Apollo And The Jet Age.

by Kingstar008

The concept.

March 17, 1010, A.G
Cloudsdale International Air Station.
10:00 AM


It was a beautiful spring day in the cloud city of Cloudsdale, and right now, Apollo Titan Yukon
was walking through the air station terminal after an hour-long flight. The only bag he had was a briefcase.

Unlike most of the ponies in the terminal, he was not here to enjoy the beautiful city.

He was here to meet with the CEO and CFO of a major aviation manufacturing company called Omega industries, to convince them to develop and build the first airplanes on planet Equis. With himself as head engineer.

If you have told Apollo that he would be doing this today, he would’ve laughed in your face and called you crazy.

But that all changed four weeks ago when a company from the River Federation called Pearl aeronautics built the largest passenger zeppelin in the world.

After that other companies from the Federation also release their new classes of airships.
Some were freighters, others were very luxurious airliners.

Almost immediately these companies were getting a lot of orders. While their Equestrian counterparts were getting less and less.

Which is why some Equestrian aviation corporations were inviting engineers from around the nation to propose their concepts to them.

And Apollo immediately signed up for it.

After Apollo exited the terminal, he saw that the bus to downtown was already there. He ran towards is and got on board just in time.

20 minutes later, the bus arrived at his stop.
He got off the bus, walked to Omega‘s headquarters and enter the building.

“Hello Miss, I’m here to meet with the Omega brothers.” Apollo said to the pegasus receptionist.

“What is your name, sir?” She asked.

“Apollo Yukon.”

“You’re just in time for your meeting.” She said, after looking at the schedule. “ The CEO and the CFO are in conference room 280. It right down the hall.”

“Thank you very much.” He said before walking away.

Room 280

Inside of the conference room, sat two Pegasus brothers who looked like they were in their early to mid 40s.

The one on the right has a cream color coat with an orange mane and tail and the pegasus on the left had a light brown coat with a dark red mane and tail.

Their names are Astro and Roy Omega. The CEO and CFO of Omega industries.

“Roy, who is next on the list?” Astro asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

“Apollo Yukon.” His older brother answered.

“Yukon? Isn’t that the last name of the humans that appeared last year?”

“Yep. I never thought I would meet one of them.”

“Me neither, I wonder what he’s going to show us.”

A few seconds later, they heard a knock on the door.

“It’s open.” Roy said.

“Good morning, Mr. Astro, Mr. Roy. My name is Apollo and I’m here to have a meeting with the both of you.” Apollo greeted.

“Ah, Mr. Yukon, we been expecting you.” Astro folded his hands on the table.

“May I have a seat?” Apollo ask.

“Of course.”

After he sat down, Apollo clears his throat.
“Before I show you what I have to offer, I just want to say thank you for hearing me out.”

“No problem, we were once in your shoes a long time ago. Now, what are you going to show us today?” Roy said.

“I’m glad you ask because unlike some ponies before me, I am not going to show you a new airship design or something like that.”

“Then, what are you presenting?” Astro asked.

“The future.” Apollo opened his briefcase and took out two sheets of blueprint paper. One of them was two engine wide body airliner, and the other one was a four engine supersonic jet.

“What is this?” Astro curiously ask.

“These machines are called airplanes. Safe, fast and very reliable aircraft.”

“Interesting. What are their model names?” Roy asks.

“The two engine jet is called Aspera and the supersonic airliner is called the Astra.”

“This thing could break the sound barrier?” Astro said in shock.

“That’s right. The Astra should be able to fly at a top speed of Mach 2.8. Its maximum capacity should be around 250 passengers.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. Is that even possible for something like this to fly that fast?” Roy ask.

“It is, I have seen it back on my home world a few times before.”

‘And nearly went deaf because of it.’ Apollo thought.

“All right. What can the Aspera do?”
Roy asked as he looked at the blueprints.

“Well it can’t go supersonic like the Astra. But the Aspera is bigger, so can carry passengers or cargo.”

“I got a question. If it was a sunny day but there was high winds in the area, would it prevent these airplanes from taking off?” Astro ask.

“It’ll be difficult, but it’s possible for airplanes to fly through high winds. The only thing that will ground a plane is in hurricane, tornado or blizzard.”

This answer surprise the omega brothers. Anytime a zeppelin tries to takeoff and high winds there was always a high chance of it crashing into something. So hearing about an aircraft able to takeoff and such conditions was not only foreign to them, but to many ponies as well.

“Any more questions?” Apollo asks.

(30 minutes later.)

“Apollo, it was nice meeting you today. We will keep your ideas in mind.” Astro said as he put Apollo‘s blueprints into his folder.

“It was nice meeting you guys too. Apollo shook their hands. “Well, I better get going. Hope you guys have a nice day.”

After that, Apollo left the room.

8 PM

The Omega brothers we’re in Astro’s office looking over all the blueprints they received from all the meetings they had in the past two days.

They’ve been looking them over for almost an hour at this point, trying to figure out which engineer they should go with.

“How about this one?” Roy ask as he showed his brother a passenger airship design. “It looks promising.”

Astro looked it over and shook his head. “No, it look like the type of design that our competition might use. I mean, look at it. It looks so generic.”

“Ok, it might look ordinary, but could be a success.”

“Yeah, but I also could end up being another ordinary aircraft. And ordinary is not going to cut it.”

“You’re right.” Roy said before putting the blueprint in the reject pile. “Let’s look at one more before we call the night.”

“All right.” Astro said before picking up Apollo's blueprints that were stapled together. After looking at the two pieces of paper for a few seconds he looked at his older brother and said.

“I think we should go with Apollo’s ideas.”


“Yeah, hearing about what these aircraft can do is amazing. These airplanes are going to be a great success.”

Roy had a feeling that this was going to happen. Astro was more of the visionary and risk taker of the two. While Roy was more cautious and pragmatic.

“They are interesting, but you really think that the airlines are ready to embrace this type of aircraft? Airplanes might successful on his home planet, but we don’t know if it would be the same on Equis. This could be a major shock to the industry as a whole. It’s too much of a risk.”

“Ponies said the same thing to Ace Tradewinds when he invented the first blimp and look what happened. He created a billion bit industry and change the way we travel forever. And we’re no strangers to risks. I believe that us and Apollo could do the same.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Roy ask.


“All right, airplanes it is.”

The very next day.
12:30 AM

Apollo was in his office looking over some boring paperwork, when he heard a knock on his door.

*Knock, knock, knock*

“Come in.”

The door opened, revealing Derpy holding a letter. “I have a letter for you, Apollo.”

Apollo got up from his chair and was handed the letter. “Thanks, Derpy.”

“You’re welcome.” Derpy said before walking away.

Apollo looked at the envelope and saw that it had an Airship with an orange letter O on its side.
The symbol of omega industries.

He opened the envelope and began reading the letter.

Dear Mr. Yukon.

Omega industries is happy to tell you that your concepts have been chosen by our top executives and engineers.

We’re excited to be working with you in creating the future of air travel. We hope that this partnership will be a start of something new between you and our company.

Your first day will be on the 20th of march at 9 AM at the latest.

Until then, we hope that you have a nice rest of your day.

From, a representative of omega industries.


Apollo read the letter over and over again.
He couldn’t believe it. They chose him out of hundreds of potential candidates.

“Hell yeah! I did it!” He laughed before he left his office to tell his siblings the good news.