The Markless Wonderer: Origin

by OllerusTheFailure

Chapter Thirteen: Chaotic Truth

Three days after the school tour…

After four days in Ponyville, I had settled into a comfortable routine. On the first day of our arrival, we received a school tour from an orange pony named Sunburst. A kind unicorn sporting light grey glasses and a blue robe embellished with stars. His frizzy mane and goatee were vivid vermillion, and he happened to be the Vice Principal. His voice resonated joyfully when he shared the school’s captivating history and the many things we could discover and accomplish.

During the tour, we met three instructors. They went by the names Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo—all grown mares of each pony race. Oddly enough, they each gave me a similar weird look. Then, we met the school counselor. She babbled about how “Great and Powerful!” she was, which got Splotch Wing to boast about himself, too. The atmosphere swelled up with the two prideful ponies engaging in a boast-off, their voices rising in competition, until Vice Principal Sunburst and Mint Spring had to intervene. 

I met no other instructors nor Headmare Starlight Glimmer. It seems everypony had been busy with their own tasks.

Other than ponies, the school struck us with the diversity of its students, much like Ponyville. Kirin, Dragons, Griffons, Changelings, Yaks, Hippogriffs, and Buffalo attended alongside ponies. It was a sight to behold, especially since it was my first time seeing most of them. However, something still felt off. I had a mental itch like my earlier days in Luna Bay. I know for a fact that it had nothing to do with the inlet, but there was something else I was forgetting.

Without warning, a voice called out for me at my door, bypassing the usual courtesy of a knock. “Thorn! You’re in there, aren’t you? Open the door, please.” Upon opening the door, Ice Whistle awaited on the other side. “May I come in to talk?”


He entered my room, the clops of his hoofsteps in the silence, and sat on the edge of my bed, locking eyes with me. Still at the door, I took a moment to savor its satisfying click when it closed.

“As of late, you’ve been acting…weird.”

What are you doing? I’m not worth it. I’m a dramatic mess. A pony who can’t even figure out who they are. I don’t want to burden you with my problems.

“What do you mean?”

“Your eyes, Thorn. There’s no light. You’ve had a lackluster appearance since the school tour last Monday. It reminds me of that day. The day I learned the truth about you. We made a promise, remember? And it’s 6:00 PM. You haven’t left this room once today. So tell me, is there something bothering you?”

My apologies, Ice Whistle. I know we made a promise that night. A promise to be more open with each other, and I failed to carry through. I just figured this feeling would disappear on its own. 

“You’re right. Something is bothering me. I’m still a blank flank, and the answer has never felt so close—still just out of reach. I couldn’t focus on the tour because of it.” I pressed a hoof against my head, a slight dampness of sweat on my fur. 

Have I seriously been this stressed?

“Okay.” Ice Whistle leaped off my bed and strolled toward the door. Then he stopped, facing the entryway, parking his flank beside mine. My eyes remained on my bed. We stood in a moment of silence, not facing each other as if the back of our heads were continuing the conversation. “There’s something I have to do. Helping you requires a mutual exchange of help from both ends. What do you say?”

Nothing to it, but to be honest. “Of course, I’ll do my best to help you, too.”

With a casual stride, I passed by Nature Thorn and left his dorm room, smirking without his notice. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” As I left, the click of his door shut and locked. Now, I stood in the fifth-floor hallway, accompanied by the sight of all the closed dorm room doors.

If I’m going to help, there’s something that I need to carry out first.

An hour after Ice Whistle left, I ventured outside to explore Ponyville. The walls of my dorm room were closing in on me, and I yearned for a change of scenery. If I were going to wallow, I could do it while aimlessly wandering around town.

With a jaded pace, I plodded to the town hall area, captivated by the lifelike lilac pink sculpture of a pony—a fountain with a pool of water encircling it. Ponies and creatures walked back and forth, the mix of color adding vibrancy to the scene, contrasting with the grey soil of the hub. Then suddenly, wheels grinding over dirt reached my ears, accompanied by a raspy female voice calling out to me.

“Hey! Is that who I think it is?” As the grown pegasus approached, her purple mane and tail fluttered in the breeze while her tiny wings rustled against her orange fur. She proudly served as a teacher at the School of Friendship, imparting valuable lessons and helping to shape future generations. “We try our best to remember the students’ names, so cut me some slack if I get it wrong.” She tilted her head in thought, her mane shimmying along. “Hmm… Oh! Nature Corn?”

“Close. Nature Thorn.”

“Ahhh, shoot!” Scootalo said while kicking a nearby pebble. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I noticed you looking down in the dumps around school. Is everything alright?”

My thoughts scattered like the ripples in the fountain and went blank. I didn’t want to discuss this with anypony, not even Ice Whistle. So, the pony mirrored in the fountain stared back, and Scootaloo glanced to my rear. “Does it…have anything to do with you not having your cutie mark?”

“Instructor Scootaloo, no offense, but I’d rather not discuss this topic.” I shot a quick glare. In return, I felt distasteful doing so.

“O-oh… My bad.” Scootaloo stammered, then restarted. ”But know that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I know what it’s like to struggle to find your cutie mark. Back then, when we were little fillies, we called ourselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders! At first, our goal was to fill in our blank flanks, but it soon became apparent that our true calling is helping others find theirs! Basically, what I’m saying is you should contact us if you ever need help. Our cause is never-ending, so we never disbanded. We expanded, actually, like with Babs Seed in Manehattan. Or Imp, Gabby, Lilymoon... Anyway! The Cutie Mark Crusaders would be more than glad to serve you anytime, anywhere!” Scootaloo explained with a friendly nudge of her elbow against my shoulder.

It was a pleasant surprise to find out those three ponies were the ones who understood me the most. Still, parallel to the theater, we had one significant difference. They found their cutie marks, and here I am, to this day, a blank flank as a teenage stallion. I couldn’t help but recall the day when all my classmates got cutie marks, and I was left standing there, feeling something amiss—which has never truly gone away.

“I’m going to perform some ultra-rad stunts at Sweet Apple Acres. Want to tag along?”

“No thanks, I’m just going for a leisurely walk.”

“If you say so... I’ll be there until nightfall. Oh, darn! My scooter’s wheels have been making strange noises, so I think it needs some repairs. I’ll fix it before then. Feel free to stop by if you change your mind!”

I nodded and watched as Instructor Scootaloo rode off into town, her words trying to breach through to me. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders, huh…” Am I willing to seek help from them? Could they be the ones to help me? If desperate times call for desperate measures, then perhaps I would. Nevertheless, I believed a peaceful walk would do the trick.

Past several homes with the sun’s warmth on my back, I found my way to a quiet park. The park, nestled on the outskirts of town, provided a serene retreat. My rear was seated on the swings, the chains clattering as the sky transformed from blue to vibrant orange.

Memories of the past three years swirled, and I thought I heard the faint echo of a feminine voice blending with the rustled leaves in the breeze. “How the magic of friendship grows…”

It may have been my imagination.

A silhouette soared through the sky, its black wings outstretched against the orange horizon. While my head swiveled, a high-pitched ring reverberated, intensifying with each passing moment. Hunched over in trying to regain composure, I winced. Then, I placed my hooves on my head, acknowledging the weight of my sole against my scalp. A frustrated exhale leaked. 

“Well, well, well, looky what we have here…” The deafening ring came to an abrupt halt. Suddenly, a distinct arrogant voice emanated from above, which startled me. “Your friend’s introduction of you sparked my interest, and it hasn’t waned since.”

Sparked interest? There’s no mistaking what he’s referring to. 

“Is it amusing that I still have no cutie mark?” I replied, my response carrying a hint of annoyance.

“Indubitably!” When I peered up, my surprise visitor was perched on the swing’s top center beam, all nonchalant. At first, he looked like a grey horse from the neck up. However, his lower half displayed an intriguing brown shade, distinguishable from the rest of his body, which composed various animal parts. In every sense of the word, he was an odd creature—a Draconequus. With his tiger paw, he took a sip from a martini, relishing the smooth refreshing taste. “Mmm... That’s delectable.”

“The Lord of Chaos, Discord…” I muttered, face glowering.

“That Ice Whistle fellow mentioned you both came from a town by Luna Bay. Did my ears deceive me?” Discord asked, examining a pair of ears he materialized.

I narrowed my gaze. “And if we are?”

Ignoring my remark, he gave a swift snap of his talon, vanishing and reappearing as my swing – replacing it with his slim body, his lips releasing a tickle of air into my ear. “Even with this lovely view, sitting here and brooding will achieve nothing. But you’re already aware of this, aren’t you?”

“What are you getting at, Discord?”

“If my memory serves me right, after the turn of the millennium, Luna Bay was known for its strange qualities, was it not?” The Discord swing moved with a gentle rhythm, swaying back and forth. Then, in the next instant, the familiar creak of the original swing returned as I sat on it, and there, standing tall, was Discord, a mischievous glint in his eye.

“That’s right, I’ve read somewhere that you can sense magical imbalance. You’ve been aware of that bay since the moment it came into existence... What about it?”

You looked, didn’t you? But I must say, it’s rather odd. If you looked, then why does your flank remain devoid of detail? As bare as a fresh layer of snow?” Discord materialized snow mid-air, allowing it to drop to the ground to melt and meet its inevitable end.


Within the blink of an eye, a wisp of fog billowed out in front of me, and occasional frosted pine trees dotted the landscape. Moreover, a familiar snowy shoreline and expanse of placid water flaunted from afar.

Luna Bay...

Reluctance overwhelmed me as I returned to the location I had vowed never to return to. In shock, I wavered until I found my voice. “There’s no need to remind me how ignorant I am of the answer. Could you explain why you’re seeking my input?”

“Because Ice Whistle mentioned that you’re smart.” Discord’s voice fell flat. He transformed into a Fly-der, wriggling on his back and letting out mischievous laughter. “And that’s exactly why I find this situation so ever more fascinating.”

My hoof, covered in a layer of pristine snow, had dug through the powdery surface, gathering some and observing as it effortlessly slid off and rejoined the sunken slope. “I don’t understand what you’re saying. But when it comes to Luna Bay, there’s nothing of much interest…”

Discord smirked and lifted a limb. “Oh, I humbly agree!” 


In an instant, we were standing on a hill overlooking a vast orchard of apple trees and a charming red farm. The sight from here was nothing short of magical. On a wooden ramp, Instructor Scootalo fearlessly performed tricks on a scooter, the speed and wind rushing past clear even from a distance. Instructor Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stood nearby with their eyes fixed on Scootaloo, cheering her on with smiles. Of course, I couldn’t distinguish the words they shouted from here.

Unfazed by the sudden change of locations, I replied leisurely, receiving a sense of composure. “Something like that must captivate a lord of chaos like you.”

Pfft! Please,” Discord scoffed, his wrists flicking dismissively. “Luna Bay may be more unusual than usual, but I’d hardly call it chaos... Don’t get me wrong. That inlet of self-reflection doesn’t interest me in the slightest. But you… you do.”

He reverted from a Fly-der to his regular self and summoned a massive arrow to aim directly at me as the sun began its descent. On that same hill, with remarkable ease, he effortlessly transported himself, suddenly appearing amid the apple tree’s crown, relishing every delectable bite of its fruit. As time passed, the landscape transformed into a moonlit scene. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle bid their farewells to Apple Bloom. Then Big McIntosh signaled for Apple Bloom to come inside.

At a loss for words, I couldn’t muster a response. My mane just swayed in the soothing night wind.

“Surprised? I sure was.” He spat an apple out of his mouth, letting it roll down the grass hill. “I mean, a ‘smart individual’ such as yourself, yet you don’t know what it means? It’s almost like you’re living a lie.”

My mind caught up, and something had just become clear. “Wait—”

Oh-ho-ho! A row of applause is in order! I mean, the answer is so obvious! Luna Bay, I must commend you for your outstanding work!”


We found ourselves back at the park I had visited earlier. The park’s flowers and recreational equipment were now shrouded in the nighttime’s hue. Naturally, nighttime had fallen upon all of Ponyville—the full moon watching from above.

“Hold on! Tell me, what does it mean?” I asked, my voice filled with desperation and longing.

“So you are still interested in knowing? Though I already knew that, thanks to Luna Bay! Hahaha!”

“Discord, stop playing around.”

“Oh, I’m so terribly sorry, but it’s not my place to tell. Besides, whether I did or didn’t—the result would remain unchanged. Among all the outcomes, this is by farrrr the most interesting!” Discord exclaimed, his arms outstretched in delight. Then, above his head, a mysterious portal materialized, and he casually ascended into it.

“Where are you—”

“I’ll enjoy sitting back and watching the show with popcorn in tow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a delightful cucumber sandwich and tea party to attend.”

Wind roaring, I dashed forward. “Discord!”

He was gone as quickly as he appeared. I rushed toward the portal, which vanished, leaving me in a state of disbelief. The night enveloped everything, bringing a sense of bleak tranquility. The absence of anypony only amplified my cries, making them seem even more futile.

Alone in that park, there was no longer any reason to stay, so I trudged back to my dorm, mind filled with unanswered questions.

Friday, the morning after…

6:30 AM: Thanks to Royal Advisor Spike, I had a planned meeting today. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and then showered. Afterward, I put on my black and grey striped scarf and matching beanie, rushing straight to the School of Friendship. I walked across the stone bridge, through the school doors, to an office. Instructed to enter at the designated time, I opened the door without hesitation.

Why must the Great and Powerful Trixie have to wake up soooo early?!”

“Because it’s your job,” another mare said flatly. The color of her coat was light pale heliotrope purple. Her mane and tail were darker but had light turquoise highlights. She was a middle-aged mare wearing a cardinal pink and blackberry-colored dress with a mint tulip green undershirt.

The Headmare, Starlight Glimmer.

Presently, she was talking to another unicorn around her age. That mare’s coat gleamed an azure hue, and her mane exhibited two delicate shades of pale blue. That unicorn’s robe was a dazzling shade of purple with star prints resting on the coattails. She also donned a white undershirt, its simplicity enhanced by a dainty purple bow tied neatly at her neck featuring a small blue gem. That could only be the School Counselor herself, Trixie Lulamoon.

The Headmare sat behind her kempt desk, the faint scent of old books wafting off the bookshelves.

I wonder how often they dust them. 

Counselor Trixie occupied a chair opposite to Starlight Glimmer, their muzzles just inches apart as they conversed.

“Ah, there you are. I take it you’re the pony Spike told me about. Is it… Ice Whistle?” Headmare Starlight asked, noticing me and pushing Counselor Trixie away.

“I am—”

“So it’s your fault I’m here!” Counselor Trixie hollered with a mangy look in her eyes and a weary expression as she pointed. 

Headmare Starlight’s horn bursted a light turquoise, and in an instant, Counselor Trixie disappeared.

“Teleportation magic?” I asked, astounded by the sheer amount of skill she must have had.

“Yeah… When Trixie gets like that, I just whisk her back into her office,” she sighed, then continued with a mutter. “I don’t even know why I bothered to wake her for this...”

“That’s some high-level magic.”

Headmare Starlight looked at me with a delicate smirk—both hooves pressed together in front of her muzzle. “With practice, I’m sure you’ll also be able to pull it off. Now, there was something you wanted to discuss?”

My heart pounded in my chest as I prepared. I took a deep breath, then released it. “I’d like to make a request.”

“Ask me anything.”

“I’d like to request free leave for three students for five days.”

Headmare Starlight jolted back and furrowed her brow. “May...I ask why?”

Sincerely, I answered. “For starters, I’d like to visit my older sister in Baltimare. She hasn’t answered my letters since the day she moved out. Which was over seven years ago.”

“That’s certainly worrisome…” Headmare Starlight rubbed her chin. “Based on that alone, I would allow it. However, you phrased ‘for starters’ and requested permission for two additional students. Why’s that?”

“You see, one of them is my best friend, and the other is a very close friend. That close friend and I will go the extra mile to support my best friend. To be frank, he’s been showing signs of depression, and I’m confident this will make a difference,” I explained, my gaze concrete.

With a moment of silence, Headmare Starlight gave it some thought. My heart raced as she locked eyes, but I didn’t break character. “I understand. Even so, is this not something our counselor can help with?”

“Maybe, but please, this is something I want to do. We made a solemn promise to each other, and I’m determined to honor my commitment.”

Then, after another heart-pounding stare down in silence, Headmare Starlight’s expression softened into a warm smile. “Ice Whistle, I’m so glad your best friend has a pony like you. It makes me wonder how much more our instructors can teach you. Nonetheless, I would be more than happy to grant the three of you temporary free leave.”

Grateful, my horn lowered. “Thank you so much!”

“Don’t worry about coming to class today. I’ll have the paperwork done and inform the other teachers as well… Oh, and before you leave, could you tell me the names of the other two?”

“Starry Vision and…”

No, wait. I should have considered this before, but I have two options here. For his sake, which is the best course of action?

“Nature Thorn.” I had little time to ponder, but hopefully, I picked the best option. Plus, I already revealed the reasoning for bringing Thorn along. Since that moment, there’s been no turning back.

“Alrighty then.”

Now, I’ll have to inform Nature Thorn as soon as possible. We’re heading to Baltimare for a long-awaited reunion with my older sister. It’s a shame we won’t meet the returning teachers, but this took priority.

Prepare yourself for a surprise, big sis. Your little brother has grown up and changed. After all these years, he’s coming to see you.

And most importantly, there’s my gift to you, Thorn.