what you think you can do." said Cell.

And as Cell said that Trunks powered up even more. Which made Twilight on the sideline facepalm, which only Cell notice. And When Trunks got done, Cell felt like it was finally time to let the boy know, "You do have great strength I will not disagree with that, in fact your strength is far greater then mine... However you should know that power isn't everything. Believe me..."

Trust showing he was truly Vegeta's son was high on power right now and only smile at this, "Heh! You're bluffing!"

On the lookout as Tempest landed.

As she landed, she hear Piccolo talk about how strong Trunks was, and decided to ignore it for the moment and got Dende to heal Vegeta, slowly of course which Dende was more then fine with, and then walked over to the group who was right now talking up Trunks like he would take Cell down.

And she decided to ruin it for them, for they needed to know this would not work, "You guys might as well calm down, Trunks will not win this fight." said Tempest which made all of them realize she was there.

"What do you mean? Trunks power is far higher then Cell's, how can Trunks not win that fight!" said Piccolo which was backed up by Bulma who looked mad at what Tempest had said, while the other Z-Fighters who had worked more with Tempest knew she would not say something like that without a reason.

So Tempest walked into the middle of everyone, and cast the far sight spell. And then start to talk as they were able to see, "The problem is that Trunks power is gained do to him throwing away something else..." said Tempest.

Back at the battle field.

Trunks had been trying his hardest to hit Cell, for 10 mins with Cell just dodging every attack without even trying, which finally got to Trunks.

"DAMN IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I CAN'T LAND A SINGLE PUNCH! WHY!!!" scream Trunks in pure frustration.

This made Cell Laugh, "Oh I do not think I can do this!" said Cell before he looked at Twilight was had moved a closer, "My dear girl can I ask you to explain it?"

Twilight sigh, "Sure I can explain it. While the form you took makes you a lot stronger, it also makes you way slower as well, the form is only able to hit those slower then the user is before it is done, and with Cell having more speed and power before the form, it just makes you have even less of a chance..." said Twilight taking a small break to shake her head, "The form is not even special, it's the same with your fathers form, it's the same, but throws away far less speed, making it more useful." she finished with a disappointed look. And when she was done talking Trunks powered down and landed.

"Can you make it quick I do not wish to feel to much pain..." said Trunks having fully given up at this point.

"Well now you are just taking the fun out of this," said Cell as he aimed a blast at Trunks.

"Already giving up on getting a good fight?" questioned Twilight, which made Cell lower his hand and look at her, and when she knew she had his full attention she kept going, "Lets say you give us a week or two, and then meet up with you, and we will be able to give you a true fight. We might even beat you if we are given the time."

This made Cell smile, "Well you got my interest Twilight. Though it also helps you, that I have yet to see Goku. So I think I will give you what you are asking for... For it will also give me a chance to make a better show out of fighting you for the first time, for right now I got no idea what you can do. And it makes me itch for a battle with you. So I will give you two weeks where you and your friends can go and build up your power, and when the two weeks are up, we will hold a tournament where everyone is welcome to fight me! I'll let you know where it will be later... If you watch the news, you might learn it soon enough. Oh and before I go, make sure that you bring a lot of senzu, you will all need them."

A part of this got Twilight curious and she had to ask, "Why on the news?"

"What better way then that, to make people really feel the terror? For I need something to spent my time waiting on, so why not scare the life out of whoever is still alive?" replied Cell, before he flew away.

As Twilight watch Cell fly away, she thought to herself, that it was going to be a long two weeks.

While Trunks was stunned, not knowing how what to think about all this, but was taken out of his thinking when Twilight spoke, "Two weeks will be enough, we should be fine." after saying this she start to fly away.

Trunks hurried to catch up to Twilight, for he had questions, "What do you mean. We should be fine?" asked Trunks flying next to Twilight.

"I meant what I said, with that time you all can build up enough power if done right, to gain enough power to do what must be done." said Twilight not even looking at him.

But what about you? For the way you are talking about this, it does not sounds like you are planning on training yourself... Are you already strong enough to fight him?" asked Trunks hopefully.

This made Twilight laugh, "No far from it, but I do have a idea that would give me the power, but to be safe the rest of you will have to gain more power before I do it." said Twilight giving Trunks hope, but what he did not hear was her saying something so low that it was only her who hear it,"For your own safety."