//------------------------------// // 2. Dragon Islands Mining Disaster. // Story: Equestria: Godzilla Awakens // by Migol-18 //------------------------------// May 21st, 1020 ALB. Ponyville, Equestria. It was a normal day in post-war Ponyville, the land and nature were slowly recovering after the horrors suffered by the Great War, Ponyville had been devastated after the Battle of Canterlot between the armies of the United Ponies Alliance and the Changeling Hegemony, the capital fall thanks to the intervention of Stalliongrad. This was no longer a small town, it was already a small city, with incipient industrialization. War changes the world and also changes the ponies, our mane 6 were no strangers to this: Rarity managed to expand her fashion and clothing business thanks to uniform contracts during the conflict; Although that was not entirely to her liking, she couldn't complain much. Pinkie Pie enlisted with her sisters in different services during the war. Thanks Celestia, they managed to survive the war by being part of the officer corps, with major battles and decorations to their credit. The psychological recovery at the end of the war in 1014 wasn't easy, the traumas will remain, but so will the parties. Applejack was also a member of the officer corps, along with her brother, and received numerous decorations for great battles and defenses. Today they work on their farm like in the old days, however, the war forced the Apples and other producers to mechanize and industrialize production. Sweet Apple Acres still maintains its essence, but there is no denying the large amount of machinery and automation there is. Rainbow Dash was no stranger either, as a prominent member of the Wonderbolts, she flew hundreds of dangerous missions, losing one of her own wings in the process, forcing her to sit in an office until they got her a metal prosthetic. Her rehabilitation and reintegration into post-war society took time, but she remains part of the Royal Equestrian Air Force. Fluttershy joined Twilight and Spike as heads of the alliance's joint research program, especially the nuclear program, one of the highest priorities of the war; They were even ahead of time when the first test was done there in the deserts of Mixie at the beginning of 1014. The advances were significant and the war was won thanks to this device. After the war, Twilight and Fluttershy would return home for a well-deserved rest, however, a new global order was being established, Stalliongrad and the Griffonian Empire grew significantly stronger during these years. Stalliongrad was granted an area of influence to the north of Equus and the territories to the south that they claimed in exchange for helping in the war; as expected, Canterlot-Stalliongrad relations deteriorated significantly after that; likewise with Griffenheim, now a powerful empire that threatens the River Federation to the east. This tense atmosphere led to an accelerated arms race, therefore, there was a need for more weapons research and with that Fluttershy and Twilight were called back to duty. Their friendship remained strong, however, Equestria called and everyone must do their part. At the Luna Nova Institute, they also met Twilight's former friendship student, Starlight Glimmer and her great and powerful friend Trixie, also recruited as a junior researchers because their great knowledges in magic, being a complementary members of the institute's research. That day in Ponyville was a normal day, everyone was finally able to coincide on their days of rest, so that was the ideal day to be able to get up to date with their friendship. This time it wasn't as big a party as Pinkie knows how to make them, but it was something more discreet; They needed a quieter situation than the hustle and bustle of their lives. Just a moment of talk and enjoy a bit of slice of life. “And tell us, Dash – says Rarity – what jobs do you do now at the Wonderbolts? It seems like they hardly do stunts anymore after the war.” “Oh yes, after the reforms we dedicated ourselves to training new pilots and parachutists on the new jet airplanes, I still can't get used to the fact that anyone can fly on those machines; but yeah, it seems like the higher ups don't want to waste time on stunts when you have commie MiGs on the border flying, so it's not as cool as it used to be.” Dash says in a disappointed manner. “Oh, darling, I hope you'll be able to do those wonderful stunts again one day…” “Tell us, Twilight, what are ya and Fluttershy searching now, uh?” Applejack asks. “Oh, girls, I have already told you that unfortunately we had to sign for our silence, the nature of what we do is classified, otherwise, I would tell you without a problem.” “And what about Starlight?” Applejack asks again. “Sadly she was sent at the last minute as a consultant on nuclear energy and magic to New Manehattan, there in New Mareland. Trixie went with her. – Twilight responds – They will be there for a couple of weeks, according to what the Princesses and the ambassador informed me.” “Shame…” Applejack says. “Uh… Twilight…” Spike intervenes, who seems to be choking. After a light tap on the back, the dragon finally burps, revealing a card. The letter had the CLASSIFIED seal and the seal of the two sisters. Twilight knows exactly what the symbol means and who it belongs to; It is not only a letter from the princesses. “What is it Twilight?” asks Fluttershy. While her other friends only watched with curiosity what the alicorn was reading. It's classified, unfortunately, Fluttershy, but it looks like we'll have to leave tomorrow. Fluttershy also understood the meaning of that and nodded. "Well, I guess this mean we'll have to accelerate this party a bit more before you leave..." Said Pinkie her new party howitzer. May 23rd, 1020 ALB. Open Pit Crystal Mines, 50 kilometers southwest of The Mountain, United Dragon Islands. Among the mountains of the dragon islands, a helicopter could be heard passing by, a REAF Dragonfly brand-new helicopter, there were Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike observing the landscape, very far from home. “How serious do you think this incident was? – asks Fluttershy, almost deafened by the pistons of the vehicle's engine – This is the first time something of this magnitude has happened in all the time of investigation. “Apparently from reports, pretty bad, flutters, Admiral Cynosura didn't say anything else to me when she met us at the port.” “From what I see in the report, Twilight, it is serious.” Spike says, flipping through the papers. After a few minutes, the helicopter passed the last mountain, flying towards a large esplanade between the cliffs, revealing the mine and the magnitude of the catastrophe that had occurred: More than half of the open pit mine had collapsed into a huge sinkhole whose depth could not be seen, beside the big landslide that destroyed the other half. “Dear Celestia.” The three exclaimed. After circling the mine a few times looking for a landing spot, the aerial vehicle finally prepared to touch down. There Dragon Lord Ember, a General and two ponies cream and cyan ponies dressed in suits were waiting for them. “My pleasure, Your Majesty, I am General Whiplash, commander of the Southern Military Region. How good it's you that you arrived; I guess you already know Dragon Lord Ember and the SMILE agents, Lyra Heartstring and Sweetie Drops.” The general greets. “Hi, Ember, long time no see.” Spike says, going for the hug. “Hello, Spike... how long too.” Ember says, a bit embarrassed. After everypony greeted between them, Whiplash intervenes: “As you know from the reports, Your Majesty-” “Just Twilight, please.” “Apologies, Miss Twilight. The situation is changing and workers and machinery that were buried by the collapse continue to be found, however, we haven't descended into the abyss; the truth is, we already gave up on those who fell.” Whiplash says. “How many workers were there?” Fluttershy asks. “Approximately 200 died in the slope collapse, and we believe that another 100 fell into the abyss. Most of them are ponies and zebras that were unable. The injured are thousands, Celestia-knows-how-many missing there are.” "Oh no." Fluttershy says, her heart shrieking. “And why was SMILE called to this place? It was just an earthquake, wasn't it?” Twilight asks. “That's a good question, Twilight.” Lyran intervenes, as Sweetie pulls a blade from her saddlebag, with a seismograph pattern more like a plateau than natural seismic waves. “You see, Twilight, this seismological pattern seems extremely strange to us, we cannot identify it or know its origin; but this was what was detected at the time of the collapse.” Sweetie says. “How strange, I have never seen patterns like this... – Twilight says, seeing the sheet – Have they already gone down to the mine? There may still be people.” “We would do it ma'am, but we are waiting for the Special Engineers Corps.” Whiplash answers. “Special Engineers? Couldn't they just fly down or on a rope?" Spike asks. “It's true, sir, but we have detected large concentrations of radioactivity in the crystals down there, whoever goes down without a special suit has probably already died painfully by now, so the Corps of Engineers will arrive in an hour, they're prepared. ” “I'll help with the injured in the meantime, if you don't mind.” Said Fluttershy. When the engineers arrived, they began to prepare for the descent; In the end, Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike weren't able to fly there, because those HAZMAT suits were extremely cumbersome to wear. "Rarity'd have a stroke if she saw one of these..." Twilight thought. The descent was slow but sure. Approximately 50 meters down, the cavern was extremely spacious and dark. “Are you sure I have to go too?” Fluttershy asks, terrified. “You don't have to, flutters, you can stay and continue helping, we'll communicate on the radio. Channel 1.” Twilight says before the soldiers help her hook onto the rope and go down as well. “Team from surface to descent, do you copy?” Says one of the soldiers who accompanied them. "Strong and clear." They answer him. Several soldiers and workers also went down with them. “How strange, this doesn't seem natural either, I've been to many caves, mountains and so on, I've never seen anything of this magnitude…” A soldier mentions. “Curious,” a soldier remarks when checking his Geiger counter, “the radiation levels are at half, it is as if contact with the outside air had catalyzed something.” “Spike, do you see this?” Twilight points out with her lantern. The ponies accompanying them, in order to have more visibility, turn on several halogen spotlights, illuminating the cavern entirely, revealing that in front of them an enormous bone, a giant rib; not just one, but an entire row, a spinal column that stretched across the cavern leading to the fossil of an absolutely gigantic skull. "A dragon?" Sweetie Drops asks. “I don't think so, this is something much bigger, I don't think the largest modern dragons could ever have been so massive, this one is over 100 meters.” Pointed the purple alicorn. “Could this be what you've been researching all these years, Twi?” Spike asks. “It's possible, but I don't think it's him either, this one is fossilized, this es very old; It must be older than Equestria itself, easily millions of years.” Twi emphasizes. “Hey, look at this!” Lyra shouts. As they all go they see two huge fang-shaped protuberances hanging from the ceiling of the cavern, they look like rock formations, but they are definitely not rocks. As they approach, their Geiger counters began to crackle. "What's that?" Spike asks. “Perhaps a kind of egg, a sleeping spore… the bones are fossilized and this is not; perfectly preserved for millennia.” Analyzed Twilight. Upon illuminating this tusk, she finds another one that looks similar, however, it was broken. “Fluttershy, can you see from there?” Twilight calls on the radio. Fluttershy's crackling voice could be said "Yes... more or less... it's like something... came out... of that thing..." The attention of everyone there was interrupted by the sound of a helicopter at the end of the cave, towards the other side. “Fluttershy, has the helicopter taken off yet?” This is Twilight. “Yes… ten minutes ago.” she responds with some static. So the group begins to walk towards the other side of the skeleton, finding a huge skylight in the cavern that led outwards, dazzling all the members of the expedition, towards where the helicopter was flying over a second entrance and a huge trail of sinuous destruction that led to the Dragon Sea. “H-1 to mission control… Do you copy?” "10-4, H1." Whiplash says. “We have something big out here.”