A Human's Alicorn Days

by All Lyres for Lyra


I walked around aimlessly around the place, trying to get used to walking on four legs. It seemed wrong yet so right at the same time. It felt awfully natural, but somewhere in my head, it just didn't feel right. The more I walked around, the more comfortable it became, and a minute of walking later, it became instinctive to do so. In any case, I didn't think I would get used to walking as a pony that quickly, but then, it didn't take long for Twilight and Rainbow Dash to figure out being ponies during their spring breakdown.

Now that I'm feeling mostly comfortable with walking on level ground, its time to try go up and down stairs. Of course, not the stairs downstairs to the public area, but the stairs leading up to Twilight's sleeping quarters. The steps were quite wide and lengthy, with a gradual incline, much friendlier than the ones leading downstairs.

I walked up to the first step, taking a deep breath, trying to relax my muscles. Hoof by hoof, one by one, I walked up, but not without some difficulty. Changing elevation felt a bit off-putting, especially as I have no idea as to to where my hind legs were, often feeling like I might clip my rear hooves on the edge of the stairs. After a few steps though, I got more comfortable, and it felt like I knew what I was doing better. I'm definitely starting to get more comfortable with my motor skills.

Upon reaching the top, I congratulated myself with a very wide smile. It was the dopamine, and it started to kick in hard. Looking to my left, I could see the entire second floor of the library, packed with books upon books. Surprisingly, there wasn't much else, just a small kitchen, and up here, Twilight's sleeping quarters.

There also seemed to be a small vanity up here, complete with a round mirror. A cream alicorn looked back.

That's me, there's no doubt in that.

I am a mare... I don't particularly mind the change in gender, that's honestly fine by me. My voice has changed too, definitely higher pitched, around an octave higher... No, maybe a little less than an octave. Nothing else has really changed though, I still retain the same smoothness as my male voice, and my but it doesn't bother me too much. Like everything else, I'll just get used to it over time... though, I don't really think that's something to care about. To be fair, I don't really notice it.

Otherwise, it seems as the pastel rainbow streak is also present in my mane, consistent with my tail. A few other coloured strands are also present in my mane. It also seems that my mane is tied up... just like how it was when I went to sleep last night. That means... everything that was on the upper half of my body happened to be transported to Equestria along with me. Odd, but nothing too out of the blue. Something similar happened with Sci-Twi's glasses when she went to Equestria on that fateful spring break.

Maybe it's just magic doing its thing. Some things are better left just explained by magic, opposed to any meaningful logic. Still, I didn't think magic would extend to the real world and place me into a world full of technicolour ponies.

That wasn't important though, nothing is more important than the absolute cuteness of ponies, and me... I am just that, insanely cute. Finally, one of my wishes in life has been fulfilled. The cheeks, the large eyes, and that muzzle. It's just so foreign to me but so familiar, but that didn't matter to me at all. The cuteness overload is frankly the most important thing by far.

I don't really have a reference for how big I am though, but one thing is for sure, I do feel much closer to the ground compared to being a human. Thinking about it, I do remember when human Rainbow Dash rode her pony counterpart in the Equestria Girls bloopers.

I do expect myself to be under 150cm, definitely a bit smaller than ponies in the real world, no, maybe the same size? Not that it matters too much I don't think. What matters more is the wildly blown anatomical structures of these ponies. They are by no means similar to their real life counterparts at all, especially the thick legs and small, stout muzzle, and not to mention, the mostly front facing eyes. I don't notice a wider field of view at all... maybe a slight bit wider, but it may as well placebo. Regardless, those anatomical features definitely make these ponies look excessively cute.

I reach my fore hoof up to my head, gently pushing my mane aside to reveal the base of my horn. Examining it, the horn is somewhat cold and hard, not particularly sharp though. It seems like it's the same size as Twilight's horn, nothing too out of the blue there. I can somewhat 'feel' things with the horn, I can tell if something is touching it, but nothing more than that. It does feel weightless, and it doesn't feel like a protrusion out of my head. If anything, I just forget that it even exists.

Twilight's been downstairs for a long while now. She's probably organising the books, or she's out to solving a friendship issue or something. Ponyville is one heck of a chaotic town, and now there's a new alicorn in town. Still not as chaotic as Discord's chaos realm, but I would say Ponyville is only second to that. Although, it seems quite peaceful today, or it may just because I haven't been outside yet.

I suppose that's enough of looking at myself in the mirror. I turned around, cautiously walking down the stairs. This time, it felt very natural to do so, at least when it comes to my dexterity. There was still a small sense of fear instilled by the fact there was no railing. Sigh, these ponies really don't understand how safety guidelines for building work... or they might not even exist for all I know.

I turned around, aiming to go downstairs once again. One step at a time, that's the key. It really does feel different going down these stairs compared to going up. I think it's probably the fear of tripping and tumbling down contributing that certain extra bit of fear when going down stairs. Being slow and steady is what will help me grab a stable footing, and unsurprisingly, I got down safely.

I really think I'm used to being on all fours, but something irks me. Those wings... I have yet to start flying, and I have yet to figure out how to control them properly. They are two extra limbs which don't particularly correlate to anything I've had before. For now, I suppose all I can do is just extend and retract, and that's really it. It feels like stretching two arms that happen to stem from my back? No, not really... But that's the closest I can get to explaining how that feels.

But those wings though, I remember first looking at them. They are super soft and feathery, at least from what I remember. Maybe I might try and check it out again... Yep, that's what I'm gonna do. I extended my wings, trying to bring them forward, which somewhat succeeded, but it didn't really get brought forward as much as I thought. Instead, it went up and forward. Maybe it would be better off if I sat down instead of standing.

Sitting down definitely helped a lot. Trying to bring it forward definitely brought it forward, which, in this case, I was flapping it downwards. Wings really aren't supposed to go off axis, I suppose. The more you know.

Some of the feathers are slightly scuffed from the initial panic, only some being bent out of place. These aren't bird feathers. They're very tough in build, but still soft. Definitely alicorn wings... I have yet to see pegasus wings though, but they definitely don't look the same as alicorn wings at least in the show. I presume they would look similar in reality, but the overall shape of my wings is more reminiscent of what you see for alicorns.

Regardless of the wing shape and size, it's magic that enables flight. Still, it would be nice to see whether I can have fine motor control for my wings. It would be super nice to use them as pseudo hands, like some pegasi do. Not sure, but I feel like that would be super cool, but I have unicorn magic, so it would be quite low on the priority list if anything. It really is a blessing to have a horn when picking things up would require holding the item with your mouth or finessing it with your hooves.

Thank God... No... Thank Celestia.

I can't seem to imagine living as a pony without unicorn magic. Hands are useful... no scrap that. Hands are essential, especially when the only alternative is something so excessively inconvenient. I pity the earth ponies, living with only hooves.

Those wings though, when am I going to ever be airborne? I don't think it will happen anytime soon... but that's going to be one of my goals, I guess. Sooner or later, I will be able to fly, unless I'm cursed like Scootaloo. Let's hope that's not the case... though that wouldn't be much of a problem. I'm afraid of heights anyway, so the thought of flying around is quite unsettling, but that also means that I do have a safety mechanism if I do fall off a ledge, or a hot air balloon, or a pegasus towed carriage.

Footsteps emerged from the stairwell. I swear my hearing has improved, but it's not really something that's immediately noticeable. If I can remember correctly, horses have a wider hearing range, and their hearing sensitivity is much higher than a human.

It was Spike. 'Hey, Hazel, Twilight's just helping Lyra with some research, she thought you may want some company,' he announced, walking up to me.

'That's very Twilighty of her,' I commented, chuckling ever so slightly. 'When's she going to be finished?'

'Sooner or later, not sure.'

'Hmm, Lyra?'

'Do you know her? Does her name ring a bell for you?'

'Somewhat, yeah.'

'She's quite well known here in Ponyville.'

'I figured.'

'And she's got a wild obsession with humans and especially hands.'

So she really does have that obsession... That's good to know... Lyra is definitely true to what I've always thought of her.

'So, you want anything Hazel?' Spike added.

'Not really, I'm fine for now. I do want to learn to fly someday.'

'You... can't fly?'

'No, not really.' I explained, 'I can flap them and generate wind though.'

I mean, having the wings is what counts. I'd argue that having a horn is more important than wings, at least for a human turned pony, but having the wings... it's a nice addition as something to have. It also means I can stand, and sleep on clouds, in which all of a sudden, I have an urge to fly up to a cloud and start sleeping on it.

'I know a pegasus who can teach you how to fly.' Spike suggested, though slightly hesitant.

'Who's that pegasus?'

'She's a close friend of Twilight. Her name's Rainbow Dash.'

Oh, her. Why did I not initially expect it to be Rainbow Dash? I mean, who else would be teaching me how to fly? The flight instructors over at Cloudsdale? No, they'll throw me into the rainbow factory. The Wonderbolts? No, Spitfire would just incessantly yell at me. Not sure if Rainbow Dash would do the same. She does have that very soft, cute side, but sometimes she can be a bit rough around the edges.

'Sure thing.'

I'd be completely up to actually learn to fly. I don't expect the basics to be very hard, just like magic, but I could be completely wrong at the same time. Something tells me that flying is much harder than learning basic magic. In any case, I don't think I will be learning any higher level magic either, at least for the time being. It would be interesting to do so sometime though.

It would be super nice to see the outside world though. I've been in this library since this morning. For once, I have an urge to see the world, something that never came to my mind before this. It's an odd sensation when I think about it. So many things have just changed, and in some ways, for the better.

I want to experience living as a pony, properly, that is. It sucks to be stuck in the library for the while. How would other ponies react to a random other alicorn roaming down the street? Though, I don't really think it would be much of an issue. Twilight's transformation didn't cause much of a ruckus... so I don't think I would cause that much of an uproar...

I hope I will just blend in, or I can cover those wings with that hoodie of mine. That would be the best course of action if anything, though I'd prefer my wings to be free of obstructions. That's another observation I somewhat noticed. Having wings gives a really strong sense of freedom, but they can feel very constricted with something blocking them.

These wings are somewhat of a hassle for the time being, before I learn how to fly, that is. Once I'm off the ground, they will have much more use... until I start learning to teleport or self-levitate. Unicorns really are the most powerful, at least when regarding only the most powerful ones. I don't know of any individual earth pony or pegasus as powerful as certain unicorns like Starlight.

Which, that makes me wonder... why am I an alicorn? Is there some kind of hidden reason behind it? If anything, I am nothing too significant, at least to the extent of my knowledge, in both Equestria and the real world. I can understand if Lauren Faust got teleported here, or even one of the My Little Pony script writers, but me, a random dude who just watches the show.

Maybe it's salvation, or it could be punishment for all I know. What I do know is that I'm an alicorn mare who happened to wake up in Twilight's bed. Only time will tell what will happen from now on.