//------------------------------// // Chapter XI // Story: Who Is That? // by TheKing2001 //------------------------------// I glanced over the edge of the balloon as Cherry continued pulling on the rope to push a flame into the balloon, lifting us higher to the clouds. I will admit, hers and Pinkie’s helicopter was actually pretty cool. It was only a one seater, but surprisingly ingenious. And we had been shown their frame and drawings for an airplane. Cherry did ask a lot of questions about how airplanes worked in my world and was pretty fascinated by it all. I should bring her a bunch of books about airplanes and flight when I come back. She and Pinkie would probably like that a lot. Twilight had mentioned that Pinkie was the only one of our friends who understood what she gonna do to the portal to get it to work when she came the second time around so she was most definitely smarter than she let on. “Nervous?” Cherry Berry asked as I continued shifting on my hooves anxiously and nodded. “The first date was a bit of a blindside really but it was fun. Obviously, I have big shoes to fill because I can’t fly without magic or your creations. So the second date naturally has to be good,” I answered and shrugged. “Rarity gave me some ideas as did Rainbow and Applejack. Twilight just gave me a book and be open. Rainbow said try to get in bed if I could with her, Applejack smacked her upside the head, Applejack said be honest and Rarity said be affectionate. Fluttershy agreed with everyone but Rainbow. All Pinkie said was make it fun.” “I feel I should be surprised Rainbow said try to get fucked but really, I’m not. Rainbow doesn’t really think about things like this. Dating isnt really her area or thing in general. I dont think she’s been in a relationship the entire time she’s been here in Ponyville,” Cherry commented. “Want my advice?” “Shoot.” “Just try to have fun. Don’t take it super serious like I know some ponies do where you can’t enjoy yourself. Pinkie and I have fun everytime we go out but this is Pinkie I’m talking about. Walking down the street with her could be fun somehow.” “Wait, you and Pinkie?” I asked and she nodded with a blush. “Why do you think we spend a lot of time together building aircraft and such?” Cherry pointed out before gesturing at her flank. “And besides, I’m a decent farmer so I can supply her with cherries. It’s on my flank after all. I help my sister Berry in her small garden to get grapes for wine all the time.” “Huh. I never would have guessed that. You two seen very different and I know two different Pinkie Pies,” I mused and Cherry chuckled. “Opposites attract after all. I’m bi as is Berry. The straight ones in the family are Cheerilee and Cherry Blossom. Last I heard, Blossom was dating some stallion in Canterlot and Cheerilee is with Noteworthy.” I hummed in response as a cloudhouse came into view and I swallowed my nerves and Cherry rubbed my back reassuringly with a warm smile. “You can do this,” Cherry whispered with a confident smile. I gave a nod and my horn flashed blue and I took a hesitant step onto the cloud, watching my hoof sink a few in inches before I felt comfortable enough to apply my full weight on the cloud. I examined the modestly sized two bedroom looking house and trotted up, knocking softly on what I assumed was the door. I really didn’t know how I could knock on a cloud. I’d have to ask later. “Coming!” I faintly made out Flitter shouting. I listened to trotting and stepped back as she opened the door. “Oh, hey Sunset. Cloudchaser is just finishing up the last touches of her makeup then she will be right down. Come in.” I inhaled and followed the pegasus, watching her close the door with a gentle thud before Flitter gestured to the couch. “Cloudy is making me bring in all of our guests recently. Apparently I have an occasionally been off putting accidentally to someponies or some bullshit. Apparently shutting the door in Whispers face after turning down his date invitations for the ninth time is considered rude,” Flitter sighed and flung her self on the couch as I chuckled. “I mean, I wasn’t that mean. I just said get the hell off my cloud. Anyway, how are you?” “Nervous,” I admitted and Flitter snorted. “So is Cloudy. More nervous than the time she applied for the Academy. Haven’t seen her like this over a mare in a long time,” Flitter mused and patted the couch cushion next to her. Or well, I assumed it was one as I sat down, folding my forelegs under myself. “How do you knock on a cloud by the way?” I asked suddenly and she gave a quiet laugh. “Easy, magic. The door to cloudhouses are compressed more than everything else. And most of our stuff is made of clouds except the fridge and night stands and stuff. I don’t know the particulars.” “Sounds cool. Am I underdressed?” I asked and Flitter examined me. “Well, considering you’re wearing nothing I’d say no. She isn’t wearing anything either. Just some earrings and makeup. You’ll be fine,” Flitter decided after a moment and I sighed in relief. “Cloudchaser! Your girlfriend is here, hurry up!” “She’s here already? Oh sweet Celestia I’m late,” I faintly made out Cloudchaser shout back. We both watched as she galloped down the stairs and her eyes widened as she stepped on her tail, falling face first. “Woah!” She glowed blue as I held her in the air briefly before levitating her the rest of the way down to stand in front of us, dropping her on her hooves as she blushed red. “Thanks for that,” Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head sheepishly and I smirked before looking her up and down. Her mane was brushed but still was surprisingly chaotic looking and had a small amount of makeup on to be noticeable along with purple eye shadow. “Wow,” I muttered and Flitter giggled before starting to shove us out the door. “Alright now get the fuck out. I have a bunch of movies that I wanna watch tonight because Cloudy hates cheesy romance movies. Have fun! Bye!” Flitter called out as she slammed the door shut behind us. “Remind me to hide her mane brushes for that,” Cloudchaser grumbled and we both turned red as we both realized we were pressed to each other. “Uh sorry.” “You’re good and I’ll help you with that.” I had waved goodbye to Cherry and trotted inside the small looking with Cloudchaser next to me. A bored looking colt leaned against the counter, occasionally blowing purple bubble gum out. I’ve seen that a lot in the human world at theaters with my friends. Guess some things never change, no matter where you go. “This looks interesting,” Cloudchaser commented as we casually trotted by signs displaying different movie titles and I paused to examine what she was pointing a hoof at. “Terminal Impact,” I read aloud. The picture had a train on the cover with a pegasus flying above it with an earth pony hanging off a rope the pegasus was holding. “Is this the Equestrian version of Unstoppable?” “I’m gonna go with yes even if I don’t know what Unstoppable is,” Cloudchaser answered after a moment of her rubbing her chin. “It’s about a runaway train that is well, runaway carrying toxic chemicals. Based on a true story.” “That sounds cool actually,” Cloudchaser answered and I strode up to the yawning colt. “Hello,” I said and smiled slightly at him. “Two tickets for Terminal Impact.” “K. Drinks and popcorn too?” He asked and I glanced quickly at his name tag. Vanilla Hooves. What a name. “Yes sir,” I answered and slid a bag of bits across the counter as he shoved some buckets across to us. “Have a great day!” “You too. Don’t forget your cups,” Vanilla said with a small smile. “Thanks,” Cloudchaser called back and nudged me. “He seemed bored as hell. Don’t blame him. I used to work at a place like this. Got really slow this time of day with nothing to do so we should have the entire theater to ourselves. I usually come here with Flitter at this time and we get to be as loud as we want during her comedy movies.” “Sounds like Rainbow and Pinkie. Only problem is those two don’t care if we’re alone or in a packed theater, they just ignore everyone giving us dirty looks,” I commented and she chuckled as I levitated everything in my magic. We trotted down the hallway, internally counting the doors we passed idly. “Wow, you’re right. This place is empty,” I said once we entered the room and looked around. It was damn near empty except for one or two ponies. “Yeah. Follow me,” Cloudchaser gestured with a hoof and I shrugged, following her to some seats in the back and sat down next to her. “These are always the best seats. Too close and you have to strain your neck looking up. Shit is lame. You look nice by the way. You changed your mane style.” “Yeah, for tonight. You look good as well,” I eyed her up and down as she gave a faint blush before shrugging. “Yeah well gotta give off a good impression, right?” Cloudchaser answered and I smirked slightly. “You already did days ago, believe me.” We both fell silent as we watched some previews for a few kids movies, some romance movie that she claimed Flitter would probably like. “I never really understood what the point of previews were. I mean, they’re technically to show off upcoming movies, sure but let’s be real here. I’ve never seem a preview and been like, let’s go see that!” Cloudchaser flung a hoof and I chuckled. “I have a better idea of how to spend time till the movie starts,” I commented and Cloudchaser glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. “Let me guess, you’re pulling a Rumble and brought some video games,” Cloudchaser said and I kissed her, smirking slightly at her wide eyes. She reminded me of blackberries and vanilla as she kissed me back. Stupid need for air made us stop for a moment and Cloudchaser gave me a large smile. “No, not really,” I answered once I pulled back. “I’d like to think that was a bit better than any video game.” “It was,” Cloudchaser mumbled and I grinned slightly as she placed a wing around me. I leaned into the hug and shivered slightly. I always forget I was ticklish on my sides and Cloudchaser is pretty soft. “This is clearly the pony version of yawning and putting your arm around me,” I teased and she smirked back. “You uh wanna go again?” Cloudchaser weakly nodded and I internally pumped a fist. Hoof, whatever. You got the meaning. And yes, the movie was fairly decent but we were more focused on each other to be honest. The two of us trotted up to Cloudchasers house with her wing resting on my back as she nuzzled me. “I had fun. Thanks for that,” Cloudchaser admitted as I kissed her cheek. “You good to get to the castle safely?” “Yeah I should be fine. I had fun too. We should do this again,” I suggested and Cloudchaser nodded before opening her mouth. “You can stay the night if you want. It’s late,” Cloudchaser offered and rubbed the back of her head with a blush. “Not in that sorta way.” “I figured. I’ll stay here,” I answered and Cloudchaser beamed as she opened the door and we both froze, staring for a moment at Flitter with a hoof between her legs. She thankfully didn’t notice us as I closed my eyes and Cloudchaser blushed. Flitter made a moaning sound and I internally wondered why I find myself in situations like this all the time. This is like the fifth time in my life as a pony walking in on someone doing that. I kinda wonder how she would react to her having hands. Definitely wiping that thought from my mind. I’m trying to date her sister, not Flitter. “You know what, I think I’ll come with you to the castle.”