//------------------------------// // Chapter Eleven: Ponyville Arrivals // Story: The Markless Wonderer: Origin // by OllerusTheFailure //------------------------------// Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-tchh! Whoooo!! The train conductor peered out of his cab and made a proud declaration. “Welcome to Ponyville, folks!”  After three long years of anticipation, the moment had finally arrived. The train doors opened, and with eager steps, ponies descended onto the small plank platform of the foreign train station. The station, made of purpleheart wood, exuded a rich and earthy odor, leagued with the scent of fresh grass. But what truly captivated me was the architectural diversity of the homes compared to Luna Bay. The residential buildings were cream yellow, like banana pudding, and had thatched roofs, giving them a rustic impression. Before long, I couldn’t help but marvel at the fascinating spectacle of various creatures and ponies coexisting merrily. Ponyville was an entirely new world to navigate. Some passengers from Vanhoover and Luna Bay entered the small station building. With a final glance back toward the train, the last ponies on board stepped onto the oak platform, reveling in the warmth of the sun hitting their coats. Since they weren’t accustomed to it, the sun’s summery heat was especially striking. And like everypony else, they each had uniquely colored saddlebags to carry belongings. One was a mint green mare with pale yellow hair, toting a neon blue saddlebag. Another was a yellow mare with a black mane styled into a ponytail. She donned a pink saddlebag. The third was a turquoise mare with a teal mane cascading over an eye. She had a purple saddlebag. Last, there was a white stallion with a grey mane displaying a touch of blue. He carried a grey saddlebag. Besides Mint Spring’s hairstyle, their appearances hadn’t changed much. Nevertheless, they were all noticeably taller, and their faces were home to nothing but excitement. “Hey, Starry Vision, let’s go on a foodie expedition and savor the delectable food Ponyville’s local restaurants have to offer!” Mint Spring asserted, unable to hold back her anticipation of grub any longer. “I am feeling peckish... Count me in.”  “I think I’ll join you,” Serene Snowfall said with a smile from behind. “Alright, sounds like a day of exploration, new experiences, and unforgettable memories with the girls!” Mint Spring declared. “Don’t forget about me!” “Get out of here, Splotch Wing! What part of the ‘memories with the girls’ didn’t you get?!” Mint Spring retorted, making her message apparent to the young stallion butting in. “Fine... I’ll just find another hapless individual to tolerate my presence,” Splotch Wing muttered dejectedly. Mint Spring giggled at his disheartened comment. “W-What? You just demeaned yourself, you blockhead.” Embarrassed, Splotch Wing countered and flew away. “Quiet mare-do-well!” When they split off, laughter and conversation filled the distance as ponies embarked on individual or group pursuits. We weren’t in any rush since we had a set time for our school tour, which left us with a window of free time. “I know where I’m going first,” said Ice Whistle, still wearing his usual get-up—a black and grey striped beanie and scarf, keeping him warm and stylish. Even more so in this weather. Plus, a black saddlebag. And with each passing year, he grew slightly taller, and his voice lowered, adding to his stallion’s allure. Though somewhat longer, his mane still shimmered with its signature snowy shade while his coat maintained its icy blue hue. “Where is that?” I asked. “I’m passing by the post office to send another letter to Baltimare.” “Well, good luck. I might be in the dorm room building if you need me.” “Noted.” With a gentle hoof bump, we continued on our separate paths. The map layout of Ponyville was shown on our school pamphlets. According to it, we’re in the residential area. If we wanted the quickest route to the School of Friendship, we would have to pass the retirement home and hospital. Then, after passing by the Castle of Friendship, boom, you’re there. But for now, my priority was the boys’ dorm building. Upon reaching Ponyville, I had a specific task in mind. Anypony would have suspected Nature Thorn and I ventured into town together as the best friends we were. He alone understood my wishes. I left for the post office to secure a quicker response from my sister. The vibrant atmosphere of Ponyville surpassed anything Luna Bay offered. Sunlight beamed with all its glory, bringing life to the entire town, while Luna Bay typically had wintry grey skies.  Before long, I arrived at Ponyville’s quaint post office. The building made it evident with a giant aspen wood sign atop the purple-tiled roof. A pale yellow envelope with a circular red seal and a blue mail symbol was painted on the board, with the former on the right and the latter on the left. I mistook it for the front entrance, but the actual entrance was located on the left side of the building, so I entered from there. The interior of the post office was spacious, and the scent of freshly printed paper saturated the air. If you had to wait off to the side, chairs were available for rest. Also, on that left wall hung a small wooden clock, its hands ticking steadily. I checked the time: 11:00 AM. Our school tour was scheduled for around one o’clock, so two hours of free time was more than adequate, at least in my opinion. Positioned at the end of the room, the post office counter beckoned with its organized rows of mail slots positioned behind. Luckily for me, there was no line. Awaiting the postal worker’s arrival, a cluttered register with receipts and stamps spread out on the counter’s surface. “Hmm…” My hoof tapped on the counter, trying to ease boredom with random thumps. After about five minutes, from within the mail room, some daylight entered through a door on the left, which only employees could access. The middle-aged pegasus donned a brown hat and a brown and white postal shirt. Her grey coat stood out against the dark brown uniform, complementing her pale yellow ponytail tied with a bold red band. But most of all, her crossed eyes stood out as her prominent feature. Alongside that sudden flash of sunlight, she mumbled something under her breath. “Which way is south again?” She darted her eyes around the mail room, dazed. Waving my hoof, she noticed and walked over. Near the chest area, she had a name tag patched onto her uniform. Sloppily done, but her name tag boldly displayed the words ‘My name is: Derpy’ in chicken scratch. “Need any help?” she asked, one of her eyes straying off. It was sort of charming. “Yes, I’d like to send this letter to my sister in Baltimare.” Using telekinesis, I pulled my envelope from my black saddlebag and gave it to her. Derpy grabbed the envelope with her mouth, set it down, and examined it, checking the address information. “Looks good! I’ll get it sent to Baltimare as soon as possible!” Now, I could rest easier. “Thanks. That means a lot.” Just as I was taking my leave, a three-tiered muffin platter on the left side of the counter called for me. How did I miss that? My belly grumbled for all to hear, and the pastry scent invaded. “Don’t even think about it, Buster!” Derpy warned with a hoof stomp, her voice filled with determination and an eye still straying off in an odd direction. “Heheh…” I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. It seems my hopes of getting something to eat here will not be coming to fruition. It makes little sense to display a tempting muffin platter at work and not offer it to others. Perhaps that was Derpy’s intention, but she couldn’t follow through when the moment arrived. Either that, or they’re meant for her consumption alone. One of these days, I’ll have to sneak in and snag one. Excited to explore and inhabiting no rush, I trotted through the residential district of Ponyville. My goal was to find a safe place to store my belongings, which were neatly packed in my green saddlebags. Naturally, my dorm room seemed like the most logical choice. However, I still needed to locate the building assigned to male students. I also needed to figure out which room would be mine. Three years ago, my village had the honor of being visited by the Royal Advisor, who provided us with pamphlets containing additional details about the school, including locations around town. In a matter of my whereabouts, to put it simply, I was lost. How I managed to with a map was beyond me. I might have been so deep in thought that I didn’t realize how far I meandered around. Since I have a map, figuring it out shouldn’t be too challenging.   Looking around, I spotted a tea shop. Rechecking the map, I realized I was about to reach the town hall, which wasn’t a desired location. Since the tea shop stood before me, I just needed to head in the opposite direction—north. As I continued my trot, I unexpectedly stumbled upon a grand building with a sign depicting two masks, one grinning and the other frowning. It was the Ponyville Theater. The entryway, a wide open space with no doors, was framed by a trim of grey stone. Two light sources, a lamppost head atop the sign and a ceiling lamp mounted below, were waiting to illuminate the entrance when the sun set. Neither was lit due to it being daytime, of course. Driven by curiosity, I stepped into the theater, enticed by the promise of a special showing about ‘cutie mark experiences.’ The interior was dimly lit and had eight rows of plush velvet-cushioned seats. The empty seats outnumbered the occupied ones, clarifying that it was not a full house. Ponies were scattered throughout the theater, some sitting alone, others in pairs. Not wanting anypony to notice my blank flank, I sat in the very back, the velvet curtains hissing as they revealed a cream-yellow mare.  Right on time. Alongside a bobbing pink shawl with white frills, the mare walked up to the microphone planted in the center of the stage. “Howdy everypony, ah’m glad ya’ could make it t’ this here showin’. Ya’ see, my best friends an’ ah enjoy helpin’ other ponies receive their cutie marks an’ discoverin’ their purpose n’ life. But two different friends of mine would love t’ share their personal experiences with all of ya’! So this is what we came up with. They’ll start n’ a second, so ah hope ya’ enjoy it! First up is… Trouble Shoes!”   The red-haired earth pony, ornamenting a large pale red bow, sauntered off to the side, giving the stage to another individual—a large one at that. He had no wings and no horn. Massive didn’t begin to cover how he’s the most gigantic pony I’ve ever seen. His coat was brown, and his mane was like dark chocolate. He had a short tail, and his muzzle had a white pattern, which stretched up to his forehead, where one could find a small beige cowboy hat. “Hm—Hmm.” Trouble Shoes cleared his throat into the mic, ensuring it picked up his deep voice. The speakers boomed in response as the audience eagerly awaited his first words. “Ehhhh… Thank ye’, Apple Bloom... Hey there, everypony, my name is Trouble Shoes, but ye’ already know that...” He glanced to the side of the stage where Apple Bloom had left. Then, after a split second, he continued. “Well, back n’ Appleloosa, when ah was a youngin’, ah aspired t’ be a rodeo star. Ye’ could only imagine ah’d be content once ah got my cutie mark, but that wasn’t the case. Ah messed up my audition… Ye’ see, ah believed my cutie mark meant bad luck would always come my way, so ah abandoned my dream of becomin’ a rodeo star an’ kept t’ myself. Yet ah still found myself goin’ to the town’s rodeos’, an’ with my bad luck, ah ruined each one an’ eventually became n’ outlaw. That all changed when the Cutie Mark Crusaders told me of a different perspective. One ah have never considered.” What could that be, Trouble Shoes? “The way ah looked at my cutie mark was all wrong. It didn’t mean bad luck… It just meant ah was made t’ entertain everypony with my clumsiness… Once ah embraced it, my life turned around for the better. So if you’re ever strugglin’ t’ understand the meanin’ of your cutie mark, please consider other possibilities. It really could mean anythin’.” Trouble Shoes bowed his head, telling us he’s finished. Everypony present clopped their hooves on the floor, cheered, and whistled. During the applause, Apple Bloom returned to center stage, placing her mouth by the microphone. “Thank ye’ for sharin’ with us today, Trouble Shoes! Now, up next, we have Diamond T’ara!” “Woo! Yeah, that’s my bestie!” a dark grey mare yelled out from one of the front row seats. Apple Bloom fled the stage like before, passing by a pink mare wearing a petite silver tiara on top of her pale purple hair and white highlights. She had blue eyes and two curled-over bangs, and her stylish tail was primarily white rather than purple. Diamond Tiara placed her lips by the microphone and spoke. “Bump, bump—” “Sugarlump, rump!” the same dark grey mare from earlier cried again. Apple Bloom’s voice clamored from the side. “Diamond T’ara!” “I know, I know.” Diamond Tiara began her story, her voice resonating through the speakers and spreading throughout the small auditorium. “My name is Diamond Tiara, and I used to be a bully to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. See, I come from a rich family. My dad is Filthy Rich, and my mom is Spoiled Rich. Those are their names, but it’s also true.” Some of the audience chuckled at her remark. After that, she proceeded. “A tremendous burden weighed down on me because I came from such a family. They expected so much from me, and I did my best to meet their expectations. To our family name when I didn’t even know how. All that, and I didn’t understand what my cutie mark entailed. I mean, just look at it. A tiara? As a pony, what is that supposed to say about me? I’m reputed to be like a dazzling diamond, yet it felt as if I could break at any given moment. But thanks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I discovered who I truly was. Like Trouble Shoes, I guess I just had to look at it from a different angle. Now, I indulge in charity and help improve the community of Ponyville! And I’m no longer a jerk deep down inside… Not anymore. That was not the pony I wanted to be. So, getting straight to the point, don’t be afraid to be yourself for anypony or how to be the pony you want to be.” “Nicely said, Diamond Tiaraaa!” “Thank you, Silver Spoon! Bump, bump—” “Sugarlump, rump!” Silver Spoon finished, flaunting her butt toward the stage, Diamond Tiara mimicking the friendly gesture. Glad me and Ice Whistle don’t do that. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and gave herself a light smack on the forehead. Trouble Shoes and Apple Bloom strode onto the stage, stood shoulder to shoulder with Diamond Tiara, and bowed their heads in unison. Then, Apple Bloom took the microphone one last time. “That cutie marks the end of this here showin’. If ya’ would like t’ share your own experiences n’ private or like this, you c’n come an’ tell me anytime. Now if you’ll excuse me, ah have a class t’ teach at the School of Friendship. Goodbye everypony!” Few ponies stayed and conversed with one another. I had no reason to remain, so I left as soon as Apple Bloom, Trouble Shoes, and Diamond Tiara stepped away from the microphone. Considering the topic of the showing, I was glad to learn I’m not the only pony with cutie mark troubles. However, there was still one massive difference between them and me. They had a cutie mark to call their own—a clue. But unlike them, I didn’t have a lead.  They also said to look at your situation from a different angle, which made me wonder if I was too hasty to call it quits—that I didn’t try hard enough to find my cutie mark on my own. Because Luna Bay did not show my future, I gave up and spent my life lamenting it, except for the three long years that followed my promise with Ice Whistle. However, there were still zero results.  Later, I arrived at the School of Friendship’s entrance after passing by more homes and stores. The building and I were on different sides of a lake, but a pathway linked us. If I followed the lake downstream to the right, I’d find the boys’ dorm building. The girls’ dorm was between the Castle of Friendship and the hospital, while the boys’ dorm was a short distance from the theater. “Hey there, Thorno. Are you also scouting for thy dorm?” a familiar voice asked me a question. It was Splotch Wing, a teenage stallion around my age. His wings had grown a considerable margin. Due to my canter, a hint of weariness weighed my voice. “I am. I don’t want to carry my saddlebags around all day... I’d rather feel free.”  “Hm?” Splotch Wing cocked his head. “Is that so? Well, forget about that. Let’s look together!” The extensive dorm building stood proudly, its purple exterior complemented by the sea-blue roof tiles. Splotch Wing and I moved inside, glimpsing a small lounge featuring a counter in the left corner. Apart from the staircase and the counter, the lounge comprised a row of black memory foam chairs closely arranged back to back, with one pony occupying a cushion reading a book. There was also a wide green news bulletin board on a wall with busy paper sheets scattered about. Our resident advisor was expected to be waiting for us there. Upon a convex surface of glossy chrome, my reflection bent oddly, then I pressed down on the dome’s knob. Ding! An adult male earth pony answered the sharp chime and greeted us. “Ah, some new students!” “That’s right. Now, where are our dorm rooms, old guy?!” Splotch Wing demanded, leaning over the counter and booping his face into the muzzle of the resident advisor. The resident advisor pulled out a clipboard. “May I have your names?” “Splotch Wing.” “Hmm… Splotch Wing… Splotch Wing…” he mumbled as he scanned a list. “Ah-ha! Here you are, Room 42-B. Here’s your key. Huh, that rhymes!” “Thank you. Now I’ll be on my way,” Splotch Wing said, grabbing the key with his white wing and strutting off toward the staircase. “Name?” “Nature Thorn.” “Nature Thorn… Nature Thorn… Boom, gotcha! Well, look at that. You have the very last room. Room 49-C. Here’s your key! Hope you enjoy, and if you have any problems, report them to me.” The resident advisor giggled to himself. “Sure thing, thanks.” Now, I just needed to find my dorm. Since he said it’s ‘the last room,’ it must be on the top floor. Based on that fact, I ascended the stairs to the highest floor, the 5th—not counting the attic.  At the top, looking to the left, the numbers continued down, starting from 44-C. The last room must have been labeled 40-A. On the right, a row of doors started from 45-A and ended at my dorm room, 49-C. I started my approach, noticing how the number 49-C embedded into the red door shimmered in gold. The unremarkable entrance possessed me with a sense of ownership. “Sss… Fwoo…” This was my room now. Crk! Errr... Crap, my sudden cravings for muffins got me caught in this situation. “Well, if it isn’t Ice Whistle,” Mint Spring said in a snarky manner. Serene Snowfall and Starry Vision turned their heads in my direction and greeted me with friendly waves. In search of a muffin, I entered this place. The building’s exterior reminded me of a gingerbread house with colorful candy-like decorations and ornate architecture. It also had a tower room shaped like a giant cupcake with a window? Anyway, I walked through the dark pink wooden saloon doors. That’s when the three familiar mares caught me in the act. “One muffin. That’s my only reason for being here.” Serene Snowfall, one of those three mares, voiced her opinion. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to try a snack from the Sugarcube Corner as soon as possible, Ice Whistle.” In this situation, I had no choice but to confess. “This is going to be the last time I have a treat this early in the day, promise.”  “I’ll give you a pass this time,” Mint Spring sneered. My eyes rolled, and a sigh escaped. “Yeah, yeah…” The confinery was a sensory delight, filled with the intermingled sugary aroma of freshly baked cakes and treats. Glass displays were loaded with a mouthwatering array of cakes, cupcakes, muffins, lollipops, cake pops, and many distinctive candies. We waited patiently by the check-out counter, a beige pegasus soon arriving from what I presumed to be the kitchen. When I saw his swirly brown mane, the thought of stiff peaks of whipped cream surfaced. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, friends! The names’ Pound Cake. What can I get for you today?” With great enthusiasm, the stallion greeted us, swinging his elbow in a friendly gesture all gung-ho, which reminded me of Stargazer. It had me wonder about Starry Vision’s perspective on him. “Three cupcakes! Surprise us with the flavors and frosting,” Mint Spring answered. “Okey-dokey-lokey! And what about you, my stallion compadre?” Pound Cake asked. “One blueberry muffin, please.” “Right-O! I’ll get our little helper on it right away,” Pound Cake said and continued to call out somepony. “O’ Li’l Cheese! Could you please gather three surprise cupcakes, package them together in one box, and secure a mouthwatering, fresh-baked blueberry muffin?!” Then a youthful boyish voice responded from the kitchen. “Easy peasy lemon squeezy!” The five of us stood there, the constant rumbling of hooves emanating from the kitchen.  “Ha! Serving customers is something he truly enjoys.”  Clops resonated as a light yellow mare with curly light orange hair descended the stairs behind the check-out counter. A light blue bow ornamented the back of her head, and she appeared to be around the same age as Pound Cake. But with that horn on her head, she was clearly a unicorn. “Pound Cake, did you give Li’l Cheese permission to gather an order again?!” Although unenthusiastically, Pound Cake had confessed. “Earlier, I promised him he could, so… Yes?”  “Pound Cake! There’s nopony with more energy to run rampant than him!” “But Pumpkin Pie, my beloved sister. I had him take the order so that very energy of his could be put to good use! Besides, when I tried to tell him he wasn’t ready to help, he used his adorable pleading puppy eyes to tug at my heartstrings… And it worked. How could I possibly say no?” Pumpkin Pie ran up to her brother, grabbed him, and shook him back and forth. “Like this: No!” “It can’t be that bad…” Starry Vision whispered. The siblings sprinted off and inspected the kitchen. “Oh, dear Celestia,” Pumpkin Pie and Pound Cake said in unison. At the entrance to the kitchen, an energetic pale yellow colt stood with a muffin perched on top of a box, balanced on his fluffy, curly pink mane. Pumpkin Cake opened her mouth to speak, but her words died on her lips as she realized the young earth pony had vanished without a trace. “Wha—” Taken aback, I realized the colt stood before us with our orders still perched on his fluffy hair. “Takeout procured!” “Woah!” Serene Snowfall, Starry Vision, and Mint Spring’s voices supplied the air with astonished reactions. “That’s adorable,” Mint Spring muttered, both front hooves squishing the cheeks on her face. Could a pony really possess such limitless energy? No matter, I got what I came for. So, I shrouded the blueberry muffin in magic and lifted it off the takeout box. “How many bits do I owe?” “You’re all new to town, right? Please, it’s on us. Just be sure to tell your friends to stop by,” Pumpkin Pie said. Maybe they’re used to serving new customers they’ve never met because of the School of Friendship. “Woo-hoo!” Mint Spring and Serene Snowfall shouted in celebration while Starry Vision quietly announced her gratitude. With that, we left Sugarcube Corner, and I split off from Starry Vision’s group shortly after. “Let’s clean up that mess before Mom and Dad come over,” I rushed, not wanting to dawdle. “Can do! I even have a secret weapon.”  I grinned while my ears perked up in response. “Really?! What’s that—” Pound Cake brought his hooves to his mouth like a makeshift megaphone. “O’ Li’l Cheese! Would you be interested in joining us in our kitchen cleaning mission?!” Li'l Cheese suddenly appeared before Pound Cake, dust clouds left in his wake, and promptly responded with sparkling eyes. “Would I?!” “Would you?” Pound Cake asked again. “Would I?!” “Would you?” With a burst of infectious enthusiasm, Li’l Cheese leaped into the air and yelled, “I would!” Pound Cake and Li’l Cheese dashed into the kitchen, embarking on their cleaning mission. If they were to keep that up, I would’ve interjected saying, “He would!”. Regardless, I sighed, muttering, “Oh, brother.” And with a satisfied smile, I joined them in the active kitchen.  Dealing with the antics of Li’l Cheese and each other was nothing new. But in the animated world of Sugarcube Corner, this was the norm. And we loved every second. Knock! Knock! Knock! Lying in my bed sprawled out doing nothing, three distinct knocks shattered the frozen silence of my dorm room. I answered, and the perpetrator was Ice Whistle. “Found your dorm.” “How long did that take?” Ice Whistle leaned his shoulder on the freshly clean doorjamb. “Not long. I just asked the Building Advisor.” “Hm, well, we still have about an hour and a half remaining before the tour starts.” “We can go have fun at the arcade until then.” I didn’t see a reason to decline the offer. “Sure, why not?” Whis and I ventured to the arcade and played games for the next hour and fifteen minutes. The dimly lit interior was brought to life by the radiant neon lights and inviting sounds of the arcade games. We learned how to play them with the help of a brown stallion wearing a striped hat with a green propeller. I believe he said his name was Button Mash.   “No, no! First, you start with a double jab and a medium attack, then go right into a triple kick, follow that up with a block-breaking uppercut, and then finish with your ultimate: Sadistic Soul Slash! You know what? While you play, I’ll guide you vocally to make things easier.” It took a lot of tries, but within the hour, I learned that one combo.  However, the achievement could not have been more short-lived. With a fifteen-minute buffer and the tour approaching, we left to arrive at the school early. Standing in front of the grey stone path leading to the School of Friendship was the group of ponies coming from Luna Bay. Which meant the ponies from Vanhoover must have had their tour before us. So our group must have been the last. Curiosity had grown with each step over the pathway through the lake, past the grey stone heart-shaped platform, and into the school building. The directions from the pamphlet were precise, guiding us without a hint of confusion. We were told that once inside, an orange stallion and a pink hippogriff would greet us. As the day unfolded, it offered nothing exceptional or noteworthy. A cheery hippogriff and the vice principal led us through the entire building, introducing us to the school counselor and the three currently available instructors. Amidst it all, I wondered if I would actually come to enjoy this ‘new ordinary.’ “...” Luna Bay, once so near, now felt like a distant memory. I’ve moved on, that much is true. Yet my heart still ached, and my barren flank hauntingly stared back. Ba-dump! Why does the answer feel closer than ever before? Why do I grin thinking about it?