Equestria: Godzilla Awakens

by Migol-18

3. The New Manehattan Nuclear Accident.

May 20, 1020 ALB. Luna Nova, Equestria.

Starlight Glimmer has definitely had bad weeks before, especially during the war, she did everything to support the war effort, she even enlisted, although in the end she was relegated to the second line, at least she did her bit for victory and that was more than enough for her. After she walked away from Twilight and her friends and left Ponyville to seek her own adventures with her powerful friend Trixie, life ultimately hasn't always smiled on Starlight.

When they were recruited for the Manehattan crystal-based atomic bomb project, chosen for their great knowledge in crystal science and unorthodox magic, she didn't expect anything until she ran into Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike again, situation which she did for some reason never imagined she would live, but she was happy to finally see them again after a long time and not just by correspondence.

Although life and work did not always smile at them, being with familiar faces in such a transcendental project is something that keeps their morale high, despite the fact that the three ponies already mentioned are called from time to time to jobs that, at the it seems Starlight and Trixie aren't authorized to know. They weren't allowed to get answers, so they stopped worrying about it, plus they weren't the only ones having fun, misses Lulamoon and Glimmer were also sent to... Seminars, tutorials and consultancies?

Yes, this definitely wasn't an adventure, but the pay is good and they get to travel from time to time, so they don't complain much either.

The worst comes when they were finally able to go to Ponyville again to meet up with those friends they left in search of adventures, however, they were told that they will have to postpone it unexpectedly because a colleague got sick and now they will have to travel to New Manehattan.

“Great, now that we could finally go to Ponyville after so long and now this, what could be worse?” Starlight exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Starlight, we can go back to Ponyville one of these days, Twilight will have to wait for us, because I will be the greatest and most powerful consultant on magic and atomic stuff that New Mareland has ever seen, and you as my faithful assistant... of course." The blue unicorn says, much to Starlight's dismay.

May 22nd, 1020 ALB. New Manehattan, New Mareland.

The Sapphire City was a large metropolis, as bustling as its original counterpart in Equus, built by migrants from the three continents, one of the commercial epicenters of Griffonia, this city is the second most important in the Commonwealth of New Mareland, as well as one of the great centers of operations for the United Ponies Alliance, not many miles from the shores of the empire of the young Kaiser Grover VI.

It was a mild morning in the city and the newspapers announced a moderately hot day. Starlight and Trixie had barely arrived at their lodging in the early morning, with good views to the bay, by the way.

“Well, Trixie, good morning, as I remember when they told us when they picked us up at the airport, they will come for us in an hour, so we better get ready.” Starlight says, flipping through the newspaper she bought a few hours ago.

“Don't you find it fascinating how technology has advanced so much that now planes can take us across the ocean in such a short time? The great and powerful Trixie is still amazed by that.”

“Yes, I think that was part of the development program of Equestrian Airways and Northern Development… – Starlight stops her talking to focus on an article – Wow, it says that there was a mining disaster on the Dragon Islands, it says that the Special Engineers Corps were deployed to prevent more victims from the collapse…”

“You know, Starlight, mining is dangerous work. – Trixie responds, interrupting. – By the way, don't you know if I brought my toothbrush?

May 22nd, 1020 ALB. New Manehattan Nuclear Plant, New Mareland.

After passing through a couple of security checkpoints and identifying themselves about five times, Starlight and Trixie are finally greeted by another general and the head of the plant.

“Good afternoon, Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer, I am Radiant Glow, head of the New Marelander nuclear program; I have heard many things about you and your work, as well as Twilight and Fluttershy. I am sure it will be an honor to work with you.”

“The pleasure is ours, we also know of your good work in this part of the world.” Starlight states.

“Good afternoon, ladies, a pleasure, I am General Nightlight Charm, head of the fourth military district; an apology for the high security, but we are worried that some infiltrator of the empire will enter a place as delicate as this and we cannot make exceptions. We even have magic inhibitors in the facility, only telekinesis is allowed, by the way.” The Thestral says.

"Don't worry, general, the great and powerful trixie will inform you of any irregularities if there are any."

“Well, very well, ladies, I will show you your temporary offices. Over here please. – Radiant Glow tells them. – As you will see, we are an institution…”

His presentation was interrupted by a slight earthquake that caused the lights in the corridor to flicker.

“What in the name of Tartarus was that?” Starlight asks.

Radiant Glow exhales, thinking about what to respond, while Nightlight intervenes: “We have been suffering from those tremors and earthquakes for the last twenty-four hours; it is possible that it is of imperial origin, but we do not have much to support that statement.”

“Yes, just that, this is a problem that we don't know what it is or what causes it. Please join me here better.” The yellow unicorn tells them.

Thus, Radiant Glow takes them to the plant's control room instead, taking a sheet of paper coming out of the seismograph and computer reader. “As you will see, the patterns of these earthquakes are abnormal, even the aftershocks have exactly the same pattern. It doesn’t seem natural.”

The drawn pattern on the paper looked like a plateau, rather than seismic waves.

“This is weird, I can't imagine what this is either, it doesn't seem like any natural pattern that I know of.” Supports Starlight.

“Trixie doesn't know this pattern either.”

May 25, 1020 ALB. New Manehattan, New Mareland.

“Yes, Radiant Glow, it doesn't seem like this is tectonic. I am seriously worried about these earthquakes… yes, we will get there in a few minutes… yes, thank you.” Starlight says before hanging up the phone.

“This is definitely serious, Starlight.” Trixie says.

“I still can't explain what those patterns are... Changing the subject, you did decide to be part of the supervision of the maneuvers in the reactor, right?” Starlight mentions, making notes in her notebook and making copies of the patterns.

“Indeed, Starlight, the Great and Powerful Trixie will be supervisor as you requested.” Said the ex-magician, combing her mane.

"Be very careful please."

May 25th, 1020 ALB. New Manehattan Nuclear Plant, New Mareland.

The situation was tense in the corridors of the plant.

“How serious are these earthquakes?” Starlight asks.

“Same pattern as the last few days since we detected them on the Dragon Islands, but they're getting stronger. The last one was detected off the coast of Port Harbor.” Radiant Glow says, pulling out more measurements while trotting.


"Two hours ago."

In the basement, Trixie and several other ponies, dressed in HAZMAT suits, prepared to enter the service corridors.

“Alright everypony, Trixie wants us to do this soon.”

As they reached the bustle of the control room, Starlight became increasingly uneasy about what she saw on the screens and papers.

“I think this is a serious security risk, Radiant, we should shut down at least part of the reactors until we know what these patterns are and resolve them.” Starlight demands.


“The safety of this plant and the city are at risk, Radiant, that's much worse for your reputation than a blackout.”

Before the discussion could continue, they got interrupted by another earthquake, this one stronger than the previous ones, causing the lights to fail.

"You see? Shut down the plant and we’ll figure it out.” Thus, all the workers began their work on their panels.

Starlight, worried about what's happening, grabs a walkie-talkie. “Trixie. Starlight speaking, you copy?”

In the basement, Trixie's squad was trotting.

“Okay, everypony, once-”

She was interrupted by an strong earthquake, and the end of the hallway began to fill with a thick white gas that advanced towards the group rapidly.

“Dear Celestia... run!”

“Trixie! Do you copy me?”

"Yes, Starlight."

“Get out of there immediately, if there's a leak in the reactor, your suits won't protect you for more than five minutes, you hear me?”

Anxiety was beginning to wash over Starlight, making her act.

“Radiant, put the doors in that hallway in manual, I'll go wait for them.”

"But is dangerous."

“Trixie's down there, I won't leave her there!”

The race against time was running out as both ponies ran to the entrance of that hallway. Starlight passed by many ponies fleeing the disaster on the way out until she reached the entrance of the hallway.

“Radiant, I got to the door, tell me it's in manual.” This is Starlight on the intercom.

“Affirmative, but we must close it now.”

“I'm already here, when they pass I'll close it immediately.” Starlight says before taking the walkie-talkie. “Trixie, I'm already at the door… Trixie? I am waiting for you…"

“I know, I know.” Trixie said before a pipe burst, causing the group to stumble and fall, knocking one out.

“Starlight, we need to seal the hallway, otherwise the entire city will be irradiated.” Said the intercom.

"I know!" Starlight said with teary eyes. Before returning to the walkie-talkie.



“Trixie, I'm here, do you hear me?”

“Starlight… We won't make it. You have to close the door... Take care of yourself."

“No, no, no, don't say that, run as fast as you can, please.” Starlight said, desperate.

“Starlight Glimmer, close that door, please.” They tell her over the intercom.

With teary eyes and a cloudy mind, Starlight refuses to close that door. No, she can't leave her behind.

She can't.

She can't leave Trixie.

Suddenly, from the end of the hallway a thick white gas begins to approach Starlight rapidly.


In a cry of desperation, the unicorn presses the button, sealing the door permanently.

The alarms were ringing and Starlight was in the floor, sobbing.

Suddenly a knock is heard on the door, drawing the attention of a devastated Starlight Glimmer.

In the small window that overlooked the hallway, several desperate ponies, including Trixie, could be seen peeking out.

“I'm sorry.”

As a second set of security hatches were closing, the two inseparable friends see each other for the last time.

“Don't worry, Starlight… – says Trixie, taking off her helmet – The great and powerful Trixie will be able to handle it… take good care of yourself.”

Definitively closing the hatches.