//------------------------------// // 1. The Summer Islands Test. // Story: Equestria: Godzilla Awakens // by Migol-18 //------------------------------// November 8th, 1016 ALB, Trotter Atoll, 915 kilometers east of Puerto Caballo. After many weeks of indecision, the Princesses have already given the military the green light to begin the tests in the southern seas, but these are not just any tests, it's a hunt. Trotter Atoll is a hive of activity, everyone doing their part in the test: soldiers, engineers, scientists, marines and pilots, all working to complete preparations on time. Operation Hurricane was reaching its final preparatory phases, the small island chosen among the other 22 of the atoll is called Anguila, or that is the name given by the fisherponies of Puerto Caballo. Multiple rings of sensors, cameras and measuring instruments were installed around the island and in the center was the burning heart of the operation: Hurricane III, Equestria's third nuclear device, whose capacity was approximately 25 kilotons, designed by the Luna Nova Institute of Nuclear Research; approved by Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle themselves. A few hours before minute 0, aboard the battleship ERNS Puddinghead, General Whiplash was speaking with Admiral Madoor Stroghammer: “Admiral, how long until the test?” “About three hours and twelve minutes until our objective arrives; according to the hydrophones, it is south of the Méridiennes – he says, checking his notes – Why, general?.” “Just curious, Marshal Blueblood and the Princesses want to put an end to this possible menace immediately; they're worried about the growing power of the Griffonian Empire and Stalliongrad, so Their Majesties wanted whatever is there to disappear.” The general says. “Don't worry, Whiplash, after this firecracker goes boom, Their Majesties will have no more worries about creatures attacking ships. – Says the admiral, looking through her binoculars – Oh, look, the New Mareland, Hippogriffia and Puerto Caballo Fleets have arrived.” "Indeed... – Says the general – I hope we are at a safe distance, this one is more powerful than the others.” “We are 30 kilometers from the island, Whiplash, calm down and enjoy the fireworks… – after checking the clock – By now, they should be starting to evacuate the atoll.” 15 minutes until detonation. The last ships to leave Anguilla finally join the joint fleet, 50 kilometers from the island. Alerts and orders could be heard on the megaphones: “Attention, everypony to your positions, 15 minutes until detonation. I repeat, everyone to your positions, 15 minutes until detonation.” On the bridge, the atmosphere felt extremely anxious, Admiral Stronghammer, although undaunted, felt the enormous pressure of the mission entrusted to her. “Attention, gentlemen, target less than 15 minutes away, everyone attentive.” Whiplash was also feeling the pressure, "Will it work?" was the question that clouded his mind. 5 minutes until detonation. Once everyone was in their positions, observing and waiting. The atmosphere was tense. Scientists and soldiers making their last estimates and bets before the moment of truth. "Tell me, Whiplash... what'd happen if this creature doesn't go to Tartarus after such explosions." Asks Stronghammer. "I can't imagine, one worked well for Vraks, maybe we'll need a bigger bomb?" Whiplash says. "Who knows..." “Objetive in sight, 10 kilometers, at 9!” A sailor shouted. Suddenly everyone turns to look in unison, the tropical sea, so calm at this time of day, begins to rage when something enormous makes an appearance, giant thorns, a moving island comes out from the water; they can't see anything below water but it's certainly enormous. Alarm sirens are heard from the dozens of ships gathered there, conversations fall silent. “Well, Whiplash, here comes the moment of truth – says the admiral before taking the intercom – Attention, four minutes until detonation.” 1 minute until detonation. “Attention, 60 seconds!” Immediately afterwards, everyone puts on their eye protection glasses. "30 seconds." On that island, on the nuclear device, an image of a crossed-out creature is seen. This bomb is for that thing. "10 seconds." The creature approaches that paradise island. "5" "4" "3" "2" The waves of the sea, already raging by the enormous creature, become even more agitated when a huge head starts coming out of the water. "1" . . . Silence, everything was silence when the evening sky began to shine as if Celestia had summoned thousands of suns in a second on that little southern islet. The silence only meant one thing: Hurricane III had successfully detonated. The silence was thunderous, as everyone was shocked by the enormous fireball that was unleashed on Anguila. Tartarus has been opened. Seconds later a wave of energy would come that shook everything, from the entrails of the ponies to the keels of their ships, sounding their alarms. Admiral Strongahammer had a hard time getting up from her daze, but when she recovered she saw nothing on the island and said: “General Whiplash… call Canterlot. We've got it."